dumb end number two opens tomorrow please say hello to Jim [Applause] [Music] Cary [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is that exactly is that a gang sign have you um oh like you don't know what it is you don't know what that is I have no idea you don't know Jimmy Fallon does doesn't know David Letterman doesn't know all the comics and show business don't know what this is right yeah what is it come on Jimmy seriously the time is up people are hip to this kind of stuff I I'm here tonight to blow the lid
off it to be The Whistleblower I'm sick and tired of the secrets and the lies it is the secret symbol of the Luminati and you're a part of it and it is the all mocking time oh I like it it use a stra it's a symbol of the all mocking tongue and I'm sick of it I want everybody to be in on the joke man you know what I mean like for years now talk show hosts people on television people in sitcoms have been hired by the government to throw you off the track to distract
you to make you laugh and stuff like that make you happy and docel so you don't know what's really going on you know and they get out there in the woods in a circle naked and they decide these things and you know and look at them look at them trying to look at them trying to C out it's hilarious hilarious and you know and I'm sick of hold on a second you know what they're trying to do who this thing is buzzing hold on they're trying to turn us into you know uh you know consumer
drones of some sort I just got to get this and yeah yeah listen I'm in the middle of blowing lit off some what happened I'm sorry Jimmy I was temporarily interrupted by my iPhone 6 [Applause] Plus 5.5 that's a big one huh 5.5 heads up HD display I think what I was really trying to say was I think people were all enjoy Dumb and Dumber this weekend and that is what I thought you were about to say they should all go to the theater they should all go to the theater tomorrow and see it cuz
we could use a good [Applause] laugh I am Jim Kimmel did you know there are things other than pornography on the internet watch them on the Jimmy Kimmel Live YouTube channel which much like your own body I encourage you to explore