Yoseph Haddad | This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide | 4/8

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Yoseph Haddad speaks in opposition of the motion that This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid Sta...
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oh we're having fun already I see well first of all I'm glad that you brought Mr President the uh uploading to the social media because get this listen to this [Music] I understand I'll translate don't worry it's for the majority of Arab speakers [Music] here okay this is a Palestinian not affiliated with Hamas according to what he says just a citizen and he's saying dad Allah abbar i c i just killed 10 Jews I have their blood on my hand I stole her phone I'm speaking with you from her phone this is a Palestinian which
you will call a civilian if the IDF eliminates so this is one of the many videos that Hamas uploaded and they themselves were proud of getting guess what Arabs and Jews in the 7th of October and just before I start actually my speech you know it's funny Mr President you as an Egyptian talking about uh the land of U of of Palestine and stalling you know back in 1948 when the Arabs did not uh agree to the partition plan and the Jews did and they opened the war and they lost the war they lost the
war but you know what they kept the West Bank and they kept Gaza do you know who actually ruled Gaza between 48 to 67 and who ruled the West Bank between 48 to 67 no no no not Israel it was Egypt in Gaza and it was Jordan illegally in the West Bank now here's a question rhetorical one because I really don't care about your answer from 60 from 48 to 67 you as an Egyptian you should know that Egypt controlled Gaza yet they never offered a state to the Palestinians to take which right now they
are actually fighting in for they're also fighting for the West Bank they're fighting for borders of 67 that's at least what the Palestinian Authority wants not like Muhammad Al and all the dis speakers who wants the analization of Israel from The River To The Sea right but here's the thing how much I bet with you that you have no clue which river and which sea but you are like zombies from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free listen carefully if you want a free Palestine first free Palestine from Hamas first free Palestine from
the terrorists [Applause] [Music] so of course boo here's the thing if I say free free Palestine from Hamas and you you actually booing then guys I'm sorry to tell you you are a terror supporters point that is the point now when uh I'll give you I'll give you I promise you I'll promise you I'll give you I'll tell you what I thought by giving point of information it means that the speaker is Brave and he's not afraid to speak apparently the president here is such a coward that he couldn't even take one but one one
point of view but don't worry I will I will allow you [Music] n in Arabic say in [Music] is speak is important I'm fully aware of the HS of the house and I will do my best to make sure the speakers heard the silence thank you to be honest with you I'm not surprised and in fact when everybody say I hope Point what hased I have to take it just for the sake of having the debate could the speakers on the opposition please avoid the hostility towards members of the house just for the sake of
continuing this debate the point of what has thank you very much please all right so basically what we're talking about yeah I think members uh of the opposition will afford the same courtesy to members of the house as they receive thank you thank you all right now just to make a just to make a one very obvious statement you know everybody is saying the house should vote I hope the house would vote as if we already don't know what the house is going to vote tonight but you know why I'm here I'm here one just
to show you that we are not afraid to confront all those anti-israeli Liars who twist the facts and lie time after time and what's so crazy is that the majority of you have never been in the land of Israel have never lived in the land of Israel and then you have the audacity to come to speak to an Arab who was born in ha the largest SM City in Israel raised in Nazareth one of the largest city one of the largest Arab City in Israel and then you get the de to tell me if I
live under apide regime shame on you you have no clue what you're talking about so allow me in order for me to actually explain what's going on thank you let's go back to my childhood I'm an Arab Israeli born in hanifa Laris m city in Israel where you have Christians Muslims Drews and Jews living in the city at age three I moved to Nazareth with my parents which is the largest Arab City in Israel back then today it's Rahat and the way I grew up I grew up because because you know being with Jews and
Arabs together playing football together that's what we like and because we were playing football in the largest mix city in in haa we had Jews Christians Muslims and Drews playing together and do you think at the age of 11 12 we cared that this guy is a Jew or this guy is an Arab we just wanted to play football together and that's what we did and step by step we start step by step we start going out together drinking even inviting each other to holidays yes for instance Christmas then the the Christian friends would invite
the Jews and the Muslims and the drw to see the holidays of of of of Christmas for instance whether it was then the Muslims or the DRS would invite the Jews and the Christians and the Christians and the Jews would invite them to see each other and how is those holidays going together and yes when it was po Passover then the Jews would invite the Christians and the Muslims and the duws to see the holidays this is how we Bridge gaps additionally we wanted to learn Hebrew and we wanted to learn Arabic because language you
bridge gaps this is how I grew up and when I arrived at the age of 16 I asked myself a very simple question because I saw that my Drew men friend and the Jewish friends are starting their enlistment to the IDF now I asked the question why I am not serving in the IDF apparently some people do not realize that Arab Christians and Arab Muslims are not obligated to serve in the IDF but if you want you can volunteer I decided to volunteer and serve in the IDF many people ask me why did you choose
to take that decision and actually serve in the IDF I said guys it's in the initials it's the IDF it's not the jdf an IDF means Israeli Defense Forces are not Jewish Defense Forces and when Hamas andah and the Iranian regime attack Israel they attack all the citizens of Israel and when the IDF protects Israel the IDF protects all the citizens of Israel whether you want it or not this is how I looked at it and this is how exactly it was and then when I arrived at the age of 18 just a month and
a half before the beginning of my service a person came to me and said Yousef are you absolutely sure that this is the way and the path that you want to take and I said 100% yes that was about that was about thank you very much I'm very proud of that shame thank you very you thank you very much I really really proud of that shame now um and I said yes I'm 100% sure that this is the way that I want to take all this was right up until the 4th of October 2003 on
the 4th of October 2003 which is a month and a half before my beginning of the service a Palestinian female suicide bomber entered the maxim restaurant in haa and blow up that restaurant it's a restaurant co-owned by Arabs and Jews people from Arabs and Jews are eating there working there the devastating result of that a terror attack 21 Israelis were murdered Arabs and Jews over 50 were injured Arabs and Jews Arabs and Jews were killed because of that Palestinian terrorist from that moment from that moment I realized one thing my decision wasn't 100% it became
1 million per and I knew that serving in the IDF is not only the right thing but it's the most moral thing to protect my Society and when I say my Society I'm not talking about the Jewish Society I'm talking about the Israeli Society where you have Jews and Arabs together and you can shout shame as much as you want as I told you I am so proud in every decision that I took to protect my country to protect my society and to protect my people from terrorist organization like Hamas Who Time After Time kill
Arabs and Jews now after a year after a year I become a Comm Commander I as an Arab was a commander over Jewish soldiers in the IDF take their aparti you're talking about the aptide I gave orders to Jewish soldiers to do exactly what an Arab idea of soldiers said to do and then and as I said you keep shouting shame I'm proud of that proud of that proud of that proud of that I do want the time when they shout shame now now here's the thing I'm I'm going to actually give you a point
one time I was a in a lecture and I gave exactly exactly this point where I said I'm an Arab I commanded over Jewish soldiers in the IDF and then some anti-israeli zombie get up and says youf you are an absolute sucker you know why and I said why because once there is no use of you you're an Arab the Jews will kick you and throw you to the garbage that's what has been told to me in front of 5 students when there's no use of you the Jews will throw you everybody start cheering there
from the anti-israeli clapping and like having fun and I say this is really interesting because you know what I have a story where I actually there was no use of me and in fact not only there was no use of me but saving me is putting Jewish lives in danger now according to this anti-israeli this is the perfect time I do need to finish this uh story if they interrupted me too many times now as I said this uh person who said to me that Jews will throw you to the garbage then based on his
idea this is exactly the best time to do it throw me to the garbage but instead of that Four soldiers put me on a stretcher yes because I participated in the second Lebanon war fight hisbah the terrorist organization and I was injured four days before ceasefire at that time when I was injured badly and knowing that hisbah is going to Target the rescue mission the Jewish soldiers there they should have thrown me to the garbage according to him but instead of that they put me in a Stretcher lifted it up backed up with another four
Jewish soldiers Run 3 kilometers Under Fire when an RPG goes above your head and literally bringing me to safety saving my life they didn't have to do that according to any th that you think about and everybody talking about the relationship between the Arabs and Jews and let me tell you why I'm so positive so strong voice about that because while you bullshitting about what's going on I felt it I smelled it I tasted it I saw it I heard it it happened to me you want to lie keep lie but the simple fact is
when you arrive and speak about the apothide mess you need to understand that when you talk about apothide you other bring facts or you be quiet because according to Amnesty International Israel is making an apartheid regime from The River To The Sea including the 2 million Arab Israelis which is a blended Lie from The River To The Sea because here this is me this is me winning actually a an honor own Doctrine from the University of arel when you talk about academics this is Sim zuan an Arab judge who sent to prison a Jewish prime
minister and a Jewish president for committing crimes both of them were Jews an Arab Jud sent to prison a Jewish prime minister and a Jewish president to jail you see this MK this MK is the most anti-israeli member of keset in Israel yet this MK ends $10,000 from the taxpayers most of them comes from a Jew and he has the right to talk about Israel as much as he want if he lived in apte he would be in jail right now and how about you know what's so amazing there's a you know a stereotype they
say the Jews control the money Jews control the money well guess what Sam is an Arab Muslim from the city of T you know what's so amazing about Sam should I say Dr Sam he was the head of the largest bank in Israel an Arab Muslim is the head of the largest bank in Israel in a stereotype where you see that the Jews control the money and how about this guy I I'll I'll I'll finish I'm going to finish I'm going to finish re any let's take the microphone a little bit thank you thank you
for that and I'll try to be less intensive but you obviously understand how it is important when I stand in front of you knowing my reality and when there a bunch of people that never been in Israel and telling me my reality of course I would be a little bit with over motivation and talking like this let's continue about the Israeli apar look at this this is Anan KH he's an Arab Muslim playing for the Israeli football team not only that when he played for the under 19 Israeli soccer team he finished as the top
scorer where Israel achieved an unbelievable achievement finishing third in football this crazy I'm telling you now before I finish here's what you will before I finish here's what we not going to hear what you're not going to hear from our nice uh uh gentlemen and opponents here you will not hear them talking about this person I'm not even sure that they know who is this person do you have any idea Mr President anybody anybody has idea any who is this of course not you know this is Islam Hai she was killed with more than 90
Bullets by Hamas because she wouldn't give them Aid she was responsible for giving AIDS and when Hamas the terrorist came to take this Aid and she refused they shot her you know what's so crazy they did not deny it whoever calling me liar Hamas did not deny it you useful idiots well you know but here's the story you will never never ever talk about it but here is my here is my and here is my last point about the apothide about the relationship of the Arabs and the Jews does anybody of you even know who
they are Yousef and Hamza YF and Hamza are Arab Muslim Israelis who are kidnapped by the terrorist organization Hamas on the 7th of October and still held hostages over 415 days this is the reality and if you think and look at this person here booing the Arab Muslims so you understand the reality huh there has a person here that booing Arab Muslims being held hostage by the terrorist organization Hamas this is absolutely unbelievable and this is and this is my and this is my last my last comment because I know that I've been here because
of this interrupting now uh ladies and Gentlemen by the way just to let you know if anybody because I've heard here someone saying collabor it I really don't want you I don't want you I I've heard I've heard I've heard I've heard that someone called me here collaborator I really urge you not to insult niket please that's one and second to refer to the genocide act that you're talking about there's a reason why all of you or the majority of you talking about 40,000 ask yourself one question why you never differentiate between combatants and civilians
why you always bringing 40,000 40,000 once you start realizing that the IDF managed to eliminate more than 10,000 terrorists you will understand what something called the ratio in war unfortunately that h has started whether you like it or you don't like it I know no they're booing me and they can't finish I want to finish I want to could I ask the speaker to conclude I really want to finish guys I really want to finish keep booing me it's going to keep going go okay ladies and gentlemen whether you like it whether you like it
or not what is happening in Gaza today what is happening in the world that you you it means Hamas and their supporters started and now they're crying it's only because of the simple fact that you are losing you're losing you're losing the Lebanese you've losing the Arab world you've losing every single thing that you thought that you can win and you know and you know why you're losing I'm done I'm done he has been very generous with this time I ask you to respect the rules of the house I'm fine I'm just four last four
last words you know what you're losing because you thought you could destroy Israel but Israel is here to stay w
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