Curso Word #06 - Digitação e Formatação Básica

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INTRODUCTION ♫ ♫ Music Hello, little grasshopper. Welcome to another lesson of their course of Word. My name is Gustavo Guanabara.
I'm your teacher. And now we will start with the basic tips typing and formatting text. And another time I come to ask you a favor.
If you are a user who already knows how to do certain things, watch this class. It may be that some points, some shortcut key, some extra tip be interested in That's because the Word is a very complete tool. And most people can not use even 20% of its features.
It is true that we do not always need 100%. And I have not goal to take a course that suits you 100%. But the goal here is to show that the Word is a powerful tool .
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. . And you can earn productivity even now using it for years.
Always have a new thing to learn. So give this chance to me. Look at the end of this class you will learn something important.
This and the next class is very important to most people who use Word. And we'll start creating a dummy text here. Then we create here for example Course in Word Video 2016 Introduction toolbars typing Here in the middle I will create two paragraphs 3 sentences each.
After "toolbars" I will create a paragraph 3 sentences . . and "Typing" I will create 4 paragraphs with 5 each sentence It is enough text to go to the next page.
Of course, the day-to-day, you will not use this "= rand" The great utility of this "funçãozinha" is so we can go training. So instead I give you a package of files, giant, right away, I'll use this "rand", here, for us to get to work. And the first tip I want to give here, especially if you are a "novice user," even in computer science It is the position of your hands when typing.
Pay attention. Look that. Take a look now at your keyboard.
And take a look at the letter F and the letter J. They have a "checkmark". There is not?
! That's the tip for position of your hand. The position of your hand will have to be: INDICATORS, its two indicators positioned these brands.
So basically, when you see a person who is typing without looking pro keyboard, sometimes it to and is giving a "mexidinhas" on display. I do not know if you've noticed it. This is to position the hand correctly.
So if you to hand . . .
Look here. I will place my INDICATORS on F and J. So, my hand was in a more comfortable position, more accommodated, relieved.
So this is the basic position to put. My THUMBS are both in space bar. Basically what you will do is the following: To your hand there.
Indicators on F and J. Now, extend your fingers and you will put it like this: A, S, D, F See if it was just right. Whenever you press A, you will tighten with that finger.
Not with that finger! Some people type like this, right ? !
So used to it. If you stopped the hand comfortably, on the space bar, the big toe (your thumbs). Your finger will be able to push the A, Q and Z.
Basically, when you type, only makes these movements. And it eliminates the stress problems, tendonitis and pain in the elbow. So if you suffer, you type a lot, use Word, constantly, or computer, constantly.
Do you have pain in your tendons, joints. Probably you are typing WRONG, your seat is in the wrong position, your monitor is at the wrong time . .
. So give a wanted it because I do not want to dwell much on this subject, but gives a sought it, whenever you are typing. Now, let's get a little bit aside orthopedic part, and we go to the technical part, to part of the Word.
We will begin this lesson, as I said at the beginning, with basic formatting. For you to format something, the first thing we have to learn is: SELECT. And there are many ways to select, there are many selection tips.
Let's see some of them! The First Way to Select and the Mouse, then you will get the Mouse Go Position in Home where you want to select hold the button and drag to the end this is usually the easiest and most practical way that you use in your day to day many people use the selection using the mouse just that sometimes you want to select specific terms, such as: the entire paragraph, or so the phrase the current sentence the to do this in Word, only few people can do. First we begin the next, for example an entire row "World of Video in Progress 2016.
" I want to select that entire line one of the ways and click and drag to the end, as I will select that entire line and the one and only content of the line I can instead select here that cursor standing I can move left until he turns an arrow and if you notice, it is an inverted arrow normal mouse he is inclined to the right, here it will be tilted to the left once your cursor is so, simply click before the line and it selects the line Saw? Click with one finger, it will select all text So this is the first form. The second way is to select paragraphs and sentences.
First thing, if you want to select an entire paragraph, for example. I want to select them all, . .
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. Or you click and drag to the end . .
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. . It will take some time or you simply if you want to select an entire row, you click on the line or you can click out and drag down it selects all text.
Only it has a much faster way to teach an entire paragraph, just give you three clicks in the middle of it. So, look, if I want to select this entire first paragraph, just click three times and it is already fully selected. You saw how simple it is?
Three clicks in the middle of a paragraph . . .
. . .
You select it all. And there is a way to select phrases. For example, let's look here, O .
. . "By clicking .
. . " begins a sentence, he come, come, come and here.
You can select this way, the traditional way by dragging the mouse. Or simply, you click in the middle of the phrase you want hold the "Ctrl" and clicks again, it will select the phrase where the cursor was positioned. For example, here, I clicked here .
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. . I'm editing, hold the "Ctrl" and click on top of the cursor it will select the sentence where the cursor was positioned.
What's up? Did you know this? The thing is, are things that not everyone who uses the World know, why I say, give a chance to these classes, for sure you will have a lot to learn.
If you already know, congratulations, but if you did not know, is the hint there. A third way to select, it is much less used, which is as follows. I can select .
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. . My cursor is stopped here, O .
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. . Word side "powerful.
" If I drag it to the side will select the entire line. It turns out that sometimes have something on the left or the right who are messing up, for example a picture. Is there a way you select eliminating components that are on the side, you simply hold the "Alt" key.
So for example here, I will stop the cursor in front of "powerful" I will hold the "Alt" and I drag. Realizes that he is selecting and is not including the sides. I'll show you an example here.
I'll make an example here. Take a look here. This my paragraph he has a picture on the right, if I try to select the entire paragraph, O .
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. . By the time I select, it selects the next image.
And if you want to remove this image, I do not want to copy that image, only she's messing up every time I check it is checked. The solution to this is the "Alt" key, I just show you. If I place the cursor here in front, at the beginning of the paragraph, hold the "Alt" key, and drag, I can only select the text without selecting the image.
And then, that you did not know right? Use the "Ctrl" key if you want to select the phrase and the "Alt" key if you want to select specific areas within your text. As I always say here "Look avoids taking the hand of the keyboard .
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. . To use the mouse and such.
"Sometimes you can not! But to select also the to do, using only the keyboard For this you will use another key, the "Shift" key For example here, I'm with this paragraph To select using the keyboard, just that I hold the "Shift" and use the arrow keys, to the right down, up, and then I'll choosing what is my level and the amount of selection that I want to do. Selection is most useful using the mouse, I agree!
But sometimes you want to make a single selection, and do not want to take the keyboard hand, then use the "Shift" he selects. So we have seen the feature to check, using the "Shift", "Ctrl" and "Alt" key. So the basis of the format is the selection.
All that you want to format, you first of all, have to Select. Let's start with basic formatting. I will select here the first sentence, then clicked out here and selected the first sentence, I want it whole.
If you already want a paragraph, just click three times that will select all. If you double-click one, I forgot to mention, it will select a word. OK?
! Then I selected the first sentence And then, so the Word when you select it already allows formatting face logo it appears that thumbnail up here The same thing is here you have up here basically You have here the styles and everything So I can format here, modifying the font, size . .
I can change the size in some ways or selecting here or increasing and decreasing here Or using hotkeys We've seen the shortcut keys for it Do you remember? Oh! The first way is you hold the "Ctrl" and use the brackets.
To increase and decrease. The other way, is holding the "Ctrl" and "Shift" and using the symbols of Greater ">" and low "<". The difference is that It is the symbol of Greater ">" and low "<" using "Ctrl" + "Shift" and symbols they modify only those values ​​that are already preset.
Using the "Ctrl" + bracket, you will always use the one-unit increase. Other buttons that are well known for formatting, They are the Bold Italic and Underline the. Each used with its visual functionality.
This formatting is done using the buttons, "N" to Bold "I" to Italics and "S" for Underline. You notice here that it is in Bold, Italic and Underline. I will modify the letter here because the Arial Black is always bold.
So I can turn on and off any of these formats. And as always, there are shortcut keys for it. Once selected, you can press on your keyboard "Ctrl" + "N" to be Bold, on and off the Bold, "Ctrl" + "i", on and off the Italics, "Ctrl" + "S" to turn on and off the Underline.
And this is a very common misconception, people think that "Ctrl" + "S" is for Save. "Ctrl" + "S" is for Save in Word in English. For Word in English is the Underline Underline, then it would be "Ctrl" + "U".
But in the Word in Portuguese, the "Ctrl" + "S" is for Underline and "Ctrl" + "B" is for Save. There is also some other basic formatting keys you find on the same ? ?
Rainbow ? ? which is the Rainbow ?
? ? ?
the main page. Another thing you can do, for example, will select here "2016" I can do with it was superscript, written upon, or, subscript, written underneath. I will give another example here of superscript and subscript.
H2O If you want to write H2O, you select 2, and puts it here, Subscribed. And you just made the symbol of water. "- But Guanabara, no way to use this superscript and subscript using the keyboard?
" Is yes! To make the superscript, just you, oh selected, I want superscript, I'll click "Ctrl" "Shift" "+" superscript. Just release the "Shift", "Ctrl" "+" Subscribed.
"Ctrl" "Shift" "+" superscript. And do not worry if you are finding a lot of shortcut key, a lot, a lot of information in the same video, Gradually, you will watch again, will see, you use it, the most correct way for you to learn Word is using, doing exactly what I'm doing, I know it takes longer for you to watch the video, but break is there in his see what I'm doing, repeated on your computer, so you fix these concepts. Another format that exists, is the format Taxed, it is a risk in the middle.
In particular, hardly use this format here. And what else is formatting? It has the formatting of the paragraph.
To configure paragraph is this third area here. Let's see some of the features and then we see other but, at the beginning we will see next, I'll select a paragraph here, do not even select just stop the mouse, I'll leave selected, by only visual issues for you to understand. There alignment Left, Right alignment, it is aligned Right, and messy Left.
It Centralized, for example, we will use the Centralized here in the "Course in Word Video" Centralizei. And there are people there that centralizes pressing "Space" One click my dear! And there is also the formatting, Justified, it is aligned to Left and Right.
I will make this paragraph that is greater here. Justified. So it is aligned to Left and Right aligned.
Another thing you can format in your paragraph, is the spacing between the lines. So, for example here, I will select this paragraph And I will change the line spacing. I can choose the Simple spacing, of "1.
15", to "1. 5", to "2. 0", and "2.
5". Realize that every one I'm choosing is more space between lines. So you if your teacher come to you and talk like: "Look, I want a job with spacing, double", "with 1.
5 spacing. " You will not need to stay, double spacing, keep typing a line, giving Enter, and entering other with space in the middle. You type normally and says pro Word that you want double spaced.
It has many jobs that are mandatorily made, double-spaced I'll leave here a greater spacing for that. Another thing you can do, It is to add space before and after the paragraph. Instead of getting giving Enter multiple times, you are here oh, add space before the paragraph.
And this space is here. If you want to configure, the space you have before and after, simply click here in this small arrow, and you have more information about your paragraph. So I have the spacing before 12 points, I can increase here, For example, I'll put the spacing before 36 and then also 36.
You can enter a value here any, right? Typing here goes easier. OK And then he has the space that I put before and the space that I put later.
I do not have a lot of "Enter" here. I just have this paragraph, set the way I want. I can here also, create a paragraph indent, as the Portuguese allows, the books, the beginning of the paragraph has an indent.
So I come here to "Special" I come here in the first line, I want an offset of "1. 25" or "1. 5", you know, I'll put here "1.
5" OK And he has created, the shift for me. He saw how simple it is, you will not be pressing "space" for detachment, pressing "Enter" to break line, be giving several "Enter" in front of the paragraph. Use small garfanhoto intelligence.
You can use the Word tool, in his favor. Why the big problem when you do not use this little sort of thing, It is that you get the nonstandardized whole document. You do not know him 3 "Enter" before or after.
Sets up. Look at the beginning of every paragraph will be 2 cm after every paragraph will have 2cm too. It is much easier for you to work that way.
Another thing you can configure the text is the text color. To set the color of a text is the following The "Introduction" here, I will put a bigger size and will put in bold and will change his color To change the color, you can come here, and choose any color, for example blue. It was blue.
If you want you can also set the background color, which is the Shading. I'll put here a more pale blue. So I ended up staying with a text with blue background and a letter with more emphasis blue.
You can do this to anything, including, for example, a paragraph here, you want, a black shading, it automatically changes the color of your letter to White. Why it will create the contrast here. If you want the letter, I know, Yellow, God knows why, you can do this using the Color and Shading settings.
Use these color settings and Shading with great caution, Why only your text will end up a mess, as is getting mine here. Actually, I'm not using technical design I'm using Word format only. Another issue that I want to get this video and to continue next is as follows, a lot of people that makes the Title configuration, exactly the way I'm doing this video.
Selects the title, format there all cute, and there, then he has to be doing, repeating the process for all titles. Let me illustrate what I want here. So look, let's imagine that the "Introduction" is my title, I made this setting and want this setting, however horrible it may be.
"Toolbar" is another title, then will select and will repeat the process, I put in bold, I will increase the font size here I put the letter in Blue, and I put the shade Light Blue. And then you may be thinking, "Yeah, but that's how it is, is not it? " Na na no, that's not how it's done.
When you go format, key points of your document, especially securities, there is an easier way, You will not see it that way in this video, we will see next, you'll have to wait out the next video. But I'll show you here, you replicate formatting, this because what I did in the title above, may not have been exactly the same, I do not remember exactly. So I want to do the same, beauty.
How do I proceed? Then I will undo the settings here the "Toolbar" Click here on the button "Undo" will click as many times as necessary for him to return to normal. Look there, he returned to normal.
Now I want this title has the same formatting that Title. Then I selected this, I'll click on "Format Painter" And then my cursor will turn into a brush, do you see here? And I will select "Toolbar" Now, all text is with the same formatting up, I'm sure that here, It is formatted the same way as it here.
If this tip the Format Painter has been helpful to you, you have no idea of ​​the next tip I'll give it to you in the next video, that we will start working with "Styles". That's what I just did, did not create two titles, was simply increase the font size and modifying the color of a normal text. Word, it works with Titles brands he works with Styles.
Few people I know, use styles to create documents. So my dear, you will wait until the next class, this class was over here, we saw basic formatting, and in the next video you will see a little more about Styles. And then you will understand much better, you'll see it's much smarter use this technique to other formatting long documents.
This thing formatting as I taught here, use these techniques to specific formats. If you want a specific paragraph with specific formatting, beauty! Does this formatting.
But you will say that styles your document will use the next class. So it is connected, if you want to know when the next class out, you just always come back in the Course Video and then register with the channel, because signing up for Channel and clicking on the gear side, as I have said several times you can choose to receive e-mails. So when you leave the next lesson, you will know in your email.
Not my email, I do not have your email, who will get your email is Google, which already has its normally email. But it will warn you by e-mail: "Look, Video Course, I left a new video Word. " Do it for us, it will be very helpful to you and very advantageous for us.
Clicking here, you will have access to all the video lessons. So if you fell parachute in this video and want to watch many other course of Word, clicking here, you go to the full playlist. Here in the middle, Video Course is our website which has all our courses.
This is not the only way, there are many other courses, especially for those who enjoy programming. If you do not like programming, okay, now you have the course of Word for you. It also has a course for those who do not like programming that is the course of Photoshop.
And you can see some Photoshop tips and also has the Video Course, or on our Youtube channel. Accesses there our area Playlist here at O ​​corner up here have the "i" interactive, you can click on it, I'll put up here the course of Photoshop, for you take a look at the videos. Beauty, Small grasshopper?
See you in the next video, with more tips Word. A big hug and even there!
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