Hello Welcome to another episode and before doing something turn on the subtitles here because I know it's going to be windy dude, the wind is almost dragging me here and there are more than 30 minutes that I'm trying to wait for the wind to stop but it's not working, so I'm going to record with wind then turn on the subtitles here. In today's video, I'm going to talk about veracity. The art of living according to your own truth, according to your own laws.
And this is one of those simple subjects that we don't have that much to talk about but demands to be spoken Demands to be placed as a very important cornerstone on that lifestyle, on this new way to see the world and live your life. You probably had heard about or you probably had used this, to look at a person and think that this person is fake, "Oh I don't like that person he/she is fake, he/she looks like is fake" Let's think about what it means to be fake, let's think about what makes a person look like fake for many times fake people don't even know that they are been fake we are the ones who notice that, and I'm not talking about that fake falsity of the person lying to you I'm talking about a falsity that exhales through the eyes man, as well as the veracity. I'm going to establish for you what is the falsity, and then through that, you'll be able to understand what is veracity, that is the opposite of falsity sometimes people behave differently than what they are, and this generates an incongruity keep that word dude I-N-C-O-N-G-R-U-I-T-Y When someone is an incongruity kind of unconsciousness we notice that we can see that they are being fake the behavior kind of "don't fit" with what they truly are the poor behaving like rich, an arrogant trying to be humble, anyway, incongruity behaviors.
I don't know if you know how coaching works, a coaching process, if you ever had a coaching session. A very interesting thing that coaches do that is asking you your values, they say and guide you to have your values well understood what do you believe in where you want to reach, on a character level, on a behavior level, a thought level all of your values you have to have them pretty clear to you. There are people who don't have values ok?
There are people who have values but don't behave according to those values the ideal thing is you to have those values pretty clear to you and you live according to your values, according to what you believe that is having veracity, fake people can even have values things that in their mind is a value, value for them but they don't live according to it, and then, for those who are watching from outside sounds like falsity. We unconsciousness notice that this person is not acting according to what they believe. The Opposite of that is the veracity veracity resumes itself on living according to your own values, live according to what you do believe.
In all levels, not only with what you believe but according to what you stipulated, for example: this can go through the most mundane level to the deepest level. At a mundane level: you decided that you'll never drink soda again. One of your values is health and vitality, it is you don't put junk inside you.
And then you are in a house of that friend of yours who drinks soda, your friend gives you that coke that delicious coke, do you drink it? Or you say: "no, I don't drink soda" don't being afraid to be rude with your friend, what has more importance at this moment is your value? It is what you believe, what you stipulated?
or you don't be rude with a friend, think about that. And that little example was an example at a mundane level, this can go through more deep levels, to levels, to all the levels of your existence, of you stop acting according to the environment influences, of what people influence you to be and start acting according to what you influence yourself, with veracity, with the truth. The veracity has to be in your behavior, in your thought, in your speech, in everything, act with veracity live with veracity, be veracity, this is the opposite of being a fake person.
I can use as an example too, Instagram, because it can be an awesome place as well it can be a dirty place allowing people to be fake or expose their veracity. Instagram is a place that people want to show their lives, and then you ask yourself why to show your life? Many people want to show the life they don't have, through photos, through trips, through awesome places this can be very wrong or very cool, for example: with fakeness, the person wants to flaunt a life that they don't have or many times a life that doesn't exist in real life, an awesome life a TV series life, just the good things there.
By the other way, another person can do the same thing showing through photos and videos with an awesome life but this can be not fake, then, with veracity everything depends on the intention with they do it episode number 5 I talked about all of that, everything depends on the intention, the guy is there on Instagram and instead of flaunting instead of showing the perfect life, he wants to inspire people to show people that is totally possible you live your dream's life, that is totally possible you have an awesome life even when you have a common life that is totally possible to have an awesome life being uncommon as well, that everything can be accomplished, therefore, you can use that as a form of flaunting or to cause inspiration on people. Everything depends on the intention, and everything depends if that intention of each activity that you take has veracity or has falsity. There are just these two only, there is no middle ground Falsity and veracity.
Live your life with veracity, take your actions with veracity, not the veracity only in front of others veracity on the social environment, but veracity for yourself. Ask yourself, for each feeling that you have, there is veracity on it? or is it just a drama?
And if it is a drama, live the drama, but don't turn this into a Tv series. I'm going to end up this right here this was one more cornerstone on this lifestyle we want to build, veracity. Click on the like button if you enjoyed, let a "hey Copini I'm here, I'm following you".
Do you want to know more? Do you want to get deeper on the self-development study here of the Copini Series? There will be a premium version of this video and all of the others inside Alphalife Premium, together with many courses mine and my friends there at this self-development school.
Just click on the link to learn more, see you on the next episode.