seven things that men should never do we out here in nature taking our steps got to get 10,000 steps in you should never not exercise bro you got to get moving but back to the video right first thing is I want you guys to understand to not just watch videos but to take in the information so it can actually change your life not only take it in but understand it overstand it and then actually apply it to your actual life you know a lot of what I've done is trial and error even though I may
be younger on the younger side I'm 22 I've done a lot of trial and error in my life I didn't just research I didn't just look up how to be the best man I could possibly be and then not apply that into my daily life so before I even get started with anything I have to let y'all know to not just take this information and enjoy it or enjoy the video but to actually take the information and put it into your real life and if that means you watch my videos less and less because you're
actually making progress in your real life then I'm good with that bro I just want to see you guys be happy and live the life that you deserve so the first true true thing that men should never do is get too comfortable you should never get too comfortable this is where self-improvement stemm from guys self-improvement stemmed from men understanding that hey I don't want to be stagnant hey life is all about evolving hey I don't want to be the same person I was yesterday I want to get 1% better each and every day I want
to lock in I want to Chase my goals and dreams I want to make them come true cuz I only got this one life and we only got about 72 years so how can I break that down and lock in so if you're in your 20s 30s 40s watching this you're in your younger years still and you have have the opportunity to make something beautiful of that you have the opportunity to go after your goals go after your dreams and live the life that you deserve live the life that you are looking for in that
process you can still have time to relax you can still have time to be with family you can still have time to enjoy the beauty of life but in order to do that you still got to put in the work you got to put the work in first you got to make sure that you're writing out your to-do list and you're accomplishing those things that's on that list then you can have your fun and the problem is we don't live on a okay earned system system anymore we don't live on that a work and reward
system we don't do that anymore instead we want to reward ourselves first before we do the work but that's not how life works that's not how this system works that's not how anything Works in order for something to grow and Blossom each tree that we're looking at had to be a seed at first it had to it had to sprout it had to grow slowly but surely okay we can't get everything that we want right away we have to lock in we got to earn it we got to deserve it and that's why it's important
to keep in never get too comfortable never think that oh you you look good enough right still work on your looks work on your appearance that's fine right never think that you've arrive never think that you've made the most amount of money that you'll ever make you never know what God has in store and you never know what you can do to make more never think that you're a finished product and that you know it all we can learn from anybody and everybody the same way y'all learning from me I learn from y'all you know
I be in our Discord I be learning I be seeing what yall talking about I learned from my community too cuz I'm not a finished product I'm in this journey of life with y'all so it's very important guys it's very important guys it's very important that we not just lock in not not only are we self-improving but that we don't get comfortable and that we don't get stagnant and that happens to a lot of people that reach a level of success right now I'm at 55 56 we're at 55 56,000 subscribers I think I'm I
don't care we still got to work what I care about is that yes the family got bigger yes we're inspiring more Brothers more brothers are coming in but it's not about that it's about the fact that I got to get up and do it again I got to get up and do it again I got to get up and do it again that's what happens when you love what you do that's what happens when you fulfilling your purpose we ain't about chasing numbers we're about you know what let's lock in let's lock in so I'm
so locked in that sometimes I don't even know how much subscribers I got it's all about let me just lock in let me just make the video because I love what I do and I want you guys to love what you do and lock in and don't get too comfortable some people if they were in my position they'll slack off okay yo I was dropping a video every week I mean every day now I'm going drop a video every week now understanding dropping a video every day is what got you here now that doesn't mean
you have to keep dropping a video every day if you in a new phase of your life maybe you can lower it you got to find out what works for you but for me dropping every day works for me and I'm going to continue doing that until I can't no more or until my life is in a situation where it requires me to do something different but as of right now I'm going all in this is what I need to do this is what I want to do this is what I love to do I'm
not not comfortable and some people get comfortable and I don't I don't ever think I'll get comfortable man I don't want to get comfortable I want to keep evolving because the minute that we feel so comfortable and we feel so rested and we feel like we've arrived is the minute you die because that's the minute You've Lost Your hunger so you don't even know when you're supposed to be hungry no more because you feel full You Feel Complete you feel like you've accomplished everything that you can in life if you don't set a new goal
you will die quicker statistics have shown this I remember I had a teacher guys he was in high school and um I'm not going to say his name just for you know privacy reasons for him and his family or whatever but you know great teacher he retired and a year later he came back because he missed doing what he did every single day he said that's what kept me going that's what kept me alive and he was an older man and he came back he came out of retirement now he retired again he's starting to
write books and do his own thing but I'm telling y'all man it's important to just lock in and do what you love and to not get too comfortable all right life is about evolving and you don't want to stop evolving number two don't quit there's a lot of people that quit they quit on themselves they quit on their family they quit on their friends they quit on their purpose they quit on their goals don't quit guys I can't express this enough we cannot be quitters we got to be winners the only thing that will stop
us from achieving our goals and dreams is if we quit believe it or not if we could not quit then guess how much farther so much of us will be guess how much farther so much of us can go in this thing that we call life the reason why a lot of people don't reach where they want to reach or go where they want to go or become successful in the things that they're trying to become successful in is literally because they quit it's literally because they think that they can't do it or they think
that they put in maximum effort when actually life is just getting you started and the moment that you feel like you about to quit is the moment where a breakthrough happens and you got to lock in and understand that your breakthrough could be today your breakthrough could be tomorrow but you'll never know if you quit so I urge you guys I know life is tough I know life is difficult but don't quit keep going and see how far you can take this thing see how far you can reach again the only way we can lose
is not by other people's opinions it's not about what other people think the only way we can lose brother is if we quit and the way that we win is if we keep going that's it it's that simple the third thing that men should never do is Chase don't chase people don't chase women don't chase a see the problem is a lot of us we're chasing the things that we want in this life chasing chasing but what that does is that puts you in a deficit it puts you in a space in your life where
it's like I got to keep chasing this I got to keep going after this I got to keep got to keep doing this I got to keep got to keep and if I don't then it ain't going to work it a instead of just let me be the best version of me let me lock in into what the things I need to do let me create a to-do list and accomplish those things for the day let me be the best man that I can be and then the right people will start to come into your
life it's attraction not chasing so it's just like building a beautiful garden right just like building a beautiful garden you build that beautiful garden butterflies is going to come butterflies is going to be curious as to what you building as to what's over here but the more that you keep chasing butterflies you going to keep chasing your whole life cuz they going to keep flying away because that's what they do when you're chasing something it's running away from you but when you're attracting something you you start to do magnetism you start to be like a
magnet things start to come to you they start to be attracted to you they start to chase you that goes for opportunities in life sometimes of course you got to create your own opportunities or go after it of course but I'm just saying don't chase people don't chase women you know be the best version of you and allow things to flow into your life man trust the process of Life Trust what you're doing trust what you're working towards okay number four has two parts men should never suppress their emotions and they should never be overly
emotional now I get what you're saying Malik that's a oxymoron okay how in the world is that possible how do you want me to never suppress my emotions but then I could never be overly emotional well here you go it's all about having healthy habits that can withstand the test of time right you don't want to be the type of man that bubbles up all his emotions because he thinks that's what being a man is you're not expressing yourself and then and 5 years down the line you go cuckoo you go crazy right you start
hurting people around you you don't want to be that type of man you want to deal with the things that you've had to deal with in life you have to start that healing process you have to start taking care of yourself you have to start implementing self-care into your daily habits right you see what I'm saying and so you have to make sure that your mental health is good how do you do this you got to start building habits every day whether it's journaling praying taking time to meditate and reflect on your day taking time
to have gratitude for the things that are working you know focusing on what you can control not what you cannot control things like that will help you elevate and be the man that you're supposed to be you're not supposed to sit here and be worried about things you cannot control you're not supposed to be worried about if people like you or not you're not supposed to be overly emotional you're supposed to handle your emotions handle them re recognize them realize them okay I'm sad right now why am I sad get that notepad bro get the
writing figure out why you're sad figure out why you're disappointed figure out why you feel the way you feel okay I'm angry right now why am I angry figure that out bro some of y'all just feel emotions and you don't know why but once you understand why then you're able to make better decisions so again number four don't be overly emotional and don't suppress your emotions deal with it head on and practice daily habits that will put you in a better mind state that will put you in a better mind frame okay number five for
men never avoid accountability okay we've all dealt with this there's even moments in my life where I thought I was handling things right and then I wasn't accountable and I had to recognize oh damn I was wrong for that I was actually wrong for that and I got to admit that apologize for that and figure out how we can move forward to me accountability is a superpower you got to understand this nobody wants to be accountable because nobody likes being right I mean nobody likes being wrong okay that that would have been crazy bro nobody
likes being right we would have had a beautiful Society of everybody being accountable and being a better person people are more in love with being right than being wrong but see I'm starting to change my mind frame and understand that I'd rather be wrong cuz I want to learn from it I don't want to think that I know everything same thing we spoke about earlier we're in this journey together if I'm wrong I want to be corrected if I could say something better I want somebody to tell me that I want somebody to teach me
how I could communicate something better or how I could have done something better so when you're accountable guys you got to understand most people they don't want to be accountable so when you're able to be accountable it's like a superpower because automatically off the bat they're looking at you like whoa he's actually being accountable and taking responsibility for something that he did or something that wasn't even fully his fault but he's still being responsible that makes you so much more of a man just how people perceive you they perceive you as somebody that's just okay
this man he's looking for Solutions not problems he's looking for Solutions not to argue and so sometimes we got to admit when we're wrong even if we don't want to because that again allows us to be accountable and make better decisions in the future the reason why I love accountability so much guys it gets a bad rep because again it bruises our ego but when you're accountable the ego starts to go down which is a good thing it's a good feeling because you start to understand that it's about we not about I it's about us
and how we're all team players and teammates and if you're in a relationship it's like we on the same team like it if if you win I win if I win you win so let's not argue right that's some quick relationship advice tell your partner that we on the same team tell your spouse we on the same team let's not argue let's find Solutions because if I win you win if you win I win let them know that remind them of that when you're accountable bro that's the only way that you're able to find Solutions
that's the only way that's the only way you're able to do inner work look within and say okay what can I do to be better and this channel life everything is all about self-improvement so if we actually want to self-improve in our life we have to be accountable for where our life is at and a lot of guys Dodge accountability and when you when you're when you're dodging accountability you're dodging the chance to take the power back and figure out what you need to do in order to have a better quality of life but instead
you dish accountability out to others oh it's so and so's fault it's so and so's fault while my life looks like this it's not my fault it's society's fault and so my question is is society going to come to you and write you a check and apologize for the damage that is done to you is the economy going to come to you and say hey I'm sorry that we look like this right now in 2024 um you know here's a check for what things should cost we're sorry bro like is anybody is your parents going
to come to you and say hey we could have done a better job we're sorry no and that's not me TR and that's not me trying to be funny it's never going to happen nobody's going to really apologize to you for not doing what they could have done to make your life better that's why you have to be responsible for your life and you have to say well even though people did me dirty even though people weren't the best to me even though life has been very hard for me I'm grateful that I'm here I'm
grateful that I'm alive and I'm going to be responsible and accountable for my life because nobody else is going to do that for me so I have to do it for myself I got to pick up the pieces myself and I got to move forward and make better decisions for myself and hopefully that means that my life can get better over time accountability is a superpower take your power back stop giving your power to people who don't care about you stop giving your power to people who will never come up to you and apologize number
six for men is that we should never neglect proper hygiene we should never neglect our looks never making a first impression is so important you know I want to start wearing suits more I I want to start dressing my age I'm 22 so some people think it's cool for me to just come outside regular t-shirt regular sweatpants yeah this is cool cuz I'm working out but I want to I want to start wearing suits more man you know I'm a grown man and I want to dress like it look like it and for me you
know y'all can wear whatever you want to wear especially wear what you can afford not everybody has a luxury of even getting a suit suits are expensive but I think every man should have at least one suit in his closet I think every man should try to look the best that they can look I believe every man should be the best that they can be and it's not just about the inside but it's also about the outer appearance and we'll definitely touch on that in future videos so I just want you guys to keep that
in mind you should care about how you look you should bro you should care about that because that's the first impression you make to people okay that's the first impression that you make to others so start caring about how you look start caring about how you appear your appearance matters and that doesn't mean my appearance is perfect I'm just telling all of us let's let's start carrying a little bit more about how we look let's make sure we brush our teeth let's make sure we have good hygiene let's make sure we wash our face like
I know you guys know this I'm not babying y'all I'm just reminding y'all how important it is to keep these things in rotation and to do it on a continuous basis I know what it's like bro you get tired you ready to sleep you know you feel like you don't want to brush your teeth but you got to get up cuz you don't want cavities you know you want to take care of your Health you want to take care of your hygiene you got to get up and do the things that you got to do
you got to wash your face you know you got to do these things bro so take care of your hygiene okay and last but not least number seven last thing that all men should never do is over complicate life don't over complicate what you got to do don't over complicate your workouts don't over complicate your meals the food that you eat don't over complicate anything the best thing that we could ever do in life life is to simplify our life I'll give you a small example I used to think cardio had to look fancy I
would do stair Master every single day I love the stair Master kept me shredded but I started to recognize that all I got to do is go outside for a walk now I'm spending more time with God's creation beauty or all you know Beauty all around me I'm just walking I didn't over complicate my cardio I didn't overdo it 10K steps Malik 10K steps and do that consistently 20K when you really feeling it when you really got that energy even when you don't see if you can push yourself don't over complicate it now cardio looks
simple I remember we used to make fun of our teachers we used to be like you tracking steps you tracking why why is our teachers tracking steps during lunch break now that's the lest thing bro I wish I was joining them during lunch break tracking steps too in high school you know as I grow a little older I start to recognize the importance of simplifying things man simplifying like today for dinner I'm I'm just going to eat steak you know you can say what you want I know it a you know y like damn where's
the rice where's the Steak has enough nutrients in it where you can just eat steak and once I recognize that I said okay let me simplify my diet let me today for dinner I'm just going to eak you know maybe I do eggs sometimes steak eggs for like breakfast today's dinner would just be steak you know like simplify things it doesn't have to look like how people tell you it has to look it just has to look in a way that works for you so I simplify my diet now I simplify things I'm not over
complicating life I'm not over complicating anything you know somebody don't want to be in your life somebody don't want to hang with you you know people don't want to hang with you people don't believe in you cool it's cool that's it don't over complicate it you know why don't you want to hang out with me we feel like we deserve an explanation nah cuz when we got to cut people off that aren't adding value into our life we're not explaining anything we're just going to I got to keep it pushing bro I got to do
what's right for me my family my loved ones my personal goals and dreams I you know I got to I got to simplify it you just don't fit into that that equation so you know simplify your life man you know simplify it bro and I promise you you know when you do that Things become more clear the reason why life is so clustered for you and it's hard for you to recognize the things that you know you got to work on and the person that you want to be is because it's so clouded with other
things that really don't hold weight and that really don't matter you really just have to lock in you know and locking in means simplifying doing the things that you have to do doing the things that you know you got to do and living better quality of life because of it now things start to become more clear you know because there's not there's not a lot of cluster in your brain there's not a lot of cluster in your life same way when you clean your room some of y'all got to clean your mind clean your mind
you worried about the wrong things you worried about fitting in you worried about if people like you you worried about not having a lot of friends if we already told y'all for purpose-driven men already told you you know every man should Master the art of being alone does that mean that we want to be alone 24/7 no but you should master that because I can't guarantee that you going to have friends around 24/7 you got to be okay with being alone that's all that means you got to be okay with locking in you got to
be okay with simplifying your life you got to be okay with doing these seven things on this list in order to elevate your life to the next level to become that purpose-driven man that you were always meant to become I love y'all I'll see y'all in the next video I appreciate y'all for rocking with me we're about to work out right now it's a little Park that I'm at and it has a little workout you know little workout stuff that we can do so I just want to get into it I want to work out
real quick I want to see what I can do and what I could get into you know I'll show y'all a little bit you know just want to see what we can get into man we got pullup bars right here actually I think this is where I'm going to be do some pull-ups real quick you know get back into the groove of things man came out here to walk now we about to work out pull a bars you feel me yeah all right y'all I love y'all appreciate y'all and I'll see y'all in the next
one man if you received this message bro if this was a good video and you watch to the end comment down I'll watch to the end I just want to see who my real you know what I'm saying everybody real you know everybody real I love everybody that watch for real I do but I want to see you know my supporters that go to extra mile to really take in the information just let me know you watch to the end bro just let me know you watch to the end I'll make sure to find your
comment all right appreciate y'all man yall my brothers peace