today we'll finally compare AER inclin side by side arguably the two best AI coding tools right now we'll be using a code repository with more than 240,000 tokens and more than 20,000 lines of code it's a platform I created to help Sports punters leave gambling by having a familiar platform to use without money chat GPT classifies this repository size as midm medium claw degrees that it's medium-sized so we won't be riding a snake game or a landing page we'll be fixing bugs and adding features in a medium-sized repository this is how the app currently looks
it's a VD react front end in an a backend we'll be using deep seek 3 for both Klein and AER Klein on the left side of the screen and ader on the right I almost set on the left side of the Ring here's the first work item for the Sprint the BET slip button doesn't show the BET slip immediately it shows a white panel first then only shows the BET slip after tapping the hamburger icon we wanted to show the BET slip immediately after tapping the BET slip button let's give cin the prompt copy
it and give it to ader as well populating the repo map while client is already making its first API [Music] request Klein wants to read the B slip component let's allow it later we'll enable the automatic reading of files by both Klein and AER ader also requested to read files as you can see AER streams code diffs from the llm it's the best AI tool to apply diffs from llms as far as I know Klein only recently implemented diffs but it's not yet solid they took the concept from their Fork Rook line AER looks to
be modifying the API which isn't what's required I think I know why it's the size of the repo map that we set it's too small for such a repo size yes iter update the front end Klein wants to read the app.jsx file approve AER doesn't seem to have the front end files in its repo map it's expected for such a repo size [Music] yeah I don't see any front-end references in the repo map what I spoke about regarding Klein just happened it's having trouble applying a diff from Deep seek but I like the fact that
it's resilient and agentic let's increase the repo map to 2048 for AER the default is 1,24 let's give AER some front end files to work with I suspect Klein might be adding the entire repo to the context that's why it uses so many tokens it is convenient though to not have to add files manually client feels in charge of the IDE even though it's only an extension and not a vs code for [Music] let's approve the BET slip context read for cly you'll notice that AER makes commits as it codes this is because it has
a tight git integration which is very convenient let's tell them that this happens in the mobile view maybe that'll speed things up [Music] okay ader says it's done though its summary of changes doesn't exactly meet the requirement let's see how they look side by side the bug is still there on both let's manually add the navigation menu and the knif component for both maybe they'll find the bug and we need to add the toggle function to the bed slip context deep seek is brave I thought it would settle for using only props instead of contexts
let me see what Klein is actually doing in the nav component logical it didn't modify the toggle for the visibility of the BET slip both of them are missing the fact that there's a nested B slip component which renders depending on the parent as I mentioned earlier because ader is tightly integrated with Git we can also visually see the diffs of commits like we see now in vs code now if we refresh both we see that they're both struggling a bit I might go as far as deep seek 3 is the one struggling a bit
mainly because of its a limited 64k context length let's give both their errors to each their own and let them attempt to resolve them okay Klein resolved its errors but AER didn't seem to the bugs still persist even in Klein's attempts though please mention in the comments if he would have resolved his buck already around 10 minutes is deep SE gadeer is having an issue with the BET slip provider I was suspect of its use of contexts n Junior dev's playground let's tell Klein again that only a blank component is displayed with a hamburger menu
icon not the actual bet slip let's also give AER the BET slip provider error you'll see that it can also detect URLs and offer to scrape them for more context quite a helpful feature because you can paste in a URL of the latest API docs and it would be able to use it on that note of retrieval client already has the model context protocol implemented AER does not let's Now activate a more agentic version of both assistants let's enable auto approve incline and set the yes always flag in AER let's read the files to the
context AER uses tree sitter for the repository map this allows dependencies to be kept and importance of files to be allowed on the map it does have its drawbacks though with llms of small contexts Klein used 400,000 plus tokens already AER not even close you'll note that I'm trying not to code a lot because this is my code I want the focus to be on the abilities of the LM let's commit changes for Klein AER commits its own code with a relevant get message drop a comment in the comment section below if you'd like a
video that tests if a Gemini model like Gemini 2 flash with a million plus context window can handle this entire repo let's see if they made progress deep seek see seems to still be Str with AER now the BET slip button doesn't do anything when clicked let's iterate again with both they have to understand which components affect mobile and which desktop which isn't the easiest thing in the world e okay the clein version has the BET slip pop up after one click but it's from the burger icon not the BET slip button that's some progress
let's tell it to make the adjustment m [Music] crazy my usage of deep seek 3 is around 40 million tokens in a week I would need to sell a kidney for Claud the eater version is now fixed bet slip just fills the entire layout by default though the clein version also doesn't work still it's time we asked for a second pair of eyes from another employee the one and only Claude 3.5 Sonet Claude got to work immediately in both Klein and AER this is only temporary so we measure how difficult this task really is if
you like the plot twist or just like those rectangle animations smash the Subscribe button for more llm battles claw has an error with AER identifier is mobile open has already been declared it's probably getting the feel of the code base let's check the context token count in AER because Claude charges in Bitcoins not fiat currency so expensive okay there's now progress Claude and Klein now have the BET slip button working again Claude and Klein has a ring to it let's tell ader that the is mobile open variable is undefined this is indeed the best Slip
content it's just not showing the right component let's tell Cent directly so it gets it done [Music] [Music] [Music] all finally AER fixed the bug with Cloud the work item can now be converted into a PR the clein version is also already 80% there Claud just understands code period the AER version now works perfectly just leaves a fog of War behind but that's a minor look at that the Klein version also now works as is expected the BET slip looks good I encourage this exact workflow make deep seek view the heavy lifting which requires a
lot of tokens then have Claude come in if velocity decreases or there's a blocker the BET slip persistence is still intact in both nice for those interested yes I literally test in a production mySQL database hosted on Microsoft Azure for the memes this video is not sponsored by Microsoft though the DB is fairly large and stores very recent football data the Wolves nodding ham game for example is already in here and was just played recently 30 Chad GPT search and Google confirm that the score is correct the database has more than 450,000 football matches thanks
Claude let's call in deep seek 3 again I know the Deep seek synthetic data training stories but let's ask it which llm model it is so we don't accidentally use Claud for the next expensive task and Cai deep seek says it's clawed but I think the developer made it worse and baked it into its system prompt deep seek says it's from open AI gp4 architecture when asked I personally don't mind it training from other models as long as its intelligent is too cheap to measure the next task on the backlog is a combination of a
backend and front-end task we just need to create a YouTube API key from the Google console create a new credential a junior full stack developer is needed the work item requires an API endpoint which takes in a search string then Returns the URL of the first YouTube video which matches the string the idea is that we'll search for highlights the upcoming football match and embed them onto our app let's give both the prompt at the same time okay AER finished very quickly it has build airs let's feed them back to it nice we created the
YouTube endpoint in the API let's test it out wow it works and return the URL to my deep seek 3 versus Sonic video make sure you check it out after this one please smash the Subscribe button if you're still watching up to this point let's tell AER to add a button on the front end which will make an API call to retrieve the YouTube url e Let's test clein's inpoint it doesn't return a valid YouTube url let's ask it to fix it e e mysteriously it works for some query strings and not others ah I
think I see why not only returning videos but channels and playlists like a typical search on YouTube web let's give it the locks yes it fixed its bug now you have another opportunity to subscribe to the channel this is Sleek clein is downloading a YouTube icon to add to the app that's a gentic for real real I see it tried to add the SVG image it probably got the path wrong it's also not passing into the team names into the API call let's ask it to fix that now deep seek in both Klein and ader
thinks it set up a proxy to the API but didn't let's tell it to fix that great now we can open a previous match from an upcoming fix from the CLI version we just need to have it embedded into the app yes it's indeed a previous match from the exact same teams which you're going to play the AER version must just fix the API base URL if someone doesn't subscribe after that cool animation I don't know what would make you sub declin version position the video in an awkward zindex and position I'm on B to
play it the ADR version is embedded it looks great after iterating on it the Klein version is working it went for a cinematic View [Music] both look great let me know in the comments section which version you prefer for