Como eliminar Nódulos en la Tiroides Dr. Antonio Cota Sugar Care

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Los problemas tiroideos son muy frecuentes y pueden enlentecer tu metabolismo. Un metabolismo lento ...
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There is a mineral that is rarely paid attention to and that is extremely important for proper functioning of the metabolism and thyroid function and that sometimes completely reverses these thyroid problems. Including nodules, the lack of selenium has many negative consequences for our health Since the thyroid without selenium cannot function properly or iodine and when the metabolism does not work properly we can gain weight, cholesterol levels increase, we have blood pressure problems And of course problems with glucose levels So let's go to review the importance of having optimal levels of selenium and iodine What are natural sources of selenium and iodine guide you on selenium and iodine supplements What are the three most important points to work on if we want to reverse and restore that thyroid function to normal AND Of course, monitoring or what studies you can perform, I will guide you on this so that you can see how this thyroid gland works and what follow-up is best for you. If you already have problems or want to maintain optimal function of this thyroid gland I am Dr Antonio Cota, I am an internist and sugarquer doctor and for all those who are seeing me for the first time I would like to clarify that this is a space in which I, as an internist, present my experiences and my personal point of view of the problem.
of diabetes because I believe that it is treated and addressed incorrectly since from the number one point that it is thought to be incurable there are some types of diabetes that are totally reversible and curable of course not all and that to lower the level of glucose Not only are there medications or insulin, there are other tools that we can bring to the table and use to lower glucose levels and sometimes this is the way to reverse or cure these sugar problems. I am in the city of Tijuana if If you are interested in an online or in-person consultation, call or send a WhatsApp to 663 127 7541, which is the number you see on the screen . If you call or send a message from another country other than Mexico, you have to add the plus sign and 52 to enter the call or enter the message and I would also like to invite you to join the Channel, be a member, support me in this way and I will reward you with access to WhatsApp if you have any questions, doubts, you will be happy to answer me in the group that we have and exclusive content on this YouTube channel, informative educational videos that help you delve deeper into the subject and reverse that sugar problem and if not reverse it, at least identify what is happening and what is the obstacle that does not prevent you.
allows you to lower that glucose level, then the importance of the thyroid and I would like to tell you about a case so that you can see the importance and relevance of this mineral, which is selenium. I am going to talk to you about a patient, a 45-year-old woman who for three years years he is struggling with thyroid nodules two to make specific ones of 1. 5 or so centimeters in size three years ago they suggested doing a biopsy biopsy is a procedure in which with a fine needle they take a part of a sample of tissue and send it to the laboratory to study If it is cancer or not it is cancer or exactly what that problem is and also that they proposed surgery to this lady this woman rejected the surgery she rejected the biopsy And instead she began to eat well to fast to supplement herself to seek or do more things for her health and she had the habit of garlic and added a lot of garlic to her diet in the morning and at night, perhaps without knowing it because garlic is an excellent source and has a lot of selenium, perhaps without knowing it, she was supplementing with selenium which When he came to me, which was three years after starting the new thyroids, he came for a second opinion, he showed me the studies and I saw that I had no nodules and I said, Well, how did you reverse those, not the thyroids?
He told me, I included a lot of garlic. this and this and this and this and when analyzing his case, the conclusion is that the inflammation went down and he provided selenium to the treatment and those nodules disappeared, it was no longer necessary to perform the biopsy and it was no longer necessary to perform the surgery. And this goes a little further, there are people who have hashimoto's diseases or serious illness, which is when the body itself produces antibodies that go against the thyroid gland.
It is a kind of autoimmune disease in which the body itself attacks the thyroid gland and that When incorporating selenium in many cases those antibodies disappear completely or the amount decreases a lot and that is why I am making this video Because if any of you have thyroid problems, selenium can be that key piece or fundamental piece if you are looking to completely reverse That is the problem with the thyroid, as you already know, I am a participant in searching for the root of the problem and trying to solve it from the problem, the ultimate cause of the disease and not just masking the disease with medications, supplements , etc. , etc. , that do not correct the problem.
that you only act as if everything is fine, manage the symptoms but do not actually correct what is happening in the thyroid gland or the thyroid for it to function well. About 5 points are necessary in the metabolism of the thyroid number one, the synthesis must occur correctly. Normally, thyroid hormones number 2 have to be transported.
Once this thyroid hormone is synthesized, the transported blood has to be released and reach the site where it will perform its function number 3. Metabolism is extremely important for thyroid hormones. produce them and it is no longer that it is produced and that the body can grab that thyroid hormone and can use it, there must be number 4, a regulation point so that the thyroid does not function in addition or does not function less, it also has that mechanism, it has to be healthy and of course the function that the thyroid hormone Where is it going to act effectively does its job and that the other part counts separately the part that is going to receive the thyroid hormone is healthy because for it to respond it is like with the covid vaccine some people give them vaccine for covid and the body does not produce antibodies and not because the vaccine is bad or something like that Simply because that body no longer responds at all because its immune system is severely compromised that it does not respond to any stimulus then Those are the points that we have to Regulate or take care if We try to completely restore thyroid function the thyroid is actually a very small gland that is found in the neck but with a large number of functions the thyroid hormone which is not the only thing it produces But that's what we're going to talk about in This video controls practically everything, they control your temperature, your energy, your sleep, your growth, the digestive system, for example, your emotions, your heart rate, your glucose levels and many other functions.
The thyroid may have been altered when it works excessively, which is hyperthyroidism, or when it works too little. Hypothyroidism is slow, which is what we are going to focus on in this video. In hypothyroidism and in thyroid nodules, thyroid hormones have to be produced.
If there is a problem in the synthesis, then your thyroid does not work well. This is commonly detected by a thyroid profile, which is a blood sample that we can all take and various hormones are measured there and with that we see whether or not it is producing normally, for the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones it must have the substrate or material raw What to work with and that raw material there are some proteins that are thyroglobulins some amino acids that are tyrosine but it also needs iodine if we do not have iodine, which is extremely rare the lack of iodine but there are cases when there is no iodine the thyroid gland does not function properly In an adequate way, these thyroid hormones cannot be produced and commonly the thyroid begins to increase in size, which is called goiter. This is very common today and is uncommon because most foods come with iodine, they come rolled or salt.
Iodized, it comes as is, it is very unlikely that we lack iodine, but if that could be the case, the thyroid is the gland in the body that has the most iodine and selenium. So if it has a lot, it means that it is extremely important for that gland. These two minerals then iodine that I will tell you later What are the natural sources of iodine We have to have these normal levels if we do not have that the gland is not going to function well then synthesis We have to have the substrates or the raw material And number two A correct metabolism of thyroid hormones means that they are produced and that the body can assimilate them and for this selenium is extremely important.
So think about it, you can have thyroid hormones at normal levels and you take a blood sample, maybe those hormones Thyroid glands are at normal levels, but it does not mean that they are carrying out their function. Your body may not be using them and cannot assimilate them due to alterations in the metabolism and management of these thyroid hormones, and that is where selenium plays its role. paper Because maybe there is no way for you to know how those thyroid hormones work or how they do not work, there is a genetic test for that, but this is where selenium becomes important and generally almost no one, it is very rare to find a person who supplement with selenium.
In addition, selenium will help the body so that these thyroid hormones carry out their function. It also reduces inflammation. It is not necessary for the thyroid hormone to be produced.
It has to reach the site where it is going to act and for that it needs selenium Although if you check and start investigating a little more you will see that most cases or articles say that selenium is not going to ensure that you can stop levothyroxine, which is the pill used for the thyroid, but neither will it. They tell you that it is not going to help you at all, that is to say that they are left unfinished, that it does help but you do not continue taking the pill. It seems to me that there is a little lack of interest in delving into this topic because there are actually several articles and patients themselves.
that with selenium they have restored that thyroid function and I'll just tell you one case but there are several cases of thyroid nodules that disappear when selenium is included. Of course selenium alone cannot do all the work, you have to combine it with a low diet in carbohydrates lower insulin resistance lower your cortisol do other interventions but selenium without a doubt helps a lot selenium and the test I believe is that it greatly reduces inflammation as I told you almost always hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism frequently but not always They are caused by the body producing antibodies against this gland and the selenium fights and neutralizes these antibodies. You don't need much selenium with only 200 milligrams a day, which is generally the case in the bottles.
The supplements come like this. 200 milligrams a day of selenium can lower a lot of inflammation depends on whether or not you are going to be able to completely reverse these alterations in the thyroid, hypothyroidism or nodules. In terms of nodules, it will depend on the number and size, of course, reversing one nodule is not the same as reversing 12 nodules.
For example, and reversing a nodule of one centimeter is not the same as reversing four nodules of 5 centimeters, for example, much will depend on the initial state in which this treatment is being started and of course the integrity of the thyroid gland. There are people who have thyroid problems for years for years for years for years and they have been taking levothyroxine for years and when they have an ultrasound to see how the thyroid is, you can barely see the gland and you can't see it because it has been there for so long. that inflammation we return to the point the thyroid problems are currently detected Ah yes you lack the hormone there you go Well but why do you lack the hormone that is causing that Ah is that there is something that destroys the gland Well then we have to defeat or combat That and generally the current protocols do not offer alternatives or do not offer a solution to this problem.
So you know that this thyroid gland over time becomes very small because it ends up being destroyed. And this is known as thyroid atrophy, which also usually happens if you already have The thyroid on ultrasound is very small, it is very atrophied, it will be extremely difficult for us to reverse this problem and this inflammation, which is another point. important in these thyroid problems the three most important points to correct or reverse this thyroid problem number one is to ensure a good synthesis if we are producing thyroid hormones we have to see why perhaps you lack tyrosine you lack proteins you lack iodine And if The deficiency is very marked and we have many symptoms of hypothyroidism.
It is probably prudent to start the pill, which is levothyroxine. That is the number one point to ensure that we have the raw material for the gland to produce that hormone number 2 that the metabolism of those hormones is the correct one and here selenium intervenes selenium 200 mg per day so that these thyroid hormones can carry out their function properly and number three combat inflammation frequently it is inflammation the problem here selenium also intervenes the proof of it as I tell you and I'll repeat it again because it seems very important to me that it reduces those antibodies. I'll give you an example.
Let's suppose that I'm starting with my thyroid problem. I get tested. Everything is fine.
Apparently I don't have a problem. OK. But I also get tested.
thyroid inflammation that there are also these antibodies that I tell you like anti tp or for example and suppose that in this analysis it comes out very high that means that my thyroid at that moment works well but that it has a lot of inflammation, current medicine has nothing to combat that inflammation So in that context, if my gland still works more or less well, it is of a good size, no, there is no other problem other than just inflammation, then it is time to act, we must reduce or eliminate that inflammation. Because if we leave it like this over time That thyroid begins to reduce its function, decrease its function, which I have seen many times, the famous subclinical hypothyroidism, which is when the thyroid is already giving alarm signals that something is not right but it still does not stop working and has a certain capacity to produce the thyroid hormone in sufficient quantities So to speak in this context that the thyroid is already raising alarms is when you have to act it is like sugar problems it is also sugar Everything is fine Nothing happens you look at your sugar and you have prediabetes Generally what What is the posture currently Ah you have prediabetes Ah nothing happens Follow him now when you have diabetes and the problem starts and it increases to 300 Ah no now yes Now we do have to act But it is not too late but I don't see any reason to wait so long if we already have a The problem is that you have to try to solve it from that moment on. It's that the thyroid works well, well, that's good.
And that's what it's about, not that your thyroid is fine and you don't want to wait until it no longer works to take action. I think I can explain myself. Summarizing then, an adequate synthesis by providing iodine, an adequate metabolism by providing the year, reducing inflammation by providing selenium.
Where we can find natural sources of iodine, mainly in seafood, which is food that comes from the sea, not fish, tuna are excellent sources of iodine, eggs, for example, yogurt. Dairy cheeses are another source of iodine, as I mentioned, the vast majority of processed foods today have iodine. So iodine deficiency is rare.
Salt, if we tend to use a little bit of salt, is generally already iodized. It already has iodine. And with these changes it is more than enough to administer the amount of iodine we need now with salt.
Generally there is a myth that salt is bad, that salt kills you, without salt we would die, salt provides sodium or chlorine, which is chloride. of sodium without this we would die without this there are no action potentials without this our brain our heart completely paralyzes a certain amount of salt is necessary and in fact here you go curious fact salt is sometimes the solution and the way to reverse the migraine I didn't know until recently that I delved deeper into this topic and I found out that some cases of migraines are severe headaches that occur suddenly in episodes that can last two or three days or so and sometimes there is a family history, mom, dad. has it or something like that then the migraine in many cases adding a little salt These episodes go down a lot, so there is a myth about salt being absolutely bad.
Not everything in excess is bad, so I imagine you agree, everything in excess is harmful to you. Salt has to be present in certain quantities and if we are going to consume it there We are providing iodine to our body. Those would be the main natural sources of iodine supplements.
They also exist and are found just like that. Or you can find iodine, like this word that you see here on the screen. You can find supplements that say thyroid or fire, depending on the dose.
What I recommend is 300 to 400 micrograms per day and maintain this amount of 200 to Sorry to maintain this amount for approximately 2 to 3 months. The truth is that if you do not lack iodine, providing more will not benefit you either. I comment again, it is extremely rare or infrequent to find a lack of iodine but for a month or two that you use it it will not cause any problems.
I think it is worth using it if we already have thyroid problems, just be careful not to confuse yourself because there is also iodine or golden solutions but they are used as antiseptics that are not to be taken, they are for washing or healing wounds, they are like disinfectants. The only care you should take is not to confuse these supplements in terms of Natural sources of selenium, garlic. It is possibly the most powerful.
And the one that has higher concentrations of selenium, there are people who don't like it. I think that there are few cases, the vast majority do like it in different presentations and garlic is an excellent source of selenium, which, as I told you a while ago, the woman who had not the thyroid began to make several changes and one of them is to incorporate garlic and garlic I believe that this is what happened increased selenium and that is why it was able to eliminate or undo these not the thyroid garlic main source of selenium number 2 liver the liver It is a viscera that has a lot of vitamins, a lot of minerals, a lot of iron and it also has a lot of selenium. And this is not surprising because since the liver is like a storehouse of energy and it is like a storehouse of vitamins and other substances that the body needs so liver is another very common source of this very very common and very large selenium.
I know that Depending on the country depending on the city or our culture or our customs There will be people who are not used to that at all and There will be people which is only common, at least in Mexico or where I am in Tijuana, if the liver is quite used in different presentations and this provides a lot of selenium. And besides, it is cheaper than the others, this is the vast majority of other foods, another fairly strong source of Selenium is seafood, fish, tuna, egg, yogurt, cheese, almost the same as the sources of iodine, but it comes in smaller quantities. Selenium is not seafood, in dairy products, in smaller quantities.
Probably the most powerful source is garlic, without a doubt, and here it is much simpler. a wide variety of selenium supplements I recommend 200 milligrams for at least two or three months so that you give this supplement time to act and for your metabolism of thyroid hormones to improve and for inflammation to go down and after that time in two three months reassess how you can reassess with laboratory studies and with ultrasound blood studies is the thyroid profile and if you want to measure inflammation proteins are reactivated ferritin dimer are used to measure inflammation and if you want to measure specific inflammation of the thyroid anti tpo antibodies for example, in the case of hypothyroidism And if there is doubt or if you have never had an ultrasound, it would also be good to help you identify if there are nodules, if there are lymph nodes, if there is inflammation, if there is any other lesion that you have not noticed, and ultrasound. It should also be part of your evaluation if you want to know more precisely how this gland works out there.
You will probably come across someone who will tell you no ultrasound there is no point no there is no case good Think about it another way ok There is no point But yes If you do it, it won't affect you at all, no, and I don't believe that ultrasound is an extremely expensive, priceless study like an MRI. magnetic or some other study this is much more invasive and more complex the ultrasound is not invasive they do not have to open they do not have to cut at all they do it in a matter of minutes and they generally do it in many places I am of this idea if you can measure Well, why not, it won't hurt you to measure and you may also discover something that you hadn't seen before and that may change the attitude of your treatment and decision making. Overdose by iodine Overdose by selenium is extremely rare.
In fact, I don't remember having seen any. Selenium is eliminated through the kidneys without any problem, it is through the urine, except for those cases that already have kidney failure and no longer urinate. Strange as it may seem, there are people who do not urinate when their kidneys no longer urinate.
function properly they stop producing urine and they can no longer eliminate substances there and they cannot eliminate fluid there and they depend on dialysis or hemodialysis to carry out that procedure perhaps that is the only context in which I no selenium Because if it is eliminated through urine and that person no longer urinates, then more selenium may accumulate then In conclusion the thyroid can be rescued but we must take action on the matter quickly Unfortunately the vast majority of this Because this is the way to treat the conventional way is to identify hypothyroidism . or a study cannot be done to know exactly what it is or when hypothyroidism is just beginning and that this is very common and that I have seen more and more often there are people who have diabetes who are very uncontrolled and who look for me because they want a guidance on how to reverse this problem and that they already have the thyroid profile done and that's how they did the study and I see that the thyroid works well but there are already alarming data that something is not so good that there is already a thyroid problem. I know I let them know and their obligatory question is doctor, I need to take the levothyroxine pill, I say no, it's not necessary yet, your gland works well, give it time.
Check it in a month, two months or three months and we'll see and what I've done. Seeing that there is a lot of improvement in this time, let's say that after two and three months it goes down like this and then it normalizes without the need to give another medication and that these nodules do go down in size. Not only with selenium, selenium is an excellent help that there is.
to incorporate, of course, otherwise it would be an incomplete treatment, but also the other interventions related to recovering health, restoring hormonal balance, lowering inflammation and restoring that microbiota. Selenium milligrams per day, inflammation can be measured in the blood, remember, and it must be monitored together with a Ultrasound, if you have had the problem for a long time, it will be very complicated because perhaps that gland is already very small and there is no tissue to rescue. I am Dr Cota and I am doing this video this way because in reality it was a live I had problems with the audio the problem I had is that the microphone ran out of battery and that's why I'm recording it this way I hope I have helped you and given you a little more clarity with these thyroid issues because if we attack it and We identify it in early stages, we can completely reverse it so that you do not depend on the pill and let it be that it is a daily pill.
I wish it were that easy but this dose of thyroid hormone is not fixed, it is not like you are going to take 100 for everything. life and no longer This can change as more weight you lose weight you do other situations simply pregnancy there are women who get pregnant who maybe during pregnancy they have to adjust that dose so it takes away the hassle of having to keep increasing or lowering the dose. pill to be checking if you have already passed or not with this blood tests taking all of that away is within the reach of some cases, not all of them Unfortunately, but yes, Many And that is what I would do if I start with thyroid problems, I am determined to reverse and recover that thyroid function It seems to me that Frank Suárez has excellent work and excellent information.
You probably know him much more than I know him.
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