Wolves Of Ecom | Official Documentary

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Samuel Onuha
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broadcasting to you live from the so so death beach party this is SK Rock if you didn't come to the throw down in the a town I guess I see you around but right now I'mma get into the number one most requested record from the ghost town right now it's called My want Bey game is on my name is samuela yes him I'm a former member of the middle class raised by a single mom making minimum wage in a small fishing town in the north of the Netherlands this year I turned 24 years old and this was also the year I've made $750,000 in one day you hear that right we have a special guest today Samuel anua entrepreneur a multi-millionaire he is on the rise Straight From The Trenches did 20 million a year like last last year what is going on my BR you good it was a good intro man no no no no no that's my Urus my Rolls-Royce Glon black badge is Nardo gray with a blue interior I always wanted to be different live a different life I didn't think it was possible but it was possible performante spider about 400,000 Samuel maybe you should go for a car with less horse power here's my reard Mill 1102 250 I had so much money [ __ ] like it's part of my religion this was just MTH drop a little 20 on the [ __ ] my wardrobe at this point I don't even count my many case a mon I was going to become successful I didn't care how much time how much energy I live in a $3 million Penthouse in the heart of Amsterdam big names in the space messaging me bro you're your 20 my Dubai Mansion $1 million someone asked me the other day do you want to be a billionaire I have access to the world's top people and everywhere I go they say yes so they can say whatever the [ __ ] they want About Drp Shipping I keep printing money in November 2023 we managed to do 4. 2 million wonder how I got here then sit tight and enjoy this movie 2. 2 million last month because this might be the most mind-blowing story you'll hear all year I don't know if we we can put it on camera I was praying on my on my bed on my bedroom thank God give me an opportunity my friends didn't understand they said what are you doing I said watch me next year when I T this opportunity I believed in it we are here nut to take part we are we are nuts what to [Music] [Music] [Music] want [Music] born in 1999 Ruben in 2002 in the H one of the biggest cities of the Netherlands back then Mom she is fly Dutch blond had blue eyes and my father is from uh Nigeria when I was 5 years old they divorced then we moved to this place in uh really the north of the north of De so my mom send us to a Christian school because we are a Christian family but uh the school was not really Christian it was more that the school where a lot of problem kids uh [Music] came we were the most normal guys on yeah that's be for sure in some regard I had to be an example right and when you are young you have have no no clue how you have like two options option one is to uh yeah have like self-pity and go more hide in the corner and we always went for option two now it seems a bit smaller here I always was playing FIFA I was sitting here the PlayStation so many hours the snap bags I was wearing to uh yeah try to stand out a bit compared to others or 14 years old we had to get a job because we didn't get money to go out and buy everything right we worked on farms behind the machine all day in this Factory like all dusty and [ __ ] 8 hours a day two bucks an hour and you're just peing the buls of the flowers I thought it was job is always [ __ ] I didn't even I didn't even want to work I had no ambition I just want to go home play at FIFA I was I was good as [ __ ] at at FIFA I can tell you that [ __ ] no Mickey Mouse things only bigma things out here you know how we do man you know all of that you know the click just turned 18 yeah just shitty smoking weeds hanging with friends doing nothing Sam what the [ __ ] is popping man until this moment I'd never seen over 1,000 in my bank account just felt felt ashamed of myself that I didn't have a purpose for the future I need to change my life a guy I went to the gym with he said yeah I work in this Factory that made like all these fresh prepared meals for in supermarkets and I made like 10 bucks an hour the most from all the jobs I had so I said can you check for me if I can also work there I went there at like 5:00 a.
m. in the morning 1our drive start working there till late in the afternoon and it just sucks all the energy out of you it is as if you're in the fridge all day come home and I couldn't even do anything just knocked out I I need to change my life now bought a book no excuses by Brian Tracy it teached me delayed gratification so you can resist the instant pleasure work for something for a longer period of time and then you get the bigger reward my life didn't change not not in the slightest bit I had to go back to uh to school was also in school yeah not the best to be honest went into that year with really okay what am I going to [Music] do I was praying on my on my bed on my bedroom God give me an an opportunity please please give an opportunity please when it comes I will go for it around 6 months later I'm on YouTube I just get these videos recomm how to make money a lot money while I find some random stuff the best way to get rich doesn't seem to uh mean anything I'm like [ __ ] and then I see a guy who is like uh 23 years old lightskinn as well all all money all Financial things met the Shopify uh Drp Shipping what what what drop what this was really at the start of of Drp Shipping and making money online there was nobody no body who did this then I just went on on the search and I opened the shop at five store uh yeah for the first time shown to the peeps an icon active range our client tell really loves to go to the gym they like to look good they like to look fresh so we want to give them something to go to the gym in my first four months it was just struggle moments that I I know for a fact that others would have quit instantly yeah my friends didn't understand lunch break I was watching YouTube videos they said what are you doing I said I'm going to start making money online selling products April 2018 there was a huge Trend fortnite fortnite Battle Royale is a pop culture phenomenon the newest video game spreading across kids college kids when I'm in school I hear everyone talking about fortnite I came home from school I see Ruben playing fortnite I build a fortnite store called Fort plug I was skipping classes as well to just put everything in there I just started selling headsets next day I wake up with 400 bucks in Revenue I was like what the [ __ ] is this like I want more that had me doing more research in drop ship scene I saw an advertisement of like a jacket similar to this but then like a a jean jacket like Denim and it looked very nice like a product I would buy myself cost price was about 40 bucks okay let me find similar jackets place them on my store for way higher 300 bucks 400 bucks 500 bucks then the one that's that stood out my one I priced it down from 400 to 140 bucks our all-time best seller only in discount today yeah it instantly blew up I managed to do my first 1K in a day then another 1K day then another 1K day and um it took a little turn I got a a ladder in the in the mail there was a a liyar these Chinese uh vendors they had just grabbed this jacket from a brand so they instantly claimed that I was doing copyright infringement like $115,000 in a reimbursement by this time I think I had 6 7K in my bank account the good thing my stepdad told me he said never instantly sign something never instantly sign something so I was like okay is I removed all the jackets from my store and um I just did not sign that uh that letter and I was like [ __ ] it I'm just going to look for something [Music] else by this time there were a lot of gym guys want to have Den in jeans with like a lot of stretch material this was not not yet in the ne at all you couldn't buy it online I was interested in this because I was going to the gym all of a sudden I see a supplier on on AliExpress who is offering this kind of product and I was like I remember this from somewhere walk to my closet I grabbed those jeans that I'm ordering from the guys in the UK and I see that exact D same detail on there this is their supplier I messaged the supplier can I drop ship your product he said even better you canop drop ship it but also with your logo on it I just walk downstairs I told my mom this is going to be it people ask me how did you come up with the logo of icon it's just made in canva I thought okay I'm going to sell this strictly in the Netherlands go for a single market and then stand out there started investing a lot of time into it building the store out grab IDs but make it different check what other are doing and make it better ready yeah yeah then I knew November Black Friday is [Music] coming and I went advertising people did not buy one ey and they didn't buy two they buy many of them I've never seen this order 70 bucks order 300 bucks order 500 bucks was just mind-blowing first day did 1K day second day 2K a day man midweek I did 5K in a day on the Friday Black Friday with 10K in a [Music] day and the crazy thing was it was just with 500 bucks in that spent I instantly said I want to quit school I knew this was the opportunity that I have prayed for my name is Samuel NOA from the Netherlands I'm 19 years old watch me next year 2019 I will do six figures in a month and even multiple six figures in a month well s was ambitious in fball and he had more African skills and better muscles so he waited for opportunity and the other boys always was losing their energy on the field but he was more clever and when there was a good opportunity he was running very fast I went Global started advertising worldwide I started purchasing inventory doing crazy photo [Music] [Applause] shoot started growing to like 30k followers 40K followers on Instagram people were ordering products and they just started making crazy content they wanted to be posted on our page models influencers started sending a message y I love your jeans I love your jeans forua he is the biggest fighter in all of of the Netherlands play in comment he send me over some pants I said of course but in return I would like a few pictures instead of just sending me pictures he placed a post on his own Instagram with millions of followers and he tack us uh fali CD T wants to send you a message is this what I think it [Music] is CV you [ __ ] everyone was talking about it yo man love your stuff can I have some pants huge shout out at Icon Amsterdam for sending me the best jeans in the world he loved the product so he was wearing nothing else but icon nothing else I was working in the same room as Samuel and he had his whiteboard with his goals so many case a month yeah I couldn't believe it I remember very clearly I had this vision board my first goal was always a Mercedes aass and I remember it very clearly aass I changed it to Mercedes aclass AMG I remember that very well remember my stepdad told me Samuel maybe you should go for a car with less [Music] horsepower still living with my mom driving that AMG people in my tiny village there had no clue what was happening like what what the [ __ ] where have you been I said I told you I was going to do this I had so much money and all my friends bro they they could not compete so everywhere I went I was the [Music] that kind of bothered me I started looking for an apartment to move away from my hometown I was talking with a guy on Instagram that I didn't even knew personally he later down the line became one of my best friends he was in real estate he said what's your budget 3 and 1/2k a month 4K a month I sent it to him bro you're you're 20 you want you sure the day after I got the keys 20 years old you're young step into Amsterdam you have money you want girls you want to do everything I just started exploring partying every weekend on camera doing trips took my brother along we went to maray uh holiday he beats uh bro this was just [Applause] m spending money left right and said I didn't care started doing like 100k profit at least minimum every single momth consistently I just open my laptop for 20 minutes well which restaurant which party after I'm with girls I would have only dreamed of drinking do all guys of I don't know if we we can put it on camera but just living life right uh to the fullest to the max and I didn't even know that Co was going to covid-19 at least 59 people are believed infections only continue to Skyrocket from scores were closing people were stuck at home vaccine is 95% effective man [ __ ] it I need to take a trip I need to go to maybe ibisa or something searching for the weather I see bro it's 12° what the [ __ ] am I going to do there right started checking what is good weather duai du buai bro Dubai [Music] I I saw the wealth I saw the big buildings I saw the super cars I saw what money could do sa you have to go bigger crypto was booming at that time even some friends of mine showed me their like their portfolio yesterday 800,000 profit day before 1 million profit I was like I need to be in this crypto put 100K in there 100K turn into 150 then I had like this this feeling inside of me sa what the [ __ ] are you doing man putting all those profits you made with a bread in crypto you don't even have any knowledge about I'm like oh man I'm going to be rich rich of this [ __ ] I'm like putting in more till at one point I had half a million of funds in there that I had to use actually for Icon 500k it goes up to 600 the full Market crashed I looked into the financials minus 50k man it just strike me full in the face my mind was just racing like am i z are now going to lose I don't know I was like who who the [ __ ] am I then right I cannot lose and I never saw myself lose I was like I need to exit ion I need to sell it that will give me a couple million with which I can brief again and start something new ladies and gentlemen welcome to Amsterdam please remain seated your main outfit went back to Amsterdam being put in touch with a guy who has sold businesses before and I find out that icon is not built to sell yet because I didn't have clear processes I didn't have a team to to run on itself no finances there was no p&l nobody's going to buy a failing business nobody why would they right [ __ ] was just crashing down and I was waking up 4:00 a. m.
every morning to save the business and there was one moment that I was up 4:00 a. m. Reuben comes in 5:00 a.
m. from a party Reuben had his own drop ship store in the furnishing which he did like a half a million Revenue I grabbed Ruben to the side I said Ruben I'm the one here saving the ship and you are you either be the brother of or you going to be the man yourself and you said okay let's [ __ ] do it then we have to be on the same speed you cannot be partners and one is on 120% in and the other one is on 50% cannot work like that right and in the beginning he didn't get it and the day after complete switch he was locked in from that moment I have everything in my own hands and I really need to make this a big success I was going to focus fully on the exit process and Ruben was going to focus on the operations one goal exiting the business we need to improve our products we need to improve our marketing we need to expand our team we're looking at each other let's go big again okay this November we want to do 1 million in a moment we are we are nuts [Music] to the Limit walk along the razor don't I knew in the industry that everybody would know like okay this this guy is serious this is time for aware open up the liit the point of no we didn't even have sometimes the funds for the inventory we were just putting the deposits and we're just seeing okay if we really want to grow out icon and then we really need to offer he knew how to manage the team he really became a leader with that uh he was good at things I was lacking it and the other way around started Lun some new items some new winning products we did a more campaign shoot with very expensive models in the UK started hiring people built out a whole new marketing Team all ads were set Italian Spain [Music] France 9:00 a. m.
on the next Friday we go ads went live on the first day we did 250k in one day we had little 100K H so and in that all month we did over 1 million in Revenue everything expanded it was like a Snowball Effect February did like 1. 8 March we did like 1. 9 November 2023 we managed to do 4.
2 million in a single month for everything you have a solution we implemented things very fast big names in the space worth uh eight nine figures messaging me holy [ __ ] what you are doing is unbelievable man we were just implementing more we were doing more [Music] and I was still in the exit process a buyer from New York offered a crazy amount above asking price my guy called me who is helping me with the exit he said Samuel we've been working hard for the past year that guy offered $10 million plus 10% Equity stake that we could keep in a business that would have been easily 20 million on onwards okay it's either now or [Music] never I don't want to exit we got to keep going from there we've just been uh scaling we finished that year with 20 million in Revenue congratulations icon M them on reaching 100,000 orders let's see how far we can get this uh this little drop ship store this little [ __ ] drop ship sword that people said would never be anything when I look back right now the biggest mistake in terms of the mindset I made is instead of having my priority being my purpose the growth of the business my personal growth I put that on place two or three on Place one there came going out partying with uh with friends just Comfort right it all happened for a reason I had to almost lose everything to wake up is that your car over there yeah man that's a nice ride man thanks bro John Samuel nice to meet you nice to meet you you know I actually I actually see the car around a lot you know really I think we live in the same building oh [ __ ] 29th floor yeah the pend house what do you do bro how do you mean what do I do work what do you do for work I run Shopify stores account manager good for you make a lot of money I don't know 2. 2 million last month get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here I'm serious no no I'm serious too I told you 2. 2 million you tell me making 2 million in a month technically it was 2, 255,000 I tell you what show me the proof you show me the screenshot you show me anything that proves that you're making 2 million in a month quick my job and I work for you yeah everybody messaged him like please explain me that I also want to make money I got so many questions of of people here and there that to get the knowledge that we have throughout my journey I've been helping people always I think that's one of the character traits which help me a lot I give a lot with giving you automatically give back people just want to give back first course that we did a Drp Shipping master class was the name of it the course were all made on based on what we were doing that time we made many people get to know the business model Drp Shipping but to really get those crazy results it wasn't possible because of course you make videos for people they watch it in their own time but you don't get a real connection you can do so much more you can really guide people you can have people get [ __ ] done that they don't even knew that they could do it for me to make an extra 10K a day it doesn't change a whole lot in my LIF cell or what I can buy but for me to help someone to go from zero to 10K a day is completely life changing okay let's start with this one-on-one coaching I had the the the dream of quitting my job for almost 2 years already when I hit my first 1K day I immediately quitted my job I stopped my school my life has completely changed I from the beginning thought 10K months was a lot it's nothing it opened up my eyes I hang out with other people I listen to other people I'm in a different environment the amount you could reach like the money you could accumulate she was like the best decision that I have ever made in my life and changed my life and changed my goals my P how are you doing good what about you yeah doing great and you denish as well good crazy I remember my first ever client was this 19-year-old kid he went on do 70k in a day that was my first client I don't know but I didn't know what your first client did I have all my financial things met right now I can travel where I want I can buy what I want I don't look at prices there is nothing that feels better than helping someone else uh win big win massively I'm amazed every day what people achieve if somebody comes to you and says like I retired my mom or I bought this car it's Indescribable it's kind of a flex you know my first sale I had IM immediately at after my first day 30 days live in the UK and I'm at 6K EUR a day everything went very fast it's just insane to see I went from 1K a day to 8K days in in one month or something strategies they give with with everything they give your store needs to look very trustworthy the reviews needs to look oh Flex guys you you have no clue how big this opportunity is Drp Shipping is not just a trick or something you do for right now literally it's just a way of fulfillment and that's what most people don't get where the opportunity comes in I can step away I can exit the business for eight figures plus if I want to because I'm not attached to it I have a 19-year-old kid who I've coached he's here in Dubai he sold his Ecom brand for $2 million a guy who followed me for years he now exited his business for 1.
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