Man Is Trapped In A Canyon With Women Demanding Offspring From Him

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Mystery Recapped
Barnaby Clay, Scott, an adventure-seeker, becomes trapped in a desolate desert after witnessing a di...
Video Transcript:
hi mystery Recaps here today I'm going to explain a horror thriller movie called The seeding ew spoilers ahead watch out and take care the movie opens in a desolate desert in Utah where we see a dirty child wandering and eating a severed human finger shortly after we meet our protagonist wendam who is driving into the same area it turns out he is a professional photographer who has come here to capture the eclipse he climbs a very difficult Rock and eventually finds the perfect spot to set up his camera not long after the eclipse begins and
Windam captures a few stunning images he then decides to leave and heads to his parked cart on the roadside but just then he notices a kid crying alone in the distance Windam asks what happened to which the kid reveals that he got separated from his parents and is lost feeling worried Windam asks him to come to his car so that they can look for his parents but the boy suddenly stands up and walks in the opposite Direction claiming that his parents are there this confuses wendam who makes a mental note to bring candy next time
but he can't let such a young boy go alone so he naively follows him after walking for a while he realizes that it's getting dark soon and asks the kid to turn back but strangely the boy begins to insult him and then runs away this leaves Windam in a dire situation as it's getting dark and he's a long way from his car he tries to find his way back to the main road but eventually gets lost he even attempts to call someone but there's no a service in the desert shortly after wendam is startled when
he hears a woman singing in the distance he follows the sound and soon sees a cabin at the bottom of a canyon he also notices a retractable ladder leading to the cabin which he carefully descends when he arrives he knocks on the cabin door and a woman named Alina answers it Windam explains his situation but the woman isn't surprised by his presence she casually invites him inside and offers him food without saying much he then asks how to get out of here but Alina doesn't respond at all this leaves wind him frustrated and he tries
to leave but she insists that it's late and asks him to stay with no other option he agrees and lies down on a nearby Bed Windam later notices Elina getting naked and cleaning herself in the other room this weirds him out but he doesn't dwell in it much and closes his eyes the next morning Windam leaves some money for Alina and proceeds to leave however he is shocked to see that the cabin is surrounded by steep Cliffs something he hadn't noticed the night before even more shocking is the fact that the lower part of the
ladder from last night is gone when Alina wakes up he asks where the ladder is gone she nonchalantly responds that the locals sometimes take it for their use and it may be returned later or tomorrow wendam then inquires about other exit routes but Alina informs him that there are none this frustrates our hero and he is forced to stay another day there he spends most of his time photographing the landscape and the scenery he also attempts to climb the cliff but the heat makes it impossible for him to do so in the afternoon Alina offers
to clean his clothes as they have gotten very dirty when he refuses she asks what his wife will think of him seeing him in this condition the statement weirds out wendam and he quickly clarifies that he isn't married the next day he searches through Alina's house for anything that will help him climb he eventually finds a pickaxe and tries to use that to climb the Rocks but moments later some children suddenly throw a severed animal head at him as children are want to do this causes him to lose his balance and he immediately collapses to
the ground unconscious when wind awakens he discovers that it is already Nightfall he's in excruciating pain and realizes that he's accidentally embedded the pickaxe in his leg Windam starts screaming for help and this finally catches Alina's attention she rushes over to him and carefully removes the pickaxe while he cries in agony moments later Windam passes out once again and Delina takes him back to the cabin to treat his injuries 2 days later he feels a bit better and once again tries to get out of there he looks up at the top of the canyon and
screams for help but no one comes to his Aid enraged Windam drags Elina outside and demands to know what's happening she doesn't respond to his question but assures him that she can care for him and feed him however wendam angrly tells her that he just wants to return to his normal life he claims that he has a life outside this world and that people are dependent on him like desperate models and families who like dressing their babies up like pumpkins Alina tries to get closer to him but wendam refuses and asks her to leave him
alone shortly after a boy named corvis and his sister arrive at the top and call out to wendam corvis reveals that he heard the shouting earlier and asks if he needs help wendam is very relieved by this and explains how he's been stuck and needs to get out in response corvis assures him that he has rope and will be back soon this makes Windam feel hopeful and he eagerly waits for the boy corvis soon returns and throws the Rope down asking Windam to tie himself to it the latter naively obliges after which corvis and some
other boys begin pulling him up however they abruptly stop halfway and begin mocking wendam who is now suspended in the air they torture him by swinging the Rope back and forth and one of them even un sheathes the Willie and pees on his face as a result Windam ends up hitting a rock and losing Consciousness they try to inflict further damage on him but Alina suddenly appears and scolds the boys in their local language this prompts them to quickly run away from there later that night Windam awakens to discover himself in Alina's bed he gets
up and tries to leave once again but he's too weak and soon Falls to the ground as he cries in frustration Alina advises him to accept his fate and adjust to this new life Windam then asks about the teenage boys and why they were so mean to him in response alinaa says that they're just stray kids who were United by the desert she tells him not to take it to heart as they are just stupid and bored boys the scene then cuts to a few weeks later where wendam has accepted his fate and is peacefully
living in the desert Alina also takes good care of him and he is moved by her efforts one day a teenager brings her a package containing food and other necessities this surprises wendam and he wonders where the goods came from however Alina believes it's better not to ask and simply enjoy what's been provided hearing this he suspects she's also a victim like him and has been forced to stay here that evening a drunk Windam hears commotion outside so he goes to investigate with a hammer he soon comes across corvis who's dressed as a woman after
teasing the man for a while corvis grabs his hammer licks his face and fleases enrages wendam so much that he returns to the cabin and begins yelling at alinaa he blames her for allowing these psycho boys to control their lives however Alina doesn't respond as usual and suggests that he should sleep or perhaps grow some balls and take care of himself she then moves to her bed and begins to clean herself while naked seeing this the drunk Windam also succumbs to his desires and becomes intimate with her days later as wendam is busy in the
garden a boy named lepus calls out to him from the top asking what he's doing Windam responds that he's farming and that despite living in the desert he has realized the pit is almost a microcosm in itself when the boy asks about this microcosm Windam reveals that it refers to the concept of forming small life in a larger place lepus is impressed by his big words and expresses a desire to study such topics as well Windam agrees to teach him but asks for his help in exchange however the boy seems very nervous and quickly walks
away later at home Windam notices a vintage photograph of a woman and asks Elena who it is she reveals that it was the first mother who came to this location Windam doesn't understand but alinaa suddenly shocks him by announcing that she's pregnant she also assures him that he isn't required to care for them if he doesn't want to however wendam accuses her of tricking him and insults her by saying he doesn't want his kid to be raised by an inbred psycho woman his words deeply hurt Alina's feelings who didn't trick him into especially not forgetting
how to pull out and she bursts into tears the next morning Windam is J jogging around when lepus returns and talks to him wendam asks for his help stating that the woman here is pregnant and they must go outside he requests lepus bring rope and mentions that this will be his first physics lesson the boy seems interested and wendam further convinces him by saying that once they escape they can all live as a family lepus agrees to help but insists that he must do it while the others are sleeping unfortunately another teenage boy overhears the
conversation and takes lepus away from there later at home Alina questions w about what he was discussing with the boy he reveals that lepus is kind and intelligent unlike the other psychos however when he mentions how lepus is promised to help with the Escape Alina becomes upset Windam also shares that once he leaves he will travel have freedom and eat a cheeseburger surprisingly Alina doesn't know what a cheeseburger is because she has never been outside after they fall asleep we see the teenage boys dressed bizarrely and performing a ritual on the edge of a cliff
when Windam and Alina wake up the next morning they are horrified to see lepus tied to a rope above the canyon he is dead and we see that his back has been ripped open Alina screams in Terror and yells that Brothers don't do this to each other she also accuses wendam of allowing her son to be killed and gets angry before he can understand what she's saying Alina attacks him and eventually knocks him out with a piece of wood the scene then cuts to a few months later where we see wendam locked in a cage
like an animal alinaa who is now heavily pregnant gives him water and food just to keep him alive but doesn't speak much otherwise one afternoon Windam notices a female hiker at the top of the canyon and attracts her attention he begs for help and urges her to call the police immediately she tells him to wait while she makes the call which fills wendam with some hope however shortly after he sees corvis capturing the woman and killing her brutally Windam begins to hit the cage in frustration realizing that he'll never escape this hellhole that evening a
small child approaches wendam in the cage and hands him a fruit he accepts it and begins eating which soon causes him to become disoriented shortly after he notices Alina and the teenage boys engaged in a cult ritual in the distance he then realizes that these boys are actually Alina's children fathered by various men during the ritual Alina stands with leaves over her eyes as the boys dance around to fire days later as winter begins to set in Alina brings a blanket for Windam in the cage he takes advantage of this opportunity and begs her to
release him he states that he doesn't want to go back to his former life and is ready to raise all these children with her however Alina makes it clear that she never really cared about him all she needed from him was his seed and since the child is now conceived he is useless to her she reveals that the only reason she's keeping him alive is that she's waiting for the birth of their child the next morning Alina starts having contractions and feels excruciating pain she immediately releases wendam from his cage and begs for his help
she admits that she's in a lot of pain and has never experienced this before despite everything that has happened Windam cares about his child and decides to help Alina but moments later he notices the teenagers throwing a ladder into the canyon for his escape this puts him in a difficult situation because Alina is in pain and needs him but it is also his only opportunity to leave in the end Windam decides to abandon alinaa to her fate and heads towards the ladder but he soon stops when he hears the sound of the newborn crying he
immediately turns around and Embraces his daughter with joy wendam momentarily forgets all the torture he endured and rejoices in fatherhood after this Alina takes the child back and Promises to feed and take care of their daughter she says that the child will one day fulfill her purpose and become a mother she thanks wendam for fulfilling his role and says that his part is now over he gets confused but just then one of the older boys slits his throat from behind and kills him in the final scene Alina packs windom's belongings and puts them in a
trunk she then approaches her crying baby and tries to console her outside the house we see windom's corpse rotting on the ground subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
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