Declare These Prayers Every Day Of February 2025 | Anointed Morning Prayers & Blessings

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
Psalm 146 verse 1-5 which says praise the Lord praise the Lord my soul I will praise the Lord all my life I will sing praise to my God as long as I live do not put your trust in princes in human beings who cannot save when their Spirit departs they return to the ground on that very day their plans come to nothing blessed are those whose help is the god of Jacob whose hope is in the Lord their God we all know what it's like to procrastinate on something important perhaps it's tackling that to-do list
sitting on your desk at work maybe it's making an overdue phone call to clear the air with someone or maybe it's simply cleaning your house now if you've ever put off cleaning for a long period of time you know how quickly everything piles up Dirty Laundry dirty dishes dust and even unpleasant odors can become a problem and if you don't keep up with it or keep on top of it it could turn into one giant mess pretty quickly and the same is true for our spiritual lives Ecclesiastes 10 verse 18 through sloth the roof sinks
in and through indolence the house leaks do you know what this means the Amplified translation offers a more descriptive picture as it reads through lazy the rafters of state affairs Decay and the roof sags and through idleness the roof of the house leaks now you'll find that the Bible in Romans 12:1 encourages us and says never be lacking in Zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord the reality is that far far too often we push God to the back of our minds we know there are areas where we need to improve but we
aren't moved by any sense of urgency we know we need to improve our prayer lives but we procrastinate we know we need to improve in our reading of God's word but once again we procrastinate our relationship with Christ becomes an after thought and the list of repairs keeps getting longer and longer that pile of dirty dishes of sin in our lives it becomes a problem however today if you Proclaim to follow Christ I urge you to walk with God daily don't save him for church services alone don't take him for granted don't think you'll have
tomorrow to get it right with him you have access to the creator of the universe you have access to all of his grace all of his love all of his blessings there's nothing more important in this life than knowing him and growing in him if you're spiritually asleep the devil will sneak up on you and attack you where you are most vulnerable when it comes to confidence and strength in God don't be found lacking don't be left exposed don't be found without the blood of Jesus on the doorpost of your heart and your home instead
stand guard at every possible point of entry stand firm in the [Music] gospel 1 Thessalonians 5 and six so then let us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and be sober so often we just Coast through life forgetting about God until we realize we need him but it shouldn't take a struggle for God to get your attention a trial shouldn't be the only thing that brings you to your knees a problem shouldn't be the only way God will ever hear from you we are meant to seek and Obey him every single
day of our lives our greatest offense against the schemes of the devil is to be grounded in God's word make his word and his way a priority in your life each day saturate your mind with the gospel Paul sums it up perfectly in Colossians 3:16 let the word of Christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God if we do these things we are on our way to a vibrant and healthy spiritual life as ask God to bring
every flaw every failure and every area of weakness under his Sovereign rule so that when the wind howls and the storms blow your house will stand firm in him let us pray Heavenly Father forgive us for all the times that we have neglected your voice a voice that calls us with love and mercy forgive us for all the times that we have pushed you aside for our own selfish Ambitions in your kindness you have given us the gift of eternal life and all you ask in return is our full and complete surrender and even then
we still fail you so have mercy on us father help us so that we would take our walk with you seriously and intentionally help us to get our spiritual houses in order if there is any part of our faith that needs attention give us the urgency and the desire to fix it open our eyes to the things we should be doing to cultivate and grow our faith Lord we we need you we need you in our careers in our families and in our homes in all of our hopes aspirations and dreams we need you without
you our lives mean nothing everything we have is from you even the air we breathe is a gift from you so fill my heart with gratitude and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of Christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of prayer help me to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the Gospel help me to sacrifice my time and gifts for the things that matter and father as I go about my life protect me
from anyone and anything that might lead me astray cleanse me from all unrighteousness Lord help me not to only recognize these works of darkness but also to expose them and warn those around me so that they won't be caught unaware give me the courage and strength to stand up against evil whenever I see it build within me a character that is fully equipped and emboldened to stand for the gospel for the gospel is the only thing with the power to transform lives and hearts in this dark and sinful World Lord let that transformation begin in
my own mind change my desires so that I no longer think or act like the world but instead imitate the the example of Christ in all of my conduct instead of bitterness fill me with love instead of jealousy fill me with gratitude break me of every habit and attitude that resembles the world and teach me to obey you instead may your Holy Spirit feel me and help me to discern your perfect will for my life Lord Jesus I pray that you would give me the gift of discernment so that I can be sober Vigilant and
watchful May the Holy Spirit open my ears and open my eyes that I may see the tricks and traps of the enemy your word says in 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 for though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world on the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds we demolish arguments in every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ give me a heart
that is sensitive to your voice I pray that you would give me ears to hear you always I bless your name for hearing this prayer be glorified and magnified in my life in Jesus name I pray amen when the Lord allows you to go through tough times when he allows you to face certain obstacles he is refining you he's molding you and shaping you in his divine plan he knows that this situ ation will build your character he knows that this situation will build your faith the situation will actually build your prayer life the Bible
says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all troubles can be a blessing for believers I know it sounds like an oxymoron so let me explain what I mean by this is that the Lord can sometimes use our troubles to remind us that he's a deliverer yes God can allow you to face a storm just so that you will draw closer to him so that you'll know him as your hope and your rescue consider this in Psalm 119:71 the Bible says it is good for me that I've
have been Afflicted that I may learn your statutes now have you you ever thought how and why it would be good for you to be afflicted how is there any good for you to go through pain what good could come through trouble now if you could draw your attention to acts 14 verses 21 and 22 the Bible reads and when they had preached the gospel to that City and made many disciples they returned to Lyra Iconium and Antioch strengthening in The Souls of the disciples exhorting them to continue in the faith and saying we must
through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God now just Ponder for a moment could it be that afflictions although unpleasant although they are uncomfortable could it be that the afflictions are necessary for the Christian man or woman to grow in Christ if Joseph hadn't been rejected by his brothers if he hadn't been sold as a slave would he have known that God would lift him up to become one of the most powerful men in Egypt if the woman with the issue of blood hadn't suffered for so long would she have known that God Is A
Healer if a man named Bemus wasn't blind would he have known that God could give sight you see all these people had troubles but that trouble was a blessing because it's their issue that allowed them to experience God's power and the thing is with some of us it is that it takes trouble it takes a tough situation to finally get us on our knees to pray some of us need a trial we need to be put in a tough place place in order to desperately seek the Lord sure it hurts when those troubles come but
when we keep an eternal perspective we can say like Paul said that the troubles I face no matter how difficult no matter how overbearing they may seem at the time they are in fact light because they are only for a short while and because they lead to the glories of Heaven you see God is faithful to empower you to stand strong and Victorious and not to be defeated and so I have one simple message today and that is because Jesus was Victorious over Satan you too can walk in Victory you can have faith to stand
against Satan's attack and win you don't have to be defeated you don't have to be oppressed so how then do we live a Victorious Life how can we battle against the Raging current and realize the peace and victory that God wants us to have well as Christians we have to come to a point of realization that there is a battle that's going on for our soul but God has already provided the path to our ultimate Victory through his grace and through his Mercy we are Overcomers we are more than conquerors and one of the main
principles that we need to understand is that in order to receive the victory from God we need to understand that he's already won he has already defeated every enemy every devil every Challenge and every demon Saints God has already won the battle has already been fought and he has already won the victory for for us if we could only understand that then we'll experience true power and real victory in our lives Saints we overcome through Jesus and yes it may be a tough battle at times but we know that the Lord told us to take
up our cross and follow him as we do this we will walk in Victory it does doesn't mean that we'll never be persecuted oh we will but we will overcome it doesn't mean that we'll never experience setbacks setbacks will come but in Jesus we will overcome I love that Psalm 91: 9-1 say because you have made the Lord your Dwelling Place the most high who is my refuge no evil shall be allowed to befall you you no plague come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and all your
ways now let us pray father God you are a righteous and faithful God your word in Proverbs 29:25 says the fear of man brings a snare but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe meaning that fearing people is a dangerous trap but trusting you my lord means safety trusting you that means preservation it means protection help me never to place my faith or my trust in man Lord help me never to trust even in myself but I desire to be given completely to you King Jesus to trusting you placing all of my hope and
faith in you I pray just as your word in Psalm 17 verse 7 says show me the wonders of your great love you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes keep me as the apple of your eye hide me in the shadow of your wings Lord may I see your hand working in my life may I see the wonders of your great love and I pray that you will hide me in the shadow of your wings my Lord father where else can we find protection but in you
where else can we find safety but in your presence there is nowhere else and no one else who can offer peace Beyond understanding nobody but you my Lord I come before your presence with sincere thanks sincere thanks for your protection over my life and my family and Lord I'm Grateful I'm grateful for your many promises of preservation and safety I pray today for your presence to always be found resident in my heart and even in my homes I pray that I may be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience the power you spoke of when
you said in John 14:12 most assuredly I say to you he who believes in me the works that I do he will do also and Greater Works than these he will do because I go to my father May the Holy Spirit Lead Me In all that I may do so that I may seek refuge in you and never in this world I pray that the Holy Spirit leads me to live a life that is upright and pleasing in your way so that I may have the fear of the Lord because when I fear you Lord
Jesus your word assures me in Psalm 34:7 that the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them oh taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who trust in him I call on the name of Jesus Christ today I ask you to be with me always Lord to be my strong tower I have faith that you will keep me and my family in peace and safe from the evil one I believe that no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that shall
rise against me in judgment you shall condemn I believe your word that tells me that you wish above all things that I will prosper and be in good health I pray that you will never leave me or forsake me may you surround me with your glorious presence Lord your presence is what offers Divine protection Supernatural protection wherever I go and also within my home your word in Proverbs 18:10 says the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run to it and are safe I run to you today King Jesus I run into
your loving arms for protection you are a loving Shepherd and the great protector We Praise You King Jesus because although we Face many hardships many difficult circumstances we trust in you we trust you to be an Ever faithful God we trust you to be our reliable rescue we trust you to be our loving protector the one who gives us strength when we're weak and Lord I pray for the person who is right on the edge of giving up I pray for the person who's just about to give up because of their situation father I'm asking
you to show yourself to be a father to the fatherless a defender of widows the Prince of Peace a stronghold in the day of trouble and a Good Shepherd yes indeed the righteous person may have many troubles but the Lord delivers him from them all God I thank you that you are always there you are always always faithful to strengthen my spirit and to hold on to me Lord because of all that I've been through I now pray not because I need something but I pray because I have a lot to be thankful for Lord
Jesus I trust and believe that despite the trials that you've allowed me to face you will reveal the treasure that's inside me father I accept that the afflictions you allow me to face they will develop me it will produce a new level of Faith within me we thank you Lord Jesus because even if we are afflicted so long as we have you on our side then we have nothing to worry about if we have you and if your presence goes with us then it is well it is well in our lives and and victory will
come from you regardless of how unskilled we are or how unqualified we may be if you are on our side then we have nothing to fear you are ever faithful Lord Jesus and I can say that you have led me through the darkest Valley Lord I pray that you would calm the Raging storms in my life and should you want me to go through the storm then I pray that I would always feel your presence around me give me the strength and the faith to stand firm and father I thank you I thank you for
hearing this prayer in Jesus name I pray and I bless your holy name amen because you have made the Lord your Dwelling Place the most high who is my refuge no evil shall be allowed to befall you no plague come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways as Christians it's important to be aware of modern-day Idols in our lives and Idols can be defined as anything that takes the place of God in our hearts and Minds so let me put it this way and an
idol is not just a golden statue or image anything you love more than the Lord that's an idol anything you desire more than God is an idol anything or anyone that you seek more than God that has become an idol to you and in the Bible God Almighty clearly commands us not to have any other gods before him so it's crucial for us to be mindful of the things that consume our thoughts our words our time and energy ask yourself this does Jesus Christ consume your thoughts does the word of God consume your heart do
the things of the Lord like prayer and worship and meditating on the word of God do those things consume your energy if the answer to these questions is anything other than Jesus Christ then you my friend are in danger of idol worship now let me tell you one of the most common modern-day Idols is materialism we live in a world that glorifies material possessions and it's easy for Christians to fall into the Trap of valuing things above God in 1 John chapter 2 verses 15-1 17 the Apostle John warns us when he says do not
love this world nor the things it offers you for when you love the world you do not have the love of the father in you for the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure a craving for everything we see and pride in our achievements and possessions these are not from the father but are from this world world and this world is fading away along with everything that people crave but anyone who does what pleases God will live forever now another common Idol that you should consider is the pursuit of success status and fame we
can become consumed with achieving success in our careers and gaining popularity on social media but here's what the Amplified version of Galatians 1:10 says am I now trying to win the favor and approval of men or of God am I seeking to please someone if I were still trying to be popular with men I would not be a bond servant of Christ as Christians our ultimate goal should be to serve and please God not to seek the approval of others the Christian Theologian John Calvin said this the human heart is an idol Factory you see
it is so easy for us to unknowingly worship and serve money and things other than God that is why it's important to be aware of the idols in our lives and to constantly evaluate our priorities indeed we might not have Idols of bronze or silver in this day and age but the idols we do have tend to be invisible and that's just just as dangerous we can build Idols too easily out of the things we value highly things like our careers our significant others our political beliefs and dare I say our secret sins all these
things can become Idols when they compete with God for priority in our lives they consume so much of our thoughts and dreams and worries that they begin to occupy a role that only Jesus Christ was meant to fill and make no mistake about it only Jesus can satisfy the deepest longings in our heart nobody but Jesus can fulfill us and it's only the Lord who can truly validate us nobody else can truly validate you and so in summary as Christians we must be aware of modern-day Idols in our lives we need to guard the affections
of our hearts and ensure that God remains our ultimate priority are you living in a way that reflects you being a Christian who is alert to what they expose their soul to are you guarding what you allow to come into your heart Let Me Go a step further and ask you what is the state of your heart people of God the Bible tells us in Proverbs 4: vers 23 to keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life we ought to guard what's coming into our lives and because there
are so many things out there that can harm our spiritual heart we need to take note of some of the following areas where you need to guard your heart you should guard your heart against the doctrines that you hear and the word Doctrine it means the teaching the information the belief system that you're taught be Discerning don't accept everything you hear the author and finisher of our faith is Jesus Christ and the word of God is and should always be our foundation the Bible teaches about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that
is the basis of our faith guard your heart and be alert Saints the devil is doing all he can to deceive people Christ and Christ Alone is the rock upon which we stand we need to make sure that we are obedient to God's word and we live a life that exemplifies this love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind now join with me in prayer and let's ask the Lord to open our eyes so that we can be Discerning let's pray for the power of
the Holy Ghost to move so strongly in our lives and to destroy every evil altar that we've built in our hearts whether knowingly or unknowingly father God we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ we come to you in prayer today seeking forgiveness Lord we repent from our ways we repent from our old sinful habits and passions father in agreement with everyone listening I ask that you would move within our hearts and in our lives Lord tear down every idolatrous image that we have kept in our our eyes cast out every passion everything
and everyone who seeks to be placed above you Lord remove them from our lives remove all Idols that seek to challenge the position of Jesus Christ in our lives we declare that Jesus Christ is the king of kings and he reigns in our lives we declare that Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords and he rules in our lives Jesus Christ he is the beginning and the end the first and the last it's all about you Lord Jesus it has always been about you and it will forever be about you my lord Psalm 135: 15-8
say the idols of the nations are silver and gold made by human hands they have mouths but cannot speak eyes but cannot see they have ears but cannot hear nor is their breath in their mouths those who make them will be like them and so will all who trust in them there is only you Jehovah ABA father Elohim the Great I am all other Idols all other man-made Gods they're powerless they are dead and weak and useless which is why our worship and adoration is to you the most high God the God who speaks Truth
The God Who is living and eternal the one who holds all power and knows all things and is in all places at all times a limitless and Majestic God to you and you alone be all glory and honor and praise God you're bigger and greater than anything on this Earth you alone are worthy of our attention you deserve our affection and our devotion dear God open our eyes so that we can see what is evil in our hearts and remove it Lord open our eyes so that we can live according to your word and be
obedient to your word that says in Exodus 20: 3-6 you shall have no other gods before me you shall not make for yourself a carved image any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the Earth You shall not bow down to to them nor serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me but showing Mercy to thousands to those
who love me and keep my Commandments Lord help us to keep your Commandments help us and Lord please Purge our hearts God I ask that you would tear down every evil Altar and Destroy every carved image in our hearts God give us eyes only for Jesus Christ give us Minds that are focused only on Jesus Christ and Lord give us a strong desire to be followers and Disciples of Jesus Christ Lord Jesus your word tells me that out of the heart spring the issues of Life help me to have a heart that is devoted to
you father a heart that is focused on living a life that pleases You Luke 12: 33 and 34 says sell what you have and give alms provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old a treasure in the heaven Heavens that does not fail where no Thief approaches nor moth destroys for where your treasure is there your heart will be also may you be my heart's treasure Lord may you be my heart's Delight father help me to love Heavenly things instead of Earthly possessions Hebrews 13:5 says keep your life free from Love of Money and
be content with what you have for he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you Lord give me a heart that's content a heart that rejoices with all that you've blessed me with God I know that I may not have all of the silver and gold that this world can offer but I have you Lord Jesus and you're all that I need father your word in Matthew 15:8 says these people draw near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me Lord please don't let
this be said of me I pray that I would never be someone who simply honors you with my lips but my heart is elsewhere father help me to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ Change Me From the Inside Out Lord I glorify your name Jesus I know that you are the soon cominging King I bless your name Lord and I thank you for listening to this prayer in Jesus name I pray amen Paul wrote the book of Romans to the church in Rome at the time Rome was the center of culture the Roman culture
was far from God and they did what was right in their own eyes when it came to sexuality Roman men were allowed to have sexual partners outside of marriage even if they were married they also believed in multiple gods the doctrines ideologies and beliefs of the people of Rome were counter cultured to the Christian faith Paul tells the church in Rome how to respond to the world in Romans 12 verse 1-2 it says I appeal to you therefore Brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy and acceptable to
God which is your spiritual worship do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect Paul calls the people of Rome to worship God by rejecting worldly ways he also calls them to allow God to trans form their minds of these worldly ways in other words do not trust the world's ways but trust in God's ways while we live in a different culture than first century Romans the world tries to lie
to us in many of the same ways the world will tell you that it's okay to compromise with sin you only have one life to live so in enjoy it since you only live once give to every desire that you feel Satan uses this ideology to make us think that we can live however we want while it is true that we only live once there is Judgment from God after this life since that is the case we should live for God another lie that is told is that it's okay to chase money and devote your
life to acquiring wealth of course money is not a problem with money we can provide for our family help out those in need and enjoy God's good gifts he has given to man however life is not all about money if our focus in life is to make money then we see that our heart heart is off Matthew 6: 21 says for where your treasure is there your heart will be also when making money becomes the sole purpose of our life we see that our heart is off instead our sole purpose should be to glorify God
the world will try to distract us from following God by persuading us that life is all about acquiring wealth one last lie that the world will tell you is that sin is not really sin the world will use other words such as mistakes or Brokenness while it was a mistake to sin and it was a sign of Brokenness that you sin the root of the problem is still sin you are a sinner in desperate need need of the grace and mercy of God the world may even tell you that there is no such thing is
sin some worldly belief systems will tell you that you can Define your own system of what is right and wrong however we know that to be far from the truth we did not make the world but God made it since God made the world he makes the Rules Of The World God defines sin not us when the world challenges us to believe something counter to God's word we must do what the book of Romans commands us we allow the word of God to transform our minds we come to God and pray about the false belief
that the world is trying to speak to us then we rep repl the word of the world with the word of God as we do that he changes and fortifies our hearts so we do not give in to the ways of the world choosing not to trust the world may cause us to miss out on experiences that our flesh wants us to give into it may cause us not to sin in way ways our desires want us to it may even cost us money however it will cause us to grow in relationship with God which
is what really matters let us pray dear Lord I thank you because you're a God who doesn't look at appearance you don't look at a person's height or their stature you look at the heart Lord you don't look at me in the same way as others you don't look at the outward appearance but you look at the heart and so my prayer is that when you look at me King Jesus may you see a willing heart may you find me to be one who has a heart that fully trusts and relies in you Lord I
pray that the Holy Spirit would help me to have your word stored up in my heart so that I might not sin against you your word in Ezekiel 36: 26 says and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you and I will remove the Heart of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh and so I ask that you would create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right Spirit within me help me to keep my heart with all diligence because out
of it comes the issues of Life father I want to see a change in my life I want true change real and Lasting tangible change in my life in my habits in my passions and in my mind and so I Seek You King Jesus because you are the only one who can effectively deal with my heart and so I invite you King Jesus have the throne to my heart be Lord over my life rule Within Me rule my emotions and thoughts take control Lord and overthrow anything that is not pleasing to you remove every Idol
every ungodly thought or stronghold that is in my life should you find that I have unforgiveness and bitterness caged up in my heart I pray that you would release me and set me free if you find me to be prideful release me and cleanse me Lord overturn my heart and change me give me a new burning desire to be more and more like you Lord Jesus give me a heart that is burning to walk in obedience to your word I pray that my heart would be sensitive to the voice teaching and counsel of the Holy
Spirit your word says in Hebrews 10:22 let us draw near with a True Heart in full Assurance of Faith with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water Purge and cleanse me fill my heart with a new found joy in you fill my heart with an enthusiasm for your kingdom as your word tells me to seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness let this be my heart's desire father give me the grace strength and hunger to love you with all that is within me to love
your word to love being a servant of your kingdom dear Lord we're looking looking to you at every moment and for everything you are the one who provides for us the one who defends and fights for us we thank you King Jesus for being our Rock and our pillar thank you for being our rescue in this world we will rejoice always and I will give you my thanks in all circumstances because you have a plan for for our lives a plan that is divine and for a greater purpose so we trust that all of our
steps are ordered by you fill us with your love and joy as we earnestly seek you today I declare your word in Psalm 103 verse 1 through two bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits we praise you because you are a God who forgives all we praise you because you are a God who heals restores and makes us whole again we praise you because you are a God who has saved us from destruction and shown
us loving kindness and Tender Mercies we will bless your holy name as long as we live we will lift up our hands and praise Only You Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my prayer I praise you for working within my heart be glorified Lord in Jesus name I pray amen I appeal to you therefore Brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your spiritual worship do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by
testing you may discern learn what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect for where your treasure is there your heart will be also and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you and I will remove the Heart of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh let us draw near with a True Heart in full Assurance of Faith with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water bless the Lord oh my soul and
all that is within me bless His holy name bless bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits years ago an African missionary told a story about how he went to a rural part of southern Africa to hold a crusade now prior to this other preachers had tried to hold meetings in this region but fail the locals told this particular missionary that the region is dominated by Witchcraft and the summoning of ancestrial spirits and so anytime that someone wanted to do God's work there tended to be severe disruption that seemingly came out
of nowhere he was told that people plan to hold meetings and conferences there but somehow those meetings never ended up taking place because something always happened happens well this Missionary Man decided to go ahead and hold the meeting trusting God to fight for them as they erected a huge tent in the middle of an open field storm clouds began to gather everyone involved knew this would spell trouble because the field they were in was surrounded by mountains and tropical rainfall would not only dissuade people from attending but it would compromise the safety of the meeting
they could hear the thunder they could see the lightning and this man resorted to the only thing he could do which was to pray God what shall I do if we cancel then what will become of the people in this region how will they ever hear the gospel all of a sudden this man felt an overwhelming peace flood his body and mind he knew this peace was God's way of telling him to proceed and go ahead so he assembled his team and said let us begin to pray so that the storm on the horizon will
not disrupt the service let us rebuke the spirits of this region so that they will have no power no disruption to our gathering the team continued on making preparations and praying at the same time and miraculously the storm clouds seemed to only threaten but they never Advanced not a single drop of rain fell during the Crusade a supernatural miracle was seen that day with this story in mind with this in mind it's interesting to read what Isaiah 59: 19 says so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the West and his glory from
the rising of the sun when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him now let's take a look at this sentence which says when the enemy comes in like a flood why did the Bible use a flood as an illustration of how the devil can come to attack us well floods can be dangerous and unpredictable to maximize your chances of survival in extreme flooding scenarios you ought to evacuate immediately and move to safety or at the very least move to Higher Ground in addition to
this some sort of emergency kit is also advised this is usually a waterproof B bag with essential supplies such as a flashlight a first aid kit nonp perishable food bottled water and a whistle and when you consider a flood and the type of damage it does you realize that it washes things away and it also brings things a flood may very well wash away everything in its path but it also brings with it debris and dirt you see just like floods the devil can come and he can try to drown us with worry he can
try to drown us with anxiety fear and problems the enemy can come in like a flood and bring with him debris that's in the form of sickness financial problems or family troubles however the Bible tells us that when not if but when our enemy The Devil comes at us like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him so in a sense the Bible is telling us that in those moments when the enemy attacks our lives and attempts to drown us the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard
against him and place us on Higher Ground habc 3: 19 says God the Lord is my strength he makes my feet like the deers he makes me tread on my high places and so I would like to encourage you right now to trust in the Lord when you feel pressured by the enemy when you feel as though you are overwhelmed I want to remind you that the the word of God says in Psalm 59:16 but I will sing of your power yes I will sing aloud of your mercy in the morning for you have been
my defense and refuge in the day of my [Music] trouble Our God has infinite power over every situation and there is no better refuge in the day of trouble than our Lord Jesus Christ so let it be your instinctive response to run to Jesus run to prayer let it be your default response so that before you go anywhere else before you ask anyone else or cry on someone's shoulders you go to Jesus Christ first you go and speak to the Lord the enemy will attack each of us at some point in our lives however there
is no reason to be fearful because in Jesus Christ we have a refuge in the day of trouble there's no need to be terrified because when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him now let us pray Lord Jesus you are a holy God you are a righteous god father when the enemy attempts to drown us when he comes at us like a flood it's you King Jesus who we'll run to you are our higher ground you are our protector Lord we may not understand
why some battles come our way we may not understand why you allow certain challenges in our lives however what we do understand is that your word in naom 1 verse 7 says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows those who take refuge in Him Father we look to you as our stronghold and refuge in the day of trouble you are our safe place Master when the waves of this life Roar against us my Lord we look to you to keep us steady Lord we understand that second Timothy 4 verse
18 says the Lord will rescue me from every evil assault and he will bring me safely into his Heavenly Kingdom to him be the glory forever and ever [Music] amen you have commanded us to be strong and and courageous to not tremble or be dismayed for you God are with us with you on our side Lord Jesus we have power we have Victory and so we will call out your name the name that is above every name and that name is Jesus Christ Our deliverer you alone can split the Sea of uncertainty you alone King
Jesus can slay the giant of fear and save us so we look to you father the anchor for our souls let us never be swept away by the Deep Waters of Life Lord we ask that you speak the words peace be still over our lives calm the seas in our lives we trust in you to be our solution we trust you to be our change pain breaker father I pray for every person under the sound of my voice for anyone who is in the middle of a seemingly hopeless situation may they know you as a
strong deliverer and the God who makes a way Lord I pray for those who feel as though they are sinking in this world I pray that they would find you to be a steady ground and solid foundation for those who are looking and searching for Hope because their circumstances Lord I pray that they would find your word to be true as it says in Isaiah 43:2 when you go through deep Waters I will be with you when you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown when you walk through the fire of Oppression you
will not be burned up the Flames will will not consume you the only thing that remains certain and sure in this world is your word father you are a protector you are the one who Shields us from everything that threatens to destroy us give us the strength to stand firm when we are tested I pray that the Holy Ghost would enable us and Empower us to stand stand in unwavering faith when we are tested I thank you for hearing my prayer be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen so shall they fear the
name of the Lord from the West and his glory from the rising of the sun when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him God the Lord is my strength he makes my feet like the deers he makes me tread on my high places but I will sing of your power yes I will sing aloud of your mercy in the morning for you have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble
he knows those who take refuge in [Music] him the Lord will rescue me from every evil assault and he will bring me safely into his Heavenly Kingdom to him be the Glory forever and ever [Music] amen when you go through deep Waters I will be with you when you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown when you walk through the fire of Oppression you will not be burned up the Flames will not consume you [Music]
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