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Laércio Refundini
7 erros mais comuns que as pessoas cometem ao tentar emagrecer e construir músculos. No topo da list...
Video Transcript:
Everyone wants to lose fat and build muscle, and they end up doing crazy things to achieve this, and in this video I go from the least crazy thing to the craziest thing. The first thing on our list is fasting - there is a fast where you go 24 hours without eating, 48 hours without eating - this exists, people do this. - That's the mule guy.
There is intermittent fasting, and the problem with fasting is the following: if a person goes for a long time without eating, they are simply taking away energy for the body to function. Imagine this, you are watching this video, you consume energy. For you to breathe, it takes energy.
For your organs to function, it consumes energy, and then the person goes and stops eating. What will the body automatically do? "Oops, I'm going to die.
" And then it starts to draw energy from, you know where? From the muscle. - Not there.
- It enters a process we call proteolysis. Basically, it releases a hormone called cortizol, the cortizol goes into the muscle, degrades the muscle, takes an amino acid called alanine, sends this amino acid to the liver, the liver converts this into glucose, called the Alanine-Hepatic Glucose Cycle , and then sends it to the blood blood because you can't run out of glucose. And do you know the most interesting thing?
Our brain only works on glucose. In other words, it needs to have glucose. Your body finds a way, and will cannibalize itself to stop the parade from stopping.
After all, we have to stay alive. And there are people who say "Lalá, but I can lose weight. " It's true, you lose weight, but you lose little fat, a lot of muscle, and in the end it's not good.
But there is another fast, intermittent fasting. This one is less worse. If it is intermittent, it is because the person eats and doesn't eat, goes and doesn't go.
What does the person need to do? Eat twice a day. She fasts for a long time and then eats.
It even works to lose fat, but if you want to increase muscle, one thing that is important to increase muscle is protein. And in protein, you have more restricted access. You will eat meat, eggs, fish, take Growth whey, it also works, but do you agree that it is more difficult to eat protein than to eat carbohydrates?
It's much more difficult. Carbohydrates, a can of condensed milk, you're super high on carbohydrates. Now, protein?
F*ck it, you're going to have to eat a lot of meat, that is, eating protein is more difficult, and protein is important for hypertrophy, an average of 2g per kg of weight. How will a person be able to consume all the protein they need in just two meals? - It's difficult to eat a lot of meat.
The stop starts to worry. Eating the protein that will make you build muscle on an intermittent fasting diet is more difficult. "Oh no, Lalá, I do intermittent fasting with 3 meals.
" It gets a little easier, but it's still difficult. It's impossible? No, but it's still difficult.
The 6th on our list is to find which supplement will solve the problem. Someone signed up for the gym, they haven't even trained yet, they just signed up. She leaves there, goes to the supplement store, buys the stuff, and thinks that the supplement will solve her life.
A supplement that can help a lot in your life is whey protein, which is a protein extracted from milk, which is easier to digest. Even Growth has whey that is the best value for money on the market, but what's the point of relying on a supplement? It's thinking that the supplement will solve your life.
I bought whey, I bought thermogenic, I bought a supplement. And there? What are you going to do with all this?
1st: you have to take good care of your diet, it’s not just about taking supplements and forgetting to take care of your diet. Another thing, you have to take care of your training, take care of your sleep. Stopping to work is multifactorial.
And if we talk about building muscle, wow, old man. What's the point, for example, if you take a pre-workout, take a break to boost your hormones, take protein, but you don't train? You look stupid!
Training is the key, training is what will stimulate stopping. Or else, you do a half-assed workout. It will not work.
Think with me. The supplement is cool, it helps, but it helps. The 5th mistake, this is an urban legend: you cannot eat carbohydrates after 6 pm.
Or 6 pm, I don't know. 5:59 is afternoon, - 6 o'clock is night. - It's kind of difficult, it's a paradox.
Where does this story come from? When you sleep, you release a very good hormone for building muscle and reducing fat called GH. This GH hormone is counterregulatory to insulin.
What does that mean? When you have GH, you don't have insulin, and when you have insulin, you don't have GH. Unless you take the 2 together.
The bodybuilder - does this. . .
- Fake natty! When carbohydrates enter the bloodstream, what does it do to insulin? It raises insulin.
And if insulin goes up, what does GH do? He leaves. And then people say "Now I understand!
" Now I got it! If you have GH, you don't have insulin. And if there is insulin, it is because there were carbohydrates, and the GH went away.
When is the time of day that you release the most GH? In other words, I will sleep without carbohydrates, there will be no insulin, and there will be GH! So it works!
- Yes, it works! Is not true? - It works!
No. I'll tell you a cool story. One time I'm there, a gym teacher, relaxed, teaching my class, and the student comes and says: "Teacher, I want to get dry now, and then I stopped eating carbohydrates at night.
" I said "What's up? " "So, I've been doing this for a few days now, but I'm sleeping a little poorly. " Next bro, come with me to physiology.
If you stop eating carbohydrates at night, your cortizol levels will automatically rise. Cortizol is a stress hormone. To give you an idea, when you go for an exam to measure cortizol, this exam is carried out, according to the exam metrics, at 7 am.
If you release cortizol to wake up, you didn't eat carbohydrates, cortizol went up, how do you want to sleep? It will influence your sleep. And if you have high cortizol, you can't sleep.
If you can't sleep, you won't reach depth of sleep, you won't release GH. Then you understand. .
. There will be people who won't eat carbs and will sleep well, but there are people who won't work. But when you eat, this food takes an average of 3 hours to be digested and available in your bloodstream.
In other words, after a few minutes, there will be no more insulin, leaving the way open for GH to do its work. In other words, if you stop eating carbohydrates at night thinking about the release of GH. .
. There is one more point there. If you don't eat carbohydrates at night and train in the morning, you will be doubly harmed.
When you eat the carbohydrate - 3 hours, remember? It takes time to be digested and available, and on average 4 to 6 hours is the time it takes to be in your muscle ready to be activated during your training. If you didn't eat at night, the stock is low.
The 4th on our list is something that people still defend today, and in fact, it can still be defended. You say: "Lalá, why are you there? " Because you don't need to.
It's the idea of ​​finishing training and you need to run, take whey, take a quick, quickly absorbed carbohydrate. All this quickly. Whey because it's fast, carb because it's fast, you need to go fast.
The idea of ​​those who defend all this is the famous Absorption Window. "Ah no, because after training the window of absorption is open, and then the window of opportunity, things happen there, you can leave the gym and go to the lottery because. .
. Why take protein after training? Because When you train, you stimulate protein synthesis.
What is synthesis? It is construction. Protein, of protein.
The muscle we call, in the most scientific part, contractile protein. In other words, you stimulated the construction of contractile protein, and you take protein to build your muscle. This is where you need to send protein there.
It has to be a fast protein to take advantage of the absorption window, right? And the fastest protein there is is whey protein. Let's take advantage and talk about Growth's whey protein, the best value for money on the market, it only costs 3 reais per dose.
Ranizito, did you know of a stop? All brands on the market send you that 900g jar, but Growth sends you a 1kg bag. She's giving you 100g more whey per bag, did you know that?
Yeah, a lot of people don't know that. - And the price is good. - The price is excellent, less than R$100 for 1kg of Whey.
And you can also take advantage of the Lalá discount coupon on the entire Growth website. Go there, be happy, and use the coupon. It meets this point, because it is quickly available in your bloodstream.
Why do carbohydrates come into this game? When you train, you deplete what we call muscle glycogen. It's basically the carbohydrate in your muscle that works as energy.
You trained, you depleted, - and it makes sense for you to replenish. - It's not crazy. It makes sense.
What's the question here: do you need to deliver all this protein post-workout? Do you want your muscle to grow just after training, or throughout your day? Because protein synthesis doesn’t just happen post-workout.
It happens from the moment the training ends. By the time your body says "that's enough, we're not going to build any more protein," and that can take 48 to 72 hours, you've already heard that, but today science has already refuted that idea. The point is: you don't need protein just at that moment.
You need protein throughout the day. "Lalá, I want to drink post-workout whey. " Feel free.
But understand that this will not be something that will change your life. There are people who look like they're on that series "24h". It is not necessary.
Look, for example, on many occasions, I finish training and have a solid meal, lunch, and leave it to take my whey at another time of the day to reduce the amount of protein. And the carb? You have to replace it, don't you?
And why do you want to reset it now? Replenish it throughout the day. My recommendation: you can take whey post-workout, but worry about providing your beautiful and wonderful body with protein, carbohydrates and fat throughout the day because you will be doing protein synthesis all day , and replacing this carbohydrate every day.
The 3rd on our list, our top 3 is to cut out carbs. "No, I'm going to cut out carbs. " "I'm going to go on a low-carb diet.
" Let's give it some context. In order for you to lose weight, you need to have what we call a " calorie deficit. " You need to eat fewer calories than you burn, or you need to burn more calories than you eat, and carbohydrates sometimes end up coming into play there.
People say "I'm going to eat less" and cut down on carbs, anyway. More aggressive people - they say "I'm going to get rid of carbs at once. " - They cut the bread.
. . They cut the cake, they cut the pizza, they cut things.
. . Does it work?
It works, even because your muscle has muscle glycogen. If you cut carbs, you will not replace this glycogen, this glycogen itself weighs, and with it, it takes for each molecule of glycogen, 3 molecules of water, you will lower glycogen, you will lower water, and you will lose weight. "So it works?
" No, you are losing muscle. "Ah, no, Lalá. I'll be able to burn more fat.
" No shit. What burns fat is a calorie deficit, not simply cutting out carbs. But there is one issue that makes the situation worse.
You already understand that carbohydrates, when they reach the muscle and are transformed into muscle glycogen, are energy for your training. So, you didn't eat carbohydrates, where does the glycogen go? Down the drain.
And your training? Also. You become weak.
You become thin, you can't do punch training, punch training, and I'm even going to recommend Lalá's program to you, Muscle 60D, the link is below so you can learn more and be able to progress a year in two months. That's what the people who are with us do. Go there, take a look at the page.
If you don't do a Muscle 60D workout, first, you'll burn fewer calories. If you burn fewer calories, what does the calorie deficit look like? It is harmed.
I didn't say that you have to burn more than you consume, or the opposite? And another thing, if you do a soft workout, you don't stimulate this muscle to grow. In other words, cutting out carbs means you're making mistakes on both sides.
It's shit. Add this to cutting and there are people who say "I want to lose weight", and then close their mouths. The person asks "I'm not going to eat," and in theory they're right.
Why isn't it a calorie deficit? Isn't it consuming less than you spend? But if you close your mouth, you also close your mouth to protein.
You will have all the harmful effects of carbs. as I said, but you will add to the harm caused by protein. Want to see a parade?
Ranizito, how long ago do you cut your nails? - Oh, about 10 minutes? - No, how often?
- Oh there. Once a week? Twice a week?
Cool. Nail production. From skin, hair, among other things, it's protein that goes too.
In other words, your body needs protein all the time to live. And then you stop consuming protein, - do you know what your body will do? - To die.
He won't do that, the body is very intelligent. He will do everything to make sure you don't die. He's not stupid like me.
Then he says, "Wow, I need protein. " What do you do when you need something? You start hunting, "where am I going to find protein?
" and he looks at the muscle. "Um, we have protein in that muscle! " - You understand what's going to happen.
- Go hand it over. He's going to put his hand in. Your body understands that survival is more important than anything.
If you stopped eating, it will find a way to survive, and then it will degrade your muscle. Will you lose weight? You will, but you will lose a lot of muscle.
The top 1, the crazy thing that takes the trophy for the most master blaster crazy things, is the person starts saying "I'm going to lose weight," and then they incorporate a cow. Just eat salad. Make a bowl of lettuce.
When a person is not satisfied with the salad, what do they do? The Capricho Magazine diet . "Pineapple Diet: lose 14kg in two weeks!
" Eating only pineapple! Go to the pharmacy and buy several laxatives and take one every hour. You'll see what happens, you'll lose weight.
Guys, all this doesn't work. "Lalá, but I can lose weight! " I know, my love, but the point is that you are not losing weight in a healthy way.
What you really want is not to lose weight, what you want is to lose fat. So, disassociate things. What do we like, what looks good on our physique, and is also very good for our health?
Maintain or increase muscle and reduce fat. And to achieve this, there are several different strategies. I'm going to help you with Muscle 60D, and you already understand that protein is an important stop, this video here has the foods with the most protein.
So, bro, upload this video, that protein is mega plus important, both for reducing fat and for building muscle Click now. People are complaining that we forgot some of them. They talked about soy protein.
So go there and comment - if we forgot! - Comment there!
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