Episode 60 - How To Identify & Attract Your Ideal Customer (1 of 2)

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hello everybody Welcome to the magnetic marketing podcast today we get to listen to Dan Kennedy as he speaks at a live event now this is really cool we've heard Dan Kennedy talk about how to identify and find your attractive character we've talked about ponds that you should be fishing in what kind of bait you should be using but this is where we get really specific and Dan talks about what kind of fish you should really be fishing for in short why would you try fishing for sardines and small catches when figuratively you can shoot for
whales now we've split this into two parts for you so that way you're able to catch every piece of gold that Dan Kennedy provides so make sure that as you're taking notes and as you're paying attention that you make sure to stay tuned for episode number two let's listen in I don't think there's anybody that has had a bigger impact in the field of direct response than Dan Kennedy the legend of Dan Kennedy should be ignored at your own Peril they're not really lessons they're kind of laws that you live by Dan opened my eyes
to what small business marketing looks like Dan teaches strategic direct response that is timeless his ripple effect touches people who don't even know his name the world as we know it was changed because danad Kennedy became obsessed with marketing welcome to the magnetic marketing podcast with your host Dan Kennedy okay so we shall go to work since we're already starting seven minutes behind um and we will try and make you some money tonight um I want to talk about being very specific in your search selection attraction um and specifically about being that for really high
value customers clients patients or donors for those of you that are nonprofit the principles are the same and so the term whale if you you don't know is kind of comes from Vegas it comes from the gambling industry they talk about hunting for whales there's a really cool book by the way called a whale hunt in the desert I don't remember the author's name but it is a book by it's non-fiction it's a book by a very famous uh Casino Host the person in charge of handling whales and recruiting whales for casinos before they all
became corporate there is still whale management but it's not like it was before they all became corporate it's a very cool book just isn't aside so we're going to talk about hunting for finding choosing and attracting whales and so the first sort of preliminary question to think about is to Define what a whale is for you and that will be a different definition in some respects at least than it would be for me I'm going to share mine just as an example but if it would be a different definition even if there's two dentists sitting
side by side in the room they might very well Define what a whale is to them differently because it is not just about the monetary value necessarily of the customer it is about is it a the kind of customer you want to deal with or not although monetary value is important generally speaking Vegas's definition is is that a whale is someone where somewhere between five times and 50 times their average customer and they will count them as a whale they obviously prefer those who are worth 50 times more than worth five times more um and
part of what many people look for is the multiplier effect so if you have a choice between two clients and one of them has a great circle of influence and another one does not have a great circle of influence most most people would rather have the one with a great circle of influence I for example am not a great influencer for the people I do business with locally uh because I hide out at home so I'm a hermit my friends and quasi friends and almost most friends and used to be friends are mostly distanced you
know they're all over the country so for the local Property and Casualty Insurance guy who has me as a client I'm a good client but in this particular category I'm not very useful to him because I'm not a good source of of referrals and if he was setting out to get somebody he might very well be better advised to try and get somebody who he could multiply so the first thing to understand about all this is very few business people ever give this any thought most people their approach to customers is anybody they can get
and furthermore they make no differential adjustments once they get a buyer for the first time and how they're going to wait their resources and their time and their energy in developing those buyers into customers they don't have five questions to ask them to get data to tell them this is a potential whale this isn't gee I'll spend 10 times more money energy and effort turning this one into a really good customer then I will turning this one into a really good customer so even people that collect data like and collect customer names so if you
go to a really nice restaurant for the first time and they actually which will only happen about one out of every five times but they actually get your information and they succeed in putting you on a list however many they got that night will all be on the same list and will all be dealt with exactly the same way nobody will now sit down with information they collected about each one of those people or information they might go get about each one of those people and make value judgments of oh okay we got 22 people
in here for the first time tonight that we collected information on which four are the whales which four are going to be more valuable to us in the future than the other 16 hardly anybody does that hardly anybody bothers to take those customer names and go Google them or go Facebook them and see what you might be able to determine about those customers that would help you find a whale so it's R there's information readily available now that people don't even use so the first thing is to start thinking in these terms of there is
differential customer value not all customers are are the same some are more valuable to you than others and it's important for you to have a definition of what makes a really really really valuable customer for you we know for example in businesses where we are selling to the parent for use by the child that automatically a household with three kids is more valuable than a household with one kid right because all three of them going to have the same problem and all three of them are going to need the same product at some point during
their life cycle so one of the things we want to know every time we get a new customer is how many kids they got because we'll spend more money communicating with the ones that got three than the ones that got one because they're going to be three times more valuable now again hardly anybody goes through this process except some really true core direct marketers so I'll take you through a few examples of whale definition markers how people in different businesses might determine might Mark a whale for financial advisors it is often the amount of investable
assets they have that is not necessarily predicted by current income because somebody could have stopped their income earning years but have a great deal of net worth but it's the amount of investable assets they have and it's a conservative mentality for most advisers because most advisers do conservative things with a 55 to 75 year old person's money so they want them to have a conservative mentality which one of the ways that's revealed is they have a paid off house all right and they have a certain amount of investable assets and the way somebody in the
advisory business would use that is they try and engineer their marketing to bring people to them that have a high number of investable assets and have a paid for house um the somebody selling really weird Investments the Exotic stuff you know llama Farm derivatives um uh he that that's not his customer at all so a marker for him is somebody who's already playing with some sort of speculative stuff and so I would take him for example so the Kentucky Derby occurs tomorrow I would take him and I would run his lead generation ad in Thoroughbred
times the trade journal for people that own racehorses which is like the world's worst investment pretty much everybody invested in it knows it's the world's worst investment everybody is hoping against hope against hope against hope against hope that one of the nags they buy is going to be in that race tomorrow and they're willing to pee away an enormous amount of money to try and make that happen if we're selling llama Farm derivatives that's our guy dad who worked at the same company for 44 years and lived way beneath his means and saved all his
money and paid off his house he's not the guy to try and sell llama Farm derivatives to so there's behavioral markers that tell us things so if we're a chiropractor who might be our whale our whale would be somebody with a severe chronic condition a whale is unlike to be somebody who just fell off a ladder and hurt themselves this weekend and is pretty much going to get that taken care of in a relatively short period of time our whale is going to be somebody with chronic and severe issues has a lot of affluence or
top insur insurance and ideally shows some open-mindedness to non-medical care which we might get to by what magazines he subscribes to has he bought herbs by mail uh something like that if we're selling Aspen condo vacation homes we might look for subscribers to the high-end Colorado magazine and it's going to a non-color address right we might look for that we want them to have home ownership somewhere else because a buyer of something is a buyer of something is a buyer of something we don't want them to be a renter the interior decorator a marker would
be recent purchase of a high priced home because they can't wait to rip something apart and replace it and they subscribe to high-end magazines architectural digest and so forth so whatever business you're in if you think it through there are markers of likely whales that are are data driven they're behavioral they're not necessarily demographic they're behavioral and in many cases once you figure that out there is a access path in order to get it and do Target marketing there's time sensitive stimulus that affects someone becoming a whale who was not one a month ago and
may not be one six months from now and that happens a lot in business so some big benchmarks are marriage especially second or third to younger that will often spark a great deal of spending in a short period of time if you haven't heard Joan Rivers's first wife second wife comedy routine go to YouTube take a look at it it's a good lesson in this similarly recent divorce so divorce often prompts a sudden flow of spending and elevates somebody to whale status who wasn't there before and may not be there 6 months 12 months from
now we know for example in the weight loss business the cosmetic dentistry business the Cosmetic Surgery business for guys the hair restoration business a lot of that somebody their their willingness to spend their interest in spending their price sensitivity issues are all altered when they get a divorce right so it was okay to be fat bald you know and ugly when after 30 years of marriage but three months after the end of the marriage H fat bald and ugly don't work so well so all of a sudden they're a whale and spending home purchase makes
somebody a whale hitting certain age benchmarks suddenly makes them susceptible to spending on different things and at a different level than they were before the sale of a business so often the millionaire nextd door type has spent a good part of his life building up a business he now sells it and he suddenly briefly has more money in cash at one time that he has ever had in his life life uh so somebody sells a business all of a sudden they got all this cash right and it changes their behavior they're suddenly a whale they
didn't have cash before all their net worth was tied up in their business right and so Vegas for example targets those people okay that's a whale for Vegas possibly so the sale of a business retirement suddenly taking on a new hobby or new recreational Pursuit for a brief period of time somebody may rise to whale spending status because of that diagnosis with a disease a person who's likely to take proactive response to that suddenly becomes a whale so you see if you watch if you watch direct response ads on TV a big direct response Advertiser
is cancer C centers of of America okay and it's a for-profit hospital advertising for a family member or the person who has just been diagnosed with cancer cuz to them that's a whale okay and two days before the diagnosis that person was useless to them so these markers can affect it dramatically whale sightings here's categories where we find a disproportionate percentage these days Boomers and SE seniors if you've read the Nob marketing to Boomers and seniors book you're familiar with many of the statistics about this it is the first time really that the classic Dent
demographic patterns are sort of disrupted older are continuing to spend in ways that no prior generation in their age brackets spent and younger are not spending in the way they're supposed to spend to create replacement spending and there's been a shift of discretionary spending to 60 and 70 year olds who are now behaving 70 is the new 50 we have seen it I have clients in the skincare business and we have seen a dramatic shift in the age of the buyer in the past 10 years of skin care and of really expensive skincare it used
to sort of stop right around 60 that was sort of okay from here on out the hell with it you know that sort of you know now um I have a client who sells by direct marketing a $680 home skincare thing okay and The Sweet Spot of that buyer in seven years has migrated from 48 to 71 that's how far it has shifted and you wouldn't think a 71 year old's by but they are so Boomers and seniors uh Boomer and Senior professionals a lot of spending there a lot of whales to be found there
for their issues so I have a client right now in the dental field who's doing very very well selling high-priced coaching to dentists about how to retire in practice rather than by sale of the practice because even if you sell the practice right now what are you going to do with the money because there's no conservative place to put the money to get any yield so you need to learn how to retire but keep your practice and your income source and he's doing very very very well late life divorced big category it's where the greatest
growth is is 50 plus uh it's no longer G I only got eight years left before one of us kicks the bucket it's now I got 38 years left before one of us kicks the bucket and this is intolerable so the late life divorced people are suddenly buying houses they're suddenly buying all the stuff that nobody in their ages used to buy before for late life second families so you have a lot of the I'm going to get it right the second time around and they spend like whales uh secure affluence with bucket lists there's
a whole kind of ever since that movie that movie was sort of an infomercial for spending money uh late in life before you die um and so that is a category the frustrated fixed income investor affluence involved in high cost competitive hobbies and Recreation right so the $800 putter is a reality you know uh um I think it was Charlie who said this morning a $65 fishing lure right now and if you're not in one of these categories you like to have no idea unless you go look okay so like that was a piece of
news to me right I'm thinking fishing lures are like five bucks at Walmart that's what I'm thinking it never occurred to me somebody spend $75 $65 for a stupid fishing lure but now there's stuff that I would spend that money on that you that everybody else would say what how can that possibly be right and so there's all these categories how many of you get or have ever read um Cowboys and Indians magazine raise your hands you'll learn more if you look around looking at them than looking at me okay there aren't many hands you
should if you're interested in marketing to the fluent you should actually go you can buy it on a news stand so next time you to Barnes & Noble buy one you will be astounded if you have not paid any attention to this this is how many of you know what the Rob report is okay good this is the Rob report on steroids for people who are pretending to be Cowboys that's what this is okay and so it's a magazine of Home Furnishings and apparel and jewelry uh and boots and special raised super duper horses to
ride that never do anything wrong and it's all ungodly expensive you look at you say I can't even believe people are spending this kind of money on this stuff but in that subculture category there's a fluent people spending a great deal of money second act entrepreneurs International Travelers and as I said the anti-aging youth buyer uh nobody is willing to go quietly into the good night anymore they are going kicking and screaming and spending money uh there's I know people here who are in the anti-aging hormone replacement kind of the sengenics kind of business how
many of you have noticed the S sangenic ads not many huh gez a lot of you who didn't raise your hand look you look like you could use something like it I got to tell you um uh um I mean pretty much everything's sagging you know what I'm saying um so this a very successful direct response campaign big ads uh it's a licensed doctor in each area delivering a certain kind of anti-aging treatment this is a very big category of spending right now in which there are a lot of whales so you got to think
through in your business category in your business who might be the whales what might be a whale for you what criteria you want to establish for the whale you want to now deliberately go get just as example I'll tell you mine so clients not g can't see members now but clients okay a I need somebody who will invest upwards from $775,000 on a project and that rules out a whole lot of people not just because as barar accused me of they're cheap skates it's the size and scope of their opportunity doesn't warrant spending that kind
of money doesn't mean they're wrong at all just means they're wrong for me right they might be a great client for somebody else they're just not a good client for me which gets to they have a sufficient size and scope and growth potential of their opportunity so one way or another they can give me the compensation I want and there's likelihood of year toe to year toe continuation of a relationship they have to be reasonably intelligent and capable okay so the number one way that freelance copywriters don't get their royalties is the client can't implement
the work after they get it the number two way freelance copywriters don't get their royalties is the client can't imple the number three way freelance copywriters don't get their royalties as the client can so they have to be relatively intelligent and capable or to me they're not particularly valuable because I don't just get money on the front I get money on the back they have to be respectful well- behaved and low maintenance right now for somebody else again but not for me so a high maintenance client's no good for me so they have to evidence
that they can be trained to be high maintenance with everybody else if they want to but be low maintenance with the or that that's not going to work they have to be a leader or a leader in the making in a field so they're useful to me in Catching another whale I do want I don't I don't need a multiplier effect anymore but I'd like to have a duplication effect I'd like the probability that one will give me another one now customers so if you now think more of folks that are sitting here in the
room a whale for us is somebody who in their lifetime with us can and will spend $100,000 or more we jokingly call it the $100,000 Club um Dustin Matthews has asked that we come up with a pin um and he's right by the way um but we have quite a few people who have spent $100,000 and more during the time they have been with us and there are behavioral characteristics of those people they own and operate one or more businesses that are good vehicles to apply our methods to so the person who dreams of being
in business but isn't in business not a good customer for us might be a good customer for somebody else not a good customer for us the person who confuses a website with a business not a good customer for us May may be a good customer for somebody else not a good customer for us preferably they're an entrepreneur or an entrepreneur in the making so business people divide into three categories there's To Be Your Own Boss person again nothing wrong with them they're just not really valuable to us Be Your Own Boss person is somebody who
wants to do what they were doing when they had a boss and keep doing it without the boss car mechanic opens an auto repair shop not because he's an entrepreneur he just wants to fix cars and not have somebody telling them what to do that's that's the level of his ambition okay the small business owner slightly higher level of ambition but still pretty much restricted and often what we do what you're a part of sort of just annoys them it it just bothers them so the entrepreneur is best for us High income professionals very good
for us he study ethic and work ethic right for us if they won't read if they won't listen listen if they won't watch and they won't work uh they're not going to be a whale for us and they aren't really going to be around very long either so knowing this then you start to make a lot of strategic and tactical decisions about how you wait the way you spend your resources where you go to get customers what you say to attract customers so that you attract more whales than you attract anything else so there's three
basic ways to get whales one is real small pond fishing that's where you make a hit list and you go after them we'll talk about each of these in some detail second is wide net fishing you create an environment where whales rise up out of the water knock all the minnows out of the way and swim to you last is wide net fishing with lead generation rather than Place strategy in which whale bait is advertised and they come to you now those really are the only three ways that you are going to get to whales
so let's talk about each one so small pond fishing so that's where you build by some [Music] means a Direct Hit List that might have 50 people on it it might have 500 people on it it might have 5,00 people on them but you have literally handpicked them you know they're a whale if you can get them so if you're familiar with the David Ogie story so how many in here at least the name David oovy raise your hands very good okay so the most of you probably know the story so when ogleby started his
own advertising agency he made a list of his hundred dream accounts and he made a great priority out of of trying everything he knew how to do to bring himself to the attention of those hundred accounts and over a period of time I believe the number is 38 if my memory serves me correctly the stories in the book ooon advertising if you're curious about the precise number um and so he knew exactly who he wanted to get I'll tell you a very cool story about this and I went back and dug up old notes so
I would get it right because this is old and yet it is applicable today as it was when it occurred um so this guy comes to me he lives in Minneapolis um so this guy comes and he's he's in the leadership training business um and what he wants he wants to get off the road he doesn't want to run around the country anymore he lives in Minneapolis and his question is how can I get whales in Minneapolis his business he sells to company at the time one CEO goes in training 10 key Executives go into
a mastermind group and meet with him monthly and there's companywide training four times a year and he sells it for 50 Grand okay now this is a while ago and he wants five of them in Minneapolis and that's all he wants so the strategy we arrived at was first of all go make a list come back to me with a list of a 100 companies 100 c CEOs who you believe you have reason to believe you know by having researched them that they are leadership oriented people who will have an interest in this somehow be
especially susceptible to this somehow and have the right size company and the right type of company and all of that okay we then created three things we created a book cover for minneapolis's top Business Leaders in 21st centur lead leadership understand we didn't we created a book cover we created a fullpage newspaper ad for the book which had the names of these hundred people in it as the people who were featured in the book we didn't run the newspaper ad you understand we just created the newspaper ad we went to at the time Walton and
Dalton still had bookstores in malls you may remember if you go back far enough and Walton and Dalton had a fairly robust local author section and they would pretty much take any local author's book on consignment they wouldn't buy it but they would let you as a local author put 12 copies in there and if they sold they'd take 12 more and so forth so we got a letter from Walton and Dalton saying that they were looking forward to stocking and displaying this book right so we now have three things we have a book cover
we have a newspaper ad and we have a letter from walens and Dalton that says they're going to put the book in the store store that's what we got then we go to the top 100 he goes to them to book the interviews with them to put them in the book that's the pitch is here's a FedEx package with book cover newspaper ad letter from walon and Dalton I want to interview you for this book I need 90 minutes of your time Etc right 100 went out 63 interviews were booked eight of those interviews led
to follow-up meetings now to talk about what can you do in my company now that I've discovered that we're you know Compadres in this interest in leadership and you appear to be saying etc etc and that led to 16 clients right he wanted five right so that's hit list that's what that is it's also sneaky stuff which I thought some of you would enjoy but but but but I mean it's hit list okay on two different ations I've gone into Niche markets sold a newsletter subscription has the entry point in the market but signed up
the target list of whales as if they had subscribed because a lot of people subscribe to a lot of stuff particularly Wales and they don't remember what they subscrib to so if they get a welcome letter and an invoice marked paid and and the first issue of this thing that says they subscribe to it they think they subscribe to it I don't know and so we took The Hit List and put them in as if they had paid and let them mature as customers so that's hit list okay understand you could do the same thing
with a newsletter about Fine Wines if you had a fine wine store in a community you could figure out who the 50 people were in that Community who fit your definition of a whale they all have Wine sellers they all buy they all subscribe to wine oficiando magazine they all live in a home worth more than a half a million dollars uh whatever that whale criteria is you could put them on The Hit List and you could make them believe they had signed up for this really cool newsletter about Fine Wines that happen to promote
your fine wine store and your fine wine events you could play exactly the same game okay second wi net fishing with play strategy so I just sent cabain a note anito cabain to remind him of this so again this is an old story but it is as applicable today which is why I just sent a reminder note to to Neato so there's a speaker by the name of Chris Hagerty this probably goes 15 years ago management guy and so Chris buy some time and we're sitting at lunch in a Resort in Phoenix I can't remember
which one and he's um United I think United Airlines magazine is either United or Continental had done for real a four-page story on him so the reporter the journalist the freelance writer whoever had come to one of his seminars they'd hung out backstage with him they'd gone to his office they were just fascinated with what he was doing for reasons that were a mystery to me but they were and so they had done this four-page article pictures favorable article picture of his book etc etc right and as he said to me at lunch it when
it hit which was a year ago it booked me for the next eight months I didn't have to do anything all of a sudden what we would Now call whales are calling the office one right after the other and we want you to come speak how much he quotes a fee they say great that's what happened he says but it's been 10 months and that's stopping how what do I do now I said well you could just pay and run the article again just because you got it free once doesn't mean you couldn't pay and
put it in there again and if they insist they're going to put paid advertisement across the top of it in tiny little letters but who who cares right place right message let's just repeat it right which is what he did twice one year after the other paid the writer bought the ad space from the magazine ran the same article this month Delta Airlines magazine has a four-page article about High Point University and if you look closely it says paid advertisment at the top uh so he has already done it probably didn't get an article and
so put the article in there that he wanted but what he needs to now remember is if it works if it gets response it will stop and run it again because people will have forgotten it and parade of moving interest and so forth in um trade shows consumer shows if you're a consumer marketer some people call all of them trade shows but they're not trade show is an industry show a consumer show is a show like at the mall home show that kind of thing these are very effective places to be um but often most
people do a horrible job once they are there and then blame the show so the correct show strategy you need a pre-show strategy you need an at show strategy you need a post show strategy but that can be a terrific place for a whale to find you and the important thing to know about whales is they are often in environments where they don't belong necessarily but it's the only ocean they found and whale hunting is about it's okay if there's 5,000 minnow and only two whales as long as we don't kill ourselves finding the whales
we're in a place where they can find us the first year that we exhibited for a company I own that uh disc is here that does CDs in exhibit hall I used to be in that business eons ago a lifetime ago but cassettes not discs but producing for speakers we produced product for probably I don't know two-thirds of the speakers in the country including Brian and so we would go to the trade show the National Speakers Association show which there would be 900 minnows maybe good customers for somebody else but not good customers for us
they were just getting started and speaking they needed 50 units they had no money we're looking for an entirely different kind of guy and the very first year they were there a guy comes up to the booth I wasn't in the booth it was reported to me afterwards and it was reported we don't know what to do so my two people in the booth said we don't know what to do something just happened and we don't know what to do about it I said what just happened this guy came up and he gave us this
American Express card and he said write up an order for everything you sell I'm going to go walk around the show and I'll be back in an hour to pick up my card we don't know what to do by the way if you aren't watching them um a whole lot of people have staff that don't know how to take money by the way it's a very common problem um I said do what he told you to do okay let's all put our heads together and think of everything we have not just here anywhere right right
and put it on a piece of paper and get the calculator and when he comes back you know which was I don't know it was 9,000 some OD dollars was what it was when he came back his name was Dr Peter Fernandes a practice management guy in Chiropractic uh industry and uh he was a whale he wound up being a great client terrific client for us terrific client for me personally I spoke for him at least 60 times at his events and made a whale of a lot of money I don't know if I could
have found him and then if I could have got to him and our conversation would have been very different than this conversation because we put ourselves in a place where he could find us so if you remember from the wealth book there's three of the wealth magnets are this be somebody be somewhere and do something so that a whale can find you that's really Place strategy so I have some great play strategy examples for you so my favorite then I have some to show you but my favorite is Sid Sydney barrows who you some of
you know there's a book she and I co-authored right and in her former wife eano for those of you that don't know Sydney ran a escort service in New York the highest priced at the time there was a big news Splash all over the New York Post in the news with the per walk and the raincoat and you know all that and she was called the mayflower Madam and one of the most interesting things about Sydney is so many of you would not pay any attention to this so I'm telling you all things you don't
know and every in the room you nod this is stuff you don't know okay so most escort services at the time would advertise in the Yellow Pages um you find them in the phone book and they would advertise in the cheap kind of tabloid weekly entertainment free pick it out of a rack newspaper right and in New York City for many years there was a m there was a really awful newspaper published by a guy by name is Al Goldstein um called screw which pretty much tells you the subject matter of this newspaper and Goldstein
was not very particular about advertising standards so most of the escort service ads in screw were pretty explicit about the kind of escort you were getting and so but Sydney's the only one who ever managed to advertise an escort service in the financial times right New York of course has a lot of international traffic they have the United Nations they have Wall Street people come from all over the world to come to New York to do business with Wall Street and to do business with the United Nations and they all read the financial times on
the airplane on the way over and they are all pretty affluent and most of them have different attitudes from the countries they're coming from about all this than the attitudes we have about it here her ad was allowed to say almost nothing because after all it was in the financial times but it said enough it brought clients who spent four five six seven eight times the average of a client obtained through any other means it is brilliant Place strategy because it's a place no one else will go in your category of business so my friend
mat zul principle is show up like no one else and one of my favorite principles is show up alone right be the only one who shows up in this place so I told you about the jewelry store at the horse auctions it's exactly the same principle so here is and I'm going to show you some other stuff later because I just did a bunch of work for a client in this industry but this is a two-page ad so I'll show you this page first and this page second which looks like this this is for a
very successful matchmaking company providing find a date find a mate find a wife services to very affluent guys it's called Valente International okay um $25,000 fee sort of the starting point the ad I just shown you where would you think you would find this ad airplane magazines and yes you would where else anybody where else Rob report maybe Forbes if they would take it maybe wine spectator if they would take it yeah EXA wine Spectators may be the best answer at the closest so this ad is running in um uh Hemming's uh Motor News which
and in the duPont Registry which are magazines for collectors of high-priced classic cars that's where this ad is running now 90% of the ads are all car stuff okay they're all related to ownership of collector cars however you want to think about who the consumer is reading that magazine not what the magazine is about we don't care what it's about who's reading it 50y year and up affluent guys who buy classic cars not that women don't buy them but you know it's like 80% guys okay and some of them if they'll drop $80,000 for a
1956 Plymouth uh they might very well drop 25 grand for her or at least a shot at her now they are no longer alone because in the same magazine is a less classy version of their same business um so this is model quality introductions if you are ready to settle down with an 8 n or 10 we need to talk Etc stunning singles uh may join our registry for free if you're a stunning female single you join for free um and speaking of Forbes so whoever said Forbes this is Forbes and this is an ad
for Selective search another company in this industry in Forbes Magazine which is read by affluent investors so that's Place strategy let a whale find us and let's try and be the only one there another whale hunting ad campaign you've probably seen or know about is the 4 minute a day $144,000 home exercise machine okay I am told by reliable sources this thing's real it works however you have to be in good enough shape you don't need it before you use it for the first time otherwise it kills you that's that's that's what I've been told
by reliable sources so however this ad runs a lot and it runs in lots and lots and lots of magazines now the dumb person would run it only in Fitness magazines but this happens to be from the Rob report is where this particular ad is running right so these are Place strategies let a whale find us our gardener mattress friends who are here um who sell very expensive mattresses one of the places they are advertising in because they a local brick and mortar is if you haven't heard this before is in the Yellow Pages but
in Chiropractic they're not chiropractors it's called outof category advertising right now they're the only ones there so person waking up every morning with a bad back chronic condition finally is looking at chiropractors in the Yellow Pages which tells us almost without exception he's he or she is 55 and up or they wouldn't be looking in the Yellow Pages okay there's a very age demarcation to the use of that ad media right now so he's 55 and up which odds are he's more a fluent than somebody 40 and Below he's got a chronic condition a severe
condition and often he can't get a good night's sleep and oh I was about to go to a chiropractor but maybe I could solve my problem with a really good mattress and so they are showing up where no one else shows up thank you for listening to the magnet marketing podcast with Dan Kennedy if you love hearing in on these lost Dan Kennedy talks and speeches and calls then please let someone else know about this podcast that's how you can help it to grow and the more it grows the more free Dan Kennedy we can
bring to you also Dan would love to give you the most incredible free gift ever designed to help you make maximum money in minimum time now this free gift comes with almost $20,000 in pure money-making information for free just for saying maybe you can get this gift from Dan right now at nobs letter.com not only we get the $20,000 gift you're also going to get a subscription to two marketing newsletters will be hand delivered by the mailman to your mailbox each and every month one from Dan Kennedy and one from me Russell Brunson to give
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