CS50P - Lecture 8 - Object-Oriented Programming

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This is CS50P, CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python. Enroll for free at https://cs50.edx.o...
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[Music] [Music] all right this is cs50's Introduction to programming with python my name is David men and this is our week on object oriented programming or o it turns out that in the world of programming there's different paradigms of programming languages there's different ways of solving problems with code and it's a little hard to see this at first if you've only learned one language but over time if and when you learn other languages besides python you'll start to notice certain patterns and certain capabilities of some languages but not another thus far within the world of
python you and I have largely been writing code that's procedural in nature whereby we're writing procedures we're writing functions and we're sort of doing things top to bottom everything is step by step by step as you would expect in general from an algorithm but along the way we've actually dabbled in another Paradigm known as functional programming with python whereby we've been able to pass functions around we even had an anonymous function some weeks ago and that's evidence of features of a functional programming language even though we've just scratched the surface thereof today we focus on
another Paradigm and this one in more detail namely object-oriented programming and now while some of you might have prior programming experience and have learned languages like Java which are by Design fundamentally objectoriented python indeed allows you a bit of flexibility when it comes to how you solve problems with code but it turns out oop object-oriented programming is a pretty compelling solution to problems that you invariably encounter as your programs get longer larger and more complicated so indeed oop for our purposes is going to be a solution to a problem that builds on so many of
the lessons passed so let's go ahead and do this let's start by writing a program very procedurally by opening up vs code here I'm going to go ahead and create a program called student. py and in this program I want to do something relatively simple initially uh as we might have done some weeks ago now where I just ask a user for their name and maybe in the context of the Harry Potter Universe their house and just print out where that student is from and let's gradually enhance this program by adding more and more features
to it and see if we don't stumble upon problems that up until now we might not have had very elegant well-designed solutions to but if we introduce explicitly object-oriented programming as a programming technique I bet we can clean up our code and set the stage for writing even more sophisticated programs longer programs down the line so in student. piy let me go ahead and do a name variable setting it equal to the return value of input and just prompt the user for their name like this and then let me go ahead and do the same
for a house variable and and prompt the user for their house using input like this and let's do something super simple now let's just go ahead and print out an F string that says something like name from house just so that I can confirm that the contents of these variables are indeed as I expect I'm not going to do any error checking or trimming or anything like that for now I'm really just going to spit back out whatever the user just typed in all right let me go ahead and run python of student doy let's
use our go-to like Harry as in Harry Potter from Gryffindor and when I hit ENT now let's see if I see that Harry from Gryffindor is indeed the case all right so I think we have a working program at this point but let's now introduce some of those Lessons Learned way back from week zero where we started writing our own functions not necessarily because it solves the problem more correctly I dare say this is correct as is but it begins to give us building blocks that we can extend so as to solve more complicated programs
so let me go back up to student. and let's go ahead now and do this let's put the entire log IC I just wrote inside of our typical method called Main and let me indent those three lines so that at least they're now combined into one main method but instead of using input on line two and input on line three why don't we go ahead and assume for the moment that we've got some function called get name in the world and let's go ahead and assume we've got another function like get house in the world
that don't take parameters but their purpose in life is by their named going to be to get the user's name and to get their user's house respectively and then I'm going to print out the exact same F string as before I of course need to implement these functions now so let me go lower in my file and Define a function called getor name nothing in these parentheses because it's not going to take a parameter and I'm going to go ahead and do something like name equals input quote unquote name just like before and then I'm
going to go ahead and return name so it's a super simple function but it's a an abstraction I now have a function called get name whose implementation details I don't have to care about anymore I just know that the function exists and I can tighten this up in in fact I don't really need a name variable on line 8 if I'm immediately going to return that same name variable on line 9 so let me just tighten this up a little bit even though it doesn't change the functionality and just immediately return the return value of
the inputs uh function call here let's do something very similar now for get house which will similarly take no arguments I'm going to go ahead and return the return value of input this time prompting the user for their house and I need one final detail at the very bottom let's continue our habit of doing if the name of this file equals equals quote unquote main then let's go ahead and actually call Main and recall that we have that in place so that if this eventually becomes part of a module a library of sorts I don't
accidentally call Main blindly I only do it if I mean to run main from the command line on this file all right so if I didn't make any mistakes here let me go ahead and in my terminal window again run python of student. piy enter let's type in Harry enter let's type in Gryffindor enter and we're set Harry from Gryffindor seems to still be working so we haven't really solved the problem any more correctly but I've laid the foundation to maybe now do some more interesting things because I've have these building blocks in place all
right but let me propose that we could be doing this a little bit differently get name get house is fine but at the end of the day I'm really trying to get a student from the user I want their name and their house not just one or the other so maybe it would be a little cleaner still to define a function called get student and let get student do all of this work for us now theoretically get student could call get name and could call get house but because these functions are so short I think
I'm okay with just defining one function called get student that similarly won't take any arguments but it's going to do two things it's going to get the student's name by prompting them with input as before and it's going to get the students house by also prompting them as before and then now hm I want to return the student but I think I might have painted myself into a corner here because I now have two variables name and house and yet up until now we've pretty much returned one or the other we've returned one value so
any suggestions for how we can perhaps solve this problem that I just created for myself whereby I want to return really a student but I currently have a name variable and a house variable I'd minimally like to return both both of those I believe that we can return a dictionary includes the name and the house yeah so we absolutely could return a dictionary a dict object in Python whereby maybe one key is name one key is house and the values thereof are exactly the values of these variables we could totally do that uh I worry
that that might be getting a little complicated I wonder if there's a simpler way instead any other instincts even if you're not sure it would work return both name and house return both name and house I I like the sound of that it sounds simple I don't have to figure out what a dictionary is going to look like and in fact this too would be a valid approach even if you've not seen this before it turns out in Python that you can kind of return multiple values but that's a bit of a white lie or
we could take Muhammad's approach of actually returning a dictionary and putting multiple Keys therein so here again we have yet another example of how you can solve the same problem in at least two ways and I dare say we're about to see even more so one way you could solve this problem whereby you want to return multiple values would be to do something like this I could go ahead and literally return not just name but I could put a comma and also return house this is not necessarily something you can do in other languages if
you have programmed in other languages before it depends on the language but it looks like thanks to this comma maybe I can in fact return two values as actually proposed well if I'm returning two values in this way on line 10 how do I get both values at the same time well there's a couple of ways let me go up to my main function I know minimally I'm going to have to change the get name and get house to get student but what am I going to store the return value in I think I could
actually do this and we have seen this technique before where you can unpack so to speak sequences of values that are coming back and indeed consider this to be exactly that name comma house is some kind of sequence that I'm returning of values name comma house so if I want to unpack those and store the return values in two separate variables I can in fact use the commas on the left hand side of my assignment operator the equal sign to do just that now to be clear I don't need to call these variables name and
house here I could simplify this and use just n here and H here and then I could return just n and H but I would argue that's not very uh clear to the reader as to what's going on so I think in this case even though it's a coincidence that I've used the same variable names in get student and get Main and in main it's a little more readable to someone like me so I'm going to leave it as is well let's go ahead and see now if this works let me clear my screen down
here and run python of student. enter let's again type in Harry let's again type in Gryffindor enter and voila we still see that Harry is from Gryffindor but what are we actually doing here what are we actually doing by returning this value well it turns out that what we've just done is used a tupple a tupple is another type of data in Python that's a collection of values X comma y or X comma y comma Z it's similar in spirit to a list in that sense but it's immutable it's not mutable now what does that
mean a list as we've seen it before is a data structure in Python that you can change the values of you can go into bracket zero for the first location and change the value there you can go to bracket one bracket two bracket three and actually change the values in lists but if you have no intention of changing the values of variables and you want to return effectively multiple values you don't have to even return it as as a list you can return it as a tupple instead just by using a comma and it turns
out we can make explicit that here's the white lie I'm not actually returning two values per se whenever you use a comma in this way on line nine you're actually returning one value which is a tupple inside of that tupple now are two values so it's similar in spirit to returning one list with two things here I'm returning one Tuple with two things and the mere fact that I've used a comma and nothing else tells python that I indeed want to return a tuple but there's more explicit syntax that we can use instead I can
actually more verbosely put explicit parentheses around the values of this tupple just to make more clear to me to the reader that this isn't two values per se this is one value with two things inside of it and what I can actually do then too is I don't have to unpack this up here so to speak I can actually go up here and maybe give a more apt name like student and I can name the value or rather name the variable in which I'm storing the return value of get student as quote unquote student so
maybe this is a little better design now because I'm sort of abstracting away what a student is it's implemented at the moment as a tupple with two values but at least now I have a variable called what I mean a student but there's going to be a catch on line three I still want to print out that Student's name and their house but I don't have a name variable anymore and I don't have a house and I also don't have a dictionary as was proposed earlier so I can't even go at those keys by name
but what a tupple is it's very similar in spirit to a list but it is indeed just immutable and what I mean by that is I can still index into it numerically by saying student square bracket Z for the item in the first location in that tupple and then over here instead of house I can say student bracket one student bracket one is going to give me the second location in that tupple let me go ahead and clear my terminal window again run python of student. let's type in Harry let's type in Gryffindor enter and
we still have some working code let me pause here now and see if there are any questions on this technique of returning a tupple and indexing into it in this way I guess what's a like a actual use case where you would use a tupple versus you know a list or something else that's similar it's a really good question when would you use a tuple versus a list when you want to program defensively or in general when you know the values in this variable shouldn't change so why would you use a data type that allows
them to be changed it just invites mistakes bugs down the line either by you or colleagues who are interacting with your code so tupple is just another way where you can increase the probability of correctness by just not letting anyone yourself included change the contents therein so it's just another tool in your toolkit but let's make clear then what I mean by immutable again I claim that immutable means that you cannot change the value well let's go ahead and try to do this let me go ahead and run this program once more as is python
of student. let me go ahead and type in for instance uh how about uh padma's name and I'm going to go ahead and say that padma's in Gryffindor as in the movies and we see Padma from Gryffindor but technically I went down this rabbit hole and looking at Harry Potter more closely technically in the books Padma I believe was from Ravenclaw so this is actually a mistake or an inconsistency between the movies and the books let's see if we can't fix this inconsistency in our code so how about we do this if the student's name
that's inputed equals Padma why don't we override whatever the uh whatever the house is and change it to be properly Gryffindor let me go ahead and do if student now if I want to get at padma's name I'm going to have to do student bracket zero I have to know what location the name is in in this tupple but if that in value equals equals Padma let's go ahead with this if statement and make a change let's change the students F uh bracket one value so the second value if we're zero indexing let's change it
to be another house in the World of Harry Potter called Ravenclaw so I'm just fixing maybe the user's input they watch the movie so they type in Padma Gryffindor but in the books it was Padma from Ravenclaw all right let me go ahead and go down to my terminal window clear my uh terminal and do python of student. enter I'm going to do Harry as well as Gryffindor just to demonstrate that that is still working as intended Let Me Clear My screen again though and run python of studenty on Padma and I'll put her too
in Gryffindor as in the movies and hit enter and now I just see a big mess of errors on the screen some kind of exception has been thrown and indeed a type error has happened I'm using a data type wherein there's an error and what is that error well tupple object does not support item assignment it's a little arcany Express that is that's not really very user friendly but if you think about what those words mean Tuple object does not support item assignment so assignment is copying from right to left so somehow that's invalid and
here is a manifestation of the immutability of topples you cannot change location zero or one or anything inside that is a feature that is the design of a tupple so if I want to override that I think I'm going to have to use a different type of data that we've used before namely a list and that's fine if you want to enable yourself and colleagues using your code to change the contents of that container well we can go ahead and return not a tupple using explicit parentheses or no parentheses just the comma but I can
use square brackets and if I'm using square brackets on the left and the right this is indeed explicitly a list same idea but it's mutable that is to say you can change the contents of a list so making no other changes just returning a list with square brackets instead of a tuple with parentheses or just the comma let me go ahead now and run python of studenty enter let me type in Harry and Gryffindor again that's still working good to see let me run this once more and type in Padma and Gryffindor as in the
movies but no now we've corrected it to be Padma from Ravenclaw as in the books instead any questions now on tuples versus lists or this idea of immutability versus mutability uh can be used a nest cou in Python like a a nested list absolutely you can have not only nested lists in Python where one of the elements in a list could be another list so you have some square brackets out here you might have some other square brackets inside you can absolutely do the same with a tuple as well there's no constraint on the types
of values you can put in there we've not had occasion to do that in this case I'm just returning a simple uh simple tupple with two elements but yes you could absolutely do that too other questions on tupples versus lists okay for example um when I see the square bracket um is it mainly used for the list oh a really good question uh sort of so when you create a value like a list you use square brackets and that would indeed be a visual indicator that this is definitely a list uh if you instead see
parentheses that's a visual indicator when creating a value that it's definitely a tuple however somewhat confusingly both lists and topples use square brackets when you access the contents of them when you index into them at location zero or location one you always use square brackets so that's the distinction there good question allow me to propose now if I may that we solve this problem yet another way and let's see if we're either making things better or for worse than us recall that dictionaries or dict objects also exist in python and a dictionary is this collection
of keys and values and the upside in particular of a dictionary is that they have better semantics right you don't just have to assume that that a name is always going to be at location zero house is always going to be at location one I mean that's the kind of thing especially if you had three four or more values eventually you or someone is going to get confused and forget what the order is and you're going to write buggy code so a dictionary is a little more powerful and that you can semantically associate Keys like
little descriptions with the values those keys and those values respectively so let me go ahead and do this and we can do this in a few different ways but let me propose that we focus on get student here and let's go ahead and do this let me go ahead and uh in delete the implementation of get student Asis let me create a student variable and initialize it to an empty dictionary and I can do that with just two curly braces here and then let me go ahead and set two keys inside of that dictionary inside
of the student there will be quote unquote a name key and the value of that is going to be whatever the return value of input is when I prompt the user for their name and then the house key inside of that that same student dictionary is going to be the return value of whatever the user types in for their house and lastly I'm going to go ahead and return student so now I am literally returning one thing still but this time it's a dict rather than a tupple rather than a list but there's still two
things in it technically four things if you count the keys and the values but there's two key value pairs now my code up here is going to have to change a little bit and let's simplify this and remove for instance now the the pad if statement just to focus on what's changing at hand and let me go ahead now and leave line two alone I'm still going to have a student variable that gets assigned the return value of get student but what I want to do here now is actually access the keys inside of that
dictionary not by numeric index which was for tuples and lists zero and one but by way of the keys now normally I might be in the habit as I personally am of using double quotes quote unquote name inside of there and quote unquote house inside of there but before I even run this code and show you a mistake see an error on the screen does anyone want to call out what I have done wrong here this is just an F string I just want to print out the value of the name key the value of
the house key in this dictionary but you're your audio was a little garbled for us but I think I heard double quotes and single quotes so I'm going to assume that indeed you've identif precisely the issue I'm just going to confuse python right now even though this is an F string inside of Double quotes prefixed with an F I can't actually use my double quotes inside my double quotes because that's going to potentially confuse python indeed if I run this program now python of student. py and hit enter I get a syntax error so the
program didn't even run fully it just couldn't be understood because it got confused by those double quotes So the simplest fix here would indeed just be to use not double quotes but single quotes around the keys or conversely flip the double quotes on the outside to single quotes then use double quotes on the inside you just want to be consistent so a subtle detail but again this is now specific to dictionary syntax this isn't fundamental to how we're solving this current problem at hand all right well let's go ahead and try this let me go
ahead now and run python of student. let's go ahead and type in Harry let's type in Gryffindor and hopefully Harry is back from Gryffindor no syntax errors no other errors I think I'm back in business here and what I do like to be clear about using a dictionary is that it is allowing me just better semantics again I don't have to remember memorize document that zero is name one is house instead name is name and house is house it's just a little clear a little more expressive so that's generally a good thing especially if we
stored more data about students than just their name in their house if you had three Fields four five 10 different fields no one's going to want to remember or be able to remember forever which is zero which is one which is two and so forth better to introduce uh names like name and house in this case but let me tighten this up further in indeed I'm typically in the habit of not introducing variables unnecessarily unless they make the code more readable and an alternative way to format the same code would be this strictly speaking I
don't need to create an empty dictionary then add one key to it then add a second key to it and then return that dictionary I can actually consolidate this all into one statement if you will let me go ahead and do this let me go ahead and say name equals inputs return value house equals inputs return value and then instead of returning any variable name student which I'm going to propose doesn't need to exist anymore let me just create and return the dictionary all at once let me do quote unquote name in lowercase here and
then the variable it's storing the user's name then quote unquote house as my second key the value of which is going to be house the variable now is this better maybe maybe not maybe the first way was a little more readable and that's totally fine to create variables if they improve the readability of your code but just know that you can also create and return a dictionary on the fly like this so to speak all in one line and I think it's arguably pretty reasonable in this case why it's just pretty short I probably wouldn't
do this if it got longer and longer and longer I might minimally then start moving my key value pairs to separate lines but this would just be a slightly more compact way of doing this as well but let me propose we do one more change let's go ahead and introduce that same special casing of Padma to fix her house from Gryffindor for instance to Raven claw how do we do this with dictionaries well dictionaries like lists are mutable you can change what is in them just like you can lists and how do you do that
is just a little different syntactically so let's go back into Main and do this fix if the student variable has a name key that equals equals Padma then indented go ahead and change the value of the house key inside of that student dictionary to be quote unquote Ravenclaw instead so very similar in spirit to what we did with a list but instead of using location zero and one we're much more clearly explicitly semantically using quote unquote name and quote unquote house because you index into lists and topples using numbers but you index into dictionaries using
strings as I've done here all right let me go ahead and run python of studenty we'll again do Harry from Gryffindor and I think all as well let me run it one more time this time with Padma who in the movies is from Gryffindor but should really be from Ravenclaw are any questions then on this progression from tuples to lists to dictionaries we haven't necessarily introduced anything new other than those tuples which have been available to us all this time but the goal at the moment is just just to demonstrate this distinction among these different
data types and how they each work a little bit differently what if a a combination of lists is there in a tuple so is the list like we can change the list because tupple are immutable but lists are mutable correct you can change the contents of lists and you can put most anything you want in them other lists or strings as I've done integers or anything else tles you can do the exact same thing but you cannot change them once you've created them a dictionary is more like a list in that it is mutable you
can change it but the way you index into a dictionary is by way of these Keys these strings as we keep seeing rather than by numbers those numeric indices all right well let me propose that there is yet another way of solving this problem and indeed I would argue that there's now an opportunity to hand even though this program isn't particularly complicated all I'm doing is collecting a name from the user and a uh house from the user you could imagine wanting longer term to collect even more information like the student's Patronis or magical spell
or a whole bunch of other information that might belong in a student and right now we're just kind of using these very general purpose data types in Python a tuple to combine some values together a list to do the same but let us change it later a dictionary which is more powerful because it's a little more structured it does have keys and it has values not just values but you know what this we wouldn't have to be having this conversation if the authors of python had just given us a data type called student right wouldn't
it have been nice if there were just a type of variable I could create in my code called student then we wouldn't have to figure out well do we use a tuple or a list or a dictionary but that's pretty reasonable right you could imagine just a how slippery of a slope that is so to speak if the creators of a language had to anticipate all the possible types of data that Pro programmers like you and me want to store in your programs so they just gave us these general purpose tools but they gave us
another general purpose tool that's going to allow us to create our own data types as well and actually give them names and that uh terminology is a class A Class is kind of like a blueprint for pieces of data object so to speak a class is kind of like a mold that you can define and give a name and when you use that mold or you use that blueprint you get types of data that are designed exactly as you want so in short classes allow you to invent your own data types in Python and give
them a name and this is a primary feature uh of object-oriented programming to be able to create your own objects in this way and in the case of python and classes even give them some custom names so what does this mean in real terms well let me go ahead and come back to VSS code here and let me propose that we introduce a little bit of new syntax I'm going to go ahead and clear my terminal window first I'm going to go to the top of my file and I'm just going to start a thought
but not finish it yet I'm going to use this new keyword for classes called literally class so indeed the new keyword we're going to have here and if I go back to our slides here this would be the official URL where you can read up more on this particular feature of python in the official tutorial class is a new keyword we can use now this is coincidentally related to students because students take classes but it has nothing to do with the fact that dealing with students class is a general purpose term in a lot of
languages python among them that allow you to Define these custom containers with custom names for pieces of data so let's go back to vs code let's use this new keyword and let me propose that we create a class called student and by convention I'm going to use a capital S here and I'm going to go ahead and with a colon get to later the implementation of this class so I'm just going to use dot dot dot which is a valid placeholder for now that just indicates to me that I'm going to come back back to
implementing this later but as of now it does in fact exist I now have a student uh class defined for me that I can now use in my code here how am I going to use it well first of all let me go down to get student and let me change this code to no longer use a dictionary but to use this class I'm going to do this I'm going to give myself a variable called student as I've done before but I'm going to set it equal to Capital student open parenthesis close parenthesis so I'm
going to do what appears to be calling a function and that function student with a capital S notice matches the name that I gave this class at the top of my file all right what do I next want to do I'm going to go ahead and give this student a name now if I were still using a dictionary I would say student quote unquote name using square brackets but this is not a dictionary it turns out classes have what for now we'll call attributes properties of sorts that allow you to specify values inside of them
and the Syntax for that happens to be a DOT we've seen dots before we've used it in the context of modules and libraries more generally this is another similar in spirit use of a DOT that allows you to get at something inside of something else so student. name is going to be the syntax I use for giving this student a name and that name is going to be whatever the return value of name is and then I'm going to go ahead and say student.h house to give another attribute called house and give that the return
value of input here prompting the user for house and then as before I'm just going to return student but now what's really powerful about class and object-oriented programming more generally is that I've created this custom data type called literally student capital S I've stored one such student in a variable like I can always do in a variable called student lowercase s but I could call it anything I want I just make sense to call it student as well but lowercase for clarity and then I'm returning that variable and because of my syntax in lines 14
and 15 that has the result of putting inside of that class a name attribute and a house attribute I just need to make one more change up here I'm going to go ahead and remove our Padma code just so we can focus only on what's new rather than fixing her house and I'm going to go in here and change the syntax that previously was for dictionaries again dictionaries use square brackets and then strings in quotes either single quotes or double quotes depending on the context here though I'm going to change this to be student. name
and over here I'm going to change it to be student. housee and that's just going to be my new syntax for getting the contents of what appears to be a class called student let me go ahead and rerun python of student. by enter let's type in Harry's name as before let's put him in Gryffindor crossing our fingers as we often do and Harry is indeed from Gryffindor what the though have I done let's introduce one other bit of terminology here it turns out that I can create a class using that class keyword but anytime you
use a class you're creating what are called objects and here is the word objects as an objectoriented programming or oop let me go back to my code here and even though I haven't really implemented much of it at all I literally just left it with a dot dot dot that's enough code lines one and two to just invent a new data type called student capital s that may or may not have some future functionality as well that's enough to create a class what though am I doing on line 11 on line 11 what I'm technically
doing is creating an object of that class so this too is another term of art you create objects from classes so if we go back to that metaphor that a class is like a blueprint for a house or a class is like a mold an object is when you use that blueprint to build a specific house or something that comes out of in plaster the mold when you actually use that mold to create such an object so a class is again the definition of a new data type the object is the Incarnation of or technically
instantiation of and another term for objects would actually be an instance you have instances of classes as well so that's a lot of vocabulary but at the end of the day it just boils down to this you can Define your own class which is really your own data type you can then store attributes inside of it using this dot notation here and and then you can access those same attributes using Code like this here and now I have a proper student data type and I don't have to kind of hack something together using a tuple
or a list or even a dictionary I now have a proper data type called student that the authors of python didn't give me I gave myself any questions now on classes this new keyword class or this idea of these objects or instances thereof is the class object mut or immutable a good question and we've clearly laid the stage for having that conversation about every data type now we will see that they are mutable but you can make them immutable so you can get the best of both worlds Now by writing some actual code and we'll
write more code than the dot dot dot in just a bit other questions on classes or these objects thereof then what would be the properties of those glasses uh so at the moment the properties of or the attributes of as I've been calling them thus far would just be name and house it turns out that there may very well be other attributes built into classes that we may see before long but for now the only two attributes that I care about are the ones that I myself created namely name and house are again what I
would call attributes and in a little bit we're going to start calling those same attributes more technically instance variables name and house as I've presented them here in vs code are really just variables called name and called house inside of an object object whose type is student all right so what more can we do with these classes well again online 11 is where we're instantiating an object of the student class and assigning it to a student variable we're then adding attributes name and house respectively on lines 12 and 13 currently both of those have values
that are technically strings or stirs because that's what the return value of input is but those attributes values could actually be any data type we're just keeping things simple and focusing on defining students in terms of two strings name and house and then on line 14 we're returning that variable we're returning that object to main so that we can actually print out who is from what house well let's go ahead and add a bit more functionality here because right now on lines 12 and 13 this is a little manual and it's a little reckless of
me to just be putting anything I want inside of this student object it turns out with classes unlike with dictionaries we can actually standardize all the more what those attributes can be and how what kinds of values you can set them to so let me go ahead and do this let me propose that it would actually be really nice if instead of doing this here let me go ahead and simplify my code as follows let me go ahead and give myself a local variable called name and set it equal to the return value of input
like we've done many times now already let me give myself one other variable for now called house and set it equal to the return value of input as well prompting the user for their house and now and instead of creating a student object from my student class and then manually putting the name attribute inside of it and the house attribute inside of it let me actually do something more powerful let me do this let me call that student function which is identical to the class name just by defining a class you get a function whose
name is identical to the class name with the capital letter included but instead of just doing open parenthesis close parenthesis let me pass in the name that I want to fill this this object with and the house that I want to put in that object as well and now let me set the return value as before to be student equals like this so what have I done that's different fundamentally I'm still getting user input in the same way I'm using input on line 11 and input on line 12 and I just so happen to be
storing those return values in local variables but now now we're setting the stage for the more powerful features of classes and objectoriented programming more generally notice that I'm deliberately passing to this capital S student function name comma house I'm passing in arguments to the function now the student class is not going to know what to do with those yet but now I'm sort of standardizing how I'm passing data into this student class and ultimately it's going to give me an opportunity to error check those inputs to make sure that the name is valid that it
has a value and it's not just the user hitting enter it's going to allow me to ensure that it's a valid house that it's griffindor door or Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw or Slytherin or not just hitting enter or some random value that the user types in because I'm passing name and house to the student class this particular function I'm going to have more control over the correctness of my data so let's now go up to the student class which up until now I left as just dot dot dot it turns out that in the context of
classes there are a number of not just uh attributes or instance variables that you can put inside but also method Me classes come with certain methods or functions inside of them that you can Define and they just behave in a special way by nature of how python works these functions allow you to determine behavior in a standard way they are indeed special methods in that sense now what do I mean by this well let me go back to VSS code here and let me propose that I start to define a standard function called uh underscore
underscore or Dunder as it's abbreviated in it underscore underscore and then I'm going to go ahead and do open parenthesis and then I'm going to put in here literally the word self more on that in just a moment but now inside of this function I'm going to have an opportunity to customize this uh class's objects that is to say this underscore underscore init method or Dunder init method is specifically known as an instance method and it's called exactly this this is designed by the authors of python and if you want to initialize the contents of
an object from a class you define this method and we'll see what it's about to do here let me go back to vs code and let me do something like this self. name equals name and self. house equals house but I don't want to just init this object very generically I want this method called in it to take in not just self but name comma house as well now what in the world is going on because there's a lot of weird syntax here there's this Dunder init method double underscore in it double underscore there's all
of a sudden this parameter called self and then there's this new syntax self. name and self. house now you're seeing really a manifestation of objectoriented programming it's not all that different fundamentally from what we've been doing for weeks with dictionaries by adding keys to dictionaries but in this case we're adding variables to to objects AKA instance variables to objects now what's going on let's do this in Reverse let's go back to the line of code we wrote earlier on line 15 I am treating the name of this class student with a capital S as a
function and I am passing in two values name and house what I've highlighted here on the screen on line 15 is generally known as a Constructor call this is a line of code that is going to construct a student object form for me using synonyms it is going to instantiate a student object for me and again how is it going to create that object it's going to use the student class as a template as a mold of sorts so that every student is structured the same every student is going to have a name every student's
going to have a house but because I can pass in arguments to this student function capital S I'm going to be able to customize the contents of that object so if you think about the real world if you've ever been on a street or a neighborhood where all of the houses kind of look the same but they're might be painted differently they might be decorated a little bit differently on the outside all of those houses might have been built using the exact same blueprint sort of a mold if you will but then you can specialize
exactly the finer points of those houses by painting the outside a different color or planting different trees you can style them differently similar uh in spirit here we have a student blueprint that's always going to have now a name and a house but it's up to you and me to pass in any name in any house that we want now where is this function the fact that I'm calling student capital S and then a parenthesis and a Clos parenthesis with arguments inside suggests that there's a function somewhere in the world that has been defined with
de that's going to be called well as you might have guessed by now the function that will always be called by definition of how python classes work is a fun called double underscore in it double underscore why it's a crazy name but it's what the authors of python chose to just implement the initialization of an object in Python now the only weird thing especially weird thing I will admit is this it would be way clearer to me too if the only two parameters for in it were just name comma house right that's how we've defined
every function thus far in the class you just specify the parameters that you want the function to accept and indeed that lines up with what I'm doing on line 15 I am only passing in two things to the student function but it turns out that the authors of python need to give us a little bit of help here because suppose that you pass in name and house to this init method and a method is just a function inside of a class what are you going to do with the name in the house like literally where
are you going to put them if you want to remember the name in the house for this student you've got to be able to store those values somewhere and how do you store them in the current object that has just been instantiated well the authors of python decided that the convention is going to be that this init method also semi secretly takes a third argument that has to come first by convention it's called self but you could call it technically anything you want but the convention is to always call it self and self as its
name implies gives you access to the current object that was just created created what does that mean again now on line 14 now that it's moved down a little bit this line here is a Constructor it constructs a student object but there's nothing in that object initially there's no name there's no house but the object exists in the computer's memory it's up to now you to store the name and the house inside of that object how do you do that well python will just automatically call this init method for you and it's going to automatically
pass in a reference to a an argument that represents the current object that it just constructed in memory for you and it's up to you to populate it with values and what this means is that inside of your init method you can literally do self. name to create a new attribute AKA an instance variable inside of that otherwise empty object and put this name inside of it it allows you to do self. house and store that value of house now you could call these things anything you want they could be n they could be H
as before four but that's really not very self uh explanatory much better to do this kind of convention self. name equals name self. house equals house and this is like installing into the otherwise empty object the value name and house and storing them in really identically named instance variables in the object and again an object is just an instance of a class now I know that was a lot of vocabulary that's a lot of weird syntax so any questions on this init method whose purpose in life again is to initialize an otherwise empty object when
you first create it so what is the difference between the init method and default Constructor a good question so in other languages if you programmed before for instance Java there are functions that are explicitly called Constructors that indeed construct an object they initialize it with values python technically calls this init method the initialization method it initializes the value it's online 14 uh line 15 now of my code if I scroll back down that I'm technically constructing the object it turns out there's another special method in Python that we won't talk about in detail today called
underscore uncore new underscore underscore that actually handles the process of creating an empty object in memory for us but generally speaking you the programmer don't need to manipulate the new function it just works for you instead you define your own init method here an init function inside of your class and that method initializes the contents of the object so there's technically a distinction between constructing the object with new and initializing it with in it but in the world of python you pretty much only worry about the in it method python generally does the other part
for you a good question others uh what about if you want to store more than one name or more than one house a good question if you want to store more than one name or more than one house you can do this in different ways you could create other attributes technically called instance variables like self. name one self. name two but we've seen in the past that that is not a very good design just to have multiple variables to store multiple things maybe instead you have an instance variable called self. names plural and you set
it equal to a list of names or a list of houses now in this case I don't think that really solves a problem because I'm trying to implement a student singular so it doesn't really make sense to have multiple first names maybe a nickname maybe a last name so we could add those to but I don't think we need multiple names per se and in this case multiple houses but absolutely you could do that using some of our familiar building blocks like lists other questions how are classes or objects represented in memory how are classes
and objects represented in memory so the class is technically just code it is the code on the top of my file lines one through four that defines that blueprints that template if you will um objects are stored in the computer's memory by taking up some number of byes so you're probably familiar with bytes or kilobytes or megabytes there's some chunk of bytes probably all in the same location in the computer's memory or Ram where those V where those objects are stored but that's what python the program handles for you python The Interpreter figures out where
in the computer's memory to put it you and I the programmers get to think and solve problems at this level python The Interpreter handles those lower level details for you how about one final question on classes and objects no my question is if we can the same do the same thing with the dictionary so where to use classes good question if you can do the same things as you can with dictionaries why should you use classes because we are just scratching the surface now of what you can do with classes allow me to go back
now to my keyboard and show you more of what you can do with classes but in short you can do much more with classes you can ensure the correctness of your data much more with classes you can error check things and generally you can design more complicated soft software more effectively and we'll continue to see today features of python and objectoriented programming more generally that allows us to do just that so let me propose in fact that first let's just tighten up this current implementation which again has us with an init method that just declares
two instance variables self. name and self. house which again just creates those variables inside of the otherwise empty object and assigns them values name and house respectively let me go ahead and just do one little thing here I don't really need this student variable let me just tighten this up so that each time we improve or change the code we're focusing really on just the minimal changes alone so I've not fundamentally done anything different I just got rid of the variable name and I'm just returning the return value of this student function that's constructing my
new object for me so I'm just tightening things up as we've done many times in the past well what if something goes wrong when in creating this student for instance what if the user does not give us a name and they just hit enter when prompted for name like I don't want to put in my computer's memory a sort of bogus student object that has no name right I'd ideally like to check for errors before I even create it so I don't create a nameless student it would just be weird and probably a bug to
have an object that has no name similarly I don't want the user to be able to type in something random as their house at least in the World of Harry Potter there's really only four houses at Hogwarts at least or there's again Gryffindor and huffle and Ravenclaw and slitherin a list of four valid houses it would be nice if I somehow validated that the user's input is indeed in that list now I could do all of that validation in my get student function I could check is the name empty if so don't create the student
object is the house one of those four houses if not don't create the student object but that would be rather decoupled from the student itself right get student currently exists as just my own function in my student. piy file but classes and really object-oriented programming more generally encourages you to encapsulate inside of a class all functionality related to that class so if you want to validate that a name exists if you want to validate that a house is correct that belongs just uh fundamentally in the class called student itself not in some random function that
you wrote elsewhere again this is just methodology because again if we think about writing code that gets longer and longer more and more complicated it should make just intuitive sense that if you keep all the house uh and all the Stu all of the name and all of the house related code in the student it's just better organization right keep all of the related code together and that's probably going to set you up for more success and indeed that's part of this methodology of objectoriented programming let me go ahead now and change my students classes
init method to do this if the name is blank so if not name and we've seen this kind of syntax before if you say in Python pythonic if not name that's like doing something like this if name equals equals quote unquote but I can do this a little more elegantly just say if not name would be the more pythonic way to do it well I want to return an error like I might want to do something like this print missing name but this is not good enough it does not suffice to just print out missing
name and then let the rest of the code go through all right well what could I do instead in the past we've seen another technique I could do cy. exit and I could say something like missing name and I could go up here and I could import CIS but this is a really obnoxious solution to the problem just because you or maybe a colleague messed up and called a function with an invalid name you're going to quit my whole program like that's really really extreme of a response and you probably don't want to do that
if your program's in the middle of running you might want to clean some stuff up you might want to save files you don't want to just exit a program sometimes in some arbitrary line just because input was invalid so I don't think we want to do that either but we do now have a mechanism for signaling errors unfortunately I can't do something like this I could try returning none and say uhuh this student does not exist I'm going to hand you back none instead but it's too late if we scroll back down to where I'm
creating the student it's on line 17 now where I've highlighted this code the student has already been created there is an object somewhere in the computer's memory that's structured as a student it just doesn't have any values inside of it but it's too late therefore to return none that ship has sailed the object exists you can't just suddenly say nope nope there is no object there is an object it's up to you to Signal an error and how do you signal an error well we've actually seen this before but we haven't had occasion to create
our own errors it turns out in Python there's another keyword related to exceptions that python itself uses to raise all of those exceptions we've talked about in the past when you've caught things like value errors or other such exceptions that come with python well it turns out you the programmer can raise that is create your own exceptions when something just really goes wrong not wrong enough that you want to quit and exit the whole program but enough that you need to somehow alert the programmer that there has been an error something exceptional in a very
bad way something exceptional has happened and let them try to catch that exception as needed so let me go back to vs code here and propose that if the user passes in an invalid name it's just empty so there's not a name well what I really want to do is this I want to raise a value error and we've seen the value errors before we've created value errors accidentally before and generally you and I have try to catch them if they happen well the flip side of this feature of exceptions in a language like python
is that you the programmer can also raise exceptions when something exceptional happens and you can even be more precise you don't have to raise a generic value error and let the programmer figure out what went wrong you can treat value error and all exceptions in Python like functions and actually pass to them a an explanatory message like quote unquote missing name so that at least the programmer when they encounter this error knows oh I messed up I didn't make sure that the user has a name and now what do you want to do instead well
now if you're the programmer you could do something like this you could try to create a student except if there's a value error then you could handle it in some way and I'm going to wave my hand with a dot dot dot at how you would handle it but you would handle it using try and accept just like we have in the past and that would allow you the programmer to try to create the student but if something goes wrong okay okay I'll handle it nonetheless so what's new here again is this raise keyword that
just lets you and I actually raise our own exceptions to Signal these errors well let me go back to my code here and I'm just going to go ahead and not bother trying or catching this error for now we'll just focus on raising it and assume that from our week on exceptions you could add try and accept as needed in places let me go back to the code here and propose that something else could go wrong with house right if there is a name we're good but if we're given a house but it's invalid we
should probably raise an exception for that too so what if we do this if house is not in the list containing Gryffindor quote unquote uh Hufflepuff quote unquote uh let's see Ravenclaw quote unquote or uh Slytherin quote unquote then with my colon let's raise another type of value error but rather than raise a generic value error let's pass in an argument quote unquote invalid house and so here we now see a capability that we can do with classes that we can't with dictionaries if you add an attribute to a dictionary a key to a dictionary
it's going in no matter what even if the name is empty even if the house is a completely random string of text that's not one of these four houses it's going into that dictionary but with the class and by way of this init method you and I can now control exactly what's going to be installed if you will inside of this object you have a little more control now over correctness and so now let me go ahead and uh scroll back down to my terminal window and clear it let me run python of studenty let
me type in something like Harry let me type in Gryffindor enter and we see that indeed Harry is from Gryffindor what if I made a mistake though what if I ran python of student. and typed Harry is the name but I this time typed in number four Private Drive which is where he grew up instead of his proper Hogwarts house let me hit enter now and now you see a value error but this isn't one that python generated for us per se I rais this error and therefore if I went in and wrote more code
in my get student function I could also catch this error with our usual try except syntax so all we have now is not just classes in our toolkit but even more Powers when it comes to exceptions and not just catching them ourselves but raising them ourselves too any questions now on this use of classes and in it and now this ability to raise exceptions when something goes wrong inside of the initialization so what if user has a middle name name middle name and last name how would you fix that a good question if you wanted
the user to if you wanted the student to have a first name middle name and last name we could do this in a bunch of different ways the simplest though if Let Me Clear My screen here and let me just temporarily do this let me propose that the init method take in a first argument a middle argument and a last argument and then what I think I would do down here here is ultimately have first equals first and then I would do the same thing for middle and last so middle and middle and then last
and last and then what I would have to do here is when I actually ask the user for their name I might need to really go all out I might need to ask them first for their first name and store that in a variable called First and therefore pass in first I might similarly need to ask them for their middle name and store that in a variable and then pass in a second argument middle and then lastly if you will let me go ahead and create a third variable called last get the input for their
last name and pass that in as well I could instead just use one input and just ask them for their whole name so type in David uh men enter or David J ma all three of them and maybe I could use Python split function maybe a regular expression to tease it apart that's probably going to be messy because there's going to be people who don't have just two or three names they might have four or five so maybe sometimes it's better to have multiple prompts but that's not a problem because with a class we have
the expressiveness to take in more arguments if we want we could even take a list if we wanted but I think we'd probably want to have even more error checking then not just for name but for first and then maybe for middle and then maybe for last so it just is more and more code though there would be ways to perhaps consolidate that too let me undo all of that and see if there are other questions now on classes I assume this is classes are something I might at the beginning of a project can I
just put them in a different file and import them into my project or or or my main code as needed absolutely a really good question you could imagine wanting to use this student class not just in studenty but in other files or other projects of yours and absolutely you can create your own library of classes by putting the student class in your own module or package per our discussion in the past about libraries more generally and absolutely you can do that and later today will we see that we've actually been using classes you and I
before in third party librar so you too can absolutely do the same how about one more question on classes can you have optional variables in classes and two can you have your own error names like let's be ego and say I want to raise Eric error short answer yes so you can uh these init functions are just like python functions more generally even though they're special and that they're going to get called automatically by python for you but if you want to make house optional you could do something like this you could give it a
default value in the init functions uh signature so to speak in that first line of code on line two and that would allow me to not have to pass in house in this case I'm going to continue to always pass in name and house but you could make things optional and yes to your second question if you wanted to have your own error message like an Eric error you could actually create your own Eric error exception and we'll see in a little bit that there's actually a whole Suite of exceptions that exist and you too
can invent those as well let me propose though that we now introduce one other aspect of this whereby we try printing out what a student looks like at the moment if I scroll back down to my main function I'm still printing the student's name and house very manually I'm going inside of the object doing student. name and I'm going inside of the object again and getting student. house just to see where uh the student is from but wouldn't it be nice if I could just print the student like I've been PR printing for weeks any
int or float or stir or any other data type well let's see what happens if I just try printing the student instead of manually going inside and trying to create that sentence myself well in my terminal window let me go ahead and run python of student. again let me type in Harry let me type in Gryffindor and we voila Harry whoa okay main student object at o x102 733 e80 well what is going on well if you were to run the same code you might actually see something different on your computer in terms of that
number but what you're really seeing is the underlying representation as a string of this specific object in particular you're seeing where in the computer's memory it is this number o x102 733 e80 refers to essentially a specific location in the computer's memory or Ram that's not really that interesting for me or you or generally speaking programmers but it's just a default way of describing via print what this thing uh is but I can override this as well it turns out that there are other special methods in Python when it comes to classes not just underscore
underscore in it underscore underscore But continuing in that same pattern underscore underscore stir underscore underscore so this too is a special method that if you define it inside of your class python will just automatically call this function for you anytime some other function wants to see your object as a string print wants to see your F your object as a string but by default if you don't have this method defined in your class it's going to print out that very ugly esoteric Incarnation thereof where it says main. student object at Ox dot dot dot well
how can I then Define my own stir function well here back in VSS code let me propose that I go in and Define not just underscore underscore uh in it but let me Define a second function in this class here as follows decore uncore stir underscore underscore there are indeed two even though the font in VSS code is putting the two underscore so close it just looks like a longer underscore there are indeed two there on the left and the right just like for in it this one only takes one argument that by convention is
always called self so that you have access to it and then indented below that after a colon I'm going to go ahead and create a format string and return it so let me go ahead and return how about something gener generic first like a student so I'm not going to bother even trying to figure out what this Student's name or house is I'm just going to always return a student let me go back now to my earlier code which has print student on line 16 Let Me Clear My terminal window and rerun python of studenty
enter type in Harry type in Gryffindor last time I saw that very cryptic output this time I see more generically a student you know more readable but not very enlightening which student is this well notice that the uh double underscore stir method takes in this self argument by default it's just the way the python authors designed this method it will always be passed a reference to the current student object what do I mean by that when this line of code on line six is called print because it's hoping it's going to get a string is
going to trigger the underscore uncore stir underscore uncore method to be called and python for you automatically is going to pass into that method a reference to the object that's trying to be printed so that you the programmer can do something like this here's an F string with double quotes as usual I'm going to use some curly braces and say print out self. name from self. house so there's nothing new in what I've just done it's just an F string an F on the beginning two double quotes a couple of pairs of curly braces but
because Auto automatically this stir method gets past self so to speak a reference to the current object I can go inside of that object and grab the name I can go inside that object again and grab the house so now when I go back to my terminal window previously it just printed out a student but now if I run python of student. enter type in Harry type in Gryffindor and one more time hit enter Harry is again from Gryffindor but if I run this yet again let's for instance do Drake Draco is from Slytherin enter
Draco is from Slytherin now it's customized to the specific object that we're trying to print questions on this function here this thunder stir method is there anything else that the uncore uncore stir method can do um the other question is what's the difference between stir and repper a good question so there are many other methods that come with python classes that start with underscore underscore we're just scratching the surface and we'll pretty much Focus primarily on these but yes there are many others and we'll see at least one other in just a little bit there
is an among the others is indeed one called uh repper which is a representation of the Python object generally speaking the underscore uncore rcore uncore method is meant for developers eyes it typically has more information than Harry from Gryffindor it would also say what type of object it is like a student capital S whereas underscore uncore stir underscore uncore is generally meant for users uh the users of the program and it's meant to be even more user friendly but both of those can be overridden as you see fit well let me propose now that we
pick up where we've left off on student and just add even more functionality but not just these special methods like double underscore init and double underscore stir like let's create our own methods because there in lies the real power and flexibility of classes if you and I as the programmers can invent new functionality that specific to students for instance uh students at Hogwarts over the time in in school learn how to cast a certain type of spell so when they say expecto patronum something comes out of their wand that typically resembles an animal or something
like that it's a special spell that they have to practice and practice so let's see if we can't store not just a student's name and their house but also their Patronis what actually they conjure when using this spell well let me go ahead and clear my terminal window and in the top of my code here in the in it method of student let me go ahead and start expecting a third argument in addition to self which automatically gets passed in called petronis and I'm not going to worry uh for now on validating the petronis from
an official list of valid patronises or petroni I'm instead going to go ahead and just blindly assign it to self. Patronis equals Patronis and we're going to let the user type whatever they want for now but I could certainly add more error checking if I wanted to limit the patronises to a specific list of them here let me go ahead now and prompt the user for this Patronis as by in my get student method uh get student function defining a variable called petronis or anything else prompting the user for input for their petronis and now
I'm going to go ahead and pass in that third variable here so again similar in spirit to just adding more and more attributes to the class I'm going to pass in all three of these values instead of just two I'm not going to do anything interesting with that value yet but just to make sure I haven't made things worse by breaking my code let me run python of studenty I'll type in Harry I'll type in Gryffindor and it turns out his Patronis was a stag and hit enter I haven't seen what his Patronis is in
my output because I didn't change my stir method yet but at least I don't have any syntax error so at least I've not made anything worse but suppose now I want to have functionality not just for initializing a student and printing out a student if my class is really meant to be a student what I can do is not just remember information about data about students what's powerful about classes unlike dictionaries alone is that classes can have not just variables or instance variables so to speak those attributes we keep creating they can also have functions
built in AKA methods when a function is inside of a class it's called a method but it's still just a function at this point we've seen two functions already two methods called uh double underscore init and double underscore stir but those are special methods and that they just work if you define them python calls them automatically for you but what if you wanted to create more functionality for a student so that your class really represents this real world or maybe fantasy world notion of a student where students not only have names and houses and patronises
they also have functionality they have actions they can perform like casting a charm a spell magically could we implement therefore a function called charm that actually uh uses uh their magical knowledge well let's go ahead and Define our very own function as follows Let Me Clear My terminal window scroll back up to my student class and instead of creating yet another function that's special with double underscores I'm going to invent my own function or method inside of this class I want to give uh Harry and Hermione and and all of the other students the ability
to cast charms so I'm going to define a function that I can completely on my own called charm though I could call this function anything I want but because it's a method inside of a class the convention is that it's always going to take at least one argument called self by convention so that you have access to the current object even if you don't plan to use it per se all right let me go ahead and propose that we Implement charm in such a way that the method returns an emoji that's appropriate for each student's
Patronis all right how to implement this well inside of the charm method let's go ahead and match on self. Patronis which is the instance variable containing a string that represents each student's petronis and in the case that it matches a stag for instance for Harry let's go ahead and return maybe the closest Emoji this horse here how about in the case of an otter well in that case let's go ahead and return oh maybe the closest match to the otter which might be this Emoji here and let's see in the case of a for for
Ron rather than Hermione a Jack Russell Terrier let's go ahead and return how about don't have as many options here why don't we go ahead and return the cutest available dog in that case and in the case of no Patronis recognized as might cover someone like Draco let's go ahead and use a default case using the underscore as in the past and let's go ahead and return for this oh what should happen if someone doesn't have a petronis why don't we just see a magical wand that seems to fizzle out as in this case all
right well now rather than just print the student let's go about printing their actual petronis so I'm going to go down to my main function here I'm going to still get a student using the get student function but rather than print student let's go ahead and declare expecto patronum printing out just that as pure text and now let's go ahead and print out not the student but rather the return value of their own charm method Method All right so let me go back down to my terminal window and run python of student. and enter name
let's start with Harry he lives in Gryffindor uh petronis is a stag and let's see expecto patronum and of course we see the Stag Emoji what about someone like Draco who at least in the books doesn't have a known Patronis well let's go ahead and clear my terminal window rerun python of student. py and this time let's type in Draco for name slyther in for house and Patronis is unknown so I'm just going to go ahead and hit enter and now expecto patronum and just kind of sizzles instead well let me propose now that we
remove this petronis code just to simplify our world and focus on some of the other core capabilities of classes so at the risk of disappointing I'm going to get rid of all of these beautiful emoji and charms and I'm going to go ahead and stop asking the user now for their petronis and I'm going to stop passing it into in it here and I'm going to stop uh doing this here and I'm going to instead just go ahead and restore our use of print student here and I'm going to go ahead and get rid of
petronis down here so essentially undo all of the fun charms we just created so we're now back at the point in the story where we have a student class with only two methods in it and stir the first of those takes of course self as the first argument as it always will plus two more now name and house no more Patronis we're validating name up here we're validating house down here and then we're assigning name and house respectively to two instance variables called name and house also but we used self to get access to the
current object to store those values therein we then still have our stir method here which takes one argument by default self and that's it and that function is going to be called automatically anytime you want to convert a student object to a string just like print might want to do here so let me go ahead and just make sure I haven't broken anything let me run python of studenty I'll type in Harry I'll type in Gryffindor enter okay we're back in business gone are the charms and patronises but at least I'm back to a situation
where I have names and houses but it turns out at the moment our use of classes is not very robust even though we have this mechanism very cleverly if I may in our init method of making sure that validating name and house making sure that name is not blank and making sure that house is a valid house among those four Hogwarts houses it turns out that classes will still let me get at those attributes those so-called instance variables using dot notation anyway let me scroll down then and try to do this a little adversarially suppose
that on line 16 I go ahead and call get student which exists as before and then I store the return value in a student variable again on line 16 that will ensure that get student gets called which calls input and input and then it calls the student Constructor which invokes automatically this init method so by way of how we've laid out my code we're going to ensure that name is not blank and house is definitely one of those four values my error correction or error checking is in place but if I'm a little adversarial I
can still circumvent it suppose that fine I'm going to you're going to require me to type in Harry and Gryffindor I'm going to go ahead and type in student.h housee equals quote unquote number four private drive and you're not going to be able to stop me why well it turns out with classes and objects thereof you and I can still access those instance variables using this familiar dot notation that's how we began the story of classes just setting these attributes ourselves but you can also read these attributes themselves and change them later if you want
and this will effectively circumvent the if condition and the other if condition in our init method because that is only called when you first create the student object there's nothing stopping me at the moment from just changing the house or the name after so if I now clear my terminal window and run python of studenty I'll still type in Harry and Gryffindor to meet my requirements that the house be one of those four but when it's printed notice I've still overridden it so it seems that while classes do allow us a little more control over
the data we're storing it doesn't necessarily prevent the user be it or rather the programmer be it myself or maybe a colleague from still kind of messing things up so here too in the spirit of programming a little more defensively allow me to introduce another feature of python as well namely properties so a property is really just an attribute that has even more defense mechanisms put into place a little little more functionality implemented by you to prevent programmers like me and you from messing things up like these attributes so again a property is going to
be an attribute that you and I just have more control over how we just write a little more code using some python conventions and how we're going to do that is going to use in just a moment a feature a keyword known as app property which is technically a function property is a function in Python but we're about to see some new at syntax that allows you to decorate functions and this too is a term of Art in the world of python you can have decorators which are functions that modify the behavior of other functions
if you will and we'll leave it at that without going too much into the weeds and we'll see by example how you can use these decorator specifically to define properties so let me go back to vs code here and let me propose that I do this I'm going to go ahead and create how about a property called how house as follows inside of my uh student class I'm going to go ahead and below my init method and below my stir method I'm going to go ahead and Define a function called house that takes as it
always must one argument at least called self and what I'm going to do now is return uh self. house so I'm just going to define a method called House whose sole purpose in life is to return the value of house but I'm going to Define one other method curiously also called house but that's going to take into as arguments two value self as always and also a value called house and I'm going to now do this uh I'm going to say self rather I'm going to do self. house equals house now what have I done
well let me just temporarily add some comments here in a moment we're going to start referring to this generally as a getter and down here I'm going to refer to to this as a Setter and this is terminology you frequently see in the world of java if some of you have programmed in Java before but as the names imply a getter is a function for a class that gets some attribute a Setter is a function in some class that sets some value and now even though we're not done and there's a bit of a mistake
in the code I've already written intuitively what we're going to do is this we're trying to prevent programmers myself included from circumventing my error checking that I put into place for name and house how can I do that well we don't have that many building blocks in programming we have things like variables for data and we have functions for actions well why don't we do this why don't we somehow require that in order to access an attribute you go through some function and let's require that in order to set some attribute you go through some
function and conventionally those functions are called a getter function and a Setter function and why are we using functions or in this case methods inside of a class well once you have functions those are just actions or verbs that you and I can create ourselves we can put any error correction I want in these functions because it's code that's going to get executed top to bottom so how can I now prevent the user from setting the house to an invalid value let me borrow some logic from before rather than blindly do this just set self.
housee equal to that house value that's passed in let's add our error checking there so if house is not in the following list of Gryffindor or Hufflepuff or slyther or Ravenclaw or Slytherin just as before let's go ahead and raise a value error just to signify that uhuh something has gone wrong I'll be more explicit I'll include a message like invalid house quote unquote otherwise I'm going to proceed on now line 21 to set self. house to house so I've just copied if you will or retyped my error checking inside of this so-called Setter function
now why have I done that well to be clear whenever the user or the programmer writes code like this student.h housee equals what's about to happen magically is python will not just let the programmer access student.h house directly that attribute that instance variable AKA self. housee it's instead going to magically automatically call this Setter function for me how does python not to do that well if it sees that on the left hand side there is self. house where house is the name of the getter or Setter and then it sees an equal sign indicating assignment
that's just enough of a visual clue to say wait a minute I'm not going to let you access that attribute directly I'm going to use the setter instead why because the equal sign means I'm trying to set I'm trying to assign a value from right to left into that attribute so what Python's going to do automatically is call this function for me and that's amazing because now I can execute code and algorithm to check do I want to let the user the programmer set that attribute to that value if not I'm going to raise a
value error and you're just not going to be able to do it if so fine I'll go ahead and set it for you but in order to do this we need a little more syntax and I'm going to get rid of my comment and I'm going to use that decorator I need to tell python to treat this method as a getter and then the Syntax for the setter is a little different you now say house. Setter I wish one was getter and the other was Setter that's not the way they designed it when you want
to define a getter you just say at property above the function and you name the function exactly like you would like the property to be called quote unquote house once you do that you can now use a new decorator that's sort of automatically created for you called at house because I called it house and then you literally say at house. Setter and this whole line on line 17 is a clue to python that here comes a function whose name is identical but notice that it takes two arguments both self so you have access to the
contents of the object and house which is just going to be a stir that comes from the programmer from like the human input return value so that you can set that value as well but there's one fix I need to make now here everything else I think is still good however watch this I no longer need this error check here why because if I scroll back down to my code here I claimed a moment ago that code like this with uh student.h house equals is going to automatically get python to call my Setter for me
guess what even up here in in my init method calling self. housee equals is also going to call my Setter method which is amazing because now I can keep all of my error checking in one place in the setter and it will now get called either when I create the object for the first time because of in it or even if the you the programmer tries to circumvent that init method and change the value of this attribute my Setter will also get called my Setter will get called anytime I access. house but there's one fix
I need to make unfortunately I have collided names right now if we go up here on line five this is an instance variable it's a string inside of myself inside of the current student object called name and this is another instance variable called House unfortunately if I have an instance variable called name and house I cannot also have functions called house they're going to collide you got to decide do you want the variable to be called house or do you want the function to be called House unfortunately you can't have both because now Python's going
to confuse one for the other so the conventional fix for this is to do this to have the setter not store the value that's passed in in self. house but to use an almost identical name but to use a little indicator that you means you know you're doing this correctly you typically by invention put an underscore in front of the instance variable's name and when you return it up here you similarly put an underscore so now technically my instance variable is called underscore house but my property which is a fancier attribute if you will is
called house alone huge amount of syntax I know but it's a very powerful feature and again this is why you can graduate from dictionaries alone and have so much more functionality at your disposal let me go ahead and clear my terminal window and run python of student. enter name all right let's go ahead and type in Harry let's go ahead and type in Gryffindor crossing my fingers as always and now look invalid house this is a good thing why because notice in my main function I'm still trying maliciously if you will to change Harry's house
to not be one of the four valid ones I'm trying to change it to his childhood home of number four private drive but because python knows that wait a minute you're trying to assign that is set a value and that value AKA house is now defined as a property you're going to have to go through the setter function instead to even let you change that value and because I have this rais value error if the house is not as intended you're not going to be allowed to change it to an invalid value so I'm protecting
the data on the way in through the init method and I'm even defending the data if you try to override it there so I think the only solution for me the programmer is don't try to break my own code let me remove that line because it's just not going to work let me run python of studenty and again type in Harry type in griffindor enter and Harry is indeed from Gryffindor if I did something incorrect like Harry from number four Private Drive enter we're again going to see the value error because my code just doesn't
let that value in Via manual input now or via that adversarial change all right that was a lot but any question on properties uh while we are using gets and Setters it's just for the purpose so that we can find that um that function that method that function in in our code the reason that I'm going through the trouble of defining this getter or Setter is because I want to make sure that programmers can not do things like this if I'm going through the trouble of validating the attributes for these student objects I don't want
you to be able to go in there and just change them at will I want to have some control over that object so that you can just trust that it's going to be correct as designed so using a getter and Setter really just enables python to automatically detect when you're trying to manually set a value the equal sign and the dot as I've highlighted here is enough of a clue to python to realize wait a minute you're trying to set a value let me see if this class has a Setter defined and if so I'm
going to call that and I'm not just going to blindly assign the value from right to left so it's just giving me more control other questions on properties when we use a gets we use have just one argument and if we use Setters it's always going to be two arguments is that normal correct it's always going to be one argument self for the getter two arguments for the setter self and something else and the intuition for that is if you're getting a value you don't need to pass anything else in because you already know the
object it's called student in this case so you're just going to get the value of that property but if you want to set the property to something else you got to pass in that argument you've got to pass in the value to which you want to set it so it's always zero or one however you see it as one or two because again any function inside of a class AKA a method is going to be automatically passed self so that you have access to that current object in memory how about one other question on properties
why didn't we use the same underscore house in init meod a good question so even though I'm using the underscore house here in my Setter and the underscore house here in my getter I deliberately did not use it up here the reason for that is that by using self. house and this equal sign that's the same pattern that I want python to recognize I want python to automat aut atically call the setter even when I'm passing in the house via the init method if I were to change this to do this that would circumvent the
setter and now there's no error checking in in it whatsoever so it's such a fine line the only thing standing between us and error checking or no error checking is the presence or absence of this underscore but that's typically the convention by not using the underscore there make sure that even that assignment goes through the setter so that honestly I don't have to copy paste the same error checking in two places I can put it just in the setter so it's better design and that's why I manually retyped it at first but then I deleted
it from in it well allow me to propose that we make one other change to this file might as well go ahead and Define a property for name as well and let me go ahead and do this maybe above the house property just to keep things uh in the same order as I defined them earlier let me give myself another property this one's going to be called name it's going to take one argument called self as always and this one very similarly is just going to return self doore name so I'm going to anticipate that
I'm going to have to rename name also so that I don't have that same Collision as before but now let me go ahead and Define another uh setter this one for name so the convention is at name. Setter why name because the property I just created is called name so the getter and Setter sort of work in conjunction in that in this way if you will let me go down under atame Setter and Define a another function also called name but the key thing here is that it's not identical it's not the exact same function
name and the exact same number of arguments the setter again takes a second argument and I can call it anything I want but I'm going to call it name because that's what's being passed in and I'm going to air put my error checking here if not name just like we used to do let's go ahead and raise a value error and let's put an explanatory message like uh Missing name quote unquote otherwise let's go ahead and update self doore name to equal name and I don't have to change in it except to get rid of
this duplicate error checking now because again if I use self. name equals here and self. house equals here with no underscore both of those assignments are going to go through my two Setter functions now before we run this let me go ahead and remove this adversarial code which we know won't work because we're catching it let me go back down to my terminal window and run python of studenty enter let's type in Harry let's type in Gryffindor and that seems to work let's try though again to run python of studenty with Harry from number four
private drive this will not work a value error with invalid house because that's not one of the four Hogwarts houses and now for good measure let's run it one more time and let's not even give it a name let's just hit enter when prompted I can type anything for the house I'll go ahead and still give it Gryffindor enter now we get another value error but this one is for missing name so we seem now to have all the more of a defense mechanism in place to ensure that name is as we expect it's got
to have some value that's not blank and houses as we expect it's got to have one of those four values but at the risk of bursting everyone's bubble and making you wonder why did we just go through all of that unfortunately python really focuses on conventions not hard constraints and by that I mean this if I go back into my function after I've gotten a student on line 30 and I try to adversarially do something like this student. housee equals quote unquote number four Private Drive we know this won't work because my Setter for house
is going to catch this watch again python of studenty uh let's type in Harry let's type in Gryffindor which will at least pass our check that's induced by in it but line 31 is going to trigger the same Setter to be be called and we're going to raise a value error saying invalid house unfortunately and if some of you are already thinking a little adversarially tragically look what you can do you can change house to be uncore house why well the instance variable is now called underscore house the property is called house no underscore but
the underlying attribute implemented as an instance variable is still called underscore house and tragically python of student. py let's type in Harry let's type in Gryffindor which is correct but Watch What Happens now oh my God we slipped through so what was the point of all of this emphasis from me on doing things the right way the pythonic way by having this getter and Setter well unlike languages like Java that just prevent you from doing things like this python itself allows you to specify that certain instance variables can be public and accessible to anyone's code
or protected or private which means that no one else should be able to change these values in the world of python it's just the honor System it's not baked into the language itself that there's a notion of visibility public or private or even somewhere in between protected instead you're on the honor System and the convention generally is if a instance variable starts with an underscore please don't touch it like just don't like that's on you if you touch that variable and break things the underscore is meant to signify a convention that this is meant to
be private but it really just means please don't touch this sometimes if there's two underscores which you can use two that's an even greater effort by programmers to say really don't touch this but technically speaking there's nothing stopping you or me from circumventing all of these mechanisms these properties these Getters and Setters we're ultimately just on the honor System not to do so when we see instance variables prefixed with one or perhaps even two underscores all right so this is a lot all at once this introduction to object-oriented programming but it might come as quite
a surprise that even though we might have identified oop by name in weeks past we've all been using classes and objects for weeks now in this class in fact if you think back on one of the very first things we did in this class we used integers and just got integers from the user but if you haven't already if you go and dig into the documentation for integers which again lives at this URL here you would actually find that int itself is and has been for weeks a class and in fact this is the signature
of the Constructor call for an INT whereby you pass in X like a number quote unquote 50 or quote unquote something else you pass in optionally the base 10 for decimal two for binary or anything else and that int function will actually return to you all this time an object of type int that is to say int is a class it is a template a blueprint for creating integers in memory and anytime you and I have converted a string for instance to an INT you and I have been creating an object of type int that
was calling apparently the underscore uncore init underscore underscore method that someone else the authors of python wrote to give us back that proper integer besides that if you can believe it stirs strings in Python have been classes since the first week of this class as well if you look up the documentation for a stir which lives at a similar URL there you will find that when you instantiate that is create a stir it takes optionally a parameter called object here the default value of which is just quote unquote which allows you to create in effect
an empty string a blank string if you will but anytime you and I have created stirs or even used explicitly this stir function you are getting back an object of type stir anytime you and I have forced a string to lowercase per the documentation using syntax like this you and I have been taking an object of type stir and forcing it all to lowercase by calling a method called Lower a method that the authors of python built into the stir class but it's been there from the gecko so this notion of methods is not even
new today you would have been doing it for this long if you've ever called strip to remove the leading and the trailing Whit space from a string in Python you are calling another method that came with with python written by the authors of python and even though we didn't call it a class at the time a stir all this time has been a class and instances of strings are themselves objects and those objects come therefore with these functions built in AKA methods that allow us to do things like force to lowercase and strip Whit space
from the beginning and end let's do another list anytime you've created a list either uh either syntactically with square brackets or literally with l l i s open parenthesis close parenthesis which is also possible you have been using a class if you go to the documentation for list at this similar URL here or more specifically the tutorial on lists here in Python you will see that a list is and has been since the early weeks of this class A Class itself and that list class takes as part of its uh initialization an optional iterable something
that can be iterated over like one comma 2 comma 3 or some list of values and you can then get back a list containing those same iterable values if you've ever appended something to a list in this class as I have myself in the past you've been using a method called aend that comes with the list class that per the X here takes an argument that allows you to append something to the current list AKA self in the context of that method we can do this all day long if you've used a dictionary or a
dict in Python I've actually all this time been calling them dict objects and that's for a reason dict itself is a class in Python if you pull up its official documentation here and you'll see that it is defined indeed as itself a class and that class comes with methods as well and so anytime we've manipulated dictionaries we've been in underneath the hood using all of those same methods and in fact we can see this if we're really curious let me go back over here to VSS code and let me go ahead and create a new
file that very simply does something like play around with data types and let me go ahead and create a new file for instance called say uh type. piy just so that I can poke around inside of some values and in type. pi I'm just going to go ahead and do this I'm going to print out whatever the type is of say the number 50 and this is a function you've not necessarily seen me use already and it's not one you would frequently use in your own code there are other ways to te detect if you
need to what the type is of a variable but in this case type of 50 is just going to tell me and then print out what the data type is of that value now hopefully all of us could guess that 50 is indeed going to be an integer that is an INT but we can see it in this way and this too is what's powerful about knowing a bit of programming if you want to know the answer to a question just try it out like I am here so let me go ahead and run python
of type. piy enter and there it is when you print out the type of the number 50 you'll see on the screen in this cryptic syntax class quotee unquote in this is not something that you probably want to show to the user but if you yourself just want to poke around and see what's going on or maybe use that information somehow it's certainly at your disposal to use with this type function for that let's change it around a little bit instead of passing as the argument to type 50 as an INT let's type something also
familiar like hello comma World in double or single quotes let me go back to my terminal window clear the screen and run python of type. again and now voila there it is all this time a sure is also a class we can do this a few more times for instance let's go ahead and change hello world to just an empty list open square bracket close square bracket and this is starting to look a little cryptic but again notice what I'm doing in square brackets is an empty list we've done that before that is the sole
argument to this new type function and that's just being passed to the print function so that the return value of type is the argument to print so if I now run this code python of type. there it is a list is a class two you might recall that I said that you can also create an empty list by literally doing list open parenthesis close parenthesis this is a bit of an inconsistency as we can now identify that int and stir and Now list they're technically all lowercase and I went to Great Lengths of creating my
student class to have that capital S that's a convention because int and stir and list and others come with py Pon they decided to make their buil-in data types even though their classes all lowercase but the convention the recommendation in the python Community when creating your classes is indeed to capitalize the first letter as I did in something like student capital S but list open parenthesis closed parenthesis is identical to really just two empty square brackets if I clear my screen and run type. again you see the exact same thing the class is called list
let's do one more let me change list to not square brackets but curly braces we've done this before anytime I've done two curly braces with nothing in between this of course is an empty dictionary or a dict object in Python well we can see that now let me clear my screen run python of type. piy enter and there it is class dick it's been there this whole time we just didn't call it a class until today I can similarly do this one explicitly instead of two curly braces let's write out dict with two parentheses now
we have a lot of parentheses again like with list but this is just making even more clear that the type of a dict object is indeed the class dict itself so this is to say that as new as a lot of today's IDE and syntax might be you've actually been using it perhaps unbeknownst to you for weeks now we now just have terminology to describe what it is we've been doing all this time and you now have the expressiveness with some practice to create your own classes inside of which are your own instance variables perhaps
wrapped with those properties and your own instance methods but it turns out there's other types of methods in the world thus far I've been deliberate in calling all of our variables instance variables and all of our methods uh instance methods it turns out there's other types of variables and methods out there and one of those is called class methods it turns out that sometimes it's not really necessary or sensible to associate a function with objects of a class but rather with the class itself an instance or an object of a class is a very specific
Incarnation thereof again on that neighborhood that has a lot of identical looking buildings but they're all a little bit different because of different paint and such sometimes you might have functionality related to each of those houses that isn't distinct or unique for any of the houses it's functionality that's going to be exactly the same no matter the house in question same in the world of object oriented programming sometimes you want some functionality some action to be associated with the class itself no matter what the specific objects own values or instance variables are and for that
we have a keyword called at class method this is another decorator really another function that you can use to specify that this method is not by default implicitly an instance method that has access to self the object itself this is a class method that's not not going to have access to self but it does know what class it's inside so what do I mean by this well let me go back to vs code here and let me propose that we create a new file this time implementing the notion of a the Sorting Hat from the
World of Harry Potter as well to stay on theme I'm going to go ahead and run code of hat. py and in hat. py let's implement the notion of this Sorting Hat if unfamiliar in the books and in the films there is literally a pointy hat that when a student put it on their head that Sorting Hat so to speak decides what house the student is in whether it's Gryffindor or something else so let's Implement and code this notion of a Sorting Hat such that when we pass to the Sorting Hat the name of a
student like quote unquote Harry this Sorting Hat implemented in code will tell us what house that student should be in all right well let's go ahead and do this in hat. py first let's go ahead and define a class called hat and then let's get back to implementing it itself and I find this to be a helpful technique not just with teaching but when writing code like I know I want a ha class I don't necessarily know what I want it to do yet so I'm going to create this sort of placeholder dot dot dot
so I'll come back to that let's now try to use this class as though it existed and from there I perhaps can realize exactly what functionality that class needs to have to support my use case let me go ahead and create a variable called hat in all lower case and instantiate a hat object so no matter what the Hat class ends up looking like this is the common Syntax for instantiating an object of a certain class in the past we saw student all lowercase equals Capital student open parenthesis closed parenthesis and then eventually we added
in things like name and house for now let's assume that the hat is much simpler than a student and it only has sorting capabilities so I'm not going to even pass any arguments there too indeed let me assume that the Sorting Hat has one Function One method in inside of it called sort and so if I do hat. sort quote unquote Harry let's propose that that prints out what house that student should be in so that's it I'm going to encapsulate that is tuck away inside of a hat class all of this requisite functionality and
I'm going to print out onto the screen what hat uh what house Harry belongs in all right now I think I need to get into the weeds of actually initializing this class well let me go ahead and do this if I don't care to parameterize hat I just want to for instance uh sort values let's go ahead and Define this function sort first so let's define sort as taking a first argument self which is always going to be the case when defining an instance method as before but the sort method clearly takes one argument from
the programmer me namely the student's name and again we've seen this dichotomy before even though I'm trying to pass in one argument when I Define the method it's got to take that many arguments plus one more self which is always going to be automatically passed in by python first all right what do I want to do well let's go ahead and do something like this uh print quote unquote or rather print this name how about quote unquote is in quote unquote some house I'm going to again use some placeholder code for myself because I'm not
quite sure how to finish implementing this Sorting Hat but I think that's enough to just test where my code is at now let me go ahead and run python of hat. and hit enter and it looks like indeed Harry is in some house we're not done yet because it's clearly not doing anything interesting but it at least is running correctly with no errors well let's go ahead now and decide where uh what house Harry should actually be in by introducing a bit of Randomness and choosing a house randomly well I can do this in a
few ways let me go ahead and do this I need to have a list of houses somewhere so where can I put that I could solve this problem in different ways let me propose that I do this let me Define a method called init as I've done before that takes in self but no other arguments and whenever the Sorting Hat is instantiated let's do this let's create a houses instance variable plural that equals this list Gryffindor comma Hufflepuff comma uh Ravenclaw comma Slytherin so the exact same list that we've used before and I'm storing it
in an instance variable inside of this class I'm not taking any arguments Beyond self in it but I just need this list of values somewhere for instance so what can I do here well let me go ahead and replace some house with the actual house well what could I do here well I want to put a house there well let's go ahead and create a variable called house and if you think back to our discussion of libraries in the random module there is a function called choice that if you pass in in a list of
choices like self. houses that will pick a random house out of those four and then on line seven I can pass it in if I want to tighten this up let me just go ahead and highlight that code get rid of the variable it's technically unnecessary and because the line of code is still pretty short I'm okay with just putting it all in one line but I could certainly use the variable like I did a moment ago so what have I done in my init function I have defined a initialization of the object that stores
in self do houses the list of four houses and then in sort I'm accessing that same list but I'm randomly choosing the set of houses there now why have I done it in this way this too is General convention anytime you have a list of things that who knows maybe will change over time places like Harvard have constructed new houses over the years so you might have to change the list of available houses it didn't happen in seven books or eight films of Harry Potter but you could imagine maybe Hogwarts eventually has a fifth house
so there's generally some value in putting list of constants toward the top of your file toward the top of the class so it's just obvious what the list of values is you don't want to necessarily tuck it away in some function like sort especially if you might want to use that function in sorry especially if you want to use that list in multiple functions not just sort but if I kept adding to this class you might want to use that same list of houses in multiple functions so let's keep it in the object Itself by
storing it in self. house is all right well we're about to change the course of history here perhaps let me do python of haty and I think we're about to assign Harry to one of those four houses randomly huh name error name random is not defined well wait a minute where did I go wrong here thinking back to our class on libraries why did my code break and not tell me where Harry is to be you do not import the random Library exactly the random library or module was something I want to use I need
to tell python that at the top of my file so let me go up here and do import uh random and then below that let me go ahead and clear my terminal window and try again python of hatp crossing my fingers seeing where Harry is going to end up and okay Harry as of now is officially in Hufflepuff despite everything you've read or scene well let's run this again let me clear my window and run python of haty and now he's in Ravenclaw that's consistent with using random let's clear that and run it again he's
still in Ravenclaw but that could happen even though there's four choices let's do it again Hufflepuff back in Hufflepuff we can't seem to get the right answer so to speak now he's in Gryffindor albeit randomly so we seem to have a program that based on these limited tests seems to indeed be assigning Harry to a house randomly now I'm somewhat lazily just letting sort print out this value I could do something else like return a string and then let me online 13 do the printing for me but for now I think we have an example
of a class called hat that nonetheless applies some of our lessons learned thus far today where I've created a class because a Sorting Hat is frankly well a I was about to say real world entity but really a fantasy world entity and indeed that's a perhaps common heuristic or mental model to have when should you use a class to represent something in your code very often when you're trying to represent some real world World entity or fantasy world entity like a student which is something in the real world like a Sorting Hat which okay doesn't
exist but hats certainly do so quite reasonable to have a class for hat and that's not always the case that classes represent real world entities but indeed we've seen thus far that int and stir and list and dict these are all structures that you might have in the real world we have integers and strings of text and other things so it rather makes sense to represent even those things more technically using a class as well you could use just a dictionary to represent a student or a hat but again with classes come all this and
even more functionality but I honestly am not using classes in really the the right way here why well in the World of Harry Potter there really is only to my knowledge one Sorting Hat and yet here I have gone and implemented a class called hat and again a class is like a blueprint a template a mold that allows you to create one or more objects thereof now most of my programs thus far have been pretty simple and I've just created one student but certainly if I spent more time and wrote more code you could imagine
writing one program that has a list of students many more students than just the one we keep demonstrating yet it would be a little weird it's a little inconsistent with the real or the Fantasy World of Harry Potter to instantiate one two three or more sorting hats there really is just one really one Singleton if you will which is a term of Art in a lot of context of programming so let me propose that we actually improve the design of the Sorting Hat so that we don't have to instantiate a Sorting Hat because right now
this is kind of allowing me to do something like hat one equals hat hat two equals hat hat three equals and so forth I don't really need that capability I really just need to represent the Sorting Hat with a class but I don't really need to instantiate it why because it already exists I need just one so it turns out in Python that up until now we've been using as I keep calling them instance methods writing functions inside of classes that are automatically past a reference to self the current object but sometimes you just don't
need that sometimes it suffices to just know what the class is and assume that there might not even be any objects of that class so in this sense you can use a class really is a container for data Andor functionality that is just somehow conceptually related things related to assorting hats and there's this other decorator or function called class method that allows us to do just this so let me go back to my code here and let me propose that if I'm not going to instantiate multiple houses I don't really need this init method because
that's really meant to initialize specific objects from that blueprint that template that mold so let me get rid of this but if I get rid of this I no longer have access to self but that's okay because it turns out in addition to their existing class methods there are also what we might call class variables and class variables exist within the class itself and there's just one copy of that variable for all of the objects thereof they all share if you will the same variable be it an INT or stir or in this case a
list so what I've done here is Define inside of my hat class in a class variable called houses I don't say self because self is no longer relevant self refers to specific objects I want a variable inside of this class AKA a class variable that equals that list because it's inside of this hat now class I can use that list in any of my functions I've only got one now called sort but if I had more it would be accessible to all of those methods as well and with sort it also doesn't really make sense
to sort within a specific sorting hack because again there only want there to be one so I can actually specify that this is a class method by saying at class method and I don't pass in self anymore I actually by convention pass in the a reference to the class itself it's typically written as CLS why well if you wrote C ass that would actually conflict with the keyword class that we keep using up here so the world realized that oops we uh can't reuse that same phrase here so let's just call this class this this
is useful in some context including this one why well notice what I can now do I can now change self to be just class why because house is now not an instance variable accessible via self. houses it is now a class variable accessible via class. houses or technically CLS do houses in this case but now the final flourish is this now I don't have to instantiate any hat objects as I used to on here line 13 I can just use functionality that comes with this class so I'm going to delete that line Al together I'm
going to capitalize the Hat on this new line 13 and just say hat. sort quote unquote Harry so what have I done I've not bothered instantiating an object of type hat I am just accessing a class method inside of the Hat class that you know what is just G to work this is how class methods work you use the name of the class capital letter in all do method name passing in any arguments you want python is going to automatically pass in some variable via which you can refer to that class in that function that
you've implemented inside of that class so that I can do something like this it's not that I want a variable called houses locally in this function I want the variable called houses that's associated with this current class so I can still access this same list that I defined on line six and now if I go back down here to my terminal and run python of hat. enter Harry is still in Hufflepuff once more Harry is still in Hufflepuff once more Harry is back in Gryffindor at least randomly questions now on these class variables or these
class methods which are in contrast with instance variables and instance methods and the one thing at least that's a little strange here is that even though there's a decorator called at class method there is not one called at instance method a method is just automatically a so-called instant method when you define it without any decorator can you have a class inside another class you can you can Define one class inside of another generally speaking this isn't done but there are cases where it can be helpful especially for larger more sophisticated programs so yes it is
possible good other questions the the question was about the self do houses when you when we remove it we uh and we pass data the variable is created itself why we remove the S so in the previous examples both of the Hat demonstration and also all of the student demonstrations we were uh creating a student object by calling student capital S open parenthesis closed parenthesis with eventually name and a house passed in and then we were using the d uh the Double underscore init method to initialize the self name and the self. housee instance variables
therein to those respective values in this latest version of the Sorting Hat I haven't bothered with self anywhere only because conceptually I don't need or want there to be multiple hats in the world I'm just using the class as kind of a container to bundle up this list of houses this sorting functionality maybe eventually I'll add more functionality to it but that's it and so sometimes you can use objectoriented programming in this somewhat different way when you want there to be functionality but it's not specific to any one specific hat it's specific to the Sorting
Hat itself how about one other question now on these class variables or methods just another way of using objectoriented programming but to solve somewhat different problem well what's the difference between the class hat and I don't know like a function of hat a good question so why are we using a class at all and not just having a file called hat. with a variable called houses and a function called sort like why are we adding this complexity in this particular case we don't necessarily need to I could absolutely go in here I could get rid
of the class I could uh undo this indentation I could get rid of this decorator and I could get rid of hat Dot and I could just do this and additionally let's see let's get rid of class here let's get rid of class Here and Now run python of hat dopy enter and it still works put Harry in the wrong house but that's what we H what happens randomly that's fine too what we're introducing today by way of objectoriented programming is just a different way of modeling the world it's not really compelling with an example
like this frankly that's relatively simple it's not very complex there's not much functionality honestly the version that we just typed up these 10 lines this is fine this solves this problem but as our code gets longer as we start collaborating with other people as the problems we're trying to solve with code get more sophisticated you're going to find that your code gets messy quickly and you're going to find that you have a huge number of functions for instance in one file and some of them are related to each other but some of them are not
well at that point wouldn't it be nice to just organize them a little differently and in the World of Harry Potter let's have a class for student let's have a class for Professor let's have a class for the Sorting Hat let's have a class for something else and so once your world gets much more complicated than some of the demonstrations we do here in class when we want to focus on individual ideas is object-oriented programming is just a way of encapsulating related data that is variables related functionality that is methods inside of things that have
names these things are called classes so it's just another way to solve problems and when we focused on libraries a couple of weeks back that too was another solution to the same problem you could Define your own modules or packages put some of your data Andor functionality in there and that's fine too and sometimes which one you should use overlaps if you're familiar with ven diagrams the overlapping region might mean that you could use a class you could use a module or a package you could just use a single local file over time you'll develop
an instinct and maybe even a personal preference for which tool to use all right let me propose now that we apply this same idea of a class method to clean up one other thing as well let me close haty and reopen student. py as we left it earlier and let me go ahead and simplify it just a little bit uh I'm going to go ahead and get rid of the properties not because there's anything wrong with them but just because I want us to focus on some of the key ideas when we began with this
program so I'm going to go ahead and keep Maine as well I'm not going to adversar try to change Harry's uh address there I'm going to instead go ahead though and just print the student but this is the thing I want to focus on here this in our previous student examples was kind of a missed opportunity to clean up my code well what what do I mean by that well up here at the top of this file even though I've simplified it by getting rid of the properties and all of that error checking because I
want to focus on the essence of this class now just the students name and the house and the printing thereof this is by nature of classes an object-oriented programming theoretically all of my student specific functionality that is to say if I have functionality and data related to a student you the programmer my colleague would assume that it's all bundled up encapsulated so to speak inside of the student class and yet if you scroll down further what is this like there's a function called get student that just exists elsewhere in this file that prompts the user
for a name prompts the user for a house creates the student object and then returns it like that's not wrong like it works and we saw many many times it kept working but this is a little weird right because what if this is a function that helps you get a student helps you get the name of a student and the house of a student why why isn't that functionality in the class itself after all as my code gets more and more complicated and does more things I'm going to be looking at the student class for
all student related functionality I'm not going to be scrolling down expecting that oh maybe there's some other student functionality just kind of randomly later in this file so it's not wrong but this is again evidence of maybe bad design not so much with this small program but this is an example again of code smell like something smells a little off here like this is probably going to get us in trouble by separating related functionality so again it's a design principle not a correctness concern but class methods allow us to address this too let me go
ahead and do this I'm going to delete get student alog together leaving only main as my other function here and inside of my student class I'm going to do this I'm going to define a function even more simply called get and by nature of how class methods work it's going to take in the name of the class itself or reference there too as an argument and I'm going to move the functionality from get student into the student class and I'm going to do this name equals input quote unquote name uh house equals input quote unquote
house and then what this function is going to do is return a new student object by calling class which again is just an automatically passed in reference to the class itself passing in name and house and I will admit this syntax seems a little strange that now I'm calling CLS and I'm passing in these arguments but let me do one final fix here let me go to the top of this function and more explicitly say this is a class method this solves a potential chicken in the egg problem so to speak whereby one needs to
come before the other potentially so what am I doing here inside of my student class I now have a function called get it is I shall claim a class method what does that mean it just means I can call this method without instantiating a student object first there in lies the potential Chicken and the Egg problem and if unfamiliar that's an expression meaning well did the world have chickens first that laid eggs or was there an egg that then Bor uh yielded the chickens but how did the egg get there it's this sort of weird
circular problem and that's what we're facing here it would be weird if you had to create a student object in order to call get in order to get another student object like that sounds messy let's just get a student via a class method that by definition does not require you to create a student object first just like the Hat in its final form we use the Hat class to just say hat Capital h.s sort we didn't need to create a hat first we just used the class itself so what am I going to do here
now let me go down to Main and instead of saying get student notice what I can now do student. get and everything else can stay the same all I've done now is I've migrated all of my logic from get student which was this own Standalone function but clearly related to students by name I've moved the same code really to inside of the student class in a more simply named function called get but I could still call it get student if I want it just sees a little redundant to call it get student in a student
class so I'm simplifying so I have a method called get but I'm calling it a class method to avoid that chicken in the egg problem I want to be able to call get without having a student object in my universe already and the Syntax for that is at class method the convention is to give this method at least one argument by convention called CLS for class which is just going to be a reference to the class itself lines 11 and 12 are identical to what they've always been and get student the only new syntax here
is this but this again is one of the features of object-oriented programming you can now instantiate a student object by just using CLS that's passed in I technically could use student capital S but it turns out I'm doing what's more conventional because this will both solve and avoid problems down the line with more complicated code this line here on line 13 just means create an object of the current class what class is that well whatever CLS is well that by definition of how it all works is going to be student and I want you to
initialize it as always with name and house so now scrolling down my code is this and this is just nice to read you did perhaps have to acquire a taste for this and I sound a little odd saying this is nice to read but indeed student doget just tells me what's going on I'm going to get a student I don't need a separate function written by me called get student in the file itself the get functionality is built into the class all my student related code now is together so let me go down to my
terminal window and run python of student. enter let's type in Harry let's type in Gryffindor and we're back to where we began but but but everything related to students now is in this here class the only other thing in the file is Main and this conditional that we always use to avoid accidentally executing main when we're making a module or a package or the like so again a solution to a problem not a big one in the case of a relatively small program but one that you will eventually counters your programs get longer and longer
with more and more entities to represent questions now on this use of a class method does the does the class have to be defined before the main function in terms of the order of the of the program a really good question so when in doubt let's try this so let's try to change the order let's move main to the top which I've often encouraged so let's go ahead and above the class do this and notice now that technically line two is mentioning student which does not exist until line six and Below let me go ahead
and clear my terminal and run python of student. so far so good Harry Gryffindor okay uh and indeed Harry's from Gryffindor the reason Michael it does not matter in this case is because we're not actually calling Maine until the very end and just as in the past that means that python has a chance to read everything top to bottom left to right so everything exists I would say generally classes are defined at the top of the file however it would be even maybe cleaner to move the class's definition to its own file and then import
it so essentially to make reusable code by putting it into your own module or package so that not just this program but many others can use that definition of student as well other questions now on classes class methods or the like I wanted to ask is there a way to um like declare all the all the possible all the possible attributes of the class because it looks so inconsistent um well so my takeaway there is this is Python's approach to these principles different languages like Java just take a different approach but have very similar features
the syntax just tends to vary and this is how the python Community chose to implement this idea the right mental model ultimately is that these instance variables instant methods belong to or operate on specific objects a specific student a specific hat class variables and class methods operate on the entire class itself or in turn all objects of that class which we've not seen them a demonstration of but it's sort of a higher level concept so it turns out besides these class methods which are distinct from those instance methods which to be fair do not have
their own decorator they just are by default instance method there's yet other types of methods you can have in classes in Python they tend to be called Static methods and they too come with another decorator called at static method which which is a rabbit hole we won't go down but realize that there is yet other functionality that you can leverage within object-oriented programming but what we thought we do is focus really on some final core features that you see not just in Python but other languages as well and perhaps one of the most compelling features
of object-oriented programming that we haven't yet used explicitly though it turns out we've seen implicitly over the past weeks is this notion of inheritance it turns out via object-oriented programming there's actually an opportunity to design your classes in a hierarchical fashion whereby you can have one class inherit from or borrow attributes that is methods or variables from another class if they all have those in common so what do I mean by this here well let me propose that we Implement uh over in vs code here a brand new file called wizard. piy let me go
ahead and run code of wizard. piy and then let's start as before for defining a class called student and let's go ahead and first Define the underscore uncore init method which of course is minimally going to take an argument traditionally called self and in this case let's also have it take as before a name and a house and then in this init method let's go ahead and assign the instance variables self. name equals name and self. house equals house let's assume that there's some other functionality in this class as well dot dot dot but let's
move on now to implementing the notion of a a professor in The Wizarding World as well so for this class let's call it professor and a professor let's say is also going to have its own initialization method so underscore underscore in it it's going to take self as always as the first argument uh a professor also has a name so we'll pass that in second to and even though some professors are heads of houses let's assume that a professor is really identified by their name and their subject area the class that they teach so we'll
call this third argument subject subject now as before let's go ahead and assign self. name equals name and let's assign self. sub equals subject here and as before let's assume that there's some more functionality associated with professors as well well what do you notice already here in my definitions of students and professors typically we're a bit reluctant to allow for any redundancy in our code and here I feel like my init method is taking a name for students my init method is also taking name for a professor and I have these identical lines of code
like self. name equals name and this is only going to get exacerbated if I now go and add some error checking so for instance How about if uh if not name we should probably be in the habit of raising something like a value error and an explanatory message like missing name and you know what if a professor is missing their name I should probably copy paste that code down here and that's where Red Flag should be going off whereby as soon as you start copy pasting code there's probably a better way so that we can
write the code once and perhaps reuse it in some way and here too object-oriented programming offers a solution it turns out that object-oriented programming in Python also supports inheritance whereby you can Define multiple classes that somehow relate to one another they don't need to exist sort of in parallel in this way there could actually be some hierarchy between them so for instance in The Wizarding World we could argue that both a student and a professor are at the end of the day Wizards so maybe what should really Define is a third class for instance called
wizard that has any of the common attributes for students and professors alike and for now we've kept it relatively simple the only thing they have in common is a name and a name in student and Professor respectively so why don't we minimally factor that out first all right so let me go ahead here and just to keep things organized at the top of my file let's define a third class called Wizard and a wizard will have its own initialization method so decore uncore init underscore uncore and self as always and a wizard let's say for
now is only going to be initialized with their name in this way and now I'm going to go ahead and do some of that error checking so if not name we'll raise a value error in the Wizard class otherwise we'll go ahead and do self. name equals name and heck dot dot dot maybe some other functionality as well but not a subject which is specific to professors and not a house which I've claimed is specific to students now I think we can begin to maybe remove some of the redundancies in our other classes here so
for instance down with student why don't I go ahead and remove this error checking here and remove this error this assignment of self. name equals name because I'm already doing that in Wizard and similarly down here in Professor why don't I do the same let's get rid of the error checking let's get rid of self. name equals name because I'm again I'm doing that already up there for Wizard as well but at the moment even though they're all in the same file I haven't told python that a student is a wizard and a professor is
a wizard so I really need to link these two together and the way you can prescribe inheritance whereby one class should inherit from another or conversely one class should descend for another from another we can do this I can say class student but before the colon I can go in and say in parenthesis a student inherits from or is a subclass of wizard which conversely is the super class of the student class so this means that when I Define a student class go ahead and inherit all of the characteristics of a wizard as well and
I'm going to do the same thing for her for Professor so parenthesis wizard after the class name professor and that's going to give me access to some of that same functionality but because my student class and my professor class still have their same init methods those are the methods that are going to get called whenever I create a student in code or I create a professor in code I need to somehow explicitly say that I also want to use the functionality in the Wizard classes init method and the way to do this in Python is
is as follows let me go into my init method for student and let me call Super with no arguments which is a reference to the super class of this class so if this class is student the super class that is the parent class is Wizard so super open paren Clos paren will have the effect of accessing the super class and then I'm going to go ahead and explicitly call its in it method and I'm going to pass to the Wizards init method the name that the students init method was passed and I'm going to go
ahead and do the same down here in Wizard this is one line of copy paste but I think I'm okay with it here because it's still allowing me to do all of the name assignment and the error checking up in the Wizard class instead I think we're okay now by just calling super. init for both student and Professor alike now admittedly this syntax is definitely out there the fact that we're calling super and parentheses and dots and underscore underscore on the left and the right of init here but it's just a combination of these two
ideas super open parenthesis closed parenthesis is a way of programmatically accessing a current class's parent class or super class and underscore uncore in it of course is just referring to now that class's own initialization method now per the dot dot dots there could be a lot more going on in these classes but what's nice now is that wizard as a class is taking care of all of the assignments of a Wizard's name whether that wizard is a student or a professor and it's even doing some error checking to make sure that the name was actually
passed in meanwhile student is inheriting all of that functionality and using it by calling the super class's own init method but it's additionally taking the house that's presumably passed into the student Constructor function and assigning it to its own instance variable self. house and similarly Professor are restoring in self-thought subject the subject that was passed into there that one as well now how might we use these classes well we'll continue to wave our hands with a little bit of detail here but if at the bottom of this file or any other file that Imports this
one I could now write code like this I could create a student variable and assign it the return value of the student Constructor call and maybe that student is named Harry and that student's house for instance might be Gryffindor and meanwhile I might do something like this professor equals professor over here and notice the lowercase s on the left capital S on the right same for Professor on the left lowercase and uppercase on the right respectively Professor quote unquote seus and how about defense against the dark arts will be his subject and meanwhile if we
want more generically just a wizard who at the moment is neither student nor Professor teaching classes actively we could even do that we could do wizard equals wizard in capital W on the right hand side of the equal sign because it's the name of the class and someone like Alin passing in only albus's name not a house not a subject because in this case he's known only as a wizard meanwhile with each of these calls this line of code here will ensure that the init method for the wizard class is called this line of code
here will ensure that the init method of the student class and in turn the init method of the super class wizard is called and then lastly on this final line of code will this syntax ensure that the init method of the professor class is called which in turn calls the init method of the super class as well any questions now on this idea of inheritance which is a key feature of a lot of objectoriented programming languages um so is there any situation where because uh from what I've seen so far A lot of times there's
like a lot of nesting if you do superar does it go one up is there any situation where you know it's nested in another class as well um above wizard let's say a really good question if you were to have a a super super class so your hierarchy is even taller than the two levels of uh hierarchy that we currently have absolutely but what's nice about object-oriented Pro what's nice about inheritance as the name implies is just as you might have inherited certain traits as a human from your grandfather and grandmother or your great-grandfather or
great-grandmother some of those properties can actually uh trickle down to you so to speak in the context of code as well so when you descend from another class that is when you subass a a super class or a super super class you actually do inherit all of the functionality not just from one level above you but from two or three so you can indeed access some of that functionality as well and you can even override it if you want some of these classes to behave a little bit differently than others other questions on inheritance so
it's kind of similar to the last one but can you have like two parents on the same level a really good question so there are ways to implement uh um descendants from multiple parents and there's different ways to do this not just in Python but other languages we've kept things simple here though by having a single uh inheritance path a good question how about one more question on inheritance can we have multiple arguments in super. double init yes but in this case I'm only passing a name on line 18 and I'm only passing in name
on line 10 why because on line two when I Define the in it method for the wizard class I only expect a single argument but I could absolutely have under common functionality like I could add in a petronis if both students and professors have patronises that can come out of their wands I could have two arguments instead we've been using this feature of object-oriented programming now for quite some time in the form of exceptions indeed if you look at the official documentation for exceptions in Python you'll see that there's not even the ones we've seen
in class like value error and others there's any number of others as well but they are all themselves hierarchical in nature this is just a subset of the available exceptions that come built into Python and you can actually as a programmer create your own exceptions as well but as this chart here uh captures hierarchically all exceptions we've seen thus far actually descend from or inherit from Super classes already so for instance at the bottom of this list here is value error which we've seen quite a bit and if you follow the line straight up on
this asky rendition of this chart you'll see that value error has a parent class or super class called exception and the exception class meanwhile has a parent class called base exception why did the authors of python do this well it turns out that whether you have a uh value error or a key error or an assertion error or any number of others there's a lot of functionality common to all of those types of errors that you want uh all that you want a programmer to be able to use and so it turns out that the
the authors of python decided you know what let's not have a dozen or more different classes that all just have copy pasted similar functionality let's create this hierarchy so that even though the exceptions toward the bottom of this list are very precise they at least inherit that is borrow some very common functionality up above so it turns out that when you use the try and the accept keyword in Python generally speaking we've tried to catch very specific exceptions like value error but technically you could capture the parent or even the grandparent exception forgiven exception especially
if you're not necessarily sure which one is going to get raised or better yet there could be many exceptions that get raised but you want to handle them all the same and you don't want to necessarily enumerate them in parentheses separated by commas you want to say you want to handle all exceptions of a certain super class in much the same way so this has been latent this whole time anytime we've seen or used or caught or now raised exceptions and built into python is this hierarchy and if you were to invent your own exception
generally you wouldn't want to start from scratch you would want to descend from that is subass one of these existing exceptions and add your own twist on it your own functionality as well well there's one final feature of object-oriented programming that we'd like to share with you today and that it will perhaps be quite the eyeopener is what you can really do now that you have classes at your disposal and this too surprise has been a feature you and I have been taking for granted for weeks now this has just worked but it's been implemented
in a way that you can now leverage yourself it turns out that Python and some other languages too support this notion of operator overloading whereby you can take very common symbols like plus or minus or other such syntax on the on the keyboard and you can Implement your own interpretation thereof plus does not have to equal uh addition and minus does not have to equal subtraction and in fact you and I have already seen another context in which Plus plus means something else plus has not always in Python meant addition per se what else has
python used Plus for concatenation for concatenation for joining two strings for adding to a list can you use plus as well so plus has actually been funny enough overloaded by the authors of python for us and so we can use the same symbol in much the same way as addition but with different data types to solve slightly different problems well let me propose that we go back over to vs code here and let me go ahead and create a new Final file called vault. py so code of vault. and let me propose that we implement
the idea of a vault at Gringotts keeping on theme wherein there's a bank in the World of Harry Potter and within this Bank uh families and individuals have vaults containing all sorts of money in The Wizarding World and the type of money that exists in the World of Harry Potter are coins called gallions and sickles and canuts and those are in descending order of value and so inside of a vault might be a whole bunch of coins gold silver and bronze essentially each in those denominations tucked away so how can I go about implementing first
of all the idea of a vault so that I can store for instance for Harry Potter how much uh coinage is in his family's Vault or for Juan resley the same well let me go ahead and Vault up high and first create a class called Vault essentially meant to represent a bank vault perfect another real world or fantasy world entity that I want to represent with code I could use a tupple or a list or a dictionary but again I'm going to get a lot more functionality with classes and we'll see one final flourish with
operators inside of this Vault class let's go ahead and do this let me Define my init method taking its first argument of self and let me Define uh three arguments to this when you create a vault in my code here I want to be able to initialize it with some number of gallions some number of sickles and some number of canuts I want the US the programmer to be able to pass in one or more of those values ideally but they can be optional so I'll give them defaults so let's go ahead and Define a
parameter called gallion whose default value will be zero sickles whose default value will also be zero and canuts whose default value will be zero as well so the programmer can pass in one or two or three or heck even none of those and they'll all have some implied defaults how do I want to remember those values that are passed in well let me do this self. gallion equals gallion and self. sickles equals sickles and self. canuts equals canuts and so I could add some error checking especially if you don't pass in a number I could
turn these into properties to do even more validation but let's keep it simple and as always Focus only on the new ideas so I'm just going to trust that these values were passed in and I'm going to immediately assign them to these instance variables what now do I want to do well let's come up with a way of printing out what is in someone's Vault ultimately but first let's do this let's create a a vault for The Potters by creating via assignment a new Vault and let's say that the Potters have 100 gallions 50 sickles
and 24 canuts all right and that's in that Vault and let's print out for instance Potter all right let's run this code and see how it works now let me go ahead and run python a vault. enter okay seems to work no syntax errors or anything else but this is not very enlightening how do I fix this thinking back to what we've done before you have to use underscore uncore s exactly I need to use one of those special methods that comes with classes and Define for myself how I want a vault to be printed
as a string so let me go ahead and do that let me Define the stir method taking in self as its sole argument here and let's just return a very simple string that just reveals what's in the vault so I'm going to return a formatted F string uh inside of which is self. gallion and then the word uh gallion so I know which those are uh then then let's do self. sickles and let's output the word sickles and then lastly let's output self. canuts and then canuts here so I know in this string just how
many of each of those uh coins I have in this particular family's Vault all right let me go ahead and run python of vault. py changing nothing else except the stir method and now we see indeed that Harry has 100 gallions 50 sickles and 25 canuts all right well let's do one thing more here below that let's go ahead and Define a Weasley variable and Ron never seemed to have quite as much uh money in the vault as did Harry so let's say that the Weasley Vault will have 25 50 and a 100 so I'll
just reverse the order of those denominations uh rather than Harry's 100 5025 and now let me go ahead and print Weasley like this and let's go ahead and clear my terminal window run python of vaulty this time that stir method will be invoked twice once for each of those Vault objects and we'll see indeed that the first one for Harry's got 150 and2 respectively versus runs 25 50 and 100 respectively but now let's do something interesting suppose that you wanted to combine the contents of two vaults be it Harry's and Ron's or any other two
people how would you go about doing this in code well if I wanted to combine the vaults for someone I could do this well I could do gallion equals let's do Potter do gallion uh plus Weasley do gallion that gives me a variable called gallions that has the sum of Harry and Ron's gallions let's next do sickles equals potter. sickles plus Weasley Doles and then lastly let's do canuts equals potter. canuts plus Weasley do canuts I've got three variables what can I now do with these values well let's create a third a new Vault uh
total will be the name of this variable equals a new Vault capital V notice and now let's pass in those three new variables gallions sickles and Kuts and that's it and let's print out this total Vault so we should now see three vaults one for Harry for Ron and the combination the addition of the two let me go ahead and rerun python of vaulty and there we have it uh what was 15025 and 2550 and 100 combined through addition now is 125 100 125 so pretty straightforward using techniques from weeks ago where we're just declaring
a few new variables and doing some addition but wouldn't it be cool if I could do something like this wouldn't it be cool if I could just somehow not manually create my own Vault and do all of this annoying math up here what if I could just do Potter plus Weasley and get rid of all of this logic here like wouldn't it be nice if I overload the operator no we know as plus just like stir does just like list does to allow me to add two vaults together on the left and the right well
it turns out in Python on and through operator overla there is a way to do just this if you consult the documentation there are there's this and so many other special methods that come with classes the third one we'll see here is this one here underscore uncore add underscore underscore and you'll see that it very generically is described in the documentation is working for any object be it a vault or a stir or a list or something else by convention it's going to take a first argument called self and then it's going to take some
other argument by convention called Other Self in effect is going to be referring to whatever object is on the left of a plus sign other is going to be referring to whatever is on the right hand side of a plus sign thereby giving us a way of describing in code the operand on the left and the operand on the right of the operator Plus in between that is to say if I go back to VSS code here what I'm trying to do is Implement support for this well let me try without writing any other code
just yet python a vault up high enter type error unsupported operand types for Vault and Vault that is to say python at this moment does not know what it means to add two vaults together right you and I might have an instinct probably want to combine the gallions and the sickles and the canuts respectively python doesn't know that it just knows that you have a new class called Vault but let's teach python to do this let me clear my terminal window let me scroll back up to the class itself where at the moment I only
have two special methods in it and stir but let's add this third all right let me go into the class here and Define underscore uncore add underscore underscore and then specify its first parameter as self as before and then a second parameter for this particular method called by convention other now as always I could name those parameters anything I want but I'm going to stick with convention Here and Now inside of this method am I going to have to now add together the contents of two vaults well what two vaults well if we scroll down
to our goal at hand the goal goal of course is to add this Vault plus this other Vault Potter plus Weasley respectively well it turns out in Python that when you do overload an operator like Plus what's going to happen automatically as soon as python sees that is it's going to call that underscore underscore ad underscore uncore method and it's going to pass into it two arguments whatever the operand is on the left Potter in this case and whatever the operand is on the right Weasley in this case and those values are going to get
passed in as self and other respectively what that means is that we can access their contents up here in our implementation of AD as follows let me go ahead and Define a local variable called gallions and set that equal to for instance the sum of self dot gallions whatever's in uh Potter's vault in this case plus whatever is in Weasley's vault in this case which would be other. gallions let me do the same for sickles self. sickles plus other Doles and let me lastly do that for canuts so self. canuts Plus other. canuts but at
the end of the day I'm going to need to return a brand new bigger Vault that contains all of those contents together and if we ultimately want to assign that bigger Vault to a variable like total here on the left we better indeed return a value from this ad method so I'm going to go ahead and give myself a brand new vault as by returning Capital vault which of course is going to call My Vault function into which I can now pass some of those initialization arguments well how many gallion sickles and canuts do I
want this brand new Vault to contain well I want it to contain this many gallions this many sickles and this many canuts so ultimately what we're doing in this implementation of ad is adding together those gallion sickles and canuts passing them to the Vault function so that we get a brand new bigger Vault and return that Al together so now I've defined this new special method called add that should now just make Plus work for two vaults all right let's see let me run down to my terminal window python a vault high and hit enter
and voila now we've implemented an overloaded operator plus to do what you and I as humans would hope would be the case when you add two vaults together but I've now written the code more specifically to teach python what it means concretely to add two vaults together and it's with very similar code in effect underneath the hood that python is doing this for two strings to concatenate them together to joining two lists into a new list with lists and so many other class as well any questions now on operator overloading or this example here how
would you go about creating a function for adding a student and a vault for two two separate classes how would that be possible let me see what happens here I don't know off hand let's do this let's create a stir and see what happens if I add Potter plus a stir stir object yeah okay so it would work I'm just figuring this out as I go here Eric so just to re be clear what I did was I just changed Weasley to stir just to see what would happen when I add a vault plus a
stir and it will work theoretically why because so long as the type of value on the left has an add method implemented other can be any type that you want you just have to decide in code what it's going to mean conceptually to add a vault plus a string which in this case probably doesn't make any sense at all but it's possible it's going to be the operand on the left and I'm inferring that I did not know the answer a moment ago I'm inferring that because what I got was an attribute error here on
line 11 because python did not like this other gallion didn't work but I could make it work by figuring something out really good question didn't know that one myself other questions on operator overloading can you define new operators in Python I don't think so there is a very long but precise list of operators that you can overload I do not not believe you can assign arbitrary characters to be operators in Python uh let me defer to Carter in the chat to revoke okay I'm seeing two of my colleagues are saying no not possible so I'm
going to go with my first instinct no otherwise that'd be kind of cool you could make Emoji do whatever you want to how about one final question on operator overloading is that the only operation you can do uh is a far as like can you do a subtraction as well you can you can do so many others let me um if Carter you don't mind pulling up this URL here so this link here special method names in today's slides you'll see a long list of all of The Operators that you can overload you can do
less than equals than plus equals minus equals pretty much any symbol you've seen me type on the screen can be overloaded in the context of classes so even though today we focused entirely on object-oriented programming this is a technique that we've been using really since the first week of the class because indeed those ins those stirs those floats those lists those dictionaries and so much more we're already underneath the hood this whole time classes and objects thereof but you now as a programmer have the ability to create your own classes with your own instance or
class variables with your own instance or class methods with your own properties and even with your own custom behavior for operators so ultimately you can absolutely continue using those simple tuples or lists or those dictionaries or other structures as well but object-oriented programming and with it classes and now these objects is just another tool in your toolkit and dare say as your code gets more sophisticated and your problems get bigger you'll find that being able to model these real world or even fantasy world entities with classes and related data and functionality will ultimately just allow
you to Define code that's not just correct but ever well designed as well this was cs50
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