Most Christians Don’t Know THIS About the Fossil Record

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Answers in Genesis
Most Christians don’t know THIS about the fossil record. In this presentation, Kevin Hadsall discuss...
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are we going to start with the supposed authority of man's word man's ideas man who claims that such and such happen 6566 million years ago but wasn't there to observe it or are we going to start with the authority of the word of God that is what this comes down to I want to start off this presentation by sharing a quote from a humanist that I debated online several years ago and he said this let us address the first point that the fossil timeline and rock Strat that we see are the result of a global
flood as described in Genesis the initial and rather obvious challenge of that assertion would be that the flood was very organized in its deposition of its victims furthermore we can challenge the idea of a global flood quite easily for starters we know that there's not enough water on Earth to completely cover its surface now we can handwave that by saying that God could make as much water as he saw fit now some of you might not completely understand these comments and that's okay okay I'm going to show you at the end of the presentation how
I responded to RC on these points I'm just a breating his name for privacy and with that said I can't assume that everyone in this room necessarily familiar with the scriptural account of the flood so I'm going to take a few minutes and read some select scriptures about the flood the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually the Lord said I'll blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land man and animals and creeping things and birds of
the heavens the Earth was filled with violence and that's why God said behold I will destroy them with the Earth so God told Noah to build the ark its length 300 cubits its bread 50 cubits its height 30 cubits and so this was a massive ship based on the likely size of a cubit during this time period the ark encounter replica has a ship at 510 ft long 85 ft wide and 51 ft high but I will establish my Covenant with you and you shall come into the ark you your sons your wife and your
sons wives with you and of every living thing of All Flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you and the New Testament affirms that it was just eight persons that were brought safely through the water we read that all The Fountains of the great deep burst forth and the windows of the heavens were opened rain fell upon the Earth 40 days and 40 nights he blotted out every living thing that was on the face of the ground and the waters prevailed on the earth 150 days so
this is an additional 150 days right A lot of people tend to think the Earth or the flood was only 40 days and 40 nights oh no it was a lot longer than that but God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock The Fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed at the end of 150 days the water ERS had Abad this is another 150 days and so this leads to a lot of common questions like how did the flood happen What evidence of the flood leave behind doesn't
it take millions of years to form Rock layers don't fossils form solely and gradually what about the order in the fossil record and why does it matter these are the questions that we're going to answer in this presentation this is roughly the outline of today's presentation but first we're going to sneak this question in here when did the global flood occur we're going to answer this one first so when we consider Genesis 1 God created Adam and Eve on day six of creation week so we know how old the earth and the heavens are at
that point but then we can look at the genealogies of Genesis chapters 5 and 11 so and so begot so and so at such and such age we can calculate that from Adam to Abraham was about 2,000 years and we can piece some other things together in the Bible and find that from Abraham to today is about 4,000 years years that's how we get about 6,000 years for the age of the Earth but regarding the timing of the flood we really need to look at the timing of Noah and looking at the timing of Noah
we can see that the flood was about 4,400 years ago and so as we look at the Seven Seas of History the first four seas of History being the road map through Genesis 1-11 Creation The Fall the flood the Tower of Babel the last three seas of History being about the person and work of of Christ we're going to talk a lot about those first three seas of history as well as the last three seas of history at the end but I just want to point out creation about 6,000 years ago catastrophe being the flood
that's about 4,400 years ago and let's consider that third sea of history for a moment if there really was this Global catastrophic flood where the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains in the whole Heaven were covered then wouldn't we expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock layers lay down by water all over the Earth and that is exactly what we find in the fossil record so where the evolutionists interpret the rock layers and fossils being laid down slowly and gradually over millions of years the creation scientists
interpret that most of these layers are laid down in just one year during the global flood and that pulls the rug right out from underneath the whole millions of years concept doesn't it there's this common miscon conception though that the battle between creation versus evolution is about different evidences like here's evidence for evolution and here's evidence for creation and the battle is who has more evidence or who has the more convincing evidence that's not the case at all the real battle is actually over the same evidence see creation scientists and evolutionary scientists are looking at
the same Rock layers the same fossils the same stars and space and all that evidence exists in the present and then the scientists make interpretations of that evidence when coming up with ideas about the past but those ideas about the past are going to be governed by what they already believe about the past whether that be cosmological geological biological evolution or whether that be the creation account the Genesis account and so it is critically important to understand the difference between obs AAL science and historical science let's take a canyon for example Grand Canyon or you
know a portion of it we can say uh measure the heights of that Canyon both an evolutionary scientist and creation scientists can do that and agree they can observe the grain structure and agree on what's observed there they can agree on the type of rock layer say sedimentary rock all of that is observable testable repeatable that's observational science but historical science it deals with something different here because take take for example the age of that rock the scientists weren't there to directly observe the rock uh form or even how it was deposited how the sediment
layers were deposited they weren't directly there to observe it and so that's why we call it historical science because it's not observable it's not testable it's not repeatable in the way that observational science is and so you might wonder well how do we know anything about the past how do we know for example that George Washington lived well I mean certainly you can go to George Washington's uh grave and maybe do a little bit of observational science but it's mostly historical how do we know about George Washington it's because of reliable eyewitness accounts reliable historical
records of George Washington's life and the things that he accomplished it's a similar situation when it comes to the Earth because we have a reliable eyewitness account about the creation of the Earth and universe and about the flood and so folks here's the thing it really comes down to Authority are we going to start with the supposed authority of man's word man's ideas man who claims that such and such happen 6566 6 million years ago but wasn't there to observe it man who is very fallible or are we going to start with the authority of
the word of God God who is Holy righteous and just God who is the ultimate witness because he is the Creator and so he was there in the beginning and he told us what happened through his word that is what this comes down to and that leads to keep key philosophical differences when we compare geological Evolution versus The Genesis account so according to geological Evolution only natural processes can occur but the Genesis account gives testimony to the supernatural take for example the formation of dry land on day three of creation week how about geological Evolution
that philosophy claims that the present is a key to the Past it's called uniform arianism so when we typically see sediments slowly accumulating or we typically see continents slowly drifting that we take those rates and extrapolate backwards and say that that's how it always was but when we start with the Genesis account we can consider a philosophy called catastrophism when we consider the catastrophe of the global flood that tells us that the past is the key to understanding the present and you know that the Bible actually prophesied this philosophy of uniformitarianism second Peter 3 they
referring to scoffers will say where is the promise of his coming for ever since the fathers fell asleep all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation so this philosophy of uniformitarianism which basically says hey what we see now that's how it's always been well that's what we're reading here right it's denying the second coming of Christ saying hey hey things are just going to continue as normal but it's also implying that things just continue as normal and you can extrapolate that backward so it also denies the global flood the catastrophe the
flood and so second Peter 3 goes on to say for they deliberately overlooked this fact that the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and through Water by the word of God and that by means of these a world that then existed was deluged with water and perished in other words a Bible prophesied that people would deliberately Overlook the fact that there was a global flood and as a non-believer I did I did this and even as a short time very short time as a Believer I did this but we're
not going to do this today we're not going to overlook the fact that there was a global flood in fact the fact that there was a flood is going to be our starting point in this presentation so how did the flood happen in other words is there a scientific model for the global flood and where did the water come from we're actually going to start with the first sea of History creation we're going to look at day three of creation week we reading God said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one
place and let the dry land of Pier the fact that the waters were gathered together into one place implies that the land was in one place if the land was in one place that implies that before the flood there was only one continent and so in this model of catastrophic plate tectonics the idea is that this one continent Before the Flood broke up during the flood through catastrophic plate tectonics which we're going to talk about and then formed into the Continental configuration that we see today by the way just a side note here the idea
that the continents had drifted apart was actually first suggested by a creationist in 185 59 Antonio Snider Pelini and so you might wonder you know catastrophic plate tectonics what in the world does that have to do with the flood well because we read that all The Fountains of the great deep burst forth the new King James version says on that day all The Fountains of the great deep were broken up so let's consider the crust of the Earth for a moment here the crust of the earth isn't just one smooth continuous peace the crust of
the earth is broken up into these plates and there are different types of plate boundaries for example there are convergent boundaries such as a Pacific Plate that's sliding underneath South America so when you have a convergent boundary one plate sliding underneath another there's divergent boundaries such as in the in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean you have two plates that are moving apart from each other then there's transform boundaries where you have two plates that just slide past each other so creation geologists have developed this model called catastrophic plate tectonics to explain the mechanisms of
the flood and so here's the idea starting with Before the Flood so before the flood you have the ocean crust you have the continent and here's the thing the ocean crust is made of Baltic Rock and is colder and denser than the lithosphere underneath as for the Continental rocks their average chemical composition is granitic and they're lighter and denser so they float on the mantle underneath now the there's an inherent instability here and let me explain what I mean by inherent instability so let's say you take a basketball and you put it at the bottom
of a hill it's going to be pretty stable you can maybe kick the basketball a little and it's going to roll back to its spot but you can also put a basketball at the crest of a hill and if you set it just right it's not going to roll anywhere but if you poke it a little bit it's going to start rolling down that Hill really fast isn't it because there's an inherent instability it's the same type of thing with the ocean crust in the continent because that ocean crust is so heavy and so dense
so denser than the lithosphere underneath denser than the continent that pre flood ocean floor is poised to sink if disturbed and that would lead to this scenario called Runaway subduction so the boundary between the ocean crust and the continental crust ruptures so that's the number three in the diagram there and then the ocean crust subducts underneath the continent and then you'd have a mantle wide convective flow leading to enormous frictional heat and rifting of Ocean Floors so if you see the number one in the diagram there that's the rifting of the ocean floors and I'm
going to show a video here from Genesis apologetics a a clip of a of a video that's going to illustrate these processes and then there's a couple other things to talk about after that the newly forming ocean floor offshore is so hot that it starts very thick pushing up the ocean waters from beneath sea level rises dramatically molten magma rises and fills the widening gaps pushing the mid ocean ridges wider the hot ocean floor shoves against the continents then slides beneath it like giant conveyor belts deep beneath the Earth in some places rather than the
conventional model that has the seaf floors spreading slowly this runaway subduction actually happened quickly moving at about 5 m per hour due to the heat caused by the friction and pressure of the rapidly subducting plates as the diving ocean plates subduct under the land they push down the Continental edges and then release them creating tsunami cycles that blanket the continents just how tsunamis happen today only more intense and frequent for example the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan Jaan and the fourth largest in history was a magnitude 9.1 earthquake that occurred in 2011 this
earthquake was caused by an undersea Mega thrust about 45 Mi east of the Japanese Coast at the center there was a 160t slip between the overriding plate that was part of Japan and the underlying Pacific Plate the seab bottom Rose about 23 ft when the fault unlocked and the resulting earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami that was 133 ft above sea level and traveled Inland for 6 miles the tsunamis occurring during the flood however were different much different with the ocean ridge bursting open rapidly and pushing the ocean floor under land continents on a worldwide scale
tsunamis were happening in Cycles several every hour and with long stretches of subduction zones active at the same time the incoming phase of a tsunami has a much higher speed and is highly turbulent which keeps the sediment in suspension but it leaves behind layers of sim as it slows down in the retreating phase this cycle repeats several times every hour during the 150-day inundation stage of the flood first in tuming the shallow marine life followed by land creatures in different habitats and elevations leaving behind what we see today in the fossil record these types of
tsunamis have even occurred in recent history such as the tsunami caused by slipping ocean plates that hit the coast of Washington in 1700 and left behind multiple layers representing each wave of the tsunami recent seismic technology actually allows us to investigate whether this type of Rapid subduction occurred sure enough these scans reveal a ring of unexpectedly cold rock at the bottom of the mantle beneath the subduction zones that surround the Pacific Ocean isn't that interesting there's actually circumstantial evidence within the earth that is consistent with this model now I want to talk about a couple
other things that the video didn't cover cuz as magma escapes through the ocean floor Rift zone so look at the number one in the diagram there it mixes with the water on a massive scale causing violent supersonic steam Jets to pour into the atmosphere and all that water vapor would fall back down as intense Global rain so think of the onset of the flood the 40 days and 40 nights of intense rain that might be what would have caused that and then magma up weld from the mantle repl the old ocean floor with new ocean
floor while the ocean crust expands due to heat causing the sea level to rise by about 3500 ft so that's the number two in the diagram see where it says ocean crust expands so think about this a video talked about the Tsunami Cycles surely that would be happening but the ocean crust is also expanding raising the sea level even without the tsunamis but imagine those two things working together that's going to flood the continent that's going to flood the whole earth this was not a tranquil flood by any means imagine how utterly catastrophic this must
have been and so after the flood new oceanic crust cools and contracts now the ocean crust is one continuous piece from under the ocean to under the continent which is much more stable than before consistent with God's promise to not flood the entire Earth again think Genesis chapter 9 and the rainbow now many people wonder where do the water come from well you know you smooth out the entire surface of the Earth it'd be covered by water 2 miles deep see with this catastrophic plate tectonics model there's actually already enough water on Earth to flood
the earth now it's possible that there could have also been some sort of subter Ian source of water as well we don't discount that but just making the point that there's already enough water from what we see because today's mountains today's Continental configuration right it's not how it would have been before the flood in fact Psalm 104 is really interesting here we read you covered it with a deep as with a garment the water stood above the mountains so verse six makes clear this is talking about the flood and then in verse 8 we read
the m mountains Rose the valley sank down to the place that you appointed for them so this is talking about Earth movements toward the end of the flood and this is going to have significant implications a little later we're going to talk about this a little bit more but first what evidence did the flood leave behind and there's two main things vast sediment layers and fossil graveyards so let's first talk about vast sediment layers and answer this question doesn't it take millions of years to form Rock layers well let's consider Mount St Helens the direct
blast of Mount St Helens was equivalent to 20 megatons of TNT and It produced pyroclassic flow superheated erosive rivers of ground hug hugging volcanic ash and steam debris Avalanches great masses of rock ice and debris over the ground surface next to the volcano 90 M hour mud flows that gouge out soft volcanic ash deposits and even the hardest underlying rocks carving Canyon up to 700 ft deep and Landslide debris averaging 100 ft in thickness and so this is an interesting picture because the lower third of the photo are deposits from the May 18th 1980 blast
the middle third formed in 3 hours on the evening of June 12th 1980 and the dark layers at top mud flow deposits from March 19th 1982 so if those layers can form a matter of a day or hour Etc and even produce very thin lamina then why couldn't a similar catastrophic process actually a global catastrophic process have produced The Rock layers that we see all over the world we're going to look at the Grand Canyon here as an example we use the Grand Canyon as an example just because it's easy to study the rock layers
there since so many of them are exposed because of the canyon and so when it comes to these various sediment layers Rock layers the evolutionists have a number of ideas they some say river deltas that they form slowly and gradually as Deltas from Rivers some say river floods so it' be like a localized catastrophic process some say Beach migration a migrating beach front so slow and gradual over millions of years and then some say underwater mudslide so a more localized catastrophic process well let's consider just one of these layers for a moment the toit Sandstone
the toit Sandstone as you can see circled on the diagram there it's pretty low in the canyon it covers much of America goes into Canada covers it's in Alaska all the way to Greenland and even has equivalence in Africa Saudi Arabia and Israel now think about this for a moment does a river flood explain that a river Delta a migrating beachfront that's a really wide area of sediment deposition but certainly the global flood can explain that let's talk about some rock layer boundaries now let's say if we have a continuous deposition from one sediment type
to another this is about what we would expect to see a fairly C transition from one layer to the next now we haven't observed millions of years that's a key cavat but let's just pretend hypothetically just think if millions of years of time were to really pass then wouldn't we expect to see millions of years worth of erosion some very deep valleys goalies things like that and if millions of years passed then when do we expect to maybe see a resumption of deposition and if millions of years pass and wouldn't we expect to see perhaps
a second cycle of erosion and deposition maybe even a third fourth fifth cycle of erosion and deposition now that's starting to kind of look like a mess right what is it that we actually observe will we actually observe resembles this diagram here very similar to the first diagram isn't it a pretty clean transition from one layer to the next and we're going to look at some examples of this before we look at those examples I actually want to talk about the key exception to this the key exception is called the Great unconformity this is where
we have horizontal layers that are on top of some tilted layers so you have these horizontal Cambrian layers on top of tilted Precambrian layers and so we might wonder you know how do we make sense of this from the Bible well start with that first sea of history that or that helps us understand where the Precambrian layers came from day three of creation week Imagine God's raising up that dry land it's coming up out of the water but there will be a lot of water runoff as that land is coming up with all that water
runoff you're going to have a lot of sediments that are deposited now this is before days five and six so you're not going to have animals that are buried in those sediments right plants are created later that day and so creation geologists believe that you know most of the pre-cambrian layers not all of them but a big a big portion of them were formed on day three of creation week and they're devoid of fossils for the most part now there are some caveats and nuances to that such as the very highest Precambrian layers which aren't
necessarily from day three and also we talk about stratales and things like that but then we have the second sea of History corruption Adam and Eve sin now we have suffering now we have death and the Earth becomes violent becomes corrupt and God sends the global flood which is a third sea of History catastrophe and so there's a few things that are going to happen here because you're going to have this catastrophic uplift of those Precambrian layers with all the tectonic movements with the rounds of the great deep bursting forth being broken up those day
three layers those pre flood layers are going to become tilted but then at the onset of the flood and there's going to be a lot of energy with that in fact that lower layer in the lower lower horizontal layer the toit Sandstone contains numerous sea creature fossils and massive 15t Boulders that implies that it had to have been deposited with an enormous amount of energy and so you have this catastrophic uplift but then at the onset of the flood you have this catastrophic erosion in deposition and so that great unconformity represents the onset of the
flood and so that's the exception to the diagram that I showed you earlier but now let's look at some of the more common types of boundaries that we see for example the boundary between the Coconino sandstone and the hermit shell it is a flat knife edge boundary and yet the evolutionist would have you believe that there's supposedly 10 to 15 million years from deposition of one to the other where's the 10 to 15 million years worth of erosion it is much more consistent with these layers having been deposited one right after the other here's another
interesting boundary the boundary between the red wall Limestone and the muav Limestone now it is not a flat knife edge boundary but it's also not an erosional boundary that one would expect to see with millions of years there is interbedding meaning there they're they're interwoven with each other so if they're interwoven with each other this implies some sort of change over period of a deposition of one type to the other but kind of this switching back and forth right but there's this change over period if there's and if there and if the different types of
sediments there's kind of a little bit of a switch back and forth between one or the other then doesn't that imply that they had to have been deposited at about the same time well the evolutionists would have you believe that those layers are separated by about 155 million years how could they be separated by 155 million years if they're interwoven with each other that doesn't make any sense oh but it gets even better let's talk about bent Rock layers there are rock layers all over the world that are bent and out in the Grand Canyon
area there's some pretty strong angles I drew a little white line on this picture so you can see how bent these Rock layers are because some of these Rock layers are even bent at 90° angles now this is not a trick question if you were to take a rock and apply enough Force to it what's going to happen to that rock it's going to what Shout It Out break absolutely it's going to break because rock is very brittle and so there are some layers actually talking this entire Mega sequence that are all bent and this
implies that they must have been bent while they are still soft because you can't bend a rock 90° it's going to break but the evolutionist would have you believe that this entire Mega sequence of layers represents 440 million years are those layers going to stay soft and pliable for 440 million years now the evolutionists that's not really what they believe the their main rescuing device is that at some point after the deposition of these layers that there was some sort of tectonic event of some sort that caused heat and pressure and that these rocks under
enormous Heat and pressure bent now can you bend a rock under heat and pressure that is technically possible however if you were to apply that much heat and pressure to these sedimentary rocks they would no longer be sedimentary rocks they would chemically transform they would chemically transform into metamorphic rocks now Dr Andrew Snelling has conducted years of research on just this he has looked at samples under the electron microscope and even though you can look at them without a microscope and see that they're clearly sedimentary rocks Dr Snelling looked very closely he published a paper
on it answer his research journal and look here's the thing there's still sedimentary rocks they did not chemically change so how does a flood make sense of this well remember Psalm 104 the mountains Rose and the valley sank so think of this those layers that were deposited during the flood initially start off horizontal right they initially start off horizontal They're Not Bent but then toward the end of the flood with Earth movements you have mountains Rising valleys sinking ining so imagine these layers they start off horizontal some parts of the earth rise up some parts
of the earth sink down that's how you're going to get those layers to Bent and so it's the global flood that explains these bent Rock layers and by the way Dr Snelling has a couple excellent videos on our answers and Genesis YouTube channel where he goes into that in much more detail so now let's Swit switch gears here talk about fossils 95% of the fossil record is of marine creatures and isn't that ex exactly what we would expect with a global Oceanic flood that's carrying along those ocean creatures those sea creatures and then it mixes
with all the sand mud and lime and then the other 5% is mostly uh plants it's a very small percent that are the other creatures but we find fossilized sea creatures so far inland even on tops of the highest mountains such as the Himalayas now I'm not saying that the Himalayas existed before the flood they were probably formed toward the end of the flood right mountains Rising valleys sinking the point is that we find these fossilized sea creatures so far inland our fossil hunt where are we going for that where there's actually a lot of
sea creatures are we going close to the ocean no we're just that's just in Southwest Ohio not exact ly super close to the ocean is it right and the fact that we find sea creatures high and dry makes sense with the global flood number one and number two it also makes sense with the catastrophic plate tectonics model now only the mechanisms can explain that and also why we have fossil graveyards that are found all over the world and especially fossil graveyards of sea creatures and creatures that are preserved an astounding amount of Deep detail let
me give you one example of a fossil graveyard uh not just Millions but billions with a be billions of straight shelled chambered nautiloids are found fossilized with other Marine creatures in a 7 ft thick layer within the red wall Limestone of the Grand Canyon this fossil graveyard stretches for 180 mil across Northern Arizona and into Southern Nevada covering an area of at least 10,500 miles now let's just think about this for a moment right does a river Delta explain billions of nautiloids being buried over 10,500 square miles I don't think so a river flood underwater
mudslide Beach migration none of those make sense of this but certainly the Global flood can make sense of a fossil graveyard such as this but the question comes up don't fossils form slowly and gradually because evolutionists often depict an animal dying at the edge of a pond or lake and then being gradually uh buried so I'm going to quote an evolutionist here Philip J Curry and here's what he said fossilization is a process that can take anything from a few hours to millions of years let me pause there for a moment okay it's an interesting
admission that he says that fossilization can take a few hours as for millions of years nobody's been around for millions of years to observe if millions of years is indeed involved in any kind of fossilization he goes on to say modern bones that fall into Mineral Mineral Springs can become per mineralized within a matter of weeks that's another interesting admission that that process can happen in a matter of weeks and so but regarding the claim of millions of years how could these fossils form slowly and gradually many of them appear to be snapshots in time
take for example this iosaur buried in the process of giving birth had have been buried very quickly and rapidly to preserve that moment in time or how about this fish in the process of eating another fish it's a Creation Museum exhibit here by the way and think about fish in general you know I grew up in uh Harvey's Lake Pennsylvania and would go swimming there quite a bit and it would be a pretty common sight to see you know a dead fish floating by and you know what happens to those dead fish well they don't
last very long and I apologize I know that's kind of gross but the point is you know other things are going to eat that dead fish right it's not going to last very long and so how would a fish be preserved well imagine this with the flood waters coming in they're not going to be clear Tranquil Waters they're going to be mixed with all kinds of mud and stuff right that poor fish right it's going to get buried very quickly but that's how it gets partially preserved at the very least even just the shape of
it in the Rock it'll get preserved or I'm not saying every time but there's opportunity for it to get preserved and so I'm going to show a few things here that come from Dr snelling's presentation evidence of Rapid fossilization I want to give credit to that and by the way it is an excellent presentation I highly recommend it Charles Darwin is quoted as saying no organism holy soft can be preserved now did that comment age well no it did not and and by the way just to clarify why did Darwin say this because he believes
he believed that we would only find fossils of bony creatures in the fossil record due to his belief that fossilization is a slow process well we found fossilized octopus is that a bony creature no fossilized jellyfish is that a bony creature no definitely not in fact here's an interesting quote the Burgess shells preserve soft tissue and exquisite detail and the question of how this came to happen has troubled scientists since the discovery of the fossils in 1909 well it might have troubled evolutionary scientists but it is not troubling to Creation scientists there are some other
interesting things we found in the fossil record other delicate things such as a fossilized flower isn't that interesting I was a side note I've wondered here if like for Valentine's Day if like the husbands got their wife a fossilized flower instead of a fresh flower it would at least last a lot longer wouldn't it all right I know that unless your wife is a paleontologist she probably won't appreciate that here's another interesting thing fossilize B I mean do dead insects last that long no but it was buried and preserved quick enough to at least leave
this imprint and so what about various types of fossilization like doesn't it take millions of years to petrify wood well there was a modern experiment done in Hot Springs in Japan where they found that after 7 years the wood became 40% permineralized it takes just a matter of a few years not you know millions of years what about other forms of fossilization how about fossilization by phosphatization say that 10 times fast phosphatization is replacement by calcium phosphate well there was a modern experiment done that found that this can happen within weeks given the right conditions
how about fossilization by biofilms this is where bacteria rapidly colonize Leaf surfaces forming the films and the bacteria absorbs the iron which results in these Rusty impressions well there was a modern experiment done that found that this can happen in a matter of days how about fossilization by pirati this is fool's gold which I've never actually seen one of these fossils in real life I think it'd be pretty cool to see one of these wouldn't it well initial piration can be an extremely rapid process within 80 days again modern day experiment observational science how about
fossilization through coalification just simply turning something into coal well given the right conditions it can happen within a matter of months so it doesn't matter what form of fossilization we're talking about from observational science we can see that these processes can happen very quickly what about the order in the fossil record as evolutionists will sometimes say well maybe all consider creation if we find a rabbit in the Cambrian layer well creationists wouldn't expect to find a rabbit and a Cambrian layer either because the evolutionists while they consider the order in the fossil record to be
an order of succession of Life order of evolution creation scientists consider the order in the fossil record to be an order of burial in order of burial of different ecological zones so we have vendian Rock layers in the upper Precambrian they have hot water Reef fossils which might be part of the shallow seaf floor environment from Before the Flood and then the Cambry and orishan rock layers they contain shallow Marine creatures and fish shallow seaf floor environment uh how many of you have heard the phrase Cambrian explosion it's because in the evolutionary view they say
oh there's a sudden appearance of creatures it must be see that Evolution happened very quickly no in reality that just represents the early part of the flood in the shallow seafloor environment and then we have the Pennsylvanian and Mississippian Rock layers that contain lycopods trees with Hollow Trunks and mats of roots that appears to be a unique floating forest ecosystem that existed prior to the flood then we get to the Triassic Jurassic and Cretaceous Rock ler that contain Inland creatures including mammals and dinosaurs here's one thing though that you're going to find in all these
layers sea creatures sea creatures throughout all these layers including the Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous and here's another pattern often times the actual animals are found buried in layers that are above their fossilized Footprints which could be indicative of those animals trying to get away from the flood waters they leave their Footprints behind but then get buried later on now we have whole separate presentations on on dinosaurs but I want to talk just briefly about dinosaurs here evolutionists are often under the impression that we don't find modern day mammals and other creatures buried with Dinosaurs actually we
do find Nautilus beetles crayfish lobsters beavers squirrels flamingos hedgehogs camons sharks dragonflies parrots rabbits horseshoe crab sand pipes ppers grasshoppers crickets all buried with dinosaurs and then there's a Morrison formation out west it's made of volcanic ash and mud it is a mixture of marine coastal thres and even dinosaur fossils you have dinosaurs that are buried next to clams and it's 100 ft thick now think about this I mean how does a River delta or a river flood bury d dinosaurs in tens or hundreds of feet thick worth of mud and bury them next to
clams but the global flood would make sense of this and we also find dinosaur soft tissue and I'm not just talking fossilized dinosaur soft tissue oh there's that too I mean soft tissue that is still soft tissue that didn't Decay away completely like blood vessels and red blood cells from a T-Rex that's the picture on on the left there and this isn't some crazy thing that creationists cooked up in a corner somewhere this was actually first discovered by an evolutionary scientist Dr Mary Schweitzer and I'm going to let her speak about this for a moment
not going to believe this when she picked up a small piece to stop the reaction by putting it in water it stretched and it spred and it moved all over the place so we knew we had something pretty unusual it appears to be soft tissue when they look at neighboring parts of the bone they're even more surprised out poo the blood vessels and they were pretty incredible and I said I don't believe it that's not possible we need to do it again and again it's one of those just Goosebump inducing scientific moments that's all I
can say and I They Don't Really Happen very often blood vessels should not exist in fossilized bones many scientists believe organic molecules can't last more than a 100,000 years yet schwitzer's bone is 68 million years old I think the presence of soft tissues and cells indicates there's a process going on that we didn't have a clue about so I think it means we have to kind of rethink the whole chemical process of making a bone turn into a fossil or maybe need to rethink how old that fossil is and so we can use observational science
of the circumstantial evidence The Rock layers the the fossils the dinosaur soft tissue to confirm our historical science that starts with God's word and the global Flood now I want to go back to the quote from the humanists from earlier remember he challenged me with saying hey you know wasn't the flood you know too organized in its deposition of its victims and here's how I responded I said how so while there may be a general order to the fossil record that can be explained by successive burial of ecological zones there is also a lot of
mixing 95% of the fossil record is of marine creatures and they are found throughout most of the strata in fact land dwelling dinosaurs are commonly found to be buried and fossilized right next to Ocean dwelling Marine creatures such as clams and ammonites and even one of the articles I pasted there is from a secular Source this is consistent with the concept of a global Oceanic flood that would bury the land dinosaurs and sediments while carrying Marine creatures along with them remember RC also claimed that there's not enough water on Earth and that well you know
you guys could just handwave that by saying God could make as much water as he saw fit so here's how I responded to that no hand waving is necessary here within the context of the global flood the Bible poetically mentions in Psalm 1048 that the mountains Rose in the valley sank after the recession of the flood waters this is significant because there is enough water to cover the Earth if the pre- flood mountains were not as high as today's mountains and if something caused the pre-f flood ocean Basin to swell and push the water onto
the land land that is the essence of the geological flood model of catastrophic plate tectonics given the right conditions runaway instability could have caused a pre- flood seafloor to catastrophically subduct underneath the continent causing a large scale convectional flow in the mantle this convectional flow would rapidly heat the ocean floor causing it to expand in volume and raise the ocean floor enough to flood the continent now a couple comments here you know I'm very direct and assertive in these discussions with a humanist but I'm not beating them over the head in fact I look for
reasons to compliment them because I'm not just trying to win a debate I want to win their heart for Christ and I have to give credit to RC because he was one of the most more cordial polite humanist that I talk to and that's what I complimented him on I also want to point out that a big reason why I have confidence in holding these debates is learning about the biblical way of doing debate in fact Dr Jason Lyle has a book on this called the ultimate proof of creation it's that Proverbs 26 don't answer
answer strategy it's it's the same type of strategy that Jesus appears to use in his debates with the Pharisees and when this clicked for me I went from being you know would have been very nervous to have any such discussion to being quite confident and knowing how to stand on God's word and take just about anything the skeptic says and show them that even by what they're saying they're borrowing from the Bible and demonstrating that God's word is true but why does it all matter why do why do rock layers fossils matter why do having
these discussions matter well first for the Christian theologically speaking it matters what we believe about the fossils because if we try to say that the fossils were laid down over millions of years years think about what's in the fossil record it is a record of pain death killing disease Thorns I want to pause on that for a moment because Genesis 3 very specifically tells us that Thorns are a result of the curse and we find fossilized Thorns right struggle suffering Extinction you know if all of that happened before Adam and Eve sin then that would
imply that when God called his creation very good that he's calling all that very good that doesn't make any sense though but if we consider that most of these layers are laid down during the flood that's way after sin there's no issue there we read that by means of these a world that then existed was deluged with water and perished but by the same word the heavens and the Earth that now exist are stored up for fire being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly both the earth and the works that
are in it will be burned burned up and those who do not repent will end up in the Lake of Fire but thanks be to the Lord that God the son Jesus came into this world to save us you know Noah and his family they entered one door of the Ark to be saved from a global judgment by water and guess who closed that door if you read the scripture carefully you'll notice it wasn't Noah who closed the door it was the Lord who shut that door and we too must enter one door to be
saved from a global judgment to come not by water but by fire and Jesus is the door Jesus says in John 10:9 I am the door if anyone enters by me he will be saved we go in and out and find pasture what we believe about the flood and rock layers fossils also impacts theology concerning the cross because think about it like this Adam brought sin and death into the world but Jesus lived a sinless life and yet died a sinner's punishment on the cross and then rose from the dead defeating death but think of
this hypothetically if millions of years of death existed prior to Adam's sin then death death is not the consequence for sin and if death isn't the consequence for sin then why would Jesus need to physically die on the cross for our sin and then rise from the dead defeating death see those were often called the old Earth ideas they have a major major theological conundrum here see the gospel itself has its foundation in the Book of Genesis to undermine Genesis undermines the foundation of the Gospel then we get to consummation ultimately there are only two
destinations eternally speaking there's the lake of fire for those who uh do not repent and then there's a new heavens and the new Earth those who do repent are born again the new Heavens the new Earth of no more suffering no more death and eternal fellowship with our Lord John 5:24 truly truly I say to you whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life he does not come into judgment but has passed from Death to life in a high overview of the history here this world started off as a perfect
world it was everything was very good there was no suffering there was no death but it is marred by sin we we live in a sin cursed broken world but for those of us who are born again we look forward to that new Heaven and new earth and eternal fellowship with our Lord
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