How to Enter Your DARK FEMININE ERA and Level Up Your Life ⚡️

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Jillz Guerin
Video Transcript:
if you want to really level up your life your dark feminine energy is what's going to help you do that your dark feminine energy is so quietly powerful and if you can activate this energy within you it'll start to change everything for you Hello friends and welcome back if you're new here my name is jills and I help women step into their power tap into their divine feminine and become their best self so if that's something you want to do you should subscribe Instagram now let's talk about how to enter your dark feminine era and
how to start activating that dark feminine energy within you because if you want to have real deep transformation in your life real leveling up in your life usually most of the time this involves harnessing some of your darker feminine energy so there are two kind of sides to feminine energy there's light feminine energy and there's dark feminine energy and when these two sides come together that's how you make a conscious evolved high value powerful woman light feminine energy is more about softness nurturing kindness Grace playfulness feeling your emotions being empathic more Angelic Disney princess energy
is kind of like an extreme exaggerated example of light feminine energy dark feminine energy on the other hand is the part of you that puts yourself first it's the fiery part of you it's the spicy part of you it's confident it's assertive it's Fearless it's passionate it's bold it's mysterious it's seductive it's the side of you that communicates your limits it's the side of you that's in touch with your desires it's the side of you that prot protects you but more than anything that dark feminine side is the transformative side light feminine energy is more
about romanticizing your life being in the moment being present while dark feminine energy is deeper it's powerful if you really want to change your life level up your life or even reinvent yourself harnessing your dark feminine energy is how you do it some women who give off very strong dark feminine energy in my opinion are some celebs like Beyonce Rihanna Megan Fox Angelina Jolie Zoe Kravitz Nicole Kidman Scarlet Johansson and a lot of these women are incredibly successful and while success is of course not you know the only thing that's important in life that dark
feminine energy is that fearlessness that boldness that confidence that helps you get what you want it is often times the bridge that helps you get there think about Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl it's like the perfect example of this light dark feminine dichotomy right Serena is more of the light feminine she's more playful more youthful more Angelic more light-hearted and free spirited she's more kind and she's a little flirty but like in a fun cheeky way but she is also a little bit more immature sometimes and also sometimes gets taken advantage of more and
that is the potential downfall of not having strong enough dark feminine energy I literally just watched an episode of Gossip Girl last night where Serena kind of gets taken advantage of and sort of manipulated by this older guy that she likes and Blair at the end of it had to be like I told you so because she could see it but Serena couldn't or she didn't want to Blair is more in her dark feminine energy she's more assertive she's more bold she's a little bit more elegant and mature when she's flirty she's not like cheeky
and silly like Serena she's not youthful like Serena when Blair decides to be flirty she is seductive and she definitely has some light feminine energy in her too you can really see that when she's in her like deep romantic relationships with people she really loves she becomes very soft and nurturing and kind and caring towards those men but overall she's more of a dark feminine woman I feel like there's a lot of TV shows that have this kind of dichotomy between light feminine and dark feminine and these two girls become friends and I honestly think
that this happens a lot in life too I feel like there's a lot of best friends where their girlfriend is more of like opposite feminine to them and I think that's what kind of attracts them together and I also just want to say before I get into the whole rest of this video is that this dark feminine energy has become a really big Trend lately in social media but often times it's misconstrued and taken in the wrong way and it's portrayed as dark feminine energy is this manipulative energy which isn't accurate dark feminine energy is
so powerful that if you choose to use it in the wrong way then yes you can become manipulative with it but dark feminine energy in and of itself is not manipulative it's powerful yes but not manipulative and again sometimes you can see this in Gossip Girl Blair is a dark feminine woman but sometimes she's also a little bit manipulative because Blair is not a fully evolved woman and still has some wounds sometimes that dark feminine energy is used in the wrong way and used in a manipulative nature dark feminine energy is not unhealthy it's not
manipulative it's not dangerous it's actually a very natural part of being a woman it's a natural part of our energy so let's talk about how to start shifting into your dark feminine era so you can start truly leveling up your life to be able to fully step into your dark feminine energy and upgrade your life you have to be comfortable and be okay being the quote villain and I don't mean that in actually being a bad person I mean that in the sense that you have to get comfortable not pleasing everyone possibly being disliked by
people and not needing every action you take to be approved of for example let's say that you're on a first date at a restaurant and you are just getting like major red flags from this guy you're not really comfortable with him at all and you know it's not a match a woman who is embodied in her dark feminine energy is comfortable enough to be like thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me but this isn't going to work out and leaving even though it's a little bit uncomfortable and makes her the
villain she does it anyways and if you struggle with people pleasing Tendencies or are a Libra just kidding but not really I'm a Libra moon so I get it then this might be really hard but once you accept that sometimes you will be seen as the quote villain or the bad girl even when you're not doing anything wrong you're just putting yourself first you will start to see your life change and up level being disapproved of doesn't mean that you are always doing something wrong or making the wrong decision and a dark feminine woman knows
this and she is comfortable with this and knows that she is in the driver seat of her life she's on this Earth to live a life that actually lights her up that feels good to her and not just doing what other people tell her to do while it's totally okay and helpful sometimes to seek out a trusted friend a trusted family member for advice a woman who is embodied in her dark th and energy knows that at the end of the day she has the final say it's what gives her the courage to be bold
and make her own decision and be Fearless in those little moments to trust her own intuition instead it is impossible to please everyone and she knows this and she's comfortable with this she knows that she has to stand in her truth even if it ultimately Ruffles a few feathers and it might not be comfortable like this is not a comfortable part of leveling up your life standing in your truth saying no Having the courage to be disliked but sometimes it's a necessary part part and your dark feminine energy is going to help you do that
now the dark feminine energy also knows the power of her standards and boundaries and she is not afraid to walk away when a woman is in her dark feminine energy and let's say for example that she just started dating this new man if he isn't meeting her standards and treating her with respect and respecting her boundaries you know maybe he's just like not putting any effort in or whatever it is she doesn't beg for him to change she doesn't complain and complain and yell at him to fix it she doesn't constantly list all the things
that he's doing wrong and what he needs to change she simply walks away she simply resins her energy because a dark feminine energy woman knows the power of her absence that behavior is just simply not appealing to her and she walks away calmly learning how to have the power to calmly walk away once you realize that things aren't for you is a superpower like that example I gave about the woman leaving in the middle of a first date she was uncomfortable her standards weren't being met she knew that it wasn't going to work out she
knew it wasn't right right so she leaves she simply resends her energy if you want to level up your life then to some extent you have to be able to be ruthless with your energy and where it's going where it's going and who it's going to not everything and everyone should have access to your energy or if you're married and your partner starts to do something that you don't like sometimes you don't want to just get up and walk away right that's not like a committed relationship you can do that early on in a relationship
but once you're married walking away is not the first option right but a woman who is embodied in her dark feminine energy knows the power in leaning back and still resending her energy less energy goes towards her partner more energy goes towards herself and focusing on herself and living her best life the dark feminine woman knows though if a situation is not in her best interest whether that's a relationship or even a job or even the city that she lives in she leaves and she knows that there will be times in life where you will
have to detach and move on if something is a no for her she moves on and she doesn't look back if she is being taken advantage of she exits the situation if she is being disrespected or manipulated or toyed around with she exits the situation if she's just getting crap thrown at her she exits the situation she resins her energy because she respects herself too much to not do that you have to have standards and you have to know your worth and if your standards are not met then your energy does not get to go
there like I said earlier that dark feminine side of you expresses her limits that's the side of you that lays down her boundaries and if you don't have this energy you are more likely to get hurt and taken advantage of these standards are not only for your own good but sometimes they're for your own protection there's this saying and I think it was Tony Robbins what I can't remember exactly but I think he said your wants don't get met but your standards do in other words you get what you're willing to accept so if you
really want to change your life you have to change your standards and if you want to upgrade your life you have to upgrade your standards and the dark feminine side of you is the side that helps you do that so you have to get to know your standards or your new standards and get crystal clear on them what are you willing to accept in relationships whether it's romantic relationships friendships family relationships what are you willing to accept with your job your career what about your health what about yourself your own habits your body and once
you know your standards anything that does not meet them does not get your energy now moving on the dark feminine woman is also not afraid to be quietly assertive when she needs to be there are inevitably going to be moments in life where we will need to be assertive to either get what we want or have our standards met many people think about being assertive as masculine energy and I totally get the confusion because it is a little confusing so I'm want to clarify that assertiveness just in and of itself is neither masculine nor feminine
but you can be assertive in a masculine way or you can be assertive in a feminine way it's all in the way that you do it masculine assertiveness feels more like pushing forward like not really physically but energetically pushing forward like leaning into the situation right and there will be times in life where you will need that masculine energy assertiveness or you will just need some straight up masculine energy and that is totally okay every woman needs a little bit of masculine energy in her life to actually be balanced and create a good life for
herself feminine assertiveness which comes from that dark f energy feels more like leaning back it's quieter it's almost like resending your energy it's more simple and so that feminine assertiveness you don't always have to even communicate with your words your body language can often times really send a message or even just the way that you look at someone remember when you were little and you were misbehaving and your mom just looks at you a certain way and she doesn't need to communicate anything but you know that you have to stop that behavior that you are
not meeting her standards that is that feminine assertiveness I can literally do that with my dogs sometimes I can just look at them a certain way and they know that they have to stop whatever they're doing or they know that they have to do something that they're not doing and when you do need to communicate usually it's something a lot simpler like no I'm not going to do that or no that's not okay no pushing forward needed just a simple no here's my boundary being quietly assertive is about being direct and clear and simple but
calm so if you are on a date and he says something maybe inappropriate something that you don't like that dark feminine energy is what's going to communicate to him that he has passed your limits and she will do this in a quietly assertive way and if he does not respect that then she will resend her energy I was reading this article once on the topic of Confrontation and it said something like you don't always have to raise your voice sometimes you can just raise an eyebrow and that is the power of dark feminine energy right
there I also think it's important to be able to shift your language to be slightly more assertive so for example when you're running late instead of saying oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'm late I'm so sorry instead you can say thank you so much for waiting for me thank you for being patient just slightly more assertive slightly more confident or instead of overe explaining something just say no that doesn't work for me but here's what does simple no long explanation clear kind straightforward to the point we all need that assertiveness in life sometimes to
get what we want now I was not an assertive person at all when I was younger and eventually I got kind of fed up at myself about it like I just got annoyed at myself about it and so I just decided to change that and I decided to become an assertive person and I realized that being assertive is not that hard the only difficult part is that very beginning part of you being assertive it's a few seconds of really awkward energy and I just decided like I had to get comfortable that I was okay with
that little few seconds of awkward energy that it wasn't my job to make the other person feel less awkward if you can sit through and handle those first few seconds of awkwardness when you assert yourself you just have to make it through that and you'll be good and that awkwardness feels less and less over time but being able to assert yourself takes practice and it has to become a habit but don't forget about how powerful calm and quiet assertiveness can be and don't forget that resending your energy is a form of being assertive another aspect
of the dark feminine is that she has a little bit more mystery to her and tends to be a little more private in the way that she lives her life and sometimes this can be incredibly beneficial not everything is meant to be shared and not everything is meant to be shared with everyone and there's a lot of power in moving in silence not everyone needs to know every single thing that you're doing and needs to know your next move I'm not saying to hide everything from everyone because I don't think that's healthy either you should
be able to tell your best friend these things you should be able to tell close family members who you trust these kind of things I think sometimes people can go too far with this and isolate themselves but telling everyone everything is usually not in your best interest because not everyone has your best interest in mind and this goes back to having your standards and when your standards are not met that is when you again resend your energy not everyone gets access to those deeper parts of you that sort of trusted relationship that openness that is
something that is not just given it's earned I think that there can be a lot of value in listening more than you speak being observant not oversharing not bragging to everyone about everything a woman who is embodied in her dark feminine energy doesn't overshare and that's part of what makes her so mysterious you know you might not know until five conversations in that she helps rehabilitate injured dolphins and that's kind of a joke but being a little bit more reserved in how you approach people and moving in silence is a way to protect and guard
your energy until you can identify who has your best interest in mind and who does not and that is the thing with dark feminine energy she is selective and like I have said many many times but I'm going to say it again she is selective to where she puts her energy and who she gives her energy too and this little bit of privacy and mysteriousness makes it so you can better do that it makes it so you can patiently sift through different people different opportunities until you figure out what's right for you it's a way
to protect your energy statistically speaking we become the average of the top five people that we spend our time with and the dark feminine woman she knows this she might not understand this consciously but she knows this in her body and she knows that who she gives her time and energy to is crucial to who she becomes again they are selective they don't waste their time or their energy on lowquality things lowquality people lowquality environments she simply removes herself from places that don't match her energy without fear of missing out and lastly when you want
to truly level up your life that means that you have to focus on yourself and put yourself first and the dark feminine energy is that more self-focused energy the dark feminine knows that they have to be a little bit selfish sometimes now we are not always in a leveling up phase in our life but when we are that deep self- focused is required it's kind of inevitable now I'm not saying to be a selfish person there's a fine line here and there's a big difference between knowing that it's okay to be a little bit selfish
sometimes when you need to and put yourself first versus just being a selfish person nobody likes a selfish person but dark feminine energy is the side of you that's more self-focused in a good way she knows that sometimes your needs do come first that sometimes as a woman you do need to prioritize yourself not only for your ability to thrive but also for your ability to protect yourself if you are a woman who naturally puts everyone else above yourself and your needs come last then you are more likely a light feminine woman the light feminine
loves to give loves to nurture super sweet super kind super caring and that is beautiful but if it's not b Balan with also making yourself a priority sometimes then you will never fully get what you want out of life the dark feminine teaches you that it's okay to be your own priority sometimes that it's okay to be a villain and make decisions simply because it's in line with your best interest even if other people don't agree with it again there's a balance here being too selfish is not good but also having no self-interest no self-
focus is not good either and that's why it's so important to have both light and dark feminine energy when you embody both of these that is how you become the most healthy the most balanced the most powerful the most magnetic version of yourself there are times where a little healthy self-focused is needed where a good healthy self- prioritization is needed and when you're trying to really truly level up your life that is one of those times and the dark feminine is going to help you do that keep in mind that being a woman who is
just like 100% in her dark feminine energy it is not something to strive for that's not the goal and that's not what I'm trying to communicate in this video like I said it's a balance and it's important to have a healthy balance between that beautiful sweet light loving feminine energy and that more bold assertive Fearless confident feminine energy when these two energies come together that is how you start creating the life that you want that is how you become your most evolved self but that dark feminine side though if you're missing that you're going to
have a hard time fully stepping into your power and creating the life that you've always dreamed of that is it I do hope this video was helpful for you please share your thoughts in the comments below I would love to hear them now if you like this video you'll probably also like this video how to activate your fem vatel I talk about simple things that you can do to start embodying your dark feminine energy so you should probably go watch that so I will see you over there or I will just see you next time
in my next video thank you so much for watching I will see you next time bye
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