LISTEN EVERY NIGHT | Deep Sleep Prayers That Will Cover You With God's Presence

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
[Music] I am sure that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced various storms and difficulties in life we have all gotten to the point where we start asking God questions questions like why is this happening to me or perhaps you've asked a question like God how will this situation work out for my good the Bible in Romans 8: 28 says as we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose the thing about us as
humans is that we always want to know all of the details we want to know how God will make a way where there seems to be no way we want to know how exactly God operates and why he allows certain things to happen now should you find yourself in a storm of difficulty may I remind you that Psalm 34: 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all however as humans we always want to know the details how exactly will the Lord Deliver Us however I would
like to encourage you and tell you that God is Sovereign meaning that he possesses Supreme and ultimate power and because the Lord possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question God we are not to demand answers or feel as though we're on the same level with God that he has to explain himself that's not the case our part is to have faith that God means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not
to ask how but it's simply to trust that God honors his word if the word of God tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all then my part is to Hold On by faith to this promise with the eyes of Faith you can see the hand of God the goodness of God in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in that set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as
unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as Awakening a hunger for righteousness and Holiness like never before in your life or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in that situation and we don't see what God is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficult ulty is God wanting to reveal to you how real he is perhaps this is a test
where God wants to demonstrate himself to be your provider or perhaps the Lord wants to use this trial in your life to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you and so dear friend whatever the purpose of this trial you're in I encourage you to do your part your part is to hold on in faith and look to Jesus now let us pray Lord God I bow down before you and acknowledge you to be the Great I Am father help us to trust you more give us Faith Without Borders give us the type of faith that
can walk on water lord together with everyone listening we believe that you King Jesus Christ can still perform miracles on this Earth today you can still make every crooked path straight you can still mend every broken heart and make it whole again Holy Spirit teach us how to change our perspectives help us to learn to walk by faith and not by sight open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind Lord I pray that you would fill us with the Holy
Spirit fill us with boldness and courage Lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who ask what do you want me to learn in this Lord during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of the righteous are many you're a God who delivers us out of them all so instead of speaking about the negative only give us a mind that thinks on those good things that are promised in the Bible give us a mind that holds on
to your promises promises such as Psalm 34:17 which says the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles We Praise You Lord Jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us I declare your promise in Exodus 14:14 which says the Lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent Lord Jesus you you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely
trust in you and as we call out the name of Jesus to intervene we ask for your intervention Lord Jesus because the Bible says in nahem 1 verse 7 the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of trouble and my prayer today with everyone listening is that your holy power would change our carnal mindsets I pray for everyone who's in the middle of a storm right now Lord would you let this storm become a testimony and a
demonstration of your saving power Lord we declare that as sons and daughter of the most high we are Overcomers in you Lord we are more than conquerors our physical eyes might not see it yet but I pray you would open our spiritual eyes of Faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us and shielding Us from Evil father I know that there is power in the blood of Jesus Christ enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us for that we praise you continue to work in our lives thank you for
hearing this prayer amen the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires Ires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did
all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that
is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I
have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name
he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so
with this understanding let us pray you are Our Savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1:5 says before
I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a
powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me
whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faith fness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us
to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice
over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen in Isaiah 40:31 the Bible says but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint all throughout the Bible we see these promises promises that God will give us strength in our time of need promises that our heartfelt and persistent
prayers will be heard by the Lord promises that we should not sorrow because through the joy of the Lord we have strength over and over again we are reminded that no matter what we Face there is hope we are heard by the Lord we should not rely on ourselves for strength but instead we should understand that our strength comes from Jesus our strength to live righteously comes from the Lord our strength to pray persistently comes from the lord it's not about our ability to fight or persevere it's all about Jesus Christ now let us [Music]
pray Heavenly Father your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness towards us is unmatched thank you for the many blessings over our lives I am so grateful for the assurance that you are a living God a God who cares for me a God who considers me and loves me we thank you for the blessing of peace in our minds the blessing of joy unspeakable in our hearts Lord we we pray that you would guide and direct our steps your word in Proverbs 3:6 says in all your ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct your
paths Holy Spirit help me to acknowledge the Lord in all of my ways so that he can direct my paths I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind me that the joy of the Lord is my my strength and I am no longer a slave to fear but I am a child of God and as such I can claim victory over any trial and over every Temptation guide me in my decision making Lord and help me to make the right choices that are pleasing to you in each and every area of my life Lord I
Look to You for provision when I I am in need and I declare your word in Psalm 37:25 which says I have been young and now am old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendence begging bread I claim This Promise over every need in my life today Lord and I trust that you will not forsake me as I seek peace Direction and all other good gifts that come from you Lord is your children we agree and stand on your promises your promises that tell us that surely goodness and mercy shall follow
us all the days of our lives and while I do not know what lies ahead while I don't know what tomorrow holds I am thankful that I know the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'm grateful that I know you Lord the one who holds the future in his hands and I can be confident to say it is well with me because I have you to guide me and to lead me and so I pray that you would never allow me to deviate from your will I pray that I would never become someone who walks
in [Music] Disobedience I thank you you Lord and together with everyone listening we draw strength from the joy of the Lord watch over our steps Lord Jesus I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer amen the word of God teaches us that faith is absolutely necessary for a believer in Christ it's by faith that we come to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father
above Hebrews 11:6 says but without faith it is impossible to walk with God and please him for whoever comes near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly and diligently seek Him Matthew 21:22 and whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith Ephesians 2:8 says for by Grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God this underlines just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our Christian Living Hebrews
11:1 says now Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen the new King James translation of that same verse says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen pay close attention to how the Bible describes Faith first faith is Assurance meaning it's a guarantee it's a declaration of confidence in God's power and in his ability secondly faith is substance meaning that it's real it's tangible third faith is conviction it's a strong or firmly held belief persuasion or position in God there is no
doubt and fourth faith is evidence faith is the proof the indication the display of total trust in the Lord in a court of law there will always be an argument put forward by each party both the prosecutor and defendant will have to provide evidence in order to persuade the court to find the case in their favor and it's the evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision so if the Bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen that means that faith is US presenting our belief as evidence
to God so when you say Lord I trust you to be my provider how strong is your evidence how strong is the belief that you are presenting to God when you say God I trust you to be my healer just how robust is the case that you're putting forward is it backed by layers and layers of faith is it backed by the action of you waiting patiently on God without murmuring or complaining is it backed by evidence such as you being able to still have joy and praise in your heart even though you are still
waiting on God to meet your need faith is something that we should live with and exercise every single day Faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in God's word faith in who God is and faith in his promises heavenly father I give you glory and I give you praise Lord I pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith King Jesus Lord help me to trust you like job did if I were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were
taken away from me I pray that I'd be be able to have a trust that is unshakable I pray that I will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in Job 13:15 though he slay me I will hope in him God I pray that I might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me Faith Like Moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the
faith to step out and walk on water when I think I can't do that or I won't succeed I pray for bold faith that will say With God all things are possible Give Me Faith to truly believe that you are the god of I am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way Lord I pray for a Heart of Worship like David I too want to chase after your heart I too want to worship you in spirit and in [Music] truth dear God give me the boldness of the three
Hebrew boys the boldness to remove every Idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life Lord help me to be bold enough to remove it God give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if I can just Touch the Hem of your garment if I can just be in your presence I believe I'll be made whole Lord I want to be obedient like Noah so that when the naysayers come I may have the strength the belief and
the conviction to obey you father I pray for wisdom like Solomon so that I may be able to navigate this life so that I may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends Lord Make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart God give me Divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless Holy Ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control I declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my God will
see me through [Music] my God will supply all of my needs I declare that even though I may come across Giants and various enemies my faith in Jesus Christ will not be moved my faith in the Son of God will remain sturdy and firm Lord I Thank you for the assurance that you have given me in John 14:1 where the Bible reads s do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me it is because of your word that I have faith to keep going in this life and father I
pray that your presence may increase in my life as I decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in Jesus name I pray [Music] amen who do you depend on when life gets tough who do you depend on when you see nothing but trouble and Chaos around you who do you depend on when you have no strength who is it that you depend on when you're faced with circumstances that you can do nothing about well today people of God I want to encourage you to depend on God depend on a God who has given us
wonderful promises in the bible promises that should Lift us up when life tries to push us down promises that should bring peace to our hearts even if our external environment is tumultuous God's promises are what you and I I should depend on because God is a faithful God he's a God who keeps his word because he is truth now I pray that this message will serve as a reminder to each and every believer listening I want you to know that when you begin to trust in God's promises you'll realize that you are well taken care
of you will lack for nothing and for those who may be wondering what are these promises allow me to remind you what the Bible says in Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you this is a promise a promise for those seasons in life when you feel as though you can't can't get a break it's a promise that God Almighty will help you the Lord will come to your Aid he will be your support he will
be your Pillar of Strength Isaiah 40:29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength this is a promise a promise for us to hold on to in times of weakness God will give strength to the weary he will help you to stand when times get tough he will help you to move forward when it looks like you are about to be overwhelmed in Exodus 14:14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise
of safety God will fight your battles he will fight our battles and we need to only hold our peace and so there's no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in Philippians 4: 19 says and and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need
this doesn't mean you will have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises now let us pray Lord Jesus be praised Master be glorified I thank you for the many promises in your word your word says in Deuteronomy 31:8 and the Lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake take you do not fear nor be dismayed
I Praise You Lord because you have promised to go before me you have promised to be with me you have promised to never leave or forsake me for this I praise you friends and even family members May abandon me they may walk away from me and turn their backs on me however I think thank you for your faithfulness you have promised never to leave me on my own you have promised to always be by my side and for this reason I Will Rejoice your word in Psalm 32:8 says I will instruct you and teach you
in the way you should go I will guide you with my eye Lord I will hold on to this promise I will put my trust in you and in your word guide me Lord when I don't know which direction to go light up my eyes teach me Lord Jesus help me to be obedient to your word order my steps in everything I do be my God open the right doors for me father and close the wrong doors bring the right opportunities my way father I will trust in you and your ways your word in Luke
11:9 to13 says so I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open if a son asks for bread from any father among on you will he give him a stone or if he asks for a fish will he give him a serpent instead of a fish or if he asks for an egg will he offer him a scorpion if you then being
evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him thank you Father for this promise you are a father who is good and you know how to give good gifts to your children and so King Jesus I will depend on you when life gets tough I will depend on you when I see nothing but trouble and Chaos around me I will depend on you when I have no strength for all my needs I will seek you I will ask you
and I will knock on Heaven's Door I have put my faith in you Lord and I will completely depend on a God who is faithful to his word your promises Lift Me Up when life tries to push me down your promises bring peace to my heart even when my external environment is chaotic and tumultuous I Praise You Lord you have promised me that when I pass through the waters you will be with me and when I pass through the rivers they will not sweep over me when I walk through the fire I will not be
burned and the Flames will not set me Ablaze because you are with me King Jesus surely if you are for me no one can be against me I thank you for hearing my prayer be praised Lord be glorified in Jesus name I pray amen I am sure that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced various storms and difficulties in life we have all gotten to the point where we start asking God questions questions like why is this happening to me or perhaps you've asked a question like God how
will this situation work out for my good the Bible in Romans 8: 28 says as we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose the thing about us as humans is that we always want to know all of the details we want to know how God will make a way where there seems to be no way we want to know how exactly God operates in what why he allows certain things to happen now should you find yourself in a storm of
difficulty may I remind you that Psalm 34:1 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all however as humans we always want to know the details how exactly will the Lord Deliver Us however I would like to encourage you and tell you that God is Sovereign meaning that he possesses Supreme and ultimate power and because the Lord possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question God we are not to demand answers or feel as though we're on the same
level with God that he has to explain himself that's not the case our part is to have faith that God means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not to ask how but it's simply to trust that God honors his word if the word of God tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all then my part is to Hold On by faith to this promise with the eyes of faith
you can see the hand of God the goodness of God in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in that set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as Awakening a hunger for righteousness and Holiness like never before in your life or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on
the negative we don't see the positive in that situation and we don't see what God is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty is God wanting to reveal to you how real he is perhaps this is a test where God wants to demonstrate himself to be your provider or perhaps the Lord wants to use this trial in your life to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you and so dear friend whatever the purpose of this trial you're in I encourage you to do your part your part is to hold on
in faith and look to Jesus now let us pray Lord God I bow down before you and acknowledge you to be the Great I Am father help us to trust you more give us Faith Without Borders give us the type of faith that can walk on water lord together with everyone listening we believe that you King Jesus Christ can still perform miracles on this Earth today you can still make every crooked path straight you can still mend every broken heart and make it whole again Holy Spirit teach us how to change our perspectives help us
to learn to walk by faith and not by sight open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind Lord I pray that you would fill us with the Holy Spirit fill us with boldness and courage Lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who ask what do you want me to learn in this Lord during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of
the righteous are many you're a God who delivers us out of them all so instead of speaking about the negative only give us a mind that thinks on those good things that are promised in the Bible give us a mind that holds on to your promises promises such as Psalm 34:17 which says the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their trouble We Praise You Lord Jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us I declare your promise in Exodus 14:14 which
says the Lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent Lord Jesus you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely trust in you and as we call out the name of Jesus to intervene we ask for your intervention Lord Jesus because the Bible says in nahem 1:7 the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of
trouble and my prayer today with everyone listening is that your holy power would change our carnal mindsets I pray for everyone who's in the middle of a storm right now Lord would you let this storm become a testimony and a demonstration of your saving power Lord we declare that as sons and daughter of the most high we are Overcomers in you Lord we are more than conquerors our physical eyes might not see it yet but I pray you would open our spiritual eyes of Faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us
and shielding Us from Evil father I know that there is power in the blood of Jesus Christ enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us for that we praise you you continue to work in our lives thank you for hearing this prayer amen the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him
should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you
A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him him he loved us while you and I turned our
backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once
said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course
God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on the cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you
gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1: 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and
all deeds and thoughts in the Darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything
else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The
Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we
trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer re ree you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray Amen in Isaiah chapter 40:31 the Bible says but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they
shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint all throughout the Bible we see these promises promises that God will give us strength in our time of need promises that our heartfelt and persistent prayers will be heard by the Lord promises that we should not sorrow because through the joy of the Lord we have strength over and over again we are reminded that no matter what we Face there is hope we are heard by the Lord we should not rely on ourselves for strength but
instead we should understand that our strength comes from Jesus our strength to live righteously comes from from the Lord our strength to pray persistently comes from the lord it's not about our ability to fight or persevere it's all about Jesus Christ now let us pray Heavenly Father your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness towards us is unmatched thank you for the many blessings over over our lives I am so grateful for the assurance that you are a living God a God who cares for me a God who considers me and loves me we
thank you for the blessing of peace in our minds the blessing of joy unspeakable in our hearts Lord we pray that you would guide and direct our steps your word in Proverbs 3: six says in all your ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct your paths Holy Spirit help me to acknowledge the Lord in all of my ways so that he can direct my paths I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind me that the joy of the Lord is my strength and I am no longer a slave to fear but I am a child
of God and as such I can claim victory over any trial and over every Temptation guide me in my decision making Lord and help me to make the right choices that are pleasing to you in each and every area of my life Lord I Look to You for provision when I am in need and I declare your word in Psalm 37:25 which says I have been young and now am old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread I claim This Promise over every need in my life today Lord and
I trust that you will not forsake me as I seek peace Direction and all other good gifts that come from you Lord as your children we are agree and stand on your promises your promises that tell us that surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and while I do not know what lies ahead while I don't know what tomorrow holds I am thankful that I know the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'm grateful that I know you Lord the one who holds the future in his hands and I
can be confident to say it is well with me because I have you to guide me and to lead me and so I pray that you would never allow me to deviate from your will I pray that I would never become someone who walks in Disobedience I thank you Lord and together with everyone listening we draw strength from the joy of the Lord [Music] watch over our steps Lord Jesus I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer amen the word of God teaches us that faith is absolutely necessary for
a believer in Christ it's by faith that we come to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father above Hebrews 11:6 says but without faith it is impossible to walk with God and please him for whoever comes near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly and diligently seek Him Matthew 21:22 and whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have [Music]
faith Ephesians 2:8 says for by Grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God this underlines just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our Christian chrisan living Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen the new King James translation of that same verse says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen pay close attention to how the Bible describes faith first faith
is Assurance meaning it's a guarantee it's a declaration of confidence in God's power and in his ability secondly faith is substance meaning that it's real it's tangible third faith is conviction it's a strong or firmly held belief persuasion or position in God there is no doubt and fourth faith is evidence faith is the proof the indication the display of total trust in the Lord in a court of law there will always be an argument put forward by each party both the prosecutor and defendant will have to provide evidence in order to persuade the court to
find the case in their favor and it's the evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision so if the Bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen that means that faith is US presenting our belief as evidence to God so when you say Lord I trust you to be my provider how strong is your evidence how strong is the belief that you are presenting to God when you say God I trust you to be my healer just how robust is the case that you're putting forward is it
backed by layers and layers of faith is it backed by the action of you waiting patiently on God without murmuring or complaining is it backed by evidence such as you being able to still have joy and praise in your heart even though you are still waiting on God to meet your need faith is something that we should live with and exercise every single day Faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in God's word faith in who God is and faith in his [Music] promises heavenly father I give you glory and I
give you praise Lord I pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith King Jesus Lord help me to trust you like job did if I were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me I pray that I'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable I pray that I will always be able to also de declare the words that were declared in Job 13:15 though he slay me I will hope in [Music] him God I pray that I
might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me Faith Like Moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my car calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when I think I can't do that or I won't succeed I pray for bold faith that will say With God all things are possible Give Me Faith to truly believe that you are the god of I am and that you
will make a way when there's seems to be no way Lord I pray for a Heart of Worship like David I too want to chase after your heart I too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear God give me the boldness of the three Hebrew boys the boldness to remove every Idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life Lord help me to be bold enough to remove it God give me the determination that the woman with the issue of
blood had that if I can just Touch the Hem of your garment if I can just be in your presence I believe I'll be made whole Lord I want to be obedient like Noah so that when the naysayer come I may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey [Music] you father I pray for wisdom like Solomon so that I may be able to navigate this life so that I may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends Lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart
God give me Divine peace peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless Holy Ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of [Music] control I declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my God will see me [Music] through my God will supply all of my needs I declare that even though I may come across Giants and various enemies my faith in Jesus Christ will not be moved my faith in the Son of God will remain sturdy and firm Lord I
Thank you for the assurance that you have given me in John 14:1 where the Bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me [Music] it is because of your word that I have faith to keep going in this life and father I pray that your presence may increase in my life as I decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in Jesus name I pray amen who do you depend on when life gets tough who do you depend on when you see nothing but trouble and Chaos around
you who do you depend on when you have no strength who is it that you depend on when you're faced with circumstances that you can do nothing about well today people have gone I want to encourage you to depend on God depend on a God who has given us wonderful promises in the bible promises that should Lift us up when life tries to push us down promises that should bring peace to our hearts even if our external environment is tumultuous God's promises are what you and I should depend on because God is a faithful God
he's a God who keeps his word because he is truth now I pray that this message will serve as a reminder to each and every believer listening I want you to know that when you begin to trust in God's promises you'll realize that you are well taken care of you will lack for nothing and for those who may be wondering what are these promises allow me to remind you what the the Bible says in Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I
am the one who helps you this is a promise a promise for those seasons in life when you feel as though you can't get a break it's a promise that God Almighty will help you the Lord will come to your Aid he will be your support he will be your Pillar of Strength Isaiah 40:29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength this is a promise a promise for us to hold on to in times of weakness God will give strength to the weary he will help
you to stand when time s get tough he will help you to move forward when it looks like you are about to be overwhelmed in Exodus 14:14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise of safety God will fight your battles he will fight our battles and we need to only hold our peace and so there's no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a
promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in Philippians 4: 19 says and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need this doesn't mean you will have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises now let us pray Lord Jesus be praised
Master be glorified I thank you for the many promises in your word your word says in Deuteronomy 31:8 and the Lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed I Praise You Lord because you have promised to go before me you have promised to be with me you have promised to never leave or forsake me for this I praise you friends and even family members May abandon me they may walk away from me and turn their backs
on me however I thank you for your faithfulness you have promised never to leave me on my own you have promised to always be by my side and for this reason I Will Rejoice your word in Psalm 32 verse 8 says I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go I will guide you with my eye Lord I will hold on to this promise I will put my trust in you and in your word guide me Lord when I don't know which direction to go light up my eyes teach me Lord
Jesus help me to be obedient to your word order my steps in everything I do be my God open the right doors for me father and close the wrong doors bring the right opportunities my way father I will trust in you and in your ways your word in Luke 11: 9-13 says so I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open if
a son asks for bread from any father among you will he give him a stone or if he asks for a fish will he give him a serpent instead of a fish or if he asks for an egg will he offer him a scorpion if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him thank you Father for this promise you are a father who is good and you know how to give good gifts to your children
and so King Jesus I will depend on you when life gets tough I will depend on you when I see nothing but trouble and Chaos around me I will depend on you when I have no strength for all my needs I will seek you I will ask you and I will knock on Heaven's Door I have put my faith in you Lord and I will completely depend on a God who is faithful to his his word your promises Lift Me Up when life tries to push me down your promises bring peace to my heart even
when my external environment is chaotic and tumultuous I Praise You Lord you have promised me that when I pass through the waters you will be with me and when I pass through the rivers they will not sweep over me when I walk through the fire I will not be burned and the Flames will not set me Ablaze because you are with me King Jesus surely if you are for me no one can be against me I thank you for hearing my prayer be praised Lord be glorified in Jesus name I pray amen I am sure
that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced various storms and difficulties in life we have all gotten to the point where we start asking God questions questions like why is this happening to me or perhaps you've asked a question like God how will this situation work out for my good the Bible in Romans 8: 28 says as we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose the thing about us as humans is that we
always want to know all of the details we want to know how God will make a way where there seems to be no way we want to know how exactly God operates and why he allows certain things to happen now should you find yourself in a storm of difficulty may I remind you that Psalm 34: 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all however as humans we always want to know the details how exactly will the Lord Deliver Us however I would like to encourage you
and tell you that God is Sovereign meaning that he possesses Supreme and ultimate power and because the Lord possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question God we are not to demand answers or feel as though we're on the same level with God that he has to explain himself that's not the case our part is to have faith that God means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not to ask how but
it's simply to trust that God honors his word if the word of God tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all then my part is to Hold On by faith to this promise with the eyes of Faith you can see the hand of God the goodness of God in every situation regardless of how painful through Faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in that set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire
for prayer in your life a purpose such as Awakening a hunger for righteousness and Holiness like never before in your life or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in that situation and we don't see what God is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty is God wanting to reveal to you how real he is perhaps this is a test where God wants to demonstrate
himself to be your provider or perhaps the Lord wants to use this trial in your life to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you and so dear friend whatever the purpose of this trial you're in I encourage you to do your part your part is to hold on in faith and look to Jesus now let us pray Lord God I bow down before you and acknowledge you to be the Great I Am father help us to trust you more give us Faith Without Borders give us the type of faith that can walk on water lord
together with everyone listening we believe that you King Jesus Christ can still perform miracles on this Earth today you can still make every crooked path straight you can still mend every broken heart and make it whole again Holy Spirit teach us how to change our perspectives help us to learn to walk by faith and not by sight open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind Lord I pray that you would fill us with the Holy Spirit fill us with boldness
and courage Lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who ask what do you want me to learn in this Lord during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of the righteous are many you're a God who delivers us out of them all so instead of speaking about the negative only give us a mind that thinks on those good things that are promised in the Bible give us a mind that holds on to your promises promises such
as Psalm 34:17 which says the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles We Praise You Lord Jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us I declare your promise in Exodus 14:14 which says the Lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent Lord Jesus you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely trust in you and as we
call out the name of Jesus to intervene we ask for your intervention Lord Jesus because the Bible says in nahem 1: 7 the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of trouble and my prayer today with everyone listening is that your holy power would change change our carnal mindsets I pray for everyone who's in the middle of a storm right now Lord would you let this storm become a testimony and a demonstration of your saving power Lord
we declare that as sons and daughter of the most high we are Overcomers in you Lord we are more than conquerors our physical eyes might not see it yet but I pray you would open our spirit spiritual eyes of Faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us and shielding Us from Evil father I know that there is power in the blood of Jesus Christ enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us for that we praise you continue to work in our lives thank you for hearing this prayer amen the
love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:1 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the
cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize is the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him
he he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15 verse 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have
loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he
knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this
understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in jermiah 1:5 says before I formed
you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love
though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I
have called on your name name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize
and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you
with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I up Lift Your Name on High father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray Amen in Isaiah 40:31 the Bible says but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be with weary they shall walk and not faint all throughout the Bible we see these promises promises that God will give us strength in our time of need promises that our heartfelt and persistent
prayers will be heard by the Lord promises that we should not sorrow because through the joy of the Lord we have strength over and over again we are reminded that no matter what we Face there is hope we are heard by the Lord we should not rely on ourselves for strength but instead we should understand that our strength comes from Jesus our strength to live righteously comes from the Lord our strength to pray persistently comes from the lord it's not about our ability to fight or persevere it's all about Jesus Christ now let us pray
Heavenly Father your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness towards us is unmatched thank you for the many blessings over our lives I am so grateful for the assurance that you are a living God a God who cares for me a God who considers me and loves me we thank you for the blessing of peace in our minds the blessing of joy unspeakable in our hearts Lord we pray that you would guide and direct our steps your word in Proverbs 3:6 says in all your ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct your paths Holy
Spirit help me to acknowledge the Lord in all of my ways so that he can direct my paths I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind me that the joy of the Lord is my strength and I am no longer a slave to fear but I am a child of God and as such I can claim victory over any trial and over every temptation guide me in my decision making Lord and help me to make the right choices that are pleasing to you in each and every area of my life Lord I Look to You
for provision when I am in need and I declare your word in Psalm 37:25 which says I have been young and now I'm old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread I claim This Promise over every need in my life today Lord and I trust that you will not forsake me as I seek peace Direction and all other good gifts that come from you Lord as your children we agree and stand on your promises your promises that tell us that surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days
of our lives and while I do not know what lies ahead while I don't know what tomorrow holds I am thankful that I know the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'm grateful that I know you Lord the one who holds the future in his hands and I can be confident to say it is well with me because I have you to guide me and to lead me and so I pray that you would never allow me to deviate from your will I pray that I would never become someone who walks in Disobedience I thank
you Lord and together with everyone listening we draw strength from the joy of the Lord watch over our steps Lord Jesus I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer amen the word of God teaches us that faith is absolutely necessary for a believer in Christ it's by faith that we come to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father above Hebrews 11:6 says but without
faith it is impossible to walk with God and please him for whoever comes near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly and diligently seek Him Matthew 21:22 and whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith Ephesians 2:8 says for by Grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God this underlines just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our Christian Living Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is the
Assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen the new King James translation of that same verse says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen pay close attention to how the Bible describes Faith first faith is Assurance meaning it's a guarantee it's a declaration of confidence in God's power and in his ability secondly faith is substance meaning that it's real it's tangible third faith is conviction it's a strong or firmly held belief persuasion or position in God there is no doubt and fourth faith is evidence
faith is the proof proof the indication the display of total trust in the Lord in a court of law there will always be an argument put forward by each party both the prosecutor and defendant will have to provide evidence in order to persuade the court to find the case in their favor and it's the evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision so if the Bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen that means that faith is US presenting our belief as evidence to God so when you
say Lord I trust you to be my provider how strong is your evidence how strong is the belief that you are presenting to God when you say God I trust you to be my healer just how robust is the case that you're putting forward is it backed by layers and layers of faith is it backed by the action of you waiting patiently on God without murmuring or complaining is it backed by evidence such as you being able to still have joy and praise in your heart even though you are still waiting on God to meet
your need faith is something that we should live with and exercise every single day Faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in God's word faith in who God is and faith in his [Music] promises heavenly father I give you glory and I give you praise Lord I pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith King Jesus Lord help me to trust you like job did if I were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me
I pray that I'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable I pray that I will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in Job 13:15 though he slay me I will hope in him God I pray that I might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me Faith Like Moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and
walk on water when I think I can't do that or I won't succeed I pray for bold faith that will say With God all things are possible Give Me Faith to truly believe that you are the god of I am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way Lord I pray for a Heart of Worship like David I too want to chase after your heart I too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear God give me the boldness of the three Hebrew boys the boldness to remove
every Idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life Lord help me to be bold enough to remove it God give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if I can just touch the Hemm of your garment if I can just be in your presence I believe I'll be made whole Lord I want to be obedient like Noah so that when the naysayers come I may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you [Music]
father I pray for wisdom like Solomon so that I may be able to navigate this life so that I may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends Lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart God give me Divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless Holy Ghost help help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control I declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my God will see me through my
God will supply all of my needs I declare that even though I may come across Giants and various enemies my faith in Jesus Christ will not be moved my faith in the Son of God will remain sturdy and firm Lord I Thank you for the assurance that you have given me in John 14:1 where the Bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me it is because of your word that I have faith to keep going in this life and father I pray that your presence may increase
in my life as I decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in Jesus name I pray [Music] amen who do you depend on when life gets tough who do you depend on when you see nothing but trouble and Chaos around you who do you depend on when you have no strength who is it that you depend on when you're faced with circumstances that you can do nothing about well today people of God I want to encourage you to depend on God depend on a God who is given us wonderful promises in the bible promises
that should Lift us up when life tries to push us down promises that should bring peace to our hearts even if our external environment is tumultuous God's promises are what you and I should depend on because God is a faithful God he's a God who keeps his word because he is truth now I pray that this message will serve as a reminder to each each and every believer listening I want you to know that when you begin to trust in God's promises you'll realize that you are well taken care of you will lack for nothing
and for those who may be wondering what are these promises allow me to remind you what the Bible says in Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you this is a promise a promise for those seasons in life when you feel as though you can't get a break it's a promise that God Almighty will help you the Lord will come to your Aid he will be your support he will be your Pillar of Strength Isaiah 40:
vers 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength this is a promise a promise for us to hold on to in times of weakness God will give strength to the weary he will help you to stand when times get tough he will help you to move forward when it looks like you are about to be overwhelmed in Exodus 14:14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise of safety God will fight
your battles he will fight our battles and we need to only hold our peace and so there's no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in Philippians 4: 19 says and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need this doesn't mean you will have
everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises now let us pray Lord Jesus be praised Master be glorified I thank you for the many prom promises in your word your word says in Deuteronomy 31:8 and the Lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed I Praise You Lord because you
have promised to go before me you have promised to be with me you have promised to never leave or forsake me for this I praise you friends and even family members May abandon me they may walk away from me and turn their backs on me however I thank you for your faithfulness you have promised never to leave me on my own you have promised to always be by my side and for this reason I Will Rejoice your word in Psalm 32 2:8 says I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go
I will guide you with my eye Lord I will hold on to this promise I will put my trust in you and in your word guide me Lord when I don't know which direction to go light up my eyes teach me Lord Jesus help me to be obedient to your word order my steps in everything I do be my God open the right doors for me father and close the wrong doors bring the right opportunities my way father I will trust in you and in your ways your word in Luke 11: 9-13 says so I
say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open if a son asks for bread from any father among you will he give him a stone or if he asks for a fish will he give him a serpent instead of a fish or if he asks for an egg will he offer him a scorpion if you then being evil know how to give good
gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him thank you Father for this promise you are a father who is good and you know how to give good gifts to your children and so King Jesus I will depend on you when life gets tough I will depend on you when and I see nothing but trouble and Chaos around me I will depend on you when I have no strength for all my needs I will seek you I will ask you and I will knock on
Heaven's Door I have put my faith in you Lord and I will completely depend on a God who is faithful to his word your promises Lift Me Up when life tries to push me down your promises bring peace to my heart even when my external environment is chaotic and tumultuous I Praise You Lord you have promised me that when I pass through the waters you will be with me and when I pass through the rivers they will not sweep over me when I walk through the fire I will not be burned and the Flames will
not set me Ablaze because you are with me King Jesus surely if you are for me no one can be against me I thank you for hearing my prayer be praised Lord be glorified in Jesus name I pray [Music] amen I am sure that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced various storms and difficulties in life we have all gotten to the point point where we start asking God questions questions like why is this happening to me or perhaps you've asked a question like God how will this situation
work out for my good the Bible in Romans 8: 28 says as we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose the thing about us as humans is that we always want to know all of the details we want to know how God will make a way where there seems to be no way we want to know how exactly God operates and why he allows certain things to happen now should you find yourself in a storm of difficulty may I remind
you that Psalm 34: 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all however as humans we always want to know the details how exactly will the Lord Deliver Us however I would like to encourage you and tell you that God is Sovereign meaning that he possesses Supreme and ultimate power and because the Lord possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question God we are not to demand answers or feel as though we're on the same level with God that
he has to explain himself that's not the case our part is to have faith that God means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not to ask how but it's simply to trust that God honors his word if the word of God tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all then my part is to Hold On by faith to this promise with the eyes of Faith you can see the
hand of God the goodness of God in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in that set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a spefic specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as Awakening a hunger for righteousness and Holiness like never before in your life or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we
don't see the positive in that situation and we don't see what God is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty is God wanting to reveal to you how real he is perhaps this is a test where God wants to demonstrate himself to be your provider or perhaps the Lord wants to use this trial in your life to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you and so dear friends whatever the purpose of this trial you're in I encourage you to do your part your part is to hold on in faith and
look to Jesus now let us pray Lord God I bow down before you and acknowledge you to be the Great I Am father help us to trust you more give us Faith Without Borders give us the type of faith that can walk on water lord together with everyone listening we believe that you King Jesus Christ can still perform miracles on this Earth today you can still make every crooked path straight you can still mend every broken heart and make it whole again Holy Spirit teaches how to change our perspectives help us to learn to walk
by faith and not by sight open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind Lord I pray that you would fill us with the Holy Spirit fill us with boldness and courage Lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who ask what do you want me to learn in this Lord during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of the righteous are many
you're a God who delivers us out of them all so instead of speaking about the negative only give us a mind that thinks on those good things that are promised in the Bible give us a mind that holds on to your promises promises such as Psalm 34:17 which says the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles We Praise You Lord Jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us I declare your promise in Exodus 14:14 which says the Lord will
fight for you and you have only to be silent Lord Jesus you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely trust in you and as we call out the name of Jesus to intervene we ask for your intervention Lord Jesus because the Bible says in nahem 1: 7 the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of trouble and my
prayer today with everyone listening is that your holy power would change our carnal mindsets I pray for everyone who's in the middle of a storm right now Lord would you let this storm become a testimony and a demonstration of your saving power Lord we declare that as sons and daughter of the most high we are Overcomers in you Lord we are more than conquerors our physical eyes might not see it yet but I pray you would open our spiritual eyes of Faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us and shielding us
from evil [Music] father I know that there is power in the blood of Jesus Christ enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us for that we praise you continue to work in our lives thank you for hearing this prayer amen the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but
have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that that will provide for you A Love That
Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord
he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you
but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and
it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten
son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in jermiah 1:5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in
the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will
be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that had has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence
is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on
to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray Amen in Isaiah 40:31 the Bible says but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like
eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint all throughout the Bible we see these promises promises that God will give us strength in our time of need promises that our heartfelt and persistent prayers will be heard by the Lord promises that we should not sorrow because through the joy of the Lord we have strength over and over again we are reminded that no matter what we Face there is hope we are heard by the Lord we should not rely on ourselves for strength but instead we should understand that our
strength comes from Jesus our strength to live righteously comes from the Lord our strength to pray persistently comes from the lord it's not about our ability to fight or persevere it's all about Jesus Christ now let us pray [Music] Heavenly Father your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness towards us is unmatched thank you for the many blessings over our lives I am so grateful for the assurance that you are a living God a God who cares for me a God who considers me and loves me we thank you for the blessing of peace
in our Minds The Blessing of joy unspeakable in our hearts Lord we pray that you would guide and direct our steps your word in Proverbs 3:6 says in all your ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct your paths Holy Spirit help me to acknowledge the Lord in all of my ways so that he can direct my paths I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind me that the joy of the Lord is my strength and I am no longer a slave to fear but I am a child of God and as such I can claim
victory over any trial and over every Temptation guide me in my decisionmaking Lord and help me to make the right choices that are pleasing to you in each and every area of my life Lord I Look to You for provision when I am in need and I declare your word in Psalm 37:25 which says I have been young and now I'm old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread I claim This Promise over every need in my life to day Lord and I trust that you will not forsake me
as I seek peace Direction and all other good gifts that come from you Lord as your children we agree and stand on your promises your promises that tell us that surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and while I do not know what lies ahead while I don't know what tomorrow holds I am thankful that I know the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'm grateful that I know you Lord the one who holds the future in his hands and I can be confident to say it is well with
me because I have you to guide me and to lead me and so I pray that you would never allow me to deviate from your will I pray that I would never become someone who walks in Disobedience I thank you Lord and together with everyone listening we draw strength from the joy of the Lord watch over our steps Lord Jesus I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer amen the word of God teaches us that faith is absolutely necessary for a believer in Christ it's by faith that we come
to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father above Hebrews 11:6 says but without faith it is impossible to walk with God and please him for whoever whoever comes near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly and diligently seek Him Matthew 21:22 and whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith Ephesians 2 ver8 says for by Grace you have
been saved through faith and this is is not your own doing it is the gift of God this underlines just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our Christian Living Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen the new King James translation of that same verse says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen pay close attention to how the Bible describes Faith first faith is Assurance meaning it's a guarantee it's a declaration
of confidence in God's power and in his ability secondly faith is substance meaning that it's it's real it's tangible third faith is conviction it's a strong or firmly held belief persuasion or position in God there is no doubt and fourth faith is evidence faith is the proof the indication the display of total trust in the Lord in a court of law there will always be an argument put forward by each party both the prosecutor and defendant will have to provide evidence in order to persuade the court to find the case in their favor and it's
the evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision so if the Bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen that means that faith is US presenting our belief as evidence to God so when you say Lord I trust you to be my provider how strong is your evidence how strong is the belief that you are presenting to God when you say God I trust you to be my healer just how robust is the case that you're putting forward is it backed by layers and layers of faith is
it backed by the action of of you waiting patiently on God without murmuring or complaining is it backed by evidence such as you being able to still have joy and praise in your heart even though you are still waiting on God to meet your need faith is something that we should live with and exercise every single day Faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in God's word faith in who God is and faith in his promises heavenly father I give you glory and I give you praise Lord I pray that you
would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith King Jesus Lord help me to trust you like job did if I were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me I pray that I'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable I pray that I will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in Job 13:15 though he slay me I will hope in him God I pray that I might have strong strong faith to be able to trust
you give me Faith Like Moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when I think I can't do that or I won't succeed I pray for both old faith that will say With God all things are possible Give Me Faith to truly believe that you are the god of I am and that you will make a way when there seems to be
no way Lord I pray for a Heart of Worship like David I too want to chase after your heart I too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear God give me the boldness of the three Hebrew boys the boldness to remove every Idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life Lord help me to be bold enough to remove it God give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if I can just touch the
Hemm of your your garment if I can just be in your presence I believe I'll be made whole Lord I want to be obedient like Noah so that when the naysayers come I may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you father I pray for wisdom like Solomon so that I may be able to navigate this life so that I may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends Lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart God give me Divine peace deep within my spirit
and soul help me not to be restless Holy Ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control I declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my God will see me through my God will supply all of my needs I declare that even though I may come across Giants and various enemies my faith in Jesus Christ will not be moved my faith in the Son of God will remain sturdy and firm Lord I Thank you for the assurance that you have given me in John
14:1 where the Bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me it is because of your word that I have faith to keep going in this life and father I pray that your presence may increase in my life as I decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in Jesus name I pray amen who do you depend on when life gets tough who do you depend on when you see nothing but trouble and Chaos around you who do you depend on when you have no strength who is
it that you depend on when you're faced with circumstances that you can do nothing about well today people of God I want to encourage you to depend on God depend on a God who is given us wonderful promises in the bible promises that should Lift us up when life tries to push us down promises that should bring peace to our hearts even if our external environment is tumultuous God's promises are what you and I should depend on because God is a faithful God he's a God who keeps his word because he is truth now I
pray that this message will serve as a reminder to each and every believer listening I want you to know that when you begin to trust in God's promises you'll realize that you are well taken care of you will lack for nothing and for those who may be wondering what are these promises allow me to remind you what the Bible says in Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you this is a promise a promise for those
seasons in life when you feel as though you can't get a break it's a promise that God Almighty will help you the Lord will come to your Aid he will be your support he will be your Pillar of Strength Isaiah 40:29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength this is a promise a promise for us to hold on to in times of weakness God will give strength to the weary he will help you to stand when times get tough he will help you to move forward
when it looks like you are about to be overwhelmed in Exodus 14 ver 14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise of safety God will fight your battles he will fight our battles and we need to only hold our peace and so there's no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in
Philippians 4: 19 says and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need this doesn't mean you will have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises now let us pray Lord Jesus be praised Master be glorified I thank you for the many promises in your
word your word says in Deuteronomy 31:8 and the Lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed I Praise You Lord because you have promised to go before me you have promised to be with me you have promised to never leave or forsake me for this I praise you friends and even family members May abandon me they may walk away from me and turn their backs on me however I thank you for your faithfulness you have promised
never to leave me on my own you have promised to always be by my side and for this reason I Will Rejoice your word in Psalm 32:8 says I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go I will guide you with my eye Lord I will hold on to this promise I will put my trust in you and in your word guide me Lord when I don't know which direction to go light up my eyes teach me Lord Jesus help me to be obedient to your word order my steps in everything
I do be my God open the right doors for me father and close the wrong doors bring the right opportunities my way father I will trust in you and in your ways your word in Luke 11: 9-13 says so I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open if a son asks for bread from any father among you will he give him
a stone or if he asks for a fish will he give him a serpent instead of a fish or if he asks for an egg will he offer him a scorpion if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him thank you Father for this promise you are a father who is good and you know how to give good gifts to your children and so King Jesus I will depend on you when life gets tough I
will depend on you when I see nothing but trouble and Chaos around me I will depend on you when I have no strength for all my needs I will seek you I will ask you and I will knock on Heaven's Door I have put my faith in you Lord and I will completely depend on a God who is faithful to his word your promises Lift Me Up when life tries to push me down your promises bring peace to my heart even when my external environment is chaotic and tumultuous I Praise You Lord you have promised
me that when I pass through the waters you will be with me and when I pass through the rivers they will not sweep over me when I walk through the fire I will not be burned and the Flames will not set me Ablaze because you are with me King Jesus surely if you are for me no one can be against me I thank you for hearing my prayer be praised Lord be glorified in Jesus name I pray amen I am sure that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced
various storms and difficulties in life we have all gotten to the point where we start asking God questions questions like why is this happening to me or perhaps you've asked a question like God how will this situation work out for my good the Bible in Romans 8: 28 says as we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose the thing about us as humans is that we always want to know all of the details we want to know how God will
make make a way where there seems to be no way we want to know how exactly God operates and why he allows certain things to happen now should you find yourself in a storm of difficulty may I remind you that Psalm 34: 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all however as humans we always want to know the details how exactly will the Lord Deliver Us however I would like to encourage you and tell you that God is Sovereign meaning that he possesses Supreme and ultimate
power and because the Lord possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question God we are not to demand answers or feel as though we're on the same level with God that he has to explain himself that's not the case our part is to have faith that God means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not to ask how but it's simply to trust that God honors his word if the word of God
tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all then my heart is to Hold On by faith to this promise with the eyes of Faith you can see the hand of God the goodness of God in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in that set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose purpose such as Awakening a hunger for
righteousness and Holiness like never before in your life or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in that situation and we don't see what God is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty is God wanting to reveal to you how real he is perhaps this is a test where God wants to demonstrate himself to be your provider or perhaps the Lord wants to use this
trial in your life to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you and so dear friend whatever the purpose of this trial you're in I encourage you to do your part your part is to hold on in faith and look to Jesus now let us pray Lord God I bow down before you and acknowledge you to be the Great I Am father help us to trust you more give us Faith Without Borders give us the type of faith that can walk on water lord together with everyone listening we believe that you King Jesus Christ Christ can
still perform miracles on this Earth today you can still make every crooked path straight you can still mend every broken heart and make it whole again Holy Spirit teaches how to change our perspectives help us to learn to walk by faith and not by sight open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind Lord I pray that you would fill us with the Holy Spirit fill us with boldness and courage Lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will
things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who ask what do you want me to learn in this Lord during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of the righteous are many you're a God who delivers us out of them all so instead of speaking about the negative only give us a mind that thinks on those good things that are promised in the Bible give us a mind that holds on to your promises promises such as Psalm 34:17 which says the righteous cry out and the Lord hears
and delivers them out of all their troubles We Praise You Lord Jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us I declare your promise in Exodus 14:14 which says the Lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent Lord Jesus you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely trust in you and as we call out the name of Jesus to intervene we ask for your intervention
Lord Jesus because the Bible says in nahem 1 verse 7 the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of trouble and my prayer today with everyone listening is that your holy power would change our carnal [Music] mindsets I pray for everyone who's in the middle of a storm right now Lord would you let this storm become a testimony and a demonstration of your saving power Lord we declare that as sons and daughter of the most high we
are Overcomers in you Lord we are more than conquerers our physical eyes might not see it yet but I pray you would open our spiritual eyes of Faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us and shielding Us from Evil father I know that there is power in the blood of Jesus Christ enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us for that we praise you continue to work in our lives thank you for hearing this prayer amen the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as
far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3: 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what
Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love
for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for
one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with
all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Lord Jesus and out of
love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1: 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I
set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall
short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am
grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it
for granted it may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your
name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray Amen in Isa Isaiah 40:31 the Bible says but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint all throughout the Bible we see these promises promises that God will give us strength in our time of need promises that our heartfelt and persistent prayers will be heard by the Lord promises that we should not sorrow
because through the joy of the Lord we have strength over and over again we are reminded that no matter what we Face there is hope we are heard by the Lord we should not rely on ourselves for strength but instead we should understand that our strength comes from Jesus our strength to live righteously comes from the Lord our strength to pray persistently comes from the lord it's not about our ability to fight or persevere it's all about Jesus Christ now let us pray Heavenly Father your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness towards us
is unmatched thank you for the many blessings over our lives I am so grateful for the assurance that you are a living God a God who cares for me a God who considers me and loves me we thank you for the blessing of peace in our minds the blessing of joy unspeakable in our hearts Lord we pray that you would would guide and direct our steps your word in Proverbs 3:6 says in all your ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct your paths Holy Spirit help me to acknowledge the Lord in all of my ways
so that he can direct my paths I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind me that the joy of the Lord is my strength and I am no longer a slave to fear but I am a child of God and as such I can claim victory over any trial and over every Temptation guide me in my decisionmaking Lord and help me to make the right choices that are pleasing to you in each and every area of my life Lord I Look to You for provision when I am in need and I declare your word in
Psalm 37:25 which says I have been young and now am old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread I claim This Promise over every need in my life today Lord and I trust that you will not forsake me as I seek peace Direction and all other good gifts that come from you Lord as your children we agree and stand on your promises your promises that tell us that surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and while I do not know what lies ahead while
I don't know what tomorrow holds I am thankful that I know the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'm grateful that I know you Lord the one who holds the future in his hands and I can be confident to say it is well with me because I have you to guide me and to lead me and so I pray that you would never allow me to deviate from your will I pray that I would never become someone who walks in Disobedience I thank you Lord and together with everyone listening we draw strength from the joy
of the Lord watch over our steps Lord Jesus I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer amen the word of God teaches us that faith is absolutely necessary for a believer in Christ it's by faith that we come to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father above Hebrews 11 verse 6 says but without faith it is impossible to walk with God and please him
for whoever comes near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnest ly and diligently seek Him Matthew 21:22 and whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith Ephesians 2:8 says for by Grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God this underlines just just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our Christian Living Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things
not seen the new King James translation of that same verse says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen pay close attention to how the Bible describes Faith first faith is Assurance meaning it's a guarantee it's a declaration of confidence in God's power and in his ability secondly faith is substance meaning that it's real it's tangible third faith is conviction it's a strong or firmly held belief persuasion or position in God there is no doubt and fourth faith is evidence faith is the proof the indication the display of
total trust in the Lord in a court of law there will always be an argument put forward by each party both the prosecutor and defendant will have to provide evidence in order to persuade the court to find the case in their favor and it's the evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision so if the Bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen that means that faith is US presenting our belief as evidence to God so when you say Lord I trust you to be my provider how
strong is your evidence how strong is the belief that you are presenting to God when you say God I trust you to be my healer just how robust is the case that you're putting forward is it backed by layers and layers of faith is it backed by the action of you waiting patiently on God without murmuring or [Music] complaining is it backed by evidence such as you being able to still have joy and praise in your heart even though you are still waiting on God to meet your need faith is something that we should live
with and exercise every single day Faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in God's word faith in who God is and faith in his promises [Music] heavenly father I give you glory and I give you praise Lord I pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith King Jesus Lord help me to trust you like job did if I were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me I pray that I'd be able to have a
trust that is unshakable I pray that I will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in Job 13:15 though he slay me I will hope in him God I pray that I might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me Faith Like Moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when I think I can't do
that or I won't succeed I pray for bold faith that will say With God all things are [Music] possible Give Me Faith to truly believe that you are the god of I am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way Lord I pray for a Heart of Worship like David I too want to chase after your heart I too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear God give me the boldness of the three Hebrew boys the boldness to remove every every Idol in my life the boldness
to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life Lord help me to be bold enough to remove it God give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if I can just Touch the Hem of your garment if I can just be in your presence I believe I'll be made whole Lord I want to be obedient like Noah so that when the naysayers come I may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you father I pray for wisdom like Solomon so
that I may be able to navigate this life so that I may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends Lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart God give me Divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless Holy Ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control I declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my God will see me through my God will supply all of my [Music] needs I
declare that even though I may come across Giants and various enemies my faith in Jesus Christ will not be moved my faith in the Son of God will remain sturdy and firm Lord I Thank you for the assurance that you have given me in John 14:1 where the Bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me it is because of your word that I have faith to keep going in this life and father I pray that your presence may increase in my life as I decrease be glorified
be honored and be praised in Jesus name I pray amen who do you depend on when life gets tough who do you depend on when you see nothing but trouble and Chaos around you who do you depend on when you have no strength who is it that you depend on when you're faced with circumstances that you can do nothing about well well today people of God I want to encourage you to depend on God depend on a God who has given us wonderful promises in the bible promises that should Lift us up when life tries
to push us down promises that should bring peace to our hearts even if our external environment is tumultuous God's promises are what you and I should depend on because God is a faithful God he's a God who keeps his word because he is truth now I pray that this message will serve as a reminder to each and every believer listening I want you to know that when you begin to trust in God's promises you'll realize that you are well taken care of you will lack for nothing and for those who may be wondering what are
these promises allow me to remind you what the Bible says in Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you this is a promise a promise for those seasons in life when you feel as though you can't get a break it's a promise that God Almighty will help you the Lord will come to your Aid he will be your support he will be your Pillar of Strength Isaiah 40:29 says he gives power to the faint and to
him who has no might he increases strength this is a promise a promise for us to hold on to in times of weakness God will give strength to the weary he will help you to stand when times get tough he will help you to move forward when it looks like you are about to be overwhelmed in Exodus 14 verse4 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise of safety God will fight your back battles he will fight our battles and we
need to only hold our peace and so there is no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in Philippians 4: 19 says and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need this doesn't mean you will have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you
will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises now let us pray Lord Jesus be praised Master be glorified I thank you for the many promises in your word your word says in Deuteronomy 31:8 and the Lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed I Praise You Lord because you have promised to go before me you have promised
to be with me you have promised to never leave or forsake me for this I praise you friends and even family members May abandon me they may walk away from me and turn their backs on me however I thank you for for your faithfulness you have promised never to leave me on my own you have promised to always be by my side and for this reason I Will Rejoice your word in Psalm 32:8 says I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go I will guide you with my eye Lord I
will hold on to this promise I will put my trust in you and in your word guide me Lord when I don't know which direction to go light up my eyes teach me Lord Jesus help me to be obedient to your word order my steps in everything I do be my God open the right doors for me father and close the wrong doors bring the right opportunities my way father I will trust in you and in your ways your word in Luke 11: 9-13 says so I say to you ask and it will be given
to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open if a son asks for bread from any father among you will he give him a stone or if he asks for a fish will he give him a serpent instead of a fish or if he asks for an egg will he offer him a scorpion if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your
heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him thank you Father for this promise you are a father who is good and you know how to give good gifts to your children and so King Jesus I will depend on you when life gets tough I will depend on you when I see nothing but trouble and Chaos around me I will depend on you when I have no strength for all my needs I will seek you I will ask you and I will knock on Heaven's Door I have put my faith in you Lord
and I will completely depend on a God who is faithful to his word your promises Lift Me Up when life tries to push me down your promises bring peace to my heart even when my external environment is chaotic and tumultuous I Praise You Lord you have promised me that when I pass through the waters you will be with me and when I pass through the rivers they will not sweep over me when I walk through the fire I will not be burned and the Flames will not set me Ablaze because you are with me King
Jesus surely if you are for me no one can be against me I thank you for hearing my prayer be praised Lord be glorified in Jesus name I pray amen I am sure that each of us as we've gone through certain things in life as we faced various storms and difficulties in life we have all gotten to the point where we start asking God questions questions like why is this happening to me or perhaps you've asked a question like God how will this situation work out for my good the Bible in Romans 8: 28 says
as we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose the thing about us as humans is that we always want to know all of the details we want to know how God will make a way where there seems to be no way we want to know how exactly God operates and why he allows certain things to happen now should you find yourself in a storm of difficulty may I remind you that Psalm 34: 19 says many are the afflictions of the
righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all however as humans we always want to know the details how exactly will the Lord Deliver Us however I would like to encourage you and tell you that God is Sovereign meaning that he possesses Supreme and ultimate power and because the Lord possesses all authority all power and knowledge this means that our part is not to question God we are not to demand answers or feel as though we're on the same level with God that he has to explain himself that's not the case our part is
to have faith that God means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things work together for my good then my part is not to ask how but it's simply to trust that God honors his word if the word of God tells me that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all then my part is to Hold On by faith to this promise with the eyes of Faith you can see the hand of of God the goodness of God in every situation regardless
of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in that set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as Awakening a hunger for righteousness and Holiness like never before in your life or perhap perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in that situation and we don't see
what God is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty is God wanting to reveal to you how real he is perhaps this is a test where God wants to demonstrate himself to be your provider or perhaps the Lord wants to use this trial in your life to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you and so dear friend whatever the purpose of this trial you're in I encourage you to do your part your part is to hold on in faith and look to Jesus now let us pray Lord God God I
bow down before you and acknowledge you to be the Great I Am father help us to trust you more give us Faith Without Borders give us the type of faith that can walk on water lord together with everyone listening we believe that you King Jesus Christ can still perform miracles on this Earth today you can still make every crooked path straight you can still mend every broken heart and make it whole again Holy Spirit teach us how to change our perspectives help us to learn to walk by faith and not by sight open our spiritual
eyes and change the way that we see things remove the scales from our eyes and give us a renewed mind Lord I pray that you would fill us with the Holy Spirit fill us with boldness and courage Lord help us to be believers who stop asking when will things turn around for my good but instead may we be a people who ask what do you want me to learn in this Lord during tough situations help us to remember that although the afflictions of the righteous are many you're a God who delivered us out of them
all so instead of speaking about the negative only give us a mind that thinks on those good things that are promised in the Bible give us a mind that holds on to your promises promises such as Psalm 34:17 which says the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles We Praise You Lord Jesus because in this fight you are in our corner you are fighting the battle for us I declare your promise in Exodus 14:14 which says the Lord will fight for you and you have only to be
silent Lord Jesus you are all powerful and we can safely declare that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world our hearts do safely trust in you and as we call out the name of Jesus to intervene we ask for your intervention Lord Jesus because the Bible says in nahm 1 verse 7 the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in him you are indeed a stronghold in the day of trouble and my prayer today with everyone listening is that your
holy power would change our carnal [Music] mindsets I pray for everyone who's in the middle of a storm right now Lord would you let this storm become a testimony and a demonstration of your saving power Lord we declare that as sons and daughter of the most high we are Overcomers in you Lord we are more than conquerors our physical eyes might not see it yet but I pray you would open our spiritual eyes of Faith so that we can see your hand leading us protecting us and shielding Us from Evil father I know that there
is power in the blood of Jesus Christ enough power to remove every barrier and obstacle before us for that we praise you continue to work in our lives thank you for hearing this prayer amen the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far is stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3 verse 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love
of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage
you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he l loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in
fact the Bible says in John 15 ver 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ
will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of
this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that
I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me me in Jeremiah 1: 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the
darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38 to 39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence
is the same safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold
on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but Will Rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray Amen in Isaiah 40:31 the Bible says but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings
like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint all throughout the Bible we see these promises promises that God will give us strength in our time of need promises that our heartfelt and persistent prayers will be heard by the Lord promises that we should not sorrow because through the joy of the Lord we have strength over and over again we are reminded that no matter what we Face there is hope we are heard by the Lord we should not rely on ourselves for strength but instead we should understand that
our strength comes from Jesus our strength to live righteously comes from the Lord our strength to pray persistently comes from the lord it's not about our ability to fight or persevere it's all about Jesus Christ now let us pray Heavenly Father your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness towards us is unmatched thank you for the many blessings over our lives I am so grateful for the assurance that you are a living God a God who cares for me a God who considers me and loves me we thank you for the blessing of peace
in our minds the blessing of joy unspeakable in our hearts Lord we pray that you would guide and direct our steps your word in Proverbs 3:6 says in all your ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct your paths Holy Spirit help me to acknowledge the Lord in all of my ways so that he can direct my paths I pray that the Holy Spirit would remind me that the joy of the Lord is my strength and I am no longer a slave to fear but I am a child of God and as such I can claim
victory over any trial and over every Temptation guide me in my decision making Lord and help me to make the right choices that are pleasing to you in each and every area of my life Lord I Look to You for provision when I am in need and I declare your word in Psalm 37:25 which says I have been Young and now am old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread I claim This Promise over every need in my life today Lord and I trust that you will not forsake me
as I seek peace Direction and all other good gifts that come from you Lord as your children we agree and stand up on your promises your promises that tell us that surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and while I do not know what lies ahead while I don't know what tomorrow holds I am thankful that I know the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'm grateful that I know you Lord the one who holds the future in his hands and I can be confident to say it is well
with me because I have you to guide me and to lead me and so I pray that you would never allow me to deviate from your will I pray that I would never become someone who walks in Disobedience I thank you Lord and together with everyone listening we draw strength from the joy of the Lord watch over our steps Lord Jesus I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer amen the word of God teaches us that faith is absolutely necessary for a believer in Christ it's by faith that we
come to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father above Hebrews 11:6 says but without faith it is impossible to walk with God and please him for whoever comes near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly and diligently seek [Music] Him Matthew 21:22 and whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith Ephesians 2:8 says for by Grace you have
been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God this underlines just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our Christian Living Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen the new King James translation of that same verse says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen pay close attention to how the Bible describes Faith first faith is Assurance meaning it's a guarantee it's a declaration of
confidence in God's power and in his ability secondly faith is substance meaning that it's real it's tangible third faith is conviction it's a strong or firmly held belief persuasion or position in God there is no doubt and fourth faith is evidence faith is the proof the indication the display of total trust in the Lord in a court of law there will always be an argument put forward by each party both the prosecutor and defendant will have to provide evidence in order to persuade the court to find the case in their favor and it's the evidence
that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision so if the Bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen that means that faith is US presenting our belief as evidence to God so when you say Lord I trust you to be my provider how strong is your evidence how strong is the belief that you are presenting to God when you say God I trust you to be my healer just how robust is the case that you're putting forward is it backed by layers and layers of faith is it backed
by the action of you waiting patiently on God without murmuring or [Music] complaining is it backed by evidence such as you being able to still have joy and praise in your heart even though you are still waiting on God to meet your need faith is something that we should live with and exercise every single day Faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in God's word faith in who God is and faith in his promises heavenly father I give you glory and I give you praise Lord I pray that you would strengthen
my faith Faith increase and bolster my faith King Jesus Lord help me to trust you like job did if I were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me I pray that I'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable I pray that I will always be able to also declare the word that were declared in Job 13:15 though he slay me I will hope in him God I pray that I might have strong faith to be able to trust you give
me Faith Like Moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when I think I can't do that or I won't succeed I pray for bold faith that will say With God all things are possible Give Me Faith to truly believe that you are the god of I am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way way
Lord I pray for a Heart of Worship like David I too want to chase after your heart I too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear God give me the boldness of the three Hebrew boys the boldness to remove every Idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life Lord help me to be bold enough to remove it God give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if I can just Touch the Hem of
your garment if I can just be in your presence I believe I'll be made [Music] whole Lord I want to be obedient like Noah so that when the naysayers come I may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you father I pray for wisdom like Solomon so that I may be able to navigate this life so that I may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends Lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart God give me Divine peace deep within my spirit and soul
help me not to be restless Holy Ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of [Music] control I declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my God will see me through my God will supply all of my needs I declare that even though I may come across Giants and various enemies my faith in Jesus Christ will not be moved my faith in the Son of God will remain sturdy and firm Lord I Thank you for the assurance that you have given me in John 14:1
where the Bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me it is because of your word that I have faith to keep going in this life and father I pray that your presence may increase in my life as I decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in Jesus name I pray amen who do you depend on on when life gets tough who do you depend on when you see nothing but trouble and Chaos around you who do you depend on when you have no strength who is
it that you depend on when you're faced with circumstances that you can do nothing about well today people have gone I want to encourage you to depend on God depend on a God who has given us wonderful promises in the bible promises that should Lift us up when life tries to push us down promises that should bring peace to our hearts even if our external environment is tumultuous God's promises are what you and I should depend on because God is a faithful God he's a God who keeps his word because he is is truth now
I pray that this message will serve as a reminder to each and every believer listening I want you to know that when you begin to trust in God's promises you'll realize that you are well taken care of you will lack for nothing and for those who may be wondering what are these promises allow me to remind you what the Bible says in Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you this is a promise a promise for
those seasons in life when you feel as though you can't get a break it's a promise that God Almighty will help you the Lord will come to your Aid he will be your support he will be your Pillar of Strength Isaiah 40:29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength this is a promise a promise for us to hold on to in times of weakness God will give strength to the weary he will help you to stand when times get tough he will help you to move
forward when it looks like you are about to be overwhelmed in Exodus 14 verse 14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise of safety God will fight your battles he will fight our battles and we need to only hold our peace and so there's no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible
in Philippians 4: 19 says and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need this doesn't mean you will have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises now let us pray Lord Jesus be praised Master be glorified I thank you for the many promises in your
word your word says in Deuteronomy 31:8 and the Lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed I Praise You Lord because you have promised to go go before me you have promised to be with me you have promised to never leave or forsake me for this I praise you friends and even family members May abandon me they may walk away from me and turn their backs on me however I thank you for your faithfulness you have
promised never to leave me on my own you have promised to always be by my side and for this reason I Will Rejoice your word in Psalm 32:8 says I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go I will guide you with my eye Lord I will hold on to this promise I will put my trust in you and in your word guide me Lord when I don't know which direction to go light up my eyes teach me Lord Jesus help me to be obedient to your word order my steps in
everything I do be my God open the right doors for me father and close the wrong doors bring the right opportunities my way father I will trust in you and in your ways your word in Luke 11: 9-13 says so I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open if a son asks for bread from any father among you will he give
him a stone or if he asks for a fish will he give him a serpent instead of a fish or if he asks for an egg will he offer him a scorpion if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him thank you Father for this promise you are a father who is good and you know how to give good gifts to your children and so King Jesus I will depend on you when life gets tough
I will depend on you when I see nothing but trouble and Chaos around me I will depend on you when I have no strength for all my needs I will seek you I will ask you and I will knock on Heaven's Door I have put my faith in you Lord and I will completely depend on a God who is faithful to his word your promises Lift Me Up when life tries to push me down your promises bring peace to my heart even when my external environment is chaotic and tumultuous I Praise You Lord you have
promised me that when I pass through the waters you will be with me and when I pass through the rivers they will not sweep over me when I walk through the fire I will not be burned burned and the Flames will not set me Ablaze because you are with me King Jesus surely if you are for me no one can be against me I thank you for hearing my prayer be praise Lord be glorified in Jesus name I pray amen for
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