How I found my $10K/day Winning Product (Guide)

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Andrew Yu
🔍 Search "PRIME BUNDLES" on the Shopify App Store: (Use code ...
Video Transcript:
hey what's going on so we actually just officially hit over 10K revenue on this store it only took 4 days to reach this revenue and that's primarily because the product is just a winning product and that's why for this video I want to go ahead and show you guys a winning product research method so you can go ahead and find your winning product this Q4 or this Black Friday or for this Christmas uh because it only took 4 days so there still is time I want to upload this video this should be around like one
week left until Black Friday uh is there but it doesn't mean that it's over even though Black Friday is over you still have plenty of time after Black Friday around a month and a half for you to get a winning product running but anyways you can see today $10,000 of Revenue do a refresh check real quick $10,000 let's go ahead and do the 14th cuz that's when I had $ Z in Revenue you can see we started wait let me go ahead and go to total sales okay uh $0 in revenue and then now we
have $10,000 the day before today is 7.2k the day before that was 4.5k so this store scaled up pretty fast um right now it's at 10K uh a day but the day is not over yet there still around 3 hours left in the day so that means we are going to hit around 11k 12K in sales but you know the 10K Mark is the mark that everybody wants to reach $10,000 a day at 25% profit margin is around $2,500 a day in profit which is really really good uh this store is probably going to scale
up even higher because of potential it has but yet a next 10 15 minutes or so is going to show you exactly how I found this product for this store but before we go ahead and show you the product research guide a quick shout out to Prime bundles Prime bundles is basically able to generate half the revenue for this store if you guys don't know what prime bundle does it basically adds a bundle option to your website it basically offers two three four bundles options to customers and customers get a discount when they buy two
three or four obviously majority of people only buy one if you only offer them one but if you offer them two three or four they're more inclined to buy two three or four as you can see it definitely works cuz it generated 11,000 revenue from the $22,000 revenue from the store so over 50% of the revenue was generated by Prime bundles without this app we could have missed out an extra $1,000 revenue for this store so if you're interested in adding Prime bundles for your store go to the link down below to install Prime bundles
or go to the shopy App Store search up Prime bundles and we should be the first ones to show up but shout out to Prime bundles for getting a store an extra $111,000 in Revenue so if you guys don't already know Facebook has something called a Facebook ads library and with Facebook ads Library they're basically showing you exactly what kind of ads are being ran on their platform this is actually a great tool for us we can use it and find competitors for products that we might want to sell uh so basically what you want
to do is go to Facebook ads Library if you don't know how to come here already search it up on Google or go to the link down below for Facebook ads Library the first thing you want to do is Select United States for your country go to add category search up all ads and for the keyword we're going to start up with something super broad but we're not going to go ahead and use this to find our products but let's go ahead and search up shop now it is super broad but before I click off
the video because I've done this before shop now is not the term you want to go ahead and keep scrolling keep scrolling keep scrolling you actually want to use it for inspiration for key words that you want to show up uh but anyways the first thing you want to do is Click filters and search just videos so go ahead and apply the filter and only videos should show up now images are sometimes good but majority of the time when you filter about videos it's just that much better so scrolling down here it seems like somebody
is selling like a Christmas tree some sort uh DIY Felts Christmas tree kind of interesting so you want to do is go ahead and hover over and click view ads so basically now we're on their Facebook ad library page as you can see they only started running November 18th then by the way today is November 18th so they just started running this product and they only have nine active ads so that's basically what I use to determine whether or not you want to go ahead and run these products because non active ads is not a
lot my minimum I would say is 14 but you really want to see 20 or dirty plus ads because nobody's going to spend money on dirty plus ads if they're not making money with it originally so this person is just kind of running today so you don't want to copy them because they're just like you they're just going ahead and testing it they can fall off the ad Library platform form tomorrow because it's not profitable so I wouldn't go ahead and run this product right away but what I will do is basically use these key
words that they have so something like little ones something like Christmas DIY Christmas tree safe and durable reduces screen time uh Advent calendar these are all keywords you can use exactly how we searched up the keyword shop now you can go ahead and search up these keywords and find other products off of keywords like this and that's exactly what I call the rabbit hole guide if you guys don't already know I actually released this guide on my Discord basically two three 4 weeks ago so people on my Discord already knew this strategy and they' be
taking advantage of it I'm going to go ahead and show some screenshots over here of people taking advantage of the strategy and actually worked really really well to find the next winner uh for Black Friday in Q4 so I basically wanted to go ahead and release it on YouTube obviously a more Baseline version a more Standard Version if you want the more in-depth more detailed guide go to my Discord down below and I'll see you guys there but anyways continue with this video the first thing I would do is search up little ones uh because
that is the key word we can do so opening another tab you want to go ahead and search up little ones and what happens here is you want to go ahead and filter It Again by videos but now we only going to get ads related to little ones which basically refers to little kids as you can see we have a product right here uh Charming little ones and they sound like a Little Pony let's go ahead and take a look at that so we're on their page right now it says that started at November 17th
which is yesterday and they only have one result that means they only have one ad they're basically testing the product so we're not going to go ahead and run this product because they're just testing it so we're scrolling down there's a bunch of different products uh there's another product right here a little yoga socks so it it seems like it's for toddlers And for little kids and have socks let's go ahead and take a look at their ads so we're on their ad library now and they have 48 results which is great because they're definitely
profitable there's no way they're spending money on 48 ads if they're not profitable it seems like they have a lot of ads running so this is definitely a product you can go ahead and try cuz they basically just launched it as you can see this basically helps kid high quity so this is basically a product that I found um but by the way just recapping everything right now you would not have found this product if you went back to the original keyword called shop now and kept scrolling kept scrolling kept scrolling because they actually don't
even use shop now in their ad copy so you would have never found it we only found it by searching up this store right here that was in shop now and this store led us to the keyword little ones and little ones led us to this product right here as you can see little yoga socks so without that we would have never ever found this product and that's basically what the rapid hold method is is that you find one keyword it leads to another keyword another keyword might lead to other keywords and stuff like that
let's go ahead and see what else we can find with the keywords that we're basically using so another keyword we can do is DIY Christmas tree so let's go ahead and search that up first thing you want to do when you search something up is basically click videos and now that's done as you can see right here is another person selling some kind of product for a DIY Christmas tree all right here are their ads they have seven ads running and they only started running November 18th and these are not even related so we would
not run this product because they just started running these ads we have another store right here so let's go and viie their ads so they have 31 results which is really really good uh the only thing is they did start running yesterday so I'm not sure if they just spending a lot of money trying to test this product or not and they only started running today or yesterday so I wouldn't really recommend it right now but by the way we've seen two or three competitors selling the exact same product so we want to go ahead
and find the main competitor for this cuz they definitely saw somebody else trying to sell this product first and then they want to go ahead and sell this product right because a lot of people are launching ads either yesterday or today so we keep searching I'm pretty sure we're going to find the main competitor for this so this product actually might be a winner even though we're basing our analysis off of this guy right here that just started if you want a better idea I guess you can save this to like a Google sheet or
something or your notepad and basically see how they're doing like 3 or 4 days from now if they're still running ads and increasing their active ads it means that they're doing pretty good but going back to DIY Christmas tree scrolling down let's see what else we can find who else is actually selling this product so we have another person selling this product right here we have another person selling this product so it seems like this product is is kind of saturated but if it works you know it works sometimes stura process is fine cuz it
definitely still works so let's go ahead and view these ads for these people so we have this person right here 15 results but it doesn't seem like they're only selling one product it seems like they're selling a bunch of different products now I don't know what they're doing so we're not consider them a competitor so click X another person right here it seems like they are selling it 43 results but a lot of their ads are actually inactive as you can see right here so there's no point of even looking at them either cuz their
ads are inactive so after scrolling a little bit more it seems like there's a bunch of people launching this felt Christmas tree product and I can't find the actual guy that's doing well with this with this given I probably wouldn't run this product cuz there like five to eight people trying to run it uh since yesterday I can't find a main guy running it if I found the main guy running it with like 100 plus active ads and maybe they start start like a month ago or 2 weeks ago that would be great but unfortunately
I can't find it so we're not going to go ahead and run this product so once you can't find something you don't want you don't want to keep scrolling and wasting time you want to go ahead and just click X on this and find another keyword so we did little ones we did DIY Christmas tree uh let's go ahead and try reduces screen time and let's see what products come up for that so searching your reduces screen time you also want to go ahead and filter it by videos and now you can see now this
product actually doesn't even make sense cuz we found because this is basically a tree product or a f Christmas tree product and now this product I don't even know what it does let's go ahead and take a look at it so this product is a scalp massager so actually doesn't have anything to do with this tree product and it's actually why this Rabbit Hole method is really good you might start off with this Niche right here and you might end up in a completely different Niche but anyway scrolling down here for reduces screen time as
you can see we just found our original competitor's ads scrolling down it seems like there's a bunch of toys right here so this is another toy let's go ahead and click view ads loading in here 34 results which is pretty good except that a lot of their ads are actually inactive now so they only ran their ads for one day so November 14th to November 14th and they turn it off and now they relaunched ads November 18th which is basically today but I wouldn't really launch it just because this 34 is incorrect it's adding up
all these inactive ads as well so make sure to look out for that they only have five ads active since yesterday so they basically still testing this product it's probably not even a winning product and they keep testing it I know a lot of you out there do this even though it's not winning product you just keep testing it keep testing just keep testing it and this is a perfect example of that but going back to reduc the screen time we have another toy right here so right here same thing two ads launched November 13th
which is around a week ago but they haven't launched any new ads so it makes me believe that they're not scaling it up so sometimes you want to go ahead and research more of the product just like how we research DIY Christmas tree to find the competitors maybe this one also has a competitor so what you want to do is actually go ahead and search another keyword over here so uh let's just say educational toy that can be a keyword so let's go ahead and search that up so searching up searching up educational toy again
you want to go ahead and filter by videos so scrolling down it seems like there's a bunch of other people selling this product so Kinder kids right here while that loads let's go ahead and try to find another competitor uh pudgy ape is cool go ahead and click view ads keep scrolling down educational toy to see what other competitors we have so toy brilliant click view ads as well uh keep scrolling down pocket speed click view ads as well uh and that's basically it for here there's other products on here as well we're specifically looking
for the product that we first found uh it's actually good to go ahead and see what other products there are as well but going scrolling down here let's go ahead and open up all these competitors that we saw before so pocket speech um and all right so this looks like this person is doing really well 56 active ads as you can see they started running a bunch of different ads right here a lot of ads are the same a lot of ads they're still active from at least a week ago go they doing good so
this is another possible product that you can go ahead and test it seems like it's a product for kids to talk wish your child's speech delay would dis seems like it's a product for kids to talk and reduce the screen time and stuff like that click shop now and this is their store and it looks like they're using a bundle option as well so just like Prime bundles if you want to go ahead and add a bundle option to your store uh go to the link down below so uh anyways yep it looks like they
are running this product so it's possible but yeah exactly how we found this product to recap again we didn't SE we didn't find this product by going to shop now and keep scrolling keep scrolling keep scrolling we found it by actually using reduces screen time as a keyword we found that product once we found that product we basically use another keyword called reduces screen time after we use reduces screen time we found the product and that product had a keyword called educational toy and that's how we found this product right here scrolling into educational toy
and it's exactly how the rabbit hole method works for you to find these hidden winners for Q4 uh basically find any product that's not going to be in these broad terms like shop now free shipping and 50% off um but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video that's exactly how you use a rabbit hold guy to find these products if you're interested in a more detailed version a longer format with three-part videos go ahead and join my Discord down below and if you want to go ahead and add bundles to your website just like
how they have bundles on their website and I basically made the store an extra $1,000 Prime bundles also down below but until next time I hope you guys find your winning product from this video for Q4 and I'll see you guys later peace out
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