for some reason we got this idea in our head that it has to be either God or science on one side we say well everything we've learned in science kind of disproves and explains away God so we don't really need God anymore on the other side we say well I really believe in God so I'm just gonna kind of ignore everything we've learned in science over the past 500 years because well science is probably just wrong but I don't think the problem is whether it's just this one or that one it's that we think it
has to be just one or the other when think about it even if you were a non-physical super intellect and you wanted to bring a physical universe into existence first you'd need the stuff to make it out of it second you'd have to come up with how all that stuff was gonna come together to form things and third you'd probably do in a way that's organized and makes sense or in other words you'd have to come up with science so then it wouldn't be about is it just this one or that one it's about other
signs of intent and rationality order mind in the science or not you decide now a few disclaimers here I'm Catholic so I don't speak for any other denominations and I'm no scientists so I'm just gonna mention a few things and then I'll post some back up below from real scientists you can check it out if you want now I know what some of you might be thinking so just in case let me start by clearing a few things up we believe the world is round it revolves around the Sun the earth is billions of years
old that wasn't created in seven days the Bible is not a scientific textbook and now take a deep breath here we're okay with evolution in Big Bang to an extent which I'll explain later and one more thing my intent is not to try to prove the existence of God to you or to myself it's not a scientific question but only to show that science could never be an impediment to God just as science could never be an impediment to truth the existence of our entire universe and everything in it comes down to about 30 numbers
physicists call these the physical constants now these numbers as I understand them are fixed values of a fundamental physical condition we find in our universe for example the force of gravity or the expansion rate of the universe right down to the subatomic such as the mass of a proton or electromagnetic force now here's the amazing part each one of these numbers are so perfectly precise and so balanced with one another that if any one of them were off plus or minus the slimmest fraction in some cases literally this much there would be no life and
no universe as we know it for example if the gravitational constant or just a hair bigger or smaller the stars of the early universe would be too hot or too cool to produce any life essential elements if the electromagnetic force or just a hair stronger or weaker atoms can form into molecules and the entire universe would be a giant cloud of subatomic particles if the mass of a tiny little proton was just a tiny bit bigger there'd be no hydrogen which means no hydrogen stars which means no carbon and oxygen made in those stars which
basically means no water and no biology so it appears the most physicists not all that since the very beginning the entire universe has been perfectly tuned for one thing now physicists admit they have no idea how these numbers came to be so perfectly and they all agree it would be unreasonable to think that it all just happened by chance so according to there are only two possible explanations either these numbers were set by a super intellect or they occurred naturally in one universe amidst trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions of other universes that we
could never possibly know exist now there's not a shred of scientific evidence to support either of these so both require a giant [Music] it takes about two billion lines of unique handwritten code by over 25,000 engineers and a vast empire of computers and data centers spread throughout the entire globe to run Google it takes over three billion letters of unique genetic code arranged in a precise specific manner written inside a cell weighing less than a few thousand millionths of a gram to run you a far more complex and superior system than all of Google now
imagine looking at all that Google code and then me telling you it all just kind of evolved together on its own somehow now as I said as Catholics were okay with evolution just as long as we're talking about the development of our physical bodies and it makes perfect sense to me that the God of the universe would choose to develop our bodies out of the very environment which we are to live survive and flourishing actually the Bible kind of says so but evolution has no answers when it comes to the origins of life or why
we out of every species on earth at some point went from this the two thinking speaking writing art making imagining loving reflecting self-aware reasonable creatures or in other words so what makes more sense that life and intelligence and the ability to think and love comes from something that has life and intelligence and things and loves or that it comes from this and Big Bang was a Catholic priest who came up with the idea so we're okay with it and most physicists agree that there had to be a beginning to the universe even if you believe
in the multiverse theory so the million-dollar question is how did we go from this to this you you you