Are you doing your best or your best? I insist, it's not the best in the world if it is, great. It's your best in the condition you have while you don't have better conditions to do even better.
That if you or I can do my best I'll settle for what I can I fall into a dangerous place called: Mediocrity. A mediocre person is one who is lukewarm, who is average, who is neither hot nor cold. I insist, a mediocre person is one who, being able to do the best, is content with what is possible.
For life to have purpose. So that you and I don't have a banal, futile, useless and superficial life. Above all, we need to be able to do our best.
For this, it is necessary to think about the work. For this it is necessary above all not to be lukewarm or lukewarm. After all, as I've said several times and I'll say it again: Life is too short to be small.
I've seen people waiting for extraordinary things to happen. I've seen people. .
. looking and saying, "I was wondering when my key is going to turn. Things are going to start happening in my life.
" But they forget that great things start in small ways . When you see something big, don't imagine it started that way. Understand that something has happened before.
Listen to a path, listen to a path for these. . .
big things to start happening. At least half of life depends on our choices. Half of life depends on our initiatives , the other half does not.
It is chance that decides for us. So we don't even own everything and don't even watch life roll. After all , since half of life depends on us, how about betting our chips to make it happen our way.
But what has to happen to make it worthwhile? It is necessary to transform the idea of excellence in work, in the company, in the family. And I say again to keep tying.
. . Excellence is not a place where you arrive , it's a horizon, it's what you're going to seek.
It is necessary that each and every one of us and in the new generations that we help to form if they have the perception of caprice as an attitude. Many people spend a good part of their lives waiting for pyrotechnic moments extraordinary moments remarkable moments for their life to take a turn. And many of them reach the end of their lives and discover that this moment was not part of their history.
So she starts looking at the other person's story and starts to think that there is an injustice in God who offered opportunities to another that he didn't offer you. The happy time is the time you know your beach. That you know yourself.
You who tried to understand that there are things that are for you and things that are not for you. You who diagnosed all your strengths and weaknesses. You every second.
. . You're going to use life to get the most incredible performance, the most perfect performance you can have at every moment.
And you will ask, "But is this. . .
a vanity, is it just for me? " Obviously not. After all, it is thanks to our excellence, it is thanks to the quality of our intervention that we will be able to reach out in the most sincere way, in the most effective way and thus reduce the anguish of someone who seeks us, make someone smile without our presence could not have smiled proportionately to a joy that without us there could never have happened.
And that way every second of life far from expecting it to pass quickly. Far from spending Monday expecting it to be over soon. Far from waiting for the end of the month and the end of the year.
Life will have been amazing if we regret the passing of every second. If we regret the end of each week. If we are really sad at the end of the year because when things are good we are very sorry that it is over.
So live, live longing for the eternity of that moment. Instead of looking at the clock to find out when it's going to end. .
. Surprise yourself that time has passed so quickly. Live in such a way that you don't want to leave where you are.
Live in such a way that you are absolutely enchanted with the world that is before you and every second of life lived in this way will have been a life that you honored, dignified, sacred that it is, privilege that it is. Every second of life you wanted is eternal. Repeat after me: Whoever is born great is a monster.
Big things were once. . .
small. The miracle you will live starts with what you have. Understood?
Understood? Put it in God's hand and build a structure with what you have.