Septuagint πŸ“– The Most Dangerous Book in the World

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Digging up the Bible
Is the Septuagint the oldest translation of the Bible in the world, or a complete fraud? It's the 3r...
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the sepan the most dangerous book in the world it's the 3r century before Christ the Lighthouse of Alexandria Seventh Wonder of the ancient world shines its fiery beam across the Mediterranean not far away in the fabled Library of Alexandria a work has begun which will shake the foundation of the world the following story is recounted in the letter of aresius to files Circa 2 Century BC the Greek ruler of Egypt Tommy II requested a Greek copy of the Hebrew Torah for his magnificent Library so the Judean Governor sent 72 Jewish rabbis six from each tribe
to Alexandria working in complete isolation all 72 Elders translated the Hebrew Torah into Greek in exactly 72 days all 72 translations were miraculously identical hence the name sepen which means 70 in Greek the rest of the Old Testament was translated later Tommy II reigned during the Pinnacle of Greek culture and influence as the son of Alexander the Great's General Tommy the Tommy II inherited a vast Empire that spread from Northern Africa into the aan but perhaps his greatest claim to fame was as a patron of scholarship Jason and the Golden Fleece ukian mathematics manthos history
of Egypt to name a few that survive the fires that were to come but the greatest of these volumes by far was the septent the oldest fragments of the septent or lxx as it is commonly referred to by Scholars were found in the kumran Dead Sea Scrolls in 1952 and date to the 1 and 2nd centuries BC less than 150 years after the original copies were made in Alexandria the oldest complete copies of the Bible are codex vanic canis 325 to 350 ad codex caticus 330 to 360 ad codex alexandrinus 400 to 440 ad codex
Ephram rescripts 450 ad all of them use the septent as their main source so what about your bible does it use the septent nope almost all modern translations come from an entirely different Source from 3 ad to 405 ad Jerome translated the Old Testament into Latin using Jewish accepted Hebrew texts instead of the Greek septent the pope of Rome adopted the Latin Vulgate as the official version of the Roman Catholic Church the oldest copy of the Vulgate is the Codex amiatinus produced in England around 700 AD however most English translations of the Bible use the
mastic text as their primary source the oldest copy of this version is the Leningrad codex from the 9th century 1,000 years after the septent so if the septent is older why don't more Bibles use it Jerome and modern translators today argue that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew therefore it only makes sense to translate from the original Hebrew manuscripts and not from Greek translations the only problem is those original Hebrew manuscripts don't exist anymore so what's the difference the vast majority of differences are inconsequential and do not affect either Doctrine or interpretation however there
are a few notable exceptions the seant includes the Apocrypha a traditional writings which Jewish rabbis rejected as scripture another big difference is Genesis the mtic timeline puts the great flood around 2,344 BC which is 200 years after the building of the pyramids as calculated by modern archaeologists but the septent adds 650 years making everything fit perfectly with the archaeological record some have speculated that scribes conspired to alter the timeline to make melkisedek and Shem the same person this would discredit Jesus as a priest in the order of melkisedek Psalm 1104 the Lord has sworn and
will not change his mind you are a priest forever in the order of melchisedek Hebrews 7:17 for it is declared you are a priest forever in the order of melchisedek another striking difference is found in Exodus 12:40 the mastic reads now the souring of the children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt was 430 years whereas the septo reads soured in the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan was 430 years so which is it according to Genesis 46 kohath Moses's grandfather was born in Canaan Kath lived 133 years Moses's father amram lived 137 years
Moses was 80 years old when The Exodus began so if we add these ages together we get only 350 years and not 430 years and that's not even allowing for the fact that Kath and amam could not have children at 1year Old so the real number was probably closer to 300 100 years however if you follow the seant allowing for at least some years in Canaan and some in Egypt then the timeline makes perfect sense but neither of these issues was likely to shake the foundations of the world so why was the septent so significant
to world history fast forward 300 years Rome dominates the Mediterranean but Greek Remains the linga franka of business and trade the the number one second language in the world the use of Hebrew at least as a spoken tongue is in Decline even among Jews and will be almost completely dead in another two centuries as a largely Hebrew Book from Antiquity the Old Testament would have little impact on the world but in its Greek form namely the seant the impact will be immeasurable at least 2/3 of the Old Testament quotes found in the new Testament are
from the sepagan Matthew 1:23 Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emanuel which being interpreted is God With Us Matthew is quoting Isaiah 74 which in the seant reads therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign Behold a virgin shall conceive in the womb and shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Emmanuel the Old Testament was so important to the New Testament because it proved that Jesus of Nazareth was in fact the long await Messiah of the Jewish faith
the very fulfillment of the law of Moses but the mtic which was copied 1,000 years after the seant uses the word for young woman not virgin as early as 1550 AD Justin Martyr makes this comment but here too you dare to distort the translation of this passage made by your elders at the court of tmy the Egyptian king asserting that the real meaning of the scriptures is not as they translated it but should read Behold a young woman shall conceive as though something of extraordinary importance was signified by a woman conceiving after sexual intercourse as
all young women except the barren do Justin Martyr makes a good point what is miraculous about a young woman getting pregnant how can this be a sign similarly Luke 4:18 refers to the prophecy of Jesus recovering of sight to the blind which is found in Isaiah 611 of the seant but not in the mtic which says something completely different so either the mtic was corrupted or both Luke and the seant got it wrong Thomas makes direct ref reference to the wounds of crucifixion when he says unless I see in his hands the print of the
nails put my finger into the print of the nails and put my hand into his side I will not believe Psalm 2116 for many dogs have compassed me the Assembly of the wicked doers has beset me round they pierced my hands and my feet the prophetic connection to Jesus crucifixion is clearly seen in the seant but in the equivalent verse in the mastic text the piercing is removed and replaced with like a lion the rise of this heretical sect of Messianic Judaism known as Christianity had become so much of a threat to the Jewish religious
leaders that they were deliberately tampering with the Holy scriptures in a vain attempt to stamp it out oddly enough most Bibles today follow the septent in these instances while The mtic Remains the primary source for the rest of the Old Testament but Christianity wasn't dangerous just to the Jewish religious leaders of the first century it was also dangerous to Rome armed with a collection of Greek Epistles that would eventually become the New Testament and a complete Greek Old Testament the septent the apostles and future Christian missionaries traveled throughout out the Roman empire into Europe and
Asia and even India converting peasants fishermen princes and kings and eventually the emperor of Rome himself but not before enduring almost three centuries of blood martyrdom and brutal persecution it's safe to say that the incredible rise of Christianity would not have been possible if God had not providentially prepared the soil ahead of time by spreading the Greek language and culture throughout the known world and miraculously providing a Greek copy of the Old Testament that proved without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was the Christ the savior of the world and that's why the seant
is one of the greatest and most dangerous books in the world n [Music]
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