Use your Mind to Heal your Body | HERE'S HOW

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[Music] what if I told you that you have the power to heal yourself from any disease that your Consciousness can create or destroy any condition in your body sounds unbelievable right but what if it's true what if you can tap into this connection and Unleash Your Inner ability to heal in this video I will explain how all disease originates from the mind and how you can change your thoughts emotions and beliefs to transform your health I will also share some practical tips and techniques to help you harness the power of your mind and heal yourself
from the inside [Music] [Music] out everything begins in your Consciousness everything that happens in your life and everything that happens in your body begins with something happening in your own Consciousness Consciousness is a form of energy often referred to as Life Energy it is responsible for sustaining life in living beings when Consciousness leaves the body the body ceases to function and dies the physical body in this context is considered only as a vehicle for the Consciousness that animates it yet our body is also an extension a denser aspect of Consciousness and there reflects the conditions
of the Consciousness that it houses together the body and Consciousness form an energy system consisting of different densities of energy operating at different frequencies in a constantly changing Dynamic relationship we are each a spirit occupying a physical body we each decide what to think and what to feel we choose our perceptions and our perceptions create our reality this energy field and the physical body are all in a state of balance relative to each other when there is a sufficient change in the Consciousness caused by a decision or reaction creating tension the energy field and the
physical body will come into balance with it and the symptom will appear as tension in the body reflecting the tension in the Consciousness therefore we can say that all disease starts in the mind we are all healers and somewhere deep inside we know that anything can be healed the natural state of your being is balance healing is a return to your natural state of balance and wholeness while we acknowledge that physical causes can lead to illness or injury it is important to recognize that these conditions are often a result of the internal State of Consciousness
relying solely on external remedies without addressing the underlying psychological tensions that contribute to physical symptoms can lead to a victim mindset to achieve true healing and happiness one must start by acknowledging that everything begins within their own Consciousness in this way you also take responsibility for everything that happens in your body and in your life and for what you choose to put or allow yourself to accept into your Consciousness you are then able to remind yourself of the degree to which you create your reality you can also remind yourself of your unlimited natural abilities and
of the natural inner tools you have always had for healing and how to use them you can also remember that you can choose to respond to your environment in a different way one that works better for you [Music] the physical structure is just a form of energy denser than the aura surrounding it we ourselves are an energy system composed of different densities of energy within the healthy balanced individual the energy flows smoothly the Consciousness is able to respond successfully to each condition that it encounters when the individual blocks the flow of this energy through certain
certain decisions or reactions to conditions and if the blockage has sufficient intensity the effect is some symptom on the physical level we can say then that all symptoms are just reflections of blocked energy when we unblock the energy through making a different decision or by participating in a healing and thus rebalancing the energy field the symptom can be released the symptom is a way to communicate a condition to us when the condition in our Consciousness is resolved the symptom no longer has a reason to exist if there is tension in a specific part of our
body it can indicate that there is tension in a particular part of our Consciousness about a certain aspect of our life the parts of our body that do not function well may reflect the parts of our life that are not working well when we release the tension from our Consciousness about that aspect of our life it can also be released from that part of our body our body Consciousness and that part of our life can then return to their natural state of Harmony all illness and injury are the result of blocked energy since we direct
Consciousness or energy with our thoughts we can unblock the energy wherever it has been blocked in ourselves or others when we do that it results in a return to the experience of wholeness when you are in a state of consciousness where you respond to Life's conditions with optimal Effectiveness you are in touch with your inner voice intuition and are listening to it this is when you're being true to yourself healthy and happy your intuition speaks a simple language either it feels good or not good it is widely agreed that following your intuition always leads to
success therefore it is important to always do what feels good inside and avoid what feels not good inside if you believe that you have a purpose in life it must be something that feels right and motivates you to do it you are here to be happy so you should do what makes you happy and avoid what makes you unhappy this rule applies to all levels of your being therefore you must do what you really want to do what feels good for you to do and avoid what you don't want to do or feel resistance towards
you are encouraged to listen to your conscience when you ignore your inner voice you experience unhappiness and tension if you move in the direction that feels not good you feel more resistance in your emotions and events may not happen the way you want them to if you ignore your inner voice and continue to move in a direction that doesn't feel right you will experience more and more tension which can eventually manifest as physical symptoms or attract negative experiences on the other hand if you listen to your intuition and do what you know you should do
you will feel better and return to a state of harmony with yourself and your environment it's important to pay attention to any physical symptoms or negative experiences as they may be a result of not following your intuition from the beginning in other words the end result that happened was the original intention the experience we have is intended to achieve a certain end result there are no accidents or coincidences everything starts in our Consciousness so everything that happens in the physical world is a reflection of what is happening in our Consciousness if an event results in
a symptom it happened to create that symptom as it was important for us to receive a message from our higher self which we may have ignored at the level of Intuition or emotion symptoms speak to us in our own language anguage and they tell us what we have been doing to ourselves this language reflects the idea that we create our own reality entirely when we describe the symptom within this context the significance of the symptom becomes apparent our body is communicating that this is what we have been doing to ourselves with the way of being
we have chosen until now and what we have been doing in our Consciousness as a result we may choose to continue with the same way of being or do something different it's not a matter of w or wrong but rather cause and effect the process doesn't involve guilt but rather acknowledging responsibility one way of being can create a symptom while another way of being can release the symptom ultimately it's up to us to decide our way of being once we understand the message our body is giving us and make the necessary changes in our Consciousness
and way of being we can bring balance and Harmony to all aspects of Our Lives the symptom was only a way to convey a message and now it has served its purpose as per your beliefs and sensitivities you can let go of the symptom to understand this better you need to examine what was happening in your life when the symptom appeared your response to those situations created the symptom within my own experience I suffered from a severe neurological condition that prevented me from walking half of my body was paralyzed I was suffering severe headaches and
I felt like I was trapped in my mind I was not living authentic authentically but rather trying to please others and meet their expectations I was stressed and anxious all the time and I neglected my creativity and happiness when we suppress our true feelings they accumulate and affect us negatively for me this manifested in the part of my energy system that was related to being too rational and not following my heart I was not honest with myself or others about what I really wanted when I looked at my symptoms from the perspective that I was
responsible for them I realized that I was the one who was paralyzing myself I was hiding the real me who was longing to express my true Essence by doing that I was hurting myself deeply instead of saying that I was unable to walk I had to admit that I was holding myself back from moving forward I was staying in situations that made me unhappy I understood that to heal myself I had to change my way of being I had to pursue my joy instead of doing what I thought I should do I changed my my
mental diet the ideas I allowed into my mind I realized that every thought I had affected how I felt stressful thoughts caused illness to heal myself I had to think thoughts that made me feel good I owned up to my situation I recognized that happiness was essential and that I had to do what brought me joy I also committed to the inner work that enabled me to trust that the symptom was fading away the result was that the condition was cured I was healed the important thing is to realize that anything can be healed it
isn't a question of whether or not it can happen but rather just one of knowing how to do it then just do it when you understand the language of your body you will be able to listen to the messages earlier and earlier until you are functioning fully in accord with your inner being your higher self at that time it will be possible to no longer concern yourself with healing because there will be no further need for you to receive the messages through symptoms you will be able to function more and more from your Center listening
to your inner voice and doing what is right for you to do you will be healthier and a lot happier you might wonder how can I restore my energetic body how can I heal myself there are some methods that can assist you such as sound healing raiki healing meditation nature immersion and yoga these can help you activate your chakras and release any blocked or stagnant energy or emotions in those energy centers you might be familiar with some of these practices already ideally you would not need any healing if you were always connected to yourself being
authentic aware of your Consciousness and its language and acting consciously while few beings on earth have reached this state of perfection and optimal functioning it is also true that it is always accessible to you in any moment including this one now if you experience any symptom you can be kind to yourself acknowledging that you are still still learning and still working on yourself if you notice that the symptom is a recurrence of something that happened before you will understand that you need to change something in your Consciousness to prevent it from happening again you will
also know what needs to change you can choose to be reminded many times to be sure or you can choose to get the message sooner staying in touch with your inner guidance your intuition you can decide to let someone else heal you or to heal yourself do what whatever is required to free yourself from the symptom and return to your natural state of being happy and healthy it is your Birthright if the symptom involves some emotion because it affects your body the healing might take longer to show but it will still be much faster than
leaving the symptom to be dealt with only by physical cause and effect reality thank you for watching this video on how your mind can heal your body I hope you learn something valuable and useful for your well-being I send you lots of heal and love see you soon in the next video bye for now
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