how to tighten and flatten your stomach with just one move and we're not talking about sit-ups everyone knows this as a fact you must absolutely make sure that the calories you're putting in your body do not exceed what you're expending or using and that way if we create a deficit then this is naturally going to ride right into a loss of weight let's just take a look at this and that's fundamentally how you lose body fat by creating a calorie deficit the only true requirement is that you maintain a calorie deficit this puts you in
an overall calorie deficit if you're having a hard time reaching a caloric deficit but how to stay in a calorie deficit every time I would ask an older individual who was overweight that wanted to lose weight when did your stubborn metabolism start it was usually in their late 20s or early 30s after a series of calorie restrictive diets and it is a theory it's not a fact I mean we've tried this for decades and it just has not worked here's the missing piece of the puzzle that you really need to understand our bodies are not
as simple as a car where you have inputs and outputs we have What's called the endocrine system and this system causes our body to adapt within its environment and so what the body is going to do when you lower your calories is it's going to adjust it's going to become more efficient which you may feel that it's a bit slow it can run further on the same amount of fuel as before the other problem with lowering your calories is that now we increase the Battle of hunger cravings and now it's going to be even harder
because you're going to have to increase your willpower to stick to it so is this whole calorie deficit model sustainable no it's not I want to bring up one book right here it's called gens physiology and I want to show you two quotes out of the book page 927 right here let's take a look at this all aspects of fat metabolism are greatly enhanced in the absence of insulin then we have page 822 says right here when carbohydrates are not utilized for energy almost all of the energy of the body must come from the metabolism
of fats I really think people who are stuck in this outdated model of calorie deficit just don't understand insulin and unfortunately you know when you're taking classes whether you're studying guidance physiology maybe in school they're not going to really emphasize that point to really understand this you're going to have to really dive into it and and study it after you graduate because it's not really taught insulin is the hormone that controls whether you burn fat or not if you reduce insulin your body can then tap into your own fat for energy and the thing that
triggers insulin is carbohydrates if we look at the three parts of food we have carbohydrates protein and fat it's the car carbohydrates that stimulate insulin in the mouse fat actually is neutral protein has a moderate effect on insulin but it doesn't even compare to carbohydrates this right there tells us you cannot treat all three of these equally all calories are not the same it is important to talk about the quality or the type of calorie we're talking about and if we really want to lose weight we must lower insulin to do that we must lower
our carbohydrate calorie what's interesting about lowering our carbo hydrate calorie and lowering insulin our body needs to get fuel where is it going to get the fuel when you are eating you're getting your energy from your food when you're not eating where are you getting your energy from are you getting it from fat if you're living on a higher carbohydrate diet it's very unlikely you're going to be able to tap in too much fat if you can lower your carbs your body can then finally tap into your own fat let's say for example you're living
on 1,500 calories with the low carb diet you're also in addition to those 1500 calories using a good amount of fat calories it could be I don't know 500 or more maybe 700 800 additional calories that we can put in the pool for energy part of it diet part of it's your own fat and so guess what's so cool about that your hunger goes away you're no longer craving carbs between meals why your body is eating your own fat between the meal if you don't lower insulin your body's not not going to eat your own
fat but if you do lower insulin with a low carb then the body will eat your own fat as fuel we can make it easy in yourself not have any Cravings or hunger while you're doing your weight loss program or you can cut your calories and the cool thing about the ketogenic diet which is the low carb diet is that a lot of the energy that your body is running off of is not from the diet it's from your own body fat and I think one argument that some people bring up is yes doing low
carb it's going to help you but then also when you do fasting you're naturally lowering your calories and some people will say the reason why the ketogenic diet helps you lose weight is you're eating less calories because it's all about calories if that's true then how do you explain that when you go on a ketogenic diet and you do intermittent fasting and yes you might be eating less calories you don't crave anything we compare that to you just cutting your calories and not your carbohydrates you're going to be craving all day long if your body
is getting enough fuel there's no reason to slow down the metabolism because your body's getting all the energy it needs this is the purpose of fat to be able to survive between meals you want to think about your fat is a biological Pantry that you're tapping into so you don't have to tap into your actual Pantry this does work and I have 8,000 people to prove it check this out on my website the other little point on this is that fat provides more than double the energy than glucose provides it's very important to tap into
fat to use that as a nice sustainable amount of energy for your body the key to this whole thing is turning insulin way down I am almost to the exercise I'm going to show you to tighten and tone the midsection but I wanted just to kind of mention just one thing it takes about two to three days to get into the state of ketosis so it's not that long but it does take 2 to three weeks to fully get into hardcore fat adaptation and I want to explain the difference fat adaptation is when your body
is burning the most fat possible and your body can burn ketones but it can also burn fat that's actually two different sources of fuel if we look at carbohydrates proteins and fats carbohydrates should be about 5% of the diet the protein should be about 20 % and the rest should be the fat inside your abdomen you may have what's called visceral fat and that is going to come off with the diet that I just mentioned you also have the superficial layer of fat which is also like a spillover from the other fat that is being
backed up into the organs deeper in there you have a layer of fascia this fascia is like a gel-like connective tissue and it can atrophy if you don't use it and that atrophy can look like a a flabby stomach what I'm going to show you is one of the best exercises that is not a situp that is going to tone and tighten this area around your abdomen to get rid of that flabby stomach and almost act like a girdle that's keeping everything nice and tight and toned all we're going to do is this one exercise
called it's a funny name the dead bug and it's called a dead bug because it looks like a dead bug upside down trying to flip over and I'm going to recommend you do this alternating your leg and your arm when you reach back you see this will give the optimum tension in the middle section to stimulate the fascia and the muscles to get really nice and tone versus if you did situps or crunches the problem with that is you're going to activate the deeper muscles called the soas which are the hip flexors and that is
going to event cause your back to be out of balance but here's how you do it right here today's exercise tutorial is the dead bug dead bugs are great for helping to control front to back pelvic tilting and it's also a good abdominal exercise that improves coordination and it generally makes you long and straight um one of the the secondary functions is to help you control rotation in the hips so to get started you're going to lay down on your back we lay down on our back with our knees over our hips our hips knees
and ankles are bent at 90° angles our back our lower back is flat on the ground so that I cannot slide my hand underneath my back right so it's by controlling this pelvic tilting we control the arch in our lower back use your abdominals your arms are straight up pointing at the ceiling from this position fully extend your left leg your toes remain pointing at the ceiling your lower back remains in contact with the ground reset to the start position and then you can switch sides or finish your set on the same side to vary
this exercise we can move our arms and legs at the same time we can go same side or we can go opposite side again the key is to keep your lower back in contact with the ground and to only move those Limbs and those parts of our body that we want to move the lower back stays in contact with the ground do this exercise every single day and within one or two weeks you're going to start to see some amazing results if you want details on how to do the diet I put that video up
right here check it out