Neville Goddard - What You Focus On, You Attract: Practical Tips for Personal Growth

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Neville Goddard
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Video Transcript:
Imagine, if you will, that your mind is a garden. Every thought you enter, entertain, every belief you nurture is a seed planted in this fertile soil of consciousness. Just as surely as a planted seed grows into a flower or a tree, your thoughts and beliefs grow into the circumstances of your life. Now I ask you, what seeds are you planting in this garden of your mind? Are they seeds of doubt, fear, and limitation, or are they seeds of faith, love, and infinite possibility? For make no mistake, my dear friends, the harvest of your life
will be determined by the seeds you sow in the present moment. But how, you may ask, does this process work? How does the invisible realm of thought translate into the visible realm of experience? The answer lies in the very nature of consciousness itself. You see, consciousness is the only reality; the world you perceive around you is not separate from you, but a reflection of your inner state. When you truly grasp this truth, when you eternalize it not just as an intellectual concept but as a lived experience, you will hold in your hands the key to
unlocking the treasure of the universe. For if consciousness is the only reality and your thoughts shape your consciousness, then by controlling your thoughts, you control your reality. Let me illustrate this with a simple exercise. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a lemon. See its vibrant yellow skin; feel its waxy texture beneath your fingers. Now imagine cutting this lemon in half, the juice running down your hands. Bring the lemon to your lips and take a big bite. What happened? Did you not feel your mouth water? Did you not experience the tangy sensation as if
you actually bit into a lemon? And yet, there was no physical lemon; it was all in your imagination. This mindset is the power of focused thought. Your body responded to an imaginary stimulus as if it were real. Now, extend this understanding to every aspect of your life. Just as your body responded to the imagined lemon, the universe responds to your focused thoughts and beliefs. If you consistently focus on lack, you will experience lack. If you consistently focus on abundance, you will experience abundance. But remember, it is not enough to merely think positive thoughts in a
superficial manner. True transformation comes from a deeper place; it comes from assumption. You must assume the feeling of that which would fulfill you. You must live from the end, experiencing in your imagination the reality you desire as if it were already manifest. Let's delve deeper into this concept of assumption. When I speak of assumption, I am not referring to mere positive thinking or affirmations; I am speaking of a total transformation of your inner state. You must become, in consciousness, the person you wish to be in reality. Suppose you desire financial abundance. It is not enough
to simply repeat affirmations about wealth; you must assume the state of wealth consciousness. How would you feel if you were already financially abundant? How would you carry yourself? What thoughts would occupy your mind? You see, the outer world is a mirror reflecting your inner assumptions. If you assume poverty, if you are in a state of lack consciousness, the outer world will faithfully reflect this back to you. But if you assume abundance, if you live from the state of wealth consciousness, the universe has no choice but to reshape itself to match your assumption. This is the
law of attraction in its purest form. It is not about wishing for things to change; it is about changing yourself first in consciousness and allowing the outer world to conform to your new state of being. Now, I can hear some of you thinking, "But I have tried positive thinking before, and nothing changed." To this, I say you have not yet grasped the full power of your imagination. You have not yet learned to live from the end. Living from the end means experiencing in your imagination, with all the vividness of reality, the state you desire to
manifest. It means feeling the feelings, thinking the thoughts, and even performing the actions in your mind's eye as if your desire were already fulfilled. Let me give you a practical example. Suppose you desire a promotion at work. Instead of anxiously wondering if you will get the promotion or desperately affirming that you will, you must assume the last state of already having received the promotion in your imagination. Feel the satisfaction of sitting in your new office. Experience the pride as you tell your loved ones about your new position. Feel the weight of the increased responsibility and
the excitement of new challenges. Make this imaginal act so real that when you open your eyes, you are surprised to find yourself back in your current circumstances. This, my friends, is the art of living from the end, and when you master this art, you'll have mastered the art of deliberate creation. For your outer world has no choice but to reshape itself to match your inner experience. But some of you may be wondering, "What about action? Don't we need to take action to achieve our goals?" To this, I say inspired action will naturally flow from your
assumed state. When you truly live from the end, when you fully embody the consciousness of your desire fulfilled, you will be guided to take precisely the right actions at precisely the right time. Action taken from a state of lack or desperation is rarely effective; it is often frantic, misguided, and ultimately futile. But action taken from a state of fulfillment, from the calm certainty that your desire is already yours, is powerful beyond measure. This is why I say that changing your concept of self is the most important work you can do. For when... You change your
concept of self when you assume a new state of consciousness. Everything else changes automatically: your actions, your decisions, your very way of being in the world shift to align with your new self-concept. Now, let us explore some practical tips for personal growth based on this understanding. The first and most crucial step is to become aware of your current mental diet. What thoughts do you habitually entertain? What beliefs do you hold about yourself and the world? Are these thoughts and beliefs serving you, or are they limiting you? Most people go through life on autopilot, unconsciously repeating
the same patterns of thought day after day. But you, my dear friends, are not most people. You are here because you seek transformation, and transformation begins with awareness. Start paying attention to your inner dialogue. Notice the running commentary in your mind. Is it supportive and empowering, or is it critical and discouraging? Remember that these thoughts are the seeds you are planting in the garden of your mind; choose them wisely. Once you become aware of your thought patterns, the next step is to consciously choose new thoughts that align with your desires. But remember, it's not about
forcing yourself to think positively; it's about choosing thoughts that feel natural and true to you. If you currently believe that you are unworthy of love, for example, trying to force yourself to believe, "I am worthy of love," might feel inauthentic and create inner resistance. Instead, you might start with a thought that feels more believable, such as, "I am open to the possibility that I am worthy of love." As you consistently focus on this new thought, nurture it and give it your attention—it will grow stronger. Eventually, it will become your dominant belief, replacing the old limiting
belief. This process of consciously choosing your thoughts is the foundation of personal growth; it is the art of mental gardening, cultivating the mind to produce the harvest you desire in your life. But thought alone is not enough to truly transform your life; you must combine thought with feeling. This is where the power of imagination comes into play. Your imagination is the bridge between thought and feeling; it is the creative power that can make your desires feel real to you before they manifest in the physical world. I urge you to set aside time each day for
conscious imagination. Create a mental scene that implies the fulfillment of your desire. Make it as vivid and real as possible; engage all your senses. Feel the emotions you would feel if your desire were already fulfilled. For instance, if you desire a loving relationship, imagine yourself in a scene where you are with your perfect partner. Feel the warmth of their embrace, hear their loving words, and experience the joy and contentment of being in a fulfilling relationship. As you practice this imaginal act, you will notice something remarkable: the feelings generated by your imagination will begin to spill
over into your waking life. You will start to feel more loved, more worthy of love, even before a physical relationship manifests. This is the power of living from the end. By consistently assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you are reshaping your consciousness. As your consciousness changes, your reality must change to match it. Now, some of you might be thinking, "But what if negative thoughts and doubts creep in? What if I can't maintain this positive focus all the time?" My friends, this is a natural part of the process. The key is not to fight against
negative thoughts or to berate yourself for having them. Instead, gently redirect your focus back to your desired state. Think of it like training a puppy: when the puppy wanders off, you don't punish it; you gently guide it back to where you want it to be. Treat your mind with the same patience and kindness. When you notice your thoughts straying toward doubt or fear, simply guide them back to your desired state. Remember, what you resist persists. Fighting against negative thoughts only gives them more power. Instead, acknowledge them without judgment and then choose to focus on thoughts
that serve you better. This brings us to another crucial aspect of personal growth: self-love and self-acceptance. Many people make the mistake of thinking they need to change themselves in order to be worthy of love or success. But the truth is, true transformation comes from a place of self-acceptance, not self-rejection. You are, in this moment, perfect. And yes, you may desire to grow and evolve, but this desire comes from a place of love for yourself, not from a place of lack or unworthiness. When you truly love and accept yourself as you are, you create the fertile
soil from which all growth springs. Practice looking at yourself through the eyes of love; speak to yourself with kindness and compassion. Celebrate your strengths and accept your perceived weaknesses with equal grace. For it is only when you fully accept yourself that you give yourself permission to change. Now let’s talk about the role of gratitude in personal growth. Gratitude is not just a pleasant emotion; it is a powerful creative force. When you focus on what you are grateful for, you are effectively telling the universe, "More of this, please." Make gratitude a daily practice. Each morning when
you wake up and each night before you go to sleep, take a few moments to count your blessings. Feel the genuine emotion of thankfulness for all that is good in your life. But don’t stop at being grateful for what you already have; practice gratitude for what is coming, for the desires that are in the process of manifesting. Feel thankful for them as if they were already here. This is another way of living from the end—of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. As you cultivate this, you... Attitude of gratitude: You will find that more and
more things come into your life for which to be grateful. It becomes a beautiful, self-perpetuating cycle of abundance and joy. Now, my dear friends, I want to address a question that often arises when discussing the Law of Attraction and the power of focused thought. Some ask, "If our thoughts create our reality, are we responsible for everything that happens to us, even the bad things?" This is a nuanced question that requires compassionate understanding. While it is true that our dominant thoughts and beliefs shape our experience, we are not always consciously aware of all our beliefs, especially
those deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind. Moreover, we are part of a collective consciousness, and sometimes events occur that reflect collective beliefs rather than individual ones. The key is not to blame yourself for undesired circumstances but to recognize that you always have the power to choose your response to any situation. Instead of asking, "Why did this happen to me?" ask, "What can I learn from this? How can I use this experience for my growth?" This shift in perspective transforms challenges into opportunities for evolution and self-discovery. Remember, every experience, whether perceived as positive or negative, is
an opportunity to know yourself more deeply and to consciously choose who you want to be. In this way, even seemingly negative experiences can be transmuted to catalysts for personal growth. Now, let us delve into the concept of persistence. Personal growth is not always a smooth, linear process; there will be times when you feel as if nothing is changing, when your desired reality seems far away. It is in these moments that persistence becomes crucial. Persistence doesn't mean forcing or struggling; it means maintaining your assumption regardless of appearances. It means continuing to live from the end, even
when the outer world hasn't yet caught up with your inner reality. Think of it like planting a seed. Once you plant a seed, you don't dig it up every day to check if it's growing; you trust in the natural process of growth. You continue to water it and provide the right conditions, knowing that, in time, it will sprout and flourish. Similarly, once you plant the seed of your desire in your consciousness through your imaginal acts, you must have faith in the process. Continue to nurture it with your attention and emotion, but release the anxiety about
when or how it will manifest. This release, this letting go, is nothing different. It is deep trust in the perfect unfolding of your desire. It is the confident expectation of a child on Christmas Eve, knowing that their gifts will be there in the morning. As you persist in your assumption, as you continue to live from the state of your wish fulfilled, you will begin to notice changes. At first, they may be subtle: a shift in your mood, a new idea, an unexpected opportunity. These are signs that your outer world is beginning to conform to your
inner state. Celebrate these signs, no matter how small they may seem; your gratitude and excitement will further amplify the manifestation process. But don't become attached to these specific signs; keep your focus on the end result: the complete fulfillment of your desire. Now, I want to address a common pitfall in personal growth: the trap of constantly seeking outside yourself for voices or validation. While books, teachers, and techniques can be valuable tools, true transformation always comes from within. You are the operative power in your life; no one else can do your imagining for you, and no one
else can assume your desired state for you. The power to change your life lies within your own consciousness. This is why I often say, "Go within." All the wisdom of the universe, all the power you need to transform your life, is already within you. Your task is not to acquire something new, but to awaken to what you already are. When you go within, when you quiet the chatter of the external world and listen to the voice of your own being, you tap into an infinite source of wisdom and power. This is the essence of meditation
and contemplation: not to achieve some special state, but to become aware of your true nature. In this state of inner quietude, you may receive insights and inspirations. Trust these; act on them. They are your inner guidance, leading you toward the fulfillment of your desire. Remember, the outer world is a reflection of your inner state. As you cultivate inner peace, clarity, and joy, your outer world will endeavor to reflect these qualities back to you. This is why personal growth is the most powerful way to change your life circumstances. Now, let us talk about the importance of
living in the present moment. Many people postpone their happiness, thinking, "I'll be happy when I get that job," or "find that relationship," or "achieve that goal." But this is a trap, my friends; it keeps you always chasing, never arriving. The secret is to find joy in the present moment, even as you work toward your desires. Remember, your point of power is always in the present. It is only in the now that you can choose your thoughts, feel your emotions, and take inspired action. Moreover, when you learn to enjoy the journey and find satisfaction in the
process of growth itself, you open yourself to even greater possibilities. You become detached from specific outcomes, which paradoxically makes those outcomes more likely to manifest. This doesn’t mean you abandon your desires or become complacent; it means you trust in the perfect unfolding of your life, knowing that every moment is bringing you closer to the full expression of your true self. As we near the end of our discussion, I want to emphasize the importance of taking inspired action. While the inner work—imagination and assumption—is essential, Crucial, it must be paired without action for full manifestation. However, this
action comes from a different place than conventional goal setting or striving; it comes from a place of alignment with your assumed state. When you truly live from the end—when you fully embody the consciousness of your desire fulfilled—you will be naturally inspired to take the right actions at the right times. These inspired actions often feel like they do not make logical sense to your rational mind, but they will feel right on a deeper level. Trust these inspirations; act on them properly and decisively. Remember, you are not taking action to make your desire happen; you are taking
action because in your assumed reality, this is simply what you naturally do. This subtle shift in perspective makes all the difference. In conclusion, my dear friends, I want to remind you of the immense power you hold within you. You are not a helpless victim of circumstances, but the creator of your reality. Your focus, your imagination, your assumptions shape the world you experience. Choose wisely what you give your attention to; cultivate thoughts and feelings that align with your desires. Live from the end, assuming a state of your wish fulfilled. Practice gratitude, self-love, and present-moment awareness. Take
inspired action from a place of alignment and joy, and above all, persist in your assumption. Persist in your faith. Persist in your knowledge that what you seek is already yours in consciousness. For remember, consciousness is the only reality, and you are that consciousness. You are the operative power in your life. You are the miracle you seek. Embrace this truth, live from this understanding, and watch as your life transforms in wonderful and unexpected ways. Go forth now not to seek, but as finders; not as hopeful dreamers, but as conscious creators. For you are the power. You
are the miracle. You are the divine expression of life itself. Thank you for your attention, my friends. May your journey of personal growth be filled with joy, wonder, and the continual unfolding of your infinite potential. Have you ever noticed how some people seem to attract wealth effortlessly, while others struggle to make ends meet? The contrast is stark, yet the truth behind this phenomenon is far more profound than meets the eye. It's not about luck, inheritance, or even hard work; the real secret lies in understanding the nature of reality itself. Sarah constantly worries about money, always
feeling like there's never enough. She clips coupons, hesitates to spend on necessities, and lives in a perpetual state of financial anxiety. John, on the other hand, moves through life with ease. He doesn't obsess over price tags, enjoys life's pleasures, and somehow always has enough to cover his expenses and then some. What sets them apart? It's not their bank accounts or their jobs; it's their mindset—their fundamental belief about the nature of wealth and abundance. We live in a world of infinite abundance. Every resource, every opportunity, every possibility exists in limitless supply. Yet, most of us have
been conditioned to see scarcity. We've been taught that there's only so much to go around, that we must compete for limited resources, and that wealth is hard to come by and even harder to keep. This illusion of lack is just that—an illusion; it's a veil pulled over our eyes, hiding the true nature of our reality. But once you understand this truth, once you truly grasp the concept of abundance, your entire world shifts. Think about it: nature itself is a testament to abundance. A single apple seed can grow into a tree that produces thousands of apples,
each containing seeds for thousands more trees. The universe expands infinitely; ideas and creativity flow endlessly. There's no true scarcity in our world, only the scarcity we create in our minds. But how do we break free from this illusion? How do we step into the reality of abundance? It starts with a fundamental shift in consciousness. You must begin to see yourself not as a mere participant in a world struggling to get your share, but as the creator of your reality. Your consciousness, your beliefs, is the very substance from which your world is formed. This isn't some
new-age concept or wishful thinking; it's a principle that's been understood by great minds throughout history. The world you experience is a reflection of your inner state—your beliefs, your assumptions, your expectations. These are the building blocks of your reality. When you believe in lack, then you assume scarcity, and that's exactly what you'll experience. Your mind will filter your experiences, focusing on every instance of not enough, reinforcing your belief in a world of limitation. But when you shift your consciousness to abundance, when you truly believe and expect wealth and prosperity, your experience of the world transforms. Opportunities
that were always there suddenly become visible; resources you never noticed appear at your fingertips. The universe itself seems to conspire to fulfill your expectations of abundance. This isn't about denying the current state of your bank account or pretending that bills don't exist. It's about understanding that your external reality is a reflection of your internal state. By changing your inner world—your beliefs, assumptions, and expectations—you can create a life of abundance. Consider the power of assumption. When you assume wealth, when you live from a state of abundance, you naturally make different choices. You carry yourself differently, you
interact with others differently, you approach opportunities differently, and these subtle shifts create ripples. But it's not enough to simply think positive thoughts or repeat affirmations. This transformation requires a complete overhaul of your consciousness. You must become in your mind and heart the wealthy person you desire to be. This is where the power of imagination comes into play. Your imagination is not mere fantasy; it's the creative force of the universe itself expressing through you. When you vividly... Imagine wealth and abundance. When you feel the emotions associated with prosperity, you're not daydreaming; you're engaging in the most
powerful creative act possible. Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine yourself living in complete financial freedom. Feel the peace, the joy, the sense of security and possibility. Experience the emotions of having more than enough, of being able to give generously, of living life on your own terms. This is not an exercise in wishful thinking; it's a deliberate act of creation. As you engage in this practice regularly, you will notice a shift. Your fears about money will begin to dissolve; your decisions will align more with abundance than scarcity. You'll find yourself naturally gravitating toward opportunities for
growth and prosperity. But, yes, persist. The old patterns of lack and limitation will try to reassert themselves; doubts will creep in. The external world may not change overnight. This is where faith comes in—not blind faith, but faith based on understanding the true nature of reality. Remember, the physical world is a reflection of consciousness. It may take time for your new state of consciousness to fully manifest in your external reality, but if you persist, if you maintain that state of wealth consciousness regardless of external circumstances, your world will inevitably transform. This is the true meaning of
acting "as if." It's not about pretending or deceiving others; it's about aligning your entire being—your thoughts, feelings, and actions—with the reality you wish to experience. It's about living from the end, embodying the state of wealth and abundance now, knowing that the external must conform to the internal. As you begin to live from this new state of consciousness, you'll notice subtle shifts. Perhaps you'll feel more confident in business meetings. Maybe you'll find yourself drawn to books or conversations about wealth creation. You might start seeing opportunities where before you saw only obstacles. These are signs that your
inner transformation is beginning to manifest externally. Embrace them; celebrate them. Let them reinforce your faith in the power of your consciousness to shape your reality. But what about those moments when doubt creeps in, when the bank account seems low or unexpected expenses arise? This is where the real work begins. It's easy to feel abundant when everything is going well. The true test is maintaining that state of wealth consciousness even when external circumstances seem to contradict it. Remind yourself of the truth: abundance is your natural state; wealth is your birthright. The external world may take time
to catch up with your new inner reality, but it must and will conform if you hold steady to your new state of being. This is not about denying or ignoring your current circumstances; it's about seeing them for what they truly are: temporary conditions that have no power over your true abundant nature. You acknowledge them, but you don't give them power. Instead, you reaffirm your commitment to living from a state of wealth and abundance. As you continue on this journey, you'll find that your entire relationship with money transforms. No longer will it be a source of
stress or anxiety; instead, it becomes a natural, joyful expression of the abundance that you are. You find yourself spending wisely but generously, investing confidently. This shift in consciousness doesn't just affect your financial life; it spills over into every area of your existence. Relationships improve as you no longer come from a place of need. Health enhances as you release the stress and anxiety associated with financial worry. Creativity flourishes as you free yourself from the constraints of scarcity thinking. You begin to see the world through new eyes. Where once you saw limitation, you now see infinite possibility.
Where you once felt powerless, you now recognize your innate power as a conscious creator. The illusion of lack dissolves, revealing the breathtaking reality of abundance that has always been there, waiting for you to recognize it. This is the transformative power of acting as if you are wealthy. It's not about pretending or faking it; it's about aligning yourself with the truth of who you really are: the being of infinite potential living in a universe of boundless abundance. As you embrace this truth, as you live from the state of wealth consciousness, you watch in awe as your
life transforms, reflecting the abundance that has always been your true nature. Remember, this journey of transformation is not about reaching a destination; it's about embracing a new way of being. Every day, you have the opportunity to choose abundance over scarcity. Wealth overlaps; every moment is a chance to reaffirm your prosperous nature. As you continue to act from this place of abundance, you'll find that the universe responds in kind. Opportunities will arise, resources will appear, and your external reality will increasingly reflect your inner state of wealth. But the greatest reward is not the material abundance; it's
the freedom, the joy, the peace that comes from aligning with your true abundant nature. So, are you ready to shed the illusion of lack and step into the reality of abundance? Are you prepared to act as if you are wealthy and watch your life change? The choice is yours. The power is within you, and a world of infinite abundance awaits your discovery. Now that we've unveiled the illusion of lack and recognized the abundant nature of our reality, it's time to harness the most powerful tools at our disposal: imagination and assumption. These are not mere mental
exercises or flights of fancy; they are the very mechanisms through which we shape our reality and manifest our desires. What is the difference between the wealthy individual and the one struggling to make ends meet? Is it merely the numbers in their bank account, or is it something far more fundamental: their self-image, their bare beliefs about what's possible, their expectations of life? The truth is that long before we manifest anything in our external reality, we must first cultivate a rich inner life. the physical world, it exists as a state of consciousness. The wealthy person sees themselves
as wealthy, expects abundance, and naturally aligns their actions with it. This is the power of imagination — an assumption of work. But how exactly does this process unfold? How can we harness this innate ability to transform our financial reality? It begins with understanding the nature of imagination. Your imagination is not separate from reality; it is the very substance from which reality is formed. When you vividly imagine a scenario, your brain and body will respond as if it were actually happening. This is why visualization techniques are so powerful in sports, medicine, and yes, in wealth creation.
When you imagine yourself as wealthy and mentally rehearse the life of abundance you desire, you're not engaging in wishful thinking; you're literally rewiring your brain, creating new neural pathways that align with your desired reality. You're training your subconscious mind to recognize and seize opportunities for wealth creation that may have always been there but were previously invisible to you. But imagination alone is not enough; it must be coupled with assumption – the firm belief that what you've imagined is not just possible but inevitable. This is where many people falter: they can picture wealth and abundance, but
deep down, they don't truly believe it's possible for them. Assumption is the bridge between imagination and manifestation. When you assume a state of wealth, when you live, think, and act as if you are already wealthy, you set in motion a series of events that must inevitably lead to the manifestation of that state. This is not about pretending or deceiving others; it's about aligning your entire being with the reality you wish to experience. It's about embodying the state of wealth so completely that it becomes your natural way of being. So how do we put this into
practice? How do we use imagination and assumption to transform our financial reality? Start by creating a vivid mental image of your ideal wealthy self. See yourself living in the home you desire, driving the car you want, and enjoying the lifestyle you aspire to. But don't stop at the material possessions; imagine how you feel in this state of abundance. Experience the peace, the confidence, the joy that comes with financial freedom. As you engage in this practice, pay attention to the details: what clothes are you wearing? How do you carry yourself? How do you interact with others?
The more detailed and vivid your imagining, the more powerful its impact on your subconscious mind. Now here's the crucial part: as you imagine this scenario, you must assume it as your current reality. Feel the gratitude, the excitement, the sense of accomplishment as if you've already achieved this state of wealth. This is not about projecting into the future; it's about embodying that state of wealth right now. You might be thinking, "But how can I assume wealth when my current circumstances show the opposite?" This is where faith comes in — not blind faith, but faith based on
understanding the creative power of your consciousness. Remember, your external world is a reflection of your inner state. By assuming the state of wealth now, regardless of current circumstances, you set in motion the forces that will bring that state into physical manifestation. This requires a shift in focus. Instead of obsessing over your current bank balance or financial worries, direct your attention to the abundance that surrounds you. Appreciate the wealth you already have: the air you breathe, the sun that shines, the infinite potential within you. As you cultivate this awareness of abundance, you find it easier to
assume the state of wealth. Another powerful technique is to live from the end. This means structuring your day as if you were already living your ideal wealthy life. How would you start your morning? How would you approach your work? How would you interact with others? By aligning your actions with your assumed state of wealth, you reinforce that state in your subconscious mind. But what about when doubts creep in, when the bills pile up, or unexpected expenses arrive? This is where the real work begins. It's easy to feel wealthy when everything is going well; the true
test is maintaining that state of wealth consciousness even when external circumstances seem to contradict it. Remind yourself: your imagination is more real than the world of appearances. Your assumed state of wealth is more powerful than temporary financial challenges. Instead of reacting with fear or anxiety, reaffirm your commitment to your assumed state of wealth. Use your imagination to see beyond the current circumstances to the abundance that is your true nature. As you persist in this practice, you begin to notice subtle shifts. Perhaps you'll feel more confident in financial decisions. Maybe you'll find yourself drawn to books
or conversations about wealth creation. You might start seeing opportunities where before you saw only obstacles. These are signs that your inner transformation is beginning to manifest externally. Embrace them, celebrate them; let them reinforce your faith in the power of your imagination and assumption. But don't stop there. As you begin to experience these changes, amplify them in your imagination. See them as confirmation of your wealthy state. Assume that they are just the beginning of the abundance that is flowing into your life. Remember, the goal is not just to accumulate money or possessions; it's to embody the
state of wealth so completely that it becomes your natural way of being. This state of wealth consciousness will not only transform your financial reality but will enhance every aspect of your life. You'll find that relationships improve as you no longer come from a place of need or lack. Your health may enhance as you release the stress and anxiety associated with financial worry. Your creativity may flourish as you free yourself from the constraints of scarcity thinking. As you continue to... Your imagination and assumption in this way; you'll discover that you're not just creating wealth; you're uncovering
the abundant nature that has always been your true self. You're aligning with the infinite potential that exists within you and all around you. This journey of transformation through imagination and assumption is not always easy. There will be times when the old patterns of thinking try to reassert themselves. There will be moments when the external world seems to contradict your assumed state of wealth. In these moments, stand firm in your practice. Return to your imagination; reinforce your assumption of wealth. Remember that your consciousness is the only true reality and that the physical world must eventually conform
to your dominant mental state. As you persist, you'll find that maintaining a state of wealth consciousness becomes easier and more natural. It will no longer feel like an effort or a practice; it will simply be who you are. As this shift occurs, you will watch in amazement as your external reality transforms to match your inner state. Opportunities for wealth creation will seem to appear out of nowhere. Resources you need will show up at just the right time. People who can help you on your journey will enter your life. And through it all, you maintain a
sense of peace, confidence, and joy that comes from knowing you are the creator of your reality. This is the true power of imagination and assumption. It's not about daydreaming or wishful thinking; it's about consciously directing the creative force of the universe that expresses through you. It's about aligning your entire being with the wealth and abundance that is your birthright. So, as you move forward on this journey, commit to making full use of your imagination. Vividly picture your ideal wealthy self; feel the emotions associated with financial freedom. Assume the state of wealth as your current reality,
regardless of external circumstances. Remember, this is not a one-time event; it's a way of life. Every day, you have the opportunity to reinforce your state of wealth consciousness through your imagination and assumption. Every moment is a chance to align more fully with the abundance that is your true nature. As you do this, you'll find that acting as if you are wealthy becomes effortless. You will no longer feel like an act because you have fully embodied that state of wealth. From this place of alignment, you will watch now as your life transforms, reflecting the abundance that
has always been within you. The power to create the wealth you desire lies within you; it always has. Through your imagination and assumption, you hold the key to unlocking a life of true abundance. The choice is yours; the power is yours, and the world of infinite possibility awaits your command. So, are you ready to fully harness the power of your imagination? Are you prepared to assume the state of wealth and watch as your reality transforms? The time is now; the power is within you, and the life of abundance you've always dreamed of is waiting for
you. As we've explored the power of imagination and assumption in creating wealth, we now come to the most crucial element of this transformative process: persistent faith. This is where the rubber meets the road, where your commitment to your vision of wealth is crucial. What does it mean to have faith in the context of manifesting wealth? It's not about blindly believing in a future windfall or passively waiting for abundance to fall into your lap. All the faith we're talking about is an unwavering conviction in the reality of your imagined state of wealth, a steadfast belief in
the creative power of your consciousness. This faith is the bridge between our inner world of imagination and the outer world of physical manifestation. It's the fuel that keeps your vision alive when circumstances seem to contradict it. It's the anchor that holds you steady in your assumed state of wealth, regardless of temporary financial fluctuations. Maintaining this faith isn't always easy. There will be moments of doubt—times when your bank account seems to mock your vision of abundance, and days when the weight of bills and financial responsibilities threaten to crush your spirits. These are the moments that separate
those who truly transform their financial reality from those who remain trapped in cycles of lack and limitation. So, how do you cultivate and maintain this persistent faith? It starts with understanding that faith is not something you either have or don't have; it's a muscle that you strengthen through consistent practice. Every time you choose to hold fast to your vision of wealth in the face of contradictory circumstances, you're building that faith muscle. One powerful practice is to create a daily ritual of reinforcing your wealth consciousness. This could be a morning meditation where you fully immerse yourself
in the feeling of abundance, or it might be an evening review where you identify all the ways abundance manifested in your day, no matter how small. The key is consistency—doing this every single day, regardless of how you feel or what's happening in your external world. Another crucial aspect of maintaining faith is managing your mental diet. Just as you're careful about what you put into your physical body, you must be vigilant about what you feed your mind. Limit your exposure to negative news about the economy or fearful conversations about money. Surround yourself with stories of abundance,
with people who believe in the possibility of wealth, and with ideas that expand your conception of what's possible. But what about when doubts creep in? Because they will; it's natural for the human mind to question, to seek evidence, to want proof. The key is not to resist these doubts, but to meet them with understanding and then gently redirect your focus back to your vision of wealth that arises from your thoughts. Faith is your power; it is no power unless… I give it power. I choose instead to give power to my vision of abundance. Then, immediately
immerse yourself in the feeling of wealth and abundance. Feel the gratitude, the joy, the freedom, as if it's already your reality. This is where the power of your imagination becomes crucial: use it to create a vivid inner experience of wealth that's more real, more tangible to you than any temporary external circumstance. The more real you can make this inner experience, the easier it becomes to maintain faith in its eventual physical manifestation. Remember, the external world is always catching up to your inner reality. Your current financial circumstances are the result of past thoughts and beliefs. By
maintaining faith in your new state of world consciousness, you are setting in motion the forces that will bring that state into physical manifestation. But faith without action is empty. This doesn't mean struggling or striving from a place of lack; instead, it means allowing inspired action to flow naturally from your state of wealth consciousness. When you truly feel wealthy, you'll find yourself naturally drawn to opportunities for growth and abundance. You will make decisions from a place of confidence rather than fear. You'll invest in yourself and your future without hesitation. As you take these inspired actions, see
them as confirmation of your wealthy state; appreciate them as evidence of your transformation rather than prerequisites for it. This subtle shift in perspective can make all of the difference in maintaining your faith. It's also important to cultivate patience; the physical world may take time to fully reflect your new inner state. This is where many people falter, giving up just before their vision starts to materialize. But remember, every moment you maintain your faith in your wealthy state is bringing you closer to its physical manifestation. Think of it like planting a seed: you don’t dig it up
every day to check if it's growing; you trust in the natural process, providing water and sunlight consistently. In the same way, you must trust in the process of manifestation, consistently providing the water of your imagination and the sunlight of your faith. As you persist in this practice, you begin to notice signs of your manifesting wealth. Perhaps unexpected opportunities arise; maybe you receive a surprise refund or bonus, or you might simply feel a growing sense of peace and confidence about money. Celebrate these signs, no matter how small; see them as confirmation that your faith is working,
that your new reality is taking shape. But don't stop there: use these manifestations to fuel your faith even further. Let them strengthen your conviction in the power of your consciousness to create your reality. Let them inspire you to dream even bigger, to expand your vision of what's possible. As your faith grows stronger, you will find that maintaining your state of wealth consciousness becomes easier and more natural. What once felt like an effort becomes your default state. You no longer have to constantly remind yourself to think abundantly; it will simply be who you are. This, this
is when true transformation occurs. You're no longer acting as if you're wealthy; you are wealthy in the deepest sense of the word. Your wealth is no longer dependent on external circumstances; it's an inner state of abundance that flows out into every aspect of your life. From this place of unshakable faith, you become a powerful force for abundance in the world. Your very presence inspires others to believe in the possibility of wealth. Your actions create ripples of prosperity that extend far beyond your personal finances. But perhaps the greatest reward of this persistent faith is the profound
sense of peace it brings when you truly know at the core of your being that abundance is your natural state, that you have the power to create the wealth you desire. You're free to enjoy life fully, to give generously, to pursue your passions without the constant stress of money concerns. This is the true promise of wealth consciousness: not just material abundance but a deep, abiding sense of enoughness and knowing that you are the source of your abundance, and that source is infinite and eternal. So, as you move forward on this journey of manifesting wealth, commit
to cultivating this persistent faith. Choose each and every day to stand firm in your vision of abundance, regardless of external circumstances. Use your imagination to make your inner experience of wealth more real than any temporary financial challenge. Take inspired action from a place of confidence and abundance. And above all, trust in the process. Trust in the creative power of your consciousness. Trust that as you maintain your faith, as you persist in your assumed state of wealth, your external reality must and will conform to your inner world. Remember, this journey of transformation is not about reaching
a destination; it's about embracing a new way of being. Every day is an opportunity to strengthen your faith, to deepen your wealth consciousness, to align more fully with the abundance that is your true nature. The power to create the wealth you desire has always been within you. Through your persistent faith, you're not just manifesting money or possessions; you're manifesting the truth of who you are—a being of infinite abundance living in a universe of limitless possibility. So, are you ready to stand firm in your faith? Are you prepared to persist in your vision of wealth, no
matter what? The choice is yours; the power is within you, and a world of true abundance awaits your unwavering belief. As we conclude this exploration of acting as if you are worthy, remember that the transformation you seek is already within you. You have the imagination to create a vivid vision of wealth. You have the power to assume that state as your current reality, and you have the capacity for persistent faith that will bring that vision into manifestation. Manifestation: the journey may not always be easy, but it is always worth it. For in choosing to act
as if you are wealthy, in choosing to align with the abundance that is your true nature, you're not just changing your financial reality; you're stepping into the fullness of who you truly are. You're claiming the life of joy, freedom, and abundance that has been your birthright. So go forth with confidence, live from that stage of consciousness, maintain your faith even when circumstances seem to contradict it, and watch as your life transforms, reflecting the abundance that has always been within you. The power is yours; the time is now. Your wealthy self awaits. When I tell you
to act as if you are the best, I'm not speaking of arrogance or comparison with others. I'm speaking of recognizing and embodying your divine nature, for you are God's own image and likeness made manifest in flesh. Many of you come to these lectures believing that others are better than you, more talented than you, or more deserving than you. But I tell you this: such beliefs are nothing but assumed limitations, and like all assumptions, they can be changed in a single moment of understanding. Consider this: when scripture says, "I am that I am," it's revealing the
fundamental truth of your being. You are not becoming the best; you are the best. Your only task is to recognize and assume this truth until it becomes your living reality. Let me share with you what I mean by acting as if you are the best. It's not about competing with others or proving your superiority; it's about assuming the state of being the person you desire to be, knowing that no one can prevent you from expressing your highest conception of yourself. When you truly grasp that consciousness is the only reality, you understand that your concept of
self determines everything you experience. If you assume others are better than you, the universe must conform to provide experiences that confirm this assumption. If you assume you are the best, the universe must—and I emphasize must—reorganize itself to reflect this assumption back to you. Here's a profound truth that few understand: your present concept of self—the one that makes you feel less than others—is just as much a step of being as the one I'm asking you to adopt. You were born believing others were better than you; you learned to assume this through experience and accepted it as
truth. Changing this assumption requires a complete revision of your self-concept. You must begin to live from the assumption that you are the best, not through comparison with others, but through the recognition of your divine nature. For when I say you are the best, I'm speaking of your true identity as pure consciousness. Let me share with you what happens in consciousness when you truly assume you are the best. First, all sense of competition falls away. When you know you are the best, you don't need to prove it to anyone; you don't need to diminish others to
elevate yourself. You simply are, and that knowing is enough. Many of you make the mistake of trying to become the best through effort and struggle, but I tell you this: you cannot become what you already are. Your task is not to become the best, but to recognize and assume that you already are the best. This is what scripture means when it says, "Be still and know that I am God." Consider this: everything you're experiencing now—every limitation, every feeling of being less than others—is simply the harvested fruit of your past assumptions. The universe has been faithfully
reflecting back to you what you have assumed about yourself. If you've assumed others are better, the universe has provided evidence to support this assumption. But here's the liberating truth: you can change this pattern in a single moment by assuming a new concept of self. When you assume you are the best, the universe has no choice but to rearrange itself to reflect this new assumption. This is law, and the law never fails. Let me tell you something about assuming you are the best: it has nothing to do with ego or pride. It's about recognizing your divine
nature and allowing it to express through you. When you truly assume this state, you naturally want others to recognize and express their divine nature as well. This is why the command is to love your neighbor as yourself. When you truly recognize your own divine nature, you automatically see it in others. You don't need to compete with them because you understand that their success doesn't diminish your own greatness. Expressing your divine nature means living from the assumption that you are the best version of yourself right now, in this moment—not tomorrow, not when circumstances change, but now.
For in consciousness, where all creation takes place, there is no waiting, no becoming; there is only being. Let me share with you a principle that many find difficult to accept: your current circumstances have no power to prevent you from assuming you are the best. Your bank account, your education, your background, your past failures—none of these can stop you from assuming a new concept of self. They are merely shadows of past assumptions. Many of you say, "But Neville, how can I assume I'm the best when others are more qualified, more successful, or more experienced?" I tell
you this: these comparisons exist only in your imagination, and if they exist in your imagination, they can be revised in your imagination. For imagination creates reality. Consider this: every great individual who ever lived first assumed their greatness before it became visible to others. They didn't wait for circumstances to make them great; they assumed their greatness, and circumstances had to conform to their assumption. This is the law. When you truly assume you are the best, something remarkable happens. It happens in consciousness: all sense of strain, all need to prove yourself, all fear of competition falls away.
You begin to move through life with a confidence that needs no external validation. Let me tell you something about this state of being the best: it's not about being better than others; it's about being better than your previous concept of yourself. When you assume this stage, you naturally inspire others to rise to their best as well. For when one rises, one rises. Here’s a profound truth about assuming you are the best: the universe cannot give you less than what you assume for yourself. If you assume mediocrity, the universe must provide experiences of mediocrity. If you
assume excellence, the universe must provide experiences of excellence. Assuming excellence means occupying the state of being excellent in your imagination until it becomes your dominant feeling—not just during meditation or visualization, but in every moment of your daily life. Your every thought, your every action, your every reaction must spring from this new assumption. Let me share with you what happens when you truly assume you are the best: your walk changes, your talk changes, your posture changes, not through conscious effort, but as a natural expression of your new self-concept. The universe must then reshape itself to match
this new expression. Many of you make the mistake of trying to act confident while maintaining an inner feeling of inadequacy, but I tell you this: the universe responds not to your outer actions, but to your inner feeling tone. You must feel your excellence in the very depths of your being. Consider this right now: in this very moment, there are infinite states of consciousness available to you; the state of being the best already exists, complete and perfect. Your task is not to create this state, but to occupy it through your assumption. When you assume you are
the best, you stop seeking approval from others. You stop comparing yourself to others; you stop making excuses for why you can't succeed. These behaviors cannot exist in the consciousness of one who truly knows their own excellence. Let me tell you something crucial about maintaining this state: you will be tested. The world of Caesar will present you with evidence that seems to contradict your assumption. Old circumstances, old relationships, old patterns will persist for a time. This is law. But here's the secret: these circumstances have no power except the power you give them through your reaction. If
you maintain your assumption of being the best, despite contrary evidence, that very evidence must change to match your assumption. Handling contrary evidence is where most people falter in their assumption of being the best. When circumstances seem to deny your assumption, when others doubt you, when results don't immediately appear, this is when you must stand most firmly in your conviction. Let me share with you a principle that has proven itself countless times: the outer world will continue to reflect your old concept of self for a time. This is not a denial of your new assumption; it
is an opportunity to strengthen it. Every circumstance that seems to deny your excellence is actually an opportunity to prove your assumption. Many of you abandon your assumption of being the best at the first sign of failure or criticism, but I tell you this: those very failures, those very criticisms, when met with unwavering assumption of your excellence, become the building blocks of your success. For what you persist in assuming must become your reality. Consider this: when you truly know you are the best, failure becomes impossible. You may face temporary setbacks, but in your consciousness, these are
merely stepping stones to your inevitable success. This is how the great ones think, and this is how you must think if you would assume your greatness. The universe responds not to what others think of you, not to your past performance, not to your current circumstances, but to your persistent assumption. If you maintain the feeling of being the best despite all evidence to the contrary, the universe must—and I emphasize must—reorganize itself to match your assumption. Let me tell you something about persistence in your assumption: it's not about duration in time, but about the intensity of conviction.
One moment of complete acceptance of your excellence is worth more than years of half-hearted affirmations. The universe responds not to time, but to the intensity of your assumption. Here’s a profound truth about maintaining your assumption: you don't maintain it by fighting against current conditions; you maintain it by remaining so centered in your excellence that current conditions become irrelevant. Just as light doesn't fight darkness, it simply shines. You don't fight against limitations; you simply radiate excellence. Radiating excellence comes from a deep inner conviction that transcends all external circumstances. When you truly assume you are the best,
this assumption radiates from you naturally, without effort, without strain, without trying to convince others. It becomes as natural as breathing. Let me share with you what I mean by radiating excellence: when you wake in the morning, before you even open your eyes, feel the naturalness of being the best—not with excitement or enthusiasm, but with the quiet certainty of knowing who you really are. This feeling should be as natural as knowing your own name. Many of you try to radiate excellence through outer actions, through your clothes, your possessions, your movements, but I tell you this: true
excellence radiates from within. It's not something you do; it's something you are. The outer manifestations will follow naturally when your inner assumption is secure. Consider this: everything in your world right now is a reflection of your past radiation. If you've been radiating doubt, uncertainty, or feelings of inadequacy, the universe has faithfully reflected these back to you. The universe can only reflect what you assume. You radiate from within when you truly radiate excellence. Something remarkable happens: others begin to recognize and respond to it, not because you’re trying to impress them, but because they can’t help but
respond to the conviction you carry within. This is why scripture says, "Let your light so shine before men." Let me tell you something vital about radiating excellence: it must be consistent. You cannot radiate excellence for an hour and then return to radiating doubt and limitation. The universe responds to your predominant radiation, not to your occasional moments of feeling confident. Here’s a profound truth about radiation: it affects everything in your world. When you truly radiate excellence, every person you meet and every circumstance you encounter must adjust itself to match your radiation. This is law, and the
law never fails. Your radiation affects your world in ways that your logical mind could never conceive. When you consistently radiate the feeling of being the best, the entire universe must—and I emphasize must—rearrange itself to reflect this radiation back to you in the form of corresponding circumstances, events, and relationships. Let me share with you what happens when you maintain this radiation of excellence: people who previously doubted you begin to see you differently. Opportunities that seemed closed to you suddenly appear. Circumstances that appeared limiting begin to transform—not because you’re manipulating the outer world, but because your radiation
is creating a new world. Many of you ask how long it will take for your world to reflect your new radiation, but I tell you this: time is not a factor in consciousness. The moment you achieve a complete conviction of being the best, the entire universe begins its reorganization. The time it takes for this to become visible depends solely on the intensity of your conviction. Consider this: right now, in this very moment, there are infinite versions of you existing simultaneously. There's a version where you're struggling, a version where you're succeeding, a version where you're the
absolute best in your field. Your radiation determines which version you experience. When you truly understand this, you stop trying to compete with others. You realize that your only competition is with your previous concept of self. The only person you need to be better than is who you were yesterday, and this improvement comes not through strain or effort, but through assuming a higher concept of self. Let me tell you something about this radiation of excellence: it must become your natural state. Just as you don’t think about breathing, you shouldn't have to think about being the best.
It should be your default state, your natural way of being in the world. Here’s a profound truth about maintaining this radiation: you don’t maintain it by affirming it or by trying to convince others. You maintain it by living from it—by making it so much a part of your consciousness that you can’t conceive of being any other way. Living from the state of being the best means making it your constant dwelling place in consciousness. Just as you naturally live in your physical home without constantly reminding yourself that it’s your home, you must naturally live in the
consciousness of being the best without constant mental effort. Let me share with you what happens when you truly live from this state: your decisions change, your choices change, your responses to challenges change—not because you’re trying to act differently, but because these new behaviors are the natural expression of your new state of consciousness. Many of you try to live from this state for a few hours or days, then slide back into your old patterns of thinking. But I tell you this: you must make a complete and permanent move into this new state. You must burn the
bridges to your old concept of self. There can be no going back—no visiting your old limitations. Consider this: every great achievement in human history came from someone who dared to live from the state of being the best. They didn't wait until circumstances confirmed their greatness; they assumed their greatness first, and circumstances had no choice but to conform to their assumption. When you truly live from the state of being the best, criticism cannot touch you—not because you’ve become immune to it, but because you’re living in a state where criticism is irrelevant. Just as a king doesn't
defend his right to the throne, you don’t defend your excellence; you simply live from it. Let me tell you something vital about living from this state: it requires no effort. Once you’re truly established in it, just as it requires no effort to be who you currently believe yourself to be, it requires no effort to be the best once you fully assume that state. Here’s a profound truth about living from the state of being the best: it transforms not just your future but your past as well. When you fully occupy this state, you begin to see
how every past experience, even the seemingly negative ones, contributed to your excellence. Many of you believe that being the best means constantly striving, constantly pushing, constantly competing. But I tell you this: true excellence comes from a state of being, not from doing. When you occupy the state of being the best, your actions flow naturally from that state without strain or effort. Consider this: right now, you’re living from some concept of self. This concept might be that you’re average, that others are better, that you need to struggle to succeed, and the universe has faithfully reflected this
concept back to you. But I tell you this: you can shift to a new concept of self in a single moment of understanding. When you truly grasp that being the best is your natural state—your divine inheritance—something remarkable happens. All the energy you’ve been using to compete, to prove yourself, to overcome limitations becomes available for... Creative expression: you stop trying to become and simply allow yourself to be. Let me tell you something about this state of being: the best—it's not about superiority over others; it's about expressing your highest potential, about being the best version of yourself.
When you truly occupy this state, you naturally want others to recognize and express their excellence as well. Here’s a profound truth about living as the best: it’s the most natural thing in the world. Once you understand your true identity, you are God's own imagination made manifest. How could you be anything less than the best? Any limitation you experience is simply a limitation you've accepted in imagination. Accepting your true identity as the best version of yourself requires a complete revision of everything you've believed about who you are. You must understand that your current concept of self,
with all its limitations and doubts, is just as much an assumed state as the one I'm asking you to adopt. Let me share with you what happens when you fully accept your true identity. First, all sense of unworthiness falls away. You stop questioning whether you deserve success, whether you're good enough, whether you can achieve your goals; you know with absolute certainty that excellence is your natural state. Many of you have lived so long with a limited concept of self that being the best seems like an impossible dream. But I tell you this: that very feeling
of impossibility is itself an assumption, and like all assumptions, it can be changed in a single moment through the power of your wonderful human imagination. Consider this: every limitation you now accept, every feeling of being less than the best, is nothing more than a habit of consciousness, and habits, no matter how long established, can be changed through persistent assumption of a new state. This is law, and the law never fails. When you truly accept your identity as the best, your entire world must reshape itself to match this new self-concept. People who once intimidated you will
find themselves responding to your new radiation; circumstances that seem beyond your reach will naturally align themselves with your new assumption. Let me tell you something vital about maintaining this new identity: you don't maintain it through willpower or positive thinking; you maintain it through understanding. Once you truly understand that being the best is your natural state, you can no more doubt it than you can doubt your own existence. Here’s a profound truth about your true identity: it’s not something you need to create or achieve; it already exists—complete and perfect—waiting for you to step into it through
assumption. Your only task is to accept it, to occupy it, to live from it. Many of you fluctuate between excellent and feeling inadequate, depending on external circumstances, but I tell you this: such fluctuation is impossible when you truly occupy the state of being the best. Just as a king doesn't stop being a king during challenges, you don't stop being excellent when facing obstacles. Consider this: every experience you encounter is simply an opportunity to express your excellence. Even apparent failures become opportunities to demonstrate your unshakable conviction in your own greatness, for when you live from the
state of being the best, failure becomes impossible. When you truly live from this identity, something remarkable happens to your relationship with time: you stop waiting to become excellent in the future and start expressing excellence now. For in consciousness, where all creation takes place, there is no waiting, no becoming; there is only being. Let me tell you something crucial about maintaining the state: the world will test your conviction. It must, for this is law. All circumstances, old relationships, and old patterns of failure will persist for a time, but these are not obstacles to your assumption; they
are opportunities to strengthen it. Here’s a profound truth about living from your true identity: it requires no effort. Once you are established in it, just as you don’t need effort to be who you currently believe yourself to be, you need no effort to be the best. Once you fully accept this as your true identity, uncovering your natural excellence is like removing layers of dust from a perfect mirror. The brilliance was always there; it was merely covered by accumulated beliefs in limitation, doubt, and unworthiness. As you remove these false beliefs, your natural excellence shines forth with
ever-increasing clarity. Let me share with you what happens when these layers of limitation begin to fall away. First, you stop seeking validation from others. You stop needing external confirmation of your excellence. You know who you are with such certainty that no external opinion can shake your conviction. Many of you have accumulated so many layers of limiting beliefs that your natural excellence seems like a distant dream. But I tell you this: these limitations are no more permanent than dust on a mirror; they can be wiped away in an instant through the power of your assumption. Consider
this: every limiting belief you now hold, every doubt about your excellence, every fear of inadequacy was learned, and what can be learned can be unlearned. Your task is not to create excellence, but to remove the barriers to its expression. When you truly begin this process of uncovering your excellence, something remarkable happens to your entire worldview: you start to see that every circumstance, every relationship, every experience has been serving to reveal your true nature. Even your apparent failures have been leading you to this recognition. Let me tell you something crucial about this uncovering process: it happens
not through effort, but through understanding. The moment you truly understand that excellence is your natural state, the layers of limitation begin to fall away. Here’s a profound truth about uncovering your excellence: the process is instantaneous in consciousness, but may appear gradual in manifestation. The moment you... Fully accept your true identity. The entire universe begins its reorganization to reflect this truth. The time it takes for this to become visible depends solely on the completeness of your acceptance. The process of accepting your natural excellence requires a complete revision of your self-concept. You must be willing to release
every belief, every idea, every concept that contradicts your true identity as the best. This is not something you do gradually; it must be absolute and complete. Let me share with you what happens when this acceptance becomes total. First, all internal conflict ceases. The battle between who you think you should be and who you think you are ends completely. There is only the quiet certainty of knowing your true identity as the best. Many of you try to accept your excellence while still holding on to doubts and limitations, but I tell you this: such partial acceptance is
no acceptance at all. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot live from the state of being the best while maintaining a backup identity of limitation. Consider this: your current concept of self, with all its limitations and doubts, is just as much an assumed state as the one I’m asking you to adopt. The only difference is that you’ve practiced your current concept longer, but time is no factor in consciousness. A new state, fully accepted, becomes just as natural as any held belief. When you truly accept your excellence without reservation, something remarkable happens to your entire experience
of life. What once seemed like obstacles become opportunities. What once seemed like competition becomes irrelevant. What once seemed like limitations become launching paths for greater expression. Let me tell you something vital about this acceptance: it must be unconditional. You can accept your excellence only when circumstances support it. You must maintain this acceptance regardless of external conditions, knowing that conditions must conform to your consciousness, not the other way around. Here’s a profound truth about complete acceptance: it transforms not just your future but your past as well. When you fully accept your excellence, you begin to see
how every past experience, even the seemingly negative ones, was perfectly designed to lead you to this recognition. You're listening to inner guidance. Those who experience the Christian mystery are charged with the responsibility of telling others. Their aim is the awakening of faith in God. For, as Paul asked the question: how can men call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how can they hear unless there is a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent? As it is written,
how beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news! But not all have heeded the gospel; for Isaiah says, "Who, O Lord, has believed what he has heard from us?" So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes from the preaching of Christ. Now, Christ is not a person outside of you who lived 2,000 years ago. Christ is the cosmic being who became humanity by burying himself in every child born of woman. Ask the average person if they believe in God, and many of them will say yes, but when asked to
define him, they will describe someone other than themselves. So how can men call upon one in whom they do not believe? I tell you, the only God in the universe is your own wonderful human imagination. When you say, "I am," that is God. There is no other God other than he who is encased in the limitation of your little garment of flesh. How can you call upon him when you do not believe you are he? And how can you believe in him of whom you have never heard? What preacher ever told you that your own
wonderful human imagination is God? They paint a word picture of a God outside of you, but that is not the true God. And when someone comes and tells you who he really is, the idea is blasphemous. No one wants to believe that he is creating the conditions of his life, but God is the only causative power. As there is nothing but God, everything is caused by imagination; he is the only reality. So how can you believe in him of whom you have never heard? And how can you hear of him unless there is a preacher?
And how can there be a preacher unless he is sent? This morning's paper contained an article saying that scientists have discovered that the so-called throne Peter was to have sat upon 2,000 years ago is only 900 years old. They have now taken the chair out of its encasement but are keeping it as a holy relic when it was never any more than a piece of wood upon which some self-appointed nut sat while calling himself the emperor, the pope, or holy one. But now, after a thousand years of nonsense, the truth has been revealed. What are
we going to do when man does not want to hear the truth that he is responsible for his own life, that his imagination is the only God? When you look out on the world, you may think you had nothing to do with its creation, but you did. You do not know it yet because its purpose has not been revealed to you, but by the restriction and limitation of your own creative power, you became your created world, that you may expand beyond it and create a still greater world for even further expansion of yourself. God is
ever expanding his illumination. He took upon himself the limit of contraction called man, the limit of opacity called man, that he may break the limitation and expand. That’s the glory of it all. I have experienced scripture and am under an obligation. To tell it like Jeremiah, if I say I will not mention him or speak any more in his name, there is in my heart, as it were, a burning fire shut up in my being, and I am weary withholding it in, and I cannot. I must share my experience with others to encourage all to
believe in God, but it is my responsibility to tell them who God is. When men believe the characters of Scripture to be historically true, they are taking truth and modifying it to the limitation of the weakness of the human soul. They are not characters of history but personifications of the aspects of the human mind. This is true from Jesus down; Jesus is the personification of the fulfillment of the plan that you set up in the beginning of time, having created the plan before the world came into being. You and I entered our creation. Jesus is
the fulfillment of our plan. When His story fulfills itself in you, you must tell your brothers, who are sound asleep, to wean them from the nonsense told year after year of some external God to whom they must pay homage, when there is no external God. It is Christ in man who is His hope of glory, and Christ is God's Plan of Redemption, which was set up before that the world was. That plan is in the depth of every being, waiting to be awakened and fulfilled. Now we are told that the pattern man said, "Unless you
believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." Put the little word "is" in this sentence as, "Unless you believe that I am, is He, you will die in your sins." Those who heard that statement did not know that He was speaking of the Father, but the Father is the cause, just as your father is the cause of you; for without a father, you could not be. So must all life be fathered. So I say to you, unless you believe that your "I Am" is the Father of your life, you will continue to
miss your goals in life. Your "I Amness" is the Lord Jesus Christ, and there is no other. How do I know this to be true? Read His story as told in the Gospels. Having been born from above, He said, "I am from above, and you are from below, and where I'm going, you cannot now come." Why? Because, having fulfilled Scripture, He is returning to the source with the knowledge that He is the source. It isn't that you will not come, but that you cannot come until you have fulfilled what you agreed to fulfill before that
the world was. You and I agreed to dream in concert, and we will not break our pledge to each other. We came down from heaven and descended right into our creation, where we are playing the parts we agreed to play. And as long as we think of God as another, we are sound asleep. But when the time is fulfilled, one is sent to awaken His sleeping brothers, saying, "He who sees me sees Him who sent me; for I sent myself." And who am I? I am the one you call God; I call Him Father. For
having found Him, I know that He and I are one. We are told that the one who was sent was called Paul. It was Paul who spent his days from morning to evening testifying to the kingdom of heaven and trying to convince all to whom he spoke about Jesus, both from the Law of Moses and the prophets. Some were convinced by what he said, while others disbelieved. But he welcomed everyone who came. That's all I can do. Having had the same experiences as Paul, all I can tell you is what I have experienced. I know
that Jesus Christ is the only reality; He is God the Father housed in you as your awareness of being. You will know this to be true the day you are possessed by a peculiar vibration, which Scripture calls wind, saying, "The wind blows where it will, and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell whence it comes or whether it goes." So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. When the wind possesses you, your entire body will vibrate, and you will awaken in the tomb where you buried yourself to realize that
no man took your life; you laid it down yourself, that you have the power to lay it down and the power to lift it up again. You laid your creative power down within your own creation, which is man; for eternity exists, and all things in eternity are independent of creation, which was an act of mercy. Man is part of the eternal structure of the universe, and you laid yourself down within man. That was your act of mercy. Now I would like to change the word "creation" to "recreation," for it is a transcending of one's own
creation. I, Divine Imagination, came down into my own creation, and by recreating it, I transcend it to awaken myself from this body of death. One day you too will awaken within your skull to find yourself inom, and you will come out to find the symbolism of Scripture concerning the birth of Jesus Christ surrounding you. But it's all about you, not another; for you are Jesus Christ coming out of Golgotha, your own skull. The Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes will be there, and those who witness your birth are there, but they cannot see you as you
are now, God's begotten, and God is Spirit. Jesus Christ is a pattern buried in you, which you will experience one day. Then you will know that the Bible is your own personal spiritual biography. Let men have their so-called holy relics and... All the other things and forgive them, as they do not know what they are doing. They are the blind leaders of the blind. The other day, someone asked me if the Bible was all I ever talked about. They thought it was very limited and monotonous, but I find it a never-ending mystery. I preach Christ
crucified on humanity, not on some little piece of wood in the Near East 2,000 years ago. There never was any man who was crucified in that manner. Oh, we have insane men, like our Hitlers and Stalins, who will crucify a man because of his belief; in our own land, men have hung other men on trees thinking they are doing God's business. But that's not the story of Christ, for He became humanity, that humanity may become God. Now, no one ascends into heaven but he who first descended from heaven; the Son of Man buried in you
is that Son who is going to come out of you, and coming out of you, He is the Son of Man, one with the One who descended from heaven, who is God. Listen carefully: I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright Morning Star. Yes, I am the Root, the Father of David; yet I am David's Offspring. So, the Father of David and the Offspring of David are one and the same being. David, the symbol of humanity, always does the Father's will. Everyone and everything here is doing the Father's will. Say, "I am."
That's the Father. Condition your "I am" by saying, "I am prosperous," and you are doing the Father's will. In the third chapter of the book of Samuel, the word "Samuel" in Hebrew means "His name is God." Samuel, the Lord, spoke to the boy Samuel, saying, "Those who honor Me, I will honor; and those who despise Me, they shall be lightly esteemed." In other words, your concept of yourself is either your honor or your dishonor. If you feel little when you meet someone, you are dishonoring God. Have you ever met anyone you thought more important than
you? He may be richer, bigger, stronger, or more handsome. He may be everything you think you are not. But if you felt small in his presence because he had more money, was wiser, stronger, or better dressed than you, you are dishonoring God. As God's name is "I am," and He who honors Me, I will honor; and he who despises Me shall be lightly esteemed. The boy Samuel, believing God to be another, heard a voice seemingly coming from without, so he went to the prophet Elijah, which means "My God." He was told to go back and
dream again. This he did, only to repeat the dream three times. He heard the voice calling him until he knew who the Lord was and grew into his Oneness to become the great prophet. The Samuel in you speaks, saying, "Those who honor Me, I will honor; and those who despise Me will be lightly esteemed." If you feel inferior towards anyone, you are despising the name of God, which is "I am." Don't let anyone make you feel little. They may try to do it, but only if you feel small already. If you don't feel little, it
does not matter what or who they are. You may not have a nickel in your pocket, but you won't feel little when you know that God is your imagination. You can't be more than God, so you are God. Do not walk the earth in an arrogant way, but never let anyone put you down. I was born on a little island called Barbados. The island is just like a large farm, where everything is planted in order to produce a dollar. We planted sugar cane, from which we received its produce of molasses, rum, etc. When I was
a child, we had no chemical fertilizers. The animal products called manure were used to put life back into the fields. When we would scatter this on the field to fertilize it, we would call it "broadcasting." This was long before telephones, radio, or television. Now we have a broadcasting industry which tells us that we will lose our hair, teeth, and everything if we don't buy a certain product. Isn't that BS? And then from BS they go to MS—that's more of the same thing, as it's piled higher and higher. That's the world. So let no one here
make you feel little. You are God; He is buried in you as your own wonderful human imagination. In the 13th chapter of 2 Corinthians, Paul invites you to test God, saying, "Come, test yourself. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?" That's quite a challenge. If Jesus Christ is in you—and you know He is—your human imagination, which you believe creates reality, you can test Him by imagining that you are what at the moment your reason denies and your senses deny. Now, can you believe in your imagination? Can you awaken your faith in the
true God, who is your human imagination? Try it; walk as though you were the person you desire to be. Ask yourself how you would feel if it were true, for feeling creates life. This is brought out in Scripture. We are told that Isaac was blind when he said, "Come close, my son, that I may feel you." He could not see what he was assuming, so he sought the feeling. Throughout Scripture, you find the blind father calling his son to be felt and touched. When Joseph placed his sons before Jacob, who admitted being blind, he crossed
his hands as he blessed the boys, then justified his act. Now I ask you: What would the feeling be like if your desire could be felt? How would you feel now if you were the man you... Want to catch the feeling and believe in Jesus Christ, knowing He is your imagination? Everything is possible to imagine, but it takes faith to create its reality. Just as I said earlier, first you must hear; then acceptance will come through faith. How can men call upon Him in whom they have not believed? The average person does not believe in
himself. Before I wrote the first chapter in my book, "Your Faith is Your Fortune," I wrote one little line saying, "Man's faith in God is measured by his confidence in himself." I can't tell you what criticism I have had because of that statement, but it's still there, for I know it is true. Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself because your true self is God. So how could a man call upon himself when he does not believe in himself? And how can he believe when he has never been told? And how
can he be told unless there is a preacher? And how can there be a preacher unless he is sent? So one who has experienced Scripture is sent, as I have been sent. So I say to you, you don't owe anything to anyone because God Himself became you. Even though you can't pay rent and you haven't eaten much today, within you is the being who owns the universe, who created and sustains it. His name is "I AM." Rather than calling upon His name, call with His name by saying, "I am free, I am wealthy, I am
rich, and I am healthy." The "I AM" that you are is the creative power of the universe. I have personally experienced the story of Jesus Christ in detail, so I know what I am talking about; I am not theorizing. Christ in you is God's plan of salvation, and God in you is your "I AM." When you experience the story of Jesus Christ, it will be in the first person singular present tense. You don't see another; you are the one who first resurrects and is born as Scripture unfolds itself within you. I stand before you as
a witness, and like Paul, I spend my last days from morning to night testifying to the kingdom of God and trying to convince everyone that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. You came here only to fulfill Scripture. Christ is in you and must fill Himself in you, so let no one make you feel little, and don't you feel arrogant. I cannot meet anyone I do not respect. He may be the one who shines my shoes, but he is God. I am shining my own shoes in the being who is doing
it, and I respect him. He has to pay rent, buy food, and clothing. Just because he plays the part of shining shoes doesn't mean he is less than. Behind these masks, we are all brothers. I knew you before the world was. At that time, we were one being who is God. We are made up of a brotherhood of infinite brothers, yet in spite of the number, we will all know each other individually and distinctly as we return to the one being we came down and became fragmented into our own creation. We are going back to
the one being we really are, who is God the Father. You are He, and one day you are going to know it from experience. Now let us go into the silence.
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