You Are Not Human, You Are Hue-man || Control The Light Angle

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Beyond the Veil
🌈 In this enlightening video, we dive deep into the essence of what it means to be a "Hue-man" rath...
Video Transcript:
what if I told you everything you've ever known about being human was only a part of the truth beyond the flesh beyond the mind there's a deeper reality a truth that is both ancient and forgotten you are not just human you are human a being of light color and vibration connected to forces that shape your very existence you exist as more than just matter you are energy expressed in frequencies and Hues that reveal your true Essence the spectrum of Life flows through you unseen yet undeniable the question is what color are you vibrating at join
me on a journey beyond the surface as we uncover the hidden truth of who you really are you are not just a human being you are human a radiant living manifestation of light itself to understand the essence of what it means to be human we must first look at the word itself human where does it come from and what deeper meaning does it hold the word human is derived from the Latin root humus meaning Earth or ground this reflects our connection to the physical to the material world we are be beings made of dust rooted
in the soil bound to the Earth but that's only half the story the word man in ancient texts doesn't just refer to a male or a person it holds a deeper connection to the mind the spirit and the Divine spark within us all and then there's Hue not just a color but a reflection of light itself what if Being Human isn't just about our connection to the Earth but our connection to light to the spectrum of frequencies that shape our reality and flow through our very being what if we were never meant to identify as
just human grounded in the material but as human beings who transcend the physical living within the infinite play of light and energy colors have always spoken a language of their own they are more than mere visuals they hold frequencies emotions and energies but what exactly is a hue in in essence a hue is a shade or gradation of color one point in the vast spectrum of light that surrounds and fills our world each Hue represents a specific frequency of energy a vibration that moves through the universe and connects to our Consciousness ancient cultures believed that
colors were linked to higher spiritual forces energies that governed not only the external world but our inner realities as well the chakras for example each resonate with a specific color guiding different aspects of our physical emotional and spiritual being these Hues are not random they represent a language of light an energetic blueprint that shapes who we are every emotion we feel every thought we think resonates with a particular frequency a hue that reflects our state of being imagine if we saw ourselves not as solid static beings but as luminous fields of light Ever Changing ever
shifting with the colors of our experiences what if every moment we live every breath we take paints a new Hue on the canvas of our soul to be Hue man is to live in a constant dance with these colors these frequencies of existence it's to recognize that we are beings of light embodying the full spectrum of creation each of us shines uniquely no two Hues the same yet all connected in the grand tapestry of Life at the very Foundation of our existence everything vibrates everything from the smallest atom to the largest star resonates with a
frequency a vibration it's these frequencies that form the Invisible Thread weaving together the fabric of reality science and spirituality both recognize this truth we live in a universe of vibrational energy every thought every emotion every physical action emits a frequency contributing to the symphony of life but what does vibration have to do with being human to answer that we must understand how vibration and frequency govern not just physical reality but the essence of our being just as different colors represent distinct frequencies in the spectrum of light every emotion we experience vibrates at a unique frequency
love for instance resonates at a higher frequency while fear anger and despair vibrate at lower frequ quencies think of yourself as a finely tuned instrument constantly interacting with the vibrations around you your thoughts feelings and even the words you speak are not just abstract ideas they are frequencies that influence the world around you when we align ourselves with higher vibrations love compassion gratitude we radiate Hues that uplift and harmonize with the energies of the universe conversely when we fall into lower frequencies we diminish our light creating disharmony within ourselves and with others to be human
is to understand that your true Essence isn't limited to your physical body it extends into the vibrational field you create you are not separate from the universe you are part of its great Orchestra contributing your unique frequency to the collective and so by tuning into higher frequencies by living consciously we allow ourselves to access the full spectrum of our human potential becoming vessels of light vibrating in harmony with the cosmos imagine a beam of pure light undivided hole containing within it every color every possible Hue but it's only when this light passes through a prism
that its full spectrum is revealed suddenly what was once invisible becomes visible an explosion of color radiating out into the world this prism is the perfect metaphor for our existence as human beings like the pure light we too two are manifestations of a higher unified Source call it Consciousness the Divine or the universe itself but it is only through the prism of this physical experience through the body the mind and the soul that our true colors emerge the word human itself holds a hidden truth we are not simply creatures of Flesh and Bone we are
beings of light refracted through the prism of our Earthly existence taking on Hues that reflect our individual frequencies our experiences and our emotions think of the light as your spirit your pure Essence the prism is your body your Human Experience and the colors the Hues are the manifestations of your energy your Soul's expression in this world each Hue represents an aspect of your journey the red of your passion the blue of your intellect the green of your compassion and so on this is why you are not just human you are human you are a being
of light constantly refracting constantly evolving revealing different shades of your potential as you grow learn and expand your awareness in this way your journey is much like that of light traveling through the cosmos it starts unified as pure potential but as it travels it meets obstacles experiences challenges these challenges are the prisms that allow you to discover new aspects of yourself new Hues of your existence to embrace your identity as H man is to understand that you are both the light and the prism you are the source and the expression the potential and the manifestation
your purpose is not just to live but to let your colors shine to embody the full spectrum of your being in all its Brilliance so as you walk through this world World remember you are not just human you are human a living prism of light expressing the infinite possibilities of your soul through the colors you bring into existence while our journey begins in the physical as human beings we are not confined to the limitations of the body or the material world there is so much more to our existence than the five senses can perceive beyond
what we touch taste or see lies a higher reality one that transcends the physical and invites us into Realms of energy vibration and Consciousness in the great spiritual Traditions these Realms are often called the planes of existence and each plane corresponds to a different frequency of energy a different level of awareness the physical plane where we experience time space and the material world is just the beginning it is the most dense the most rooted in Duality but as we Ascend we move toward lighter more refined Plains where the limitations of form begin to dissolve as
human beings we are meant to evolve to ascend beyond the physical the physical body like the prism we spoke of is a vessel a tool for understanding and experiencing the deeper truths of the universe but it is only the First Step Beyond it we are are invited to explore the energetic mental and spiritual PLS where the Hues of our existence take on entirely new meanings on the energetic plane for instance we experience the reality of vibration everything is energy and the colors of your Hue are no longer simply the reflection of light but the embodiment
of your vibrational State your thoughts emotions and intentions all resonate here and as you elevate your Consciousness your Hues become purer more aligned with the higher frequencies of Love wisdom and unity beyond the energetic plane is the mental plane where pure thought Reigns here you exist not as a body but as pure awareness the limitations of the physical world fade away and you understand that you are part of a vast interconnected web of Consciousness it is here that the concept of Being Human takes on its most profound significance for you begin to see that all
Hues every color every frequency are part of the same light the same source as you ascend even higher you move toward the spiritual plane the realm of Oneness where there is no separation between you and the Divine here the light is pure Beyond you beyond form beyond anything we can describe it is the source from which all colors all beings all things emerge it is where we remember our true nature as beings of light Eternal and infinite to ascend these Plains is to return to the source it is to transcend the illusions of the physical
world and remember that you are not just human you are a radiant being of light journeying through different levels of reality each one offering you the opportunity to understand yourself in a deeper way the journey from Human to Human human man to light itself is a sacred path a path of expansion Awakening and remembering and while our time on the physical plane is essential it is only a small part of the infinite Journey that we are all on so as you continue your journey know that you are not bound by the physical world you are
more than human you are human and Beyond a being of infinite light ascending through the plains of existence one step closer to remembering the Brilliance of your true Essence at the core of your being you are light every experience every thought every emotion each is an expression of the light that you are but just as light moves through a prism and reveals its many colors you too refract into the vibrant spectrum of Hues that make up your soul you are not separate from these Hues they are more than just metaphor or abstract ideas they are
the essence of who you are the word human is a reminder that you are not merely flesh and Bone confined by the physical world instead you are a being of light expressing yourself in an infinite array of colors each one a reflection of your vibration your Consciousness your inner truth each Hue you embody carries a frequency a message a story the red Hues speak of your grounding your connection to the Earth and physical strength the orange Hues reflect creativity passion and desire yellow reveals your intellect your willpower your personal power green is the Hue of
the heart the energy of compassion love and harmony blue represents truth expression and the power of your voice Indigo opens the door to your intuition your inner knowing and violet is the Hue of the crown where your Consciousness merges with the Divine you are a walking rainbow of these frequencies each one a manifestation of light in motion a reflection of your unique Journey when you recognize yourself as human you awaken to the truth that you are more than your physical body you are a being of light dancing through the spectrum of existence each you blending
and shifting as you grow evolve and Ascend to be human is to embrace both the light and the color the purity of your essence and the infinite ways in which it can manifest it is to understand that your body your mind your spirit are all interconnected all part of this radiant expression of life itself and just as light cannot be separated from its Hues you cannot be separated from the light of the universe you are part of this vast interconnected web of existence a Divine spark radiating your unique Hues into the world the truth is
you are light in its most beautiful form you are human you are the embodiment of cosmic energy refracted into life remember the human form is only part of the story you are so much more you are light you are frequency you are Hue so Step Into Your Truth align with your colors embrace the radiant being you truly are you are not human you are human
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