The Seven Hermetic Principles

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Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Video Transcript:
we have a uis that all the new technology and all the new science is coming forth from our world in the last few years but guess what there were civilizations here over 10,000 years ago they knew stuff that we're just beginning to find out they knew stuff that was so far Advanced that we wouldn't even think about it one of the things that we're going to talk about today are the Hermetic principles now these are principles about the nature of Life on this planet that were created over 5 thousand years ago but what's so interesting
about them no matter how old they are they are scientifically accurate at this moment right now but before we go into them I'd like Alex to take over for a minute here and give us a little history about the hermatic principles and then let's compare those principles from 5,000 years ago to what we know today the seven hermetic principles are part of a school of thought that goes back tens of thousands of years but more recently we can attribute this work to a book written in 1908 called the cabalian by three initiates it's a story
that revolves around a particular character known as Hermes Tris magistus which translates roughly as Hermes the Thrice greatest now through research and Academia there's a lot of debate on whether or not Hermes Tris magistus was an actual historical figure or the result of a coalescing of an ancient Think Tank because Hermes Tris magistus shares qualities and characteristics from other characters in in ancient times such as th the god of writing and wisdom in ancient Egypt and Hermes the god of communication the messenger of gods from ancient Greece what's so important about the seven hermetic principles
as we will find out in this video today is that it gives us a framework for the mechanics and the rules that govern reality itself it's really cool and really exciting when we start to see that ancient wisdom starts to bridge into the world of modern science such as quantum physics into a focal point that gives us a sense of empowerment and knowledge on how to live in this world not just live in this world but thrive in this world so let's go on a little adventure and see what kind of wisdom we can unfold
[Music] today the first principle from the Hermetic series is the principle of mentalism well concept that they're talking about is it our intelligence our Consciousness our mental activity is what is actually creating the world that we live in well that sounds like a really weird idea but guess what it is Ultimate modern quantum physics even on the founding day of quantum physics in 1927 Max plank one of the founding fathers of this science recognized that Consciousness is creating our life experiences how you are thinking and what you're believing and how you behave is actually manifesting
the experiences we have in this world well plank gave us the idea that consciousness creates our life experiences this idea from 1927 is as valid today as it was then a recent article in the journal Nature the most prestigious scientific journal on this planet by Richard con Henry a physicist from John Hopkins University wrote an article entitled the mental Universe well I'm not going to go through all the details of the article because it's all summed up in the last sentence of the article quote the universe is IMM material it's mental and spiritual live and
enjoy the concept that quantum physics has revealed is that our mental character is actually creating the world this is profoundly important just from a simple scientific point of view for example we talk about the what we call the placebo effect someone has an illness they take a drug that is told to them to be what they needed to heal themselves with they take the drug they get better and then we find out that the drug they took was a sugar pill so the question is then what healed this person and the answer was the positive
thinking that resulted from the placebo effect well guess what there's a consequence of negative thinking that's called the noo effect and most of the illnesses on this planet can actually be really related back to negative Consciousness the nobo effect is the opposite of the placebo effect yet both Placebo and nobo are mental constructions and so basically what we have to understand is our thinking indeed is creating our world and there's a difference between positive thinking and negative [Music] thinking geometry is the math that provides for structure in space the geometry that we all took in
school was called ukian geometry if you remember that's a geometry with squares and triangles circles pyramids all these kinds of objects and structure in space well it's very interesting because the ukian geometry is what we use to create our world today the houses the buildings even the technology and electronics Etc all comes down to understanding geometry of a ukan nature okay well here's the issue is there a geometry that Mak makes a tree is there a geometry that makes a snail yes there is and it turns out it's called fractal geometry it's a very simple
equation but here's the nature of the equation that you solve the equation and you get an answer but the neat part is now you take the answer and feed it back into the same equation solve it again you get another answer take that answer feed it back in it's an iteration it's a repeat of the same pattern over and and over again using guess what the same original formula since you're using the same equation the patterns in the geometry repeat themselves at higher or lower levels of organization so if you're trying to understand a pattern
at a higher level of organization then you could go back and look for the same pattern at a lower level of that mathematics make sense out of it at the lower level and then take that information and understand the higher level it comes down to something you've heard your whole life it's called as above so below so basically it said you can see the structure of the universe in patterns that replicate in self- similar fashion at any level of organization it's very simple one that I work with all the time is cell biology you can
look at the human say look at all the functions in this human body that's very complex 50 trillion cells but guess what in a single nucleated cell in your body all the functions that you have in your body are already present in the cell the cell has respiration digestion excretion it even cells even have an immune system it's the same mechanism that's used in the higher organization which is then a human body in other words there's a repetition in the structure from as above to below not a new age idea but a fundamental principle and
fractal geometry now an interesting point about it is as far as we know fractal geometry came into awareness in the 1980s with mandal bro well obviously 5,000 years ago they obviously knew it as well which then says how smart are we or how smart were the people that gave rise to us this is an important part for looking at the nature of the Hermetic principles [Music] the principle of vibration is so interesting because everything in the universe is moving all the time it's always vibrating and moving when quantum physics first look at the atom as
the earlier physicists they saw the physical structures of protons neutrons and electrons but as they started to take it apart they found out at the very bottom there wasn't anything physical it was a Vortex of energy you can visualize energy by taking a rock and dropping it into to a pond well the energy of the rock as it hits the water is translated into the pond water what is the result ripples that radiate out Ripples and ripples radiating out that is the shape of energy the energy is a force who is shaping matter it's the
energy underneath the water it's continuously vibrating waves and ripples come out of atoms atoms are spinning vortexes of energy and in the process the they make waves and these ripples go out into space everything in the know Universe in regard to the physical experience is based on atoms and all atoms are energy vortices with ripples that radiate out atoms are Nano tornadoes well let's consider then the real tornado it's a spinning Vortex of energy try and drive your car through a tornado as you get to the tornado the force field of that vibration can actually
lift up your car and throw it away vortices of Energy Nano tornadoes have force fields to them I can see a tornado it's got all the debris and the dirt and the dust that's been picked up by the Windstorm and thrown all around if you take the dirt and dust out of the tornado it's still an energy force field even though now you can't see it an energy force is invisible but you can feel it because it will push on you you push on it that feels physical as far as we know the ancient people
weren't talking quantum physics but they obviously knew quantum physics because they understood the nature of the vibration even though they live in a world like we live in the world that appears to be physical this ancient wisdom was built into the Hermetic principles [Music] the hermitic principle of polarity talks about the fact that there are opposites but they're the same how can they be opposites and be the same well let's go back to the understanding of an atom and I talked about the fact that an atom you can see its action through the uh ripples
in a pond and it's sort of actually what is called a sine wave and a sine wave goes up and a sine wave goes down and a sine wave goes up and it goes down but there's a midpoint at the midpoint if you look at the wave going up we would say that's the positive but when it goes back down to the midpoint and goes under the midpoint that's the negative so we talk about a graph with a line positive above negative below but guess what the same Ripple is positive for some part and then
negative for the other part polarities represent an extension of a Continuum that on one side is one extreme of that Continuum and the other side is the Other Extreme they came from the same Ripple that's going up and down and so when we look at the world we have a tendency to focus on the polarities good bad night day all these different polarities that we have generated all represent the same day and night is a cycle you can plot it it's all the same can I separate day from night no you can't they're all the
same vibration but this is important for us to understand because we have a tendency to move to one side of the polarity move to the other side of the polarity and this creates a problem in our world especially when we divide um let's say politics or any level of Consciousness we say this side it says this and this side says that they look like opposite sides but the truth is they're all on the same wave length and the important part for us to understand is where should we be in this wave up and down the
midpoint because you say well that side was negative if you erase it and don't put it into your picture and you only look at the positive side you're not seeing the whole picture you need to see both sides to make the picture life experiences reveal the polarity between good and bad these are teachings we learn what is good and what is bad and we recognize we're all on the same emotional wavelength this is not a modern concept this is a concept from thousands of years ago but makes sense in a world of quantum physics of
the energy the vibration and the wavelength so the Hermetic principles again were based on some knowledge way back then that we are in our current world finally recognizing but it brings up an interesting fact how do they know all this back 5,000 years ago in the Hermetic principle of dealing with rhythm recogniz this very simple fact all atoms are actually energy vibrations well a vibration has a rhythm there's an up phase and a down phase and an up phase and a down phase well this Rhythm can also be present in our life there are times
when you're in harmony with the going up and these are the good feeling times these are great and there are times when we're seem to be out of Harmony but that's because the rhythm is going down in the opposite polarity so the point about the rhythm is if you can choose and you can engage then you can ride the Rhythm and then make your life smooth rather than abrupt changes of good bad good bad it's a flow it's a wavelength historically this wavelength characterizes much of the history of this planet so the original people the
indigenous people they understood the Rhythm they lived in the balance they lived in the middle part so that their lives were living in harmony it's interesting because in our social Evolution we started at balance went spirituality with polytheism then ultimate spirituality monotheism and then there was a revolt and it's called the Protestant Reformation and they started to say well wait maybe matter isn't as bad as the church was claiming it was because the church was at the top of the pole the bottom of the pole was matter and the church said well that stuff at
the bottom is not good and then that wave started to come back down toward the middle we crossed the middle it's called theism the belief of Nature and God being the same thing nature being the physical reality God being the spiritual reality and deism said they're both the same thing well interestingly that deism is the foundational principle of the United States when it was first formed by the founding fathers but it's a wave it didn't stop at the midpoint well as the wave started to go in the material realm we started to let go of
the spiritual realm that matter now becomes the most important thing well we let go the spiritual so where does life come from in the material world and they answer they came up with was genes genes represented the source of the physical experience and then all of a sudden we said yep spirit's not necessary we've got genes there was a point where people said there's something more than the Physical Realm and they started to look at healing in a different way they started to recognize that you could heal with energy you could heal with consciousness people
start to say yeah but that's the invisible part the material realm started to transition back into what that there's a spiritual realm that we've left out of the story so if you understand we pull back and look at the flow the flow is what a sine wave and a sine wave shows us there's an up and then a down and an up and a down but the sine wave is the example of Rhythm that you put both of them together and then you can make a vibration that goes up and down like that so again
the whole principle is coming back at this point so the point of caus and effect is actions cause reactions but reactions then alter the original cause of the first action so it doesn't have one cycle it's repetitious the whole time everything is is action reaction action reaction if you want to understand how in the universe you see something moving you automatically know there must have been something that pushed it in the first place to move so the basic understanding of caus and effect action reaction is built into our world of view and our world understanding
well sometimes this might be applied misdirect a scientist by the name Michael Denton started to look at the universe and started to recognize that the waves of interaction of all the things in the universe uh lead to a a cause of a creation well the idea that there is a creation LED some people to say well if there's a creation there's a Creator and well what's God to a lot of people the energy the universe everything that is but they make that energy into a person the white bearded guy up in the sky is the
physical Creator I say no but pering that there's a creation they automatically with the idea of cause and effect use that principle to say Well there must be a cause so what we're really beginning to understand in the world of quantum physics that everything is energy well energy is interact with energies a thought is a Creative Energy you can create a thought but that thought being an energy can alter the physical reality of yourself even so your thoughts being broadcast are a cause but the energy of the thought engages with the energy of the atoms
of your body and are manifest as an experience cause and effect that just simplifies why the biology belief is so important because your Consciousness is a cause that results in an effect as perceived in your body so from the wave of an atom to the intelligence of the human it's all been divided into what we have perceived and labeled as male and female but recognizing all organisms have both characteristics in a Cell they have both energies a cell cannot live with just male characteristics or with just female characteristics I said what's the difference male characteristics
are associated with structure and movement female characteristics are associated with vegetation and reproduction in other words growth and this is support both support and growth are in every present cell you have the support part which is your skeleton in fact that's a big deal the muscles and a skeleton but you have the vegetative part well those are the organs of the gut that are taking care of the metabolism cleaning up the system over the Evolution the cells started to split because of differentiation of function and one cell says okay I'll handle the support but I
can only work with it if you handle the vegetative so it took both the male and female but you have to work them together and the significance about this is even in the cell both of them are there but it's even in the human in the human we have both a female and male characteristic to it and the simplest one is just look at the brain there's a line right down the middle of the brain that line separates what are called the hemispheres left and right well they're totally two different functions the left hemisphere is
associated with intellectual thinking and stuff like that the right hemisphere is associated with emotion gender plays an important role but then also recognize this just like polarity that we talked about before it's all on the same wavelength they're not separate from each other both are required emphasize the left more intellectual emphasize the right more emotional and then label them as what male intellectual female emotional they were the same thing they were always a Continuum of the same thing there is a difference in gender yes but we have created an artificial separation of that through the
programming that we acquire in the first seven years of our life human programming has caused us separation you want to understand how to live in harmony go back and recognize each of the principles in the Hermetic series because when you put them all together it is a guide for us to thrive into the future and it's interesting because there's an old saying from Mark Twain he said the older I get the smarter my father becomes and the idea is the older we get in Civilization now we can look back and say how smart those people
were at the very beginning and we should honor that we just made a list of the mechanisms of how the universe work and this is really great because when you understand it then it says well if I use these mechanisms I can manifest a life but the big word that I just used was use these mechanisms awareness of the mechanisms and not using them is a waste of your time and your life you have to use these principles in the way you carry out your life because they are the principles that determine the character of
Life what do you care about in this world what is it that excites you and makes you feel like I love living in this world find out what it is that drives your heart what makes you feel good and all that make it an intention it's not just a knowledge but an intention means I am driving toward something what are you driving toward in your life and this is the big issue because most of us are saying I don't want to that I don't want that if we just go over the Hermetic principles it says
what's in your mind you can manifest well then focus on that picture because when you put that picture into your Consciousness and then we start to manifest our Consciousness through what intention and that was the point now that I have the picture now that I know what I like I must make an intention and activate that intention to manifest the experience you are the Creator and that's exactly how you do it
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