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Lion of Judah
Check out the best video of an angel we've ever seen. Don't miss it:
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this message demands our attention and calls us to awaken to the end of days we are living in we are living in a time of unprecedented change a time that many of the prophets and apostles foresaw the world is Shifting rapidly and though many remain blind to the truth those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ can sense it deeply within our souls we are edging closer to the Fulfillment of the book of Revelation it is a feeling that we cannot shake a Godly stirring that speaks louder with each passing day everywhere we look
signs of his coming are visible moral Decay is rampant and increasing chaos surround us as Believers we can't ignore the sense of urgency in our hearts the unmistakable awareness that the world as we know it is nearing its final chapters we see prophecy unfolding and our Spirits resonate with the truth that the the time is Drawing Near The Wars the disasters the Turning Away From God all of these are aligning with the warnings given in scripture Jesus himself warned us about the signs of the times in Luke 21: 25 to 26 he said and there
shall be signs in the Sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the Earth distress of nations with perplexity the Sea and the waves roaring men's Hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken what a picture of Terror and confusion Jesus painted for us these are not the words of an alarmist or a pessimist these are the words of our savior warning us of what is to come this is not a fear-mongering conspiracy theorist speaking this
is not an over dramatic preacher speaking this is not an individual with a hidden agenda speaking these words are not my own but the words of Jesus listen to them Jesus is warning us about what is to come take his warning seriously he said Lo men's Hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth the things that are coming upon the Earth are the likes of which the world has never seen the world will be shaken to its core we are not yet in the Great Tribulation but
we are certainly drawing closer the events described in the book of re ation are on the horizon and we must prepare ourselves for what is coming let's take a moment to consider the world today look around you the headlines are filled with rumors of wars nations are rising against Nations and kingdoms are clashing against kingdoms these are not just isolated incidents they are part of a larger pattern a pattern that was foretold by the prophets we see ongoing conflicts in various parts of the world and the threat of new new Wars is constantly looming we
hear of pestilences famines and earthquakes in diverse places the Earth is groaning and the nations are in turmoil the Bible speaks clearly about these events as signs of the end times we are witnessing prophecy unfolding before our very eyes but there is something else happening in our world that is just as significant something that has the potential to change the way we live work and even think I am talking about the r of artificial intelligence and the development of systems that will enable total control and surveillance over the each and every individual brothers and sisters
this is not science fiction this is our reality let's focus for a moment on the concept of total biometric surveillance this is not some far-off idea or dystopian fantasy it is happening right now being developed and implemented in various parts of the world we are moving towards a system where every aspect of your life your thoughts your emotions your actions can be monitored and controlled consider the words of one of the top advisers to the world economic Forum he openly spoke about a future where biometric surveillance could monitor what happens under your skin this technology
could measure your heart rate track your emotions and even detect your thoughts imagine living in a world where your emotional response to a political leader is monitored in real time are you angry are you upset do you support the agenda being pushed they are working towards a world where they will know your true feelings toward a political leader even while you are in your home can you imagine an actual adviser of the world economic Forum openly stated this speaking about having cameras in living rooms to surveillance and track people in their own homes and why
is this important because this kind of surveillance paves the way for a level of control that the world has never seen before we know from scripture that the Antichrist will demand total loyalty Revelation 13: 16-17 tells us and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the Mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his name but how will the Antichrist know who has taken
the mark and who has not how will he know who is loyal and who is resistant brothers and sisters this is where biometric surveillance comes into play the technology being developed today will allow for total monitoring of the population the Antichrist will have the ability to track your every movement your every thought your every emotion there will be no hiding from his system of control this is not just about knowing where you are or what you are doing this is about knowing what you think and how you feel they will know who is for the
system and who is against it and those who resist will be easily identified and dealt with there are growing concerns among many people that organizations like the world economic Forum wef are not simply working toward Global Prosperity but are instead laying the groundwork for the rise of the Antichrist some have even gone so far as to claim that the WF will help usher in the antichrist's Reign and become one of his main supporters there there are people who have even gone as far as saying that the founder of the world economic forum is the man
who will introduce the Antichrist to the world himself the founder of the world economic forum is klous Schwab these claims stem from the organization's push for a unified Global agenda one that often emphasizes surveillance digital currencies and centralized control all elements that could easily fit into the system described in the Book of Revelation people are becoming more aware of these plans and there is an increasing belief that certain Global organizations are not merely responding to world events but are actively shaping them to align with their agendas the wef with its annual meetings of global leaders
in politics business and technology has been criticized for pushing initiatives that centralize power and diminish individual freedoms many point to their advocacy for biometric surveillance digital identification and the fourth Industrial Revolution as evidence that they are preparing the infrastructure needed for the kind of total control the Antichrist will require think about it with this technology the Antichrist could monitor your every thought and emotion if you Harbor dissent or resistance in your heart he will know if you refuse to worship him or take his Mark he will know this is the kind of control that will
be necessary for the Antichrist to establish his one world government and one world religion this is not something that will happen in the distant future it is being developed right now governments and corporations are investing billions of dollars into biometric surveillance technology they are selling it to us as a way to keep us safe to prevent crime and to improve health care but make no mistake this is about control this is about Paving the way for the Antichrist to rise to power and demand the worship and loyalty of every person on Earth take this to
another level there are multiple organizations actively developing implantable brain computer interfaces capable of translating thought into action one of the most notable companies working on this technology is Elon musk's neuralink this technology while still in its infancy holds the potential to reshape Humanity in ways we have never seen before but as Christians we must ask ourselves where is this leading us these brain computer interfaces are being hailed as revolutionary they promise to enhance human capabilities by allowing direct communication between the brain and computers essentially making it possible for your thoughts to control devices access information
and even interact with AI systems like chat GPT on the surface this sounds like a Marvel of human Ingenuity but beneath the surface lies a danger imagine a world 5 or 10 years from now when these brain computer interfaces have advanced significant ific L imagine a world where people are willingly lining up to have these chips implanted into their brains the technology will be marketed with Promises of increased productivity claims that people are making 20 times more money than they did before or that their cognitive abilities have been enhanced beyond anything previously imaginable imagine hearing
testimonies like ever since I got this brain chip installed my productivity has skyrocketed and now I'm making $50,000 a month do you not think people driven by their love of money power and success will eagerly flock to this technology the Bible warns us that the love of money is the root of all evil but I ask you today would you trust a company to put a chip in your brain would you trust your government to install a device in your mind brothers and sisters I know I wouldn't the thought of implanting a device in my
brain that connects me to the internet AI systems and potentially even government governmental or corporate surveillance is deeply unsettling and yet this technology is no longer something out of a science fiction novel it is here it is happening in our generation these are developments that have never occurred before in human history and they are coming at a time when we are nearing the Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation but biometric surveillance is not the only technology being developed that could play a role in the Antichrist system of control let's talk about the rise of AI
deep fakes AI deep fakes are AI generated images and videos that are so realistic that they can manipulate what a person says or does this technology is advancing at an alarming rate and it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake AI can impersonate your voice so accurately that even your own family members may not be able to tell the difference between the AI generated voice and the real you it can create realistic images of you in situations that never happened yet they look entirely believable deep fake
videos can even depict you walking down the street holding hands with someone who is not your spouse and the video would be so convincing that you wouldn't be able to tell it was fake imagine the power of this technology in the hands of the Antichrist the Bible tells us that the Antichrist will deceive the world through signs and wonders 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 says the coming of the Lawless one is a according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish could AI deep fakes
be part of these lying wonders imagine a world where video evidence can no longer be trusted imagine a world where the Antichrist can create videos of his enemies committing heinous crimes crimes they never actually committed with AI deep fakes the innocent could be framed and the guilty could walk free this techn ology could be used to justify the persecution of Christians the silencing of dissent and the manipulation of the masses think about it if the Antichrist can create deep fakes of people saying and doing things they never did how will anyone be able to defend
themselves how will the truth be known this technology has the potential to create a world where reality itself is manipulated where the truth is obscured and where deception Reigns Supreme consider this recently Tyler Perry a well-known filmmaker halted an $800 million Studio expansion after witnessing the capabilities of open ai's textto video technology Perry realized that the world was changing so rapidly that his plans might no longer make sense this technology is still in its infancy but it is already so powerful that it can create videos from text prompts that are indistinguishable from reality here is
an example of the open ai's text to video technology Sora now imagine this technology in the hands of the Antichrist he could use AI deep fakes to create false accusations and false realities he could use it to frame those who refus to take the mark of the beast to manipulate the masses into believing lies and to establish his reign of deception the Bible tells us that the Antichrist will deceive the world with signs and wonders and a I deep fakes could very well be part of that deception we must understand that the world we are
living in is rapidly changing we are witnessing the rise of technologies that have the potential to strip away our privacy our freedom and even our ability to discern truth from lies the enemy is working over time to prepare the world for the coming of the Antichrist and we must be vigilant we must be Discerning we must be prepared brothers and sisters the world is heading towards a final nose dive the events that we see unfolding today are not random they are part of a larger plan a plan that has been orchestrated by those who seek
to control and dominate the world but make no mistake this plan will ultimately serve the purposes of God the Bible tells us that the Antichrist will rise to power but he will be defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ at his second coming we are living in a time of great deception the the enemy is working to deceive the world and prepare it for the reign of the Antichrist but we as Believers must stand firm in our faith we must be vigilant and Discerning for the time is short the Bible tells us that in the last
days there will be great deception and even the elect could be deceived if it were possible we must guard our hearts and Minds against the lies of the enemy and hold fast to the truth of God's word the world is not going to get better the events described in the Book of Revelation will come to pass the Antichrist will rise to power and the world will be plunged into a time of Great Tribulation but we do not need to fear for our hope is in Jesus Christ he is coming soon to establish his kingdom and
he will reign forever and ever get serious with the Lord now is the time to get serious with the Lord now is the time to examine your heart and ask yourself where your soul is going are you ready for what is coming are you prepared for the day when the skies will darken and the Earth will tremble beneath your feet are you ready to stand before the Lord and give an account of your life I urge you from the depths of my heart do not take this lightly do not be lulled into a false sense
of security by the distractions of this world now is the time to pray now is the time to fast now is the time to draw closer to the Lord than you ever have before pray for your loved one pray for your family do not go to heaven alone pray for those who are lost for those who are still blind to the truth the time is short and the days are evil the world is changing rapidly and the events that we see unfolding today are a clear sign that we are nearing the end but take heart
for our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon he is coming to set things right to judge the wicked and to establish his kingdom forever brothers and sisters the time is short the world is not going to get better it is heading towards a final nose dive but we do not need to fear for our hope is in Jesus Christ he is coming soon to establish his kingdom and he will reign forever and ever
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