Your Personalized Reading! | Timeless Reading

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White Feather Tarot
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Video Transcript:
Hey Soul family welcome back to the channel this is the white feather tarot and in today's reading we're attempting something unique uh we're going to do a personalized reading a personal reading now when it comes to General readings um how am I going to do it as a personal reading here's the thing I did it before in a reading called uh the future of something that you have in mind this technique I'll link this reading below so you can watch it after the reading if you enjoyed this type of reading where I wasn't so specific
about what I was reading about but I was rather reading The Energy and this way you can listen and co-read with me and instantly understand how this message is speaking about what you have in mind or in today's case what this reading is talking about so it's purely reading energy and that's the best way to attempt to do a personal reading for you guys purely uh listening to energy to see what your true message is and you know it's kind of like the way we're going to be doing this you know how when you just
sit like go into a random I don't know toilet for example and you watch the patterns on the tiles and on a random pile for example you watch the the shape of a face and then you look at this face and you go oh my God doesn't this look like I don't know Robert what what what is Robert doing here they Robert seems a bit upset and they seem to be talking or expressing himself he seems to be talking and expressing himself with a little bit of I don't know anger slash upset and you don't
really focus much on it but you're like that's funny this pile looks like Robert right and then continuing on this example when when you get into this bathroom again you're like oh look at that tile that looks like Robert and you don't really focus much on it until one day something does happen with Robert let's say Robert is your colleague and you don't really talk to Robert that much let's say all you know all you all all your collaborations with Robert are simple good mornings hey good morning morning uh uh would you like me to
pour you some coffee too yes please thank you so much and that's about it so you didn't really focus much on Robert but then one day in the office something happens and suddenly you find yourself having like some for form of um I don't want to say argument but like there's some tension where Roberts upset you're upset and you guys talk to each other it's a quick thing but really changes the Dynamics of things you move on and it seems like everyone moved on from it but then you you go into the bathroom and let's
call it toilet it's not a bathroom at work my apologies you go into the toilet and there you see the tile of Robert and you go oh my god I've been seeing this it looks like this is an important moment so perhaps I think we all moved on but maybe Robert didn't move on and maybe this was a little bit more intense than than it should have been is this a message for me to reflect on this a little bit is this important and you go and you think to yourself you know what thinking about
it now it looks like it it's very important important that it doesn't get more intense than that it does look like perhaps this is a message telling me that Robert is still upset and if you think about it maybe I I had the rights to be upset about this but maybe I was absolutely wrong in that aspect maybe I overreacted there or something um and you get this idea of um keeping peace in the office keeping it nice and doing a nice thing of saying to Robert hey you know that day when this happened I'm
sorry I I really didn't mean to say it this way and let's say you say that and Robert feels very happy that you say that you said that and it feels extremely appreciative that you said sorry um thinks that this was such a Wonder like lovely thing to do and suddenly your connection with Robert becomes a pleasant one and it really changes the Dynamics at work things are positive and because you have a nice like better connection everybody in the office starts having a better connection this that and the other and you finally un and
like you understand oh my God that tile about Robert that I didn't understand a year back is making sense now everything's changing even the D the energy in the office is changing because of that so I'm just trying to give an example to show you that sometimes the universe when we look at energy sometimes we don't know what it's about right away but it's a message for something it's a message inviting us to reflect it's a messing us message telling us something wonderful is coming and and so I will be assisting you with that letting
you know the energy around you perhaps you'll notice in the reading what you have been seeing maybe yes maybe no but at the end of the day this is the energy that is meant to reach you in a personal reading exactly what you're meant to hear each one will be hearing the exact words that I'm saying only hearing it in a different way you know sometimes I even see it in the comment section one of you would say this part when you said this and this this is exactly what hap what's happening in my life
and I would look at this comment and go oh my God I didn't say that I I really didn't say that but the fact and this happens frequently you you guys don't understand this happens so much re that part if you're not saying it verba this part where you explaining about this and that and this is this is exactly what's happening in my life and it's like we were I was looking at something different you heard it in a different way but you got your message you know what I mean and that's the idea of
the energy reading that I'm doing today that I know you'll be hearing exactly in the way that you're supposed to hear it and you will get exactly the message that you're supposed to get in today's reading I'm assisting in showing you what the universe or your Spirit guides what is the message that you are meant to hear at this point of your life um one that you are invited to reflect on one that you're invited to maybe take action on if you want to one that maybe is trying trying to tell is trying to show
you it's like an omen showing you that great things are to come and I will assist you with the message that you're trying to get because you know sometimes we get synchronicities and we don't know what it's about and you know the funny thing is sometimes you get synchronicities and it doesn't turn out to be the way you thought it was and you're like what but I've been getting all these synchronicities like for example sometimes you meet a person or you're getting into something and you get 111 33 three and you get all these messages
and you're like oh my God is divine is it Divine absolutely you're getting you're getting you're seeing the synchronicities yourself um but then it doesn't work out the way that you thought and you're like you might even cry and go but I don't understand I've been seeing the synchronicities we've all gone through this right and so here this is kind of like the universe pinning P pinning it in pinning it in so that when you go back and reflect this is the message it's been trying to show you all along it's like the universe knows
it's going to show you for example this 11 11 speaking of 11 11 11 it's 222 but you know what I mean 1111 and you're like whoa yes absolutely Divine moment is it an omen is it a message that you're supposed to come back to just like Robert's style is it a putting your attention towards taking like drawing your attention towards something it the universe teaches us how to communicate and connect it's a magical process trust the process and I am here in today's reading showing you honestly what I'm seeing in the cards um um
whether it's an omen and we're seeing great cards uh or whether it's an advice I'm going to be honest with you like I do every single day and in being honest and reading the cards sometimes I'm accused uh of I don't take it personally but some I just trying to show you uh what I mean by what I'm trying to about to say sometimes I'm accused of uh oh uh you just want to make us feel better uh these are not happening yet or oh re uh I don't like your readings you you're saying scary
things and uh why are you saying scary things you're supposed to be positive while I absolutely believe a th% in a Tarot practice that the cards coming out are not supposed to trigger fear because that's not what the what spirituality is all about I also I'm very aware that the cards are here just like the messages to either show you um show you something that you're not seeing showing you guidance it's see yang right just like khima here to maybe show you a hard truth but it but it's there for you to change to be
careful about something so that you don't fall entrapped into it so that this reality does not happen for you like for example a card's telling you be careful it looks like you're moving into the energy of not getting good scores in your exam be careful if you don't pay attention it's not looking like you might get your scores and you have and as long as the cards are showing it to you they're not here to scare you and Trigger trigger you into feeling like oh my God I'm going to fail my exam it's just here
to help you make you pay attention to what is important for you um it's like assistance showing you hey look at the energy it's looking like that your guidance is to not cry over the spilled milk or the days that you haven't studied get back into it and we look at the cards and it shows you exactly what you're meant to do to help you in the best way in the few hours that you have the few days that you have so that you jump and get your scores so and similarly if you're getting positive
cards I mean I'm not going to look at the 10 of Pentacles the nine of Pentacles the abundance of the empress and go yeah I don't want to lie to you guys this is looking you know uh good but though you don't have to believe that I'm just going to read the cards I believe that the cards come out to guide you or to show you a great Omen and while Omen don't work in the timing that we think they're there to show you something and they're not there to light you I personally have a
personal experience with that years even before I used to do tarot for people my personal signs I used to see signs everywhere in a dark time of My Life um I've I've gone through it's it's personal but I've gone through what I can't even put into words like Dark Night of the Soul yeah I've went through the Dark Knight of the Soul it was they were years um that were that were extremely painful extremely painful and amidst those years I would see signs very positive signs and I didn't get it you know on one hand
I'm seeing signs and on the other hand I'm experiencing extremely not just painful pain unfairness it was really really bad guys I don't want to get in into that energy so um and and and I didn't get it but one thing I noticed for sure is that I can't just be seeing the these signs for no reason like why am I why do I keep getting these repeated signs these very positive repeated signs and I I would get them and believe me year after year I'm struggling through what I'm going through year after year I'm
struggling with what I'm going going through and I would see the signs the only thing I felt back then is I mean I must be getting signs of Hope for a reason that's what I felt I must be getting signs of Hope for a reason and one day this has all changed just as if it was like a button started changing Bing it started changing I started seeing the signs started becoming even more intense more intense more intense and it started changing and I came out of that period and so I know for a fact
I know for a fact that when we get Omens and positive signs whether it's reflecting in our lives at the moment or not they are signs there for a reason they're not going to go in the way we think they're not going to work in the time we think but they're there to show you that great things are to come how and when is something that whether we choose to uh believe in or not is for our own suffering or not you know and if you don't choose to believe it it's going to happen anyway
these are your promises from the universe to you they happen when they when they're supposed to happen they're going to happen whether you you've believed in that time or not they for you they signs kind for a form of abundance that you're meant lucky as a spiritual person to see to notice at least um other people get signs but they're not picking it up right that's just how things work whether you believe it or not you know manifestation exists whether we believe it or not magic in the universe exists whether we believe in it or
not um you know water exists whether someone in the desert believes in it or no I not that water was an extreme we can't live without water but you know what I mean so it's there and if you're getting signs if you're pulling out cards and that's what you're getting you're clicking on piles and that's the consistent message you're getting it's going to happen in its own way and its own time trust the process and I I don't know God I lost my time speaking what we lost the trail here but yeah that's uh perhaps
is something that you were meant to hear so what where was I I was talking about reading the cards yeah I was talking about I'm going to I'm going to read the energy for you honestly whatever comes up I'm just going to say it and I invite you to be a co-read in these sorts of personal readings especially if you guys enjoy them I can do them every once in a while um they require a lot of attention and energy for sure for me to do them but I absolutely enjoy them and I invite you
to be a co- reader with me um listen listen to what the energy is talking about and as you hear me by time you will start understanding what this is talking about and you will get your exact message yeah so this is what I want to say about this but let's get straight into the reading let me introduce your pile to you I forgot to flip these sometimes I do that so high priestess High Priestess this way you're not distracted by the card that's underneath when I uh take it towards the camera so you can
see your card better same thing with the high priestess there we go and by the way guys I've created a new pick a pile section if you haven't heard about this in the um in the introduction you'll find the time stamp below where when sometimes you're so confused and you don't know which pile to pick and you want spirit to pick your pile for you I've created a system for that you'll find it below uh it will this time stamp will take you straight to the part of the introduction where you know today I really
just want Spirit to pick my pile maybe every day it's re I always say the way that resonates with you when it comes to picking your pile is the right way for you at this moment of time so yeah uh let me introduce your pile to you for pile number one this is your high priestess there we go and your crystal is the beautiful amethyst or let me place it here better for pile number two this is your high priestess and your crystal is the beautiful Caribbean calite and for pile number three this is your
high priestess and your crystal is the beautiful sodalite point so take a look at which one of these three piles you're the most drawn to and this will be the pile for you here today uh as I always say in case you feel drawn to more than one pile maybe even all of the piles trust your intuition it's meant to take you to the reading that you're meant to hear today uh if you're drawn to several maybe all um you have messages there that you're meant to hear about that's why you're drawn to them yeah
so I would say trust your intuition and you know if your reading is longer than one pile I would say Keep Me in the background enjoy doing your chores grab a snack grab grab a drink and yeah enjoy listening to your message as you do other fun things and once you're ready you'll find the time stamps down in the description box click on your times and I will see you in your readings uh also please note that in a moment I will be assigning different zodiac signs to each pile and so if this is something
that you do not prefer please pause the video and take as much time as you need but if you prefer to pick your piles using your zodiac signs then my dear Soul family as you know this this part of the introduction was created specifically for you after the shuffling I will be uh drawing out four signs for each pile so one two 3 four one two 3 4 and one two 3 and four right let's see what signs we have for each pile so for pile one we've got the signs Pisces Leo Aquarius as well
as Gemini for pile number two the signs are Libra Taurus Aries as well as Capricorn the signs for pile number three are Virgo cancer Sagittarius as well as Scorpio so my dear Soul family these are the zodiac signs and their Association to each of the piles in today's reading please feel free to pick your pile or piles using your sun moon or Rising I highly recommend you check out the three free alternatively if you prefer to pick your pile or piles using other placements in your chart please feel free to do that the your way
of picking your piles is the correct way for you now uh once you're ready you'll find the time stamps below click on your times I will see you in your readings and also note that there is a coming section of picking your piles if you prefer to watch it it's called Spirit please pick my pile we Shuffle some cards and find out which pile uh you're meant to choose today if you want Spirit to pick your pile for you all right so if you want Spirit to pick your pile for you today here's how we're
going to do it magician will be representing pile one high priestess will be representing pile two the empress will be representing pile number three because of their numer numerology of course and what I am going to do is shuffle your cards and then see which one like pops out and this will be the chosen one H this one's popping out let's see what we have if you want Spirit to pick your pile today your pile is number one so my dear Soul family these are the different ways in which you can pick your pile and
enjoy your reading today and I will see you there hi pile number one welcome to your reading today we're doing a personalized reading and as I've explained in the introduction I will be reading it by reading your energy I will not get into specifics of what this message is about allow you to listen intuitively and understand how this is personally speaking to you and in this way I can read the same message and each one will be hearing it in the way that they're meant to hear it um yeah making it a personal reading for
you so these are the Decks that I'll be using if you're interested in knowing the names of them you'll find that I list them below and very quickly let me introduce your pile to you your crystal is the Beautiful ameth list and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Pisces Leo Aquarius and Gemini welcome to reading if these are not your signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well all right so let's get straight
into it and see what your message is about we will be looking into your reading today uh actually we will be dividing you're reading into four sections one message four sections uh yeah so let's get into the first part of your message about your personal reading here the key words are impuls or the key sentence rather is impulsive actions create problems so let's pull out one oracle card from each deck and then we'll pull out your tarot cards to explore what your message here is so you've got mercury in oops cancer with intuition it's just
like the way this happened in the camera something's blurred and you get to see it clearly maybe I think this was a message here especially that it had to do with intuition you've got change let's take a look at your tarot cards so you've got the tower cards the star card it's exactly what I thought and then I saw the meraba I'll tell you what I'm seeing in a moment h it's just actually like the spiral you've got the seven of Pentacles with the keyword failure and then we've got the Two of Wands with Dominion
so your personal message is you're going through a time of great change notice the spirals here and the spirals and the Seven of Pentacles and with great change comes great movement and just like mixing two colors together initially it looks like one is taking dominance over the other and then suddenly the other takes more dominance and then by time it starts blurring out changing into an entirely different color if you're mixing yellow and blue together you mix it starts looking like ooh it's looking more like yellow and then the more of the blue paint comes
in and it looks like oh no it's I think there's more blue here and then it starts changing into an entirely different color the color green you're asked to see through that as the colors change meaning you will experience the highs and lows of this mix of energy sometimes feeling like uh oh my god with the star card this is amazing what is happening in my life and if you notice it kind of looks like spirals too here this is amazing and the maraba that we see here represents the up and down as above so
below sometimes you'll feel like you're going up and you love it and sometimes you'll feel like you're going down and you may not like it and this is exactly what you're guided to do with the seven of Pentacles and the Two of Wands here impulsive actions create problems you're guided to stay calm in the highs and the lows of it all as you reach your next star because it looks to me from your significator card that while this is a star like maybe you like something now you like things to stay you don't want things
to change but it's not the final mixture um it you once you get out of the old star into the new Star the old life into the new life you're going to go oh my God how was I in this life I thought that the seal stomach was everything metaphor Al speaking look at this land look at this Greenery look at the Sun what was I doing in there but the taking out in this process I would imagine would feel scary like what's going on why am I pulled only to realize you're being saved into
a much beautiful place and so your guidance here is to be patient with the highs and the lows that are happening in your life the shift with the Two of Wands from one energy to another in this coming period of your life you're guided to stay stable and don't go up and down with that energy nor the extreme High nor the extreme low are advisable when it comes to how you react to it how you engage with it so is it okay to feel happy yes but don't for now get too ecstatic when it goes
up just happy and and when it goes down is it okay to not like it absolutely but don't feel devastated and allow it to take its natural form and shift into entirely something new that you will absolutely love leading you to your next big star and so this is a phase of your life that definitely requires you to stay still Dear Heart yes be happy yes feel it's okay to feel the moment of something that you don't like high vibration by the way is not uh does not mean you shouldn't feel these different emotions it's
just it just means how you transmute these emotions into going back to higher frequency but to expect that you should be in high uh frequency all the time and and forget that you're a human living a human experience and that it's okay to feel bad I mean for someone for yourself for someone but then to transmute that energy into high frequency is really what this is about so it's okay to experience these different emotions that's absolutely okay but don't indulge in these different emotions so do you feel something blessed that happened feel it it but
don't be super high about it because super high leads to a super low be happy be grateful enjoy it um and similarly with the low do you feel sad at the moment with this type of change do you not like it is it like a bit stressful yes how you deal with it is what matters um and not to stay in the low in the very low and so on deal with bad balance with the Two of Wands with these highs and lows and be patient these days and it's going to take your life or
this path that you're in whatever this is I don't know I'm not going to suggest like I said I'm just going to read energies whatever this change is is going to take on a new form and a different color it will be your new star a very high star that you don't even see in your perception at the moment maybe you feel it with your crown chakra you feel something amazing is about to happen something that will help you reach the star the destination the star is a dream come true something that's taking you to
your dream but just like baking a cake you got to trust the process as you mix the ingredients and you watch everything change you put it in the oven you trust the process you get a delicious cake and while an oven may be a a really bad idea for us it's a great idea for for the cake so just trust the process don't assume anything is what I'm seeing just let it happen don't assume that the fire will harm the fire can harm but the fire can cook you see so just let things happen and
you will see that what you think is fire is actually turning it into something great and what you think may be amazing now maybe just a little bit of the awesome energy to come it may not be the full potential so so just let things form and be patient and speaking of patience that is the next key word com to continue on your message so let's see what next message you're get you're getting when it comes to this or maybe something else I'm not assuming but you're definitely getting patience here let's see what this is
about so you have the Sun and Pisces with vision getting a lot of water signs these days uh I mean in this reading it's really wanting you to tap into your intuition your third eye your reading today wants you to see beyond all of that yeah just like the sun can see the whole planet and the solar system and so on you're meant to take an outward picture because if you take a few steps back look in retrospect look at what's been happening in your life and where you're going I think you're going to start
seeing a specific pattern or picking up something intuitively let's see oh look at that we've got symbiosis very interesting I love this okay you've got the two of cups again with the twos the prince of Wands this is the Knight of Wands you've got another Prince the Knight of Cups I guess we should stop there because of the space I'll just trust the process unless we want to expand I can always expand here and there so patience dear one patience dear one patience Dear Heart because the way this is going to move these are the
fastest knights in the deck with the prince of Wands and the oh no not not the prince of Cups that's the uh Prince of uh swords but Prince of Wands is one of the fastest knights in the deck you can see here with the symbiosis the two of Cups right the symbioses will make things move very quickly in with the prince of cups in the direction that you desire and love so getting back to our initial message here if you look at things from a bigger perspective you will see that the highs and the lows
in your life are actually working together benefiting your life two of Cups working together working working together in harmony and if you experience the highs without the lows of it all it won't come out in the amazing way that you would love to see as your dreams coming true for example if you are dreaming of this beautiful love story of your life you must get out of the current relationship that has nothing to do with love for example so there's a process of what we see for example for example please don't take that example at
all that's just an example so that you are able to read your energy better I'm just trying to show you what s how they can be benefiting each other so for example if you're dreaming of a beautiful love relationship and that's one of your dreams the universe is currently manifesting it for you and that's by taking you out of that let's say dark relationship that you're in and at the same time you might start be experiencing highs maybe uh you start experiencing for example very pleasant communication from someone or maybe it's not that direct maybe
you start getting into new environments with wonderful people maybe that person hasn't showed up yet but you're in a beautiful Community with beautiful people and you're like oh I love these people for example this community is so nice uh or yeah yeah just like that and so it's didn't form in the shape that you want yet here we're just looking at Community for example here we're looking at old relationship and they're they don't look to the naked eye as something in to you finding the love of your life at the moment but you're like why
is this happening to me why are these issues happening and why is this breaking breakup happening and then at other times oh my God this community is the best thing that's happening in my life what an awesome Community only for things to come together work together to take you out and maybe this community is supporting you this that and the other just they just start mixing and mixing and you find yourself a month later uh in this flirting connection between you and someone of your dreams and you can feel that they really like you too
you see what I'm trying to say and this is why your personal message here is be patient through this great change let it form in the way it's meant to don't be too happy with something so that you allow it to grow like be happy of course but don't be too excited just allow it to grow um and don't be too sad yes it's okay to be sad but allow things to move um take the feedback do feedback do the necessary and just move on from it don't engage too much with these two highs and
lows because currently they're not in their final form and they are working together to create something entirely new and they are benefiting each other the reason they're happening at the same time is because they're benefiting each other you might be going I don't get it sometimes it's so good sometimes it's so bad what's going on just let it be all you need to do is stay calm that's it watch it observe it don't interact with it um don't wish upon yourself that this would be the final thing it's great when the highs happen but don't
start manifesting the minimum of the high and let it happen because you're going to a new oldtime high just let it work together because even though your cards are saying patient your real message is if you are patient and allow energy to move through you without any resistance it's going to move very quickly towards the direction that you love and desire you will love what's about to happen in your life the best way to release resistance if you're wondering I don't know how to release this resistance and that is to stay stable through it all
just watch it don't engage emotionally with it is all I can tell you enjoy it it's okay not to like it but don't over engage is exactly what I'm seeing all right so let's continue with your very interest message here we have confrontations are ineffective so let's see what this is about you've got Saturn and Scorpio with inheritance you've got currents okay I got something here for you the 10 of Cups wow with satiety uh is it pronounced satiety I think so no no no no satiety I felt that was wrong satiety okay you've got
the princess of Swords this is the p page of Swords ooh the princess of Swords the Earth of air this is start the manifestation of a thought you've got the Ace of Wands yep it's the creation the Ace of Wands something is create created okay and you've got the eight of Pentacles so here is the deal with confrontations are ineffective this in conjunction with the 10 of Cups and the beginning of manifestation with the princess of Swords centering this part here and every other card agrees and shows it profoundly your message is something around I
never thought I would be okay with this happening but here we are and I'm absolutely excited about it being about it happening in my life it's kind of like the very thing that I thought I would be afraid which played a form of foundation in your life that you were so protective of one day as you come out of it or things change there's a moment that you will be saying oh my God the very thing I've been protecting for so long the the one of the biggest things that I was so afraid of ever
here we are today I'm so happy that it's happened an old energy that used to sting will die and you will be getting the benefits first and foremost out of this dying situation out of this ending it's not just going to end but your strong message here is that you're it's going to end with you taking huge benefits is it with inheritance wealth is it a huge other benefit I don't know but I do know that it used to stink and that it's going to end you were holding on to it for some reason that's
important to you and this change is going to bring about huge benefits from that site at the same time your desire shall begin where it's growing masterfully in the way that you would have loved to happen again you would be thinking in the same way oh my God how is it possible for this new energy to come true for me in this exact perfect way is this crazy is this crazy how can it be manifesting this dream in exactly the way that I wanted although the circumstances that I were was in maybe wasn't conducive for
it to happen in the way that it's happening now but here is the thing this is the moment and that's the biggest learning from this message where you will understand how things can happen in the best way may maybe even better Perfection with the eight of Pentacles although you think that everything around you isn't conducive for it to happen and great things can fall that you're holding on to that can bring about great benefits that can help you in your life and both of them work in helping you manifest and become super satisfied with that
moment or that new chapter that you're beginning in your life these two are two new lessons that will teach you to release attachment it they will allow you to visibly watch that magic exists it doesn't always necessarily have to make sense in the moment but it's all about learning The Fifth Element learning to work with the Unseen it's not a time with confrontations to confront that energy to necessarily take a specific action to stop it from happening or go in a specific direction that you think is necessary or right it is a time of great
observation and allowing the energy that you're feeling the intensity of take it's due full course you will feel like the energy is intense in your life sometimes intense in a direction that you don't like as discussed or intense in a direction that you really love it is confusing but that's the mix that's leading up to the very moment you're going to say who would have thought and this is with the Unseen as discussed really going to be two different energies teaching you not to be so attached teaching you that while it's important to do whatever
you can to move things obviously in the direction that you want you also in balance must allow things to happen without resistance and so it's about taking action but not being resistant and that seems to be the highlight one of the highlights of your messages this confrontations are ineffective don't be so resistant do everything that's in your hands do your best in fact doing your best always brings about the the right results it may not move again exactly in the direction that you want but that movement is necessary and at the same time internally you
must release that resistance knowing that it's all going to be good it's all going to be good just sit back and observe okay so to complete your personal message let's continue to uh see the last part which is bold backfires right you know what I know what bold backfires means but I suddenly got a different understanding um as if this is explaining that bold backfires in your life at the moment so um there seems to be a message throughout about don't make any um extreme decisions as the change happens uh do it after if you
would like but as changes happen and sometimes we get intense feelings and it and it's natural and you get intense feelings in the highs as well don't make any bold movement watch and observe the energy and make your decisions accordingly but don't make any bold decisions in your life at the moment during that time of change it's a time just like a chemical reaction you put the different ingredients together and you sit back allow it to fully happen and then you would use it for whatever you need so yeah don't make any bold decisions in
your life at the moment uh whatever decisions you've taken previously whatever um you're doing if like bold is required because that's something that you must take Tak in the moment obviously go with it but don't make an emotional bold decision is is what I'm trying to say so you've got whoa Saturn in Capricorn with riches look at your star ending your reading again and you've got time it's like time will tell a story you see the different levels of the of the of the earth telling a history of what has happened thousands and thousands of
years ago so you will see that the layers as is what's happening in your life layer after layer after layer each layer of change is forming a story of your life allow these layers to be created because they are leading to great great riches just like you know how a diamond forms Under Pressure these layers are creating the right environment for great riches specifically to happen in your life there is something about whatever riches mean to you is it wealth is it people is it love is it the abundance of something specific in your life
I'm not going to suggest but all I can tell you energetically that whatever this is star this dream means to you you're going to be so abundant and rich in it with time allow things to happen um let's take a look at your tarot cards so you've got the seven of Swords with futility The Hermit the Five of Swords I feel one more card so I'm going to put it place it right under the hermit and that's the four of cups with luxury right so your final message to complete everything we've been looking at is
you know Saturn is a planet of going through the hard to get to the great it's like a pro process that you go through just like that process that feels hard but it's really taking you to your riches that's why Saturn and Capricorn is riches working with that energy so oh I forgot to tell you here Five of Swords the key word here is defeat the more stable you are during these layers of time as things change these days resisting to take any bold moves but deciding to stay in peace and stability you even have
in the hermit here the word om om the more you successfully and that's the key secret here remember working with the Fifth Element the more stable you are and calm and at peace as you are observing these layers happening without taking any bold movements the Richer you will become because with futility it's pointless to get riled up the reading has taught us throughout that is not real energy it's not the Final Mix of colors and so it's pointless to take a bold move here um a bold action there you know imagine it like with siblings
for example a huge argument can occur and you may hate your sibling on that day like there comes days when the AR argument is so big that on that day when you were little you're like I hate my brother I hate my sister or even I hate my dad I hate my mom right but once you're calm everything calms down and you move past that huge energy and things move on you realize just how much you love your brother or your sister how much you love your dad or your mom and imagine like imagine taking
a drastic action on that day saying something to your brother or your sister or your parents that really would leave a mark in their soul forever like saying to your brother or sister oh you know you're a this or a that you look like this you do that and you know saying something absolutely horrendous leaving a huge mark on that day and this is why this is saying allow allow the layers to form calmly because the layers don't just mean the tower they also mean the star so don't take bold moves you keep getting that
strong message it's like the I think the insistence on a specific message is meant to allow it to sink in so that you can hear it and see it in different ways especially with the type of energies it continues to come with so that you see why why why why and so when you allow the highs and the lows to just form calmly oh as time passes by you're like oh I'm glad I didn't follow that idea because if I had followed this I would have prevented this I would have prevented that or I would
have affected affected it in this way I would have been going down a path I really wouldn't have been happy with so I'm glad I was calm very calm H I didn't take a bold decision when it was high I didn't take a bold decision when it was low and so again that teaches you another perspective of uh least resistance to allow it to flow that is the shortest path to your riches because that's happening for you these days you keep getting that the goal or your dream with the 10th house goal dream is being
materialized allow it to happen because taking bold action as you can see is pointless useless it's only going to affect you while it make it might make absolute sense with all of the emotions at the time to take action you will find after a day or two it really wasn't pointless you know even our in our work sometimes sometimes there is this bad day and we get so angry that we're like we're I'm not going to work again I'm going to leave this company I'm going to do this and then when things come down and
you know it turns out to be not such a big deal and our emotions made it really look like a big deal um you're like unless you don't of course stand up for yourself in the regular way it could be a big deal in the it might look like a big deal in the moment although it's not so and then we go oh glad I didn't do anything crazy on that day talked to my manager and said this and this and this and that you know could have made a made a big deal out of
something that isn't a big deal but felt like a big deal at the moment and it's like that with the seven of Swords sometimes these two highs can be tricky stay calm and yeah oh stay calm in the illumination of that message remember it at this time of your life don't worry with the prince of Wands this is going to move past very quickly if you stay in that energy um ah this is an important process proc in your life that you are currently going through because it's going to allow you to defeat once and
for all the fears that little fear living within you controlling you once and for all staying in Tranquility peace and luxury for the days to come this is a Transcendence of your soul and and your um spiritual journey to master a specific energy towards Enlightenment trust the process and you shall defeat it um that fear that's been playing around in the background time which is going to be fast mind you will allow the very different layers to create great riches and luxury in your life you're going to be very comfortable and my dear pile number
one this is exactly what I see as your personal message that is meant to reach you I truly hope you've enjoyed it if you have please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number one I'll catch you in the next reading [Music] bye hi pile number two welcome to your reading today we're doing what is the most um close it is to have a personal reading in a general reading and I've explained in the introduction how I'm going to go
about it making sure that as much as possible it feels like um a personal reading for you but to just to give you like a quick summary I will be reading this in an energetic way not being too specific but just watching the cards and reading The Energy translated from the cards this way you get the opportunity to listen to it and understand how it's relating to your reading so to your life I mean um let me introduce your pile to you very quickly your crystal is the beautiful Caribbean calite and if you've picked your
pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Libra Taurus Aries and Capricorn welcome to reading guys if these are not your signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well okay so let's get straight into it this will be your main card as some of you know this specific oracle card has four sides which will allow us to continue doing your reading um using each side giving us an in-depth understanding of the full message it's crazy you're not going to
believe this if you came from pile number one you're already like going oh my God what this is the exact card that we did the whole reading uh for in pile number one I'm sure it's going to translate different I don't know I'm not going to assume for pile number two but you know what I'm going to say if you're drawn to pile number one I highly recommend it it's obviously an invitation for you to hear something important in pile number one all right so let's get straight into it the first part of your reading
talks about impulsive actions and it says impulsive actions create problems let's see what this means H in your reading in your personal reading okay so you've got Saturn in Leo with generosity you've got succession yes interesting cards generosity and succession H oh I just saw this card perhaps I should bring it out you also have I think it's a clarification card because I kind of like saw it so I'm just going to keep it here as clarification and then I'll remove it because this part in any case has to do with the last part of
your message so you've got Venus in Aries with lust so it's clarifying what we're seeing as generosity here let's pull out your tarot cards you've got the seven of Wands oh how funny how the cards speak a different language with the different cards that it comes up with it's crazy you've got the Star card right okay I have an interesting message here for you you've got the death and rebirth and oh this one moved so I'm going to take it as well so you've got the three of Pentacles and you've got the three of swords
[Music] listen up because this is a very important message that's meant to reach you right now centering the reading is your star card and it talks about a huge fulfillment a huge wish this is a major Arcana this is a major wish coming true in your life right now the thread here gives me an idea of attachment I would read it differently in another pile why am I reading it as attachment because here we can see the threads here we can see the threads what are the odds that you're getting all these threads not only
that but you have generosity and it was clarified by lust so you can see intense emotions for something creating in an instant attachment that it makes sense when we watch our dreams come true we sometimes could get very attached to it but you see the attachment The Three of Swords explains uh pulling at the strings of One's Own Heart and you can see it clearly in this Three of Swords by the way it's one of the cards that really hone in into that understanding so there's something about um something about your me your strong message
that you are meant to here today that it's your time with succession for and I'll explain why just in just a moment it's your time for a major wish to come true in your life now with the death and rebirth depending on how you handle and work with that energy with the three of Pentacles or get super attached to it with the three of swords that will determine if you're able to handle this major energy properly where it would either swallow you that lust that attachment and maybe even lead in the extreme side of it
to ending of that like not the fful fruition of that wish or rebirth for it to grow and form in a major beautiful way and thus you are guided not to take impulsive actions or not to respond impulsively which obviously are a result of the lust or the extreme emotions of that generous energy appearing in your life um they're the result of this lust and so they're not really the result of balanced um the correct or we don't want to say correct the Balan way of dealing with that energy let me give you an example
and please don't take examples literally examples are only meant to allow me to show you the energy that I'm seeing in your cards better imagine you are you're you just joined a new University it's your first day and you notice a very interesting person you love the way they're dressed you love their style and for you it speaks a lot about their character and their mind and while all of this could be true here's what I'm moving towards so you watch observe this person and you're like oh my God this is an interesting person class
after class uh your attention is drawn to I don't know you like their behaviors you like their style you like their ideas the things that they share in class and you're like oh my God I really like this person I would love for them to be my friend okay and then you take that step you're like I'm I'm going to be this person's friend you approach them and you're like hey I love what you said there in class this was so interesting and you know this homework would you would you like to like hang out
today and do this homework together and suddenly you see this interesting person acting in an extreme way instead of being like very happy yeah I would love that let's uh what where should we meet yeah 3 3 P.M I'll meet you there catch you there bye you know you suddenly let's say this other friend I forgot to introduce you to the other friend let's say this other friend that you're interested in um has an an extreme need like over the normal need for friends let's say this person needs to work through their emotions um maybe
they need to work through their belief in themselves that they can have friends whatever it is that this friend is currently working through that you don't understand or see right so I'm giving you both perspectives no one's bad here no one's good just regular human beings um working through their lives right um and so instead of that normal reaction or that regular reaction you find out that this person has started acting in an extreme way towards your offer let's say you just notice a weird vibe of this person being extremely happy like extremely happy about
you wanting to be friends with them and let's say they become super obsessive about it they text you every 3 seconds and while it could be really interesting in the beginning like oh my God this person is so excited to be my friend it starts becoming like super super obsessive like they like like I said they text you all day and they start be getting mad at you for talking to other people they start to um interfere in your life right away they start doing all of like maybe they already have all of these things
because of with lust here and the attachment they start forming a lot of things that you didn't get to yet and so as a result of all of the castles they start building in the sky due to this attachment or need you start feeling weird about this connection while it was so cute and sweet in the beginning for you to see how they're reciprocating and how excited they are it's the the extreme reactions just started feeling wrong they just starting not feeling well and so your feeling about this friend starts intensifying until you decide that
you have to stop this connection because you don't feel safe let's say so you go to this person and you go oh I for I I can't make it today for whatever reason I'm so sorry and you start distancing yourself so here is what happen with the other person who's not evil right who's not weird they have their own emotions to process and go through and they haven't had the guidance a good guide to show them how to do things so again no judgment on this person no judgment on that person we're just looking at
things and this person they they still are going through the process of learning how to process through their own emotions and I'm sure this person's going to heal and grow one day and will look back and go ah yikes what did I do there you know so but because of this other person's attachment here we see the understanding of what I want to say with the death and rebirth card so what was about to process when it comes to their wish hey I'm just about to have a great friend now the extreme attachment just ended
something that could have gone great or by learning to although this is their biggest dream learning to manage it in the way I'm just about to explain to you just uh caus this to grow and continue to grow in something great and that's what I mean here by the energy of working with that energy although there is attachment here or allowing your lust and desire to over consume this generosity and cause the pain you know something in a reading recently and I don't know which reading is going to be in the Channel first like this
one or the one I'm about to talk about but I'm just I'm going to share with you a line that I just read in a guide book that blew my mind away I love this line and it's kind of very close to the energy I'm seeing here uh hold on let me get it I mean the reading is entirely different entirely but it really reminds me of that brilliant line it was like beautifully written hold on it was a story about the two roosters fighting and um going from great wind to destruction and so where
is it there we go recognize when to Halt after achieving success lest you snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory this line really blew my mind and it's kind of the same here it's like do know what when to stop especially with the boundaries here with the seven of Wands the boundary your own boundaries boundaries towards yourself boundaries towards that balance of you being enjoying something that's happening for you and over H the over enjoyment the lust and how much you allow yourself to to overindulge in that energy lest you lest you snatch the feet
from the jaws of Victory you see so that's why you have impulsive actions create problems the lust it's okay for you to enjoy that energy it is the see there here we have a prophet speaking to people and you're being passed on just like a messenger you're being um passed on a great m message you're supposed to know about it and the reason you're meant to know about it is to guide you through it and a huge wish is coming true prevent yourself from Over the overindulgence and The Surge of huge emotions that you will
engage with if you're not careful when such when a huge dream a major dream starts to happen in your life these days it is a time of change change with the five it's a new beginning with the one but more specifically A New Beginning toward healing and building your own character with the first house that's the most important on focusing Focus here that your guides are looking at is this a big wish happening yes but it's meant to help you grow um like become a better version of yourself you see here hold the tongue it's
not about holding your tongue per se but it's about enjoying that energy without overindulging in it it's okay to enjoy a big wish coming true but it's not healthy to overly indulge and fantasize it either like oh like U enjoy it but don't overindulge is the best way I can explain what I'm seeing don't overindulge and if like imagination extreme imagination or anything or extreme letting in extreme emotions whatever this is that allows you to tune in too much into that emotion you need to or your guide to not indulge in it with the seven
of Wands to keep boundaries it's like okay when I start this emotion it gets out of hand and there's where you need to put the boundary or when I think too much about it I get driven in there and that's where you need to get it set the boundaries you know it's like the things you do to help you initially move out of something that you need to pull yourself out of like an addiction for example or let's say you shop too much right on a website or the mall if these all are the culprits
of what feeds into your addiction then it is best to avoid this website or this shopping mall until you heal it and feel like you know I've I feel strong now I I've learned so many things I'm not vulnerable as before I've grown I've healed and then you'll find yourself going to this website or shopping mall you've built more much more important values and other learnings and understandings that when you actually go to this website you're like you know what I'm good I used to have this issue but I don't have it anymore or H
when it comes to love for example like um not overindulging too much if this is the issue with the emotions that arise in the beginning that perhaps lead to you later taking impulsive actions or in the example of the friendship or anything really um that's what I'm seeing at the end of the day you're guided with succession to allow one event to fully form to build the foundation for the next and the foundation for the next things take time to build and they must be built properly and making any impulsive action really hinders that natural
process of things progressing while you can't wait to enjoy this dream to its fullest allow things to form naturally and you shall enjoy it much better much better than if you were to experience in the moment with that intense energy is exactly what I'm seeing in your reading very interesting let's put this back now that we understand the energy of generosity and what it's trying to say and let's move on to the the second the second part of your message which is patience is this going to be a continuation on the first message is it
going to be a totally different message that you're meant to hear I don't know we'll find out together but the second key word here is patience and let's see what it's about so you've got mercury in Libra with influence this one is shuffled in the way that it is we can pull a card ah change that guys that's the exact card that popped up in pile number one it was there though but yeah and look at the curling up of the Snake Here the same spiral that we're seeing here so yeah I think your message
is kind of close to pile number one you'll definitely get if you're drawn to it a whole other different perspective if yeah but yeah I think for a lot of you with the seventh house your message has to do with people or love yeah uh Mercury and Libra your Communication in love or people 7eventh house or something like that change I'm not going to assume it's just pointing out that is the seventh house okay let's take a look at your Tarot tarot cards so you've got the page of Swords the eight of Wands the world
card and since we split it here let me take that one queen of cups or we know something emotional in nature and we know that this is going to definitely create a lot of emotions here for you or maybe this is an entirely different reading let me just read it and tell you what I'm seeing things are changing quickly for you in fact with the world card you will see very soon that you are your whole world is changing or let's say very soon you will feel like your whole world has changed really everything that
you know about your world the way you're living everything is about to change very quickly for you in fact I'm seeing that you're actually going through that transition right now with this specific page of Swords are you going to love this change absolutely with the queen of with the queen of Cups but notice how the queen of cups is here because the queen of cups is balance of emotions and so for a lot of you the these two could actually be connected the queen of cups is balanced in emotions and the reason I'm going back
here is because we were talking about balance of emotions the whole time so your world is about to change and and you're getting something that you love seventh v um Venus oh this is mercury yeah I mean I don't want to be specific guys but I'm sorry I am seeing the seventh house so for a lot of you it does look like it has to do with connections or something but again not going to assume um and I see your whole world changing changing very quickly it could be due to love or it could be
due to your the influence of something that you love or the people that you love around neither case that holds true in love or not and so the key word here is be patient with this fast moving changing energy because to balance out that speed there's something about you acting patiently with it it's a crazy message but I'll tell you what it means with the page of Swords here guiding us allowing us to understand make sense of this huge change and what and how patience um fits in the yin and the yank the best way
to deal with speed and match the energy of speed is to slow down when you watch someone Master an energy you know how when we see for example people working in the factory and they go and you're like whoa how do they move all of these things quickly they're able to do that because they move slowly and gracefully and that creates the momentum for them to move very quickly as you see and so there is something about take it easy and slow easy does it because moving slowly allows you to think with Clarity and it
allows you to take educated decisions for the next step that you're going to take if you move quickly without thinking especially with the impulsive energy that we've seen here and we've learned here that it is the impulse of the lust that's creating this impulsiveness now we know what the culprit of this speed is here it shows you the benefit of moving slow in a PA fastpaced situation to match it and move with that type of speed and enjoy the speed you must slow down and think so what is slowing down here thinking about every step
that you're about to take that's slowing down in the speed and so before you make a decision take a step send a message message do this do that you are required to slow down with all from all of the high in The Surge of emotions to calm down first meditate uh bring down everything back to balance emotionally with the queen of Cups and from that place of emotional balance first think about that state step is this the right step to take is this the right decision to make is this the right message to or email
to send is this the right this you know how they always guide you when you're writing an emotional email at work for example that you're write it let it all out but don't send it calm down especially if it's an important one calm down and then come back to it when you're calm towards the end of the day look at it read it adjust it better now that you're calm and you're like oh that's cringey how was I going to send that this that and adjust it better and where it can come come in the
most civil best way to represent you on that day and so it's still fast but it's not impulsive either so that's so I think that's a definitely a continuation in my opinion here talking about how uh you're really being influenced by a surge of emotions again do you see that influenced by emotions influenced by someone could be someone you know doesn't have to be love it could be influenced by someone that you like or seventh house influenced by people around you or influenced by love and that really along with the change the great change happening
in your life sometimes we're not in our best mind and you're guided to remember during that time to go back to your emotional balance you could meditate you could go out for a walk maybe you can discuss it with yourself with a friend to journal to just let it go and be for now and do other things because maybe at the moment there's a lot of emotions not the right best time to respond your to this outside situation outside world thing person you must take steps from a place of emotional balance that will really create
the world shape the world that you are wishing for in the best way that you want complet it in the best way very quickly and that is how you match speed you match it with patience and this way you can think about your next step and so you're moving with speed but you're not impulsive either yeah that's what I see as the continuation of your personal message about that huge dream that is about to happen now for you okay let's now take a look at the third part of your reading of your message confrontations are
ineffective this one is making me feel drunk drawn to this specific card so confrontations are ineffective wonder why you're getting that because of generosity I don't know I'll keep that movement into consideration so you've got Venus and Scorpio with Secrets you've got my microorganisms secrets and microorganisms have something in common we don't see both of them right the Unseen it's talking about the Unseen there's something very magical about your reading uh because pile one in that place was talking about the Unseen although it's an different message but it's crazy how it's lining up I really
recommend pile one for you if you're drawn to it of course right just sharing the synchronicities that I'm seeing I mean I can't be mind blown alone right I got to share this with you guys it's your message after all so you've got the Chariot the seven of Cups the four of Wands the Five of Cups and the Queen of Swords centering your reading here is the seven of Cups the card of Illusions we were just talking about building Castles in the Sky that's the card of building Castles in the Sky card of yeah like
great imagination illusion yes choices as well but depends on what we're looking at there is something about the Unseen plus impulsive action taking plus the creation of Illusions to fill in the gaps these are two different scenarios for the same situation and the Queen of Swords is talking about discernment you see what I'm seeing here confrontations are ineffective what kind of confrontations that are ineffective the seven of Cups the confrontations that don't have where you don't have enough information and had to fill in the gaps yourself the Unseen is a strong message here when there
are many things that you don't see and are starting to assume taking strong actions before you wait to gather the right information with the Queen of Swords may lead to losses with the Five of Cups here it shows what you're expecting think and what can actually happen as things build on and you're working with that energy and change is happening it's a new world it's a new situation you don't know a lot about yet there are gaps there are times where there are gaps as things form these gaps will sometimes uh I don't want to
say push you but prompt you to start imag our brains are like that we when we don't have information sometimes we fall into the Trap of filling in the spaces ourselves because we love making sense out of things that's an awesome trait but we also have to see the pros and cons of our thinking processes and so while it's natural that you will fill in the spaces that's okay but don't take action and don't assume that your feeling is correct and so you might think that look confrontation is always important action taking is very important
but you again the discernment the studying the thinking there's something about think well before you take action here your whole reading is talking about patience versus impulsiveness versus confrontations that are ineffective you see so while when you fill the spaces and it makes sense in at that specific point of time taking a specific action may lead you to think that this is a level up this is a step up this is good you're going to celebrate the results of the confrontations that you're making but sometimes it may not go this way and sometimes it may
disappoint you sometimes it could be you know you nailed it sometimes the Unseen and how you've imagined it may be correct and so sometimes you're like yay that was a great action and sometimes it's going to be a great loss and thus a great gamble I would say it's not saying that every time you imagine things it's wrong but it is saying that sometimes you hit the nail on the head and other times you could absolutely hit miss the spot right so since this is the case you are guided with the Queen of Swords again
the emotions unbelievable not to take decisions with your emotions but to base your actions on facts before you take any action base the planned actions on facts before you take any actions do not be impulsive and specifically confrontational nor impulsive in your actions nor confrontational especially that seventh house it seems like you are dealing with people and confrontations are a sens like a big energy and while it's important to be confrontational or like say be outspoken you want to be careful how you handle that energy how you do that um how you discuss things how
you have the facts before you confront someone with something that may hurt the bond or relationship moving forward or hurt if this is a partnership in business for example then hurt the business and your Partnership if this is um people who care for you regarding something that's important to you your dream hurt these people that are trying to guide you towards your dreams and so on or hurt the um your customers you know it's important to be confrontational it's important to say what must be said but it's the how to do it and here the
how is not in your exact way of saying it but the how here is falling on your process of filling in the gaps and not waiting until you get the your facts straight yeah and so to be able to do that well don't fret over the information that you don't have right now again we're going to patience sometimes you can try your best to fill in this information and you just don't have it and thus you got to wait and not to make that confrontation now wait until the news of today that are not revealed
to you are revealed to you in the tomorrow so let it let it reveal itself to you in due time do your best to collect it but if it's not coming wait until you're able to get the right information at that point confrontation is absolutely effective it's ineffective when you don't know and when you're guessing at that point that's why it is not the what it's the how it's not the confrontation it's the confront ation during a time of in being in the dark not seeing not knowing okay so that seems to be for one
reason or the other a very important message that you are meant to hear whether about this whole situation or not it's there I'm guessing it is connected and finally let's take a look at the final part of your reading which is bold backfires right let's see what that is so you've got Saturn in cancer with Charity okay you've got photosynthesis okay how can we read photosynthesis in your reading sunl [Music] water I think we're going to wait you've got the magician that's starting to make sense the strength cards the king of Pentacles and I'm feeling
one more card very beautiful cards here I must say I'm going to place it here ah this one moved the page of Pentacles right something about sometimes the bitter transmutes into sweet changes to something stronger better sweeter I say sweeter of course because of the photosynthesis the uh carbon dioxide the sunlight the water changing that energy into that photosynthesis process changing it into sugar that feeds the plants and we see Saturn here hardships oh bold backfires I'm reading it in a different way here sometimes strong energy can be transmuted into something sweet if you handle
it correctly you know the strength card talks about handling strong energy the right way handling strong energy with the strength card it's not to do it by getting into war but it's doing it by displaying by both parties showing each other their strength very well and in in this case instead of getting into a war and fighting each other doing things gracefully with each other in the understanding that both parties are strong this is when this civil interaction can happen oh actually this then makes sense about the Bold backfires again I'm starting to get the
message so here we've learned about what this transmutation of energy means transm something difficult into something sweet it's not about getting into war but it's about the intelligence of how to change the hardships into something sweet making it making something um tough be the very blessing of something transmuting that energy I'll explain how now but um the opposite energy of that or the unfavorable way to handle this is bold being bold or being aggressive maybe that war we were talking about because that backfires and I'm not going to assume what this is about again is
it work is it relationship I don't know but it's something pertaining to your dream and how you handle it as your guidance looks like something big is about to happen in your life about to yeah transmuting the energy the magician you uses the tools to bring magic into existence so there's something about transmuting that energy but to do that you must first show your strength it shouldn't come from a place of weakness like for example let me give you an example let's say let's talk about charisma you know when we talk about a charismatic person
the same characteristics in a person who's not displaying strength is called cringy it's called weak it's it's not Charming it's not what we do it's how we do it so a charismatic person for example you can feel the strength the energy the strong energy that they have you understand that you still can't mess with this person person absolutely not and then when they do something kind from their heart it is understood that they're choosing to do that and thus we the combination of energy of having a good heart having a beautiful smile uh along with
the strength is what we experience as charm versus someone who's not displaying that strength that um self-respect that strength and is overly nice with a wonderful smile yes of course the wonderful smile is a wonderful smile but is it Charming in that case it's not charming and so we get to see the idea of showing your strength first for the advice that we're about to talk about to work that sweetness to work there is a message about when hardships comes with Saturn um the comfortable thing to do or the impulsive thing to do or the
first thought is that boldness but that backfires you're being guided to transmute that energy into something sweet because if you take if you first show your strength and take that difficult energy and transmuted into something good with the page of Pentacles it will begin something more solid that later on with the king of Pentacles will create a lot of abundance and stability and the foundation of something great in your life let me give you an example of that let's say you are arguing with arguing yeah let's say an argument happened between you and someone right
the first impulsive action would to be being bold and just saying what you want to say and um having a fight about it getting everything off of your chest and that's it which could damage the relationship and it could make things backfire it's the same with business it's the same with everything and I'll give you also a business example as I as I finish this one but instead you can use this as an opportunity to set the foundation for proper communication and that is when that person knows that you're strong and you say hey I
want to know how you feel but I also want to make sure that you hear what how I feel and together let's solve this so that it works for you and I'm going to make sure that you are heard the things that are important to you are done but we also make need to make sure that what is important for me is handled in the same respectful way and in that way you get to turn a difficulty into something more valuable and that is you and your best friend you and your lover you and your
business partner for example you and your customers learning to have something even more valuable beyond that transactional situation and that is the real Bond and the safety of knowing that you can communicate together that it's okay to be honest it's okay to be open the joy of watching both of you communicate in a better way the feeling of safety that comes in knowing that you can talk to this person whenever you you wish to and all of the benefits sweet benefits that come out of a moment like that and so whether this is you and
your customer like for example with if you if this is your customer or your manager it's taking the opportunity to show that your customer matters more to you than anything else and that builds a longlasting relationship that is much more valuable than anything that you would like sell in the moment so there's something about that here when it comes to your big wish and these difficult times come we know first of all don't F in the spaces second of all don't make bold actions because it will backfire in this dream instead you are guided to
use it an opp as an opportunity to transmute that energy to feed the bigger picture to feed that beautiful dream rather than win in the moment you have all of the tools to do that with the magician you're a skilled person you can absolutely do that and you will be able to if you should decide to do that but to do that you you must show your strength first don't do it from a weak Place do it from a strong place because that will begin something that will later on benefit you much more than what
you can get in the moment it will be the foundation in which this dream will will stand on forever the foundation which will make this dream capable of manifesting in its best way and the foundation that will bring will create great abundance when it comes to your dream moving forward so yeah I can tell you with confidence my dear pile number two that the strongest message here is a huge dream coming true and it's like you're getting the guide book to allow it to fully me manifest in the best way a road map if you
will of how to do the best of this dream when it starts happening and yeah that's exactly what I see my dear pile number two when it comes to your personal reading a and I truly hope you've enjoyed it if you have please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number two I'll catch you in the next reading bye hi pile number three welcome to your reading today we're taking a look at your personal reading and I've explained in the
introduction why I've called it a personal reading and how I'm going going to go about this trying to make it your personal reading although it's a general reading but to summarize this if you want to watch it if you want to watch more about it you'll find it in the introduction but as a summary I will be reading the cards in terms of energy and not getting into the specifics which will change from one person to the other o listening to the reading fine I'll keep this as the first part of the reading but I
do want to keep keep the deck around because your reading will be divided into four parts as I'll show you in a moment but very quickly let me introduce your pile to you your crystal is the beautiful sodalite and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Virgo cancer Sagittarius and Scorpio welcome to reading if these are not your signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well all right so let's get straight into it and
reveal your card so this is what your main card looks like and as you can see there is a me a message in each side and we will be placing this right in the middle and reading each side on its own uh it may the four sides May connect and form a whole message for you or they may be different messages that you're meant to hear let's find out together so the first side that we will be exploring in your personal reading is called balanced so let's see how this speaks to you and what's what
it's meant to show you with balance you've got the cards desert this one's sliding out you've got Saturn in Scorpio with inheritance you know desert and inheritance it kind of makes me feel like from nothing to getting a lot of things with inheritance specifically it's getting it's not working for something it's just something being passed on so the idea of getting an abundance here the desert is something about not having much if at all yeah something like that let's take a look at your tarot cards oh well I I was like did I shuffle this
is this the high priestess no okay so it begins by your two of Swords or should we pull out the eight of Swords since we saw it anyway yeah let me pull that out and I'll be back okay eight of Swords two of swords the three of Pentacles the Ace of Wands as well as the Knight of Swords all right what are we seeing here one two 3 one two three this is the center of the reading speaking of balance you've got the two and it looks like we're dealing with two two energies both of
them you can't see and since we're talking about balance this message is divided uh into one side of something and on the other side of something H it feels to me like you are at a crossroad perhaps you are taking a grand decision but thing is whether these energies are actually clear or not what I'm sure of is that you really can't make your mind up because you you don't have much information or you can't see any of the two paths where you're at at the moment at the Crossroad and so you could be at
the moment at this Crossroad or this could be talking about what's about to happen where you find yourself choosing between two critical paths in your life but just because you lack the Insight or you can't see means that you lack the vision necessarily and one of your paths ahead is information that you are choosing not to see in the other path is information that you may not be seeing but is information that you could find out about F fill yourself in with it work with it with a three of Pentacles so that's our starting point
in your guidance here just like I said the fact that you can't see doesn't mean that you lack the vision to see it and so with balanc here before you make a move you're guided to move with balance and to move with balance is to not take any steps based on emotions which can sometimes blind us it can fuel limiting beliefs see that's why I've got the water and the eight of Swords sometimes it is our emotions that feed into the limiting beliefs and so when it comes to the two paths and when you find
yourself at the Crossroad remember that very very think in your reading One path you can't see through because you're not choosing to see something and it looks like you're not choosing to see the lack of something with the desert here and in the other path while it's true that you can't see but it's definitely something that you can dig into and find more information about so that's the first word first message we're establish establishing in your personal reading and to make a great choice ahead you must make it when you're in great balance that will
happen by looking into the matter properly on the right side of your message you can see that on the path that you will find um you will find that by researching and asking others asking experts that path in which you can dig into and find information the more information you find the more empowered you will be to take quick and the necessary action needed while being absolutely informed and you'll find yourself so sure with the Knight of Swords the one of the key wordss about the Knight of Swords one of the characteristics ICS about this
archetype is that um the Knight of Swords is so sure about where they're going because they so believe in the direction that they're going towards and so in one of the paths once you find out more information it will Empower you to take the necessary action when it comes to that side on the other side should you choose of course to take that direction it's all based on your choice but if you choose to take the right action it will be you will take Swift swift action towards the right direction whether this direction is towards
it or against it right so that's what I mean here here in the side of where you are it seems you're choosing not to look at the this information this this is why it feels like you don't know what to do in the side where you'll find yourself saying oh I I mean I'm looking and I really am oblivious to what to do here this is saying that it has to do with some lack or some loss that you're afraid of of you're afraid of lack or you're afraid because you feel you have lack your
mind is so afraid to maybe consider this option or consider something about this option and thus instead of looking at the information and at the lack you are thinking in this direction that there's nothing to look at you really don't know what it's about because it seems here like you're afraid of taking that initiative going towards this direction you're not maybe considering it or thinking about the details of it in any case without the without me getting into details this is uh this is a side that you don't understand because it needs more digging about
your thoughts towards it and what you're afraid of losing or of what you're afraid that you don't have this side has an ultimat about it oh no this Crossroad this side can't give me anything it's a desert this can't happen and so you're not really looking into it this side can't happen because it's a desert and in deserts you can't plant anything the plants will die but then you have cacti right and so there's an form of ultimatum here or like a decision that you've already taken before the main decision has been taken because of
a limiting belief is it really true that no plant can be planted in the desert sometimes a correction can make all the difference a little con correction even if mostly it's true can make all the difference in the world no some plants can live in that harsh weather and interestingly so looking at the details of that ultimatum especially in a decision can make all the difference when it comes to the decisions you're making ahead at this Crossroad because with inheritance here it looks like something could look like it's not giving but can give you so
much and while this reading is not guiding you to to take one decision over the other it is however inviting you oh look make decisions I didn't even see that make decisions wow all right so while it's not pushing you to make one decision over the other this reading is guiding you in how to look into things to make the best decision for yourself so let's say for example just an example to translate the energy and make it makes sense let's say you're choosing between two universities while the universe or your guidance is not to
tell you which university to take or to get into your ideas or the fact that you feel like you're not seeing doesn't mean that you don't have the vision to see and so let's say your idea about a spe one type of university is I don't know uh it um this I can't make up my mind because this University is very affordable but I don't know I think I think since it's in that location or maybe it's not as good as this one then this University uh does not give good education at all okay but
it's what I can afford while this University is quite quite expensive H I don't think I can get into this University with the money that I have and so I really don't know what to do in that case the universe is showing you that you can fill yourself in with the information that you need to take the appropriate decision for yourself here you might need more um effort to get into your the university that you love while here it could be talking about while maybe it may not be as or you think it may not
be as good as this University but there are some SE maybe classes or section Fields right that are actually very good that are known that are reputable in this University like oh you're in that section in that University that's they teach really well that class or that field that's what I mean so and maybe you just made your mind up here and you're not looking and in that case your guidance is saying there's an ultimatum here and perhaps because of the way you feel about this University you're not allowing yourself to look look into these
classes you might just find one of the good classes there uh is in the field that you like so have a look you know before you make up up your mind in that way that this is a very bad path look don't put any ultimatums and you might find that you can that this University can serve you in both ways where you get to learn very well in the field in in a field that you really love and like you know in the very beginning this University is Affordable maybe even for free right now that's
not saying go to this University it's just showing you is giving you Clarity is um guidance to give you more clarity about your two paths so that you can make the best most balanced decision and the next part is about the making decision uh for yourself now when it comes to this University ah it's expensive but does it mean that you can't do it looking into um things could mean that you can ask other colleagues who are able to afford it hey what did you guys do oh we have a second job there we we
can ask for discounts we did this we took the loan like this we pay it off in this way we do this we do that and then you find people in similar situations and you can even ask the university hey this is what I can afford are there is there any payments is there any discounts that you can help me with yeah of course you know um I'll schedule a meeting with the expert that can absolutely walk you into the into the you can Absol absolutely do it many people um uh felt that they couldn't
afford it but with our assistance they were absolutely able to do that they they work as taas they do this they do that and so information could Empower you to make the best decision for yourself so you might visit both universities this here with an open mind instead of like a closed mind and actually look at the classes because you might find classes that you like or Fields I mean that you like and here H you can collect information and and then find yourself equipped to take a better decision you might come back home after
these two meetings and go oh I actually love both options now now it's reversed I love both these situations what should I go with and thus you feel empowered with your vision to make a better decision for yourself so whether this is actually happening in your life I'm not going to assume or about to happen this is your guidance there and let's now look into the make decisions part it seems like this is at least up until this part this message continues so let's pull out your cards you've got Venus in Sag oops so sorry
in Sagittarius with flirtation that's the ninth house you know philosophies in Life or exciting Journeys we'll find out and then you've got molting interesting okay let's see how that fits into your message the 10 of Wands the fool card the Queen of Swords as well as the magician look the T of Wands And The Fool card both both are talking about a new beginning because the 10 of Wands is yes a lot of heaviness the Pinnacle of heaviness in fact but it's the end of it leading to A New Beginning so what could this be
saying with make decisions the release of the old just like molting to give way for the new to arise right release of the old 10 of Wands the release of the heaviness release of the old to make new to make way for the new to arise why do you have that it's very interesting though the message is very clear but I'm just wondering why you're getting that especially that the Queen of Swords is actually associated with making decisions I think I'm getting it this is not just any Crossroad this is the shedding away of the
old like this talks about how your whole life is changing because of this decision this is no small deal and so to start your life in the best way this decision must be taken from a place with flirtation from a place of Joy rather than a place of great pain and so don't be tempted to take a decision just to release the um the pain off of you or the stress off of you or just to go ah I want to get this done with don't rush is what I'm seeing here because this will determine
a your whole life moving forward and you might look back and regret that you rushed into this and knowing better later on you could have said ah I wish I did it like that and didn't rush and so some and so there's something about how emotions can be the pressure to deciding your whole life for you and so first step as you can see is to gather as much information as possible and to look at something that you're deciding you've made an ultimatum towards when it comes to decisions of course second step is to take
it from a place of Joy remember when we said picking out information will make you more comfortable and this is what we're seeing here with the ninth house life philosophy Sagittarius take it from a place of excitement where you've gathered so much information to the point where you are excited like once you reach the point of you being sure about the direction and being super excited about it this is when you know it's the right time to make that decision because from this place this is where the magic and the creation shall happen properly this
is when you know that you properly followed the guidance that you are getting today um in fact if I just look ahead very quickly I'm seeing relaxed very aware taking that decision from a place of great awareness and relaxed and having fun this is the right this is when you know you are going to be very happy and thank yourself for taking such a great decision in your life like that this is when you know that you've put yourself in the right place this is where you will actually have a wonderful life ahead moving forward
it's like move ahead you've just picked the right decision for yourself and again the right decision doesn't have to do with one thing or the other but it's the right decision for your path the one that will have the most magic and things working at ease for you and just happening easily because it's the path of the least resistance while the universe doesn't want you to choose a path choosing the shortest least resistant path is always the best way to go not necessarily the one you you should take this is all up to you all
paths lead to Rome at the end of the day um you're going to grow and transcend whether now or even in then or later like later could be even lifetimes ahead but eventually there's Transcendence there eventually all paths lead to Rome so nothing to worry about but it seems to me like this is the path of least resistance it's the path where you will experience the most magic where you will just have an inner knowing and conviction that you know you've taken the right path for yourself it's the path that will make you the most
excited but without the information you'll it's like you'll be walking into this path blindly you might just get be lucky and choose the right path for yourself and it will be the path of least resistance is the right path for you for one reason or the other or you might just take the risk of getting yourself in the longer path maybe that's what you want this is why nobody's choosing here except you but why make that gamble H instead you're really guided to um take it when you reach the point of excitement and then you
will know that oh my god I've reached the right decision okay so that's what I'm seeing here let's now take a look at the third part of your reading and the key word here is relaxed right so you've got Venus in Virgo with discrimination sixth house you've got meow wow wow wow I mean the background here looks beautiful doesn't it and let's take a look at your tarot cards you've got the three of Cups gosh this uh feels so beautiful no wonder you're getting relaxed but I wonder how this fits into your reading or maybe
it's a whole new reading who knows like uh it's a personal reading and now we're looking at something else I'm just going to keep an open mind to see but so far these two are at least connected for sure you've got the 10 of Swords again talking about the end of pain the strength card oh okay yes the end of pain but I'm I'm sort of understanding something better now that the strength card has appeared so one more tarot card one two three four five let's do five one two 3 four yeah let's see what
the cards show us two okay all right so you've got the Eight of Cups and you've got the Three of Swords right keeps changing now I really need to think about it there's pain here three of swords and the T of Swords gosh this is a lot of pain actually walking away leaving the pain got Meadow here what are we seeing relaxed one two 3 one two 3 yes this does Center your reading okay ah ah right the main energy energy seems to be talking about being relaxed at the epitome of pain what an interesting
message being relaxed at the epitome of pain Meadow this seems to be deep very deep deep I just want to figure it out properly I'm going to go for a walk reflecting this and I'll be back interesting I even thought to myself why am I sharing that and as I just got up now I noticed the Eight of Cups and the Three of Swords walking perhaps walking to figure out pain perhaps because was just about to get up and walk to figure out your reading and I was like why did I share this with them
I usually just pause and if like I need to think about it just go for a walk and come back so I think there's something about going for a walk or it doesn't have to be walking could be Oh leaving okay I get it there seems to be something about you needing to walk away away for now from something that is creating a lot of pain in order to process this pain well H so this could be about something else in your life entirely relaxed yeah you oh okay I totally get it now um the
more you sit in this pain energetically you are holding on to it and the best and fastest way to release a pain that you are currently going through and regain your strength back and vitality it is to move for a while the movement will process the pain I mean even if this is talking about your health the same is absolutely true because the sixth house Virgo talks about health but it also talks about work it also talks about your everyday routines whatever it is the thing that you're going through every day that's one way one
energy here another energy is your work another energy is your health it could be anything else entirely I'm just reading energy but I'm also pinpointing the details I'm seeing right so to to deal with that thing in your life that is causing the biggest pain at the moment you're guided to work with its opposite energy and that's being relaxed how to reach relaxation when there's a lot of pain in your case you will find that strength and vitality through movement whether this is for now moving away from this pain is this a person for example
that you deal with every day you need a break to process through this information to heal that energy is your is this your workplace can can you take a few days off if you can't could it be mentally with the swords absolutely preventing yourself from thinking about it once you leave the office to process this information is it your health movement will process through this pain so I can go on and on with examples but reading The Energy you sort of see what I'm saying now movement or to walk away from this will bring you
vitality and Heth and health discrimination reminds me of the alchemical process of uh what's the word called extraction extracting the impurities and so this is talking about how when you eliminate the pain point you allow something to heal and whether you want to come back or not it's your choice like for health for example um let's say when you eat something these days since you're in a lot of pain it disturbs it disturbs your body for example and by the way please consult an expert I always say that or your doctor a health consultant an
expert for sure this is just reading energy um yeah this is not actual advice but there's something here in the cards about let's say for example uh I don't know strawberries are healthy Ginger is healthy but now it's not because it for example uh increases the inflammation at the moment and so to to take it out to walk away from it gives your body the time to heal and then you can always take it back do you see what I'm trying to say there's taking yourself out or something out your body out or taking something
something that you consume out allows for the body to heal to abandon something or to move to walk away from it depending on how this reading translates to you personally will allow you to feel relaxed happy uh will allow things to work for you will allow you to heal you know the cups could be um representing the vessel the body will allow the different maybe organs to work together the movement or the taking something out will allow allow the organs to work better together uh you know or this could even be blood flow because red
blood cells white blood cells I don't know nutrients in the body or fats I don't know fats whatever uh I'm not an expert but it could be the movement of blood flow if this is your body if this is a painful point then the threes talk about a completion the to form a shape the minimum number is three so we we see a an initial completion yeah all I can tell you here clearly is that your pain point at the moment needs to have a break with relaxed through elimination movement or walking away from something
for a while to allow it to heal regain strength and vitality taking yourself out or taking something out and it will heal the situation that's what you're guided to do with a difficulty or something pain that you could be going through in your life at the moment so that's a second message that I see here for you in your personal reading that you're meant to hear about finally we have very aware let's take a look at what this is saying so you've got Venus and Libra with indecision you've got change you know this did pop
up in pile number one so if you're drawn to pile number one I highly recommend it so You' got change there's an emphasis on pile number one today even in the pick a pile part of the introduction where Spirit picks the pile it was also one if I remember correctly yes so yeah there's something about pile one here if you're drawn to it I highly recommend it but look at that seven8 nine just notice that as well 10 7 8 9 10 and that forms the square 7 8 9 10 okay there is change a
completion maybe or something very aware so you've got the moon card right uh the page of cups and it stops there let me adjust the camera hold on okay and you've got the four of Wands so what are we seeing here indecision what it's crazy how most of your reading has been talking about decisions it's crazy so we're going back to this decision maybe this is all a full message and in order to take the right decision it's important that you heal a pain point in your life as well so look looks like this was
part of your reading actually um it's very vital to heal a pain point in your life at the moment because if you do heal it on its that's why I've got discrimination if you heal it all on its own uh it will help you take that decision better wow so back to the decision I guess with indecision Venus and Libra what are we seeing here yeah isolate this part heal it before you take a decision so it looks like you've got some good time to make that decision don't rush it's um in fact seeing these
two dogs kind of makes me feel something about the two decisions the dogs have strong throat chakra and we can see a path [Music] here or perhaps loyalty in general because of the page of cups loyalty yeah the page of cups is that innocent energy you know how when we make friends friendships in childhood that innocence you know for the most part that it's real it's true it's not tainted by bad intentions or anything like that page of cups here shows something about real friendship real loyalty real loyalty then you've got the Scorpion here which
shows where it can bite so we're seeing something about being loyal but not being naive when being loyal why are you getting that also you've got the idea that time's running or is that your idea we just established that you have time to isolate something heal it before you take a decision and so what is this saying now here I need to take a walk let me think about it actually I just noticed something I think you are the one that is afraid of time passing while of course um um it's important to take a
decision and not wait forever because obviously time then in that case you haven't used your time properly but there's something about you uh you being afraid of time flying I'll tell you why because the Page of Cups has the iris right and we just established something about naivity here as we were taking a look at the page of cups and so the Page of Cups has the iris flower and the iris flower is the first to bloom in the spring so that first thing I need to jump start and do something if I'm loyal I
will take a quick decision there's something about don't be impulsive just to show your loyalty for something because the four of Wands is a commitment card this is a long commitment you don't want to rush and to show your loyalty sometimes try in in trying to show your loyalty you could be hurt later like even this could even be used against you and you could stab you in the back you might be loyal to something that may not be loyal to you it could be subject to change um maybe this thing or this person or
this path could be initially loyal to you but then people could change or even like literal people can go and other people can come whatever this is about I don't know but put the factor of change into consideration before you decide to be that loyal because if you go if we go back to the example of the University maybe you want that this University for example shows you great loyalty and you want to match that loyalty they're like don't worry come here and we'll take care of you and then or or this University come here
don't worry we'll take care of you and in you wanting to innocently be loyal to the very people that wanted to take care of you matching the Loyalty you know these very people in the management could change they could go and other people can come and they won't remember anything that you've been promised with you know um or if this is like a person or I don't know in whatever path there's something pertaining I'm not going to assume but there's something pertaining to matching loyalty and that could lead lead to indecision and that and so
don't jump into being loyalty just because you're afraid don't jump into being loyal choosing the path of loyalty as opposed to choosing the right and correct path for yourself just because you're afraid of time passing take your time in making that great decision of your life because as you can see everything in your life is going to change all the old's going to go and Inc comes new energy so your path ahead determining maybe even the rest of your life and the long hole the long commitment that you're going to get into deserves you deserve
to be committed to something you're convinced about you love it's akin to you playing the parents' role in the old days of choosing a bride for their son because it's the best way to go rather than understanding that it's the heart that chooses or choosing the career path of their children rather than understanding it's again the heart that chooses so be loyal to yourself is what I'm seeing here this is a long commitment don't try to be loyal and match the Loyalty where while it's a wonderful thing that one side or the other wants to
be loyal to you appreciate that loyalty but also consider the fact that things could change in the long Co and the best thing that you could do for yourself and stay true and faithful to yourself is to take the right path that makes you happy that speaks to your heart with the page of cups and that continues to be a message here when you're excited make a decision and don't be sued by trying to be loyal to something else because that loyalty while it's a great argument that loyalty can change greatly and so the best
bet and the best thing to do in general is to stay loyal to yourself and to your heart and that is the final message that I see for you uh my dear pile number three and the message that ends your whole reading stay true to yourself stay true to your heart that is the person or the thing that you really need to stay loyal to and my dear pile number three this was your personalized reading I truly hope you've enjoyed it if you have please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that
you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number three I'll catch you in the next reading bye
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