in this video I want to talk about the outline of the method that I use to teach Spanish Portuguese Arabic to uh the military and uh typically the goal is working together for one month and we want you to become conversational in Spanish in one month why because we don't have three years before uh deployment um that's my day job is as a military linguist and uh conversation in a month is the name of is the name of the game if it's taking longer than that to become conversational then you're doing something wrong so in
this video I want to talk about the way to how to do it right okay um we begin I want to basically draw the draw the method for you there's going to be a pyramid structure here thing one the basis is structure okay so what is the structure of language structure is how the language works okay um I break down structure into three categories verbs vocabulary and useful Expressions verbs are I am I have I like I want I went whatever your verb is from there you mix and match the verb and the vocabulary section
two right verbs vocab useful Expressions verbs and vocabulary mix and match together they go together like yin and yang you can say I am Tony are you I'm from Chicago are you from I like this do you like that you can play a whole back and forth tennis game just asking questions and answers revolving around verbs and vocabulary that's the structure useful expressions are okay very good nice interjections those three categories comprise structure now most uh language learning and language teaching methods they they aim for that first level and they just stop there I I
find maybe a little conversation practice but apps I mean if you're not conversing with a person then you're just aiming for structure like you're just trying to memorize enough verb vocab Expressions um word order syntax d da you're trying to study the language and that's not enough because just studying the language is not going to make you conversational in the language any more than studying uh boxing would make you a good in the ring or like studying tennis would make you good like you can't learn tennis from an app from wi it's not the same
uh so where most meth where most methods stop which is that structure is where we just get started structure is the way the language Works what comes after that is how the language works for you that's conversation uh we use the structure to create conversation so again it's not just memorizing verbs in vocab and use but it's you it's working them into a conversation where we can go back and forth like a tennis game or like a martial art asking and answering questions because that's conversation okay so we do that from day one is is
we we start creating this this sort of cycle little little more structure a little more conversation a little more structure a little more conversation and you keep doing that until muscle memory kicks in which is level sort of three right now this doesn't take a long this this could happen this this happens within a few minutes often like you can get something stuck in your head in in in a couple repetitions and pretty soon you're uh this cycle of conversation and structure kicks in you you muscle memory kicks in I mean do you know do
you know what I'm talking about I wish I could do it for you with you right now so you but just try to imagine what that feels like right so I'm asking you things in Spanish Portuguese Arabic you know what I'm asking you answer with your verb and vocab it's like a a martial art game we keep we pretty soon you're you're able to do through muscle memory the final level up on the top of the pyramid here excuse my handwriting all the way through here that's personality okay the I find that the ultimate level
of language learning comes when the language becomes a vehicle for your self-expression in such a way that your that your personality comes through the language so you start being like funny in the language you start like being nice or mean or happy or sad or like all of the the the feelings that you have um find their expression through this second language it's also interesting to note that often people who are bilingual or multilingual say that they feel that their personality is slightly different I call it you have your english- speaking personality or ESP your
Spanish speaking personal your SSP your Arabic ASP and uh acronyms as such um for your for personality so so that's the top of the thing now above that pyramid there is a sun that shines down upon the whole thing and uh I'm not even going to try to write that that says listening practice or listening uh listening it says listening can you see it all right it's listening so what's listening why is listening the sun well all of this happens inside of your personal pyramid it happens inside of your mind the pyramids your mind and
body all of this happens inside but listening happens from outside right like I can practice thinking practice speaking right uh but I can't control what other people say so this is where people often say oh well people people speak too fast and there's too many dialects and I don't know what's going on in in listenings and everything like that uh listening practice nourishes it nourishes your your personal approach right like you pick up a ton by listening um and it's worth noting that where do the rays of the of the of the sun where do
they touch from first on your pyramid they touch on personality right so when you listen to someone speak it's like when you hang out with someone for a long time uh or or often in like a week and all of a sudden you're talking like them other people's speaking rubs off on your personality so um by focusing on listening and the strategies of listening which we would get into later namely you're supposed to guess not listen to every single word that's the core thing of listening is that people get hung up on a listening for
every word it's not about listening for every word it's about listening for keywords and then guessing the main point through the keyword So that's its strategy um but uh the point here is just that that's the whole thing and so listening shines down it shines down on the whole thing uh but it touches personality first okay uh so that's the huge the O the huge picture overview of what we're going for okay so now imagine you have 30 days and you need to become conversational in Spanish Portuguese aork any language I guess right begin at
the beginning at the bottom of the pyramid let me know how to say I'm I couple verbs vocab right and then I'm you just repeat the process uh in a certain way there's more to it like in terms of uh the specific routes that you can take there's a whole but this is the center of the core thing here so anyway I hope that makes sense and I I hope it gives you some inspiration to think that it actually is possible to become conversational language in a month people often ask how long does it take
to learn a language well it takes forever you can you never stop learning it's not like you just ever reach day we go I learn everything I need to know however what I can say is that conversational in a language is a matter of days weeks months not years if something's taking years then you're definitely doing something wrong and it might sound crazy but a lot of people has have studied Spanish all four years in high school but never really became conversation never learned to speak right I've been trying to study Spanish or whatever language
off and on for over 10 years now all right days weeks months not years that's the rule of thumb I'm here because I've got the way to what I believe is the fastest way if I thought there was a faster way then I would do that uh to be convert to go from zero a conversational in one month and I'm here to tell you exactly how to do it so leave a comment like the video subscribe set find my website and send me a message I will talk to you personally I'm not a big uh
like you I can't happy to talk to you personally on what you should do to become conversational language in one month thanks for watching