God REALLY Is Doing A New Thing | Trust In The Lord | Blessed Morning Prayers To Start Your Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
have you ever reached a point in your life where you've pleaded with God and asked him how long how long must I wait until I can have a breakthrough in this area of my life how long must I wait until the hard work I'm putting in is recognized at my workplace for someone else they may be asking how long Lord how long do I have to endure this this pain this lack or this mistreatment we've all asked God how long and if you read Psalm 13 this very same question is asked repeatedly the Bible says
in Psalm 13: 1-6 how long O Lord will you forget me forever how long will you hide your face from me how long shall I take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long will my enemy be exalted over me consider and hear me oh Lord my God Enlighten my eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death lest my enemy say I have prevailed against him lest those who troubled me rejoice when I am moved but I have trusted in your mercy my heart shall rejoice in your salvation I will sing
to the Lord because he has dealt bountifully with me the psalmist actually asked God will you forget me forever have you ever felt like that well if God is making you wait I would like to offer some encouragement to you when God makes you wait then there is always a purpose there's always a reason you see when God makes you wait he's giving us an opportunity to really build our faith and we do this because in your waiting you have to dive deeper into God's word and I say you dive deeper because while you wait
you need to find promises that you can stand on furthermore when you're waiting you have to seek the Lord more desperately through prayer I would venture to say that God makes us wait because he wants to develop our character but rather transform our character because in your waiting you will have to concede that it's either going to be your way or God's way it's either going to be your will or God's will you're either trusting God Enough by waiting for him to intervene or you'll force the issue so by waiting God is working on your
humility because you realize that you can't just have it your way you have to bow down to a higher power power and authority in you're waiting God is working on your heart you go from a state of simply saying God give me the miracle or give me the blessing and then you get to waiting on the Miracle giver and The Giver of all blessings so if you are waiting know that God is working within you he is teaching you to depend on him more to trust in him more waiting on the Lord isn't always easy
but we ought to never give up or Rush God's plan instead we need to remember that the Bible says in Isaiah 40:31 but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint a prayer delayed is not a prayer denied hear me when I say this just because the answer to your prayer has been delayed that's no reason to conclude that your prayer has been denied far too many Believers make the mistake of giving up
they stop praying they stop believing and waiting on God just because the answer they want doesn't arrive when they want however there's several reasons why your prayer might be delayed one reason why prayers can be delayed is because it's simply not God's timing yet look at this world we are condition to get what we want as soon as we want we've got the luxury of Amazon Prime and nextday deliveries we can microwave a meal in under 2 minutes we've got light in chargers for our devices we have fast food you can even get into debt
in a conveniently fast way with those buy now pay later deals what I'm trying to put across to you is that as a people we are so conditioned to getting what we want as soon as we want and subconsciously we can take this mentality into our prayer lives we can approach god with this fast food fast service expectation however God in his righteousness knows best when it comes to when you should receive that answer the Lord himself knows the best time to open this door he knows the right time to close that door think of
this every parent wants their child to drive they would love to see their kids in their first car but if you gift them the keys to that car too soon it's a disaster waiting to happen and so the Lord knows the right time to give you those keys furthermore the answer to your prayer may be delayed because of spiritual warfare remember that the Bible tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and so while we made not physically wrestle with evil forces the fight can come in the form of
a hindrance and here's what I mean in the Amplified translation Daniel 101 12-13 says then he said to me do not be afraid Daniel for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come in response to your words but the prince of the kingdom of Persia was standing in opposition to me for 21 days then behold Michael one of the chief of the celestial princes came to help me for I had been left there with the kings of
Persia Daniel had prayed and prayed for weeks and when his answer came he was told that his prayer wasn't denied but it was in fact delayed it was delayed because of the Prince of Persia the evil principal Spirit of that region was hindering Daniel's prayer and so Saints could it be that your prayer is actually not denied but in fact delayed because of evil opposition could it be that the devil or a principality is actually wrestling with the answer to your prayer this is why we ought to be wise and mature as Believers so that
we can be alert and mindful of how our prayers are fought let us pray Lord God teach us to wait on you teach us to be patient and wait on you Faithfully teach us to be still and know that you are indeed God a God who is in control of all things and your timing is perfect teach us to wait on you prayerfully Psalms 37:7 says Be Still before the Lord and wait patiently for him do not fret when people succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes as we wait May the
Holy Spirit impress upon us a Godly peace a quiet confidence that knows that God will deliver us in our time of need Lord help us not to be a people who whine or agonize about our individual prayer requests but rather let us become believer Believers with unshakable trust in a miracle working God lord Jesus Psalms 253 says indeed let no one who Waits on you be ashamed let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause father as your children we are grateful that waiting on you will never result in shame you will never let us
down you will never come up short you are always on time and at the right time teach me not to try and force the issue or take matters into my own hands give me a spirit that is longsuffering and patient give me the wisdom to realize that if my situation doesn't seem to be changing as quickly as I would like then perhaps you Lord are changing me as I grow through this situation help me to realize Lord Jesus that sometimes I have to wait so that you can remove certain characteristics from within me and Purge
my heart sometimes I have to wait because you want to prepare me whatever your will is Lord Jesus let it be done and even as I wait my eyes will remain fixed on you I will continue to wait believing and trusting that you will always come through for me right at the perfect time lord Jesus if you have placed me in a season of waiting then I pray that my heart would be in the right place trusting in you without murmuring or complaining let my heart be fully invested in your word believing that you will
move within my situation if I am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to reveal some things within me then may your will be done Lord Jesus if I am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to grow my faith or grow my maturity then may your will be done King Jesus give me the grace to wait on you expectantly with assured Faith give me the grace to be unshakable in my trust in you so so that even though my breakthrough or your intervention may not come when I want
it to come I will not be discouraged but firm in faith believing that you will arrive in your perfect time which will be the right time Micah 77 says but as for me I will look to the Lord I will wait for the god of my salvation my God will hear me help me to have a spirit that is humble and faithful a spirit that always believes that my God will hear me despite the many discouraging voices in this world despite the many accusations and lies from the enemy I declare that I will wait for
the god of my salvation my God will hear me I pray and declare Psalm 119 verse 168 to 172 which says I keep your precepts and your testimonies for all my ways are before you let my cry come before you oh Lord give me understanding according to your word let my supplication come before you deliver me according to your word my lips shall utter praise for you teach me your statutes my tongue shall speak of your word for all your commands are righteousness I bless your name and I Praise You King Jesus thank you for
hearing this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen have you ever been in a state where you feel as though you've lost out you might feel as though you've lost out on some opportunities that could have really impacted your life you may feel as though you've lost out on relationships that could have been a great benefit to you now I've been here I've been in this position and I've prayed Lord I've lost so much this year I've lost out on so many things would you please restore that which I have lost and
Saints let me tell you that we do serve a god of restoration in the Bible a demon-possessed man had an encounter with Jesus Christ a man who had a legion of demons had an encounter with the Lord and he was delivered Mark 5:15 says then they came to Jesus and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion sitting and clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid this was a man who would dwell in the cemetery he was tormented and tormented by unclean spirits the Bible says night and day he
was in the mountains and in the tombs crying out and cutting himself with stones but when this man encountered Jesus Christ he was restored he was made whole he was set free Saints we serve a God who restores now Mark 5: 41-42 says then he took the child by the hand and said to her talita Kumi which is translated little girl I say to you arise immediately the girl arose and walked for she was 12 years of age and they were overcome with great amazement on this occasion there was no life but Jesus Christ is
The Giver of Life He restored the life in the body of this young child what I'm trying to put across to you is that you need to believe you need to have faith Jesus Christ restores and so if you're there and your prayer is Lord I need you to start turning things around in my life if your prayer is Lord I need favor to come my way I need your goodness and mercy to begin chasing after me Lord I need good things to start coming my way I need you to bring me into a new
season God I need you to come through and prove the doubters wrong if this is your prayer I encourage you to read the word of God that says in Joel 2 verse 25- 26 so I will restore to you the years that the swarming Locust has eaten The Crawling Locust the consuming Locust and the chewing Locust my great Army which I sent among you you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be put to shame I
encourage you to hold on to First Peter 5 5: 10 which says but may the God of all Grace who called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after you have suffered a while perfect establish strengthen and settle you now agree with me in prayer King Jesus you are sovereign and you are wise eyes you are merciful and you are gracious you are loving and you are kind and Lord we thank you for that today King Jesus we are grateful we approach your throne humbly but boldly Lord I ask you to have mercy on
me and help me to trust you help me to let go of all logic and reasoning and simply have faith in you father your word says in Isaiah 55: 8-9 for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts father we trust in you because your ways are so much higher than ours you see the future the present and the past you are all knowing and allseeing your
wisdom knows no bounds and we honor you father forgive us for any occasion where we may have questioned your plans for our lives forgive us when in our limited understanding we doubted if things would work out for our good Lord Jesus teach us how to ignore doubt and reasoning and logic teach us how to ignore all those things that come against our faith teach us to fully and completely trust in your word so that we can silence The Whispers of confusion disbelief and distrust help us Lord Jesus so that we may understand that your ways
are not like ours you don't operate to our confined standards you don't move and behave like us as humans because you are the almighty the King of Kings and the Everlasting father May the Holy Spirit bring understanding into our hearts so that we can understand that we serve a God who chooses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise and uses the weak things of the world to shame the strong though we may not always understand your plans what we do understand is that we serve a mighty faithful and loving God though things
may look like they are falling apart we understand that you are a God who causes that which looks to be falling apart to actually fall into place you are able able to cause that which was intended for evil to work out in our favor as we trust in you Lord we hold on to the promise in Jeremiah 17: 7-8 the Bible reads blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord whose trust is the Lord he is like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the Stream and does not fear when
heat comes for its leaves remain green and is not anxious in the year of drought for it does not cease to bear fruit our trust is not in our abilities our trust is not in money Lord we do not lean on our own strengths but rather We Trust Jesus Christ Our Hope is in Jesus Christ our future is in your hands Lord Our Lives they're in your hands we Look to You Lord may your plan for my life be fulfilled may your plan over my life be placed above my own personal Ambitions you have my
complete and total commitment have you your way Lord have your way I thank you for hearing this prayer in the precious and mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen before we pray I would like to share a very special Psalm that I hold dear to me it's a Psalm that has encouraged me to pray when I have felt low and it's a Psalm that I have prayed when I simply did not know what to say and so Psalm 86 verse 1-17 says Hear Me Lord and answer me for I am poor and needy guard
my life for I am faithful to you save your servant who trusts in you you are my God have mercy on me Lord for I call to you all day long bring joy to your servant Lord for I put my trust in you you Lord are forgiving and good abounding in love to all who call to you hear my prayer Lord listen to My Cry for Mercy when I am in distress I call to you because you answer me among the gods there is none like you Lord no Deeds can compare with yours all the
nations you have made will come and worship before you Lord they will bring glory to your name for you are great and you do marvelous Deeds you alone are God teach me your way Lord that I may rely on your faithfulness give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name I will praise you Lord my God with all my heart I will glorify your name forever for Great Is Your Love toward me you have delivered me from the depths from the realm of the Dead arrogant foes are attacking me oh God Ruthless People
are trying to kill me they have no regard for you but you Lord are a compassionate and gracious God slow to anger abounding in love and [Music] faithfulness turn to me and have mercy on me show your strength in behalf of your servant save me because I serve you just as my mother did give me a sign of your goodness that my enemies May may see it and be put to shame for you Lord have helped me and comforted me now let us pray King Jesus we come and bow before you may your name be
lifted High We Come asking today for a heart of prayer a heart that seeks to worship you a heart that desires to praise you Holy Spirit teach us how to pray teach us how to pray with power how to pray with boldness how to pray without ceasing Holy Spirit teach us how to pray from scripture help us to live and move with the awareness of the presence of God God God your word says is anyone among you suffering let him pray so in our time of suffering help us to do just that to pray when
we need help we will call on the name of Jesus Christ to be our stronghold in the day of trouble we bless your name Lord your word in Isaiah 45:2 the Bible says I will go before you and level the mountains I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through the bars of iron thank you for your promises Lord go before us each and every day Master May the Holy Spirit help us to put you first in every area of Our Lives you King Jesus are first in our homes you're first in our finances
you're first in our marriages nothing and no one is worthy to be competing for the number one spot in our hearts because you alone sit on the throne you alone are God over my life Jehovah we invite invite the Holy Spirit to be our teacher and lead us into all truth it's only you oh God who can level mountains It's Only You Lord who offers rest to the weary it's only you Lord Jesus who can give us true peace God I pray that you might have mercy on us look upon us mercifully even when we
fall father help us in our own individual prayer lives to value and to have a sacred commitment to spending time alone with you birth a desire in us so that we can spend time alone in your presence regularly and so that we can develop a stronger relationship with you Holy Spirit I ask that you help me to make prayer and reading God's word a priority in my life even in the midst of this busy World keep my priorities aligned with the kingdom of God I pray that the Holy Spirit would keep our lives from controlling
us from distracting us and taking us away from the presence of God help us to keep our relationship with the Lord a priority May the Holy Spirit never stop convicting us and pulling us in your direction Lord may he never stop tugging at our hearts may he never stop calling us to the things of God help us to set our eyes and my affections on heaven to seek your presence on a daily basis Revive Our Spirits Lord and refresh our desires so that we would chase after you may the Holy Spirit create a fire in
me that burns brightly for the things of God of fire that seeks Jesus Christ Above All Else always Lord may you take the number one spot in my life and heart in Jesus mighty name I pray all the glory praise and honor can only be given to you A righteous and merciful god I bless your name Great and Mighty are you Lord amen we live in a stressful World there are worries about wars and elections and pandemics on a personal level there are worries about jobs children marriages money in fact the American Medical Association has
estimated that as many as 7 70% of all patients who visit their general practice Physicians they do so with symptoms related in some way to unrelieved stress but dear friends God has a much better way for us to live he offers a burden-free way of life here's how Jesus put it in the gospel of Matthew 11: 28-30 come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto
your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light you see Jesus offers us a burden free way to live isn't that good news now some people have the idea that God wants them weighed down with guilt and fears and un certainty but that's not Jesus Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden light he wants to take your worries away from you as the Apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 5: 7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you now there are three easy steps to take to enjoy
burden-free living and it's revealed in Jesus words and the Gospel of Matthew step one come to him come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest now he doesn't say come to drugs or alcohol he doesn't say come to some sin or to empty relationships and Pursuits he doesn't even say come to your own strength but come to him and he promises I will give you rest what is there that you need rest from today psychiatrist Thomas Holmes and Richard rah's famous stress scale list life's most stressful
moments and at the top of the list is the death of a spouse number two is divorce other items on that list include losing a job illness moving debt what do you need rest from today is it guilt from sin Jesus has forgiveness for you is it fear concerning a problem that's too big for you Jesus has un limited power for you do you have difficult decisions to make Jesus has wisdom for you so step one for burden-free living is to Simply come to Jesus come to him and come to him daily and he will
give you rest step two follow his plan for your life not anyone else's Jesus said take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls take his yoke upon you not your own not someone else's so let me explain the Yoke in Jesus's day was the wooden cross piece put around the neck of an ox to pull a wagon as a carpenter before he entered Ministry Jesus would have made these for his customers and he says that the yolks he designed
were easy and light unfortunately so many of our burdens are self-inflicted we step out of the way Jesus wants us to live and before you know it we have a mess on our hands hands someone has wisely said an ounce of obedience is worth a pound of prayer not all troubles can be avoided of course but many do come from disobeying his plain commands we step out of his will and end up with the mess that we have to do a lot of frantic praying about what decision is it that you're facing be very careful
to choose God's place [Music] just take Jesus's yoke it will lead to the burden-free life he wants you to have and so to recap our steps for burden-free living come to him daily that's step one follow his plan for your life step two and step three for burden-free living is to leave the results up to him for my yoke is easy and my burden is light a pastor in New York City when counseling people about turning their lives over to Jesus he would take them to the RCA building on Fifth Avenue in the entrance was
a gigantic statue of Atlas holding the world on his shoulders all his muscles straining barely able to stand under the load and the pastor would say now that's one way to live trying to car carry the world on your shoulders then he would take them across the street to St Patrick's Cathedral to a shrine behind the altar where the boy Jesus eight or n years old is holding the whole world in one hand with absolutely no effort at all that the pastor would say is the other way to live letting Jesus carry your burdens for
you that's the pr privilege that you and I actually have every day to cast our anxieties on the Lord and let him carry them for us in other words after you come to him after you choose his way then simply leave the results up to him he'll take care of the burden for you you can trust him to work it out and he'll work it out every time this is the way Jesus lived when he was on on Earth trusting his heavenly father to take care of the details for him think about it the salvation
of the whole world depended on Jesus and he followed his father's plan the salvation of the whole world depended on his word being spread but he never once wrote anything down nor did he ever say to his disciples is anyone taking notes here this is important the salvation of the whole world World depended on the formation and spread of his church but he called a bunch of fishermen and outcasts to get this job done for him not CEOs not generals not politicians or even marketing experts but you know what Jesus didn't stress any of this
he left the results in his father's hands and you know what it all got written down the disciple got the job done and his word and church have spread all over the world even to this day so leave the results of your life leave them up to the father as well the prayers you've prayed the questions you have even the mistakes you've made he can handle it all don't let yourself be weighed down with worries and anxiety that's not God's plan for his children instead enjoy the burden-free life that Jesus offers come to him follow
his plan for your life and then leave the results up to him let us go to God In Prayer dear Lord Jesus you know about the battles we're facing in our lives Master fight for us defend us Lord be our shield and our Fortress Lord Jesus you know what we're wrestling with in our lives we call upon you the lion of the tribe of Judah I pray that you would help us Lord Jesus intervene in our lives as we call on the name of Jesus Christ which is above every other name we believe that you
can remove every obstacle that is set before us show your hand in our lives Lord and help us to overcome the struggles that we face We Trust in your ability God to take what the devil meant for evil and turn it for our good you can take everything sent by the enemy and turn it around For Your Glory we pray and declare Psalm chap 27 it says the Lord is my light and my salvation so why should I be afraid the Lord is my Fortress protecting me from danger so why should I tremble when evil
people come to devour me when my enemies and foes attack me they will stumble and fall though a mighty Army surrounds me my heart will not be afraid even if I am attacked I will remain confident the one thing I ask of the Lord the thing I seek most is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life delighting in the Lord's Perfection and meditating in his Temple for he will conceal me there when troubles come he will hide me in his Sanctuary he will place me Out Of Reach on
a high Rock then I will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me at his Sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of Joy singing and praising the Lord with music hear me as I pray oh Lord be merciful and answer me my heart has heard you say come and talk with me and my heart responds Lord I am coming do not turn your back on me do not reject your servant in Anger you have always been my helper don't leave me now don't abandon me oh god of my salvation even if my
father and mother abandon me the Lord will hold me close teach me how to live oh Lord lead me along the right path for my enemies are waiting for me do not let me fall into their hands for they accuse me of things I've never done with every breath they threaten me with violence yet I'm confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I am here in the land of the living wait patiently for the Lord be brave and courageous yes wait patiently for the Lord our trust is in you a God who can never
fail this world will present opposition to us but we trust you to fight the battles for it the enemy will do what he can to try and bind us to try to keep us in Chains but Lord we trust that you will Deliver Us you Lord Jesus Will rescue us may you take all of the glory for every victory in my life may your name be glorified each time we overcome father we thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that we pray amen Colossians 3: 1-4 if then you
were raised with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God set your mind on things above not on things on the earth for you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God when Christ who is our life appears then you also will appear with him in glory regarding this passage of scripture one commentary reads Paul writes to those who are saved by faith in Christ their goal was to live with an eternal perspective rather than a focus on the rules and regulations of this world
rather than following a set of rules Christians are to submit Moment by moment to the leading of the Holy Spirit Paul then explains why Believers are to focus on Eternal matters Christians are to set their minds above so to speak because that is where Christ is Christ is not on the earth or in the grave he is at God's right hand now I would like to add that when the devil attempts to enter your life he will Target your mind the Bible in 2 Corinthians 11:3 says but I am afraid that just as Eve was
deceived by the Serpent's cunning your minds May somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ the Bible is warning us here not to let our minds be led astray by the serpent the devil you see the devil wants you to be so absorbed with the ways of the world that you're clueless about what God's word says He will do this through subtle messages messages that come through music lyrics words of advice from friends even by planting sinful thoughts in your mind especially when you're alone and the mind is powerful the devil
knows this he knows that if he can just get into your mind into your thoughts he he can discourage you he can distract you he can pull you away from meditating on the things of God the devil knows that if he can get you to entertain sinful thoughts lustful thoughts then he can have a foothold in your life he knows that if he can get you confused if he can get you to be in a state of double-mindedness then you'll be unstable in all things he knows that if he can cause you to be worried
and thinking of the worst all the time then there's no way that you'll receive the peace of God in your life and so I'd like to encourage you guard your mind guard your thought life because this is an area that the enemy loves to occupy I encourage you to set your minds on things above not on Earthly things we are to set our minds and our hearts on Godly things on Heavenly things things that concern the kingdom of God sometimes life can it can get us sidetracked life can keep us intensely busy and sometimes life
can result in us becoming distracted from what our number one priority should be and that is Jesus Christ I truly believe that when Paul encourages us to set our hearts on things above that means waking up every day and saying Lord I'm Yours be praised today Lord help me focus on your word and on your will today so would you join me in this prayer today seeking that the Lord may help me and may help you to set our minds and hearts to focus our minds and hearts on things above so let us pray dear
Lord You're gracious and faithful you're marvelous in all your ways and Lord our prayer today is that you'd help us to renew our minds help us to focus on the Eternal on Heavenly things help us to have a hunger that desires and chases Heavenly rewards instead of Earthly praise from men we seek to hear the words well done good and faithful servant Lord we want to hear that from you and so we ask that you'd guide us guide us to do all that you've called us to do today and every day Holy Spirit we ask
that you would help us to stay focused on Jesus Christ help us because there are so many things that are always competing for our attention and so we we understand that we need the supernatural strength that you offer to keep us from being distracted to keep us from being pulled away from God the Bible in John 15: 5-8 it says I am the vine you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you you will bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing if you do not remain in me you
are like like a branch that is thrown away in Withers such branches are picked up thrown into the fire and burned if you remain in me and my words remain in you ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you this is to my father's Glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples father help us access the grace to be obedient to your word and to abide in you help us to abide in you so that we can be Christians who bear much fruit in your kingdom keep us from
relying on our own resources and abiding outside of your will because without you we're like that branch that is withered so Lord fill us with your presence we invite you to abide within us and begin to change us from the inside out Lord change us so that we can begin to demonstrate Godly characteristics so that we can begin to show compassion to other people so that we can have a humble Spirit a patient and forgiving spirit and above all help us to be Christians who can demonstrate the love of Christ to other people I pray
that if we have had our minds and our priorities elsewhere may you bring us to refocus bring us to set our hearts back on you I pray that you protect me from being led astray by what the world's standards are or even from worldly expectations and behaviors Lord I pray that I may receive the mind of God just as your word in Philippians 2 verse 5 says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus help us Jesus to be diligent about our thoughts whether they are thoughts that will bring glory and
praise to your name or whether they are thoughts that would lead us to sin Lord help us to be intentional about casting down each and every single thought that is not of you help me Lord to rebuke every ungodly thought so that my mind May may be clean and focused on you Holy Spirit I ask you to convict me challenge me when it comes to the things that I decide to focus my mind on challenge me in the areas that I meditate on Holy Spirit highlight to me when I am allowing my mind to be
consumed by Earthly worldly things by the cares of this world show that to me Holy Spirit and then lead me to focus on things that are pure the word says whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are of good report those are the types of things that I want to focus my mind on and Lord May the highest praise be given to you you're a good and faithful God and I thank you for hearing this prayer I bless your name King Jesus amen and amen Colossians 3: 1-4 if
then you were raised with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God set your mind on things above not on things on the earth for you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God when Christ who is our life appears then you also will appear with him in glory but I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the Serpent's cunning your minds May somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ I am the vine you are the branches if
you remain in me and I in you you will bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing if you do not remain in me you are like a branch that is thrown away in Withers such branches are picked up thrown into the fire and burned if you remain in me and my word remain in you ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you this is to my father's Glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my [Music] disciples no one can serve two masters for either he will hate
the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon money possessions Fame status or whatever is valued more than the Lord blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places in Christ but you are not like that for you are a chosen people you are royal priests a holy nation God's very own possession as a result you can show others the goodness of God for he called you out
of the darkness into his wonderful light have you ever reached a point in your life where you've pleaded with God and asked him how long how long must I wait until I can have a breakthrough in this area of my life how long must I wait until the hard work I'm putting in is recognized at my workplace for someone else they may be asking how long Lord how long do I have to endure this this pain this lack or this mistreatment we've all asked God how long and if you read Psalm 13 this very same
question is asked repeatedly the Bible says in Psalm 13: 1-6 how long O Lord will you forget me forever how long will you hide your face from me how long shall I take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long will my enemy be exalted over me consider and hear me O Lord my God Enlighten my eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death lest my enemy say I have prevailed against him lest those who troubled me rejoice when I am moved but I have trusted in your mercy my heart shall
rejoice in your salvation I will sing to the Lord because he has dealt bountifully with me the psalmist actually asked God will you forget me forever have you ever felt like that well if God is making you wait I would like to offer some encouragement to you when God makes you wait and there is always a purpose there's always a reason you see when God makes you wait he's giving us an opportunity to really build our faith and we do this because in you're waiting you have to dive deeper into God's word and I say
you dive deeper because while you wait you need to find promises that you can stand on furthermore when you're waiting you have to seek the Lord more desperately through prayer I would venture to say that God makes us wait because he wants to develop our character or rather transform our character because in your waiting you will have to concede that it's either going to be your way or God's way it's either going to be your will or God's will you're either trusting God Enough by waiting for him to intervene or you'll force the issue so
by waiting God is working on your humility because you realize that you can't just have it your way you have to bow down to a higher power and authority in your way God is working on your heart you go from a state of simply saying God give me the miracle or give me the blessing and then you get to waiting on the Miracle giver and The Giver of all blessings so if you are waiting know that God is working within you he is teaching you to depend on him more to trust in him more waiting
on the Lord isn't always easy but we ought to never give up or Rush God's plan instead we need to remember that the Bible says in Isaiah 40:31 but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint a prayer delayed is not a prayer denied hear me when I say this just because the answer to your prayer has been delayed that's no reason to conclude that your prayer has been denied far too many Believers
make the mistake of giving up they stop praying they stop believing and waiting on God just because the answer they want doesn't arrive when they want however there's several reasons why your prayer might be delayed one reason why prayers can be delayed is because it's simply not God's timing yet look at this world we are conditioned to get what we want as soon as we want we've got the luxury of Amazon Prime and Next Day deliveries we can microwave a meal in under two minutes we've got lightning chargers for our devices we have fast food
you can even get into debt in a conveniently fast way with those by now pay later deals what I'm trying to put across to you is that as a people we are so conditioned to getting what we want as soon as we want and subconsciously we can take this mentality into our prayer lives we can approach god with this fast food fast service expectation how however God in his righteousness knows best when it comes to when you should receive that answer the Lord himself knows the best time to open this door he knows the right
time to close that door think of this every parent wants their child to drive they would love to see their kids in their first car but if you gift them the keys to that car too soon it's a disaster waiting to happen and so the Lord knows the right time to give you those keys furthermore the answer to your prayer may be delayed because of spiritual warfare remember that the Bible tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and so while we may not physically wrestle with evil forces the
the fight can come in the form of a hindrance and here's what I mean in the Amplified translation Daniel 101 12-13 says then he said to Meo not be afraid Daniel for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come in response to your words but the prince of the kingdom of Persia was standing in opposition to me for 21 days then behold Michael one of the chief of the celestial princes came to help me for I had
been left there with the kings of Persia Daniel had prayed and prayed for weeks and when his answer came he was told that his prayer was wasn't denied but it was in fact delayed it was delayed because of the Prince of Persia the evil principal Spirit of that region was hindering Daniel's prayer and so Saints could it be that your prayer is actually not denied but in fact delayed because of evil opposition could it be that the devil devil or a principality is actually wrestling with the answer to your prayer this is why we ought
to be wise and mature as Believers so that we can be alert and mindful of how our prayers are fought let us pray Lord God teach us to wait on you teach us to be patient and wait on you Faithfully teach us to be still and know that you are indeed God a God who is in control of all things and your timing is perfect teach us to wait on you prayerfully Psalms 37:7 says Be Still before the Lord and wait patiently for him do not fret when people succeed in their ways when they carry
out out their wicked schemes as we wait May the Holy Spirit impress upon us a Godly peace a quiet confidence that knows that God will deliver us in our time of need Lord help us not to be a people who whine or agonize about our individual prayer request but rather let us become Believers with unshakable trust in a miracle working God lord Jesus Psalms 253 says indeed let no one who Waits on you be ashamed let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause father as your children we are grateful that waiting on you will
never result in shame you will never let us down you will never come up short you are always on time and at the right time teach me not to try and force the issue or take matters into my own hands give me a spirit that is longsuffering and patient give me the wisdom to realize that if my situation doesn't seem to be changing as quickly as I would like then perhaps you Lord are changing me as I grow through this situation help me to realize Lord Jesus that sometimes I have to wait so that you
can remove certain characteristics from within me and Purge my heart sometimes I have to wait because you want to prepare me whatever your will is Lord Jesus let it be done and even as I wait my eyes will remain fixed on you I will continue to wait believing and trusting that you will all always come through from me right at the perfect time lord Jesus if you have placed me in a season of waiting then I pray that my heart would be in the right place trusting in you without murmuring or complaining let my heart
be fully invested in your word believing that you will move within my situation if I am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to reveal some things within me then may your will be done Lord Jesus if I am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to grow my faith or grow my maturity then may your will be done King Jesus give me the grace to wait on you expectantly with assured Faith give me the grace to be unshakable in my trust in you so that even though my breakthrough
or your inter vention may not come when I want it to come I will not be discouraged but firm in faith believing that you will arrive in your perfect time which will be the right time Micah 77 says but as for me I will look to the Lord I will wait for the god of my salvation my God will hear me help me to have a spirit that is is humble and faithful a spirit that always believes that my God will hear me despite the many discouraging voices in this world despite the many accusations and
lies from the enemy I declare that I will wait for the god of my salvation my God will hear me I pray and declare Psalm 119 verse 168 to 172 which says I keep your precepts and your testimonies for all my ways are before you let my cry come before you oh Lord give me understanding according to your word let my supplication come before you deliver me according to your word my lips shall utter praise for you teach me your statutes my tongue shall speak of your word for all your commands are righteousness I bless
your name and I Praise You King Jesus thank you for hearing this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen how long O Lord will you forget me forever how long will you hide your face from me how long shall I take take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long will my enemy be exalted over me consider and hear me oh Lord my God Enlighten my eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death lest my enemy say I have prevailed against him lest those who troubled me rejoice when
I am moved but I have trusted in your mercy my heart shall rejoice in your salvation I will sing to the Lord because he has dealt bountifully with me but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not [Music] faint be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him do not fret when people succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes but as for me I will look to the Lord I
will wait for the god of my salvation my God will hear me [Music]
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