The Incredible War Of The Angels

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hi it's Katrina my friend David is going to be helping me out with the voiceover today so I hope you enjoy number 10. Elijah taken to Heaven There are no less than three important Biblical characters who may have had contact with extraterrestrial beings two of them were taken to heaven and were never seen again and the third one witnessed what some say is evidence of spaceships on Earth let's first discuss Enoch in the Book of Genesis it's said that Adam lived for 930 years then his son Seth lived for 912 years and Seth's son Enoch lived only 905 years lives continued to be shortened up until the time of Enoch just before Noah and the flood Enoch didn't die though he was taken away he lived a total of 365 years and then according to the Book of Genesis Enoch went with God and then he was no more because God had taken him away but the Bible never says where he went only that he was taken and never returned to the planet the same thing had happened with the Prophet Elijah he and Alicia were on their way from gilgal when the Lord took Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind and if you think that's insane the story of Ezekiel is even more bizarre he details an encounter with UFOs thousands of years ago in the Bible Ezekiel says that he saw a windstorm come up from the north there was a great cloud of flashing lights and at the center of the cloud for what looked like glowing hunks of metal there was fire inside the cloud and four living creatures in human form this sounds an awful lot like spaceships but what do you think let us know in the comments number 9. Noah's space Arc what if Noah was an alien and his Arc was a spaceship according to the Bible before the days of Noah the world was deep in depravity God's creatures the living things he'd created to occupy the earth weren't behaving in the way he'd intended his beloved creatures were being Wicked and they were corrupted by murder greed Envy lust and plenty of other sins but if you look at it from a more scientific angle it almost sounds like a scientist being unhappy with his biological experiments it seems like an advanced being created humans as part of an experiment and after giving them free will he was displeased with the way they acted then when God or the bioengineer from another planet saw his creatures were hopeless he sent a flood to wash him off the face of the Earth the story of the flat can be interpreted either way but whether it was an omnipotent being named God or a group of aliens experimenting with a new race of intelligent Apes the ending was the same Noah rounded up the natural animals in a vast Arc and protected them until the flood waters receded then the architect got back to work creating better humans Noah's sons were supposedly responsible for repopulating society but in order to fit all those animals in his ship he would have needed an extremely large boat what if he was one of the creators and he used a massive spaceship to protect the planet's animals while human beings were reset number eight the creepy angels in the Book of Genesis the Nephilim are described as mighty men they were a group of giant birthed by human women who were impregnated by corrupted angels we get another the description of them in the Book of Numbers in which the Nephilim are said to be so big that to them ordinary humans look like grasshoppers but by far the best description of these strange creatures comes from The Book of Enoch this book was allegedly written by the grandfather of Noah over ten thousand years ago Enoch described how the Angels were sent down to the realm of humans to look after them on behalf of God however instead of doing their jobs the Angels became lustful for human women joining them in an Unholy Union this act led to the creation of Abominations otherwise known as the Nephilim they were huge giants that were so big they could crush ordinary people under their feet they were half angel and half human but they turned against humanity and tried to devour them the Nephilim became so corrupt that they turned to cannibalism drank one another's blood and were just generally awful if the Book of Enoch is to be believed the Nephilim were primarily responsible for God flooding the planet but just how real were the Giants in 1577 a collection of Bones was found in Switzerland they were so big that people believed they came from a Biblical giant that stood 19 feet 6 meters tall however in 1786 German scientist Johann Friedrich blumenbach realized the skeleton belonged to a woolly mammoth so the unfortunate truth is that no official giant skeletons have ever been found number 7.
Resurrection everywhere Jesus Christ was hardly the only person to be raised from the dead in the Bible in the Old and New Testaments resurrections are a dime a dozen it happened so frequently you might think they had a bit of a zombie problem back then the very first biblical account of someone being raised from the dead is the son of the Widow in zeropath the Widow's son gets sick and his illness eats away at him from the inside then he dies the Widow blames Elijah and God for taking her son away and so Elijah cries out a garden stretches himself over the boy's body he asks God to give the child's life back and God does exactly that but there are plenty of other examples of God playing the role of necromancer Lazarus is a perfect example when Lazarus gets sick his sisters send for Jesus to come and heal him however Lazarus dies Anyway by the time Jesus arrives Lazarus has already been dead for four days Jesus goes to his tomb and tells whoever's guarding it to open it then Lazarus walks out from the tomb alive after being commanded by Jesus to return to the Earth even Paul raised somebody from the dead in the book of Acts as Paul speaks to a group of people about the gospel a man named uticus Falls three stories from a window after falling asleep resulting in his death Hall rushes through the crowd and throws his arms around a young man he then proclaims that he's alive and everyone that witnessed the miracle celebrates number six the war of Angels the story of Lucifer's Rebellion is told in the New Testament of the Christian Bible in the Book of Revelation we learn of a war in heaven that was waged between the angels and the devil's Army the Angels were led by the mighty Archangel Michael while Lucifer led the Rebellion against God the tale of Lucifer's fall comes in many different forms depending on where we are looking in the Armenian Georgian and Latin versions of the story of Adam and Eve Lucifer Rebels after the creation of Adam Lucifer doesn't wish to bow down to humans it's even the same story in the Islamic version of the Bible Iblis the Islamic leader of the Devils refuses to bow down to Adam in the garden another version is the Lucifer refused to become a subject of God's son and so he rebelled but no matter what his motivation was the story ends the same every single time war was waged in heaven between Lucifer and Michael along with all their respective angels and in the end Lucifer Was Defeated and cast down to Hell however many biblical scholars believe the war in heaven was a sneaky reference to the spiritual warfare being fought in the early days of the church it may have been a symbolic event that really happened likely a reference to the war between paganism and Christianity and now for number five but first it's shout out time we wanted to give a huge thank you to Paul Britt and blender study for watching and supporting Origins explained we really appreciate your feedback if you're new here be sure to subscribe and join the family number five biblical time travel the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is notorious for having more forbidden books of the Bible included in their biblical Canon than just about any other mainstream Church in one of these forbidden texts for barook there is what appears to be a tale of time travel the text was taken out of the book of Jeremiah and is considered a fraud by everyone except the Ethiopian Orthodox Church according to ancient astronaut theorist Eric Von daniken the story is a Biblical example of time travel in the text it says that Prophet Jeremiah is sitting with several of his friends and with them as a young boy named Abba Malik Jeremiah tells the boy to leave Jerusalem that tells him when he can find a hill covered in figs he then orders the boy to collect the fresh figs and bring them back for him and his friends to eat so the boy goes and collects the figs but on his way back abomolic encounter something strange there's suddenly a blast of noise around him accompanied by a swirl of wind and he blacks out when he wakes up he runs back to the city and finds it full of strange people when Abba malikas where Jeremiah is an old man tells him that Jeremiah hasn't been around for 62 years there are a handful of versions of the text with abomolic sleep ranging from 60 to 70 years many biblical Scholars have interpreted the time warp as representing the history of the Babylonian captivity this was when judeans were kept as slaves and prisoners of the Babylonians for about a century however others say abomolic story may have been a real example of The Accidental time travel number 4. the dragon there's a piece of the Book of Daniel that was removed for not being authentic Enough by the Catholic Church The Forbidden piece of text is called Bell and the dragon it was cut from the Protestant Bible but it did make it into the King James Bible the story is a strange one because some say it has to do with an ancient Mesopotamian deity called Marduk and his faithful dragon in Mesopotamia Marduk son of enki was one of the most important Gods the equivalent of Zeus in the Greek pantheon he was the patron God of Babylon and presided over Justice fairness and compassion he was also seen as the god of Storms and was worshiped as the agricultural deity his Temple was likely the model for the biblical Tower of Babel he also happened to have a monstrous reptile named the mashusu dragon which we can see depicted on the Magnificent Ishtar gate of Babylon built around 575 BC in Belle and the dragon bell is a statue worshiped by the Mesopotamians meant to represent Marduk Daniel goes about trying to convince the statue worshipers that they're doing the wrong thing by worshiping a false idol in the end though the statue is destroyed and Daniel is thrown into a pit of lions number three the burning garbage dump what if hell wasn't what you thought it was instead of being a fiery pit of damnation where you would go to burn for all of eternity what of Hell in the Bible was just referring to a garbage dump in ancient Jerusalem the thing about the Bible is that it's full of secret meanings metaphors and vague analogies Jesus may not have been warning people about a realm of fire and brimstone but rather of a filthy burning garbage dump in gehenna in Matthew 5 29 Jesus warns that if a person sins they'll go to hell he says if your right eye causes you to stumble or gouge it out and throw it away Jesus warns that it's better to lose one part of your body than for all of you to be thrown into hell however the word hell in this context is a direct translation from the Greek word gehenna an ancient Jerusalem gehenna also happens to be the name of the place where they burned their garbage Legend has it there was so much trash in Jerusalem being burned that the fire raged day and night there's a chance that when Jesus warned that a person could wind up in hell he really meant in a flaming garbage dump where they would suffer for all of eternity number two the horned Moses apparently Moses had horns there's no easier way to say it the very man who received the Ten Commandments from God at the top of Mount Sinai in Egypt and returned the Israelites to the promised land had horns all throughout the ancient world Moses was depicted in art as having to Horns sprouting from his head like the devil one of the most famous of these depictions is Michelangelo's Moses which today sits in the Tomb of Pope Julius II in Saint Peter's Basilica for the last two thousand years people just kind of accepted that Moses had devil horns but why in the world was this ever a thing historians say the idea of Moses having horns likely started with the Vulgate Bible this was a Latin translation created by Saint Jerome in the 4th Century A. D and would later become the Latin Bible up until 1979.
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