How to become mesmerising and attractive

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hi guys so today I decided to make a video on how to become mesmerizing now before everyone begins and says oh you just have to be beautiful that's it no that is not true I know a lot of people that are physically beautiful but they are not attractive they are not mesmerizing to anyone there is so much more that comes into the game of being mesmerizing or into the game of seducing people some of these things are very very important especially if you're trying to get gain success in life if you're trying to even find
a partner adapting these qualities is very important that's why I want to share with you guys how to become mesmerizing before we get into this video I want to say a huge thank you to better help for sponsoring this video better help is the world's largest online therapy platform that can easily connect you with a licensed therapist that can help you with any issue you might be facing Better Health also has a network of over 30 000 therapists so you can easily find a therapist that is the right match for you however if the therapist
that you found was not a great match you can switch therapists with no additional charge so you save a lot of time and you save a lot of money I also absolutely love that it's online because finding a therapist can be so hard especially if your area has like limited options and as well talking to your therapist out of the comfort of your own home is such a big blessing especially if you don't want to leave your house or you just don't feel like it to get started you fill out a questionnaire so they can
understand your wants and needs and then you get matched to a therapist in as little as a future schedule phone video or message based sessions whatever you are more comfortable with you also have your own virtual journal and you can attend group sessions so you basically get all the same benefits as an in-person therapist but without the extra hassle if you think that you might benefit from therapy then please click the link in the description down below or visit wizard list clicking that link will not only help support this channel but it also gives
you 10 of your first month at Better Health hi guys my name is Liz and welcome back to my channel okay let's get into it first things first you have to make people feel important the way I do this is when I am sitting with someone or I'm going out I make sure I have my full attention on them I'm not looking around other people I'm not on my phone my phone is not even on site I will put my phone away and I'll talk to the person I will look at them and best believe
when that person leaves my table they will leave more confident feeling better about themselves and literally thinking that there are talking blessing on Earth we as humans we naturally seek out things that make us feel better about ourselves that's why a lot of people they go for sugar or they have like different addictions that that releases dopamine in our head because it makes us feel good so when we have people in our life that makes us feel good about ourselves we naturally are more attracted to them well I listen to them I let people speak
I let them tell them about themselves people are so interesting you have to look at people as as if they're the first person you've ever seen and as if you're falling in love with them even with my girlfriends like I literally look at them like whoa you're so amazing you know and because I give out the energy of like you are so amazing it naturally comes back to me people think that way about me because I make them feel amazing work on your communication skills the one number one thing that people have always praised me
for random people my neighbors whatever whenever I talk to them they are like Liz your communication skills are phenomenal like it's out of this world why because I can talk to anyone anyone I'm like a chameleon I can talk to a very serious person I can talk to the funniest person on earth they will all love me okay why is this first of all I know how to put my thoughts into words I know how to correctly say things and I know how to say things Without Really offending someone right I also know how to
explain things to people like they're a five-year-old if you're really good at communication if you can explain what you want to explain to a five-year-old because a lot of people they tell me as well like oh why does she talk so like childish why does she not use bigger words you guys don't realize that people that don't really speak English that well are watching my videos and they watch my videos and they have to understand everything that I'm saying the biggest biggest powerful people knew how to talk and explain things in simple words I'm gonna
go on here yeah and I'm gonna talk in difficult words I'm not gonna explain who's gonna watch the videos like not everyone understands this so you have to you have to learn on how to make your thoughts make sense to everyone so that everyone will understand what you're saying your body language when you're sitting with someone make sure you're always sitting towards them never turn your feet away from them or your body away from them because this shows that you're not interested or it's almost like oh I want to leave okay don't close yourself of
this if you you talk like this this is like a barrier around yourself just try to stand like this with your hands and next week another thing is people are less likely to trust you if you they cannot see your hand so make sure your hands are always visible don't put them in your pocket don't put them behind you because that will make people uh subconsciously be less likely to trust you and a very important thing as well is when you're talking to someone make sure you keep eye contacts and I'm not saying like this
and like crazy looking at them with crazy eyes no just know the art of eye contact look people in the eyes when you're talking and shows confidence it shows that you're comfortable with the person don't be looking around constantly and if you have a hard time looking at people in the eyes look in between with their eyebrows it's almost the same thing they will not notice it okay if you also have another problem with looking people in the eyes then go out yeah put sunglasses on even if you're in the mall whatever walk with sunglasses
and learn to look people in the eyes from your sunglasses they can't see it okay they can't see it so basically look at them and teach yourself little by little to look people in the eyes people are also less likely to trust people that don't look you in because we are they will believe that you're not trustworthy you're hiding something you're lying to them another thing is have the ability to adapt to different people and different situations this is a sign of high intellect and high emotional intelligence what this emotional intelligence means is basically the
ability to control your own emotions and the emotions of people around you see the reason why this is so important is if you are talking to someone that is very religious for example you cannot say the same things to that person that you would say to a unreligious person you know or a more open-minded person why because it will not be received the same way and you can create arguments or you can create big fights because of your unwillingness to adapt especially a big issue in this day and age where everyone thinks that everyone should
just accept them and whatever they say yes you might think that but in the real world people will put you in your place if you do that okay and if you're trying to avoid conflict just learn how to adapt to situation learn how to adapt to people not everyone is the same I also the way I speak for example if I speak very hard right if I give harsh advice I will not do that with my more emotional friend who will take everything I say more personally but I have other friends who are have like
a tough like they don't care you know they're like me I can talk to them the same way how I talk to you guys but to the emotion people I can't and I know this and I won't do this other thing is understand that we like the people that act the same way as we do mimicry is a sign of Attraction research has literally shown that we are more attracted to people that behave the same way as us this is so true because for example if you see people in a relationship when they get into
a relationship the partners will literally start to act like each other and even start to look like each other why is this because our human brain naturally looks for similarities when we're looking for a partner or whatever because we want them to be like us and to fit in our reality and in our world it's the same for me like when I'm even choosing a friend for me uh subconsciously it's very important that my friend is clean and is like very hygienic because I am very hygienic and I love that when my partner when my
friends are the same way so how you can do this to become more mesmerizing is for example if you have a friend or if you have like a date or whatever then whenever they say something then try to find similarities like try to be like oh if he says like oh I love horse riding say oh I like horse riding too obviously don't lie like if you don't like it don't say you like it but if you like it then mention in it so in his brain he'll immediately click like oh we have similarities so
we're a good match also if someone is telling you something mirror what they're telling you back to them so for example if someone says like oh yeah and then my mom went to a ranch and then just remember that they said that so really listen to what they're saying right and then later on you say oh and that thing you said when your mom went to a ranch you saying what they said back to them is very powerful because this will make them feel like oh my God this person was really listening to me say
exactly what you mean see in this day and age we have so much miscommunication people they think like oh I'm not gonna say what I mean they have to figure it out for himself people are not mind readers okay especially in relationships if your partner if you're upset with your partner say that you're upset like for me it's very important that my partner has communication skills because I am a very big Communicator like I need to figure out what happened why it happened and that's it we need to talk about it a lot of fights
can be avoided if the person would just say exactly what they meant or how they phrased it and then just explaining how it was a miscommunication whatever like explain yourself if you if you have the fight or whatever say no this is actually what I meant I didn't say it properly good communication skills is extremely attractive like it's extremely attractive but obviously say it in a nice way don't be hostile don't be aggressive just say it like oh this is actually what I meant that's it and then you can resolve your issue on what you
really meant and not on some miscommunication that happened down the line don't reveal everything about yourself the the reason why so many people can be mesmerizing is because they're also mysterious they're not telling every person they see everything about themselves because first of all privacy is a very important a lot of people can misinterpret things say things about you and create you something that you're not okay and you don't want to do that especially when it came from your own mouth and second of all not everyone is to be trusted you might think oh that's
just my family that's just my friend more than likely a lot of people even the close ones are the ones that will stab you in the back be careful of this watch your mouth most of you guys problems comes from your own mouth don't constantly argue with people it's most unattractive thing when I know that a person is someone that fights all the time or argues with people or argues with staff no okay this is a very unattractive Behavior do you want to be right or do you want to be happy like a lot of
times arguments are something over something so stupid that gets into something so big and it's so unnecessary like if you just sometimes leave the argument and be like you know what I'm not going to engage in this you protect your own energy and you walk away and if you want to talk about it later when the other person has calmed down then yes you should do that but not in the heat of the moment where words can be exchanged that were meant in that way but that will hurt you and that will get into something
so big the older I get the more I value my peace more and more and I don't like when people disturb it I choose my battles very wisely I do not fight in public I do not create scenes it does not happen if I have an issue with you I will say it in a respectful manner in between my own private setting obviously that's not always the case because maybe someone comes up to you in public starts shouting at you make sure that you don't lose your own emotions and your own control over them don't
lose them you just sit back you just let them you don't say a word until that person calms down especially if they're fighting you in public or shouting at you in public and when they have calmed down or you don't say anything at all and you walk away if it's a stranger like why would you even engage in that or when they have calmed down if you know them you can talk to them and you can say Hey listen first of all I don't appreciate it that you yelled to add me in public never do
that again second of all this and this who said blah blah and you can resolve the issue okay but do not let anyone catch you fighting yelling screaming at someone in public make a daily effort to talk to people from the opposite gender this is so important this will make you so much more confident like for example from now on you talk to two people from the opposite gender in a day like whether it's a waiter uh like whoever it is or a stranger like just have conversations with them if you grew up in like
a culture like mine I was raised to never talk to men at all like literally only look at the ground and that's it you know but what happens is when I grew up then even if I had like a male boss whatever I was I would turn red when they would talk to me obviously it shows a form of insecurity so I really had to work on talking to men I really had to work on talking to them looking them in the eyes because I was always told that this was bad and I couldn't do
it how you can practice this is just daily talk to like the opposite gender two people maybe of the opposite gender just have a small conversation with them and you will see how much more confident you get in talking really confident person they can talk to anyone they can talk to a man they can talk to a woman it doesn't matter because they're confident in themselves but when you are unable to for example you can talk to women very well but you're unable to talk to a man this will build insecurity in you because once
a man looks your way you're like completely like shaken you know work on this another thing is look like you love yourself look like you take care of yourself we always want to love other people but we forget to love ourselves first you have to look like you love yourself okay look clean that's it if you look clean that's it you don't need to look overly gram glamorous you don't need to like adapt a crazy Style no you can be simple you can look clean and that's it that's good and also eat like you love
yourself put good nutrients in your body drink enough water hydrate yourself do these things because at the end of the day your body is a big blessing it's a vessel you want your heart to go on for a long time even if you don't want to look physically good do it for the health of your body the person that looks like they love themselves are immediately more mesmerizing like you don't even have to try when people look at you at the first time this is the first impression they get right if you look clean people
will be like oh that person really respects themselves so that's a stamp you said on yourself immediately when someone sees you because when someone sees you they cannot know your character or how good you are or how your communication is because nobody knows that I was younger me and my sister we had this friend and she wasn't really socially like how you would Define attractive but however she was so beautiful to us and we both were like why is that because normally you would think you wouldn't think that right but she was like amazingly different
and why was this this girl was so clean she always smelled nice her clothes were perfectly ironed her nails were beautifully done like her hair was washed she was so clean and that made her so beautiful to us and even the manners that she has the way she's like stood up and like walked and the confidence she had this girl was one of the most attractive girls me and my sister had ever seen the thing is heal your traumas with hypnotherapy listen hypnotherapy is basically when you go into a state of hypnosis and you re
relive your traumas that you had and that way you can heal them because you're reliving them look this up hypnotherapy with uh trauma once you do this once I started healing my traumas and going to therapy consistently I noticed that more and more people started to become attracted to me like insanely and even physically I became more and more beautiful I had eye issues like constantly that my eyes would swell up or whatever it went away like so many inflammations in my body went away there is so many issues that people have even like binge
eating eating disorders um so many things like physical issues asthma all these things they can be linked to trauma once you heal that trauma you will see that these symptoms go away the reason uh this book about Many Lives Many Masters and basically the psychologist in the book was explaining that he had scientists a very before woman and she came to have therapy sessions with him for her trauma and phobias that she had so she hated hypnotherapy with her hypnotherapy whatever and he said after we've done that for so many times when she went back
to the cafeteria where she worked four years where people used to just ignore her they would come up to her now and literally tell her you're so mesmerizing like you're so beautiful meanwhile before they didn't do that why because when we remove our traumas when we remove our blocks or energy shifts and people can feel your energy if you become lighter because all the baggage gets removed people will be more attracted to you because you're like a vibrating light I experienced this myself like literally the way people look at me when I enter a room
I've never experienced this before and it is truly because I worked on healing myself and besides all of that I think it's extremely attractive when people are self-aware about what is wrong and are trying to heal that that is extremely attractive the most self-aware people are also very confident because they know what they need to work on and how they can evolve more to remember the things that people tell you for example me I have a really great mind so if someone tells me something they were born on this day or whatever I clock that
and I just it's in my head so next time when I see them I'm like oh yeah I remember when you told me that and they are literally shocked and like whoa you remember what I told you I'm like yeah obviously people think oh wow she was really listening to me like it makes them feel so important but if you're not good at remembering stuff that are like little or important just write it down in your notes like it's just nice for example if you remember people's birthdays like obviously you can send them a nice
card a gift whatever these things are very kind also have a great sense of humor I always had a very good sense of humor I'm very funny if I do so say myself um I'm very sarcastic as well so when I talk to people it's always very fun to talk to me because we always have like wit back and forth right and it makes me more attractive and also a good sense of humor is a sign of high intelligence and again High emotional intelligence if you don't have a great sense of humor or you don't
understand sarcasm that well then try to look at comedians like their shows or whatever and try to really a better sense of humor um and for example me as well you'll take things that seriously like if someone says something to me I'm not immediately offended if I know it's a joke however don't disrespect me like if I find something disrespectful I will also not laugh I would say that was very disrespectful don't do that again another thing is when someone is disrespectful towards you go cold go cold that's it if someone is repeatedly disrespectful and
even if you have told them Hey listen I didn't like this and they keep doing it out you're out out like I do not even entertain these people I do not do anything I'm not giving them my energy I told you already multiple times don't talk to me like that don't do that to me you're not willing to listen we're not on the same vibration we're not on the same energy get out like you guys make it too big you guys give too many chances to people that don't deserve it stop doing that okay if
the roles reverse those people will not give you the same chances until I see changed Behavior I do not allow that person back into my life because then they also know I'm serious about my boundaries the unpredictable it is very alluring and very mesmerizing once the unit can never expect like what is this person next up to right I'm not saying to something toxic or bad or whatever but like with good things talk about your goals but show up with results when I was creating my whole business my whole social media platform I wasn't talking
I was just doing I wasn't telling anyone and I popped up with the results and that's it and then everyone was like how did this happen literally like where did this come from I'm so unpredictable you never know what I'm gonna do tomorrow never you know I you when you think you have to be figured out you haven't because I always have another surprise another thing is practice dancing especially for women you can practice belly dancing heels heels is like uh like essential dance in like uh heels obviously and as well you can practice twerking
now I am not saying do this in public or do this in front of a man or whatever you know I would not be comfortable to do that so it's always like a woman-only class but what happens is when a woman is more in touch with her body she's more confident we are always learned to suppress our sensuality and you shouldn't do that but that is also where our femininity comes from if we can't even look like in be in our room and for example dance and look at ourselves elves then there is something really
wrong and we will be disconnected to ourselves but it's just such a big fear installed on us and that's bad and whatever no just do it in the comfort of your own home and as well women they hold a lot of energy and a lot of emotions in their hips so moving those hips is really healing for a woman become comfortable in who you are like and how unique you are don't strive to be like someone else or don't look at other people and be like oh I should be like them you shouldn't be like
anyone like you should be comfortable in who you you are you should be comfortable in dressing and the things that you feel comfortable in whatever you think like okay this is comfort and this is how I like to look and this is how I love myself the most that is also what will make you mesmerizing I have seen people from like the most different styles different cultures whatever but they were so attractive to me like it's insane and they don't have the same style as me nothing they don't behave the same but I'm so attracted
to them and their energy because they're so comfortable in who they are this doesn't mean like get lazy and stop doing whatever no because I'm always like strive to be the best you can be but also be comfortable in who you are like some things you can't really change it by yourself and okay that's okay the thing is walk talk act like you're the biggest blessing on Earth see the thing is with your brain it has one flaw the brain is very good very smart but it has one flaw and that is the brain doesn't
know the difference between what's real and what you are telling your brain so if you are gonna behave and act like you are confident your brain will start to believe it and you will start to become more confident and I walk into a room right when I'm going out to a restaurant or whatever I walk with my shoulders back I literally look around in the room and I I walk like that why because my presence is a blessing that room just got blessed because I walked in there I have to stay humble though because I
don't think that I'm better than anyone but I'm also not comparing myself to anyone me thinking that I'm the biggest blessing on Earth doesn't mean that like I'm comparing like who is Another Blessing you know I don't care about who who else the blessing you can also think that you're the biggest blessing on Earth I don't care I just think that about myself in my head and that's it I'm not gonna act better than anyone I'm very humble literally I don't care but Liz loves Liz that's it in my head Liz and you cannot catch
me talk bad about myself literally not even if I do something wrong I say okay Liz we got this we're gonna not do that next time like okay I'm very self-aware so I know when I do something wrong that that wasn't good and I tried to fix my behavior I hold myself accountable but I also don't beat myself up about it what's that gonna do make me feel worse about myself why should I do that people are already hard enough on me people are already judging me why should I do that to myself no if
anyone is gonna give me love it's gonna be me so make sure you're never known for any addictions and also what I want to say if you're struggling with an addiction I read about this experiments that they did with the rats so basically when a rat was just in a cage that had nothing they were giving them normal water and water that was drugged so they had like you know all these substances in this water and what they wrap this is they would overdose on the water that was drugged so they would die a few
weeks later now this psychologist he came and he said let's switch the narrative here let's create a rat Park where the rats have everything they have like food they have colorful balls they have like partners that they can sleep with they have everything and that again give them the normal water and give them the drugged water when they put them in the rat park with the waters the rats barely touched dragged water and no one was overdosing on it they were just drinking the regular water so what did this conclude concluded that what we actually
are looking for when we have addictions is a sense of belonging and a sense of connection with other people but when we can't find out we look we we go into addictions we we start drinking a lot even food addiction binge eating uh like you know substance addictions all these things because we don't feel like we belong if you do have any addictions then switch the narrative then start looking for okay where can I find a place there where I belong where I feel good pick up some hobbies that where you you have other people
um start to go to like the gym where there's other people around you you have to change your environment when you are struggling with addictions when I was struggling with my food addiction binge eating I literally I got into a relationship with my ex now and we literally both like because of him I because I was constantly busy with him I was constantly busy with work I didn't have time for my addiction anymore for my food addiction and it wasn't a necessity anymore especially when I started healing my trauma see why addiction is also uh
so anti-seductive and you'll literally not be mesmerizing it at all is because people see you as a weaker someone they see you as someone with a loss of self-control you can't control yourself and it's obviously not attractive if someone can't control themselves so never be publicly known for any addictions don't go with parties and constantly drink don't go to parties and take substances like it will leave an imprint on your reputation people will look at you like the drunk person or the person that constantly does this or that Network on healing your addiction addiction doesn't
come from nowhere it's not true you know it it can be linked to trauma it's a lot of things that's why I keep telling you guys go to therapy you guys will change your life and last but not least let people meet you at your level do not go down so that you can be equal to those people because you will always end up paying for doing that they should look at you as inspiration and strive to get there but if you're gonna go down to their level you're the one paying for it because you
were good honey you're good here they should rise up to meet you and you guys can continue or you guys are not friends at all the same with partners because I see a lot of times women they will like date a guy that is like not at all at their level or not at all like trying to get where they are and then they get shocked and the relationship doesn't work out but what do you think will happen when you're here and this person is here he will drag you down to their level that's it
I'm the kind of person I'm here either you rise up to my level or get out because for me I can't go down I don't have the ability right now to go down my only way is up that's it and sometimes I fall but who's gonna pick me up again I'm gonna pick myself up again and I will get there again and again and again if you don't have the same drive if you don't have the same hustle we will never click this is not energetically we will never click so I don't even bother anyways
guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys learned something thank you so much for watching I love you guys so so so so so much I'm so grateful for you may God always bless you uh and yeah I see in the next video bye-bye
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