Relax and Allow the Universe to Manifest Wealth for You! - Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Motivation Mastery™
🌟 Unlock the Secret to Effortless Wealth Manifestation! 🌟 In this powerful motivational video, th...
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you have within you an incredible power a power that can change your life in ways you never thought possible this power is your ability to relax and allow the universe to bring wealth into your life right now you might be thinking that sounds too good to be true but I'm here to tell you that it's not only possible it's the natural way things work in our universe you see when you relax and open yourself up to the abundance that surrounds us amazing things start to happen think about it for a moment how often do you
find yourself stressed about money worried about bills anxious about your financial future these thoughts and feelings create a barrier between you and the wealth that's trying to reach you it's like you're standing in a river of abundance but you've built a dam to block it but what if you could break down that Dam what if you could let go of all that stress and worry and simply allow wealth to flow into your life that's what we're going to talk about today now I know what some of you might be thinking if I relax when I
become lazy don't I need to work hard to make money and those are fair questions but here's the truth relaxing doesn't mean doing nothing it means letting go of the struggle the fight the constant worry it means trusting in the natural flow of abundance in the universe when you're relaxed you're more creative you see opportunities that you might have missed before you make better decisions you attract positive people and situations into your life all of these things lead to greater wealth and success but how do you do it how do you relax and allow wealth
to come to you well it starts with your thoughts your thoughts are incredibly powerful they shape your reality in ways you might not even realize every time you think a thought you're sending a signal out to the universe and the universe responds to that signal if you're constantly thinking thoughts of lack of not having enough of struggling to make ends meet guess what kind of reality you're creating for yourself that's right one of lack of not having enough of struggling but if you can shift your thoughts to ones of abundance of having more than enough
of wealth flowing easily into your life you start to create a very different reality now I know that changing your thoughts isn't always easy we've been programmed from a young age to think in certain ways about money and wealth but the good news is you can change that programming you can rewire your brain to think in new ways one powerful way to do this is through meditation when you meditate you give your mind a chance to rest from all the worries and stresses of daily life you create a space of calm and peace within yourself
and in that space you can start to plant new thoughts new beliefs about what and abundance try this set aside sometime each day even just 10 or 15 minutes to sit quietly and focus on your breath as you breathe in imagine you're breathing in abundance and wealth as you breathe out let go of any thoughts of lack or struggle feel yourself relaxing more and more with each breath as you do this start to visualize wealth flowing into your life see it clearly in your mind maybe it's a steady stream of money coming into your bank
account maybe it's opportunities for new lucrative projects maybe it's valuable items or property coming into your possession whatever wealth looks like to you see it clearly and feel the joy and gratitude of having it in your life now here's where it gets really powerful as you're visualizing this wealth feel the emotions associated with having it feel the relief of not having to worry about bills feel the excitement of being able to buy the things you want feel the peace of mind that comes with Financial Security feel the joy of being able to help others with
your abundance these feelings are crucial because when you feel as if already have the wealth you desire you send a powerful signal to the universe you're telling the universe this is my reality now and the universe responds by making it your reality but remember this isn't about forcing or struggling it's about relaxing and allowing it's about opening yourself up to receive it's about trusting that the Universe has more than enough wealth for everyone including you now some of you might be thinking but what about action don't I need to do something to make money and
yes action is important but when you're coming from a place of relaxation and Trust the actions you take are inspired actions they feel good they feel right they're not driven by fear or desperation but by inspiration and joy when you're relaxed and open to wealth you might suddenly get an idea for a new business or you might meet someone who offers you an amazing opportunity or you might find yourself drawn to learn a new skill that leads to Greater income the key is to stay open to trust your intuition and to take action when it
feels right and here's something really important to understand wealth isn't just about money true wealth includes Health relationships experiences and personal growth when you relax and open yourself to abundance you'll find that all areas of your life start to improve you might notice that your relationships become more fulfilling you might find yourself with more energy and vitality you might discover new passions and interests that bring joy into your life all of these things are forms of wealth and they all come from the same place that relaxed open state of a now I want to address
something that often comes up when we talk about manifesting wealth some people worry that wanting more money is selfish or greedy but here's the truth there's nothing wrong with wanting wealth money is simply a tool a form of energy that allows you to do more be more and give more when you have wealth you have the power to make a positive difference in the world you can support causes you believe in you can help friends and family need you can create jobs and opportunities for others you can invest in solutions to Global problems wealth in
the hands of good people people can change the world for the better so don't feel guilty about wanting wealth instead think about all the good you can do when you have it let that inspire you and motivate you to open yourself up to Greater abundance now let's talk about gratitude gratitude is like a magnet for wealth when you're grateful for what you already have you send a powerful message to the universe you're saying I appreciate what I have and I'm ready for more gratitude puts you in a positive State of Mind where you're more likely
to notice opportunities and track positive experiences try this each day take a few moments to feel grateful for the wealth you already have in your life this could be money in the bank a roof over your head food on your table or the skills and talents you possess feel deep gratitude for these things really let that feeling of appreciation fill your entire body as you do this regularly you'll start to notice more and more things to be grateful for and as your gratitude grows so will your wealth it's a beautiful self-reinforcing cycle now I want
to address something that people struggle with when it comes to manifesting wealth doubt is natural it's part of Being Human but doubt can also block the flow of abundance in your life when you find yourself doubting gently remind yourself of times in your life when things worked out even though you weren't sure they would remind yourself of the times when unexpected good things came into your life use these memories to build your faith and the universe's ability to bring wealth to you in unexpected ways remember you don't need to know exactly how wealth will come
to you your job is simply to relax to keep your mind focused on abundance and to stay open to receiving the Aly universe's job the other powerful practice is to act as if you already have the wealth you desire this doesn't mean spending money you don't have it means carrying yourself with the confidence and joy of someone who is wealthy it means making decisions from a place of abundance rather than scarcity for example when you're in a store instead of thinking I can't afford that try thinking I'm choosing not to buy that right now this
subtle shift puts you in a position of power and abundance rather than lacking limitation or when you receive a bill instead of feeling stressed try feeling grateful that you have the service or product that the bill represents and confident that you have more than enough to pay it this attitude of abundance will help attract more abundance into your life now let's talk about your environment your physical surroundings can have a big impact on your ability to relax and allow wealth to flow into your life look around your home workplace does it feel abundant does it
feel like a place where wealth would want to come Tiff not consider making some changes this doesn't mean you need to spend a lot of money sometimes simply decluttering and organizing can make a space feel more abundant or adding some plants or beautiful objects that you love can shift the energy of a space the key is to create an environment that feels good to you that feels abundant and welcoming to wealth when you feel good in your surroundings you're more likely to maintain that relaxed allowing state that attracts wealth another important aspect of allowing wealth
is to pay attention to the people you surround yourself with are the people in your life supportive of your desire for greater wealth do they believe in abundance or are they always talking about lack and limitation you don't need to cut people out of your life but you might want to spend more time with those who have a positive abundant mindset their energy and beliefs can help reinforce your own and as you shift your own energy to one of relaxed abundance you might find that you naturally attract more POS positive wealthminder what seems like setback
maybe an expected payment doesn't come through or an expense comes up that you weren't anticipating when this happens it's easy to fall back into Old patterns of stress and worry but this is actually a crucial moment this is your opportunity to prove to yourself and to the universe that you truly trust in the flow of abundance instead of seeing these moments as setbacks try to see them as opportunities opportunities to strengthen your faith to practice staying relaxed and confident even when things don't look the way you expected often what seems like a setback is actually
the universe rearranging things to bring you even greater wealth in a way you couldn't have anticipated so when these moments come take a deep breath remind yourself that you trust in the abundance of the universe remind yourself that wealth is Flowing to you even if you can't see how right now stay relaxed stay open and watch how things unfold the other powerful practice for manifesting wealth is to give this might seem counterintuitive especially if you're in a place where you feel you don't have enough but giving even in small ways reinforces your belief in abundance
it tells the Universe I have more than enough I can afford to give to others this doesn't mean giving away money if that feels stressful it could be giving your time your skills your knowledge or even just a sincere compliment the key is to give from a place of joy and abundance not from obligation or with the expectation of getting something in return as you practice giving you'll start to feel a sense of abundance in your life regardless of your Current financial situation and this feeling of abundance is magnetic it attracts more abundance into your
life now let's talk about patience manifesting wealth through relaxation and allowing requires patience it's not about instant gratification it's about trusting in the process even when you can't see the results yet think of it like planting a garden when you plant seeds you don't dig them up every day to see if they're growing you trust that if you've planted them in good soil given them water and sunlight they will grow in their own time manifesting wealth works the same way you plant the seeds with your thoughts and feelings of abundance you nurture them with your
continued focus and trust and then you allow them the time they need to grow this patience this trust in the process is actually a form of relaxation when you're patient you're not stressed about when or how your wealth will manifest you're relaxed confident that it's on its way to you another aspect of allowing wealth to flow into your life is to be open to receiving sometimes we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to receiving wealth we might have subconscious beliefs that we don't deserve wealth or that having a lot of money is
somehow wrong if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable with the idea of having a lot of money it's important to address these feelings remind yourself that you are worthy of abundance remind yourself of all the good you can do with wealth practice feeling comfortable with the idea of having more than enough you can even practice receiving in small ways accept compliments graciously allow others to do nice things for you receive gifts with joy and gratitude as you become more comfortable receiving in these small ways you'll find it easier to receive bigger things including wealth now I
want to talk about the power of your words the way you talk about money and wealth has a big impact on your ability to manifest it pay attention to the words you use do you often say things like I can't afford that or money doesn't grow on trees these kinds of statements reinforce a mindset of lack and limitation Instead try using more abundant language instead of I can't afford that try that's not in my budget right now instead of money doesn't grow on trees try there are always new opportunities to increase my wealth these small
shifts in language can have a big impact on your mindset and consequently on your ability to attract wealth another powerful practice is to create a wealth affirmation that resonates with you this could be something like I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me or money flows to me easily and abundantly choose an affirmation that feels good to you that you can say with genuine feeling repeat this affirmation to yourself regularly especially when you find yourself slipping into thoughts of lack or limitation now let's talk about inspired action while relaxing and allowing
are crucial for manifesting wealth there will be times when you feel inspired to take action maybe you get an idea for a new business venture or you feel drawn to learn a new skill that could increase your income when these Inspirations come it's important to act on them but notice the difference between inspired action and forced action inspired action feels good it feels exciting it doesn't come from a place of fear or desperation but from a place of joy and possibility when you take inspired action you're working in partnership with the universe you're doing part
while still trusting in the universe to do its part this balance of action and allowing is where the magic happens another important aspect of manifesting wealth is to celebrate every win no matter how small did you find a Dollar on the street celebrate it as a sign that wealth is Flowing to you did you save money on your grocery bill celebrated as an increase in your abundance did you get an unexpected refunder bonus celebrated is the universe bringing you wealth in unexpected ways cration serve two purposes first they keep you focused on abundance rather than
lack second they send a message to the universe that you notice and appreciate the wealth that's coming to you which encourages more to flow your way now I want to address something that often comes up when people start to focus on manifesting wealth sometimes you might find that as you start to relax and allow wealth to flow into your life other areas of your life start to change too relationships might shift your job might no longer feel satisfying you might feel drawn to move to a new place these changes can be unsettling but they're actually
a good sign they're indications that you're raising your vibration aligning yourself more closely with abundance trust in these changes they're making space in your life for greater wealth and abundance you remember true wealth isn't just about money it's about living a life that feels rich and fulfilling in every way as you open yourself to financial abundance you're also opening yourself to abundance in all areas of your life the other powerful practice for manifesting wealth is to focus on the feeling of having wealth rather than on specific amounts of money instead of saying I want a
million dollars focus on how you would feel if you had all the money you needed and wanted would you feel secure free generous excited focus on cultivating these feelings in your life right now find ways to feel secure even if your bank account isn't where you want it to be yet find ways to feel free and excited about your life find ways to be generous even if it's in non-monetary ways as you cultivate these feelings you align yourself more closely with the energy of wealth now let's talk about forgiveness this might seem unrelated to wealth
but it's actually very important holding on to anger resentment or grudges blocks the flow of abundance in your life it keeps you tied to the past and makes it harder to open yourself to new possibilities practice forgiving others who may have wronged you especially practice forgiving others who may have wronged you especially in financial matters and don't forget to forgive yourself for any Financial mistakes you might have made in the past forgiveness doesn't mean you condone what happened it simply means you're releasing the negative energy around it freeing yourself to move forward into a more
abundant future as you practice forgiveness you might find that you feel lighter more open this open relaxed state is exactly what allows wealth to flow into your life more easily now I want to talk about the power of visualization your mind is an incredibly powerful tool for manifesting wealth when you vividly imagine yourself living a wealthy life you're actually programming your subconscious mind to look for opportunities to make that Vision a reality try this side sometime each day to visualize your ideal wealthy life see yourself living in your dream home imagine looking at a bank
statement with a balance that Thrills you picture yourself using your wealth to help others or support causes you care about make this visualization as detailed and Vivid as possible engage all your senses what does your wealthy life look like feel like even smell like the key is to make this visualization feel real to you your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between a vividly imagined experience and a real one so when you regularly visualize wealth you're training your mind to believe that wealth is your natural state another important aspect of allowing wealth into your life
is to release your attachment to how it comes to you often we have fixed ideas about how we think money should come to us uh through our job business Investments Etc but when we fixate on one particular method we might miss other opportunities the universe is presenting say open to receiving wealth in unexpected ways maybe you'll get a surprise inheritance maybe a skill you've taken for granted will suddenly become highly in demand maybe an idea will come to you for a new invention or business the possibilities are endless and often the universe has much more
creative ways of bringing you wealth than you could have imagined this openness this willingness to receive wealth in whatever form it comes is a crucial part of the relaxation we've been talking about when you're not stressed about exactly how money will come to you you're in that relaxed allowing state that attracts wealth now let's talk about the role of service in manifesting wealth when you approach your work or business with a mindset of service of providing value to others you open yourself up to Greater abundance this is because the energy of giving and the energy
of receiving are actually two sides of the same coin think about how you can serve others with your unique gifts and talents how can you add value to people's lives when you focus on this rather than just on making money you often find that money flows to you more easily your alignment with the natural flow of energy in the universe giving and receiving another powerful practice is to clear any limiting beliefs you might have about wealth we all have subconscious beliefs about money often formed in childhood that can hold us back from allowing wealth into
our lives maybe you believe that money is the root of all evil or that you have to work extremely hard for every penny or that wealthy people are somehow bad or greedy take some time to examine your beliefs about money write them down look at each belief and ask yourself is this really true does believing this serve me if not choose a new more empowering belief to replace it for example if you believe money is the root of all evil you might choose to replace it with money as a tool that can be used for
great good in the world if you believe I have to work extremely hard for every penny you might replace it with I am open to receiving money easily and abundantly changing these deep-seated beliefs takes time and repetition but as you consistently choose more empowering thoughts about wealth you'll find that your reality begins to shift to match these new beliefs now I want to address something that often comes up when people start to focus on manifesting wealth sometimes you might feel guilty about wanting more money especially if you have friends or family who are struggling financially
but remember this your wealth does not take away from anyone else's the universe is abundant there is more than enough for everyone in fact when you allow yourself to become wealthy you're in a much better position to help others you can support your loved ones donate to causes you care about invest in businesses that create jobs and contribute to your community in meaningful ways your wealth can be a force for good in the world so release any guilt you might feel about Desiring wealth know that as you allow yourself to receive abundance you're actually expanding
the possibilities for abundance for everyone around you another powerful practice for manifesting wealth is to pay pay attention to your dreams your subconscious mind often communicates through your dreams and it might be sending you messages about wealth and abundance keep a dream journal when you wake up write down any dreams you remember especially ones that seem to relate to money or wealth look for symbols or themes that repeat your dreams might be giving you insights into blocks you need to clear or opportunities you should pursue don't worry if you can't remember your dreams or if
they don't seem to relate to wealth the simple Act of paying attention to your dreams tells your subconscious mind that you're open to its guidance which can help align all parts of your mind with your goal of manifesting wealth now let's talk about power of decision making a firm decision to be wealthy to allow abundance into your life is a crucial step in manifesting wealth this decision sends a powerful message to the universe about what you're ready to receive take a moment right now to make that decision decide that you are ready for wealth decide
that you are worth worthy of abundance decide that you will allow wealth to flow into your life easily and joyfully feel the power of this decision resonating through your entire being this decision doesn't mean you'll never have doubts or fears come up but when they do you can remind yourself of this powerful decision you've made you can choose again and again to align with wealth and abundance another important aspect of allowing wealth into your life is to be willing to receive support sometimes we can fall into the Trap of thinking we need need to do
everything alone that asking for help somehow makes us weak or undeserving but the truth is being open to support is a sign of strength and wisdom support might come in many forms it might be a mentor who guides you in your business it might be a friend who encourages you when you're feeling doubtful it might be a book or course that teaches you new skills it might even be hiring help to free up your time and energy for more important tasks being willing to receive support is another form of being in that relaxed allowing State
we've been talking about it's saying to the universe I'm open to receiving help and guidance on my path to wealth now I want to talk about the importance of self-care in manifesting wealth when you're taking good care of yourself physically emotionally and spiritually you're in a much better position to receive abundance you're more relaxed more open more able to recognize and act on opportunities make sure you're getting enough rest eating nourishing food moving your body in ways that feel good take time for activities that bring you Joy and help you relax meditate pray or connect
with nature whatever helps you feel grounded and at peace teachers remember you're not just a wealth creating machine you're a whole person and every part of you needs care and attention when you nurture yourself you create a strong Foundation from which abundance can grow another powerful practice for manifesting wealth is to use the power of sound sound vibrations can have a profound effect on our state of mind and our energy you might try listening to abundance affirmations or guided meditations you could use singing bowls or tuning Forks tuned to frequencies associated with abundance you could
even create your own wealth Mantra and chant it regularly the key is to find sounds that make you feel abundant that resonate with your vision of wealth when you surround yourself with these sounds you're literally bathing your energy field in the vibration of abundance now let's talk about the power of writing and manifesting wealth writing is a powerful tool for clarifying your thoughts reinforcing your intentions and commun communicating with your subconscious mind try writing a detailed description of your ideal wealthy life write about it in the present tense as if you're already living it describe
how it feels what you do with your time how you use your wealth to create positive change in the world you could also try writing a letter to money expressing your desire for a positive relationship with it or write a letter to the universe uh expressing your gratitude for the abundance that's coming to you the act of putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard makes your intentions more concrete and sends a clear message to the universe about what you're ready to receive another important aspect of allowing wealth into your life is to be willing
to let go of what no longer serves you this might mean letting go of possessions that you no longer need or use it might mean ending relationships that drain your energy it might mean quitting a job that's keeping you stuck in a scarcity mindset this Letting Go creates space in your life for new more abundant experiences to come in it's like clearing out a cluttered closet to make room for a new wardrobe as you release what no longer serves you you're telling the universe I'm ready for something better I'm ready for more abundance now I
want to address something that often comes up when people start to focus on manifesting wealth sometimes as your energy shifts and you start to align more with abundance you might find that you experience unexpected challenges you might face setbacks or obstacles that seem to be moving you further from your goals but here's the thing these challenges are often aign that you're on the right track there are opportunities for growth for clearing out old patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back when you face these challenges with courage and continue to hold your vision of
abundance you often find that you come through them stronger and more aligned with wealth than ever before so if you find yourself facing unexpected difficulties on your path to wealth don't get discouraged see them as opportunities for growth and keep moving forward with faith and determination another powerful practice for manifesting wealth is to use the power of color colors have their own energetic frequencies and surrounding yourself with colors associated with abundance can help shift your energy to align more closely with wealth green and gold are often associated with wealth and abundance you might try wearing
these colors decorating your home or office with them or simply visualizing yourself surrounded by a warm Golden Light the key is to choose colors that make you feel abundant and prosperous now let's talk about the power of your posture in manifesting wealth your physical posture affects your mental and emotional state and vice versa when you stand or sit in a posture of confidence and abundance you actually start to feel more confident and abundant try that stand up straight with your shoulders back in your head held high take up space imagine yourself as someone who is
wealthy and successful how would that person stand how would they move practice embodying this confident abundant posture regularly this might feel uncomfortable at first especially if you're used to making yourself small but as you practice this abundant posture you'll find that it starts to feel more natural you'll carry yourself with more confidence in all areas of your life which can open up new opportunities for wealth and success another important aspect of allowing wealth into your life is to be willing to be visible often we have subconscious fears about being seen about standing out but to
attract wealth you need to be willing to be seen to share your gifts with the world this might mean speaking up in meetings to share your ideas it might might mean putting your work out into the world even if it's not perfect it might mean networking and making new connections whatever it looks like for you practice being more visible as you do you open yourself up to more opportunities for abundance now I want to talk about the importance of flexibility in manifesting wealth while it's important to have a clear vision of what you want it's
equally important to be flexible about how you get there the universe often has plans that are bigger and better than anything we could have imagined so while you focus on your goals stay open to unexpected opportunities be willing to take detours that might initially seem to be taking you off course often these apparent detours are actually shortcuts to even greater abundance this flexibility is another form of relaxation when you're not rigidly attached to things happening in a certain way you're more relaxed more open to the flow of abundance another powerful practice for manifesting wealth is
to use the power of scent our sense of smell is closely linked to our emotions and memories and certain sense can help evoke feelings of abundance and success you might try using essential oils like pachuli cinnamon or bergamont which are often associated with abundance or choose a scent that makes you personally feel successful and abundant use these scents in your home or office or wear them as a personal fragrance as you breathe in these scents imagine yourself breathing in abundance now let's talk about the power of your environment in manifesting wealth your physical surroundings have
a big imp act on your energy and mindset take a look around your home and workspace do they feel abundant do they reflect the wealthy life you're creating you don't need to spend a lot of money to create an environment that supports your wealth goals it might be as simple as decluttering bringing in some plants or displaying symbols of abundance that are meaningful to you the key is to create a space that makes you feel successful and abundant whenever you're in it another important aspect of allowing wealth into your life is to be willing to
receive receive compliments and recognition often we've been taught that it's humble or polite to deflect compliments but when you do this you're actually blocking the flow of positive energy practice accepting compliments graciously when someone Praises your work or acknowledges your success simply say thank you allow yourself to really take in the positive energy of the compliment this openness to receiving positive recognition helps open you to receiving in other areas including Financial abundance now I want to address something that often comes up when people start to focus on manifesting wealth sometimes you might find that as
your energy shifts and you start to align more with abundance some people in your life might react negatively they might be skeptical of your new outlook or even try to discourage you remember this is often more about their own fears and limiting beliefs than it is about you you don't don't need to convince anyone else of the validity of your path simply continue to focus on your own growth and abundance as you do you'll likely find that you naturally start to attract people who support and encourage your new abundant mindset another powerful practice for manifesting
wealth is to use the power of movement physical movement can help shift your energy and put you in a more positive abundant State of Mind this could be through Dance Yoga taii or any form of exercise that you enjoy As you move imagine yourself physically shaking off any limiting beliefs or negative energy imagine yourself moving towards your goals embodying the wealthy successful person you're becoming this physical practice can have a powerful effect on your mental and emotional state helping align you more closely with the energy of abundance now let's talk about the power of your
words in manifesting wealth the language you use both in your internal dialogue and in your conversations with others has a big impact on your ability to attract wealth pay attention to the words you use when you talk about money and success are using language of lack and limitation or language of abundance and possibility practice sh shifting your language to reflect the wealthy reality you're creating instead of saying I can't afford that try that's not a priority for me right now instead of I'm broke try I'm in the process of increasing my wealth these small shifts
in language can have a big impact on your mindset and your ability to attract abundance another important aspect of allowing wealth into your life is to be willing to invest in yourself this might mean investing money in courses or training to improve your skills it might mean investing time in self-care or personal Dev velopment it might mean investing energy in building relationships and expanding your network when you invest in yourself you're sending a powerful message to the universe you're saying I am valuable I am worth investing in this attitude of self-worth is magnetic to wealth
and success now I want to talk about the importance of patience in manifesting wealth in our fast-paced world we often expect instant results but true lasting wealth often takes time to manifest it's like planting a tree it doesn't grow overnight but with consistent care and attention it can grow into something magnificent trust in the process no that even when you can't see results yet things are shifting and aligning behind the scenes your job is to stay consistent in your thoughts feelings and actions of abundance the universe will take care of the timing another powerful practice
for manifesting wealth is to use the power of symbols symbols can be a powerful way to communicate with your subconscious mind and reinforce your intentions you might choose to wear jewelry with symbols of abundance like a tree of life or a Prosperity knot you might display symbols of wealth in your home like a vision board or a Prosperity Corner in fangu choose symbols that are meaningful to you that make you feel abundant and successful when you look at them these symbols serve as constant reminders of your wealth goals and help keep you aligned with the
energy of abundance now as we come to the end of our time together now as we come to the end of our time together I want to remind you of the incredible power you hold within you the power to relax to allow to open yourself to the abundance that is your Birthright remember manifesting wealth isn't about struggle or Force it's about alignment it's about tuning your energy to the frequency of abundance it's about becoming a person who is ready and willing to receive all the wealth the universe has to offer you've learned so many powerful
practices today the power visualization of gratitude of positive selft talk the importance of taking inspired action of being willing to receive the value of patience of trust in the process but here's the most important thing to remember you don't have to do all of these things perfectly you don't have to get it right all the time this isn't about perfection it's about progress It's about consistently moving in the direction of abundance even if you take a few steps back now and then every time you choose a thought of abundance over a thought of lack you're
making progress every time you Express gratitude for what you have you're making progress every time you take inspired action towards your goals you're making progress and here's the beautiful thing as you make this progress as you consistently align yourself with the energy of abundance you'll start to notice changes maybe at first it's just small things finding money on the street getting an unexpected discount receiving a small gift but as you continue to relax and allow as you continue to trust in the abundance of the universe these manifestations of wealth will grow you'll start to notice
more opportunities coming your way you'll find yourself having ideas for new way to increase your income you'll attract people and situations that support your financial growth and bit by bit your reality will start to shift to match your vision of wealth and abundance but remember this isn't just about money true wealth is about living a life that feels rich in every way it's about having the freedom to spend your time as you choose it's about having the resources to support causes you believe in it's about being able to take care of yourself and your loved
ones it's about feeling secure fulfilled and joyful as you continue on this journey of manifesting wealth stay connected to your wow why do you want to be wealthy how will it allow you to live a more fulfilling life how will it allow you to make a positive difference in the world let these deeper motivations fuel your commitment to this process and remember you're not alone on this journey the entire universe is supporting you every time you relax and allow you're working in partnership with the infinite intelligence of the universe trust in this partnership trust that
the Universe wants you to succeed wants you to thrive wants you to experience all the abundance it has to offer you have everything you need within you right now to create the wealthy Abundant Life you desire you have the power to choose your thoughts to direct your focus to take inspired action you have the power to relax to allow to receive so I invite you right now to take a deep breath feel yourself relaxing opening up to receive feel the energy of abundance flowing all around you and through you know that you are worthy of
all the wealth the universe has to offer know that as you relax and allow Miracles can happen you are on an incredible journey of growth and transformation every step you take towards abundance not only changes your life but ripples out to positively impact the world around you your wealth your success your joy these are gifts not just to you but to everyone whose life you touch so go forth with confidence go forth with trust go forth knowing that as you relax and allow the universe is conspiring to bring you more abundance than you've ever dreamed
possible the wealthy joyful fulfilling life you desire is not just possible it's inevitable as you align yourself with the infinite abundance of the universe thank you for your attention and your openness may you go forward from here relaxed allowing and open to receive all the wealth and abundance the universe has in store for you your journey to wealth and abundance Starts Now this very moment embrace it enjoy it and watch in Wonder as the universe unfolds its magnificent plan for your Prosper remember you are worthy you are ready and the universe is waiting to shower
you with abundance beyond your wildest dreams all you need to do is relax allow and receive your time of wealth and abundance is here embrace it with open arms and an open heart The Best Is Yet To Come
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1111 HZ | Remove All Blockages - Receive L...
Soothing Harmony
Brene Brown legacy
Money Energy - Why People Attract Money Easily, How You Can Too Audiobook
Money Energy - Why People Attract Money Ea...
Speak to Yourself Like This, You will Shift Instantly - Joe Dispenza Motivation
Speak to Yourself Like This, You will Shif...
Motivation Mastery™
The Best Bob Proctor Speech Of His Entire Life! (R.I.P)
The Best Bob Proctor Speech Of His Entire ...
Motivation Manifested
999Hz- The Strongest Sign Of God | All Blessing, Prosperity and Love Will Reach You
999Hz- The Strongest Sign Of God | All Ble...
Inner Healing Meditation
Always Be Silent in Five Situations - Dr Joe Dispenza Motivation
Always Be Silent in Five Situations - Dr J...
Motivational Insight
"Harnessing Your Divine Power to Create the Life You Desire" | NEVILLE GODDARD TEACHINGS |
"Harnessing Your Divine Power to Create th...
Neville Goddard Motivation
You're BROKE Because of This!  -  Joe Dispenza Mind-Blowing Revelations
You're BROKE Because of This! - Joe Disp...
How Talking to Yourself Can Help You Get What You Want - Joe Dispenza Motivation
How Talking to Yourself Can Help You Get W...
Motivation Mastery™
Full Guided Morning Joe Dispenza Meditation
Full Guided Morning Joe Dispenza Meditation
South Asian Mens Space
Motivation Mastery™
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