"Dopamine Loading" is The Easiest Way To Get Rich Quick
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Charlie Morgan
I hate case study funnels and being pitched just as much as you do, but if you're curious about how ...
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if you can do this one easy thing which literally takes five minutes to implement in your life the speed at which you're going to get rich is going to increase massively now if you can't sit and watch a quick 10-minute video on how to manage your brain so you can make money I'm sorry but you're a lost cause and there's nothing I can do to help you so make it full screen lock in watch the whole thing let's get started all the rich people I know they know how to do this they know how to dopamine load and I've been doing this without realizing it for about 8 years and if you can learn to do this then getting rich becomes impeccably easy because you can manipulate your neurochemistry to find doing hard things easy you can literally find doing the things that you hate easy the thing is right now is you're probably well aware of this you could play a video game for 10 hours straight you could binge watch an entire Netflix season in one sitting you could spend 6 hours on YouTube and you could eat a huge massive meal without much problem that's just not good for you and these things are easy and you want to do them which is why you do them because your brain is just like engineered towards wanting to do these easy things but there is a way there is a way to find it easy to do the hard things like work meditate read exercise Etc and I'm going to explain it to you and it's going to it's going to blow your mind right so what we can do is we can use this graph this is basically someone's day and the day starts here and it finishes here and what we can track on this column is dopamine release and so what most people's days look like from neurochemical perspective is it's up and it's down and it's up and it's down and then it's up and it's up and it's up and it's down it's down and like most people's days in terms of their brain look something like this where they wake up and they're stimulated and they're on their phone in the morning and now they're eating some sugary cereal or some toast or something and then you know then they come back down as they get into work but then they get a little bit bored so they open up Netflix watch an episode and they get they're like oh I need to get back to work so they come back down here and then they get bored again and they start like stimulating their brain by playing a video game and then it's lunchtime and they eat this massive kbby meal and they watch YouTube whilst they're having their lunch and then they're scrolling through Tik Tok and they go to the bathroom and they're on their phone and then they come back down here after lunch and then it's up here a little bit and then most people that their days are just like so irregular in terms of their brain pattern when it comes to stimulation and this presents a huge problem because you know what happens is when you stimulate yourself heavily at these Peaks throughout the day what goes up must come down and so throughout the day if you're if you're looking to stimulate yourself really heavily and get all the way up to this big high when it comes to doing the things that you know you need to do that aren't as stimulating as the artificial forces it's really tough because when it comes to stimulus or a stimulus we have two types of stimulus okay we have artificial and we have natural okay and so a natural stimulus is something like work it's something like reading it's something like exercise these are just low level stimulants that you know make you feel good but you know are just normal and the artificial stimulants these are things like short form content junk food YouTube gaming pornography you know you name it all those things that you know as bad and the mistake that people make in their day is they basically hop between artificial and natural States and so you know one minute they're in artificial dopamine State and the next minute they're not and then you know basically it's really tough to be down here when you're used to being up here cuz up here feels pretty damn good so what does dopamine loading and how does it work well I can show you what my graph would look like and this should this should give you some idea as to where we're going with this video so my my dopaminergic release looks something like this where I wake up and it spikes a little maybe maybe a little bit here a little bit here a little bit here a little bit here and then bang just tapers off and so what this means is for the large majority of my day you know up until I finish work which is basically like 7 or 8:00 p. m. I wake up at like 7 or 8 a.
m. and then I finish so this this entire 12-hour window here basically the entire day I'm in what we would call a low dopamine State and all of my dopamine release is or the majority of my dopamine release is intentionally loaded towards the end of my day and what this means is that for the first 12 hours of the day or the first 8 hours a day or whatever I'm doing I'm finding it quite easy to do the things that I need to do like work like exercise because I haven't got a state of contrast your brain works on a state of contrast which means that if you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is check your phone scroll through social media um listen to loud music eat some crap for breakfast now you've basically taken yourself to a really high level of stimulation up here and coming away from that and down into a natural stimulant like work or like exercise or anything it's really hard because you've created such a state of contrast and deficit between where you were and where you are now and so what I like to do is I load my dopamine where I still do some of the bad stuff not as much as you I don't play video games I don't watch pornography I don't do anything like that but I'll still watch the odd YouTube video I'll still watch a couple of Netflix episodes usually actually I just read but the point is is that whilst you are still in this state of frenzy and you need these crazy releases just do them at the end of the day so let me tell you something else let me show how this works right so I go to sleep at around like maybe like 11: or like half 11 and I've got this coming in 2hour increments right so if I wake up at 700 the first thing I'm doing is I'm showering and at this point there is not a single stimulant in sight I don't have my phone on my desk I don't have my laptop in my room I don't have loud music playing whilst I'm showering I'm not scrolling through anything there is no stimulation other than the fact that water is hitting my skin and I'm brushing my teeth okay at this point and basically as soon as I finish Shing I'm straight here working so right now for example it is 9:21 a. m.
and I've been working for for a couple of hours and I don't have any stimulation in my environment the only thing that's stimulating me is stuff associated with work like slack or potentially email or this YouTube video right and then the same thing happens you know between 911 and at 11: it's just work okay now at about 1 I'll eat lunch but lunch for me is just two stakes the only stimulation that I allow myself during this time is hot sauce okay so I'm not eating some massive meal I'm just eating two riy steaks clean as anything with salt and hot sauce and some sparkling water okay and this is good because when I'm eating my lunch I'm not watching a YouTube video I'm not listening to a podcast I'm not scrolling through anything I'm not listening to music I'm just eating my lunch and the problem that most people have with their day is the second they get to lunch it's over because they go to this EXT if they get the morning right they go to this extreme dopaminergic state of lunch where they're eating some massive carb carbed up meal with sugar and Seed oils and artificial salts and now they're also scrolling and coming back to work after that is near impossible it's just too painful you just want to you're going to just be chasing dopamine all day this is Lally what it's called it's called dopamine chasing where as soon as your brain gets a taste at the start of the day now you're just going to be chasing that feeling and you're not you're not going to be concerned about work or the longterm or any sacrifice all you want is the pleasure and the immediate gratification of the thing that you just experienced but the cool thing is every time you sleep it's like your brain's dopamine system sort of resets slightly and you can you can go a large portion of the day without it so for example like even at this point I still have not checked my phone so I'm checking slack and I'm checking other work things but I'm not checking my phone and even then on my phone I don't have anything except from WhatsApp but I would even check WhatsApp because even that you know if you're getting all these messages and all this stuff pinging around when you when you do this a lot what starts to happen is you're you become extremely sensitive to stimulation and it's a lot easier for these stimulants to whisk you away which is why I don't go on my phone for a long for a long time throughout the day and then you know around here is when I'm exercising so after lunch I usually find that you know if I've been working for like five six hours straight I like going to the gym now if I'm going to the gym this is important because I will listen to ambient music and I know this sounds ridiculous but like one thing people do is they they'll go to the gym in the morning right and you know what they're doing is they're doing pre-workout incredibly stimulating you got this you got this caffeine then they're listening to really loud music and then they're like pumping and then they're all social in the gym and like this is just another way to just bang Spike that dopamine way up and that's fine if if it's if it's not too far out and you can actually get back to work then it works pretty well and then you know I get back and then into work and then usually around here is when I finish work and only one once I finished work at this point at this cut off here this is when I started opening loading so this is when I'm on my phone and this is when I can if I want to watch like a YouTube video or if I want to watch a movie or anything now I won't play video games or anything things that you know would be considered simulating I can start picking up it and I don't need any crap food either my my lifestyle is still engineered heavily towards low dopamine but whilst you're easing your brain off of this stuff and weaning yourself off if you do it between the hours of of 7:00 p. m. and when you go to bed it doesn't harm your work and you can kind of have both at the same time now you should you still want to get rid of these addictions to video game short form content junk food Etc but if you if you can't get rid of them and you haven't got the wheelpower to get rid of them like that just try and manage it and if you load it in the evening and if you have this big spike in the evening it was it won't really matter because it's not affecting your behavior when it comes to things like the gym or when it comes to things like reading or when it comes to the work it's not an ideal solution because you still have the addiction right but it works really well and that's how I do it and it basically Al helps you manage your dopamine and means that when you're starting your day and when it's like 7:00 a.