for some time now I've been teaching businesses and individuals on leading practices for prompting chat GPT and other LMS so I want to pass along some of the key lessons that I share so you can get the most out of chat gbt Claud Gemini deep seek or whatever llm you prefer one of the first things I ask my students to do is write a sample prompt for me so I can see how you're using chat GPT almost without fail they write a one or two sentence prompt and it'll look something like this summarize the significance
of the industri Revolution yes this will give you a few cohesive paragraphs that will be sufficient for demonstrating basic knowledge of a historical event to your friends at dinner it's sufficient the best way to explain why a more robust prompt is better is to provide a better example so let's head over to that in this case The Prompt says generate a list of significant facts about the Industrial Revolution specific to British Farmers for a sixth grade reader because we've prompted chat GPT with more requirements the output is way better let's look at the specifics of
the prompt we've got an action generate a format list context significant facts specific to British farmers and a target audience a sixth grade reader as you can see here we've got the list of facts and it's at a level that sixth grader could understand great now let's compare that to a different prompt with the same context but an updated action format and target audience just to see how it changes in this case we say write a 600 plus word essay at a 10th grade reading level about how the Industrial Revolution impacted British Farmers so in
this case we've got the exact same context and action but because we changed the format and target audience the result is very different so here you can see if you were to read through it that the language is definitely stepped up quite a few notches also obviously it's an essay format versus in list format so quite a bit different as a quick aside I always have new tricks that I'm testing across my businesses and I can easily drop those tips into an email to share with folks so you guessed it I'm sending out email for
people who are interested in my latest prompts workflow automations or business tools that I've been using successfully it'll also be covering broader marketing and business operational tips for things like cold Outreach SEO social media email management meeting notes pay ad campaigns and a whole bunch more candidly there's a lot of hidden gems out there and I'm happy to share the ones I've been collecting over the years so if you're interested sign up via the link in the description and I'll see you there the next thing that I like to advise is to write a prompt
that requests clarifying questions from chat gbt let's look at an example of that here I say write a 600 plus word essay at a 10th grade reading level about how the Industrial Revolution impacted British Farmers before writing the essay please ask me any clarifying questions that will inform your process once I've answered the questions proceed with the essay so as expected it's done the initial intake and asked five clarifying questions that I can either answer or tell chubbt to ignore I've dropped in some quick answers here for the sake of showing the output so then
you can see based on the answers that I provided it's going to go ahead and move forward with the essay which is here okay so now that we've got those done let's go to a Next Level sort of prompt and this is where things get pretty amazing in this case The Prompt we're going to use will be massive but the output will also be quite spectacular so right off the bat you'll notice that this prompt is quite lengthy also you'll see a common format that I like to use which is called the craft format and
so it starts off with context and again it's the Industrial Revolution and how that impacted British Farmers then it moves into the role and the role in this case is a historian and educator with 20 years of experience in British history then we move into the action section and this you'll notice is in a list format I really like doing lists in terms of actions because it gives CBT a really nice way to approach the result that we're looking for finally here you can see that I've created the format again this is an essay and
it does some of the specifics I also dropped in that I want to vary the paragraph length with some paragraph succeeding 10 sentences which gave me a really nice uh varied output and then finally here we have target audience and again the target audience is a 10th grade student so now the main question I get about a prompt like this is oh my gosh do I have to write such a lengthy prompt for all of my chb requests and the answer is yes but there's a trick to how you do it I've created a prompt
to write a prompt and I have another video specifically for that that you can reference I've also added this prompt to create a prompt in the description of this video so that you can reference it yourself go ahead and copy and paste it drop it into the chat dialogue the first thing it's going to request of you is the topic or the theme that you'd like the prompt to proceed with and then from there you can answer its questions and then it'll write you a prompt which will then be copied and pasted into a new
chat dial and will give you exactly the output that you're looking for so here are the key points that I share with all of my students and clients number one context is King chat gbt doesn't know if you're a firefighter looking for a new exercise routine a college kid trying to make poster for the first time or a job Seeker preparing for an interview give the llm context so it knows how to focus its vast knowledge repository two make sure to include a role and that the role is well defined and includes areas of expertise
and experience three try using different formats for instance using a list format is great for instructions facts or directions while a table format is really amazing for brainstorming four ask chat TBT to create a prompt for you again I've provided my favorite example of the prompt to write a prompt in the video description so check that out five lastly end the prompt by having chat GPT ask you questions in order to further refine The Prompt this is a great way to ensure chat gbt is on the right track before proceeding so those are my top
tips for better prompts give them a try and let me know how it goes we'll see you in the next one