Kenneth E. Hagin - The Last Church (FULL VERSION)

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Word Of His Power Church
Word Of His Power Faith Christian Centre is the last church Brother Hagin preached at August 2003 be...
Video Transcript:
am amen amen hallelujah glory to God thank you Lord amen praise God thank you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God hallelujah amen the 126 Psalm said when the Lord turned again to captivity of Zion we were like them a dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue was singing Hallelujah Hallelujah then said they among the Heathen he the Heathen knew something good here the Lord has done great things for them the Lord has done great things for us whereof we're glad I I think some people thought that was sad the way they
look you wonder if the Lord's done anything for but the Lord has done great things for us whereof we're glad singing and laughter and dancing are expressions of gladness Amen are expressions of Joy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God when the Lord turned again the Captivity of Zion now of course I know yeah microphone not working right now yeah okay we'll get this yeah amen while I'm talking turn over to the 12th chapter of Hebrews amen I know that uh here in Psalms he's talking about when God turned to captivity Israel was in captivity you
know in in Babylon but God turned their captivity Hallelujah church is called Zion amen glory to God now notice let's start reading with the 18th verse for you are not come unto the mount that might be touched talking about Mount siia and that burned with fire nor unto Blackness and darkness and Tempest and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of Words which voice they that heard entreated that the word should not be spoken to them anymore for they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touch the
mountain it should be stoned or thrust through with a dart and so terrible was the sight that Moses said I exceedingly fear and Quake talking about Mount Si God meeting Moses there on the mountain so on but notice this 22nd verse now but year come talking about the church and here writing to Hebrew Christians year come unto Mount Zion and to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an able company of angels to the general assembly of the Church of the first born that's us hallelujah which are written in heaven and
to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect hallelujah hallelujah and to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and of the blood of sprinkling that speaketh of better things than that of Abel amen now notice that he said here but year come unto Mount Zion Hallelujah glory to God glory to God Amen when the Lord turned again the Captivity of Zion hallelujah hallelujah then was our mouth filled with laughter glory to God and our tongue was singing Hallelujah that's what it's all about amen praise the Lord now you
could understand why a lot of folks don't get in on it they their captivity hadn't been turned they're still in captivity many of them are in captivity to false religion many of them in captivity what other people think about it many of them are in captivity to a lot of things but thank God I'm free whom the son is free whom the son is set free is free indeed Jesus Set Me Free Jesus redeemed me Hallelujah glory to God Amen so I can go to bed laughing get up [Laughter] laughing yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
amen praise God Amen now you know the Bible said in the 13th chapter of Romans that the kingdom of God is Not meat and drink well what is it it's righteousness it's peace and joy joy glory to God and the Holy Ghost Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah well you know Paul wrote to Timothy and he said stir up the gift that's in you yes now the Bible said the kingdom of God is righteousness peace and joy well well just stir up that Joy how do you do that just start laughing yeah Stir
It Up Hallelujah like one Pastor where we had a crusade several years ago he had had a lot of problems and and he had been sued by some people and I mean he had all kind of thing now he's a good man doing right but the devil just got after him and so he said you know that we had this kind of service Like We Got Tonight folk got to jumping and dancing and laughing and he said I just started laughing in the flesh just laughing at them at them and before I know it I
was laughing with them there there's a difference so if you have to just start laughing at them and it won't be long till you be laughing with them and that Pastor testified got this in working now for I thought I'd talk long enough you'd get it going amen woo glory to God [Applause] hallelujah amen so this pastor I was talking about testified the next morning he said when I woke up this morning I woke up laughing yeah for the first time in 15 years he'd had all these problems over a 15E period well Hallelujah I'm
glad the Lord turned my captivity hallelujah hallelujah I said hallelujah hallelujah stand up again praise God if you have to just Stir It Up yourself just start laughing start laughing in the flesh and it won't be long till you'll be laughing in the spirit w hallelujah hallelujah praise God thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord for thou art good and thy mercy endure forever glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God [Music] hallelujah well you know what I happen to glance
down here I was in the 12th chapter of Hebrews I notice a verse over here sometimes you know You' read it for many many time but a verse will just jump out at you you know what I'm talking about I just happened to look down here in this verse here he Hebrews 13:15 just jumped out at me by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of go of praise to God every once in a while if you happen to feel like it no continually continually Contin continually what is this sacrifice of praise that we're to
offer to God continually that is the fruit of our lips amen that's saying something with your mouth the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name the Bible said do that continually not just when you feel like it not just when everything's going right continually it says everybody say continually continually turn to your neighbor say that means all the time that means all the time hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God well one more time just open our mouths and give thanks to God offer the sacrifice of praise for that name Hallelujah for his name
glory to God thank you Lord Jesus praise His holy name forever praise His holy name forever glory to God we worship and honor you you thank you thank you Lord for thou art good and thy mercy endureth forever hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord praise God praise God Amen you may be seated hallelujah thank you Lord let's bow in a moment of prayer as we approach the word tonight father we thank you again tonight for your precious holy written word for for the privilege that we have to feed upon the word of God for the
privilege that we have to be doers of the word to put it into practice and to become recipients of all that the word of God promises and provides thank you again tonight for the wonderful blessed Holy Spirit we trust him tonight to live bigger us think through our mind speak through our lips unveil the word of God to our spirits hallelujah hallelujah thank you for giving us utterance in the Holy Ghost in Jesus name amen amen amen let's look at the same scripture we looked at last night amen for a text Mark the 11th chapter
the 22nd through the 25th verse in the 22nd verse Jesus answered and saith unto them how faith in God for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto of this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but Shall Believe those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire When you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them and when you stand praying forgive if you
have ought against any that your father also which is in heaven May forgive you your trespasses but but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive you your trespasses amen praise God thank you Lord Jesus the Bible say in Mar in Romans the 11th chapter and the 29th verse the gifts and calling of God are without repentance well whatever God called you to do praise God God never repents of it he never changes his mind amen amen amen it's that that call is still there amen praise God because it's
gift and calling God that now he may have you to do something else on the side or he may have you to do something in connection with what you're doing but always that call is still there amen uh the Lord spoke to me in 19 May of 1950 well that was 53 years ago this past may I mean in an audible voice I did didn't see anybody but I heard a man's voice speaking I believe it was Jesus he said I want you to go teach my people Faith I've taught you Faith through my word
I permitted you to go through certain experiences and you've learned Faith both through my word and by experience now go teach my people what I've taught you amen well I was always a faith preacher to a certain extent well actually just really a preacher I wasn't a teacher for for about 9 years I'd been preaching about 9 years before I became a teacher before I received the gift of teaching but amen I've endeavored to do that calling is still there praise God I'll tell you I'm never so happy when I'm teaching on faith I'm never
so blessed praise God and then the Lord said to me twice through the years he said I've given you a Ministry of healing I want you to go ministering Min to minister healing amen praise God well Faith and Healing and prayer all goes together does it prayer of faith will save or heal the sick and the Lord will raise him up and if they've committed sin it shall be forgiven amen amen hallelujah hallelujah well I pointed out last night and I'll just reiterate it real quickly a few thoughts about these verses here on faith now
the 22nd verse said Jesus act sayth unto them have faith in God there's a little number one there by the word faith in my Bible and I look in the mar it says gr that means the Greek and the New Testament was written in Greek the Greek says have the faith of God well having the faith of God is also having faith in God but this is I like to say it this way this is the god kind of faith and every believer already has a measure of it remember Romans 12:3 said I say to
every man it's among you not to think of himself more High than the earth to think but to think soberly according as God has dealt to every man now remember that's every man every person among you The Measure of Faith he gets us all started off on the same level amen but this Measure of Faith that every believer has can be increased amen well how by feeding it on God's word and exercising it and your faith will grow Paul wrote to the Church of thessalonica and said your faith groweth exceedingly that ought to be so
with every believer and every Christian amen then now notice that 23rd verse for verily I say unto you whosoever shallal say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thy cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but Shall Believe where in his heart that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he sath notice thou that this is heart faith and not head faith or not mental agreement or not mental assent or it's not based upon the physical senses it's based on what God Said Amen Smith
Wigglesworth said I'm not moved by what I see I'm not moved by what I feel I'm moved only by what I believe we need to learn to look the devil in the face and said I'm not moov by what I see I'm not moved by what I feel I'm moved by what I believe I believe the word of God amen hallelujah can you say Amen many people try to substitute head faith for heart faith and that won't work now head faith will work in the natural realm because you're operating in this natural realm amen Henry
Ford had faith in the t- model Ford he believed he could build a car and put one in everybody's garage amen his faith paid off did you ever read the life story of FW w worth FW Woodworth at 19 years of age worked in a country store you know used to have those Old Time Country out in the country you know uh they had a little bit of everything he slept in the Woodshed out behind the thing and received $2.50 a week at salary he get up real early before daylight and build a wooden fire
you know a fire of wood there in the store but people ask for many little items you know five and 10 cent pieces that he HD upon the idea of having a a 5 and 10 cent store and so his first 5 and 10 cent store was about as big as some of these news stand it was 4T by 8 ft 4 by 8 FW Woodworth 5 and 10 cent store well he did so well the first year that he had to double it and it's 8 by8 his building is 8 by 8 his faith
and five and 10 cent pieces paid off until he became a multi-millionaire in stores all over everywhere amen amen my youngest brother uh just after World War number two answered an advertisement in the newspaper there in Texas for a Salesman for an automotive company that built parts and and so he got the job and he he he had Texas and Oklahoma New Mexico uh Louisiana and Arkansa but he sold more and made more money than the president of the company did and so they took a New Mexico and Arkansas away from him and he had
Oklahoma and Texas and Louisiana but he sold more than and made more money than the president of the company made and so they took uh uh Louisiana away from him so he had Oklahoma and Texas but he sold more than anybody and and made more money made more money than the president of the company so they took Oklahoma away from him they just had Texas but he sold more than anybody else and he made more money than the president of the company did and so they divided Texas into North and South and and he just
had South Texas but he sold more than anybody in the nation and made more money than the president and the company did so they called him up to headquarters in SE Cleveland Ohio and made him vice president of the company training him to be the president and put him over the sales of whole United States of America amen well well he said to me he took a little card he he he's holding these salesman you know meetings for the salesman all across the nation and so he just took a little card like that little old
you know index card three by five and he just had four names written on it four things and and the number one was faith faith you got to believe in your product you got to believe you can sell it amen well that Faith paid off that Faith paid off off he made more money actually became a Rich Man became millionaire and uh uh and and and actually they wanted to make him president but he said I'm not going to set it any desk and so he just resigned and went out doing something else but nonetheless
nonetheless his faith is a natur wasn't spiritual Faith that's a natural Faith but how much more I said how much more will Faith praise God of the heart amen faith in God faith in God's word faith in what God Said woo glory to God pay off Hallelujah so faith is of the heart not the head this faith is this God kind of faith is of the heart not the head then we notice it says and when you stand praying forgive now it wouldn't take you very long to forgive if you're standing because you can't stand
on forever you know amen no you can do it if God said do it you can do it forgive forgive faith will not work in an unforgiving heart I tell the story very often and it'll I could tell you many of them but this is a good one and it'll bear repetition uh uh we were I i' met this young couple I preached a convention a national International Convention for this particular Full Gospel denomination number of years ago and uh I met this young couple they were ministers both of them graduates of Bible School of
that particular group and and ordained to the ministry and so then I'm conducted a meeting in 1950 March of 1957 in Vancouver Washington just across the river from Portland you know Oregon and uh and this young couple at that time were not they' built two churches and established them turned them over to pastors and they just sort of here rest in between times and that's their home church and so the very first service after the very first service service they invited my wife and I to go with them to have a sandwich so we went
to a restaurant we're sitting in a booth I'm right across from her and we having ordered us a sandwich and a glass of milk and uh and she said brother Hagen you got me all confused no I said sister I didn't get you confused you was confused before I got here the the light of God's word just showed up your confusion well she said I said why what's your problem well she said in your sermon tonight and you'll preach see sometime God will have you to say things not even in connection what you're talking about
he ministers to people he and this wasn't in my message but somewhere I got off on it first Epistle of John there about 13th to 14th verses the fifth chapter he said you know uh he that hateth his brother is a murderer now it said f other first verse said we know we pass some death under life because we love the brother but he that hateth his brother and I stopped and said that means mother-in-law too she she quoted me I said well I did I plead guilty I certainly did what's your problem I to
hate my mother-in-law now you mean here's an ordained Pentecostal full of gospel tongue talking Minister that hates her mother-in-law well she said she did well I said you're a murderer then well she said brother Heen you know my mother and daddy my parents that they and I had met him in the process uh I was born you know those days children were born at home both of our children were born in their home I was born in a Pentecostal parsonage raised up in the Pentecostal Full Gospel Church got saved in an early age filled with
the Holy Ghost just as a a little tie and then felt the call of God to the ministry graduated high school went to Bible School met my husband there and we we were married last year senior year of of Bible school and we went out to a town city little pretty good sized Town didn't have any Full Gospel Church back years ago no Full Gospel Church we pioneered in new work built it built a church building got the thing up you know two 300 people turned it over to a pastor because that wasn't our call
and we went over to another town and started a work turn that over to a pastor now here we just here between time so to speak going to this church waiting on God to see what he wants us to do next done all that said I don't care how much you did for God or how much you didn't do if you hate your mother-in-law You're a murderer Now isn't that true if you hate anybody You're a murderer and you no no murderer has eternal life abiding him I I I I I I get disturbed about
lot these I hear people say sometime I just hate old so and so talking about a fellow Christian well you won't look up and say murderer but that go over big get nowhere no they need to wake up amen well I saw that I had her on the ropes you know what I mean by that she's about out I said sister look me right in the face across the table in this booth and the rest of it and say I hate my mother-in-law and at the same time chck down here on the inside of you
she said I hate my mother-in-law I said what happened down there she said there's something down there scratching me I said yeah the Bible said the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts the love of God's down there trying to signal to you trying to get your attention you're ignoring it see that's what most people doing they're living out of the flesh dominating by the flesh or out of their head the love of God hadn't been shed abroad in your head love of God hadn't been shed abroad in your flesh amen so
she said what am I going to do I said you're going to act like you love your mother in law because you do see love like faith is revealed in word and action it's safe to say there is no love or faith either without word or action amen so act how would you act if you did love your mother-in-law well act it well we were in that church for three weeks and and this happened the very first service but the second week we we took Saturday off she came to my wife and said I invited
my mother-in-law and my two sisters-in-laws their husbands over to the house after church tonight for refreshment with you and brother Hagen come my wife said well order today brother Hagen don't do that but I'll ask him so you know you can't go everywhere but if God says go you go so God said go so we went she slipped around and said to me you know you're right I don't hate my mother-in-law I let some things get in the way you know uh and said these are wonderful people love God I was just wrong but we
discover we didn't even know because we met him at the convention and we did we saw him in the services here but uh you know they had nursery and and a children's thing going on and and so uh uh we didn't know whether they had in children or not but we found out they're about 30 years of age we found out they had three children we found out when we were there in the home when this we found out that the youngest one a little girl three and a half four years old beautiful little blue-eyed
blond-headed girl that uh for the first two years of her life which is perfect but at two years of age began to have epileptic seizures and they taken her to different doctors and finally took her to Los Angeles to other doctors said this is the world's leading specialist in that area and this doctor said treating nothing but epil EP but those with epilepsy for uh for 50 for 38 years this is the worst case I've ever seen now there's no cure for it but you could take in those days and haven't done too much yet
but uh you could take medication meic lighter and so before you go into the main attack there's a little preliminary attack so we're getting ready to go to church I'm preaching Faith and Healing and they're trying to believe God for the healing of that child and so she called the motel and said would we stop by on the way to church just almost on the road two blocks off and pray for the child well you can't go in your meetings and pray for everybody if you did that's all you'd be doing and you'd wire yourself
out and wouldn't be ready for the service but when God says go you go amen the Lord said my wife had you the phone and she told me about it I said the Lord said go so I said tell her tell her we'll be around there in about 10 minutes well we got in the car and started now just my wife and I in the front seat but it's just like somebody sitting in the back seat and ain't nobody back there a man's voice my wife didn't hear it but said uh don't pray for the
child don't anoint the child with oil don't lay hands on the child see all those things are scriptural but sometime God wants to do some things different you know so don't lay hands on the child when you get there say to the mother I said to Israel under the old Covenant walk in my statutes and keep my Commandments do that which is right in my sight and I'll take sickness away from the midst of you and the number of your days you'll fulfill amen paraphrasing that I'm continuing to quote verbatim paraphrasing that in New Testament
language I said a new commandment I give you that you love one another say to the mother mother say to Satan I'm walking in love Satan take your hand off my child I didn't get the words hard out now that child when we got there is in this seizure all drawed up face draw yeah and that mother turned pointed to the child and said Satan I'm walking in love take your hand off my child I mean as fast as you could snap your finger that seizure stopped immediately never to return that's 1957 I've been in
contact with them in recent time mother and actually actually the the little girl's a grandmother young very young grandmother amen hallelujah now see folks here you say that they shout they rejoice it is that that wonderful not Marvel and miss it fail to realize it'll work for me amen amen somebody said well yeah but I haven't been loved she hadn't either but she got in she forgave her mother-in-law it doesn't take long just make a little adjustment and get in glory to God hallelujah and enjoy God's best am enjoy God's blessings amen amen faith will
not work when there's an air of unforgiveness about you so you better get rid of it we went to Pastor's church one time my wife and I years ago and uh actually we preached in that church one Sunday went away for a state convention was gone a week came back and preached a second Sunday and now then we're moving into the parsonage and straightening up the knock on the door one of our parishioners came and my wife and I and she sat down in the living room and she talked about the weather for a little
bit and other things and then finally said well I'll tell you brother hegen why I came I I I wanted you to know how old sister so and so and she mentioned a woman's name I recognize her to be one of the members of the church I wanted you to know how she treated me and what she said what she did and so well I thought my I was gone last week and while I was gone you know they got into spat here and a fuss and and disagreement and trouble and and so she began
to tell me now she's going over part of it for the third time and I just held up my hand to stop her I said now sister when did this happen she counted off on her fingers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight I thought she was going to say 8 days ago that' be the middle you see of the previous week while I was gone but she said it'll be eight years ago next Thursday I guess I had such a look on my face you know like like a toaden frog in the west
Texas hail star I I guess I just look so she said oh oh oh no no no now don't don't to misunderstand I've forgiven her all right but you know she said I never will forget how that Old Devil treated me I don't recommend this for pastors but without thinking I just pointed my finger to her and said sister you're a bareface liar that's a good Texas colloquial expression she was a liar and she was face was Bare all right she was if she had forgiven us you had forgotten it someone said you can't forget
it well it may come to you once in a while but you'll put it away because youve forgiven them amen amen I said amen amen hallelujah hallelujah now then notice this look at that 23rd verse whosoever shall say unto this Mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have what whatsoever he saith faith is released through words or in words through your mouth whosoever your say everybody say say say now look
at that verse again and count the word say now Jesus said I say you don't count that we're talking about whosoever now whosoever shall say number one to this mountain be thy remov be thy cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but Shall Believe those things which he saith number two shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith now notice this the word say including Jesus as far as I concerned saying is in that one little verse five times saith is still Sav I I didn't notice that this verse
brought me off of the bed of Affliction sickness 70 years ago and the doctor said I had to die and I preached it many a Time hundreds upon hundreds of times because it's the word and yet I never noticed this before till the Holy Ghost called my attention to it one day did you notice that the word say is in that verse five times and the word believes in there only once I said no I didn't notice that I had quoted it thousands of times I had to turn back and read it sure enough it
is and then I heard these words my people are not missing it in their believing primarily where they're missing it is in what they're saying see the word believe is in there just once the word says in that one verse five times he said then to me you'll have to do five times as much preaching and teaching about the saying part than you do the believing part to get people to see it now you see where the problem is we hear a lot of preaching about believing but how much preaching do we hear about saying
and then you go to saying something about saying and folks will think you're off your rocker and don't realize that they're the one that's off The Rocker amen whosoever shall say and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass what will he have he'll have whatsoever he sath he'll have whatsoever he saith but if you're not satisfied with what you have and where you are check up on what you've been saying because this text said he'll have what whatsoever he saith amen hallelujah hallelujah now
I want you to notice this 23rd verse again and I want you to notice something notice that the word pray is not in that 23rd verse but notice that the word pray is in the 24th verse so look at it again verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thy cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but Shall Believe those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray
believe that you received them and you'll have them so this God kind of Faith Works by saying it without praying it but it also works by praying it but when you pray it you still have to say it that sounds like a misnomer doesn't it let me repeat it Faith according to Mark 11:23 will work by saying it without praying it but it also work by praying it but when you pray it you still have to say it amen hallelujah I look back when I was bedfast 16 months bedfast best doctors in America including the
great Mayo Clinic said I had to die in fact this particular doctor that Mayo Clinic recommended as being the number one surgeon of the world and among the top Physicians of the world Dr ws weong and Dr weong said as far as Medical Science has any record anybody in your condition has never lived past the age of 16 I became bedfast four months before my 16th birthday going just the way they said I'd go Dr P D Robinson the last doctor on the case is five doctors on the case said to me son if you
didn't have the heart trouble if you didn't have the paralysis I asked you about my blood didn't look red this in incurable blood disease alone would proved to be fatal to you just go down the middle of the road and stay ready to go stay ready to go well I was ready to Goes Forth being savedes concerned but who wants to die at 16 years of age and so thank God for healing amen as I look back on it I see how the Holy Ghost led me right in line with the word amen because I
saw I I'd read it I'd read it for days and weeks and one night quoted these two verses all night long didn't sleep a win quoted these two verses because something inside me said that's where it is but I'm not getting it you see but on the seventh day of august 19 and 34 mama had bathed me I'm still that heless she bathed me she left me propped up on two large pillars and open my bible to Mark 11:23 and 24 and I read it aloud and I said to the Lord dear Lord Jesus if
you were here in the flesh now when you were here you said therefore saying you what things soever you desire I desire wellbody When you pray I prayed you said believe I said I believe and if you were standing here by my bedside In the Flesh holding my hand like Mom does sometime and you look down in my face and said Son your problem is you don't believe now I said it in tones of kindness and not not arrogance I said dear Lord I'd have to say to you you're lying about it I do believe
now when I said that on the inside of me see the Bible said Jesus said in the 14th chapter of John's gospel 26 and 207 verse I'll pray the father and he'll give you another comforter or helper that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of Truth whom the world could not receive because it knoweth him not neither seeth him but you know him for he's with you and he shall be in you then over in the 16th chapter of John's gospel Jesus said when he he the spirit of Truth has come he'll
guide you into all Truth for he'll take the things of mine and show it to you then again he said concerning the spirit of Truth the comfort of the helper he said he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak in other words the Holy Ghost doesn't speak of himself but whatever he hears Jesus say whatever he hears the father say He he'll say it so you see on the inside of me because I've been born again after going to hell three times on the 22nd day of April 1933
I got born again and the Holy Ghost is abiding in me and on the inside of me he spoke up and said you he just quoted Jesus you do believe all right as far as you know that's the first revelation I received on you can't believe Beyond actual knowledge you do believe as far as you know but that last Clause goes with that verse and ye shall have them when he said that I saw it I began to say out loud as I lay there on the bed I see it I see it I see
it I didn't mean I saw it with these eyes or even with my head I meant I see it in here I see it see when you pray for instance now I I'm holding healing believe that you receive healing and then you'll have healing I'm trying to have it then going to believe I've got it I saw it's back I said I see it amen amen what things you desire well we'll put healing there because that's what I desire healing what things ever you desire healing I desire healing When you pray believe you receive healing
and you'll have healing now when you believe you receive healing before you have it when do you have healing after you believe you receive it amen somebody said well I don't understand that well it's you don't have to understand it you just have to believe it glory to God it's the word and so I begin to say I believe right out loud because see faith is released through words in your mouth I began to say there in the room by myself out loud I believe I receive healing for the deformed heart I believe I receive
healing for the paralysis I believe I receive healing for the incurable blood disease and in case I'd miss something I said I believe I'll receive healing from the top of my head to the souls of my feet amen and I repeated that over two or three times now I was born and raised Southern Baptist I never heard anybody in my lifetime say praise the Lord I never heard anybody in my lifetime say glory to God you know people were quiet where I went to church you know we used to say quiet as a door Mouse
you know once in a while one of the deacons said amen to the preaching or whatever the preacher said but I never heard anything beyond amen but you know on the inside of me I had an urge to praise God I had an urge to praise God well I've never heard anybody praise God I've never seen anybody praise God how do you praise God well I begin to say hallelujah thank you Lord glory to God out loud in the room by myself praise the Lord glory to God I believe I receive Glory Hallelujah thank you
Lord and I praised him for a little while and then I heard these words here on the now you believe that you're well I said I sure do he said get up then well people ought to be up 10:30 in the morning ordinarily that's the case now let me ask you how's a paralyzed person going to get up amen I made the effort and when I made the effort the power of God came down on me it's like somebody was like somebody was standing up above me and pouring a picture of Honey on me except
this honey was warm real warm and it just oozed down over my head ooz down down over my body now from my waist down you know I could look down there and see I had feet and legs but if I went be feeling I wouldn't know I had any but as that went down my legs feeling returned and for a few seconds it felt to me like 6,000 pins straight pins were sticking in my legs I guess the nerves were reactivated you know I told somebody it hurts so bad that I could have cried if
it hadn't felt so good somebody said how could that be when you haven't had any feeling at all it feels good to feel anything amen and in a few seconds I'm standing walking praise God 7 years have come and gone and I'm still standing for praise God Amen Hallelujah Hallelujah I said hallelujah hallelujah last headache I had is August 1933 never had a headache never had the flu Dr wants people you know to have take flu shots that's fine if you need to I've already taken Psalm [Applause] 91 hallelujah amen here a while back my
wife had some problems she has had problems and and so doctor wanted to well to have if you had your flu shot no I won't give you a flu shot well I was with her so he said what about you I said I don't have the flu I haven't had the flu since 19 1933 it's too late to start having it now no I I don't need any flu shot amen amen praise God now I release that you see those words by saying it i' combination of praying it and saying it but it'll work either
way or both ways praise God Amen by saying it or by praying it now sometime this this faith that we're talking about will always work for you sometimes you can make it work for others but on under certain conditions amen now notice what the text said what things soever you desire well you may not want what I desire are you listening many time folks try to push something off on somebody else but well I'm just going to believe God there at school one year we broke for Christmas holidays and then the students were back I
taught class and was going my way to administration building one of the students right up beside me brother heing may I speak to you I said surely just go ahead I'm on my way over here just walk along with me and she he blurted out how come Uncle Charlie to die well I said I don't know I I didn't know Uncle Charlie didn't even know he's dead he said well before we broke for Christmas holidays I got the word that Uncle Charlie was critically ill and in the hospital and I I turned into prayer request
the whole student body including me you know and him we prayed he said now now she won't letay it off on me well said now you said you you preach Mark no Jesus said it yeah I said Jesus said it it's not matter not not not what hiin said Jesus said it didn't he you said when you pray believe you receive I know I believe I said fine that's good but may I ask you a question young man yeah I said what did Uncle Charlie want what was Uncle Charlie's desire well he said he said
he wanted to go home and be with the Lord I said Oh Glory to God he got his desire it worked it worked for it hallelujah hallelujah see you can't push your desires off on the other person yeah amen but now then baby Christians a lot of times I taught all over the states and over here into Canada over the years I was over in Vancouver for 3 weeks meeting there the first Four Square Church 19 1956 and uh and so uh whether he here in Canada or whether he down in Florida or whether you
was up in uh oh out in California or up in New York state or whether you're up in Minnesota or down in Texas same thing people are the same everywhere got the same problems the same devil thank God the same Jesus amen amen and so the morning classes I'd have a class at 10:00 in the morning usually because we had longer meeting 3 weeks was a short meeting with us we'd stay sometime 3 4 5 6 7 8 weeks in one Church we'd take Saturdays off but Monday through Friday two service day 10: in the
morning 7 7:30 at night in the morning Ser service I'm teaching on faith teaching faith for eight weeks sometime one single Church somebody said how' you get something new to say I've had people say to man I thought you couldn't come up with anything up but you keep coming up with no you can't EX the word of God it's inexhaustible amen I said amen but I would say to folks to begin with now if you have any questions as we go along write them down I mean questions about faith questions about what we're talking about
not just any Bible question we don't have time to get off on who's the Antichrist I don't know who the Antichrist is or was the man that said he did lied about it amen I said amen no any question about faith F any question relative to what we've taught you write it down now when we come to the end of this meeting we see we're going to close if necessary I said we'll take five days Monday through Friday a whole week of weekdays we'll a whole week I do nothing but answer questions now did you
know that it happened here in Canada it happened down in the states practically every one of them that the the same question was prevalent I never did have when we got to the end it never did have but two any but two questions we didn't even have enough to answer for one day much less five now here was a predominant question about faith here was number one eight times out of 10 when I first got saved every time they prayed for me I got healed but now then the same pastor praying same people are praying
and I don't ever get healed why very simple Peter says as newborn baby desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby while you were a baby they could carry you babies have to be carried they can't walk babies have to be fed but see God expects you to grow and develop your faith and you didn't do it now then you're still depending on the pastor and the people to pray amen and it don't work God said put that big young down and let him walk but you got to cry on your
hands I tell folk all time I pastored nearly 12 years I have a great empathy for pastors love pastors thank God for pastors many Laban though they're wondering well why don't people why didn't this happen why didn't that happen well you know God's intelligent he's not stupid the spiritual Nursery is already full what would you do with him if he did get saved pastor's got to spend all of his time with bottles for the babies and every bed in the nursery is already taken and nobody's going to get up and give them their bed don't
shout me down now just because I'm preaching real good amen I said amen amen amen amen I was I I preached in 19 and 50 six camp meeting in the western part of the our nation for one of the Full Gospel denominations down in Santa Cruz California from there I went over closed out on Saturday night preached Sunday the first uh Full Gospel Church in San Jose then on Wednesday I went over to Loi California just south of Sacramento and started a meeting was there three and a half weeks the father-in-law the pastor of this
church said to me brother higen he's 82 years of age and retired came to every service he said I'm be hearing you teach I'm beginning to see something I said what well he said I live back in the midwest Illinois you know Indiana in that area 1923 see this is 55 56 we're talking about and he said uh uh you know I got sick doctors couldn't just exactly know what it was they just felt like if I went to a warmer climate it help me so I moved out here to California 1923 is a year
that Mrs mcferson opened up Angela Temple and so he heard about the Healing Ministry and he decided he'd go you know and be because doctors couldn't help him and so you had to go to five classes so and hear Five Lessons about healing before you get a card to get in the healing line so he went got in the healing line she ministered to him as he instantly healed he said not only that but I found out I was just a church member never really been born again I got born again got filled with the
Holy Ghost my wife and three daughters got filled with with the Holy Ghost all three daughters then they were teenagers to moved out there but all three of them including where we were there at Loi uh married ministers full of Gospel Pentecostal preachers so for 15 years he was there and that was his home Church Angeles Temple but he moved up there into San Walken Valley on for work and in 1938 which would be 15 years from 1923 he developed a hernia a rupture and so he said I said to myself all I got to
do is just get down there and get Miss mcf first you know laid hands on me 15 years ago and I'll be healed so I took two weeks vacation time from my job in those days 38 you rode the train so he rode the train down to Los Angeles he knew he had to get into these healing classes which he did heard Five Lessons got his healing card got in the healing line Miss mcferson laid hands on pray didn't get a thing so he said I said well she just didn't have it tonight but he
had this other week he's glad he took it then so he went five more days to teaching and got a card got in the healing line the second time she laid hands on him didn't get a thing so he said well I had to come back cuz I just had the two weeks time off got on the train come back up here to Loi my wife I said well miss mcferson lost it she she did have it now 15 years ago but now so but he said uh so then he said 1938 39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 10 years I developed another hernia I got double hernia double rupture and so he read in the paper about a fellow by the name of or Roberts that was bringing his tent to Sacramento I'd read about him so I said well all I got to do is just get over there and there again you had getting some to get a healing card he had to have so much teaching but he said I got in the healing line Robert laid hands home but didn't get a thing I said well
M mcferson did have it but she lost it but Roberts ain't got it so then he said sometime later I read in the paper and advertisement about a man by the name of Jack Co who was with us I was in the voice of healing and Jack you know was one of the more outstanding one big tent he going to put his tent up down at stun California all on you all just get down there so he said I got down there Jack laid hands on and didn't get a thing I said well Cole don't
have it Roberts don't have it Miss mcferson did have it but she lost it and he said this past year the count meeting that you preach this year brother brandham preached last year I'd read about the vision of the Angel appearing to him and so on I knew all I had to do just get over there I got over there got my healing card got in the line didn't get a thing I said well brandham don't have it Cole don't have it Roberts don't have it Miss mcferson did have it but she lost it and
so he said this year now see I just came from count meeting over to La this year you were count meeting speaker and he said you had the one advantage the rest of them didn't you you laid hands on me twice and I didn't get a thing so I said well hegen don't have it Cole don't have it Roberts don't have it Miss mcferson did have it but she lost it but he said you know listening to you teach I'm beginning to see something I said see what I said see God expects something of me
I said he certainly does I said now think about it think about it you was born you were born again 1923 healed of an incurable condition filled with the Holy Ghost 15 years in the home Church there and then come up here now 23 33 43 53 30 year over 30 years you see now we we're up at 55 32 years still wanting to be a baby what do you think about this fell right here on the end you know if his mother was here and he is sitting in her lab you said there's something
wrong with that side I said no to this man at at 82 you're you're still a liability to the church you ought to be an asset I said you really shouldn't have anybody to pray for you shouldn't need it you ought to be out praying for the sick yourself well after preaching that meeting in Loi uh which was in the latter part of September about the first part of October the next year then I preached uh uh some youth camps for this same Full Gospel D back up in the mountains there and uh the first
week was what they call the Defenders they were the older people came in from one week's Camp I taught them well we got there on the camp grounds and I'm looking around and I saw this man comeing yeah H called to him brother hegen brother hegen well I stopped and here he came and running I didn't recognize him came and running hugged me said you don't recognize me do you I said no he said I I'm so and so as dad-in-law oh I said you're the man with the herit yeah I mean he looked 10
to 15 years younger he said you know I'm perfectly healed both my herns disappeared now think about that after caring them from 38 48 almost 20 years about 19 years both my herns disappeared I said how'd happen well he said I just simply did what you said or maybe I should say what Jesus said when you pray believe you receive and I began to say I believe I receive I I wore TR trusses I'd put them on daytime to hold those ruptures I'd pull the truss off at night and throw it in the cloth say
thank God I'm heal get up morning put them on said I'm heal he said I just kept saying that and for after about three months they started shriving up another three months both of them gone somebody said yeah but I wanted to be healed instantly well I'll tell you I'd rather be healed like that not at all hadn't you sometime folks just Faith just takes hold gradually and then he said to me you know what I said what he said every day Monday through Friday CU I'm retired I'm 83 now from 9 in the morning
till 3:00 in the afternoon I'm out visiting the sick amen he said I don't ask the pastor to come I just lay my hands on and pray for him myself well the Bible said these signs are Fen them that believe they'll lay hands on the sick they'll lay hands on the sick and what'll happen they shall recover now you see the point of want to make with as long as he was a baby Christian it worked but the time come God expect him to have faith amen amen I said amen amen now when my wife
and I first married 65 years ago this coming November the 25th we'll celebrate our 65th wedding anniversary now my wife was Methodist of course my background was Baptist I was pastor of a Full Gospel Church and uh so we had only been married for you know a few days 25th day of November over into December we call him down in Texas a blue Norther I mean gets real blue back over Northwest comes rolling in I've seen the temperature in in 45 minutes dropped 50° and so this first real cold spell came in and my wife's
throat acted up she said well first real cold spell uh I have to go to the doctor and didn't have you know the miracle goods and then it mop your throat out you know they call it and I I'll have to go you know I usually I'll get it so so and have it that way all the winter every winter well I knew she didn't know she hadn't been taught Faith here's a wonderful opportunity to teach her I said to her no no we won't go to the doctor I said she didn't pray a lick
about it just said it I said no we won't go that throat condition will disappear never come back well if you were here you couldas her 65 years are come and G it's never come back it's never come back I said it's never come back hallelujah hallelujah my my my sister just had one sister she was the oldest one of us and her husband left her with five children supposed to help never did give him a dime and of course she's working trying to make a living five children children so many times I on know
16year old daughter got in with a gang and just tell you the real truth about it I had to go to the judge to get her they're going to send her to their Farm school but the judge if I'd take her would let her come and live with us I'm pastor of the church in East Texas I mean she's as wild as a March hair you know what that's a good co local expression but thank God after she was there a few months whether she got saved got filled with the spirit Hallelujah Hall amen and
she just got never had any training it's good to have training but she loved to work with children and at 72 years of age she still works with children but we graduated there from high school and then we left the church and I went out on the field hold meetings and we moved up to Dallas area Garland the suburb to Dallas today it's all part of all of it and on the job where she worked she met this young man they got interested in one another he was Baptist she's Pentecostal she let him know she
believed in speaking with tongues all right and all that he acted like that's all right fine fine so they got married well this is not a good way to start a marriage but some people know just enough Bible to be dangerous amen and so he said now the Bible said the husband's ahead of the wife and wives obey your husband now you're going to me to my church you're going to join there no she said I'm not about to join your church well she said I mean read the truth this is what she told him
where word said to join your church would be like living in a long cabin down on the creek Bank drinking Branch water and eating wild onions when I could be living in a mountain top up here on the M Mansion well if he's around us you know he had to I mean well didn't have to but he felt like he at least he'd shake hands with you and then turn his back on you I mean just treat you real cold like you know and so the company he is with there and Dallas transferred him to
Houston he's office manager down in Houston so they moved down there now they're expecting their first child and we had moved to Port Arthur Texas down on the coast about 90 miles east of Houston and so one morning about 4:00 in the morning telephone just ringing off the hook you know as we say you know what I mean just kept ringing well you know at that time in the morning some emergency or something has arisen and then not like it is today we just had a a table out in the hall and telephone on it
you know and three different bedrooms you know nowadays we got a telephone in every bedroom some two two phones but you know B back there then telephone was more of a luxury instead of necessity but anyway yes you know something woke you out of a deep sleep so you jump out of bed to get out there you know stub your toe on the rocker boy you know that hurts finally pick up the phone some woman's on the I mean in hysteric you can't understand finally I detected my sister's voice and I said to Old Ed
quiet and down quiet and down what's happened what's happened I knew something bad had happened finally I got her quiet and down she said well they they they had to take Ruth's baby and in fact they said the baby was dead doctor said he's dead but then they come out later and said well it was uh and and we revived it but it was dead so long that if it it wouldn't wouldn't be right you know it can't live besides that it's deformed its face didn't fill out and it's better for you never to see
it because you'd always have that dearm picture in your mind we'll just go ahead when the baby does expire and and dispose of it and then they feared for Ruth that she' live and so I said oh leita where are you well said I'm in the telephone booth here in the the hallway of this Hospital there I said where's bendy said well he's just outside the booth I said all right now you know you don't feel real spiritual some people think you got to have certain feeling to get things to work you don't feel real
spiritual at two at 4:00 in the morning with your toe you know sobbing you know what I mean you know what I mean but you see God's word Works no matter how you feel [Applause] doesn't it I said doesn't it I said all right o i you hear some Mar Benny didn't know just a baby Christian he had never heard me heard any preaching except his church so I said minute you hang up you tell Benny say Benny Uncle Ken said the baby will live and be all right and Ruth will live now my sister
is a member of Pentecostal Full Gospel Church teach Sunday school class still does still did till her death and she said oh you really believe I said no I don't believe it know it see I don't believe the multiplication table works I know it God's word works well you're going to pray aren't you I said no I'm not going to pray I've already said it now repeat it for me I had her to repeat it several times and then suddenly I heard the door open I heard voices and Benny got her attention and she said
Benny said that uh Ruth wanted Anar she called her it's like a second mother to her I said well I got a CL healing I'm in the service I got to teach this morning my wife don't drive but I get somebody drive her over there got the direction of where the hospital is and all that I said to Old e you know what to tell him now yeah all right tell him well I got a lady to drive my wife over and they got there they drove up to the hospital got parked going up the
step old hospital you know they all had going up the steps but there's bny and Ruth waiting on now bny if he saw you before if you if you forced him into it he'd Shake hand with you but turn his back on you immediately have nothing to do with it but he come running grabbed Anar as he called her hugged her and said Anar I'm Pentecostal Baptist I'm Pentecostal Baptist I'm Pentecostal Baptist he said Ruth told me or older told me what Ken Uncle Ken said he said it wasn't 10 minutes after she told me
to the Russ the nurse came out said Mr Fuller you can see the baby now we don't understand we stand there watching it sudden his face just filled out like a balloon boys alive today and the grandfather himself Hallelujah Hall Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah now say it out loud God's word God's word works works God's word God's word works for me works for me hallelujah hallelujah point to your neighbor and say God's word God's word works for you works for you hallelujah hallelujah amen
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