This shows up when you’re waking from 'the game' [Your next level of reality starts now]

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True Self Alchemy with Danielle Lynn
If you found this video, you’re choosing to wake up to the game of life. Cool. In this video, you’...
Video Transcript:
what if this reality was an elaborate Sandbox game in which your focus and your energy dictate what is possible for you in your reality experience in today's video I'm going to share some perspectives that I imagine will help you explore that concept not just in Theory but with a few experiences that you can put to play in your day-to-day life because whether you've stumbled across this video through curiosity or whether you've been tuning into these conversations for a while I personally find that when we are living life in a way where we're finally ready to
try something new opportunities in the form of videos in the form of books in the form of ideas might appear to us and so as you tune in to this conversation consider that this represents one of those potential portals something that you have called for in your reality and life and in this way we are already beginning to play a new game together I'm Danielle Lynn I'm someone who enjoys playing playing delightful games in life in ways that Inspire myself and Inspire others in very empowered ways I also enjoy having conversations with fellow creators at
play such as yourself whether you currently remember your ability as a Creator or whether you are coming into remembering now so first things first I'm going to invite us to have some fun with this experiment experience together and as we go through it I'm also going to walk us through some of the key fundamentals of being an intentional Creator in your game of life so for the first step I'm going to invite you if it feels good to proceed to go ahead and make a deliberate choice to continue watching this video Until You Feel Complete
with it the reason this is a powerful thing to do it instead of unconsciously or just sort of passively watching this Choice gives you an opportunity in this very moment to be a deliberate intentional Creator so even if you are watching something even when you are consuming something such as this video or reading a book this represents one of the steps that you can start incorporating in your life to be intentional with where your energy goes and what you say yes to because many of us have learned or taught ourselves or have habits to automatically
sort of Nod along with something that feels good or seems good there's no shame or blame to operating that way additionally if you choose to be intentional With A Moment Like This and Beyond this moment with other opportunities in your life you might start noticing yourself more deliberately navigating the various experiences and opportunities that come into your reality all right so step one made the choice let's proceed now step two you've made a choice to be present and tune in so now let's run an experiment in this experiment we are going to experiment with how
powerful your focus is whatever your current situation is in life and the theory we're going to explore is by simply giving your attention to certain things and shifting your attention from other things that you will likely notice a profound change not only within yourself but if you choose to keep applying it you might notice things shifting in your life around you sound fun all right let's proceed so first in order to run this experience expent we're going to create some hypotheses together one of those hypotheses is that everything in your life is actually happening in
the present moment even things that you imagine have happened in the past and things that you might imagine could happen in the future can only really be conceived in the present moment that means on some level wherever your current focus is that is where you have actual influence at this stage in your life we can sometimes look at past choices as having momentum that can show up in the present or we can observe how current choices might Inspire momentum to show up in the future but but regardless of the situations and the experiences that are
taking effect in your life at any given moment your actual power is happening in the present let's also look at an analogy that might assist you in further considering the present moment step I'm going to invite you to Envision virtual reality sets so imagine you're in a viral reality set for a moment and so the images are appearing around you and then pretend like your body was in one of those Omni moving treadmills so you could walk while you're in the virtual reality but you're also always in one space and so when you're in this
virtual reality experience the way that things change around you depends on where you focus you are always in a present State and everything else around you shifts around you based on what you focus on and the appearance of you moving places or things coming towards or away from you or the appearance of time passing is just part of this elaborate setup so now that you have considered this I invite you to the next phase you can ask yourself up until this very moment what have I told myself at this time is the most important thing
in my life and what have I been directing my focus towards this is a very interesting question you see what this does is this brings to your awareness where you have been consciously or unconsciously guiding the focus of your virtual reality experience now in this example the entire virtual reality world of possibilities exists and yet the things that you choose can only show up based on how you are focusing and what you believe the parameters in the game are so the way you are moving yourself through this game have to do with where you place
your attention and energy and what you believe the rules of the game are now imagine for a moment that this is how life worked that there may be some general parameters of the game that are Universal perhaps there are some general parameters having to do with things like gravity and whatnot that when you decided to come into the game they were Universal for everyone involved and so as long as you were choosing to play the game and not go into developer mode these would apply to you but aside from that you could choose how you
played the game I would relate this very similarly to the game Minecraft in Minecraft there are certain rules and parameters within the game if you are playing a version called survival mode and you're not in Creator mode and in those parameters it's fairly open-ended you could choose the way that you move through the game and system but you agree when you play that game to limit yourself for the duration of how you play it because that adds a certain experience to the game in the same way pretend for a moment if you like that being
in this experience of you you decided temporarily to allow yourself to pretend you were limited so you could have a certain experience now if you like pretend for a moment that you also worked in the ability to remember if you so choose you worked in the ability to remember how how to get yourself out of loops and scenarios where you got so immersed in the game that you temporarily forgot that you had the ability to shift yourself out of a specific level or area in a very real way this is what many of us are
waking up to that there there are certain parameters in this reality that we thought would be fun and sometimes we get so immersed in the experience of playing in this reality that we may temporarily forget exactly how we can move through reality it would be like saying whenever we say this thing outside of me is more powerful than myself we abdicate our power and we start choosing to play by those rules in the same way at any given point we can reclaim our power and get up from the game and take off the headset of
that specific experience and go that was fun that was interesting that was unique boy I don't know if I'll play that one again but wow what a fascinating experience what now that right here is present moment awareness it is being aware that in any given moment you are not required to buy into the idea that you must take a single further step if it is out of alignment for who you are and what you perceive and believe and in this way you can choose to instead say well that was very interesting I played that game
for a while I wonder what I felt mattered to me I wonder what I would need to believe about myself about life and about the world around me in order for me to proceed with this path the way it is and for some of us we have such an ingrained belief about the way reality works that we may not even question it for some of us that comes in what our parents told us or what specific religions or perspectives told us from what certain spiritual practices told us what I'm going to offer is I am
for myself not condoning or rejecting any specific pattern of belief simply offering that the experience of reality as it is doesn't require a story to function at its Baseline level of resonance meaning any interpretation of Truth as far as I have seen is simply that a story from a perspective of what truth is even what I am offering right now is simply one perspective in story and if you find yourself living in reality in a way that is no longer resonant for you if you find yourself living in reality in a way that feels as
though you must abandon inner parts of yourself to exist this may be an indication that you are subscribed to a story of reality that is out of alignment with who you truly are and rather than shaming yourself for having that belief it can be an invitation to be so curious and loving with yourself you start going wow you must have really had a strong reason to believe that and I get that so what else could be possible because the parts of ourselves that are stuck in a certain kind of belief from my persp perspective are
not doing that because they hate ourselves they are doing that because that is the way they know how to survive or to live and sometimes the concept of having another way of living seems like too much to even contemplate so they just continue down that path so I offer to you this consideration that we just walk through it's a glimpse a peak into the perspective of viewing this reality we live in as a game where your own perpetuated stories and beliefs about it that are connected to the momentum of your habits and the environment in
the world around you may be amplifying or diminishing that this way of living you are not relegated to it that there are Pathways to shift and while it can feel like maybe it would take so much effort to shift from where you are my experience of this reality is that it takes a lot of effort to be what we're not it takes an enormous amount of energy to push against our inner selves our inner values who we are and so many of us just keep pushing because we don't know where to begin and that's okay
but once again I imagine that if this video has reached you and you have watched this far on some level it is because you are one who is choosing to be the intentional player of your life who is choosing to be curious about new ways of being and who is giving yourself permission to explore because you're not required to keep walking and perpetuating a pattern that is not genuinely loving to the core of your being and so my friend this is an invitation in each moment to Simply make a choice even if you think well
this is a choice I don't always want to make if you are doing anything if you're flipping through your phone if you're feeling a certain way this is an invitation you can simply say well I'm making a choice to feel this way right now without shaming or blaming yourself because awareness that you're simply making a choice becomes one of the first steps in being able to open up new awarenesses to new choices without needing to beat yourself up or resist what you're currently doing you get it consider this the most simple and effective step that
you can take from here to experiment in this game of life if you did nothing else and as you start being more aware of your choices then start just pausing and saying does this feel really joyful to me and if not just say I wonder what other possible choices exist my friend friend it's been a delight to have this conversation together and I have some further links in the description if this video has inspired you assisted you in some way I invite you to like share and subscribe and there's also invitations to the community I
run self Alchemy lab as well as some other experiences coming up here shortly and in all cases I'm delighted we had this time together and I continue to Envision you making choices from your most clear and aligned path moment to moment
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