House Wife's Secret Gay Love Affair with Neighbors Leads to Shocking Murder (True Crime Documentary)

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True Crime Case Files
Discover the chilling true crime story of a housewife's secret gay lovers on our channel. This gripp...
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welcome to True Crime Case Files where we uncover shocking true crime stories you've never heard of in this episode we take you to a seemingly ordinary neighborhood where the bonds of friendship were anything but ordinary today we explore the life and tragic death of a stay at home man who found herself at the center of a tangled web of Secrets desires and betrayal a web that ultimately led to her untimely demise Tina Boland Was A 42-year-old stay-at-home mom who lived in Rio Rancho New Mexico she was well known in her community as a friendly and
sociable woman who was always willing to lend a helping hand Tina was the kind of neighbor who remembered birthdays organized block parties and never missed a chance to volunteer at her Children's School events she lived with her husband Michael Balland a 46-year-old insurance agent and their two teenage children aged 16 and 15 in April 2014 Tina was at the peak of her involvement in the neighborhood Tina was often seen driving her kids to practice and her blue Honda Odyssey stopping by the local Starbucks for a caramel machiato on the way she was also active in
her church where she helped coordinate charity drives and bake sales but Tina's life had another side one that few knew about beneath her outward appearance as a devoted wife and mother Tina was involved in a series of secret sexual relationships with other women in her community these relationships were kept hidden from her family and most of her other friends Tina was the bell of the ball in this Secret Circle engaging in Passionate sexual affairs with approximately a half dozen other stay-at-home moms in her neighborhood she enjoyed the thrill of these relationships which gave her a
sense of excitement and freedom that she didn't find in her Bland Suburban life in the days leading up to her death Tina was particularly excited about her new relationship with hope Johnson a 45-year-old woman who had recently moved into the neighborhood Tina's friends noticed that she seemed happier than usual but they had no idea of the secret life she was living this Hidden World filled with desire and jealousy would soon lead to a tragedy that would shock the entire community on the morning of April 15 2014 at approximately 8:30 a.m. Tina bolan's lifeless body was
discovered at the bottom of the stairs in her home in Rio Rancho of New Mexico it was a typical spring morning with the sun shining brightly and the sound of birds chirping in the trees outside the discovery was made by Lisa deangeles Tina's close friend and neighbor who had come over after not receiving any responses to her text and calls the night before Lisa and Tina had a strong bond often meeting up at the local Panera Bread for coffee and catching up on the latest gossip that morning when Lisa arrived at Tina's house she noticed
that the front door was slightly a jar concerned she called out Tina's name as she stepped inside but there was no response as she walked further into the house her heart began to race the house was eerily quiet with the faint sound of the TV playing in the background when Lisa reached the staircase she was met with a sight that would haunt her forever Tina was lying at the bottom of the stairs her body Twisted in an unnatural position she was wearing a light blue mic gown and her hair was matted with blood from a
cut on her lip Lisa froze in shock her mind racing to make sense of what she was seeing after a few moments Lisa snapped out of her days and frantically dialed 911 her voice trembled as she spoke to the operator trying to explain what what she had found the 911 operator remained calm asking Lisa to stay on the line until help arrived Lisa could hardly keep her composure as she paced back and forth her eyes never leaving Tina's motionless body within minutes the sound of sirens filled the air as emergency responders arrived at the scene
Lisa was visibly shaken as paramedics rushed into the house she stepped aside to let them work her hands trembling as she watched them assess Tina's condition despite their efforts it was clear that Tina was already gone the paramedics confirmed that Tina was dead and Lisa collapsed into a chair tears streaming down her face the tragedy of Tina bolan's death had just begun to unfold leaving a community in shock and searching for answers the Rio Rancho Police Department arrived quickly at Tina ballin's home on April 15 2014 around 8:45 a.m. just minutes after Lisa the Angeles
called 911 the first officers on the scene were detective Martina Lopez a seasoned investigator known for a Sharp inst in in and Officer James Carson a young patrolman with two years on the force as they entered the house they were met with the unsettling sight of Tina's body at the bottom of the stairs detective Lopez immediately took charge instructing officer Carson to secure the scene and make sure no one else entered the home the staircase where Tina was found was carpeted with beige walls that showed no signs of a struggle Tina's body was lying in
a Twisted position her head turned awkwardly to the side a small pool of blood had formed under her head but the scene was relatively clean with no obvious signs of a violent altercation the detective carefully examined the area around Tina's body the staircase was steep with wooden railings that seemed solid and well-maintained Locas noted that Tina was barefoot and there was a noticeable absence of anything that could have caused her to trip the night gown Tina was wearing was slightly torn at the Hem but there were no visible signs of a fight as she continued
her inspection Lopez's eyes were drawn to a few details that seemed out of place Tina's phone was found halfway down the stairs its screen cracked as if it had been dropped during a fall but there was something odd about the position of Tina's body it didn't match the typical pattern seen in accidental Falls the angle at which she had landed raised immediate red flags for the detective the paramedics who had already confirmed Tina's death stepped back as the police continued their investigation detective Lopez ordered a full forensic sweep of the house she wanted to ensure
that every possible piece of of evidence was collected the team used luminal to check for any hidden traces of blood and fingerprint powder was dusted on the stair railings in nearby surfaces as locz observed the scene she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye her instincts told her that Tina's death might not be the tragic accident it first appeared to be the lack of defensive wounds the strange position of the body and the Eerie Stillness of the house all pointed to something more Sinister with this in mind the
invest tigation would move forward with a closer look at those closest to Tina beginning with her husband and her friends Lisa the Angeles 39 was the first person police turned to in their investigation known in the neighborhood as a nurturing and caring individual Lisa had a reputation for being a devoted friend especially to Tina bolet they were often seen together at local spots like Panera Bread and their children played together frequently but as the police began to dig deeper they uncovered a relationship between Lisa and Tina that went far beyond friendship during her initial interrogation
Lisa appeared shaken but Cooperative detective Martina Lopez who was leading the investigation noted Lisa's nervousness she fidgeted constantly her hands trembling as she answered questions at first Lisa described her friendship with Tina in typical terms talking about their shared activities and the closeness they had developed over the years however as the questioning continued it became clear that there was much more to their Rel relationship Under Pressure Lisa admitted that she and Tina had been involved in a secret sexual relationship for several months the Revelation stunned the detectives Lisa described the relationship as passionate but complicated
Tina had confided in her revealing that she was unhappy in her marriage and found comfort and excitement in their Affair and that Lisa made her feel like quote a Disney princess but recently things had taken a turn for the worse Lisa explained that Tina had started to pull away from her becoming increasingly distant Tina had met a new neighbor hope Johnson and had quickly developed a sexual relationship with her Lisa confessed that she felt jealous and hurt and she and Tina had argued about it several times especially after Lisa had caught hope and Tina having
sex in her daughter's bed just a few days before Tina's death Lisa had confronted her telling Tina that she couldn't continue their relationship but she was seeing someone else the police were intrigued by Lisa's admission jealousy was a powerful motive and Lisa's emotional state raised suspicions but when asked directly if she had anything to do with Tina's death Lisa firmly denied it she claimed that their argument was heated but not violent according to Lisa she left Tina's house that evening upset but never imagined it would be the last time she saw her friend alive Lisa's
interrogation left detectives with more questions than answers her jealousy was evident and her connection to Tina placed her squarely under the microscope but without concrete evidence evidence they couldn't make an arrest the investigation would have to continue with detectives looking closely at the other people in Tina's life who might have had a reason to harm her Hulk Johnson 45 was the second person the police turned to in their investigation Hulk had recently moved through Rio Rancho from Atlanta Georgia just 6 months prior to Tina ballin's death on the surface hope appeared to be a polished
and professional woman she was a real estate agent known for her sharp business acument in Poise demeanor her arrival in the neighborhood had caused a bit of a stir with many of the local moms curious about the new Resident hot's relationship with Tina had developed quickly neighbors noticed that the two women were often together sharing private moments at local spots like the Starbucks on Southern Boulevard they frequently texted each other and there were Whispers that their relationship might be more than just friendship when detective Martina Lopez questioned hope she maintained a calm and composed exterior
but there was an underlying tension that the detective could ignore hope initially downplayed her relationship with TAA describing it as a friendly connection formed through shared interest and neighborhood activities however when pressed hope admitted that their relationship had become intimate hope described Tina as someone who was charming and fun to be around but also very persistent she claimed that Tina had made the first move DM her naked pictures and suggesting they take their friendship to quote a place beyond your wildest dreams at first first Hope was hesitant knowing that Tina was married but eventually she
gave into to the excitement of their secret affair despite the close Bond they shared Bo insisted that she had no reason to harm Tina she revealed that Tina had recently begun expressing more serious feelings for her even hinting at leaving her husband Michael to be with her but this level of commitment made hope uncomfortable she had only just settled into the neighborhood and was dealing with her own marital issues the last thing she wanted was to be entangled in a scandal Po's calm demeanor began to crack when detectives asked about the night of Tina's death
po claimed she was at home with her husband but there was something in her voice that made the detectives doubt her story text messages retrieved from Tina's phone showed that hope and Tina had been in contact late into the evening and some of the messages suggested tension between them there were even videos of the two having sex which hope had shared with other soccer moms in a way that flaunted their relationship though hope denied any involvement in Tina's death her connection to the victim and the underlying jealousy she harbored made her a key suspect in
the investigation the police would need more evidence to either confirm or clear her of Suspicion Michael Balin 46 was the third person the police focused on in their investigation as Tina bolan's husband Michael was naturally a person of interest Michael worked as an insurance agent a job that kept him busy and often on the road neighbors described him as a quiet and somewhat distant figure rarely seen at community events or social Gatherings he seemed to prefer spending his time away from home and it was common knowledge that his relationship with Tina had been strained for
years when detective Martina Lopez and her team interviewed Michael he appeared stoic and detached a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil surrounding Tina's death he admitted that his marriage to Tina had been Rocky for some time they had Grown Apart with Michael spending more and more time on business trips or simply avoiding being at home I needed to get away from that awful woman Michael said during the interview his words carrying a bitterness that raised red flags for the detectives Michael claimed he had no idea about Tina's secret sexual relationships with other women he insisted
that he was completely unaware of her affair with Lisa deangeles and was shocked to learn about her involvement with hope Johnson however the detectives couldn't help but wonder if Michael's ignorance was genuine or if he was hiding something the night of teen's death Michael told the police he had been out of town on a business trip in Los Angeles he provided the names of colleagues who could verify his whereabouts and at first glance his alibiing solid but there was something about Michael's demeanor that didn't sit right with the detectives he was too calm too measured
and his lack of visible grief made them suspicious the investigation into Michael's possible motive revealed that he had a lot to lose if his marriage to Tina ended in divorce Tina had inherited a significant amount of money from her parents and if they divorced Michael would likely lose access to that wealth moreover there were rumors that Michael had been seeing other women and even some men during his frequent business trips adding another layer of complexity to the case despite a strong Alibi Michael remained on the police's radar his distant relationship with Kaa his financial concerns
and his possible infidelity all pointed to a potential motive the detectives knew they needed to dig deeper into Michael's life and Alibi before they could rule him out as a suspect on April 18 2014 3 days after Tina bolan's death a significant breakthrough came in the form of new evidence it was a cool overcast morning in R ranjo and detective Martina Lopez was reviewing the case files when she received a call from the forensic team they had discovered something unusual in Tina's home a small but telling detail that had initially been overlooked the New Evidence
was a scuffed mark on the wall near the bottom of the stairs where Tina had been found the Mark was faint but it suggested that something or someone had made contact with the wall during the fall forensic experts used Advanced Techniques including 3D imaging to analyze the mark They concluded that it was consistent with the sole of a shoe indicating that Tina might have been pushed or tripped rather than having fallen accidentally this discovery was a turning point in the investigation the scuff mark suggested Foul Play and detective Locus knew they had to revisit the
crime scene with fresh eyes the forensic team also found traces of skin cells under Tina's fingernails which were sent to the lab for DNA analysis this led the police to consider that Tina might have fought back against her attacker with this new evidence the detectives intensify their focus on the three main suspects Lisa deangelus hope Johnson and Michael baland they brought each of them back in for further questioning this time armed with the knowledge that Tina's death was likely no accident the discovery of the scuff mark and the DNA evidence under Tina's Nails suggested that
she had struggled with someone before her fatal fall the police also reexamined the text messages on tinga's phone paying closer attention to the exchanges she had with Lisa and hope in the hours leading up to her death the messages hinted at tension and jealousy particularly between Tina and Lisa these messages combined with the new physical evidence pointed to a possible confrontation as the investigation progressed detective locz felt they were closing in on the truth the New Evidence gave the team a clear picture of what might have happened that night Tina's death was beginning to look
less like a tragic accident and more like the result of a heated altercation the police were determined to find out who was responsible knowing that the scuff mark on the wall and the DNA under Tina's Nails could be the key to solving the case hey True Crime case solvers interested in more real life murder mysteries be sure to like And subscribe to our Channel and do you have any thoughts about this case or have a case of your own you'd like us to investigate leave us a comment stay safe True Crime case solvers on April
20 2014 the investigation into Tina bolan's death took a decisive turn the DNA analysis from the skin cells found under Tina's fingernails came back with a match Lisa deangelus this discovery combined with the scuff mark on the wall near the stairs LED detective Martina Lopez to believe that Tina's death was not an accident but homicide Lisa deangelus 39 was a stay-at-home mom known for her nurturing personality however beneath her calm exterior she harbored deep insecurities and fears of losing the people she loved Tina Bolan was at the center of these fears while their sexual relationship
had been the most passionate one of their lives it was also fraught with jealousy and tension when Tina started having sex with their new neighbor hope Johnson Lisa felt threatened and betrayed on the night of April 15 2014 Tina and Lisa had a heated argument at Tina's home after Lisa caught hope and Tina having sex the argument escalated quick ly with emotions running High Lisa in a fit of jealousy and Desperation pushed Tina during the argument the push caused Tina to lose her balance and fall down the stairs hitting her head on the way down
the scuff mark on the wall was from Tina's shoe as she tried to regain her balance the detectives pieced together that Tina had fought back scratching Lisa in the process which explained the skin cells under Tina's Nails after realizing what had happened Lisa panicked she left the scene hoping the fall would be ruled an accident but the physical evidence told a different story on the morning of April 21 2014 the police moved to arrest Lisa deangeles detective Lopez along with a team of officers arrived at Lisa's home Lisa was visibly shaken when the police informed
her that she was under arrest for the murder of Tina Boland she didn't resist but appeared in shocked as if the reality of her actions had only just get her as she was led away in handcuffs Lisa muttered that she never meant to hurt Tina she just wanted her back the arrest sent shock waves through the neighborhood Tina's family especially her husband Michael was devastated by the news they had lost a wife and mother and now they had to come to terms with the fact that her death was the result of a senseless act of
Jealousy Michael who had been cleared of any wrongdoing expressed his disbelief that someone so close to Tina could do something so terrible the trial of Lisa deangeles for the murder of Tina Bolan began in late October 2014 at the Sandoval County Courthouse the case had garnered significant media attention with local news outlets like KR QE and the Albuquerque Journal covering every development the courtroom was packed with Spectators including many of Tina's friends and family members who were eager to see Justice served the prosecution was led by assistant District Attorney James Wallace a 45-year-old seasoned prosecutor
known for his tenacity in the courtroom Wallace argued that Lisa deangelus had acted out of intense jealousy leading her to push team Tina down the stairs during a heated argument he presented the physical evidence including the scuff mark on the wall and the DNA analysis of the skin cells found under Tina's fingernails Wallace emphasized that Tina's death was not an accident but the result of a deliberate act of violence on the other side the defense was handled by public defender Karen MOSI a 38-year-old attorney known for her compassionate approach to her clients melowski argued that
Lisa's actions were not premeditated and that the push was a result of an emotional Outburst rather than an intent to kill she portrayed Lisa as a woman who was deeply in love with tana and had simply lost control in a moment of overwhelming emotion melosi pleaded with the jury to consider Lisa's remorse and the fact that she had no prior History of Violence throughout the trial Tina's family watched with a mix of grief and anger Michael baland Tina's husband struggled to hold back tears as he listened to the details of his wife's final moments the
impact of Tina's death on her family was clear and their presence in the courtroom served as a reminder of the real human cost of the crime after several days of testimony and evidence presentation the jury deliberated for only a few hours before returning with a verdict on November 3 2014 Lisa deangelus was found guilty of second deegree murder the judge sentenced her to 20 years in prison a sentence that many in the courtroom felt was too lenient given the circumstances the verdict brought some closure to Tina's family family but the pain of losing her would
never fully heal for Lisa the sentence marked the beginning of a long journey of reflection and regret the trial and its outcome left a lasting impact on the Rio Rancho Community a stark reminder of how quickly love can turn to tragedy after the trial life in Rio Rancho slowly returned to normal but the community was forever changed by the events surrounding Tina ballin's death for Tina's family the aftermath was a mix of sorrow and adjustment Michael Balland now a single parent focused on rebuilding his life and caring for his children he continued working as an
insurance agent but his once quiet demeanor became even more reserved Michael found solace in his work and spending time with his children who were struggling to cope with the loss of their mother Lisa deangeles after being convicted of second deegree murder began serving her 20-year sentence at the New Mexico Women's Correctional Facility her life in prison was marked by isolation and reflection the once active community member now faced a daily routine Behind Bars Lisa's trial and conviction were covered extensively by local news outlets like K or QE and her case became a cautionary tale about
the consequences of unchecked jealousy and emotional turmoil for Hope Johnson the new neighbor who had been a suspect in the case life went on with a mixture of relief and continued anxiety she moved away from Rio Rancho shortly after the trial concluded seeking a fresh start in a new city her reputation in the neighborhood had been tar Gish despite being cleared of any wrongdoing and she felt it was best to leave behind the memories of the past year the impact of Tina balan's death and Lisa de angelus's trial extended beyond the immediate circle of those
involved it served as a sobering reminder of how personal relationships and emotional conflicts can escalate into devastating outcomes Bay highlighted the importance of addressing and managing emotional issues before they spiral out of control leaving a lasting mark on the community and those who live through it first
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