Facial Muscle Anatomy. Learn facial muscle anatomy in 10 minutes.

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Dr Tim Pearce
In this quick 10 minute lesson, you're going to learn all about the facial muscles as I break down t...
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if you'd like to upgrade your injection confidence quickly it starts with upgrading your Anatomy so that's what I thought I'd cover in the show let's do muscular anatomy of the face so we'll start from the top and work our way down the face the first muscle is therefore the frontalis sometimes called the occipital frontalis because it often has a connection that runs all the way from the occipital bone all the way through to the brow Ridge this muscle is involved in elevating the eyebrows and there's often a component of pulling the forehead down towards it
as well we treat it with botuline toxin to get rid of horizontal forehead lines and also to lift the eyebrows in certain instances the next muscle we'll go to is the procerus muscle this is part of the corrugator complex or the glabella complex and this muscle pulls down so it pulls the forehead downwards and creates a horizontal line on your nose that's the most common reason you might treat it in isolation is because it helps get rid of a line across your nose and is sometimes used as part of a non-surgical rhinoplasty the next muscle
is your corrugator supercili this muscle is the the one predominantly responsible for the elevenses lines this muscle starts on the bone just above your nose and runs to the dermis of your skin and pulls the skin inwards causing that little crease and this is the main muscle used to frown so we inject this muscle because it's the main muscle that causes the angry expression or leavens is on your forehead so you look more relaxed and happier and less wrinkly if you stop that muscle from moving quite as much the next little muscle is the depressor
supercelli which crosses the corrugator muscle and is often considered simply a little branch of orbicular succuli but it does contribute to frowning and we usually treat it alongside the glabella complex without even having to think about it because it is so meshed in with the corrugated supercelli so we inject it really as part of the frown line treatment and a way maybe of causing a small lift to the medial brow the next muscle is the orbicular succuli muscle the most superficial muscle in this area it lies on top of the others and is most involved
with causing lateral canthal lines but of course it's also also involved with narrowing of the eyes so if you close your eyes tight its orbicular circular that's doing that it pulls the eyebrows down it pulls the cheeks up and it creates wrinkles around your eyes which means when you relax this muscle with botuline toxin you get the opposite of those effects you may get a little lift your eyebrow you may reduce the lateral canthal lines and it can be a side effect that your cheek is less elevated during smiling which is often not desired but
worth knowing about because that's how that Muscle Works the next muscle as you work down the face is the zygomaticus major muscle this is the primary muscle involved with smiling and elevating the corners of the mouth and pulling the cheeks up it's very rare to inject it for cosmetic reasons unless someone for whatever reason had a very strong muscle that was causing too much contractility normally it's a muscle we try and avoid because we want the smile to be active medial to that we have the zygomaticus minor which is more of a lip elevator so
medial and inferior to the zygomaticus minor is the levator labiai superioris this is a lip elevator lifts the lip up we don't purposely inject it very often but it can be injected as part of a gummy smile medial still to that is the longest named muscle in the body the levator labiai superioris alequinaside and this muscle is involved also with directly elevating the lip and also the snarl expression so pulling on your nostril that one so this muscle is most commonly treated specifically to stop its elevation so that the gums do not show during a
smile with an injection just lateral to the nostril the next muscle medally in the face is the orbicularis Oris muscle this is embryologically four muscles that come together and form looks to the untrained eye like a sphincter type muscle but it really isn't this muscle is involved in Contracting the upper and the lower lip so it Narrows the mouth and of course with speech and expression whistling all those sorts of things that you can control we often inject it to reduce some of the superficial muscle fiber strength if someone has upper lip lines or lower
lip lines and increasingly it is also used to to add some degree of augmentation to the lip with the so-called lip flip so one of the theories with the lip flip is that you're relaxing the muscle where it inserts into the Vermilion border which makes that part of the lip bigger you may get a slight increase in resting tone in the muscle that's Superior to that which is effectively what a pout looks like Contracting higher up and relaxing lower down it gets that pout effect very subtle but it can work in some people now we're
on to the lip depressors so this starts laterally with the depressor angularis auris so this muscle pulls down the corner of the mouth and is treated specifically to cause the opposite effect as you get older lost fat and lost resistance to movement can result in a downturned mouth and if you relax that muscle the opposite can occur we put roughly two units into each muscle for a small lift to the corners of the mouth medial and deep to that is the depressor labia eye muscle now this muscle is involved in pulling the lip outwards certain
people have quite a strong muscle I always think of Cherie Blair who famously had quite a strong lateral pull and you'd see all of her lower teeth when she was smiling that's a strong depressor labia eye muscle medial to that we have the mentalis muscle the mentalis muscle pulls the chin up it starts on the bone in the middle of the chin and then its fibers go down and meet at the point of the chin where you can often see them where they cause that little indentation sometimes called like an ice pick shape or a
an orange peel effect on the skin and this is just the muscle fibers pulling the skin inwards which is one of the reasons why you might treat this muscle you may put up to four to six units in to reduce the texturing on the chin but also to help the chin lower down so that the chin Remains the low point of the face remember that's one of the cause of beauty is a heart-shaped face where the chin is the low point and a botuline toxin treatment in the mentalis muscle can Aid that strategy the next
muscle we never really treat with botronym toxin but it's worth knowing about which is your buccinator muscle this muscle runs on the deepest surface of your cheek and above it is a fat pad but this muscle is two interesting things I know about it firstly it's the strongest muscle in a baby's body because it's used for sucking for breastfeeding or sucky in a bottle and also because it is used in bugle players particularly sometimes called the what's it called again David sometimes called the bugle muscle I discovered today thanks to my researcher David next muscle
is on the other side of the fat pad above the buccinator muscle and it's your resource muscle this muscle is interesting because its origin is actually the surface of the master muscle and it contributes to Smiling the main reason we come across it in Medical Aesthetics is actually as a side effect of treating the master muscle we accidentally relax the rosaurus muscle and affects the smile of a patient who wants a jawline slimming but instead got a reduction in their smile which is not a nice side effect at all and it comes from hitting the
origin of the rosaurus muscle just where it attaches to the master muscle you see this muscle most active in faces during a really good laugh when all the muscles are Contracting and pulling sideways you'll see the resource muscle the master muscle is our next muscle so this muscle obviously runs from your zygomas involved in biting the strongest muscle during contraction when you bite and you can actually feel this muscle very clearly when you bite and you'll see it push out laterally which is a nice test to do if you're trying to shrink that muscle you'll
see exactly where where the most lateral point of it is if we're trying to narrow the face that's often where you're aiming the master muscle treated when we want to shrink the size of that muscle when you want to create a more heart-shaped face typically in a female or in someone with a hypertrophic Master that's causing a facial shape that's just less than ideal then you shrink it down with injections right into the Apex of that muscle treating the Masters also sometimes used for people who have bruxism so if you're unintentionally Contracting the muscle often
during the night and cause causing headaches then reducing the strength of the master muscle with injections here can sometimes solve that problem and we also have another muscle nearby which is the temporalis muscle and we don't tend to treat temporalis muscle but it's one of the muscles that help you chew and is also one of those that you can see in the face when you bite down you'll often see contraction in this area of that muscle just like you would at the math with the master at the same time the next muscle is the nasalus
the nasalis muscle is responsible for causing little lines on the nose often called bunny lines and you can treat read that with two to four units each side quite safely I don't tend to chase it down into the face where it inserts but just near its origin on the bone the final muscle is the platysma muscle which is very interesting muscle because it runs all the way from your chest all the way up and then meshes with the smash in the face so when you relax the muscle in the neck it kind of have in
some cases an unexpected benefit of lifting the mid face it's subtle but I do believe there is a small chance that that works in some patients but it also will help you get more definition around the jawline and it can help you soften vertical lines that develop the strands of muscle that you can see in the neck sometimes are improved by relaxing them with botulinum toxin so it's quite a high dose muscle we're using up to 80 units sometimes to relax that whole sheet of muscle but it does have multiple benefits in the face if
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