World War 2 - Abhijit Chavda On History, Conspiracies & Untold Outcomes | The Ranveer Show 214

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Part 2 and Part 3 of this series will be uploaded on the coming two Tuesdays. Stay tuned. The World...
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[Music] this particular episode was made primarily for international audiences I promise you when it comes to World War II you won't find such a comprehensive podcast on the internet this man's knowledge this man's knowhow and just the amount of data he's able to retain in his own mind we have spoken about the chronology of World War II but we've also gone on a lot of deep tangents we've broughten conspiracy theories we've broughten a sort of dissection of the world wars and we've spoken about the modernday geopolitical impact that the two World Wars had on our
planet remember to follow us on Spotify where Spotify exclusive which means that every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world this is abijit Chava with his commentary on world history [Music] Mr Chava welcome back to the ranir show thank you very much always great to be with you we've been creating some super hit podcasts off late they centered around geopolitics a subject that the world needs to know more about primarily because traditional news media hasn't been reporting geopolitical news the way it should be and I feel a big
section of the world has turned to the world of podcast the world of Twitter to get the information but I also feel to truly understand geopolitics you have to understand the history of the world which also allows you to kind of predict the future a little bit but let's begin by talking about World War II specifically for the modern day geopolitical scenario do you feel that that event those uh few years were kind of impactful for the rest of the century very much so because the events of the of the two World Wars the setup
this geopolitical chess board for the Cold War to UE so everything that we are seeing today in the world is a consequence of what happened in that 30-year period in which you had the two World Wars which I actually call the European Tribal Wars incl including technology like even yes what what domains kind of got affected other than just geopolitics uh technology uh really shaped up in this period because when World War I started there were weapons available at that time itself that had never been used before so it was all new technology that were
using at the time and it took them some time to get used to it and to figure out how to use it then you had the Advent of chemical weapons a horrible thing then airplanes in Warfare first it was used for reconnaissance then they started equipping planes with machine guns then bombs and all that so all of this uh took off tanks were first introduced in World War I and so much more and a lot of these wartime Technologies eventually translate themselves to become everyday Technologies for mankind see any technology typically is first used by
the military and then there are spin-offs of those technologies that have civilian applications so typically the military in any country is is using technology that's 20 years before it it comes out into into the civilian domain the reason I bring up technology so early in this podcast is because I think our entire generation takes technology for granted uh it's it's so much around us but uh we don't understand the impact that those years had because our Generations have never actually faced a severe World War yet yet I say yet with a lot of caution I
think the last episode was about World War I and its possibilities um we'll talk about that probably in the next episode we we'll address this whole World War II angle again right now let's get back to World War II the 1930s or as far back as you want to take it where would you start this whole World War II story sir yeah the last time we spoke about Ukraine I went back 2,000 years so let me not do that this time I will go back to the 19th century so World War I so I call
these two Wars h the European Tribal wars that's what it's it's European conflict you know old historical Grievances and all that Spilled Out and it kind of engulfed the world but it was primarily caused in Europe and the causes were European so uh there were two Wars the first war was called the Great War and then you had the Second Great War which they now called World War I and World War II so World War I happened in began in 1914 so to understand the causes you to go back in time let's go back at
least 50 60 years so so uh Europe has always been a place of great conflict always there's always been these conflicts between various uh Kings Emperors and all that so typically conflict goes back the root cause of conflict is territory it's power so historically EUR Europe has been a feudal Place feudal Lords ruled various dominions in Europe and the power it came from Land they owned vast tracts of land and the real power came from the agriculture that happened in this land so they had complete control over agriculture this is before the Industrial Revolution so
the great Lords the great Kings Emperors they would own massive amounts of land and everybody who lived on that land was was peasants and they would pay taxes to these people in in in in the form of typically agricultur produce or something else so that is where and they had armies to control these people so and previously they also had slavery so historically that was the source of power of the great Lords and kings and Emperors then the Industrial Revolution happened and then what happened is the entire Society changed um the power and the money
the source of wealth became Industries and most of the industries were concentrated in the urban centers so then the peasants were incentivized to move to Urban Urban centers new rich people came up and the old Power structure was kind of uh shaken up and that caused a lot of conflicts who did the industry sell to all the rest of the world the industries were about creating new technologies and they would typically s sell it to armies to the people okay right to the people people want things like light bulbs or whatever I'm just giving a
random example but lots of new things came up Transportation steam engines uh cotton producing cotton in in in a in a industrial manner in a mechanical manner instead of doing it by hand so that also I mean people need these things right in the past peasants were very poor they used to wear rag tag clothing now they also aspired to wear good clothing and all that so you could produce that in in a cheap way and sell it to peasants and make money out of that and that sort of things so the so Society changed
because of all these massive changes that came about due to the Industrial Revolution I have to stop you there just for a second because uh I feel that the point of podcast is what your history books don't teach you anywhere in the world uh two questions and we've brought this up in our previous podcast as well do you think that secret society SL Illuminati SL a small group of powerful individuals were actually responsible for these decisions because when you read about this in retrospect where one guy get killed sparked off an entire War it can't
be as simple as that and there have to have been other motivations for people to go to war and often when countries go to war it does boost the economy like we've seen in the case of Russia and Ukraine uh so were the actual underlying economic angles to this that do you think according to you as a geopolitical Observer as someone who's very well read about history what were the underlying intentions that we don't read about in history books so the first question is about Illuminati the second question is um about this whole uh Britain
angle do you think even they wanted the war back then do you think that uh keeping all this whole imperialistic world in mind the colonies of the world uh what was Britain's kind of game plan back then so let's come to Britain first Britain was playing a defensive game they had a big Empire to manage they do not want to lose access to the Empire and they needed access to certain choke points like ways uh the Persian Gulf and and things like that they also were dependent on on oil from Mesopotamia from Kuwait from present
day Iraq that region so they had a big Network they they administered about 1/4 of the world's geography and they it was a defensive game for that if things spiral out of control they will lose access to certain territories which will be a disaster for them because Empire is what matters so Britain was they did not want war okay they were trying to I mean they were actually isolated they did not care much but then they were trying to kind of uh stop War if if possible right so that was their stance now Illuminati and
all that see the Europe was a tinder box at the time and it was a Tinder Box because of all these old rivalries and and um ethnic enmities and feuds the Ottoman Empire had has had converted certain populations in Bosnia to a different religion to the Islamic religion you had Christians you had Muslims in a certain region and you also had old rivalries between these families between the dynasties so they all so looked at each other with suspicion with jealousy with with with enmity and all it needed was a spark to set the whole thing
a flame kind of where the world stands right now with China possibly on the verge of invading this is why we discuss these matters because there are certain uh patterns which happen in a cyclic manner like you say and we may be seeing something very similar today also again know you know this is why when young students say oh why should I study history the point of History one it teaches you The Art of Storytelling two it teaches you how to predict the future of your own race yes so it is very important and that's
why even I want to revise This World War Two and World War I kind of History okay I'll let you continue so what happened right so the the arch duuk France Ferdinand was was assassinated in Saro what happens is that the austr Hungarian Empire blames uh Serbia for that Russia says we are allies with Serbia austr Hungaria asks Germany is it okay if you go to war with Serbia go ahead go ahead so they declare war on Serbia in July end of July uh 1914 they try to attack Serbia they they bombard Serbia but it
doesn't work the serbs resist stoutly fiercely and that goes nowhere but now what happens is that Germany takes the opportunity they they Declare War I mean kind of declare war on two sides on on Russia and on France now the Germany France region there's a whole old history there the Germans had annexed some part of France in the last war in the 19th century so the French had some some debts to pay there but the German France border was very well fortified there were very strong French fortifications so the Germans went through Luxembourg and Belgium
the moment they enter Belgium the British said we have assured Belgium's neutrality you have broken that so we need to get involved in this so the British get involved they send troops to France and all that so that's what happens now the Germans there's something called the schen plan the the schen plan was that Germany would Advance through Luxembourg through Belgium from the north and then invade France and take Paris so that happens they go through Belgium there's a very strong Belgian res resistance then the British also get involved then these guys come all the
way into France and there is this the battle of the Man River there's a river called The Man terrible terrible battle and then they try to take Paris doesn't work out and then over time what happens that there is trench warfare that happens so both sides dig in they create Tren trenches and these trenches they go from the North Sea all the way to Switzerland you you got to give a little context on trenches so trench warfare so what happens is that both sides they dig trenches against each other maybe they are 50 m apart
maybe 100 met apart you can hear the other side talking but you are D dun into your trenches and then you can fight each other for months at a time it's terrible it's oppressive there are rats there are dead bodies it's you can't remove them it's horrific disease disease of all kinds and Tyas and chera and whatnot so this is what happened on the Western Front the line was frozen for for a very long time on the Eastern Front what happens is that the Ottoman Empire allies with Germany with austr Hungary and they declare war
on Russia so in the Caucasus region they try to invade Russia doesn't work it's a disaster their troops freeze to death in the thousands tens of thousands ottoman troops that doesn't work they try to bomb Odessa castool these places which are currently at War right now so the Ottoman Empire tries to do that doesn't work then the British land an Indian expeditionary force in Kuwait in to take to try and take Mesopotamia presently Iraq that kind of ends in a disaster our people die in that uh fighting the Ottoman Empire fighting the Ottoman Empire on
on the side of the British Mr Mr Mohandas Gandhi was actively involved in recruiting millions of Indian soldiers for this I think about a million and a half Indian soldiers fought for the British in this war right so what happens is that there is internationalization of the conflict yeah um you know that's actually what's not spoken about yes even in Indian textbooks I remember studying World War I and World War II once in the fifth grade once in about I think the e8th or n9th grade MH and nowhere was it mentioned that there was a
lot of Indian troops I won't say Indian I call it brown troops subcontinental troops involved in these battles and how when they say British took part it was heavily actually uh subcontinental troops there was a lot of subcontinental involvement with this British India about a million and a half Indian troops British Raj troops fought for the British died for the British then there was a British attempt to uh reinforce the Russian position to do that they had to go through the Turkish Straits this was a plan hatched by Winston Churchill so there are two narrow
choke points in Turkey the Dells and the Bosphorus the Bosphorus tra and dardel Tra so the British tried to land an expeditionary Force at the dardanel that ended in complete disaster because of a Turkish General called Mustafa Kamal who became the eventually the dictator and the father of modern turkey so this guy stopped the British and it defeated the defeated them over many months of horrific fighting terrible fighting so so the Ottoman Empire is involved they try to invade Egypt and take Su that again is defended by the British because they need that to for
access to India and the Ottoman Empire fails there so there's a lot happening then Germany and France are still fighting Italy gets involved because they are on the side of the Allies not on side of Germany and they start fighting the AO the austr Hungarian Empire there is a certain river whose name I forget they fought like 12 15 500 800 battles there never moved so that went on for a very long time time all kinds of sides are involved in this uh so like in the same way that the British used uh subcontinental troops
I'm dead sure they must have used all uh like troops from other colonies as well yes yes uh and similarly did the other European powers also bring all their colonies into play indeed that's why they now call it the first world war because the Germans they had possessions in Africa uh togoland Cameroon German Southwest Africa which is now called Namibia there was Eastern there was an Eastern territory as well so all of this got involved the French had many many possessions colonies in Africa they recruited about a million soldiers black African soldiers from there and
made them fight in the European War so everything got involved the Germans had possessions in the Pacific Islands that they possessed the Japanese got involved the Japanese were on the side of the British this at this time in World War I the Japanese took over various German islands and possessions and a German position in China as well Australia and New Zealand took over some other German territories in in the Asia Pacific region so everything got involved here the whole world is kind of involved in this other than South America other than South America yes there
was action near South America also German warships they fought the British uh Navy near the Faulkland Islands and there was a battle naval battle there also so everywhere there is something or the other happening some action happening then what happens is even Bulgaria got involved in this on the side of the Germans and austrial Hungary and then Austria Hungary and Bulgaria together invades in 1915 they invade Serbia and they defeat Serbia Serbia the serbians have to escape through Albania and and get out of their country so Serbia was destroyed defeated and lot is happening over
here the Germans had a very powerful navy they had pioneered unders sea Warfare they had submarines called UB boats they used to operate in wolf packs and they the British imposed a naval blockade on Germany the Germans used submarines to fight the British Navy wow yeah the Americans were supplying Britain with all kinds of materials all kinds of foods because there was a war going on there there was no means to produce all of that in Europe so the Americans were supplying Britain with this the Germans went into the Atlantic and they started sinking the
American ships so America gets bulled into the war now so America protested then they the Germans toned it down for some time but then they saw that the British are being reinforced constantly by by the Americans so by 1916 1917 the Germans again went all out and started attacking all these Supply ships now what happened here is that the Americans they were helping the the Allied Powers through sending them arms ammunition and food because of this the Allied Powers especially Britain became heavily indebted to the Americans because they were buying all this on credit and
they would eventually able to pay it back So eventually the Americans got fed up of the German thing and they also got involved in the war then the Americans got involved they slowly entered the frey in Europe and slowly the whole thing was Shack Ed the Ottomans surrendered the Austria Hungary Empire also surrendered and eventually the Germans had were made to surrender there was a Revolution in Russia in 1917 two revolutions the in the first Revolution the SAR was forced to abdicate and a provisional government came to power they continued the war then there was
a second revolution a Bolshevik Revolution which eventually gave rise to the USSR and after the Bolshevik Revolution happened the they they said we will not fight so the lines were frozen on the Eastern side the the Germans and the Russians they they signed an agreement no more fighting the Russians were able to concentrate on the west but eventually they were defeated there so then there was this Armistice the Treaty of Versa in which the Russians were not involved the Germans were not not involved the Ottoman Empire was destroyed divided into small pieces yeah and there
was a Turkish Turkish war of independence that Mustafa Kamal atat fought and won because of which turkey is one single country otherwise it would have been broken into pieces the austr Hungarian Empire was was dismantled Austria came out of it Hungary came out of it various other states CCH Czech Republic Slovak Republic and so much more was carved out of this austr Hungarian Empire Germany lost lots of territory the country of Poland was created out of this and including some Russian possessions the russan Germans were blamed solely for the entire War they were made to
pay very very heavy reparations to the other powers which they had fought with and this was a complete humiliation and a young Austrian Soldier fought on the side of Germany yes and that's where the seeds of World War II were planted yes so the Treaty of Versa was a disastrous thing for Germany big humiliation this man Adolf Hitler fought in the World War I he carried that humiliation with him the German Army was reduced to 100,000 soldiers maximum or no more Air Force and and all kinds of restrictions were placed on Germany right and and
the villain for Germans was Big Daddy Britain back then I'm I'm assuming yeah Britain was the one that that gained a lot out of this yeah and uh yeah so there were a number of powers Britain France Etc who all were part of the Treaty of Versa and then something came out of this which was the League of Nations which was kind of the precursor to the UN but the US was not part of it because the US Congress did not ratify the Treaty of Versa or something now what happens is that in the post-war
era Germany is not destroyed because none of the fighting has happened on German soil so they are able to uh restart their Industries which were already start going on but because of the enormous reparations they have to pay every year the economy is stuttering uh the German Mark becomes deeply devalued like it becomes like one trillionth of its original value hyperinflation yeah then the Americans even send loans to Germany to repay the reparations what was uh in store for America back then when World War I was happening I'm sure there must have been some motivation
to even take part in the war or to help Britain it can't be as simple as oh you know whatever we were allies Once Upon a Time there's got to be some economic angle they were the China of back then in some ways so the Americans are the original capitalists everything is money they saw a great opportunity to make money right so they sent they had this Limitless land in which they produced all these crops like wheat and all that so they sent lots of that to Europe to sustain the Allied Forces and lots of
arms and ammunition weapons and all that they sent to the Britain and France and these countries right so uh they benefited a lot from this they became the major economic power in the world after the end of World War I by the time the world war ended they were the major economic power in the world and they had Limitless resources right then you had the German economy went down there was hyperinflation then there was a Wall Street crash of 1929 in New York you in Wall Street that caused ripples all over the world and the
German economy suffered a lot again because of that in the 1920s there was a rise of fascism in Italy Benito musolini came to power he quickly became a one party dictator that sort of thing so there was this event Happening Here in the 1930s uh the National Socialist Party came to power in Germany because the the government the viar republic government was blamed for all the ills of the economy so Adolf Hitler became the Undisputed boss very rapidly he started he broke the Treaty of Versa he started remilitarization conscription uh starting the production of new
arms and Air Force and all that and he went on this uh uh campaign against the Jews yeah I have to once again mention the iconic TRS line which I think you had mentioned and Joe Rogan also mentioned it we actually learned it from Joe Rogan tough times create Hard Men Hard Men create easy times easy times create soft men soft men create tough times a cycle never ending cycle and within a span of 20 years I'm guessing from World War I to World War II there was this cycle that happened Inman ADF Hitler as
evil as he is and you know as bad as um history tells us that he is uh he was a tough man to rise as the single dictator in Germany and I'd say the same probably for musolini yes so Italy felt humiliated Italy felt it got nothing out of World War I it had territorial Ambitions it wanted parts of the balcans uh it wanted territories in Africa it had some it wanted more it the Italians felt they got nothing out of the war even though they bled so much against Austria so there was this great
discontent which gave rise to nationalism and the fascist party of B came to power similarly Germany was deeply humiliated the people were hurt their pride was wounded nationalism again and the strongman comes to power Adolf Hitler who promises that we will regain the world and we will regain our lost Prestige and all that and Hitler wanted territories he wanted what he called leanr which is extra land for the German people M right so he wanted an expansion of Germany so he restarted the conscription of the army he restarted the military Industries he stopped payment of
reparations and Britain and France only protested weekly they had weak governments so he was further emboldened by this yes I'm going to do it so then the preparations Again Begin so the Treaty of Versa was nothing but a ceasefire a temporary ceasefire a 20-year ceasefire so Germany then becomes more and more powerful the Nazi party also exists in Austria so they come to power and they re unify Austria and Germany so Germany is now expanded now the Germans want Czech territory stent studentin land or something they called it in which you had a German majority
population so they had designs on that the British in the French kind of allowed that you go and do that but please don't do more so the Germans take that over then within no time they go and take over half of Czechoslovakia and the Slovak Republic becomes a vasal state or a satellite state of Germany then the Germans sign a no aggression play pact with Stalin Hitler and Stalin it was called the molotov ribbon trop pact I think it was in 38 or 39 and the secret Clause is that we will divide up Poland so
Poland was an independent country at the time then the Germans uh attack Poland they take over half of it the rest half is taken by the USSR and then that is a declaration of war once they invade Poland the British and the French Declare War I just want to stop you here for for a minute sir as a historian when you're studying all these events first of all it's crazy how you remember all this and you're able to speak about all this you know at the get-go but uh I have to ask you as a
geopolitical Observer also do you study these events because of the times we live in is that the motivation for you to remember all this like why do you study history so deeply I understand the times we live in because I've studied all this it's the other way around I was always curious about what happened in the past I I as a kid found that history is more interesting Than Fiction there there is so much happening So Many Adventures so many great personalities so many disputes and why do these disputes happen I was interested in the
causality why do things happen let's go one level deeper what's your answer to the why is it human psychology is it the feudal Primal nature of human beings because these are patterns that old tough men easy men thing is a pattern so uh what is it according to you what's the why human history is very violent we are very violent species even our closest relatives the chimpanzees are just as violent as us so we are by Nature a violent species our entire history is a history of warfare and these wars are typically driven by strong
personalities who embody the nation who say that I represent the pride of the nation I will take our nation forward and there is always a desire to gain more territory more resources which gives you more power and more control and it it embellishes enhan is your pride your prestige your people's Prestige and all that so it's always that sort of motivation at the deepest level more territory more Prestige more power more control I want to conquer the world I want to be the king of the world that sort of thing you know but in the
modern day with the internet uh do you think the nature of human beings or human motivation has changed because you okay you don't think it's nothing has changed nothing at all okay do you think human beings are becoming better with time like do you think the newer generation will be more gentle or do we just follow historic P these are Cycles I mean you go through cycles of great uh peace for a few decades and then the human nature comes out again even in peace time if you see the social media and all that people
are fighting and sniping at each other each other people do talk about uh compassion and peace and love and all that and patience and progress but those are a few random lone voices of reason it would be great if you if you don't have War but unfortunately human nature is such that we are greedy we won't more more more we are not satisfied and when you have an army at your disposal that greed takes a different form you will actually act on it because you have the power people who will obey you unquestioningly that represents
power and when you have people like that you will make them do what what you want what your people desire and people always want more so that's how it goes unfortunately it's it's a cycle That Never Ends yeah um you know I know this is very off topic and we primarily have non-indian viewers hopefully for this podcast but I still will bring in one Indian element from vedanta the bhagat Gita is basically a collection of the four Vedas it's a kind of boil down version of The Vedas and uh the vdas and ancient Indian knowledge
speaks about our realm as the bhulok which is sort of a medium level Planet whether it's good and bad the goal is to meditate and spiritually progress up to the point where your soul earns its Nirvana or mooch and you become a Buddha and your soul leaves this planet but to be able to get there from an evolutionary standpoint uh it takes a lot of effort to break out of the Maya or the simulation that this world is now when you put this in context right next to war where such terrible things are happening We've
Just Begun talking about World War II which in my study of history is probably the worst phase of humanist I don't know would you would you agree to I agree yes the worst things that have ever happened happened during World War II uh it just makes you think of human nature and while yes we might be a medium Planet like they say that there are Heavenly planets and there are hellish PL and we somewhere in the middle sometimes narratives like World War II make you believe that we're not a middle Planet we're probably a hellish
Planet but would you agree to that I mean what kind of evil does it take to burn up entire families to ostracize an entire race of people I don't know what kind of an internal evil it would take you know Joseph Stalin said once said that a single death is a tragedy a million deaths is is a statistic so when you are thinking at that scale you stop thinking about the human element you're thinking in terms of kilometers you're thinking in terms of territory you're thinking in terms of how much I have gained and how
much I've lost when you are governing a country of 100 million people kind I think it's it it happens to these people invariably that they stop thinking of the human cost of warfare I mean World War I was terrible One World War II was way worse than that horrific the amount of human suffering that World War II saw was UN imaginable all kinds of brutalities atrocities and when you're sitting in an office and directing things you don't see that right and so you don't feel that it doesn't hit you at at a personal level and
I think people just disregard that yeah you know there's so many movies about World War II and I'd love some recommendations before we actually head into this section of the podcast World War I there's not too many movies around it 1917 have you watched it I haven't watched it yet oh so you should check it out like one of my teammates force me to watch it and it's one of the masterpieces in filming it's a one-hot movie uh it it's shot as if you know it's shot SLE take yeah single take movie uh incredible incredibly
done but because it's one shot makes you feel like you are placed in that World War I scenario and it's so terrible they've shown trenes they've shown uh going into No Man's Land they've shown going from one part of uh uh the Walland to another and just makes you question why a second world war would happen after these kind of atrocities but then again human nature unfinished business that's what it was okay yeah okay go answer where was I we were at the invasion of Poland would you would you like to recommend any movies before
uh we move on uh when it comes to World War II I think Saving Private Ryon was a good one which kind of put you in the middle of the action the first sequence itself is quite harrowing the invasion of nor Normandy so that's one that I can remember of the top of top of my head I've seen so many more many of them are old like the longest day the purple flame purple flame there are lots of movies about this but the one that immediately came to mind was Saving Private driv the first movie
I saw about World War II was The Great Escape The Great Escape yes yes and silver Salone P all those guys right it was like this really old movie uh like I think it was a 50s or 60s movie and it's about concentration camps yes it was about how one of the prisoners in a concentration camp escapes um it's like this whole heroic but they've shown the reality of concentration camps back then yes and there's so many narratives about World War II it really makes you think about this whole concept of History being worse than
Fiction yeah this is fiction based on a historical event what could reality have been then there's so many classified documents like the whole Dr mangele angle the Japanese experiments that were done on Chinese this is the worst time in human history and how did it begin so so it begins with the German invasion of Poland the Germans and the Soviets divide up land roughly half half and that's when the Declarations of War happened from the from the Allies in at the same time Japan has been active in in Asia so the Japanese in the 1930s
they conquered manua much many parts of manua and then they had two options there was one school of thought in the Japanese Army that we should take the Eurasian part I mean they should go from the north so take over Mongolia take over parts of the USSR the eastern part of the USSR and go westwards from there the other school of thought was go from Southeast Asia from the uh sea sea route so the Japanese fought in 1939 I believe they fought first the Mongols and then the Mongolia was a satellite state of the USSR
so there were some border clashes in Mongolia then there was a clash between the Japanese Army and the USSR Army the Japanese were defeated badly so the entire thought of going from the north evaporated the Japanese decided to go south so they started conquering southeast Asia the US are why do they always win these battles like do they have a historic like kind of track record of being a winning Nation the USSR wins because it has inexhaustible territory and they are willing to throw as many men as necessary into the battle there that movie right
something about snipers Enemy at the gates Enemy at the Gap Gates was it Stalingrad I think it was Stalingrad I don't remember the exact thing but they've shown this angle of just forcing the average Russian civilian into war go and and if you turn back we will shoot you that was I think the mentality yes so basically lots of Natural Resources lots of land and lots of human beings lots of human beings and the willingness to sacrifice as many people as required to win strong nationalism strong nationalism so the Japanese they took over they started
taking over Southeast southeast Asia uh Indonesia Malaysia Singapore they came to the doorstep of India so that's a different story that will come later so the war happens in the Pacific also it begins there there right from from Japan they take over parts of China there's a civil war going on in China this time so they start taking over China the eastern part of China they do all kinds of atrocities and nuning and so on there's a whole Asian angle to the war now coming back to Europe the Germans and Soviets take over Poland then
the Germans declare so the British and the French declare war on Germany USA is still not in this right then the Germans they do the same thing as they did in World War I they go through Belgium and they punch through the the the French lines they very rapidly take over Belgium and the Netherlands the British have already landed in France they pushed back to dunker that movie dunker and then they are forced to evacuate from there the Germans have a new strategy it's an ancient Mongol strategy but it's a they call it Blitz C
lightning Warfare so they concentrate all their Firepower in one point in the defenses of the opposite power and they punch through it with lightning speed they also have the luwa the Air Force massive and the most modern Air Force in the world the the Germans I think we should sit on this topic a little bit uh one of the while war is all about atrocities war is also about strategy and any war strategy can often be applied in life as well I'd love for you to break down Blitz a little bit and and break down
the power of the German air force because I feel like that was a massive element of all the successes they gained during World War II so the Germans were always technologically advanced they they were innovators right so they developed a whole range of different different airplanes stukas hles M mids and these are some of the names that come to my mind I've read this like when I was a kid so they had all the most advanced air aircraft fighter aircraft for that time and uh so that was one component of their of their military power
they they had massive numbers of these air airplanes they had the most advanced tanks the Panzer tanks for the time very good tanks so they had that lot thousands of these tanks and they had these strategies the strategy was very clear you are facing an enemy you're facing fortifications don't diffuse your Firepower don't strike at different places and try to punch through punch many holes into the in the enemy defenses concentrate all your Firepower in one place breach that wall then just smash through it and Advance at lightning speed hundreds of kilometers in a week
that's the kind of Advance they wanted and they achieved that wow what happens to the Troops on the side they left behind and then they can be encircled from behind flanked out flanked and taken out M so that's the strategy they would use I think the business equivalent yours focus on one game at a time focus on one game at a time focus on one problem at a time solve that you have to see which is the weakest point in the in whatever problem you're attacking look at that and solve that so there is a
there are a lot of parallels between Warfare and business and life the same strategies and tactics you use use in Warfare can very much be applied in business and in life you just know need to know how to adapt those tactic tactics and strategies when you say in life you mean people's skills right like in rooms networking people skills planning your next 10 years planning your next 5 years what are the problems you're facing the personal problems you're facing the business problems you're facing people problems you're facing many I mean everything is applicable okay in
real life keeping that in mind let's also talk about Adolf Hitler sir there has has to be a reason this person Rose to power yeah yeah but taking away nothing from the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during World War II I just want to touch upon the possibility of there being an alternative history that were not taught in history books and I think you're the right person to ask this to do you have a different possibly controversial take on Adolf Hitler and his atrocities or what we are taught in textbooks based on
your own research or do you think think that he's as bad as our textbooks portray him to be see I don't think he is worse than Stalin or ma Stalin ended up killing more people than Adolf Hitler maosat killed way more people than Adolf Hitler Winston Churchill killed more Indians than Adolf Hitler killed Jews but we demonized Adolf Hitler and we kind of even in India worship Winston Churchill because we not taught the truth so there's always Shades of Gray and it's not all black and white of course Hitler was evil of course he was
a monster but he was not the biggest monster he was not the biggest shark in the pond Churchill was worse he was brutal he was an Hindu fob he was an Indo phobe he he killed so many Bengali just and he siphoned off the the wheat that India was producing which would have gone to Bengal and he sent it to Greece and and uh maon killed way more people later on in during his career in China Stalin killed way more people than Hitler but we demonize Hitler I'm not saying we should not demonize Hitler but
he was small fry compared to these other people actually right so that's an interesting perspective we from India can see and the West won't talk about it my other perspective is that if if Hitler had fought on the side of the US today the Nazis would be the sty most stylish people in the world look at the uniforms how stylish they are I think it was Hugo Boss probably that designed the Nazi uniforms today that style is frowned upon because it it evokes the Nazi era but had Hitler alive with the us today he would
be regarded as some great hero the winners always write history and they portray things the way the way they want them too um we had anoj dhar on the Hindi podcast you've also had him on your show I believe who's dedicated his entire life to studying subash Chandra BOS and he spoke about how hiding subash Chandra boss's life as in telling the public that he's actually died or even when we speak about Mahatma Gandhi like we did on the last Hindi podcast m MMA Gandhi is celebrated though he very likely committed a lot of wrongs
that are not reported in India or the rest of the world why is this according to you it's because of geopolitical intentions um there are powerful people in powerful places that don't want the general public to know the truth about Mahatma Gandhi I would highly recommend you check out the Hindi podcast if you haven't already for more on this topic but sir I want to ask you that what post the war okay and of course we'll get back to the events and all that but post the war why did they paint Hitler as badly as
they did why has he become the face of evil in human history there has to be some geopolitical angle here as well see uh the world the past 4 500 years has been dominated by a single category of people the Anglo-Saxons the English speaking Empire so to say The British Raj the British Empire was clearly an Empire after World War II got over the headquarters of the Anglo-Saxon Empire shifted from London to Washington DC but the Empire remained the same so it's a single today you call it a superpower but it's nothing but an Empire
they have their uh Dominion all over the world so the Empire has never died the Empire still exists and they dominate The Narrative and they dominate everything that we we we understand understand about the world so because Hitler fought against their empire that's why they have to portr him as an evil PE person I'm not saying he was not evil of course he was evil he killed six million Jews or whatever the number is and and gypsies but had he fought on their behalf they would not have said the same thing because there are so
many other dictators that they have uh worked with you know there's this saying I think it was Henry Kissinger who said this that that guy may be a son of a but he's our son of a so we don't talk bad about our people even though they may doing the worst atrocities possible like Winston Churchill Winston Churchill for instance and various other dictators in Africa in South America Latin America and other parts of the world Saddam husin was an American creature for the longest time until the Americans felt that they had no more use for
him and then they went to war against him and so on so this is this is the pattern that happens again and again and again in in this context a big part of war is writing media narratives about the enemy propaganda is very very important extremely important which is what we see with uh zalinski and the whole Putin angle see media is just propaganda especially when it comes to Western media they are only repeating the state approved perspective there freedom of speech is okay as long as as you say what they want you to say
Western media is very monochromatic I'm talking about the English speaking media even the various countries that are now part of the us-led block Germany is a US vasal state it's under us occupation since World War II Japan has been under us occupation since 1945 it is still under permanent us occupation same goes for South Korea and so on so the perspectives you you see there are the sanitized state approved perspectives that's how it is we don't realize that we think there's freedom of speech and all that no that's not quite the case let's dial back
again to the timeline we were on which is uh Hitler and I do believe that uh we need to speak about two people in particular the first is Hitler and this whole Arian Theory where it originates from because again the Indian context is didn't he have sort of a tiny pack with subash Chandra BOS as well then that's against the Arian theory that they were racists again I'm not defending the Aran Theory or racism I condemn it as much as you do an offended viewer I'm speaking to but I want to dig a little bit
deeper is this propaganda do you think the Arian theory was an actual thing uh why did they use an Indian swastika to represent this uh what's your take on this whole racis mle so if you want to come to power as a nationalist you have to create a mythology around yourself a mythology around yourself and your people you have to convince the people that you are superior you have been wronged and I am the guy who will write the wrongs that's how you come to power so that's the classic strategy that Hitler used so he
needed a big symbol for his political orientation for his ideology and all that so he chose the hacken Cs which is the hooked cross the German word for that symbol is the hacken CR the hooked cross it is not the Indian swastika it is not the the sacred swastika it is only after the war that the British and the Americans attached the Sanskrit word swastika to the hacken cruits in Europe across the world the swastika has always been a symbol of positivity it's a very ancient symbol the French called it the gadian the British called
it the fifl or the Germans called it the hacken kits and so on so forth there were lots of local names for the symbol it is an ancient indoan symbol and even in Africa you find it even in in the americaas the Native American traditions you find the swastika even in Japan what does it represent it represents it represents auspiciousness it's a symbol of auspiciousness and positivity it's a holy sacred symbol you see Thea anywhere in India it's a good thing right and similarly in Japan if you go to Japan today if you see if
you go to Google Google Maps and you search for Shinto temples or Buddhist temples on the on the map in Japan there be marked with swastikas even today you go to Mongolia the swastika is extremely holy symbol go to China it always was before the Communist era a holy symbol all across southeast Asia all across the world the Germans not the Germans the Nazis under Hitler took that symbol which they called the hacken C the Twisted riverse hooked cross and they started using it as their Party symbol the Nazi party the National Socialist Party their
symbol because came that black Twisted Ulta swastika on a red background so that is the thing now they also took another they they hijacked another srit term the Arya term so Arya in Indian culture means a noble person a person with with good qualities a civilized person the Iranians who are offshoots of ancient Indians they made it an ethnic term they said we are the Arya people we are the Arians and Indians and Iranians if any ethnic group can call themselves The ARA people it is the Indians and the Iranians nobody else but this guy
Hitler he said that we are the true Arians the Arian Invasion myth comes into this this fake thing that everything came from Europe right so he said that the whiter you are the more Arian you are and we Germans are the Supreme Master race we are the true Arians us and the Nordic people that's it so he created this mythology that he fed the the German people that we are the master race we are the superior race we should be ruling the world we have been wronged in the past and I am the man who
will take Germany out of all this and we will be Supreme again so that was a mythology created and that's the whole Arian controversy today if you go to the West you cannot even speak the word Arian because it means Nazi and you cannot display a swastic even though it's a s symbol of auspiciousness because it only has one connotation the wrong connotation it's become a symbol of white supremacy also all of that all of that because people who still worship Hitler they they will have Nazi I mean the the haken CR tattooed you see
lots of people in Ukraine with those tattoos today really absolutely and it's to it's for the same reason that is white supremacy okay they believe in Nazism Ukraine is being currently deified Mr by Shri Putin so Western audience may not like like to hear that but that's what's happening so there is a very strong Nazi element in Ukraine which go dates back to the 1930s and 1940s that's which is the period we're talking about and this is based on geographical expansion of the Nazi party it is because the ukrainians in Western Ukraine identified with white
supremacy identified with the Nazi ideology they Unleashed horrific programs on the gypsies especially on the Jews there were horrific atrocities in Ukraine stepen Bandera that we spoke about in the past he was one of the great Heroes of that time Ukrainian Nazi leaning nationalist there's a whole deep dark history out over there I also have to briefly ask you about Hirohito because again our textbooks don't talk about the atrocities of the Japanese empire from back then the only place I've got to know about Japanese atrocities in World War II is the internet yes and my
assumption is that because Japan became friendly with the US Post the war some of that stuff is erased from history books but they've done a lot of so do you want to share light on some of that certainly certainly so that's a very interesting chapter of History the Japanese broke with their col culture in the 19th century they saw that the Western Powers were so much more advanced than anything they had technologically advanced they had all these ships they had these these commercial networks trade routs and all that and the Japanese emperor of that time
the mai Emperor he aspired to make Japan an imperial power in the mold of the western Powers so Japan's culture is a syncretic mix of of native Shinto traditions and Indian Buddhist Traditions if you look at the actual Japanese literature about Shinto it's more like Japanese Hinduism very similar and Buddhism is obviously something that came from India so their culture is founded on a Bedrock of Indian culture it's the same moral values and all that nonviolence peace tolerance respect all those things compassion all those all those things and they had this a Japanese chhatria class
called the samur they were also Warlords the the Shogun and all that so there's a whole period of of of that in Japanese history now the mai restoration or Reformation which happened in the 19th century attempted to eradicate Buddhism from Japan they said it's a foreign import we don't want it and they destroyed the samuray class totally destroyed the samuray class so they but they were able to destroy the samurai class but they failed in eradicating Buddhism it is still there now what happened even then even then what they succeeded is they succeeded in der
ating the Japanese military and the Japanese Elite from traditional Japanese culture and they imbibed everything that came from the West so they remolded Japan as an imperialistic expansionist power just the way the Western countries were this is one family uh yeah it is the Japanese Imperial family that was at the Forefront of doing all this so quickly all of this happened the Japanese military became bloodthirsty expansionist the Japanese when when the Chinese the Chinese talk about the century of humiliation right the the Opium Wars and all that the Japanese also demanded similar concessions from the
Chinese just like the Western Powers were doing they also demanded territory they they captured territory in the western Powers the British and the Americans were very impressed with the Japanese oh how civilized they are they behaving just just like us so the Japanese they broke from the tradition they became an immoral mercantilist expansionist power in the 19th century in the second half the 19th century that continued into World War I they fought with the Russians they expanded into Manchuria post World War I and in World War II they sided they took the side of Germany
and then they went on this Rampage across Eastern Asia so they had become completely immoral and they had no I mean they displayed no compassion I think uh they were also extremely fascinated by early forms of biowarfare like when we talk about Dr mangel in the concentration camps and all his experiments on human beings like basically torture uh the Japanese side uh they also had their own forms of torture where plague infested rats were thrown on prisoners and uh I think people were injected with pathogens and things like that they had all kinds of horrific
uh experiments that they conducted on human beings the exposure of human beings to extreme cold how long can a human being survive in that kind of cold until the heart stops those times they would measure at different temperatures horrific experiments at the end of World War II the Americans took all the data how Hiro hito musolini and Adolf Hitler had a sort of P yes and that's why they were branded as the fascist Powers the access powers the access powers but the ideology was fascism the ideology was they all had different ideologies okay even Stalin
and Hitler they had this Molotov ribbon trop P the Nazis were very much anti-communism anti-marxism but there was an alliance of convenience before the World War began geopolitical lesson that there's no actual friendships it's just conveniences absolutely so Hitler and Stalin were on the same page for some time Hitler and musolini were aligned because they all had grievances which they which were left over from World War I the Japanese in World War I had allied with the British this time they allied with the Axis powers with with Germany and and Japan so the access powers
were three Germany Japan and uh Italy M for some time Stalin was on the side of Hitler because they had divided up Poland together in the very beginning of the war so now the Americans imposed an oil and steel blockade on the Japanese because they were expanding so fast they tried to choke that in retaliation the Japanese after some time they said we have to take some action they attacked Pearl Harbor in in a massive bombardment aerial bombardment T to Tora that's right so that significantly damaged the American uh Pacific Fleet that was stationed at
Pearl Harbor the Americans had no option but to enter the freight declare war on the Japanese and on the access powers but it took them a few months to repair the fleet and actually get going in this so that's what happened there the Japanese were expanding in East Asia now um there's a lot of action happening in in Europe the Germans very rapidly overtook France they took took Paris the southern half of they took over northern France and Western France and the southern of France was by Under the vishi government which is kind of a
puppet state of the of the Nazis other parts of Europe very quickly fell to the Nazis uh Yugoslavia the Balkan region uh and further south Italy was already anyway uh part of their their their Alliance there was action in North Africa also the Italians took over Ethiopia they had some possessions there then the Germans also got involved in North Africa that's a whole different story after the whole of Europe was taken over the Germans had complete control over most of over all of Europe the Germans and the Italians then they started attacking the British the
Battle of Britain aial Warfare you know the German air force the lwaa against the Royal Air Force with their Spitfires and all those things so there were these massive aerial battles bombardments on both sides the Japanese started using sorry the Germans started using cruise missiles the V1 and the V2 cruise missiles to the V2 was a bistic missile the V1 was a cruise missile what is it the V1 was a jet the first use of jet jet engines in combat in Warfare so it was a plane kind of thing with a single Jet Engine That
Could be targeted at a long distance at a certain city or certain location so they would hit cities like London and other other major places in Britain with this V1 missiles eventually they they deployed the V2 ballistic missile that would go into outer space and then then come back on a parabolic ballistic TR trajectory so the the Germans are the pioneers of of missiles cruise missiles as well as btic missiles that technology was then taken over later after the war by the Americans and the Soviets that's later so there was a Battle of Britain the
Germans Hitler wanted to take over Britain but eventually for some reason he gave up on that for some time and he decided to invade the USSR 1941 operation Barbarosa so he had this massive massive Army the vermar and they went on three separate directions to the east in the USSR Stalin was kind of caught napping he knew in principle the war is coming even though we are kind of allies he knew in principle but he was taken by tactical surprise he thought that there would first be some diplomatic hostilities before before the actual War breaks
out that did not happen there was a straight Invasion by the by the Germans so there was this AA line the Germans had created something called the AA line which was from Archangel in the North in the White Sea to uh Asar Khan in the Caspian Sea they wanted to C to capture the entirety of Russia until that line so one German Army went South one went towards Moscow one went North and that was massive massively successful they used the same strategy Blitz GG punching through the through the Russian defenses massively successful and they started
making significant progress hundreds of kilometers in a week that sort of thing right so the so the Russians were falling back they lost significant massive amounts of territory but there was a major disaster the in the in the German intelligence in the first 3 4 months the Russians lost about 3 million soldiers 30 lakh soldiers vanished all killed and yet they had armies the Germans thought that the the the the Russians would have another 2 three million in reserve what they did not know that the that the Russians had about 14 15 million TR trained
reserves an inexhaustible supply of men they were trained they knew how to fight the strategies and tactics weren't great because there were all these purges in Soviet Russia in which the many of the top generals were killed off but yet by by who by Stalin by Stalin by Stalin himself because they were probably saying we don't want to go to war because he was paranoid and he wanted to reform or or revise or whatever the the Army he wanted to get rid of anybody who could be a threat to in the future so he killed
off uncountable numbers of people okay in the 1930s so the top ranks of the Red Army were depleted so you do not have good leadership but what Salin did is that he he issued a call to every Soldier to fight for Rosia matushka Mother Russia you're not fighting for Stalin you're fighting for your motherland so these Russians they fought they fought like anything they died in the millions but they just kept coming the Russian verar made massive advance North East West uh sorry north east and south then Hitler made a a call he said stop
the Advance on Moscow and reinforce the the push southwards because he wanted to capture Ukraine but there's so many resources Ukraine is a resourcer territory so he pushed towards Ukraine and he temporarily stopped the the march on Moscow so that went for some time the the German Advance was very successful eventually they restarted the Advance on on Moscow they reached within 20 kilm of Moscow but the Russians just kept coming they just kept fighting they fought they died and they just kept coming 14 to 15 million reserves that is the value of having a reserve
Force So eventually by the end of 1941 the Russians had the Germans had come to the gates of Moscow but they were Ground to a halt there and then the Autumn happened and the winter happened and the skies opened up and everything there was first rain mud everywhere the tanks wouldn't wouldn't go forward the armies were bogged down and then the Russian winter minus 30° there are the Germans froze so people say historians many historians say that the Germans lost the the operation failed because of the Russian winter actually the Germans froze because they had
lost to the Russian army it is the Russian Army that defeated the Russ the Germans not the winter the punishment was the freezing due to the winter because they lost to the Russian army that's what happened there's so many leadership business Warfare strategy lessons in each of these battles I think that's why World War II has been such a fascinating subject for so many people who say I love war strategy I love books on war it's actually these things that each country each Empire had its own style of fighting yes and there's stuff to learn
from everyone like from Russia it's kind of like the Indian cricket team you have a steady supply of batsmen never give up fight fight fight and in inexhaustable supply of of Manpower and vast territorial Advantage inexhaustible amounts of land which is why even in the modern day China probably wants to expand as much as they do because they're prepping for the future if you have a lot of land in your hands you're probably a more powerful Nation yes absolutely and which is why most of these countries always think with an expansionist mindset we think imperialism
is done but America's also constantly in an expansionist mindset because if you stay the same you'll probably go down you won't go forward you have to think about going ahead okay so go on so operation Barbarosa failed in 1942 there was another Advance by the by the uh Germans down south towards the cas towards the Caucasus region the Battle of Stalingrad which is in the movie Enemy at the gates there was another disastrous Siege went was was horrific for the civilians in the 1941 offensive there was this terrible battle for Leningrad St Petersburg which lasted
870 days more than a million civilians died but eventually the Germans were pushed back so the Soviets the Russians they paid the price for the defense of their of their country with oceans of blood but they did not give up what was happening in Europe while Germany was trying to expand into Russia was there complete Nazi control complete Nazi control complete access control all of Europe MO yeah all of Europe Yugoslavia there was a resistance going on in later Yugoslavia there was this guy called Marshall Tito who was leading who was spearheading a resistance against
Nazi occupation there was some of that in Greece also there was a war going on in North Africa also in Eastern Africa also in Northeast Africa and there was the Battle of Britain going on means the Germans were trying to uh constantly bombarding Britain the British were responding with aial raids on territories on Berlin so there's a whole lot going on but Hitler for some reason he put off the invasion of Britain and tried to invade the USSR which was the mistake which was a massive massive massive mistake the Eastern Front was frozen they had
a non-aggression pact the mot of Reb Reon pra the Soviets were not going to invade or attack Germany if he had gone ahead and destroyed or captured the UK it was Game Over The Empire that ruled the world would have fallen but for some reason he moved his Focus eastwards that was the major mistake that Hitler made I'm not saying it's good or bad is just a cold academic observation strategic observation if he had continued with his assault on Britain and had he succeeded the war would have ended there then he could have taken over
the USR at his leisure over a longer period of time but he was maddened by greed I think now what I want to ask you is about the mistake what do you think is the learning for modern day history lovers from uh This World War II situation where he could have won the entire War because if you kill the king the entire chess board Falls so he could have just gone into Britain taken it over probably taken over the entire Empire I'm assuming maybe that's a little soft geopolitical analysis but could have been a possibility
he could have made the Empire disintegrate he could possibly have taken over if had not just by decapitating the very top see in when you do a coup in a Keta you don't destroy the whole country you just take out the top leadership and put your own thing there and then you control the whole whole organism that's how we do it so if he had achieved that sort of thing in the UK he might conceivably perhaps taken over the entire British Empire if he had succeeded in that but for whatever reason he decided to put
that off and concentrate on the USSR which was a massive mistake the major enemy for him the immediate enemy for him was the UK it was the only Power left undefeated in Europe and he made the mistake of turning back back from there maybe the resistance he faced was more than he anticipated so he thought okay let me go and grab something that's easier to take which ended up being much worse for him so the mistake was greed basically the mistake was greed and maybe he did not he he deferred biting the bullet of taking
the UK what was happening in India and all these colonies at this time they were just supplying people to the war nothing else endless supply of people I think more than a million and a half Indian troops fought in World War II maybe more definitely over a million and so India was involved Africa was involved all these different territories were involved there was fighting in Asia as well the Japanese were were advancing towards India they wanted to take out India they wanted to capture India from the British the Jewel of the crown how do you
think the Japanese would have been as a ruler of India if they maybe just as barbaric as the British were the British were absolutely barbarians we don't realize that because we had taught a very sanitized version of history in the aftermath of 1857 they killed over 10 million Indians in just a few years that is a horrific number and the number of Indians they killed in engineered famines exceeds 100 million that's what the British did from the 19 from the 1700s until the 1940s more than 100 million people Indians were killed innocent men women children
were starved to death deliberately by the British so the British were the epitom of barbarism even though they pretend to be very classy and all that the Japanese could possibly have been just as barbaric because we know what they did they track record in Asia expanding towards India westwards we know the kind of horrific atrocities they perpetrated in China in Nanjing in in Indonesia in other places absolutely horrific so the same thing could have happened conceivably in India had they captured India as well now that brings us to the angle of subash Chandra BOS subash
Chandra BOS was an Indian nationalist he wanted to overthrow the British by force he knew that if we take Independence on the terms of the British we are not truly independent we still colonized which is what happened eventually so he said my enemy is enemy is my friend the British are my enemy so I will fight I will I will take some I will try and Ally with whoever is fighting against the British so he first went to Germany he met uh Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler referred him to Japan he said that you are closer
to Japan so why don't you go to Japan I will give you my reference my recommendation and you can meet the Japanese whoever is in charge Tojo hi Tojo I think so subash Chandra BOS went to Japan all the way by submarine in various other ways and he was able to impress the Japanese and he was able to uh to acquire Japanese help so what they gave him was material material support and they gave him charge of all the Indian prisoners of War the British Indian prisoners of War which he then converted into the Indian
national Army Ina right and then subash Chandra BOS then would he participated in the Japanese attempt to conquer India so the there were multiple victories against the British through Burma Etc and subash Chandra bosz's Ina came all the way into India Eastern India infal the Battle of infal and the Battle of Kima from there the Ina was driven back and defeated so there were these terrible battles at infal and Manipur which went on for months the British bombarded civilians in in fall even in kohima innocent Indians were killed innocent men women children and there was
this terrible battle outside inal the Battle of Red Hill so there were these terrible battles eventually the Japanese and the Ina were pushed back and once they were pushed back from India the disaster began for them and they were pushed back all the way and slowly the the tide turned in Asia coming back to the linear narrative again so um so basically Hitler goes for Russia gets extremely weakened I'm assuming this is where big daddyy USA becomes Big Daddy USA uh what's the Saving Private Ryan thing called dday yeah D day so the US got
involved first because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor so the initial us campaign began in the Pacific Islands gual canal and they started this policy of island hopping Capture One Island go to the next Island capture that and eventually they wanted to take over Japan then they also got involved in Europe obviously because once you go to war you go to the war with all the access Powers so uh Germany experienced a disaster in operation Barbarosa in 1941 they could not take over uh USSR they were greatly weakened then there was a landing which
one happened first I think there was a landing from North Africa into Sicily so the Allies the Allied Powers took over the Sicilian Island the island of Si Sicilian Italy from there they hopped into the southern part of Italy and they took over some portion of southern Italy the Italian government asked for a ceasefire the Japanese sorry the Germans then invaded Italy and there were atrocities in Italy also also in Greece then there was an invasion the the Germans had fortified the entire Atlantic coast of Europe massive fortifications massive machine gun nests cannons and all
that and they were anticipating that there could be an invasion from the UK which is still independent which is still free and that's what happened was it 41 was it 42 whichever year it is the invasion of Normandy right which is depicted in Saving Private Ryan so a massive Invasion Force probably the biggest Invasion Naval Invasion Force ever uh assembled till then it uh crossed the English Channel and landed on the beaches of Normandy where a previous thousand years ago the Vikings used to raid right so they landed on the beaches of Normandy massive massive
casualties but they were able to take a portion of the beach and from there they started expanding into France that's where the tide turns because of the American presence the Americans send lots of troops ammunition arms all of that that bolsters the Allied cause they start taking over Paths of France the tide turns over there and slowly to make things shorter they were able to liberate France Italy uh eventually was liberated Belgium Netherlands the USSR then was we know in 41 they were beating Germany then they started expanding westwards the USSR so the Americans essentially
liberated France Americans and British but the USSR liberated all of Eastern Europe from the Nazis eventually in 1945 they were on the outskirts of Berlin Hitler shot himself that's what's told to us yes that's what told to us we don't know what actually happened but we have never seen the body or whatever in the pictures we are told that he committed suicide he shot himself his wife took a poison pill or whatever and That's How The Story Goes official narrative let's dial back again and go on a tangent again maybe it could be a very
tiny tangent in the same way that we can learn strengths from the different countries is USA strength money was money the reason they were actually able to be a part of The Winning Side money and probably being shrewed the real reason the US has been so dominant is because they are Untouchable they have a vast expanse of ocean on each side and they are the only Power in the Americas in North America as well as South America geopolitics South America is constantly under Strife there's always drugs drug wars going on dictatorial regimes coming and going
who plays the who who Engineers all this behind the scenes damn son even in North America Canada is essentially a puppet state of the US Mexico well it's not a threat in any kind half more than half of Mexico is now part of the US Texas was a Mexican territory California was a Mexican territory the Americans fought a war with the Mexicans and took over massive amounts of territory they are the Undisputed number one the only Power in the Americas on the western side to the west of America they have the massive Pacific Ocean nobody
can reach them to the east they have the Atlantic Ocean nobody can reach them and they have an entire continent Siz piece of land inexhaustible resources and no threats at all and then they indebted the whole of Europe in World War I World War II and then they built up a massive massive military and eventually took over the entire Reigns of the Empire which the British had built one quick question for you and is a geopolitical question a very experienced sailor had once told me that oceans are actually at the center of geopolitics what is
the logic behind this is it because oceans Supply food to Growing economies is that the logic is it um you know Naval Pathways what's the scene oceans are the home of the trade roots and the um commercial roots and whoever controls Logistics can actually Inn a war you have access to energy oil how does oil flow through tankers that goes through the various choke points and 90% of the World's Trade happens through the Seas you control that you control everything that is the major reason why the oceans are critical to geopolitics and the various choke
points like the Su Canal like the Straits of Gibralter the Turkish Straits the malaka strait the Sunda Strait uh the straight of hormos the various degree channels and the lead islands and the Andaman Islands these are extremely critical to geopolitics India controls two massive joke points the uh whichever degree Channel it is in the L islands and similarly one in the Andaman Islands India also overlooks the malaka straight and this Strait of bab Al mandip and the Strait of hormos so India is in a god-given geopolitical geographical position to control all of this if only
India would grow up a little bit so that's why the oceans are Central to geopolitics to control of all of all the trade routs and the energy routs energy supplies even back in the 1940s this is the reason us theast 500 years it's been Central to geopolitics maybe the lesson is that winning also is because of some luck in some cases you control these trade routs you will have constant Supply to all the resources that you need if somebody manages to cut it off you will choke so if somebody were to cut off the Suz
Canal the UK would have would have dried out and they would have lost had they not been supplyed by the US so the they used to call the Su Canal the spinal cord of the British Empire it gave them access to India you cut that off it's over they will lose access to India so these geopolitical these geographical choke points are vital to geopolitics and the oceans are vital because of these reasons I still feel there's like a list of things to be learned from America yes probably a Playbook that China is using in the
modern day firstly be rich and be capitalistic that's the primary one for me because I mean to Even build futuristic weapons you need money see the Chinese they learned the debt trap diplomacy from the Americans what is that the debt trap what the Chinese do is that they uh offer funds to various uh small countries Sri Lanka for instance okay massive amounts of loans they give but at very high rates pred predatory rates so then they will convince whatever dictator is running the country to take the massive loan take some cut out of it and
accept very high interest rates after 5 years 10 years 15 years the country will not be able to pay back the loan then you can take over the country in various ways take over some ports and all that strategic locations so that is the textbook debt trap diplomacy which they use in Africa in Sri Lanka and other places the origin of that is essentially the US actions in World War I and World War II the entirety of Western Europe was indebted to the Americans and they could not Escape that because the debt was too high
I think the UK is still paying off the debt paying off the debt of World War I of World War I wow wow maybe at the end of this one let's talk about the final events of World War II beginning with what we spoke about Hitler there are conspiracy theories According to which he actually escaped to South America I think it was Argentina if I'm not mistaken because later on they found a lot of nais operating out of Argentina I think even mangele was found in Argentina but I'm sure he mangele couldn't have been alone
if mangele was able to escape to Argentina I am dead sure someone with the power that Hitler had had to have um escaped there yes lots of Nazis were able to escape to South America especially Argentina one of the most one of the most famous cases was Adolf Aikman who was eventually in the 1960s captured by a a mosad team in Argentina and brought all the way transported all the way back to Israel we we've not even touched upon Israel in this entire conversation yes but anyway go answer yeah if you want to talk about
Israel that goes back to World War I the B bfood declaration in 1917 or so that's a whole different tangent I think Israel is a whole other podcast including what they're doing geopolitically now Etc but I think in this one we'll just stick to World War II keeping that conspiracy theory in mind what do you believe again keeping all your data points in mind I believe there is a significant poity of information about Hitler whatever we have been told is very fragmentary very it's it's not convincing it's not enough to prove that he died where's
the evidence where's the where's the we don't have a single image a photograph of the dead body in case he had died right I mean that's the first evidence we look for there are so many Nazi criminals who died who hanged who were hanged who shot themselves we have the photographic evidence of all these things but there's no evidence of Hitler ever found they say the Soviets to took his body and they burned it or whatever well the Soviets would have wanted to photograph that that thing that we were the ones who were able to
acquire his body right we we are the ones who induces suicide it would be the greatest Triumph for Stalin to show that but it never happened why didn't it did not happen so there is clearly an element that would tell you that maybe something else happened and we know that after the war lots of Nazis officers and soldiers and all they escaped via various routes to Argentina to South America and they lived there for decades many of them lived peacefully and died out over there so it is possible it's conceivable that even Hitler may have
been part of that that Exodus to South America it's possible what was the mosad angle is like very gangs of vur taking Revenge way after the events the mosad uh their one of their objectives was to seek out smoke out all the Nazis who had escaped and who were living peaceful lives and who had not paid for the crimes they had committed during World War II especially against the Jewish people so the Nazis or sorry the mosad had these Spies all across Europe and they eventually got wind of the fact that there were many Nazis
living in Argentina they were even able to locate mangel but they had a choice ikan or mangel that's what I believe the choice was and they went for ikan who gave them the choice I think there was the question of exfiltration you have to a kidnap a person who is now an argentin citizen possibly protected by the Argentinian government possibly protected by the American government possibly protect protected by somebody else yeah possibly yeah so you have to do this under the nose of the Argentinian government and before they can get wind of what happened you
have to exfiltrate that person in some way out of the country so you can't do it with lots of people you you capture one person then the government will become alert that everybody else is under danger so they had only one shot so then they decided to take out ikan instead of mang what why ikan instead of mang did he do worse than mang most likely he did worse than mang possibly that's that's a call they took and they took out ikan the story of how they captured him is incredible I mean I think there
are books written about that so that's a very interesting story so that's what the Israelis did but we know that the Nazis lots of Nazis were living in Argentina I think there are movies made about this there is even one one Marvel movie Majin I don't know which it was in which there's a there's a scene of this guy going to Argentina and shooting a couple of Nazis so yeah it's it's it's been well known that the Nazis went there lots of Nazis settled down over there it's conceivable that even Adolf Hitler maybe he he
did not die he maybe he also went there shaved off his mustache changed his hairstyle something who knows m H it's possible and the final rung the atom bombs yes so in the 1940s the Americans were developing the atom bomb the Manhattan Project Nolan's making a movie on itan is making a movie on the manhatt project right like about the whole moral dilemma of like throwing an atom bomb on human beings Etc I see I see right so lots of nuclear physicists were involved in this the best the brightest mindset the Americans said enrio fery
J Robert Oppenheimer and many other people the theoretical work was done earlier by by people like by people like Einstein and all that yeah the basic theoretical foundations of nuclear fishion and all that so what they wanted to do was they wanted to harvest nuclear fishion Harvest it and create a chain reaction that will essentially liberate enormous amounts of energy which is a nuclear bomb eventually they were able to do that the Trinity test in uh in the desert somewhere in southern the southern part of the us so there was this feeling that maybe the
Germans are also pursuing a similar program but it looks like they were not so the Americans were racing towards the bomb then they were able to test the bomb in the Trinity test then they made two of these bombs fat man and little boy or something like that yeah so the Japanese were driven back in Asia eventually uh all they had was parts of manua and the Japanese Islands themselves the Americans after the Germans lost after the Germans surrendered the Americans launched an intense bombardment campaign on Japan the Soviets took over the sakhalin peninsula sakhalin
region they took over the Kur Islands uh and uh yeah they came all the way to hokido which is Northern the northernmost island of Japan eventually the Japanese refused to surrender despite months of intensive intense bombardments by the US and the Americans tested two nuclear weapons on the Japanese population Hiroshima Nagasaki and then the Japanese empire surrendered there was this ceremony on one of the warships and ever since then the Japanese have been under us occupation until today then of course there was the postwar period in which the Korean Peninsula was divided between the Soviets
and the Americans which now North Korea and South Korea South Korea is also under permanent US military occupation Germany is now under permanent military occupation so is Europe so is Italy and places like the Netherlands Etc even turkey have US nuclear weapons on their soil as of today so after the world war what happened was that the Germany was again divided up East Germany West Germany the Iron Curtain came up very rapidly and that's the beginning of the Cold War so the old Power structure disappeared Europe became weakened the UK became a second gr power
France became a second gr power in the 1950s there was a su crisis that confirmed this that now the top dog is the US no longer it's no longer the UK or the French the French tried to play the last geopolitical gamble they failed The Americans arm Twisted them into going back and then essentially from that time onwards the US has been the Undisputed ruler of the world the UK Etc are the vasal states of the US and then the Cold War period begins so that's where we can end this I suppose maybe one sentence
I add as the end the UN is a piece of the UN okay let's talk about the UN briefly so at the end when the world war when the second world war war was ending the UN was created and and uh membership was open to everybody who declared war on Germany before March 1 1945 so half the world's countries declared uh of declared war on Germany just in just in writing not actual War but they announced officially that we are declaring war on Germany and those countries became the founding members of the of the United
Nations of course after the war was over the the structure was solidified the Victorious Powers became the permanent members of the UN Security Council India was offered a position but India Mr Neu did not want it he said give it to China he was repeatedly requested to make India a permanent member of the UN Security Council Mr Neu insisted repeatedly again and again China first then India maybe perhaps maybe not Mr chav I hope you and me don't get assassinated for making content like this uh my mom also kind of passed on that message to
you through me she like just asked her to be a little careful both of you speak a lot of uh honest stuff and and uh human beings outside of politics or geopolitics are not supposed to speak of things like this but we live in the age of podcast and YouTube we live in the age of correcting the history that we've been taught and I feel we live in the age of calling a spade a spade so maybe even if we get assassinated well at least this piece of content is on the internet forever do you
want to end this particular episode in any other way uh I think these geopolitical cycles never end the big the end end of World War I was the Prelude to World War II the end of World War II was the Prelude to the Cold War the end of the Cold War was the Prelude to the multipolarity that we are seeing now and things are moving very rapidly these geopolitical Cycles occur again and again and again just like the dynastic Cycles in China so if you learn geopolitics you understand what's coming and maybe something new is
coming now because we are seeing a lot of movement geopolitically today in the 21st century in the 2020s this is the decade of Rapid geopolitical change I hope a new conflict doesn't arise but it could so yeah yeah and for more on that conflict go the last episode right now sir and myself are going to head into the next one which is called Dear America it's for American audiences so we've taken an active call to now create English podcast purely for an international audience do you have any message for an international audience before we sign
off anyone outside of the subcontinent I think the major Nar native that is prevalent outside the subcontinent is a certain narrative created by the Western Powers the whole of social media is owned and operated by a certain country we know what that is it's a us and a certain narrative is propagated through that I think the international audience should look for other neutral narratives non-western narratives maybe there's something to learn from that narratives from someone like me or someone like us because we have we see history and geopolitics through our Indian angle which is a
non-western angle so it's always beneficial to approach a certain subject from multiple angles and then use your own judgment and wisdom to see what the truth may be because the truth is somewhere in between we may see things from a certain perspective they may see things from a different perspective maybe we are both right in some ways both wrong in some ways so it always helps to get New Perspectives Mr chra thank you for another brilliant episode we'll be heading into the sequel called d America thank you very much all right so that was the
episode for today make sure you check out the sequel episodes which will be released in the following week we've covered the events of the Cold War as well as modernday America in those videos and if this is one of the first TRS episodes you're ever watching I do recommend you check out the episode we did about the possibility of World War I which is modern day commentary on geopolitics if you're an international audience member if you're an international listener I do urge you to share this podcast as much as you can uh I do believe
that India has a lot to offer to the world be it from just a geopolitical perspective be it in terms of subject experts be it in terms of experiences this is India's number one podcast and we're bringing you a lot more very soon follow us on Spotify for Spotify exclusive every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world the renv show will be back soon [Music]
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