Investigating MrBeast

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The world's biggest Youtuber got accused of shady crypto deals, I wanted to take a closer look. Ma...
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I investigated Mr Beast who was recently accused of making $23 million with insider trading and scams I wanted to know the full story so I reached out to everyone from researchers to crypto projects even to Mr Beast himself and let me say the story is more complicated than you think I want to be clear what Mr Beast did what his team did is Shady but what we care about is did he cross that bright red line from Shady to Illegal scam and contrary to what Twitter says I don't think that's an easy answer instead I
think the answer will depend on you if you love Mr Beast there will be an explanation at every turn an a scapegoat but if you hate Mr Beast what I'm about to show you will seem unethical and like a clear abuse of Fame for money so already this story is difficult but I want to make you aware of two more things which matter first I have gone to Mr Beast team to try to fact check the story extensively and they declined to fact check or comment on my many questions instead they gave me a statement
which we will get to secondly I have a bit of history with Mr Beast I interviewed and spoke positively about him in the past but also his new co-founder is suing me and his other co-founder threaten to Sumi so you can make of that what you will as always I just want to let you know where I'm coming from and I've tried to get all sides of the story we're going to start with the major allegations against Mr Beast and Bill on those they come from two sources firstly an investigation by S xbt which claims
Mr Beast made $10 million by backing low cap crypto tokens which are down 90% And the second investigation comes from a group of five people who investigated Mr Beast and found $23 million in profits from quote scams Shady deals and his Network now there are a lot of crypto projects they go over and I want to be clear some of these allegations I agree are bad others I think are actually wor than have been reported and still other allegations I simply disagree with them on so we're going to start with what I don't agree with
according to the report poly chain monsters or Pon is a project which KSI promoted heavily Mr Beast did not but Mr Beast did get in the pre-sale and make a lot of money and thus the conclusion is made it's highly likely Mr Beast made an investment from that Insider information of ksi's promotional deal but there's simply no evidence provided of this I have the same thoughts about jig stack another coin which KSI promoted and the conclusion is though Mr Beast did not officially follow jig stack in his Network KSI was involved in promoting jig stack
from this information Mr Beast invested and made a large return here again there isn't concrete proof now I asked the team who wrote this piece and the lead author Casper Vandal told me quote having known Mr beasts having a very strong connection with KSI it's basically highly probable he was vested as a result of KSI no concrete evidence just going off probabilities but I'm going to say I don't agree with that and I'm going to toss those probabilities aside I think they reach too far instead I'm going to stick with what we can prove happened
luckily the biggest claims in this report the biggest money makers are much better supported by evidence starting with super this is the project Mr Beast is alleged to have made the most amount of money on over $10 million based on a pre-sale of $100,000 as for we have leaked screenshots showing Mr Beast telling Su founder that he can do 100K then we have a wallet that both investigations Trace to Mr Beast sending 100K to the pre-sale wallet and then we have the same wallets getting millions of these super tokens in a period of unlocks which
were almost all sold aggressively now why is this bad well Mr Beast is obviously hugely influential and he publicly Associated himself with the project twice once on March 3rd 2021 he responded to a tweet with eyeball emojis and then he interacted a second time on May 12th 2021 this is much worse the founder elot trades had tweeted there's a gym sitting there on the market at eye-watering prices set to explode during the defi summer 2.0 Mr BEAST's response super but what he doesn't say is that he'd already purchased a huge stake in super at this
point and on the day that he's tweeting he was selling tokens allegedly not only that he had been selling tokens and continued to sell tokens in the 72 hours after the May 12th tweet Mr Beast sold about $200,000 worth of these tokens and remember the context he's responding to the founder of the coin discussing a gym at eye watering prices that's going to explode during the summer and Mr BEAST's response is the coin he's selling so publicly it's signaling hey super is this undervalued coin and privately Mr Beast allegedly sold now I ran these wallets
by Mr Beast as well as the accusation but I didn't get a reply instead I got a heavily lawyered statement from a spokesman who I'm going to warn you is about to complicate things quote these Investments were made and managed in consultation with industry experts to ensure full compliance with all appropriate rules and regulations the wallet is not owned or managed by Jimmy but rather a fund led by respected and sophisticated managers the fund closely evaluated and scrutinized hundreds and hundreds of opportunities which resulted in several Investments some have been more successful others less and
others still works in progress the funds investment strategies apply the same rigorous standards as many other experienced investors in the field now I have a lot of questions but the big thing is Jimmy denies doing any of the trading or managing the trading and blames it on a fund so I asked some obvious follow-up questions what is the name of this fund who were the industry experts and what rules and regulations were followed that allowed you you to tweet about a coin while your fund is selling I didn't get a response it's worth mentioning the
spokesman is Matthew hilk a well-known crisis Management Consultant thankfully online there still are a number of Clues we can follow to try to find the right person for this fund the reason most people link Mr Beast to this wallet we've been tracking is mostly based on a tweet by Mr Beast saying he bought a specific crypto Punk which belonged to an account which goes by wuang clan people assumed understandably that this was Mr BEAST's wallet but what is lesser known is that another account has also tweeted about Crypt punks and has the same ties back
to wuang Clan a guy named Jason Williams he's followed by Mr Beast on Twitter and he's the author of a book on bitcoin so he's a crypto guy and I found Jason tweeting about another Crypt Punk saying I hope you enjoy your new home sold for 100 eth that sale he's talking about links back to the same address Mr be does wuen clan on YouTube there's even more clues Jason can be seen surfing wearing a wuang clan shirt and his brand name going parabolic happens to be owned by the same Mr Beast wallet going parabolic
doeth so there's very good evidence that Jason Williams was also involved in this same wallet which means that it might be true that Mr Beast wasn't the guy buying or selling which would be good for Mr Beast and bad for these investigations but just when I thought Mr Beast might have no say in what this wallet did I saw this podcast with Logan Paul where Jimmy discusses crypto punks once again and things get complicated I also so me and Logan both bought punks you guys will probably see on his Twitter that uh he bought a
bunch of crypto punks at the same time right Gary pulled us in that call so have you ever told that story no Gary V it's like 11:00 p.m. just out of nowhere just calls me and he's like yo I got like 30 people to call hop in I'm like I don't give I don't care he's like it'll the best decision of your life just get in okay and so I just joined the call and I just see like Logan and I I don't even know these other people I put them on blast every heavy hitter
you can imagine who's worth a billion dollars was on this one call and Gary ve is in the little corner the little square he's he's going crypto punks it's going to be huge it's going to be the next Facebook where all of us we're like Jud I'm texting Logan I'm like this legit for all of us like yo Gary's nuts Gary was right again then I bought a bunch wait wait wait yeah I bought quite a few how many uh I I I don't want to say but no please I bought multiple ones yeah well
bro are you double digits punks uh double just shy huh well this clip is very interesting because Jimmy said he made the decision to get crypto punks based on a call with Gary ve but those punks are owned by the wallet we just said was controlled by Jason so it appears sometimes Mr Beast is telling Jason what to buy for this fund Mr Beast then later talks about selling these crypto punks and rolling the money into a new project and once again it sounds like he's in charge well i' I've already sold quite a few
of them so I don't what I bought a bunch of so then I'm rolled the money into V friends cuz I Gary same thing called me he's like V friends I was like I don't know but last time I made money sure sure I'll be honest these clips to me make it difficult to assume Mr Beast had no idea what's going on he talks about Crypt punks and vends like personal Investments and on Twitter he says that not only he bought Crypt punks he also tweets about loading up on VF but again I have to
say it is also abundantly clear Jason Williams was involved he says hey Gary thanks for the v's gift cat it was a gift from Gary to Mr Beast I'm very thankful for it he didn't have to send anything so once again J as Williams appears to be involved and have something to do with the trading or management of Mr BEAST's crypto wallet but we know Mr Beast made some of the decisions so of course I asked Mr Beast to explain himself if he had any say over the trading but once again there's no response so
now I want to turn back to Super we know from leaked DMS that Mr Beast and not Jason set up this pre-sale and we know that Mr Beast made the Tweet so now we have to guess here's what we know when we know Mr Beast set up the pre-sale according to leaked screenshots we know Mr Beast made the Tweet but we don't know whether it was Jason doing the trading of super or if he was doing the trading did Mr Beast know about it did Jason know about the Tweet these are the questions that ultimately
matter and yes I reached out to Jason Williams for a comment he didn't reply I did however get a hold of elot Trades who is the founder of super and he insisted that Mr BEAST's tweet was not a part of a deal for promotion but you should know he also mentions how upset he was with how pre-sale investors sold their tokens saying most of them sold including Mr Beast so those are the facts Mr Beast gets involved in a prell for some reason tweets at this project twice one time on the day his fund is
selling tokens where he seems to imply that they're undervalued in total he's alleged to have made $1 million with this deal according to the report uh so yeah that that's really bad now we're going to turn to another allegation which is about earn or aity chain there are some facts which are the same there are others that are different for example instead of Mr Beast setting up the deal directly the team at NN claims they never spoke to Mr Beast quote we were speaking to his fund manager and when I asked about these wallets selling
allegedly over $4 million in tokens they say quote Mr BEAST's fund was an early investor in our pre-sale he had the same unlock schedule as everyone else were we happy with the way he sold definitely not but legally there was nothing we could have done and then just like with super they claimed they didn't ask for a promotion of the project but that Mr Beast decided to comment once himself anyways on March 9th 2021 Mr Beast responds to eity chain saying this one will be hype it's worth noting once again about 24 hours before we're
saying this this fund wallet purchased over $100,000 of earn tokens in addition to the pre-sale now what is different about super is that Mr beast's name was put publicly on the aity Chain website on their investors and partners page you might be asking well which is it is he an investor or a partner and the answer is both he got into the pre-sale and the earn team also claims that he partnered with them for an nftd drop uh supposedly it was a charity drop and a normal nftd drop now the charity drop specifically did happen
in association with one of Mr BEAST's projects team C's saying quote all proceeds will go towards cleaning up the seas around the world this was early November 2021 then the official team C's account posts it on November 3rd 2021 quote what an awesome crypto collaboration in support of the team then the CEO of aity chain Nick Rose confirms in telegram that the drop is supported by Mr Beast saying earn and eth tokens will be accepted for the charity auction which was slated to last 2 months now the reason I'm sharing all of this is because
one month into this two-month charity auction on November 30th 2021 the rocket fund or beast fund or whatever you want to call it start selling huge amounts of this earn token allegedly they sold over $2 million while the charity itself was still going on now I know that sounds horrible it looks horrible it is horrible although I have to tell you personally I don't think this was a master plan to pump a coin with a charity auction if it was the plan it was a bad one because the nft auction was ultimately a flop but
do I also think it doesn't matter because regardless of your intention selling tokens within a month of your two-month charity auction is wrong stupid and unethical yes yes I I think that as well because in case you forgot Miss Mr Beast is the charity guy whose name is on the website it isn't a fund it isn't a crypto rocket fund it's Mr Beast branding I even asked the earn team about this saying quote why did y'all list Mr Beast instead of Rocket Fund in your partners investors was that discussed they say quote we listed him
Mr Beast as a partner and quote yes they accepted that so according to the earn team Mr Beast knew or should have known that his his name was on the line for this investment and partnership and yet this fund his fund whatever you want to call it sold tokens one month after starting a 2month nft auction for charity to be fair again though it's hard to oversell how bad this nft auction did I found only one nft that appears to have sold here but the bids were made in the earn token which the fund was
selling and the actual sale of the nft didn't happen until after the fund sold in nov M 30th the transfer happened in December 23rd so of course I went to Mr Beast directly to answer this and see if there was some more context they could provide there was no response other than the statement we've already read from Mr Beast that he did not control the trading although again that isn't a really satisfying answer because we've established Mr Beast would sometimes direct what to buy and sell to this fund like Crypt punks personally like I said
I don't think this was a pre-plan scheme but regardless of intentions if you're the charity guy you support a charity it flops while your fund makes millions of dollars in profits because it's selling the same earn token people could bid on the charity with that just is awful and you should feel awful about it um look now I want to move on from that uh to talking about our final token xcat this is a token you may remember from our investigation into Mr BEAST's business partner KSI but unlike KSI Mr Beast was not promoting it
a lot on Twitter in fact the only reason we know Mr Beast was in the pre-sale is that there were several articles about it bragging about that fact once again Mr beast's name was used to promote this instead of the fund itself and internally to investors I have to say this built up a lot of excitement not just because Mr Beast is a huge name but because xcad had what's called Creator tokens so the idea a to some investors is that well if they're investing Mr Beast in KSI what if they were ever to launch
greater tokens that would be massive and I bring this up because some people might ask like what do these affiliations how do they impact people buying these projects and the answer from what I've seen is they actually do impact it quite a lot because people are anticipating like further involvement and also the ideaas like they must not be investing unless they're long-term holders you can see this in the telegram chat it became so common that in the xcad community one of the admins says here we go again another Community member asking if there's any possibility
of a Mr Beast KSI token and Meanwhile by the way as that's happening as the investors are hoping for these Creer tokens and that they're imminent behind the scenes something entirely different had been happening like with super and N Mr BEAST's fund sold a lot of their xcat early in 2021 rather than holding their tokens and this was surprising to even even the founder of xcat himself Oliver Bell who said they told him they were going to do the opposite he tells me quote hey so Mr Beast reached out to me during our pre-sale raise
a group was set up with his team and we had a call with his team and they said they like the concept there was no strings attached to the investment they did however want a lot bigger ticket than what I offered them which I'm glad I did not fulfill we discussed not just flipping this token as this can damage projects if people have decent sized tickets it was my understanding we were aligned on this however after listing to which xcad performed well there was Heavy dumping from a wallet linked to Mr BEAST's team I got
in contact with them immediately and asked them why they were selling like this now Oliver later claims this discussion about flipping tokens and them being aligned about the fact they're not going to flip these tokens so quickly was with Jason and apparently Oliver was so upset about what happened he DM Jimmy directly quote explaining his team will ruin his reputation and look sorry to be a broken record but yes I reached out to Jimmy about this too and once again there was no reply besides the statement we read earlier it's worth mentioning that I asked
Oliver for proof of this message about ruining relationships and he said the message had been deleted on telegram so who you believe here is up to you Oliver also says quote I don't think Jimmy has a bad heart or is a bad person I think he has genuine interest in the crypto space but I think the team that handles his crypto is completely clueless and here on this last point I have to disagree with Oliver I don't think that Jimmy's crypto team is clueless I think they saw an opportunity to make millions of dollars with
Mr BEAST's valuable brand and they took it and they did make millions of dollars and along the way they did some things that were Shady whether or not you think they were also illegal is probably going to be shaped by our unanswered questions and where you fill in those gaps for example do you think Mr Beast knew about the selling that was going on May 12th for the super token why did he make that tweet and then do you think Mr Beast knew about the charity auction and the selling that was happening on November 30th
and do you think Oliver Bell dm'd Mr Beast and told him his crypto team would ruin his reputation and if so was that ignored I hate to leave so many unanswered questions here but I warned you this was a complicated story and a big part of the problem is the guy at the center of this story cannot or will not give more than a heavily lawyered statement through a spokesman who's a crisis Management Consultant and let me just say it's also frustrating that this statement takes zero accountability despite the fact Mr BEAST's team knew every
major allegation that we're laying out here today there is no mention of selling while Mr Beast was tweeting about super token there's no mention of them selling tokens a month after they partnered with a 2-month charity auction and because of that this statement feels very Hollow I think to Mr Beast and probably to his fund maybe this is just business you know they set out to make a lot of money and they made a lot of money what's the problem right this is America they might think this is the biggest Mr Beast nothing Burger since
Mr Beast Burger but look honestly I'd agree with them if they had done this crypto stuff without using Mr beast's name but they want to have their cake and eat it too this fund trades on Mr beast's name as we've seen they get in pre-sales based on his name uh he tweets from his public account and they are putting his name publicly on projects websites instead of a fund but when things go south suddenly oh Mr bees what no I no liability just because he's not sitting there physically pressing the buttons I don't think that's
the way it works look I want to close with the final part of this Crypt Punk podcast we showed you earlier because in many ways I think it's a microcosm of this story obviously I have to say I'm not making any comments or judgments about the guy who's suing me who's also in this clip that's just coincidence I am only talking about Mr BEAST's reaction because as Mr Beast is talking about Gary Vee's great Crypt Punk call there's a moment when the co-host says hey maybe instead of Gary ve being a genius maybe it's just
the call itself that makes the market and Mr Beast kind of defends it he says no that was in February you know Crypt punks didn't pop until the summer and you know I never talked about crypto punks until this very moment can I ask you guys a question when when Gary does that call with all these billionaires and 8 months or a year later everybody's like Gary was right again is it possible that he's right because of the call do you know what I'm saying like like dude he has all these billionaire market makers in
the thing he makes the call makes the market by the way you look around at all the punk owners a year later and you're like damn it's all the same mother that were on the call no because bro there there's 10,000 punks and there's only like 30 of us on the call we can only own and do so much there's still an entire Market that's going to happen regardless I can tell you I don't think why because that was all back like early February like didn't pop off till later and every like nft project was
popping off not just plunk I mean I mean make no mistake like having such influential people involved in projects it's not it can't hurt the ability for the project to to work you know what say 95% of those people didn't even mention it you know what I mean I've never talked about publicly yeah but that last part isn't quite true the reason we're all here is Mr Beast tweeted about Crypt punks the same day he bought them back in February of 2021 that's how we found his wallet even though we now know someone else was
involved too and I would apply the same level of scrutiny to many of the Investments we've talked about was it the genius of Jason Williams Mr Beast or this fund that made them tens of millions of dollars maybe or was it the fact that the name they brought to the table was Mr Beast one of the most influential and valuable brands in the world and that's what got them the Great Deals that's what got them a bunch of eyeballs that's what made it so valuable to have his name on these websites and maybe that's what
made the market ultimately I think it's for you to decide [Music] [Music] [Music] St
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