number one decide exactly what you want in every key area of your life this will immediately set you apart from 80 or 90 percent of the population the most important word that I have found in success is clarity clarity clarity successful people are very clear about what they want and here's an interesting discovery the greater clarity you have the faster you draw into your life that resources necessary to achieve it so in determining what you want there's an activity that I teach to the senior executives of billion-dollar corporations and it's called idealisation so you start
off by idealizing your perfect life you imagine that there are no limitations on what you can do or be or have imagine that you have all the time and all the money you have all the friends and all the contacts all the education and all the experience that you need to accomplish any goal that you could set for yourself imagine that you could wave a magic wand and make your life perfect in each of the four key areas of life if your life is perfect in every area what would it look like now here's the
point before we go into the four areas the fear of not achieving your goal what we call self-limiting beliefs holds you back more than anything else and your self-limiting beliefs are not based on reality that's why you have to constantly think if I had no limitations what goal is what I set for myself so let's start with the four big areas the first area has to do with your income and your business in your career project forward five years if your income business career was perfect five years from now what would it look like is
how would it be different from today how much would you be her knee what kind of work would you be doing who would you be working with and what would position would you have in your business we call this the creation of a five-year fantasy just fantasize like a child prior to Christmas just imagine that you could create your world perfectly and what would it look like and then here's the key question what would you have to do what would have to happen what would be the first step that you would have to take today
to begin creating your perfect business and career future if your goal is to double and triple your income what is the first step that you would have to take right now and here's a great discovery everybody knows the first step the first step is clear Confucius said a journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step the fact is the hardest part of success is taking the first step in the direction that you want to go remember that that's what holds most people back now the second area has to do with your family and
your relationships if you could project forward five years and your life was perfect what kind of relationships would you have what kind of a lifestyle would you have where would you live what would you want to do for vacations well we do you want to create for yourself and your family and remember clarity is important then come back to the present and think into the future and say what would have to happen starting today for me to create that perfect future and what would be the first step the third area has to do with your
health if your health was perfect in every way sometime in the future how would it be different from today how much would you weigh how much would you exercise when what's energy would you have how much time would you take off to rest if your personal life and health was an energy was perfect in every way how would it be different from today and what would have to happen to make that come true and what would be your first step now the last area has to do with your net worth what we call financial freedom
how much do you want to be able to save and accumulate in the course of your working lifetime remember this your your likelihood of achieving your lifelong financial goals increased by ten times by the very act of writing the number down on a piece of paper this is so important now here's an exercise for you it's called the quick list method what you do is you write down three goals that you'd like to accomplish in the foreseeable future you write them down in less than 30 seconds without taking any time to think you write down
your three most important goals in life right now now whatever you write down will be an accurate picture of what you really want in your life right now when you only have 30 seconds to write down three goals your answers will be as accurate as if you had 30 minutes or three hours this is a wonderful exercise for you to engage in and with our students we take them through this quick list method this three goal exercise in every area of the life their family their income their business the customers products services market sales we
just write down the three but in your case just write down your three most important goals in life and write them down quickly and then look at them as sometimes you'll be surprised now in goal-setting the next stage number two is to write it down remember we talked about clarity Francis Bacon once says that writing make it an exact man is when you write your goals down clearly they take on a power of their own in your mind you pull them out of the air or where they are have no substance at all and you
write them down on paper and now you have something you can touch your goals must be in writing many people say oh I know exactly what I want and I have met and worked with these people over the years and you know something they're almost all failures I said I know what I want I don't have to write it down yes you do because until you start writing we find that there's a incredible connection between the head and the hand and we start to write goals to be absolutely astonished what comes out on the paper
and when you write a goal down you engage in what is called a cycle neural motor activity you activate your visual powers your audio power and your kinesthetic powers and whatever you write down you actually program straight into your subconscious mind where it starts to work 24 hours a day great stuff let me tell you now your goals must be clear specific detailed and measurable you must write out your goals as if you are placing an order for your goal to be manufactured in a factory at a great distance and what they would do is
they would create your goal your order and send it to you exactly as you wrote it down Albert Einstein said that your goal must be so clear that a six-year-old child could understand it clearly and explain it to another six-year-old child and be able to tell you if you had achieved your goal or how close you were this is why you never say well my goal is to be happy and my goal is to be rich so my goal is to be popular and meet the right person these are not goals these are fantasies their
wishes even crazy people have these wishes a goal is something that is written down and specific and clear and your most important goal must be measurable so you know exactly where you are relative to the goal now only 3% of adults have written goals worldwide and everybody else works for them in fact the studies done at Yale and Harvard proved over twenty thirty year period that people with written goals ended up earning and having a net worth ten times greater than people without goals holding constant for intelligence grades graduation from courses industries marital status and
parts of the country the people who started with goals were ten times more likely to be successful and were worth ten times more than the others in the course of a few years goal-setting is really great now number three set a deadline set a deadline and then if necessary set sub deadlines on your goal for example if you set a 12-month goal to double your income then you break it down into nine months six months three months and then two months one month and then if you're really smart week by week by week and some
people you break their goals down into daily activities if it's a 20-year goal break it down into 20 years ten years five years four three two one and then three months and then one month the more you break your goal down the more likely it is you will achieve it and then you complete your big goal one step at a time now your subconscious mind uses deadlines as forcing systems they drive you consciously and unconsciously toward achieving your goal on schedule and they as men once said that your subconscious can work against you because when
you set a big goal you're disrupting your subconscious so your subconscious mind will tell you that it's not possible and will attempt to sabotage you and you know the way your subconscious mind sabotages you it tells you you can't achieve this goal you don't need to write it down it's okay as long as you know what it is because of the fear of failure what you do is you don't write the goal down and that way you can't fail isn't that clever and people say well if you don't expect anything good you'll never be disappointed
and these people have no future you write it down as if by writing it down it was guaranteed to you and in many cases it will be if you write it down if your goal is big enough set sub deadlines if you want to achieve financial independence you may set a ten or twenty year goal and then break it down year by year so that you know how much you have to save and invest each year if for some reason you don't achieve your goal by the deadline simply set a new deadline there are no
unreasonable goals only unreasonable deadlines and other things can happen that you had to expect that that will put your deadlines off don't worry about it just set a new deadline and go back to work now the fourth key in the twelve step method is to identify the obstacles that you'll have to overcome to achieve your goal you see between you and any goal that you want to accomplish there are obstacles there's something that's holding you back or you already be there so always ask this question why aren't you already at your goal sometimes I ask
people would you like to double your income and they say of course I said well why isn't your income already twice as high you've been working for years and years you're smart you're talented you're surrounded with opportunities some people that you know are earning twice as much as you why aren't you and you know what happens is the first thing you think of are your favorite excuses oh I'm so busy or I didn't finish high school or didn't go to college or I'm working in the wrong industry and these are just excuses they're not true
but there are ways that you step on your own breaks and hold yourself back now there's a very powerful principle called the principle of constraints this principle of constraints is I think revolutionary and what it says is that there's always one limiting factor or constraint or bottleneck between you and your goal that sets the speed at which you achieve your goal so the question is once you're clear about your goal and let's say it's a financial goal it's what is the bottleneck that'll hold you back for example I will say to a company what is
your goal well it's to grow in sales and profitability what's the constraint more sales if you had more sales would you achieve the goal yes so what is the constraint behind that better-trained salespeople maybe it's better products and services maybe it's better pricing maybe it's new markets but keep asking what's holding you back what sets the speed now the 80/20 rule applies to constraints fully 80% of the reasons that are holding you back from achieving your goal are inside yourself they're not on the outside average people always blame their problems on external circumstances top people
look inside themselves the things that are holding you back are usually the lack of a skill the lack of a quality like self-discipline or the lack of a particular knowledge or skill all of which you can learn or require only 20% of the reasons you are not achieving your goals are on the outside so always start with yourself now the fifth key is to identify the knowledge information and skills you will need to achieve your goal remember to achieve a goal that you've never achieved before you're going to have to learn things and do things
you've never done before you cannot achieve anything more than you're achieving today with the same level of knowledge and skill that you have today if you could you'd already have done it so identify the skills that you'll have to develop to be in the top 10% of your field identify the most important skill and then identify the number-one skill now here's a great discovery your weakest key skill sets the height of your income and your success your weakest key skill and improving or bringing up that one weak skill or acquiring that one weak skill will
enable you to make more progress than any other factor at the moment you can make more progress by going to work on the one skill that is holding you back more than any other factor so ask this question what one key skill if you developed and did it in an excellent fashion would have the greatest positive impact on your life what one skill if you developed and did it consistently in an excellent fashion what helped you the most to achieve your most important goal whatever the skill or write it down make a plan and work
on it every day sometimes your major goal is the development of the skill necessary to achieve your major goal and this is on life-changing insight by the way number six identify the people whose help and cooperation you will require to achieve your goal remember nobody does it alone unless you run a shoeshine stand or deliver papers to be successful you need the help of lots of people so identify the people whose help and cooperation you'll require to achieve your goal who are they make a list of every person in your life that you'll have to
work with or work around to achieve your goal start with the members of your family who cooperation and support you will require especially your spouse list your boss and co-workers and subordinates because you'll have to work with them and they'll have to work with you to be successful especially identify the customers and people on the outside who support you will need to sell enough of your product or service to make the kind of money that you want once you've identified the key people whose help you will require ask yourself this question what's in it for
them be a go-giver rather than a go-getter now to achieve big goals you'll have to have the help and support and lots of people one key person at a certain time and place in your life can make all the difference the most successful people are those who build and maintain the largest networks of other people whom they can help and who can help them in return this is another whole subject but here's what we've discovered the more people you know and who know you in a positive way the more successful you'll be in virtually every
part of your life it's an amazing discovery number 7 make a list of everything you will have to do to achieve your goal we say that writing out a list transforms your thinking in the most positive and powerful way combine the skills that you'll need the people that use help you'll need the obstacles you'll have to overcome and write them down and list every single step that you can think of to achieve your goal determine the amount of time and/or money it will take to achieve your goal do you have the resources you need if
you don't how can you acquire them remember successful people are always thinking how can I assemble all the resources I need to achieve what I want to achieve combine the obstacles that you'll have to overcome the knowledge and skills you'll have to develop and the people whose cooperation you'll have to recall hair into this list lists every single step that you can think of that you'll have to follow to ultimately achieve your goal and as you think of new items add them to your list until your list is complete it's interesting and Napoleon Hill said
that they write it out of a list of the steps is what changes your life what we also found was this is that if you make a checklist of everything you have to do from the beginning to the end it'll increase the likelihood of achieving your goal but probably ten times when you make out a list of all the things you will need to do to achieve your goal you'll begin to see that this goal is far more attainable than you thought what you'll see is what was a fantasy before starts to become a reality
the more things you write down the more you think well I could do this and I could do that and I could do this and this and starts to occur to you that doubling or tripling your income becoming financially independent hey I could do this like Annie in the movie in the in the play I could do that I could do that Henry Ford once said that anything can be accomplished if you break it down into enough small steps as I said before Confucius said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
you can built the biggest wall in the world one brick at a time now number eight and this is really important this is a trick requires thought and judgment and foresight on your part number eight is to organize your list into a plan first organize your list by sequence that means what do you have to do before you can do something else what is the order of steps like the checklist I talked about next organize your list by priority what is more important and what is less important remember the 8020 rule 80% of your results
will come from 20% of your activities from the things you do the 20/80 rule also says that the first 20% of time that you spend planning your goal organizing your plan will be worth 80% of the time and effort required to achieve the goal and for in the end in the final analysis planning is very important number nine make a plan organize your list - a series of steps from beginning to end from start all the way through to the completion of your goal when you have a goal and a plan you increase the likelihood
of achieving your goals as I said by 10 times by 1000% there's a rule that says every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution or carrying out the plan so be a planner and think on paper think on paper plan each day each week in each month in advance all successful people plan in advance which gives them a chance to think through what might happen and what they could do to either make it better or to avoid danger plan each month at the beginning of the month lay out the 30 days and work
out what you're going to do each day of the month just generally speaking plan each week the weekend before I met a very successful person some years ago and he told me what changed his life after he started his first job was his manager sat down with him and invited him over to his house on a Sunday afternoon and said I'm going to teach you how to plan your week and he was quite surprised because he was used to using the weekend just hang out play around this very successful manager taught him how to plan
his week in advance he said that contributed more to his success than any other piece of advice he ever got planned each day the night before make a list of everything you have to do the following day before you go to sleep the wonderful thing is that your subconscious mind can work on those items all night long and when you wake up in the morning you'll have all kinds of ideas and insights on how to complete the tasks and achieve the goals that you wrote down remember the more careful and detailed you are when you
plan your activities the more you'll accomplish in less time number 10 select your number-one most important tasks for each day this is the key to time management set priorities on your tasks and always work on the most important one first set priorities on your list using the 80/20 rule ask yourself this question if I could only do one thing on this list before I was called out of town for a month which one activity what I want to be sure to complete and that becomes the task that you start on before anything else whatever you
answer to that question put a number one next to that activity then as you're analyzing your list and setting priorities you ask if I could only do one other task on this list which one task would be the most valuable use of my time then write a number two next to that task keep asking this question what is the most valuable use of my time on this list until you have your seven top tasks organized by sequence and priority here's another question that you can ask if I could only do one thing all day long
which one activity would contribute the most value to my work and to my goals you see focus and concentration are the keys to success focus means that you are clear about exactly what it is that you want to accomplish and concentration requires that you dedicate yourself to doing only those things that move you towards your most important goal number eleven and this is the biggie develop the habit of self-discipline there seems to be a direct relationship between self-discipline and success in every part of life the number one reason that people don't succeed is because they
can't discipline themselves to do the planning and preparation and then the hard work necessary so how do you discipline yourself you make a list of everything you have to do during the day you set priorities on your list and then you start on your most important tasks first thing and discipline yourself to keep working once you've decided on your most important task resolve to concentrate single-mindedly on that one task until it's 100% complete in time management we call this single handling and single-handedly will increase your productivity by as much as five hundred percent it is
a key practice of all taught people your ability to select your most important tasks and then to work on its single-mindedly without diversion or distraction will double and triple and even five times the quality and quantity of your output your productivity and eventually your income this is one of the most powerful of all time management techniques this means that when you start with the task you don't do anything else until that task is complete once you've developed the habit of completing your tasks you will earn two and three and even five times as much as
other people now here's an interesting discovery self-esteem comes from task completion whenever you start and finish a task it gives you a burst of endorphin you feel like a winner you feel happy you have more energy and more motivation task completion motivates you to complete more tasks and the bigger the task that you complete the happier you feel and the more motivated you are to complete even bigger tasks this is one of the great secrets of success no one by taught people step number 12 is to practice visualization on your goals how do you practice
visualization you create clear vivid exciting emotional pictures of your goals as if they were already a reality see your goal is if it were already achieved imagine yourself enjoying the accomplishment of the goal if it's a car imagine yourself driving this car in fact go down and test drive the perfect car for you get a feeling for it smell it take a picture next to it take a picture of yourself be in the driver's seat of the car that you want to own and look at that picture on a regular basis if it's a vacation
that you want see yourself on the vacation already get pictures up from the brochure put the pictures around your house if it's a beautiful home that you want see yourself living in a beautiful home here's one of the great characters their core techniques of getting a beautiful home is started going to open houses in expensive neighborhoods my wife and I started doing this when we were young with very little money and within a couple of years we were in a beautiful home and then another beautiful home when you walk through beautiful homes that are for
sale you start to get an unconscious picture of a composite of the beautiful home that you want for yourself and you start to attract into your life possibilities to achieve that at home but how we attracted was opportunities to earn more money so that win a cup within a couple of years we could afford the home that we were visualizing now in visualizing take a few moments to create the emotions that would accompany the successful achievement of your goal we say get the feeling if you would be proud and happy think of feel being proud
and happy now what we've learned is a mental picture combined with any emotion has an enormous impact on your subconscious and your superconscious mind it activates the law of attraction it draws into your life people in circumstances to make it possible a picture combined with an emotion is ill electricity that sends out a force field of energy from you that attracts everything you need to make that picture a reality visualization is perhaps the most powerful faculty available you to you to help you achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible when you use a
combination of clear goals combined with visualization and emotional ization you activate your super conscious mind your super conscious mind then solves every problem on the way to your goal your super conscious mind is perhaps the most powerful faculty that you have available to you and it is activated by a clear goal for which you have a burning desire your superconscious mind activates the law of attraction and begins attracting into your life people circumstances and ideas and resources that will help you to achieve your goals even faster the fact is that you have enormous untapped potential
you could be earning three five maybe ten times what you're earning today in the years ahead you could probably accomplish all the goals that you can set for yourself here's an interesting discovery it's not possible for you to set a goal to write it down and to make a plan for its accomplishment without your having simultaneously the ability to achieve it in some way somehow through some method so the most important responsibilities you have is setting goals in the first place goal achieving seems to be automatic it's the goal setting that you are responsible for
the incredible thing about goals mastery is that it's really life mastery and the sooner you begin to develop successful habits the sooner you'll reap the financial personal and professional rewards that go along with them that's why I've created my brand new goals mastery for personal and financial success course this twelve part video training program complete with my goal setting and achieving workbook will be your guide to transform in your life in 90 days or less I'll teach you my step-by-step process for how to clearly identify roadblocks and easily overcome any obstacle by using special techniques
of creativity you'll also learn how to set ateva below how to track your progress as you move forward in achieving them and most importantly how to achieve them so you can finish what you start you can achieve your goals every time additionally I'm giving you both physical and digital copies of my power of personal achievement three-day seminar on DVD this transformational seminar event has helped thousands of people to realize their full potential to perform at their highest level and experience complete life fulfillment live event attendees have paid one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven dollars
for a single person to attend and the best part is that for a limited time you get both my brand new goals mastery course and my power of personal achievement three-day seminar on DVD for the price of one but this offer won't be available for long so you have three options one you can do nothing and continue treading water frustrated and not moving forward and not achieving your goals as fast as you want or number two you can try to figure it out on your own with no proven system or strategy to guide you which
is the primary reason why people underachieve and fail or number three you can put my 30 years of research knowledge and experience to use by implementing my proven model for achievement and success saving you thousands of dollars and countless hours of frustration the choice is yours but remember goals mastery is written life mastery the sooner you learn how to develop these skills the sooner you'll reap the financial personal and professional rewards that go with it so stop treading water and take action now order my goals mastery for personal and financial success course today