go ghost: upgrade your life in silence

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For Purpose Driven Men
Sometimes being alone really is the answer. Go ghost and lock in, don’t come out until you’re discip...
Video Transcript:
it's time for you to go ghost bro this is one of the last levels you know when it comes to self-improvement we know who's really self-improving we know who's really working when you can't even reach them it's like man I'm trying to call my homeboy and I can't even reach him I'm trying to call my friends I can't even reach him cuz they're locked in because they're really doing the things that they need to do to take their life to the next level that doesn't mean that you can't call your friends it doesn't mean you
can't contact them it doesn't mean that you can't talk to anybody but it it just means that you're locked in and you're finally putting your purpose first you got to just Elevate and silence you don't even have to tell people what you're doing you're finally just pouring back into you you're finally giving your life the time and attention that it deserves that it needs in order for you to elevate you don't have to explain yourself to nobody if you don't want to answer that phone call you don't have to you can send a message afterwards
hey man I'm just locked in right now you know I appreciate you calling you know I'm I'm busy right now I'm busy giving myself time and attention that I need so I could grow so I can evolve so I could be the best version of myself because I know that y'all give so much of yourself to other people you give so much of yourself to your friends to your family to your peers it's not that you don't love them it's not that you don't want to check up on them but right now it needs to
be you and God you have to figure out your life you have to figure out what direction you want to go into you have to figure out your passion your purpose you have to get that Clarity that you need and in order to get that Clarity it has to be you and God it can't be you and everybody else sometimes you have to separate yourself from the world so you can find out who you are again sometimes you have to refocus regroup Rebrand yourself you have to go through the Journey of Darkness so you can
find yourself again you got to go through hell so you can find the light that's within you going through these tough times this Darkness a lot of y'all going through that already and you making it harder to find the answers that you need because every time you supposed to be diving deep into your heart into who you are figuring out how you could get out of this mess talking to God and connecting with him you on the phone all day you on social media all day you keep distracting yourself so when I say go ghost
I mean cut off the distractions once and for all focus on you once and for all focus on the things that you need to focus on once and for all the distractions is just temporary pleasure it's taking you away from your purpose it's taking you away from finding who you need to be that's what it's there for it's there to distract you it's there to distract you from diving deeper into finding out the person that you need to be the man that you need to be becoming the man that you need to be because the
truth is you already know that you need to be Purpose Driven you already know that you need to be locked in you already know that you need to be focused you already know that you need to be disciplined so what's stopping us from being those things what's stopping us from embodying discipline and consistency it's the distractions we always on the phone we always entertaining people when we going to entertain ourselves when we're going to lock in for us when are we going to do what we need to do in order to elevate when are we
going to focus on ourselves a lot of you guys are scared to focus on yourselves a lot of y'all are scared to do the things that you need to do in order to bring you to the next level yall scared to do the things that you need to do in order to bring you to the next level right see life is happening for you it's not happening to you so when life is happening for you it's giving you the experiences that you need to take your life to the next level but you keep distracting yourself
instead of doing the things that you need to do you need to do that you need to go to the gym you need to be fit you need to work out you need to take your 10K steps 20K steps I just took 20K steps today that's not a flex that's not a brag I just want to show youall I want to be the proof show y'all right now let me take my watch off I want y'all to see that cuz I'm never going to tell y'all to do something that I'm not doing let's see if
we can get it to focus right 20K steps okay I'm never going to tell y'all to do something that I'm not doing I want to see y'all step I want to see y'all get The Walking I want to see you live your best life but it's going to take some discipline some consistency it's going to take you going ghost you don't got to explain to nobody you just got to explain it to yourself and understand why you're doing it you're doing it so you can evolve you're doing it so you can grow you're doing it
so you can be the best version of yourself keep keep that in mind as you continue this journey of self-improvement as you continue to work hard as you continue to go ghost and elevate your life sometimes you have to go ghost to elevate your life you keep telling people your plans or I'm planning to go to the gym and work out what can that do for you nobody else is going to keep you accountable a lot of y'all want a gym partner and then the gym partner start flaking on you so I'm not saying sharing
your goals is a bad thing or having a gym partner is a bad thing I'm just saying that I don't want you guys to become dependent on these things a lot of people are dependent on their gym partner to show up and motivate them why you got to go to the gym because you know you got to go to the gym it's important when you go ghost man you start to recognize man I haven't been giving myself the attention that I need to so I can Elevate I say that I love myself but I don't
practice self-discipline I say that I love myself but I'm not there for myself right you have to be there for yourself you say you love yourself bro that's self-discipline that's showing up for yourself that's all about being consistent being consistent for your goals and being consistent for your dreams sometimes you just got to go ghost because this environment that you in right now and the people that you're hanging around right now is not going to help you elevate to the next level sometimes you just got to go ghost you just got to leave the distractions
you just got to leave that environment and it has to be you and God and you're going to come out stronger you're going to come out better sometimes you just got to do it you know I love going ghost man I love just focusing on the things that I love to do I need it cuz I promise y'all can't nobody do the work for me right and if I don't love myself it doesn't matter how much love somebody else gives me okay I got to love myself first I got to take care of myself right
nobody can be disciplined for me nobody can be consistent for me these are things that I need to do for me and the problem is when we don't go ghost we like to put these things on other people oh it's so and Soul's fault right when we're not going ghost from time the time we like to point fingers and say it's that person's fault why my life looks the way it does instead of taking full accountability and responsibility for the way that our life looks but when you go ghost it's all on you you're focused
on your life so you realize that this is your life you're responsible for your life you have to be accountable for your life you realize that you can't depend on a gym partner to get the work done you have to go to the gym you have to want it bad you have to go out there and put the work in you have to want to take those 10,000 steps a day 20,000 steps a day whatever it is you have to want to do those things man you nobody else can do it for you nobody else
you start to realize that once you go ghost once you go ghost you realize you have to show up for you you have to put the work in for your life you have to do what's best for you and I'm telling y'all the problem is a lot of us are not doing that a lot of us we're waiting on other people to help us out to bail us out to inspire us to motivate us we got to have that fire within ourselves we got to motivate ourselves we got to wake up and go hard each
and every day we got to be consistent we got to be disciplined and you learn a lot of these things when you go ghost man when you go ghost you start to realize okay who's going to check up on me who's going who's going to check up on me nobody want me to go ghost right nobody want me to to go ghost who who's going to actually check up on me who who's going to make sure you start to realize a lot of people not going to check up on you all the people that you
thought was your friends all the people that you thought cared about you they're not picking up the phone to call you so now you start to figure out who's really with you and of course it could be vice versa right but this is this really works when you're the main one calling if you're the main one calling or reaching out and you finally go ghost cuz you putting yourself first you start to realize who who really cares about you right I think that's really important you start to realize who really gives a damn about you
okay who who's really calling you who's really checking up on you when you go ghost right that's a fair question and you deserve your answers go see who your real brothers are go and see who your real brothers are [Music] man you got to understand this one fact this one fact in life there's nothing that we can do about how other people treat us or if other people are there for us or not but there's everything that we can do within our own lives to make our own lives 1% better each day that's a fact
we can't change other people's opinions or perspectives we can't change how they think of us it's us we have to be the ones to put to work in to look in the mirror to go monk mode to go ghost to self-improve we have to put that work in for ourselves we can't do the work for other people we can't control other people and vice versa they can't do the work for us they can't we have to do the work for once that's just what it is bro that's just what it is bro we got to
put the work in man so you could either keep doing the same habits that you doing right now and keep getting the same results or you can choose to go ghost and see where that brings you it's only going to bring you here's a secret closer to your purpose it's only going to bring you closer to your goals it's only going to help you be laser focused and locked in I use this multiple times a year where I'm not really posting now obviously on YouTube I post all the time but it might be video scheduled
because I need to take care of me it's okay to go ghost it's okay to lock in it's okay to not post it's okay it's okay to not know what's going on in the world that's another thing the news try to slow you down it could slow you down it's important to know the news but sometimes you just got to let me focus on my life there's always going to be news yes it's important to stay up to date maybe take five minutes see what's going on in your area just so you can be safe
see what's going on in your country just so you know what's going on but after that man you got to have peace you got to have rest you got to go ghost because once you have a peace of mind then you can lock in on a whole another level this is so underrated most people never really lock in cuz they don't have a peace of mind they don't have a peace of mind their mind is always going all over the place oh you know right oh I'm thinking about this I'm thinking about that when you
need to be thinking about your goals and dreams you need to be thinking about your purpose you need to be locked in but that's a choice going ghost is a choice most people don't want to go ghost they want to stay up with the Trends they want to keep up with their friends right they want to talk on the phone all day I'm not saying that that's a bad thing but I do think that's a bad thing to each his own though it's a choice I'm not judging right it's a choice you choose the life
that you want to live you choose the type of man that you want to be you choose that bro it's a choice right it's a it's a choice it's a choice that you have to choose you choose bro so do you want to be locked in okay one way that we could get locked in is going ghost facts facts it's like hey I'll see y'all later I'm locked in on my goals and dreams I'm so focused right now I don't even have time to play around I don't have time to party I don't have time
to continue these negative habits that got me nowhere I'm just locked in right now I'm locked in so much I'm locked in so much that I just I can't even do the same things I can't have the same habits nah I can't I can't I can't and you start to realize and recognize what's important in your life you start to realize brother that the things that are important is making sure that your health is okay that your loved ones is doing all right and that you on your purpose life becomes so more simple once you
go ghost you start to recognize what's important to you your relationship with God right whatever it is for you in order for you to figure out what's important to you you have to go ghost you have to dive within yourself so you can figure out what is important to you it's that simple how are you going to know what's important to you when you haven't put the time aside to figure that out a lot of y'all say that you love yourself but if you love yourself if you have self-love then yes there self-discipline which means
you have to keep showing up for yourself every single day and if you're not showing up for yourself then that means your cup your cup is empty you got to pour into yourself every single day and get 1% better every single day you have to carve out time for you for your self-improvement for your Evolution are you doing that that's self-love what can what can help with that going ghost and not telling everybody your moves you don't have to tell everybody your moves you don't have to tell everybody your moves you don't have to let
everybody know what you got going on a lot of people not happy for you as you continue to elevate in life the truth is a lot of people will not be happy for you and a lot of people will be happy for you but that's just what it comes with it comes with the love and it comes with the hate it comes with the love and it comes with the jealousy it comes with the respect and it comes with the EnV that's what success comes with are you sure you want success I'm sure you guys
want success but just know what it comes with just know that it comes with the EnV know that it comes with the jealousy know that it comes with the hate so be careful who you're telling your goals to be careful who you're telling your dreams to everyone doesn't need to know what you working on everyone doesn't need to know what you got going on only those that you can trust only your loved ones only those that are close to you everyone doesn't need to know your plans everyone doesn't need to know what you got going
on stay focused stay purpose driven stay locked in see when you go ghost you don't got to worry about telling the wrong people because you're elevating in silence and you're making it happen I said when you go ghost you don't have to worry about telling the wrong people because you're elevating in silence and you're making it happen when you go ghost you don't got to worry about telling the wrong people what's the problem with telling the wrong people well when good things get in the hands of bad people who want bad things to happen to
you who don't want you to be successful they can play Bad Seeds cuz they're putting the the negative energy on your goals and dreams no you want your goals and dreams to be pure you want your goals and dreams to not be touched by anybody who's negative because what is your goals and dreams well your goals and dreams is not a physical thing not yet it's not in the physical reality it's in the mental space your goals and dreams are in the heavens it's in the mind you're thinking of it your job is to bring
it down you bring down your goals and dreams by putting in the work and bring it to reality the physical so when you tell people or when you share your dreams with people guess what if they're a negative person if they don't believe in you if they secretly are Envy or jealous they they can squander that dream they can hurt that dream from coming down now I do strongly believe what's meant for you is meant for you and no matter what people do or say if you're meant to have that dream you're meant to have
it it's going to happen it just makes it significantly harder and that's why I'm very careful with who I tell my goals and dreams to because I need everybody who's in my life to fully believe it the way I believe it you know my mama did shout out to my mama she believed it 100% I said Mom this is what I'm going to do she said okay you got this and the rest is history my girl believed in me I said baby girl this is what I'm going to do okay go and do it you
got this my little brother believed in me you you see what I'm saying you see you see the core you see how it's family you see how how it's loved ones how it's so close relative and sometimes y'all can't even share it with all your relatives because some of you got relatives that that may not believe in you you don't want to share it with them stop trying to prove stop trying to prove people uh wrong stop trying to prove people wrong it's time to prove yourself right that's what matters you trying to tell people
because you want to prove them wrong I I get it because you believe so strongly in your goals you believe so strongly in your dreams you know what's going to happen but there's no reason to say I told you so you don't have to say that you just have to pop out you just have to do it you just got to show them pop out and show people sometimes you just have to pop out and show them just do it and don't do it out of hate or or you know I told you so do
it because you're you're you're you're reminding people that goals and dreams do come true with faith consistency and hard work and I think that's a beautiful thing show them lead the way so in the process of leading the way we don't got to talk about it we don't got to talk about it I don't trust y'all to be not y'all I trust y'all you I love y'all I don't trust everybody that's in my life to have certain information about my goals and dreams especially people who I don't talk to like that why would I tell
you why would I post on social media I'm planning to learn to lose 50 PBS just lose 50 PBS pop out and show people pop out pop out and show people there's nothing more powerful than that work on it in the background be silent I think there was this YouTuber um usually he's in the mukbang space and I still believe he is his name is avocado something um shout out to him cuz I'm about to say something right now if y'all know him in that space he usually eats a whole bunch of food and he
was really really big right he was really really big people were concerned for his heal and I think for the past two years or one year or something he was posting videos and the videos he was posting were just old videos that he already pre-recorded and he was dropping it and so people thought it was new people thought it was fresh people thought that he was still fat people thought he was still big and obese and while he's just scheduling these posts in the background in his real life he's losing so much weight and he
came out and he looked totally different he looked healthy he took care of his health he didn't talk about it he didn't tell people I'm about to lose weight for the better it's possible like I could go from looking like this to looking like that he didn't tell people Nothing shout out to him he just got to work in the background he just got to work so I'm asking y'all when are y'all going to go ghost and get to work because it works bro going ghost and popping out and showing people that it's possible it
works when you going to do it when you going to do it man I I believe in y'all I really do I really really believe in y'all but sometimes you got to go ghost and you can't talk to people you just got to elevate in silence show them it's about showing them actions speak way louder than words and I think a lot of us in this journey of life we talk way too much but we not working enough we talk way too much but we not putting in action we talk way too much but we
not putting in the work it's time to put in the work it's time to put in the action it's time to make it happen it's time to make it happen y'all I love y'all I appreciate y'all for watching I'll see y'all in the next one man if you want to talk one-onone we could do that one-on-one consultations below I'm here to help most importantly though I hope that this video helped y'all all right peace
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