How To Create Content That Actually Gets Clients (The Content Prism)

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Ravi Abuvala
πŸ’° How We Can Book You 5-10 Qualified Sales Calls/Day Using A Self-Sustaining Funelℒ️:
Video Transcript:
in this video I'm going to show you how to create contents that actually drive sales for your business and just for context my name is rvi abuvala I'm the founder of scaling systems where we build sales and marketing systems for our clients we worked with over 2,000 businesses in the past few years and have generated over $25 million in sales for our own business and a lot of those sales come from our content so just to show you we practice what we preach in the last month 20% of our high ticket sales came from Instagram
24% came from YouTube and just in the past few book calls we had on our calendar here you can see we had Instagram Google Instagram Instagram Instagram YouTube Instagram and these aren't just some brokies that are funnel hacking us these are quality calls you can see this one here is doing1 to $200,000 a month asking for our help in scaling their business so we practice what we preach now before I show you exactly how to create this content let me show you why you should create this content in the first place and how content plays
a role in your overall marketing and sales process so for the longest time it was believed that a buyer's Journey could be broken out into three main stages you had the stimulus which is when somebody would see an ad for example the first moment of truth which is when they would land on a sales page on your video salesletter page when they would speak with your sales team book a call and then you have the second Moment of Truth and this is when you they would see if your promises in your marketing and sales process
uh actually were delivered if the expectations of what they were going to get actually came true and that's obviously really important because you can't scale a business if all you're doing is making big promises on the front end and not delivering on the back end so that's called the second Moment of Truth Now Google came out with a study a few years ago that showed that in today's digital marketing landscape there is actually a new stage and it's what's known as the zero Moment of Truth or the Z mods and this is where people are
doing research in your uh product or service right so people still hear from you in an ad in a podcast maybe even some organic content somewhere or referral or friend but no longer are they going straight to book a call to speak with you they are doing their research online they are sophisticated and so what they're doing is they're looking you up on multiple different platforms Googling you and consuming your content and when Google published the study what they figured out is that on average it takes 7 hours of content consumption across 11 touch points
in four different locations to turn this stranger into a ready to buy prospects and that became known as the 7114 Rule and so this is why it's critical to have some form of content in your marketing process and if you don't then when this person is researching uh whatever your product or service is there's a good chance your competitors are going to have some content out there so you're doing all this work on the stimulus side to get attention on your problem or in your solution in your uh you know in your industry and then
somebody else is stealing all that traffic cuz they just put in a little bit of extra work to create that content so when that buyer is in that zot that zero Moment of Truth stage doing the research uh that they are consuming their content so now that we know where content goes let's talk about in my experience the two types of people creating content so the first one is going to be the content creator and this sounds obvious but this is actually what most people fall into even if you don't think you do so a
content creator is following a marketing process forward to backward so they are trying to generate a lot of eyeballs and attention on the front end and then just trying to monetize those eyeballs on the back end they will do absolutely anything for views they will literally sell their mom if it means they're going to get more views for a video uh they're a slave to the algorithm whatever somebody else is doing if it pops off they're going to copy that uh if they see that this is trending well this audio they have to go over
there and copy that and that's why I also put copycats they're really big copycats as well you see a lot of people that are content creators doing the exact same videos of somebody else just changing a headline inside of there and because they are purely focused on content creation and they don't really have a backend system in place there they have to really make sure their content stands out so they have to have very high production value that means their costs really increase and that means their team increases as well and I know this I
used to have a media team that cost me $40,000 a month so I'm not talking down to anybody here I'm saying this is what my experience has been myself this is easily a full-time job um you you know when I was used to create content as a content creator it wouldn't be uncommon for me to spend 30 to 40 hours a week creating content on top of trying to run my business as well most content creators index for reach or for views that's their kpi that they're going for here so whenever they're looking at metrics
or tracking or uh their and what they judge themselves and other people by it's how many views they can get how many uh you know how many new accounts have we reached how many new people have seen my content um and I'm going to talk to tell you why in a moment that's uh that's important that you shouldn't do that and they're making some money but they're doing it from Affiliates from Brand deals from merchandise from low ticket products etc etc and so they're indexing they're trying to copy like Mr Beast and all these other
people that have a lot of views but they don't know that if they already have a business and they are running content to it you have to get a disgusting amount of views based on the content that you're creating in order to make any kind of money so most of their stuff is low products it's affiliate deals it's brand deals etc etc and the people that fall in the content creator C C these are going to be most gurus that you look at so all the other people telling you online you need to create content
oh I'm the best content creator I have millions of views on my videos and on my Tik Tok and on my Instagram etc etc uh there's going to be employees so I've done this as well I've hired people who had a lot of views on their own posts on their own uh content and I was like oh well they obviously know how the content games work so let me hire them and this is also going to be a lot of agencies so short form agencies that you'll hire YouTube agencies everybody's indexing for just more reach
more views more eyeballs and they're telling you oh if you just post this content then it'll eventually attract your right people and you'll be able to close deals from it I'm here to tell you that's complete baloney and I'm not knocking content creators I'm just trying to show the difference in the two groups of people so I used to be a full-time content creator even though I was running a business I was creating content all the time and so this was the type of content I was creating so how owning a plane can slasher tax
bill I'm A A Private Pilot I own my own plane and so I was creating content around that because I thought oh well you know if I could create content around owning a plane that would probably go viral and then that could help get people to buy my stuff I talked about living in Miami uh I talked about you know I would do podcast everyone's like oh if you want to be a a content creator the best way to do that is podcast podcast are long form content blah blah blah except for little did I
know I was talking about a bunch of random topics that didn't have anything to do with what I was trying to sell and I was really just giving that other person a bunch of clout and so like there was almost no benefit to me and then on my YouTube I would say why I'm selling my Porsche 911 why I bought my own plane so these were all either ideas that I had or people that I hired or agencies were like hey just create this kind of content and it's going to explode your brand which is
going to explode your sales and that's just not true and so instead what I want to challenge you is I want to challenge you to think about creating content as a business owner and and when I made this shift it changed how I did everything in content from uh adding me as a content creator in the organizational chart from me having actual time I dedicate to content a specific small amount of time time every single week uh to these other things inside of here so business owners they are looking at content backwards to forward so
they already have uh a decently successful business they're already selling some kind of maybe product or service and so they're just trying to figure out okay if I already have I'm already making sales I already have my ideal clients um and I already have some kind of sales process that working I should need to get more people through the sales process so instead of just saying oh I have all this attention how do I monetize it they're saying oh I have all these sales how do I get more sales essentially right the next thing is
that they're only creating what Drive sales so they're not just creating content for Content sake right they're creating maybe it's just one video a week maybe it's two videos a week maybe it's one post a day but they are creating content specifically created to drive more sales uh they have consistent and cohesive messaging this is probably the most underrated part of um of being a business owner that creates content going backwards to forward is that all of your content across all different platforms at organic Instagram YouTube your video sales letter your email sequences your sales
call scripts all of that stuff is essentially saying the exact same thing so the person is in that buyer's journey and they're they're seeing the same consistency over and over and over again which is really good that's what you want that's how they learn to trust you they learn okay this person is known for this thing I'm buying this person because of this thing and so the ability to have look at this as a business owner and not what's the best thing for views but what is just Co cohesive and consistent with the rest of
my business is going to make your conversions rate Spike um also you only have to spend like 1 to four hours a week creating content this way you don't have to be a full-time a full-time content creator you don't need to have a whole entire team and someone walking around filming content of you 247 365 you could just literally create content for one to two hours a week uh the other thing is that you're indexing for or your kpi is around shares and sales right so it's not views um it's not Impressions it's not account
reach it's shares and sales and those are important for two main reasons one if you're a business owner you know the power of referrals you know that if someone comes and works with you and they love working with you and they send you another deal how amazing is that well imagine if all your contents was the exact same things a highquality business owner whoever else you're indexing or for targeting they consume your contents and then they say wow this is really good let me send this to somebody else that is just like me who will
appreciate that and that's essentially a Content referral right and that's what shares are so instead of saying oh let me see how many views I can get you say let me see how many shares I can get and then sales which is obvious reasons I'm not just creating content for a Content say I only want to create content that drives sales and then I want to put tracking systems in place so I can see what specific type of content is driving more sales and just create more content around that and you also are a thought
leader so this is something I've been fortunate enough to be called in my industry by a few different people their words not mine but people say like hey you know uh your your videos don't get a lot of views but your videos are the ones that are being shared cared around by eight and nine figure business owners like you know and and I get that message all the time on Instagram like hey I work at this nine figure company here and we just shared this video inside of our slack channel for our media team for
our marketing team for our sales team and to me that's the biggest compliment I could honestly think of that's that's what I want with content that goes back to the share side of things and so if other people are sharing your contents with their team their friends uh that's the definition of a thought leader you're the one that's leading the charge on that and they are making a lot of money not just a little bit of money but a lot of money from their business right so they're just doing more of what they've already done
and making money from their business so you can make a decent amount of money doing content you can make a stupid amount of money if you attach a business on the back of it and you go backwards to forward so how do we actually create this content that drives sales well I want to introduce you to a concept that I work with my clients on called the content prism and the content prism essentially is the idea that instead of going for forwards to backwards and just figuring out oh uh let me just make all these
videos and hopefully a drive sales you're going backwards to forwards and you're starting with one core foundational asset it's something that we call in our company the sales copy blueprint I'm going to show you an example of it here in a moment but this is what we create with our clients and so with the sales copy blueprint we can have that cohesion and consistency in all of our contents because everything stems from this one piece right so that way uh whenever it's time to shoot our video sales letter it's pulled from the sales copy blueprint
which we write the entire video sales that are for our clients whenever we're uh creating YouTube videos it's pulled from the sales copy blueprint whenever we're creating Instagram videos it's pulled from the sales copy blueprint whenever we're making ads it's pulled from the sales copy blueprint so that way if someone sees an ad goes to our Instagram goes to our YouTube watches our video sales letter it's all the same messaging it just feels like it's just another piece of content from us it doesn't feel salesy it doesn't feel marketing it just feels like oh and
this is more of what I want and so the more uh like let's say top of funnel YouTube Instagram ads stuff that I'm creating around my sales copy blueprint and then my video sales that are in products is uh is a part of that conent is in that sales copy blueprint the more sales I'm getting the more consistency conversions that I'm getting through the pipeline here but it all starts with one foundational asset and the other big piece of this before I move forward is that when you have a solid sales copper blueprint as you're
hiring and ramping agencies and and uh and and video editors and content creators all that other stuff you can give them the sales copy blueprint so everybody is on the exact same page so what does this actually look like well this is it right here um and like I said we write this for our clients you can create your own version of it but it's a a Google Document and it's going to cover what your Niche is what your avatar is what their primary goals are what their secondary goals are what their primary complaints are
and ours goes way longer than this um and it goes into what the uh mistaken beliefs are what are their false assumptions right what are the objections that they have on sales calls typically and so these all form formulate this nice little uh almost like bag if you will that you can just pull pieces of content on at all time that drive sales to your video sales letter so you create the sales copy blueprint then the next foundational asset you're going to create is your video sales letter now this is specifically for those that uh
book sales calls and that's what we help our clients do we build this system for our clients and so if you have the sales cop print down first then you create the video sales letter now you're moving backwards to forwards and you want a video sales letter that is converting and you want people to get on the call and say hey I really love that video watched before I got on the call that's the reason why I booked the call because then the game just only becomes about driving more traffic about getting more eyeballs to
the video sales that and that's the Fantastic thing is that once you get the video sales that are down now we get into the fun part which is just content creation and all the content stuff that you're creating has to do with what's in your video sales letter which has to do with what's in your product which has to do with what is in the sales copy blueprint right so it becomes this huge beautiful system uh uh almost like this hybrid of paid and organic that are going together that's inundating and for lack of a
better term almost brainwashing your prospects into falling in love with your product service and seeing that as a solution for what they're doing and a lot of people tell me Well Revy what if I'm creating this content and I'm in this Niche industry and so after some point I create all the content that there is to create about it which by the way almost will never happen but let's say you're like I can't come up with any more content ideas well guess what just like you would uh if you trying to run ads you would
scale the top 20% and you'd cut the bottom 20% so continuously go back and find this stuff that perform really well and just refilm it do it with a different hook do it wearing a different shirt do it in a different background do it in a different format so a great example of this is this is a video I did I think a few months ago and it did it performed decently well for my channel and I was talking about um how to treat your sales team like athletes or why you should treat your sales
team like athletes and that's right in my sales copy blueprint because we help scale sales teams and we optimize sales processes so I redid it but this time I did it in a new format using my iPad using we call them white board uh formats or demonstration formats and so I did the same thing I covered the same topic and it was virtually the same video except for now I just did it uh in a different format and so my audience I probably could have just posted this original thing since it was bit months ago
and that would have been totally fine but I just went ahead and just create a new version of it and it's performing well after I posted it so uh and this is how exactly you're going to start to see your source of deals from organic start to increase you're also going to start to see see you can see right here this one is uh an ad this is an ad this left hand side schedule and then they went to my Instagram organic so they saw my ad clicked on my Instagram from the ad and then
booked a call to speak with us right and so this is how you start to see really quality people uh book a call to speak with you this is how you start to see your pie chart of what you have you're getting clients from in your business start to show more colors in this you're not just dependent only on ads or only on this one source and you'll start to see your profitability going up as well so with all that being said if you want us to help you build out this entire Marketing System end
to end in the next 7 to 14 days where we write your video sales thatter for you we write your ads for you um we help you with your content creation process we give you the exact systems that I use etc etc and you want us to work with you one-on-one I suggest you go below this video and clicking the button and watch the video on the next page our video sales thater where you can book a call to speak with myself or one of my team members we're going to do a full audit on
your entire marketing and sales system uh walk through what we will do if we were going to come in there and then if you want to you can decide to work with us or you can take it and do it on your own
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