"Desires are FREQUENCIES" | Learn to Vibrate Correctly

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This is THE REAL LAW OF VIBRATION. Learn how to use it properly, and you'll obtain anything you desi...
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it's undeniable that everything on Earth and thus the universe has its own energy science itself agrees with the very basis of the law of vibration everything is energy and nothing is at rest the atoms that make us and everything around us what they are are constantly in flux the only difference between us and our computer desk is that our vibrational frequency is far higher than a hunk of wood according to the law of vibration even our own thoughts have their vibrational frequency our thoughts and feelings affect our bodily frequency which in turn dictates how you
may experience your life and the things that attract you if what we desired doesn't have the same frequency as us we will never be able to align with it energy is delivered to the body through the foods we eat and liquids we drink foods contain a lot of stored chemical energy which once consumed your body breaks down these Foods into smaller components and absorbs them for fuel humans are complex organisms made up of trillions of cells each with their own structure and function most recent estimates put the number of cells at around 30 trillion these
cells work harmoniously they carry out all the basic functions necessary for humans to survive but it's not just human cells inside your body scientists estimate that the number of bacterial cells in the human body likely exceeds the number of human cells humans are multicellular complex organisms the cells inside our bodies are specialized this means that each type of cell performs a unique and special function for this reason each of the 200 different types of cells in the body has a different structure size shape and function and contains different organelles you know that hand is changing
at the rate of millions of cells per second just like that it's changing how is yours changing you cast off millions of cells 40 50 million cells per second and you agree recreate more the universal law the law of vibration posits that every atom object and living thing is in constant motion vibrating at a specific frequency the speed or rate at which something vibrates is referred to as its frequency with the only difference between one object and another being the rate of its vibration you can think of this frequency as vibrational energy the energy of
a physical space or group of people isn't something you can see or touch but it's something you sense feel and react to the idea behind this law is not only that we all have specific vibrational frequency but also that we can learn to adjust our vibration if we're caught in a low vibrational experience or scenario the more you attune to your own energy the more you see how your vibes affect your entire experience let that drawing that Circle represent your mind there's two parts to it if you notice that there's a horizontal line right through
the center let's put a body on it we'll say that's the body and the top half is the mind and we'll bring it down here to work with it see there you've got your conscious mind then you have your subconscious mind and then the instrument of the mind because that's what the body is and the body moves into action and produces results see the body acts according to the vibration it's in in order to manifest anything we must first match the vibration of what it is we're looking for you'll only attract to yourself energy that
matches up with your energy you only attract vibrations that match up with your vibration say you want to manifest more wealth but constantly think about needing more money remember that your thoughts also have vibrational energy the thought I need more money actually holds a vibe vibration of lack and could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy we have the power to dictate the frequency of our being by directing our own thoughts tapping into this universal law can help you figure out how you feel in a situation or scenario at any given time once you discern what feels
highly vibrational to you like attitudes pleases and people that feel connected healthy and exciting it's easier to sense when you're in the presence of high Vibes as you see this is the world we relate to down here this is the visible world the physical world and we live to our senses we go by what we see here smell taste touch let's understand that anything we see outside was originated inside that's right practice self-care regularly to raise your vibration and show up in the world clearer and stronger self-care can look different for everybody whether it's by
by taking a weekly bath ritual prioritizing getting out into nature or journaling when you take care of yourself your vibration will reflect it one of the best ways to build up a solid foundation of being in alignment and raising your vibration is to focus on daily activities that make you feel good and balanced this will look different for everyone so always try to focus on Joy love and peace as these vibrations help you feel healthier and happier and when you study this and start to understand it then you attract according to the vibration you're in
and you'll start to understand that you control the vibration your brain is electronic switching station as you activate brain cells you alter the vibration you're in as you alter the vibration you alter what you attract into your life emotions also hold vibrational frequencies and working with this law can help you navigate them emotions are powerful guides to shift us into a higher more balanced state of being adding emotions can range from low frequency fear shame Etc to high frequency joy and love there are no bad feelings it's all energy that wants to move forward when
we feel anxious or stressed this is simply energy that wants to move through us and be released the law of vibration helps us recognize when we're moving through dense heavy emotions so we can let them go and maintain a higher frequency this is Dr Thurman Fleet he wanted to understand the mind and he wanted to understand paradigms see Paradigm is a Mind program it's a program in your subconscious mind that's controlling your behavior the law of vibration is the first law that must happen before the law of attraction in creating that vibration within yourself you
invoke the law of vibration deliberately and only then can the Law of Attraction happen the law of vibration is about matching the specific frequency of what you're looking for the Law of Attraction takes this idea a bit further by allowing you to create the frequency within yourself by any means like visualization meditation or affirmations at the end of the day whenever we're manifesting we need to work with these two laws to attract and vibrate at the same level as we want what you align with vibrationally is easier to attract now the intellect is something most
people but really don't understand we should but we don't we've got intellectual factors we have these higher faculties we are not taught to use them we are taught to go about what we see here smell taste and touch we are trained literally trained as little kids at home and then in school to let the outside world control us more and more people are starting to realize the direct impact of their mental activity on their reality our minds generate vibration that's constantly at work our thoughts and feelings all have frequency just like sound and light radio
or ultraviolet waves a thought vibrates through the mind and whether we're aware of it or not our thinking manifests into reality some people become Adept at mastering their thoughts and most people can develop awareness and control over their thinking processes with the right mindset frequency it is possible to manifest happiness joy health wealth and freedom and transform reality in a tangible form everything vibrates the Earth the sky the Wind Fire and Water all vibrate and have their own unique frequency our physical body organs blood all animals trees flowers Rivers the ocean Stones crystals and metal
all vibrate the law of vibrations hates that anything that exists in our universe whether seem or unseen broken down into and analyzed in its purest and most basic form consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern everything in our world is made out of the same building blocks and when breaking down all matter science is found that energy vibrates in different frequencies in a addition to everything vibrating all matter that seems solid liquid or gas is empty space the atom's electrons protons and neutrons are in constant motion
some people call this the law of attraction or the law of vibration it really doesn't matter what we call it as long as we're aware of it and respect it as a universal law just like we understand and appreciate the law of gravity we already know about the law of resonance in which the stronger most stable frequency will overcome and entrain a weaker frequency to vibrate in its own frequency whatever information you impress you must accept it has no ability to reject now think of this your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what's real and what's
imagined whatever you impress whether you imagine it whether you hear it read it if you get emotionally involved in it it's real the Law of Attraction says that like attracts like but we're talking at the level of thought our thoughts images and conversations in our minds hold a certain vibration every thought has a frequency we can measure a thought and so if you're thinking that thought over and over again or if you're imagining in your mind having the money that you need building that company finding your soul mate if you imagine that you're admitting that
consistent basis our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want and from that we invoke one of the greatest laws in the universe and that's the Law of Attraction you become what you think about most but you also attract what you think about most we all vibrate we're on a level of vibration become tuned into your own feelings become aware of what is happening if you don't feel good you have the ability just like that to alter the vibration you're
in you can change the ideas in your mind and when you do that everything in your life changes the Law of Attraction works just like the law of resonance or the law of gravity it's always at work whatever we're thinking about we are attracted to our lives our lives are direct result of our thinking and unconscious expectations from the past it is essential for a well-being as humans to spend time thinking positive thoughts to Simply visualize what we want to experience to imagine the feeling of how we'd like to feel and send that vibration out
to the universe constantly generating negative thoughts and not knowing why life keeps manifesting negative situations is like jumping in the air and expecting to fly humans can't fly gravity is pulling us down just like a strong vibration transforms all other vibrations in a vicinity into its own frequency match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality a frequency is a level of vibration the good that you desire is on a frequency simply feel the body from within as one energy field this practice will free vast amounts of Consciousness
that have been trapped in mind the key is to stay in permanent connectedness with your inner body to feel it at all times this will rapidly deepen and transform your life the more Consciousness you direct into the inner body the higher its vibrational frequency much like a light that goes brighter as you turn up the dimmer switch increasing the flow of electricity at this higher energy level negativity cannot affect you anymore and you tend to attract new circumstances that reflect this higher frequency by keeping our attention on the body as much as possible we'll be
anchored in the now won't lose ourselves in the external world and won't lose ourselves in our minds thoughts and emotions fears and desires may still be present but they won't have the momentum to take us over now you may be saying well what's this got to do with my dream it's got everything to do with your dream if you have been stuck if you have had a difficult time altering your income if you had a difficult time attracting into your life the relationship or the business that you want it's because you're on the wrong frequency
and you're using the wrong tools you're going by what you see here smell taste touch awareness of the inner body has the power to transmute negativity in the body into light and by performing this spiritual cleanse we raise our vibrational frequency by vibrating at a higher frequency we also slowed down the Aging of the physical body as soon as your habitual State changes from being out of the body and trapped in your mind to being in the body and present in the now your physical body will feel lighter clearer and More Alive as there's more
Consciousness in the body its molecular structure actually becomes less dense more Consciousness means a lessening of the illusion of materiality we feel the vibrations and have a deeper connection with the world around us the body loves our attention and the Art of inner body awareness is also a potent form of self-healing most illnesses creep in when you're not present in the body if the master is not present in the house all kinds of shady characters will take up residency when you inhabit the body it will be hard for an unwanted guest to enter our psychic
immunities also enhanced when we're in our bodies it protects us from the negative mental emotion force field of others which is highly contagious inhabiting the body protects us not by putting up a shield but by raising the frequency vibration of our total energy field so that anything that vibrates at a lower frequency such as fear anger and depression doesn't resonate with our higher precise and stable frequency true imagination we can zip ourselves onto a higher frequency we just use our imagination and build a picture of the good we want and then we hold that picture
with our will the will is what gives us the idea to focus to concentrate when President John Kennedy asked Dr Warner Von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a man to the moon and bring him back safely to Earth Von Braun said the will to do it in other words you've got to see it and hold the picture in your mind you will attract everything you need as humans we have free will the ability to be the Watcher and observe our thoughts to become conscious and by doing so to
enter the state of being by observing our thinking and practicing inner body awareness and gratitude we will free ourselves from pre-programmed mind reactions to the world around us we'll be able to feel our emotions fully and let them go easily and we'll be able to choose our experiences we'll use our minds when needed rather than let compulsive thinking and out of control emotions on our lives we can change our frequency and our entire reality when we can rise above our thinking and learn to use our mind as the powerful tool that it is and remember
it is just a tool that we as conscious beings can use why don't you be satisfied with what you've got you should never be satisfied dissatisfaction is creative state who's dissatisfactory gave us the incandescent light it was dissatisfaction that gave us this means of communication but we grew up with the idea if you can't get it forget it and so 97 percent of the population have forgotten it and we just let the dream go your desire to achieve or attract something must be strong and unyielding for you to manifest it in your life when your
desires are weak and without a rock solid foundation they won't be able to attract what you want the universe is comprised of a balance between various forces and elements and as we are microcosms of the universe we also crave balance when the different aspects of your life are in Balance you're able to experience true peace and joy but in order to achieve balance appreciation and gratitude are required the moment your belief matches with any state you fuse with it and this Union results in the activation projection of the plots and plans and conditions and Circumstance
now the law of attraction is always working it's always working the Law of Attraction though responds to the paradigm what do we mean by that well the Paradigm the program is what controls the vibration that your mind bodies in and it's the vibration you're in that dictates what you attract if you're constantly replaying your fears on a loop you become a vibrational match for the very experiences you fear you might refer to this as a self-fulfilling prophecy but when you lean into peace trust gratitude and other powerful uplifting emotions you become a vibrational match for
more of these types of experiences to manifest in your reality that is in essence how the Law of Attraction works this does not mean that you have to be happy 100 of the time and this absolutely does not mean you have to suppress negative thoughts and feelings within when you suppress energy it doesn't go away rather it remains inside of you until you're ready to acknowledge and fully feel it even if if it's uncomfortable at first there's a difference between someone who's constantly angry bitter and negative about life versus someone who has a pretty positive
attitude but just has a bad day every once in a while having bad days and low moments just means you're human the law of vibration breaks those views with the idea that we as an organic entity in our universe have control over the good and the bad that our life's path is entirely decided upon thanks to not only our voluntary decisions but also the way we think feel and behave the bottom line when it comes to whether the law of vibration is real is whether you're ready to take the rans and accept that things don't
happen to you but rather they happen because of you you'll have to learn how to shed whatever it is that's holding you back and sometimes just working out what that is can incredibly painful however this is also an incredibly exciting Journey you're about to embark on and one you won't look back from Once you understand that you need to raise your vibrational energy to match the things you desire manifesting can feel like it's hopped onto a freight train and is hurtling towards the bright possibility of your dream the act of increasing your personal vibrational energy
will not only make you feel better mentally and emotionally but will have a serious knock-on effect on your physical health nobody wants to go for a jog after spending three days hiding from the world under the duvet however if you've spent all morning moving singing and being kind to yourself the idea of getting out seems much more effortless the law of vibration opens our eyes and hearts to our universe on a much deeper level than just the world we can see it tells us that we are more than just a singular being working our way
through our human lives and that our very being constantly moves interacts and affects all things around us understanding the law of vibration is the first step to aligning who you are what you think and how you behave with the very life you desire to have at its very core it's all about teaching us how to live a more positive happy existence
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