k [Music] [Music] Hi guys, I've tried to record this video several times because I wanted to be a little mysterious, you know, and I wanted to know if you had noticed any changes here in the video and everything, but I came to the conclusion that I'm not nothing mysterious I can't record an entire video without telling you Right at the beginning I bought a camera and I'm shaking everything here guys I needed to tell you because I still haven't gotten used to it, right? There's a viewfinder here so I can see myself while I'm there recording and I don't know if it's good or bad because on the cell phone I couldn't see myself so I could speak well eh Freely with the camera and here I can see myself Maybe I have to turn the viewfinder Zinho But anyway, so you know that I'm adapting to new equipment because I bought my little camera that I dreamed of so much, I'm going to show you, wait a minute, guys, this is my new camera, I'm adapting but I'm very, very happy to have got my little camera It was right for me to buy this one because my friend was selling it and right at the moment I wanted and could buy it, so it worked out really well and I'm very happy, as I already told you, but I'm adapting, so that's why Wow, I'm already shaking. So, that's why I hope this vlog is good because the first vlog I'm recording with her, this one is a Sony zv1, I'm going to put it in the description because I know you're going to ask me, before I recorded it with my iPhone too, which is what happened.
super right right right, and I'm very happy because I always wanted to bring something cool here for you, within what I could do with the cell phone, I tried to do it, but I think that the camera, in addition to improving the quality, will allow me to do a lot of things. A lot of cool things. You know, bring it here to the Channel and finally, now you'll watch the videos in 4K Look, what a good thing, another thing is that before I recorded with a microphone, right, with my cell phone, so I don't know if the microphone on this camera will be noisy here.
It's very good. from what I could understand but maybe I'll have some noise But you're overlooking some things, folks, and that's it, this morning I was I took the opportunity, right, to set my goals for 2025, I was writing them here and I don't know about you, but I love seeing other people's goals, I love seeing them, so I thought that you would also like to see mine, what do you think? I already wrote them this morning and I'm going to read them here with you and I also wanted to read the 2024 goals to see what we don't, you know, what I I've done it and talked a little with you about this, about goals, I'm learning a way, now I've been following the flor de me girls' channel a lot and I use their planner It's been around three or four years now and it's helped me a lot with my planning in a calmer way, I think I've already talked a little about this planner here on the channel, I'm going to leave this video here in the cards that I commented on about this planner, if you're interested, it's not published or anything, but I love this product, so I I recommend it with my eyes closed because I I use the same one daily so it's worth it Besides, I also want to make a Mood board or Vision board, I don't know how to say it, I don't know if you know what this mood board is, I believe so, it's a board where you put several images that inspire you and everything more for next year or for some phase of your life so I want to do this one for 2025 I'm going to show you how I do it and what it 's going to look like guys how is the light I don't know because the display isn't a huge display either it's a small display and I don't I can see very well, so I hope it's OK, okay, if I keep looking here a lot, it's because I'm looking at the display and I haven't gotten used to it yet, but I have to get used to it.
This here is my 2024 planner for the year 2024, it's already there. It's all dirty and it's already all lame Caino aos Pedaços I used it a lot, I take it everywhere So come on, the flower girls always say that if in your goal you have to improve, reduce, which is everything I put here in the If I'm already reading, improve reduce, do more, all these things are not goals, goals are things, let's say , things that you will be able to realize that you did, for example, achieve something, right? I don't know, getting a promotion like that, that's a goal because you'll know if you got that promotion or not, let's say, based on that, right, I learned this year 2024 and I'm going to apply it to my year 2025 but I didn't apply it in 2023, we have it here wrong goals, well, first goal, reduce my time on social media, wrong goal, point number one, because there's no way for you to check this, right , like reduce my time on social media, how will you know if you've reduced it ?
what I didn't reduce it because I downloaded tiktok this year and tiktok is a bottomless hole you start to see some things then when you see it you're seeing gossip from a person you don't even know then there's the other person's response to that gossip and you 've never seen that person in your life and you're not even interested in their life but from one moment to the next you're interested in gossip so that's not cool besides having other things there are also really cool things but anyway people it's tiktok This year was a little or so I used it too much I didn't have Tiktok before I downloaded it this year mainly to promote things here on the channel too anyway but I ended up using it I reduced my time on Instagram a little but I know it wasn't because of my merit oh I stopped of using it wasn't because I migrated to tiktok there was some point in the middle of the year when I managed to reduce it, I managed to change it, you know, I even made a video about it, exchanging social media time for drawing but it didn't last long so I didn't meet that goal It's goal number two having consistency in physical activity, I realize that every year I set this goal to do physical exercise, I don't know what, last year I already changed a little to have Constancy to see if there would be a change there, but no guys, I didn't have consistency in physical activity I tried to do several things, exercise at home, walk, ride a bike, I even bought some things to exercise at home, but it lasts like a month, a month or so, and then you know. So this goal is also wrong, right, having consistency in physical activity, no Is there any way I can measure it? I had it or not, but either way I didn't exercise frequently so I didn't meet that goal, goal number three is to develop myself at work, this one is interesting because at the beginning of the year I was working 100% of the time with André, right?
There's a store, I already mentioned it to you here in the career transition video, I'll also leave it here on the card. In case you haven't seen it, we have a store, we worked together, but I wasn't really identifying with the public there, it's a more male audience like that and I was thinking that I wanted to work more behind the scenes, right? Like in the administrative part and so on, so I thought I set this goal because I thought Ah, I think I'm going to take a course in the financial area, work with the public, these things like that, suddenly, in case I don't I can only stay behind there, you know, in the administrative part because I also did customer service and then I set this goal, but in March, April I decided to create the channel and it was something that I hadn't planned, I didn't think about it in the first place.
beginning of the year of course I had this desire in my heart but I didn't It was something that was planned, so it finally changed completely and I think I developed at work in a certain way, because now I do very little in the store, you know, I still do some things there with André but I no longer serve the public, I don't stay in the store all the time. What I do in the store is from home so that I can build myself on the channel and drawing, which are things that I have developed and, well, you know, so I think that by developing myself, the work came, yes, I fulfilled this goal, but not in the way I I imagined I kind of traced another path and now my work It's YouTube, it's drawing, it's things like that and I think it's ok, I accomplished this goal. So let's mark it as a check and the other two as x because I didn't accomplish goal number four, study English at least three times a week, this goal here too, I think.
I accomplished it, in general, I dedicated myself a lot to English this year, something that will still be in my goals for 2025, you'll see, but there were, of course, some months in which I studied less, some in which I studied more weeks than I did. I didn't manage to study three but I studied two or others that I studied five Anyway, so I think this goal is also fulfilled. There are seven goals here, goal number five is a little more personal.
I think I don't want to expose myself here in this way, but I do too I will mark it as achieved, which was a personal goal that I achieved, so goal number five was also achieved, goal number six, read eight books, I read as far as I was counting 14, I came from a few years in which I didn't read anything, so I said eight is better than nothing and even a lot I don't know If I'm going to be able to read it, but I managed to read more than that, I read 14 as far as I was counting, as I said, it's the end of the year, I don't know, it seems like the end of the year is chaotic, everything happens so quickly and everything good has to happen it happens at the end of the year so I'm kind of left out, so I'm not reading the last two books that I picked up to read, which were the ones I bought in São Paulo by Lisa Tadeu, animal and the danger of being lucid by Rosa Monteiro, people, I don't I couldn't get into gear of both and it's not because the book is boring I didn't like it or anything like that it's because you know when your thoughts don't stay there in the book I fulfilled this goal read eight books I read more than eight goal number seven see my nieces at least once per month this goal here I set because I live far from my brother's house is about an hour in previous years I feel like I haven't seen them very often and I love them I love being with them but it's really far At Sometimes the routine doesn't work out so I set this goal because I wanted to see them at least once a month and in fact I managed to see them more often this month. There was definitely a month when I didn't see them once but there were other months when I managed to see them more than once. So this goal is achieved and This year I intend to see even more I'm creating this habit too and that's it folks There were seven goals Oh one two 3 4 CCO were met Look at two No I was a little less critical here too because in other years I didn't consider it done if I hadn't done it exactly perfectly the way it is there and I don't want to be so critical of myself in 202 C So let's start now with the goals And then this Zinho planner here will be retired in a month and we're going to the most beautiful planner I've ever had of them, I think it's this one here I love Green so I loved this one I already bought it on pre-order because I know that the prettiest ones sell out quickly and I thought this cover was really cute, it has a little dragon, it's like an Italian village, here Joia Rara is inside, which is the planning format that they the tools they put here, but the cover is also important to me, I think it's beautiful, what I think is cool about this planner is that inside it there are several tools so you can get to know yourself before you create your own plan because what I said, right?
Sometimes we get very closed off seeing other people's goals that don't have the same reality as us and we end up putting things in our goals that we're not going to do that have nothing to do with us and then in the end of the year we were frustrated for not having done that, not having fulfilled but it was something that didn't fit into our routine, maybe it was something we didn't even want but we put it in just because everyone is putting it in so it's cool for you to get to know yourself a little, right? And these tools I think allow you to do that and write it down several things And then make a routine create a routine that best suits you first goal to reach such a number of subscribers on YouTube I'm not going to say exactly how many I put in because if I can't reach it then I'll be left with this feeling that I told you and then I'm going to keep charging myself So leave it alone, I'm not going to say the amount, but based on what I gained this year, 2024, I set a goal that I think is possible . with almost 15,000 real subscribers I thought I would be able to end the year with a maximum of 1000 subscribers and it's still going down a lot so for me it's something very very gratifying, you know, having reached 15,000 subscribers goal number two communicate in English for those who already follow the channel here, you know that I still have, I still have, I have a somewhat toxic relationship with English and I study.
It's been a while over the last few years that I've been dedicating myself more this year, you know, as you saw in my goals there, I managed to study a lot alone that I still feel this barrier, this thing in terms of communication And for you to speak you need to speak for you to learn to speak you need to speak So in the year 2025 I want to expose myself more to be able to have these dialogues in English, you know, I think it is so I start to expose myself more because it only By exposing myself I will be able to lose this shame and speak up, right? And then I say expose myself in a safe way too because it's not with everyone that I can open up to talk but there are people that I feel safer with so I can open up to that. It's goal number three, this is really cool, if I can do it I'll be like this, I'll be very happy, even if I can do it in December 2025, but if I do it, it'll be wonderful, starting to sell prints of my drawings, a lot of people have already come to talk to me.
asking if I sold prints and such that they like my drawing style and everything, but I still wasn't confident enough to do that because I don't know, I felt like I didn't have much technique and now that I'm taking the drawing course I feel like I've already absorbed a lot of things that I I can do a lot of things that I couldn't do, you know, and bring that to my style too, which I think is really cool, so for this year 2025, I think I'll be able to develop a lot more, so in 2024 I've already developed, 2025 I think it will be well That's cool too, so I want to start selling my drawings and anyway, I don't know how I'm going to do that, whether I'm going to sell them on the internet, if I go, I know that here in Curitiba there are several places where you leave the experienced ones there, right? coffee and such and then they sell it too so I'm still going to see it's not something I have planned yet but you need to start from a point, right and my starting point is to put it in my planner and from that I then create what how am I going to do this goal number four redecorate my studio my studio this room here right now is where I work I draw I record most of the vlogs and I do my things everything I need to do I do it here and So I think it deserves a little more attention, not that he's not pretty and pleasant I already love him I think he's very cute with the little things glued to the wall but I want to buy a shelf put my books buy frames to put my drawings make more drawings to stick on the wall I think it will It was going to be really cool this year, I could do it but I had other priorities so I'm going to leave it until 2025 and I think it's going to be really cool, goal number five and the last goal I made fewer goals This year was a little calmer, right, save one I follow a certain amount of money in Finance so I know it's important to have an emergency reserve so for the year 2025 I set this goal here, this year 2024 I managed to do it, andr and I managed to save a little too so Anyway I think that It's cool to have this goal These are my goals, we were five and the camera's battery is running out, I'm going to change it and I'll be right back, complicated battery, I don't know if I said it too quickly about my goals, but I'm a little anxious about recording with this first camera so maybe I spoke a little fast I'm going to breathe now and then this year I didn't set things like exercise goals or goals that I knew I wasn't going to meet I didn't set a book goal this year because I think I have others priorities I think reading is very important but I want to read in a in a calmer way without demanding it without having a reading goal I want to read it because I want to read it because I think it's cool because I'm enjoying the book I think that for next year I have a lot of things planned and reading will be something that will serve to ease my mind My heart knows when it really serves you as a leisure activity and about physical exercise, I didn't set it as a goal because physical exercise is a habit, right? You won't be able to exercise more frequently in the year 2025 Because this can never end it has to be a habit you need to exercise for your health for your whole life I made it a habit to create a habit of exercising and that's it we've set our goals here I'm going to get my nails done this afternoon also Amabel has a vet did you see that she had the cone on scratching and everything and now I managed to remove the cone from her, you know, after a month, my God, how terrible it was this month to see her and no medication was working, you know, and now I'm going to take her to the vet in the afternoon so she can see so we can see if there are any more tests to do and everything, she's already been to the vet about four or five times, I don't know, between these two months, they have insurance and everything, so it's easier, right, PR PR, to take her and that's it, in a little while I went there and got my nails done Look at the color I chose, I love painting, I'm looking at the display again here Jesus, beloved, I haven't learned yet, but hey, I love painting in these colors, orangey, greenish, red, more towards burgundy, vermilion red, I've never used this one, it's orange.
like a tile like that, you know, now I'm going to make my moodboard, I'm going to show you a little bit of how I do it. Then there's Mabel's vet. I have a couple of hours before her vet .
shame it's very rainy Today the weather I hope the rain stops so I can get her out of the car without running the risk of getting wet [Music] [Applause] [Music] I finished my m board here how can you See, let me see if I can get closer, there are lots of little things like that, it's quite messy, but that's it, it's something for you to express yourself, so I added lots of little things that I like. I hope that next year there will be a lot of delicious food. art skinc makeup have a lot of meetings with my friends conversations with friends cat I put here a girl with curly hair next year too I think I'll finish my hair transition maybe I'll cut my hair maybe we won't see how it goes I put here a glass of wine I'm not much of a drinker but I I have a little wine Yes I put coffee on vinyl everything I like guys and I loved it I'll explain to you more or less how I did it for those who are interested right and don't know how to do it I do it in a very easy way and it's all free Hey guys I believe you can see here, the first thing I did was create a folder, create a folder on my Pinterest, which I left it secret here, but I can release it if you want to use any of the images I used here too, it looks like M board 2025 Then I change It's here for the public But I left it a secret for now and I put all the images that I think make sense to me that bring me good things so I came here for this app, not for this website called Canva and most of you probably know it right, come here in the whiteboard presentation and then Here is this huge board that you can paste many things on so you will take your little images, make them smaller, you can enlarge them, you can come here in the elements and put them in another format, then you can also put cut images Anyway, we have several images like this cut to cut the image and paste this one is the application that I use to make my YouTube covers as well and it's very easy to do to remove the background of a photo I come to this site here called remove BG I come here to this little one which is here on the side, I choose my photo to open And then it gives you the photo so there is the option of the paid option too where you can download this photo in HD But I always download them for free in this quality here and it always works and here I come here and I choose the image, right?
Anyway, here it's easy, you just save it, then go to the business, send your little image to the app And then the image is here, cut out, I think it looks so cute, anyway, you can do a lot of very creative things, I love this site, I think it's very practical to use, very intuitive, so I wanted to show you that I put it as a wallpaper so it will stay as a screensaver here forever when I open my computer I come across these images that bring me good things, inspirations and everything else I thought so too I don't know print on cardboard paper I don't know to stick on my wall but I think there's nothing better than the computer here, right? I open it every day to work so it's perfect, tell me what you think, I thought it was the cutest thing in the world to pick up This Toquinho here to take to the vet who can handle it Oh my God I'm going to have to take her out of Beauty Sleep, you can sleep in the car, right ? of so much so that I go to the vet I came back and I'm pure juice from sweat because my God it's very hot and I had to go to several places but in short we went to the vet, right, my daughter , the vet gave her another medication because, amabel, I'm going to tell you guys, okay?
because I know that there are people who are interested, maybe someone also has a pet that is itching and such and one thing I will say is it takes time to diagnose, at least for Amabel, it is taking a long time, she has health insurance, so I'm glad she have this health plan because otherwise I don't know what we were going to do, it's been about three months since she's been there, she 's been presenting this issue of itching and everything else, we've already changed all her diet and so on Because it could be a food allergy But it's been 60 years. days when she is eating a hypoallergenic diet, she doesn't eat churu, she doesn't eat sachets to give her medication, we used the churu trick because she is already a more stressed cat, so we opened the xuru, put the pill in, she came and I ate the pill, you know, without the xuru it was very difficult to give them medication, they were already very stressed because they had the cone there or the necklace for a long time so what happened now she is taking a medication which is corticol PR to really stop the her itching to give her a better quality of life because there's no way a cat, a person, you know, the love of my life, is scratching herself 24 hours a day, there's no way she's very sad, she's very sick with that cone. So she's only taking this medication to ease, as the doctor saw that it is not a food allergy, she has already allowed other foods again because it is not a food allergy, so now we have to investigate other things, it is an address investigation because there are several things that could be the doctor told me that she There's a little patient, she's a dermatologist who specializes in this in kittens and everything else, so she told me that she has a patient who has been investigating the allergy issue for a year and he hasn't responded well and so on, so it takes a while Also the tutors don't want do some kind of exam there anyway Then the doctor simply gave Mabel an anxiolytic now because she said that if it's stress, right, Mabel is a stressed kitten at home, she 's good, she's gentle with whoever comes here at home, she's calm, very calm.
people even say Wow, what a cute cat because she plays and so on so well, obviously, when someone picks her up to take blood and so on, she gets very nervous and stressed, unlike Gigi because Gigi is much more good at the vet, things like that like this And Amabel doesn't get to the vet, it's already starting She doesn't just keep doing it, she growls in a way that looks like a tiger, the pretty one, you know, now she's here, lying on her back, it seems like this little animal makes all the noise, doesn't it? It seems like it, but now we have to rule out other things, right? Sometimes it can be stress, sometimes another type of allergy, and then we eliminate things, right, food allergies have already been eliminated.
And now that's it, she prescribed this anxiolytic, it's a compounded medicine, she said. what If it works, it means it's stress, obviously, but if it doesn't work, then putting this anxiolytic on and removing this corticosteroid because corticosteroids are a medicine that you can't take continuously, right? It's just like we can't either, human beings.