What Happens To Those Who Refuse To Take The Mark Of The Beast?

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biblical prophecy shall be fulfilled before our eyes this man took the mark of the beast and everything changed imagine the near future in a world that has accepted the rule of the man that is the Antichrist under his rule Nick a middle income man struggles to shop at stores or sell any of his wees he goes through all these troubles because he is yet to accept the mark however he does not want to be like any of the outcasts the outcasts are a group of people that have decided to stand against the Antichrist because they
do not accept his Mark or bow down to his image these outcasts have a challenging existence as they have to stay hidden after much consideration Nick finally succumbs and decides to take the mark it is an easy process the profit of the Antichrist has made it all too easy after he accepts his Mark he knows that he has finally taken a stand a stand against the god of the outcasts the Jesus that they serve now he is ready to get all the benefits of this decision however something strange begins to happen the world starts experiencing
several disasters from floods to earthquakes now a strange disaster Falls This Disaster affects his hand the spot at which he took the mark suddenly becomes painful and oozing a foul smell it turns into an awful sore there is no one to help all people that took the mark are rising in pain there are confused people but some are not perplexed because they know the truth The Outsiders know the real truth the outcasts notice these happenings too they know that this is not result of a global attack or war in fact these outcasts hold the real
truth and have also picked a ey although they have suffered they know the truth they know this Antichrist is a leader who wants to replace Jesus he had an attempted execution and got miraculously healed and everyone fell for him so many follow his every word and command they also know that these swords that Nick and the others are going through is not from this world but from a headquarters far away from them these afflictions come from the temple of God far away in heaven the temple of God in heaven is a mysterious Place many people
do not even know that there is a temple in heaven this particular Temple is opened in Revelation 11 however when it is closed it signals an intense warning and judgment on the entire world the worst the world has ever seen or will ever see it would be the final judgment on the world when the temple is first opened a lot of mysterious things happen first the Ark of the Covenant is rediscovered this particular depiction is actually a truth yet to be revealed for example Revelation 11: 19 and the temple of God which is in heaven
was opened and the Ark of his Covenant appeared in his Temple and there were flashes of lightning in and peels of thunder and an earthquake and a great hail storm however everything is about to change seven angels appear in the temple and change everything after these things I looked and the temple sanctuary of the Tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was open and the Seven Angels who had the seven plagues afflictions calamities came out of the temple arrayed in linen pure and gleaming and wrapped around their chests were golden sashes then one of the four
living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the Wrath and indignation of God who lives forever and ever and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory and Radiance and Splendor of God and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the Seven Angels were finished Revelation 15: 5-8 however this is not a judgment that is taken lightly by heaven in the previous chapter we saw how serious and important the preparation was for pouring the bowls these angels are bringing God's judgment
it's important to note that they came straight from the Heavenly Temple from God's presence and Throne they are not acting on their own they even wear special clothing they wear pure bright linen with their chest girded with golden bands this clothing reminds us that although judgments are terrible they come from a righteous Source it is easy to think that unpleasant judgments only come from Evil sources this shows us the very opposite there will be a sign ific judgment on the earth and nobody can do anything about this judgment because it comes from a righteous God
yes the Bible does mention evil angels who have caused and will cause chaos and destruction but that's not the case here the Bible is clear that these angels are righteous and not Fallen these angels are given blls and the temple is filled with the cloud of God's glory during this period it's important to understand that those who don't believe may not realize the impending judgment this also illustrates that things first manifest in the spiritual realm before becoming apparent in the physical world man can detect rain and wind patterns but God's ways are different there is
no scientific procedure to understand the workings of God's Temple we only know about these Mysteries because God has shared them with his children we can find comfort in this knowledge many Christians do not realize that they already have answers that the world seeks including how it will all end the order of Heaven is simply excellent one of the four living creatures close to God's Throne gives these Bulls to these seven angels the four living creatures John sees are full of eyes and have different forms a lion an ox a human and an eagle this proves
that these judgments come from the very Throne of God when this judgment starts no one is even allowed to enter the temple of God this shows that heaven does not take this judgment lightly there is no stopping this judgment as soon as it begins Heaven is ready the temple is closed the seven angels are ready and man is ready to take these bowls then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the Wrath and indignation of God so the first
Angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and a loathsome and malignant Source came on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped His Image Revelation chap 16: 1-2 a voice comes from the temple is this the voice of Jesus in Revelation heavenly voices often represent Christ but not always since the wicked have mistreated the Earthly Temple judgment now comes from the Heavenly Temple these bows focus more on human rebellion and judge more areas than other judgments did most most of the Bulls like the trumpets remind us of the
plagues from The Exodus painful Soares turning water into blood and darkness by reminding us of these plagues these judgments show us that just as God protected his people in Goan during the plagues he will also protect them from his judgments the last two bowls represent the final battle and the completion of God's promises the first Bowl brings painful and harmful sores to those who worship the image and have the mark of the beast people who choose to follow God are not affected by this bll it's only for those who follow the Antichrist this passage shows
God's anger being poured out on Humanity which was created on the sixth day Genesis 1 Revelation 13:8 tells us this represent the sixth Egyptian plague of boils that hits those with the 666 mark of the beast those who worship the creature instead of the Creator what is the mark of the beast we all have specific numbers that hold great significance for us whether it's our favorite athletes jersey number or our own date of birth a particular number mentioned in the Book of Revelation has fascinated many individuals over the years and this is the mark of
the beast in the Bible there are two distinct marks the mark of God and the mark of the beast will people accept the mark of the beast there are severe consequences for those that refuse it without it they won't be able to buy or sell this mysterious Mark in the Book of Revelation is a topic that has fascinated and perplexed people more than any other field of study regarding this topic a significant number of books have been written and a great number of sermons have been delivered Scholars and theologians have offered many different ideas about
it many people believe that it is a microchip implanted in the forehead or that it is either an invisible Mark or a visible Mark some even believe that it could be a person's debit or credit card that being said what does the Bible have to say about this mysterious Mark the book that reveals the seal the mark of the beast appears in Revelation Revelation is full of graphical language through the consistent application of symbols we are able to visualize things that would otherwise be incomprehensible to us it must be strongly emphasized that this is intended
to help our understanding not hinder it many people have used the very symbolic aspect of the Book of Revelation to ignore or even disregard its guidance as if the symbols are too ambiguous to deliver a clear message this is not at all the case as as is made abundantly clear when they are arranged into the following four categories some are obvious in their meaning the dragon or serpent is the devil the Lake of Fire is Hell the great white Throne is the Lord's judgment seat some are explained in the context the stars are angels the
lampstands are churches the seals trumpets and bowls are disasters what time period does this happen this event occurs after the two outstanding judgments of God the six seals and six trumpets are over the very last series of disasters is about to happen in the history of the world it will be the worst evil Powers will establish a stronger grip on society than they ever have before the mark of the beast is discussed in Revelation 16 considered the book's near future section re Revelation 1-5 is the present age Revelation 6-16 is the near future and Revelation
CH 20-22 is the far future the mark of the beast appears in the near future what or who is the Beast of Revelation the mark of the beast is referred to as the mark of the beast because it is brought into being by a man who is referred to as the beast in the Book of Revelation we find three individuals who come together to form an alliance to rule the world the first is Angelic in nature known as Satan or the devil the other two are human in origin and nature beasts otherwise known as the
Antichrist and the false prophet together they form a kind of Unholy Trinity in a ghastly mimicry of God Christ and the Holy Spirit in Chapter 13 the two beasts make their appearance the first and most important one is a political figure a dictator of the world who exercises dictatorial rule over all of the known groups he is the Antichrist the man of lawlessness acknowledging no higher law than his own will the term Antichrist stems from the Greek word antich Christos where anti means against or in place of and Christos means Christ in essence the Antichrist
not someone or something that opposes or acts in place of Christ this concept is rooted in the Bible particularly in the Epistle of John the term Antichrist is explicitly found in the books of 1 John and 2 John children it is the last hour and as you have heard that Antichrist is coming so now many antichrists have come therefore we know that it is the last hour 1 John 2: 18 Revelation 13: 1-3 and the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore then I saw a beast coming out of the sea having 10 horns
and seven heads and on his horns were 10 crowns and on his heads were Blasphemous names and the Beast that I saw was like a leopard and his feet were like those of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great Authority I saw one of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded and his fatal wound was healed and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the Beast the Beast is a human individual who accepts the satanic offer that
Jesus refused but he is also anti-christian in the other sense of that prefix his Ascension to power will be quiet it will go unnoticed at first and even those closest to the action will be unable to see it he will emerge from the common populace according to John in biblical imagery the C stands for the general mass of humanity or more specifically the Gentile Nations many wonder how a man will have the power to Mark people worldwide here we see that he is a man who has given a lot of power he has the power
to make war against the Saints and to overcome them he seems to arise from a union of political rulers gaining the world's attention through an astonishing recovery from a fatal wound presumably in and attempted assassination his Blasphemous egotism is broadcast for 42 months the term Antichrist stems from the Greek word antich Christos where anti means against or in place of and Christos means Christ in essence the Antichrist denotes someone or something that opposes or acts in place of Christ this concept is rooted in the Bible particularly in the Epistles of John a second beast causes
people to receive the mark of the beast like kings of old this Antichrist King will have a prophet at his side this Prophet is known as the second beast the second beast is called the false prophet this man is a religious colleague with Supernatural power who focuses the world's worship on his Superior his miracles will deceive the Nations As He commands fire to fall from the sky and images of the dictator to speak his appearance will be like a lamb a young sheep with only two horns Revelation 13: 11-15 then I saw another Beast coming
up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence and he makes the Earth and those who live on it worship the first Beast whose fatal w wound was healed he performs Great Signs so that he even makes Fire come down out of the sky to the Earth in the presence of people and he deceives those who live on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of
the Beast telling those who live on the earth to make an image to the Beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life and it was given to him to give breath to the image of the Beast so that the image of the Beast would even speak and call all who do not worship the image of the Beast to be killed this false prophet causes the world to take the mark of the beast which shows that this event is connected to religion Revelation 13: 16- 17 and he causes all the small
and the great the rich and the poor and the free and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads and he decrees that no one will be able to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the Beast or the number of his name in the future a Mark will be given to everyone who lives under the government of the Beast and his associate this Mark will be necessary to participate in the economy meaning that those who don't have it will be
unable to buy or sell anything only those bearing a unique number on a visible part of their body hand or forehead will be allowed to trade and the number will only be marked on those who engage in Imperial idolatry this idea of a physical Mark required for buying or selling is not impossible and could be practical the technology to give people a Mark that enables them to buy and sell in the electronic economy is available there are many possible ways in which it could occur and programs of this kind are continuously being proposed and studied
the number of the Beast Revelation 133: 18 here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast for the number is that of a man and his number is 666 the usage of numbers as symbols is widespread The Book of Revelation has many sevens including Stars lampstands lamps seals trumpets and bowls it is the w number of the Bible the complete the perfect figure 666 is the one that captures attention it is made up of sixes a figure that always alludes to the inability of humans to achieve the seven that represent
complete Perfection it is used here as a clue to the identity of the last World dictator before Jesus Reigns for a thousand years in Latin a millennium is it significant that 666 is the total of of all the Roman numerals except one however identifying him based on this figure will be fruitless until his physical presence makes it very evident many individuals have been suggested as candidates for Antichrist including Napoleon Stalin and others there is no specific biblical meaning to the word Mark except for its connection to the Beast the Greek term kuraga was generally used
for imprints on coins or documents it is well known that kuraga was an imperial seal of the Roman Empire used un official documents during the first and 2nd centuries in the New Testament the term kurma appears only twice it seems in Revelation in Acts 17:29 which refer to an artistic image why do people accept the Beast and his Mark the Antichrist is described as a man whose appearance was more significant than his brothers he he will be extremely irresistible to the masses due to his charismatic personality speaking abilities and outstanding good looks the Apostle John
adds to Daniel's account of the antichrist's Blasphemous activities by stating that everyone alive will be required to worship Him the Antichrist will progress from being a regional leader to a world leader a ruthless Global Tyrant and finally a God when he comes on the scene people will flock to him like flies to honey and they will do anything he asks he unites the Nations as Daniel predicts the next world leader will be known for his or her eloquence attracting the world's attention and administration Daniel tells us that not only will this golden tonged orator speak
in high blown terms but he will also speak arrogantly against God the Apostle John describes him similarly in the Book of Revelation the Beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words and authority to act for 42 months Revelation 13:5 a mouth was given to him speaking arrogant words and blasphemies and authority to act for 42 months was given to him who will worship the Antichrist according to Revelation 13:8 all who dwell on the earth will worship Him according to Daniel 7:25 the Antichrist is a cult leader he shall speak pompous words against
the most high and shall intend to change times and law he will speak out against Heaven's genuine God the terminology suggests that he will attempt to elevate himself to the level of God and make statements from there 2 Thessalonians 2:4 says the Antichrist opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is God he will accept the worship of the people of the world is the mark of the beast here today many people speculate whether the
mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13 will be a high-tech tattoo or part of a Billionaire's plan the Bible makes it very clear what the Mark is and when it will happen to begin there is a strict timing requirement for the mark scripture teaches that the mark of the beast will appear at a particular time and place in history but at this point in time we have not yet arrived at that time or place the reason why the mark of the beast is referred to as the mark of the beast is because it is
brought into being by a man who is referred to as the Beast so until the Antichrist is ruling the entire Earth there can be no Mark and since the Bible says the Beast his Mark do not appear on Earth until the midpoint of the seven-year tribulation then the mark cannot exist in any form prior to the tribulation therefore any suggestion that a mark of the beast exists today in any form is merely a forw warning 666 is the coded name of a dictator however until the dictator arrives it is pointless to try and decode the
number when the dictator arrives his identity will be obvious and the number 666 will represent him it is clear that the dictator will fall short of perfection which is represented by the number seven what happens to those who take the mark of the beast Doom for those who worship the Beast Revelation 14: 9-11 then another Angel a third one followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast in His image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God
which is mixed in full strength in the cup of his anger and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever they have no rest day and night those who worship the beast in His image and whoever receives the mark of his name we read if anyone worships the beast in His image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand as a result of this we are reminded that there is
a relationship between worshiping the beast in His image and obtaining the mark on his forehead or on his hand the Mark will not be taken carelessly or by accident there will be sufficient Clarity regarding the connection between worshipping the Beast and taking the mark although receiving the mark may seem innocent in enough to those who dwell on the earth it is possible that in their minds it may not appear to be much more than a simple promise of Allegiance and dedication to the Antichrist and his administration at the same time during the first few centuries
of Christianity making a pledge that Caesar is Lord was considered by the ancient pagans to be a harmless exercise of Civic obligation we read he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God God which has poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation those who worship the Antichrist will be compelled to consume the wine that is the result of God's intense wrath this cup of God's Wrath is comparable to wine that is not been diluted and has been seasoned with spices to make it even more potent full strength God
is clearly not happy with those who take the mark more than 13 times throughout the Bible it is said that God is a c of Wrath psalm 75:8 for a cup is in the hand of the Lord and the wine Foams It is Well mixed and he pours out of this certainly all the wicked of the earth must drain and drink its drgs this is the idea behind the cup that Jesus wanted to avoid if it were possible in Matthew 26:39 in contrast to Jesus who voluntarily endured the Wrath of the father that was due
to us his enemies are compelled to drink from the cup we read the wine of the wrath of God the cup of his indignation anger or thymos as it is known in ancient Greek is symbolized by the wine in the cup indignation from the ancient Greek word org meaning angry with a settled disposition is related to The Cup the typical word for God's Fury in the New Testament is or which comes from ancient Greek Revelation contains 10 of the 11 instances of the ancient Greek word thymos rather than erupting in Wrath God's Wrath against Sinners
is a constant and unwavering stance against wickedness and sin however in the Book of Revelation the term for passionate anger is used much more often we read he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone this demonstrates that the agony found in hell is a genuine form of torment one that is both excruciating and revolting Revelation does not contain any biblical passages that are comparable to the current trend of avoiding damnation a number of significant realities are revealed in this verse regarding hell and the Eternal fate of those who are doomed we also read the smoke
of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night people who worship the Antichrist and acquire his Mark will will spend eternity in hell where they will be subjected to his anger and fury against them at this point the reality of Eternal Agony is made abundantly clear the phrase forever and ever literally means forever and ever it literally means into the ages of Ages which is the most powerful expression of Eternity that the Greek language is capable of the mark of the beast transforms the mark of the beast will be
seen as a bad idea when God's bowl of Wrath is poured on the earth in Revelation 16 the concept of the bowls often referred to as the bowls of Wrath or vials of Wrath represents the final judgments from God that are poured out on the earth just before the end of the world basically these bowls are like containers of God's Wrath by this time people had done a lot of evil especially under the Antichrist so these seven bowls are God's response to all the Calamity Revelation 16 begins with a loud voice from the temple saying
to the seven angels Revelation 16: 1-2 then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God so the first Angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and a harmful and painful SAR Afflicted the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped His image the first angel carrying his bowl approached the Earth and emptied its contents immediately a terrifying change occurred Those Who Bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image
the very emblem of their Rebellion against the Creator were suddenly Afflicted a foul and loathsome SAR appeared on their bodies people who once proudly showed their Mark are now hurting and have Painful sores on their skin these marks are now Source the Apostle Paul had once written to the Romans for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord Romans 6:23 now those wages were becoming painfully evident the rest of humanity witnessing this had a choice to make would they recognize this as a sign of
God's judgment and turn back to him or would they Harden their hearts and continue down a path of rebellion as the subsequent bowls would be poured the division between light and darkness righteousness and wickedness would become even more pronounced in these times the words of the psalmist resonated more than ever it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God Hebrews 10:31 referencing the Old Testament yet even in his wrath God's mercy remained evident this judgment like the plagues of Egypt served as as a warning the events described aren't meant to
Simply incite fear but to underscore the profound consequences of a world that turns its back on its creator in this story there are seven bowls showing God's anger the seven bowls are especially important because they have deep meanings and predictions a call to repentance remarkably even amidst the terrifying unfolding of these events the heart of God remains consistent he desires repentance and Reconciliation it's a heartbreaking revelation of the stubbornness of the human heart even when faced with the undeniable power and Judgment of God many choose Defiance over repentance God's intention is never to destroy for
the sake of Destruction rather his judgments are in part meant to lead people to a realization of their need for him in essence the seven bowls of Revelation are not just judgments but mess mes they speak of the seriousness with which God views sin his deep desire for Humanity to repent and return to him and his promise to eradicate evil and establish his eternal Kingdom for believers they offer hope a reminder that no matter how dark the world may seem God's light and truth will always shine Victorious as you reflect on the seven bowls remember
that Revelation isn't just about endings it's about New Beginnings beyond the bowls lies the hope of a renewed creation where pain suffering and death are but Distant Memories for those who heed the message and turn towards the light a new dawn awaits so why are all these important because the Bible tells us that these events are like puzzle pieces that fit into a bigger picture these things will happen as a part of God's big plan and it reminds us that God is in control of everything thing the Beast and those who worship the Beast will
meet his end when Jesus arrives the Bible teaches that the antichrist's reign will come to an end at the return of Jesus Christ The Book of Revelation which is a prophetic Vision given to the Apostle John provides the most Vivid description Revelation 19 veres 19-2 and I saw the Beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his Army and the Beast was seized and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence by which he deceived those who
had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped His Image these two were thrown alive into the Lake of Fire which burns with Brimstone we read and I saw the Beast and the kings of the Earth in their armies assembled to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his army some people just don't get it trying to fight Jesus and his Angelic Army off the Earth is the most idiotic thing a man could do this may be true yet we must never underestimate the foolishness and enmity of man towards
God this is the incurable Insanity of sin we read to make war against him to put it another way it is just as implausible as the concept that God came to Earth and was killed by humans John wrote no description of a battle this is a completely one-sided Affair more of a straightforward Act of judgment than an extended dispute or War the fight of Armageddon is the laughter of God competing against the Pinnacle of man's arrogance afterward the Beast was taken captive and along with him the false prophet both the Beast and the false prophet
are given preferential treatment prior to the great white Throne of judgment holding its Court they are thrown alive live into the Lake of Fire Revelation 20: 11-15 the day the Antichrist is judged is not merely an end it is the ushering in of a new beginning a source of Hope For Humanity the chains of deception were broken and the path to Redemption became clear for in the face of Darkness the light of God's truth always prevails with the defeat of the Antichrist hope and Redemption began to Dawn on the world that day is a testament
to the enduring power of faith and Triumph what happens after that day the Millennium after the defeat of the Antichrist Jesus will set up a kingdom on Earth often referred to as the millennial Kingdom because it lasts for a thousand years during this time Jesus will reign with Justice and peace and they lived and reigned with Christ A Thousand Years revelation 20:4 with the defeat of the Antichrist hope and Redemption began to Dawn on the world the day he fell was a testament to the enduring power of faith and Triumph it was a day when
the prophecy of Revelation 20:10 came to pass and the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur where the Beast and the false prophet had been thrown this Mark is a fraudulent copy of the mark of God our mark on their right hand or on their foreheads Satan is not a creative being all he can do is imitate God we are not surprised to find that this too is a satanic parody of something God will do it imitates God's Mark upon his people we see the Seal of God in the Book
of Revelation The Book of Revelation filled with mysterious visions and messages introduces us to the idea of God's seal in a very special and meaningful way the Seal of God is like a special sign from God it shows that God is protecting certain people that they belong to him and that they are genuine followers of his during the tribulation we see the Seal of God as judgment is held back until the Servants of God are sealed Revelation 7: 1-3 after this I saw four Angels standing at the Four Corners of the Earth holding back the
Four Winds of the earth so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree and I saw another Angel ascending from the rising of the sun holding the Seal of the Living God and he called out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the Sea saying do not harm the Earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bonder Servants of our God on their foreheads these Servants of God will obtain a shielding seal on
their forehead containing God's name in some manner here the seal is equated with the Holy Spirit given to Believers as a sign of their salvation and a promise of their Eternal inheritance the act of sealing as described in Revelation signifies a Divine Mark of protection and ownership in Revelation 7:4 it says and I heard the number of those who were sealed 144,000 sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel the sealing process is not just a literal marking which symbolizes spiritual preservation during times of tribulation we are not informed what precisely their service is
but the 144,000 are sealed for a distinctive and special purpose however the concept of being sealed as a whole isn't restricted to them in any way the mark in Ezekiel in Ezekiel 9:4 a similar protective seal was given to the righteous before Jerusalem was judged in this chapter executioners are seen coming from the north to destroy idolators those who opposed the idolatry were sealed by a mark on their foreheads so that they would not be slain Ezekiel 9:4 the Lord said to him go through the midst of the city throughout all of Jerusalem and put
a mark on the foreheads of The Men Who sigh in distress and grieve over all the repulsive Acts which are being committed in it for this we can see that God's seal was for protection Cain was also given a mark to protect him Genesis 4 and the Lord set a protective Mark sign on Cain so that no one would found met him would kill him this shows us the importance of the Book of Revelation before his death Jesus prophesied that the Holy Spirit would reveal to his Apostles the things that were to come John John
16:13 this prophecy was partially fulfilled through the teachings of Paul and Peter but it was most completely fulfilled through the Revelation given to the Apostle John while he was on the island of Patmos
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