out of all five roles in the game no one has it harder than adc's and supports trying to learn their bot Lane matchups let's take mid lane for example if you're a silus player and you want to learn how to play against aalii all you have to do is go to YouTube and search Challenger replay silus versus aalii and you will be rewarded with hundreds upon hundreds of replays to watch and learn from if you're an ADC on the other hand and you want to learn the Varys versus Ash matchup you won't have such an
easy time the problem is that the matchup can change dramatically based on the support pairings on both sides there's so many different support pairings for just one ADC matchup and that's not counting all the random solo Q supports you're going to run into you need to account for all the Sho and silus supports you're going to run into every day on your team or the enemy side as well how are you expected to learn hundreds of variations of just one matchup supports have the same issue you can't just learn the thresh versus Nautilus matchup there's
hundreds of variations of that matchup as well this is why almost every single bot laner struggles from the same issue they go into the laning phase not really knowing what to do in their matchup they kind of just Wing things hope for the best and rely on other fun fundamentals to try and win their Lane but this leads to inconsistencies and frustrations because you probably don't have a clear goal you're striving towards from countless years of teaching low ELO players to improve we've realized that the best way of reliably winning your lane is going into
it with a solid even if just a simple game plan so that's precisely what we're going to address in this guide we've developed a simple but effective two-step formula to help you instantly evaluate any matchup you could ever come across in bot Lane you will easily have an immediate Advantage every single game over the enemy bot Lane who probably has has no idea how to create a game plan and you'll be able to do this with very little effort and you know what else we make easy to learn how to carry bad teammates and finally
escape the rank you're stuck in with our brand new multi-chapter flagship courses that teach you the secrets to carrying as an ad carry and support it doesn't stop there we have brand new courses on macro Wave Control trading setting and hot Keys csing Vision mechanics low ELO mistakes the list goes on then head on over to our Smurf commentaries select your Champion to watch live commentary from Challenger experts teaching you how to carry out of the exact rank you're stuck in you can try out all of this completely risk-free since if you don't rank up
while actively using skillcap you get your money back no questions asked you can unlock all this through the discount you can only get from the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted now before we get into our two-step formula you have to learn the prerequisite to learning any matchup in every single 2v2 Lane you want to answer a couple of questions so you can make a reliable game plan first how long should my trade be and secondly who wins the all
in while supports do a lot of damage during the laning phase these two questions will usually be answered by what ADC both sides are playing they usually bring most to the consistent damage for the lane so supports listen up for a moment because this is what will let you understand how to properly set up winning trades in any matchup There is almost always one side that has better DPS than the other for example if you took Misfortune versus Ash and forced them to fight to the death Misfortune would appear to be winning the fight at
first this is because she has better burst but as the fight progresses Ash comes out on top due to her higher DPS this doesn't mean that Ash wins every all-in obviously if you put Ash versus a champion like Ezreal then she would lose the extended fight with his passive Ezreal has a lot of DPS early on and as they always say there's almost always a stronger fish in the sea okay both ADC and support players may have an immediate concern here what if I don't know every ADC Champion well enough to know who wins the
extended all in that is where our two-step formula comes in to make things super easy for you each step is designed to help you easily figure out the answer to this question no matter what random Lane you're playing in and the first step is really simple all you have to do is take a look at both adc's keystones there's six major runes that you'll commonly see adc's run there's Arcane Comet Fleet footwork First Strike Halo blades press the attack and conqueror you actually don't have to know what every champion in the game does keep in
mind that players are naturally going to take runes that synergize with their Champions kit so runes are an easy cheat code to learn precisely what every ADC Champion wants to do to simplify things let's group these runes up into three simple categories there's the one tap runes the burst runes and conquer will fall into the ramp up category supports we want to reemphasize that what you're about to learn will let you set up proper trades in almost every single Lane remember you're the main initiator in most 2v2 matchups you're the one who tries to set
up your ADC for Success if you know what they excel at then you'll never initiate a bad trade again you'll only be making Lane winning plays from now on and adcs we know you have the opposite issue you don't get to dictate what trades happen all the time so you may not always be able to apply what you're about to learn but we urge you to remember that climbing in league is a percentages game if you learn this information it means that you'll never make the mistakes we're going to cover in this video so only
your support might mess things up on the other hand the enemy ADC without this information will still be messing things up this way it's twice as likely that the enemy bot Lane screws up and throws their Lane it's hard to remember in frustrating games but climbing in league isn't about winning your lane and the game 100% of the time it's about increasing your chances as much as possible so you come out ahead in 60 or 65% of your laning phases okay let's go back to our three Rune categories to help visualize how these runes will
affect your matchup game plan let's put them on a health scale like this this should keep things really simple for you if you or your ADC has a rune on the lower part of the scale you want to keep trades as short as possible and the further you go up into the scale the longer you want your trades to be for example let's say you're running a One Tap Rune versus an opponent who has pressed the attack at lower Health values like 10 to 30% HP you are favored in trades this is because your damage
happens instantly whereas your opponent needs three Autos to proc their Rune in this case you can probably kill them before they kill you on the other hand burst runes are way more favored when both sides are at around 40 to 70% HP this is because fights will end after about 3 to five Auto attacks which is exactly what burst runes are useful for so if you take an ADC with halil of Blades versus one running conqueror you'll be able to instantly pop your target from 40% HP before your opponent can even begin thinking about ramping
up their damage keep in mind that although press the attack is also a burst Rune it has a little bit more dpsing power than Hala blades so Hala blades is usually better when your opponent has 40 to 50% HP meanwhile while press the attack is really good at finishing off targets at around 60 to 70 HP left and finally we have conqueror we're sure you can guess that this Rune is favored when a fight begins where both sides have 100% HP at the start this gives the ADC plenty of time to ramp up their Rune
and get a ton of value out of it okay that's all cool to know but how do you actually play around this well let's take a look at some examples here we have a Jin with Fleet footwork versus a Draven with press the attack think about our scale what should be the simple game plan for both sides Draven and kench should want to go for longer trades in this Lane as long as they have higher HP at the beginning of the fight they are almost always guaranteed to win it because of the higher DPS press
the attack provides compared to Fleet on the other hand jyn and Lux should only go for Quick One auto or one spell trades they should get in and get out before the trade goes on too long let's watch what happens at level one Lux instantly dies That's a classic start to the laning phase as jyn you probably feel awful right now but he's going to keep our game plan in mind Draven gets a bit cocky here and jyn pushes with a quick trade but notice how he doesn't end it even though he has a level
head from being alone he keeps the trade short a bit later on he trades One auto and one spell against Draven jyn is getting value out of his Rune Draven isn't Draven will once again handshake another single Auto Trade versus jyn where he doesn't proc press the attack this is what we mean by players winging their laning face it's clear that Draven doesn't have a game plan and as the support you can do as Lux does here she goes for a quick trade on Draven but realizes she shouldn't overcommit that's exactly what she should be
doing JY and Lux have played this very well by going for short and sweet trades Draven is now low enough to where he can be Allin jyn flashes forward and scores a kill and despite Lux dying at level one they turn around this Lane easily by following a super simple game plan all right let's switch things up with another Lane this time we have a weird match up between aaisa with Janna versus an aelio and a Nivea immediately many players would get thrown off by this that's a weird support pick but you should know by
now that's not what you need to pay attention to here this will be a burst Rune example where kaisa is running Hal Blades versus a felios with Fleet footwork both sides are about to trade pretty aggressively before the trade even begins who do you think is favored in a longer fight your answer should be kaisa obviously she has a bit more DPS with her Rune than aelio in the trade though you'll notice that kaisa doesn't even get value out of her Rune she had to kite while it was active despite doing so she and Janna
still come out ahead overall in this trade and this outcome was easily predictable remember what we mentioned at the start looking at your opponent's runes is just a simple way to understand what that champion naturally wants to do it doesn't matter that kaisa didn't get value out of her key as a champion she naturally likes these 3 to four second trades that's why she takes hail of blades in the first place and this is your wing condition with burst runes you want to go for some quick trades to get a single Target to around half
HP or so if you remember our scale this is the health threshold where you can kill them quickly the enemy Duo looks to hard engage even if anivia was full HP why is this bad because a felos has Fleet footwork should be your immediate thought he doesn't have enough DPS to go through all the HP Janna and kaisa have with her burst Rune kaisa instantly pops anivia now she and jna turn on a felios who is barely a threat in the Allin kaisa chases him down and then the fight ends when she trades her life
to finish off anivia once again the lane is won by one side understanding their basic game plan meanwhile aphelios and anivia had no idea how to play around their low all-in potential now let's show you what a proper all-in should look like by going to a game where we have a Samira running conqueror on the other side the enemy JY is running Fleet footwork again let's not consider the supports just yet what should jyn want to do and what should Samira want to do in this Lane based on what you know jyn wants to go
for very short trades he should go for trades that consist of One auto and maybe a Q and that's it on the other hand Samira wants to commit to an all-in while she's still got a ton of HP to work with that's it simple right take a look at how Samira is playing early on she's incredibly far back and playing really trade avoidant and preserving her HP as much as possible if you're the one who wants to all in it's completely acceptable to concede Lane pressure early and even miss CS if it allows you to
stay at high HP this is really good by Samira on the other hand Senna is trying a bit too hard to put pressure as a support you don't want to do this with such a powerful all-in ADC just preserve your HP until you can find a clean engage unfortunately there's a bit of a mishap a little later into the lane Senna and Samir get ganked and end up both dying putting them pretty far behind in the matchup so now they're behind that's not good this will make the lane much harder regardless of that Watch What
Happens Next as both sides get back to Lane keep in mind that Samira should be on the back foot after those deaths but she notices that the enemy Zyra made a mistake using all her spells on Sen leaving herself vulnerable for an all in this is your win condition being full HP with conqueror she runs Zyra down all by herself while the enemy Jin can barely do anything despite being behind in the 2v2 by simply recognizing how weak jyn is during extended fights Samira is able to easily turn this Lane around in her favor supports
you need to be aware of this too when both sides are back in Lane they're even since they both got some kills but Senna is already a bit low from some earlier poke this gives Zyra way too much confidence and she oversteps you need to be careful versus Allin Lanes like this even with Senna unable to join the fight jyn doesn't provide enough consistent DPS to defend Zyra during engages like this Samira literally continues 1V twoing them because she keeps starting the fight at full HP with her ramp up Rune even if you've never seen
this Lane match up before this is really easy to see coming with the first step of our formula by the way you can also consider the support keystones in a similar way as the ADC or support you can get some additional info on the lane based on the support players runes as well supports with Comet and Airy are good for poking Halo blades and electrocute are good for some burst Aftershock is good for All In and guardian is a fairly unique Rune since it provides extra HP during a fight it's very good at countering burst
runes that want to kill you quickly or another use for it is to enable conqueror adcs to have even more time to ramp up during an all-in by giving them even more HP to play with during the fight all right with all this Rune talk you might already be thinking about a big issue you're bound to run into for example what happens when both ad carries are running the same Rune like in this example better yet both supports also have a poke Rune step one of our formula doesn't help us here so what now it's
actually quite simple the the whole point of our runes breakdown is to find out which side wants to go for shorter trades and which side wants to go for longer trades right that is your main goal in every matchup you want to figure out which side is favored in what types of Trades the other way you can figure this out is by simply playing around which side has more range players often criticize this game's balance but ryot is actually quite good at keeping something consistent in the early game typically if a champion has more range
than another champion they're almost always worse in an all-in that just makes sense right if a champion could poke you and go for crazy all-in fights they'd be completely broken so it only makes sense that longrange Champions struggle a bit in lengthier encounters what this means is that you never want to go in with the same game plan every game even if you only play One champion for example let's imagine aain and Janna versus aiah and trick think about their ranges for a moment which side of the matchup would want to go for short poke
based trades and which side would want to go for a longer Allin Zia and tri are fairly short-range Champions but extremely strong when they can commit to the fight so Vay and Janna should abuse their slight range advantage to poke and avoid allins at least early on but let's take that same vein and Janna and pit them versus a Caitlyn and Lux who should poke and which side should all in Caitlyn and Lux are obviously some of the longest range champions in the game so the Vain and Janna should adapt we're aware that this Duo
is normally not a strong all-in combo but by having so much range in their kit Caitlyn and Lux are balanced around having fairly weak kits when getting engaged on knowing this the Vay and Lulu should probably concede some CS preserve their HP and try to force a longer all in when they have the opportunity now let's go back to this game despite all the runes being the same on both sides what do you think both sides should do in this matchup Ezreal and Ash are decently ranged Champions so they should be the side to go
for short trades or poke meanwhile Jinx and Lulu are not the best all-in combo we know that but compared to Ash and Ezreal they are definitely favored in longer fights so their goal should be simple maybe give up some CS save HP and wait for an opportunity to fight unfortunately they won't do that Ezreal and Ash actually play this Lane pretty well notice how they only play to poke and nothing more they're only doing either one Auto or one spell per trade that's precisely how you play this Lane if you have the range Advantage there's
no reason to go for longer fights until youve got a massive lead already Jinx on the other hand is not conceding CS when she needs to yes this Lane is annoying to play but if you lose all your HP then she can't play for the one win condition she does have and because she and Lulu can't go for long fights they can't do anything because they had no simple plan going into this Lane they slowly bleed out and lose this Lane right from the get-go before we continue we want to emphasize that our two-step solution
isn't going to give you Challenger level insight into every single matchup that being said at the very least you'll get a decent idea for what you should be doing in almost any lane from all the low ELO games we observe most bot Lanes appear to lose because they go into every single Lane without a game plan like we mentioned at the start they just wing it play randomly and hope that things work out we cannot emphasize how even the most simple of game plans can make you a much more consistent player in the long run
our two step system isn't perfect there will still be some exceptions every now and then where our guidelines are maybe a bit off but for the most part following these tips should give you a simple Foundation to start from in every single game regardless of what random matchup you find yourself in so let's put you to the test we're going to give you a fairly tricky Lane to break down in this game we've got Caitlyn with Fleet footwork and a blitzcrank with Aftershock on the other side there's Lucian with press the attack and a Luxe
with Arcane Comet based on step one this is a weird Lane for both sides Caitlyn has a One Tap Rune versus Lucian who has a burst room this means that ideally she'd like to play for poke in this Lane rather than take longer fights problem is she has a blitzcrank support who only wants to all in at all times and Lucian has a similar problem based on his runes he should want to take a longer trade versus Caitlyn but he's got a lux who is better off poking in this Lane and as far as range
goes it's kind of split right Caitlyn outranges Lucian but Lux outranges blitzcrank so it kind of evens out so what do you think you can pause if you want to think about it some more how would you approach this lane from either side of the matchup okay Blitz and Caitlyn need to understand that they can't 100 to zero someone in one hook with Fleet footwork Kate doesn't do enough damage to burst someone even with an Engaged support so they should both be on the same page Caitlyn should try to land some poke with her range
or they need to go for one trade together where they put a Target down to around 60% HP then they can re-engage for the kill on the other side Lucian and Lux should be aware of the fact that as long as they're 100% HP they won't die to an engage they can just play to either poke or burst someone to 60% HP then all in with lucian's press the attack burst all right let's watch what happens we see action immediately at level one blitzcrank lands a hook on Lucian and they deal a bit of damage
to him but then Lux arrives and she turns the play around Caitlyn and Blitz have to disengage after losing the trade okay let's go back for Caitlyn and Blitz remember their goal they want to chunk someone to about 60 or 70% HP before an all-in otherwise their trade should be very short due to Kate having Fleet footwork so after this initial Chunk on Lucian they should both immediately get out they're out of steam especially at level one just walk away but they don't they both walk forward a bit if Lucian and Lux followed our formula
they would know just how favored they are here we would have loved to see Lucian realize that he has more DPS and instead of kiting back he moves forward Lux could have also started q and maybe even flashed forward to commit a heavy Allin what they did was fine but it could have been better both sides came out basically even there Caitlin needs a bit more damage to threaten an all in on either of them and remember our health scale press the attack is favored at 60 to 70% HP Health values Kaitlin needs to avoid
poke so she doesn't fall into that threshold but she's not respecting the Poke all she needs to do is avoid poke here but she keeps standing still and contesting CS she shouldn't go for then she gets caught and instantly bursted by press the attack damage this is an emerald ELO game by the way you can see how such simple game plans would go a long way for these bot Lanes even in higher ELO brackets we can see some similar issues later into the lane Caitlyn begins doing a good job of going for short trades she
lands a queue on Lux later on she takes some quick auto trades versus Lucian he should not be handshaking this type of trade into a fleet footwork Lane this is bad by him and good for Caitlyn she's achieved her win condition Lucian is at 60% HP now they actually have kill pressure in the lane she just needs to wait for a blitzcrank engage and they're going to win but of course both Caitlyn and Blitz are too impatient remember if you want to engage you have to preserve your HP it's okay to give up pressure in
CS instead they're getting antsy and taking harass for free now they're at a health value where they can be bursted and they get taken down yet again this is such a shame they just needed to follow our simple formula and they would have easily won this Lane hopefully you've now got a good understanding of how such a simple game plan can make your life much easier let's wrap things up with a few tips to help you actually achieve your goals instead of just knowing what they are like we've mentioned this entire guide your matchups can
be boiled down to whether you want to engage in a long fight or play conservatively with short trades and poke let's talk about some tips for engaging first the problem that the all-in side usually has is that going for poke only requires one or two of a Champion's core abilities for example a Varys who wants to poke is only using his e or Q to trade with you he doesn't need all three of his spells to harass you he only needs one of them to proc Arcane Comet and end the trade for the most part
you need all three of your abilities to go for an extended trade this means that the side that has to engage in the matchup is usually very very weak during the first two levels of the lane we see this a lot especially lanes that have a melee support they take too much harass early on so by the time that you're level three you can't engage anymore and if you can't engage you've lost your one win condition so the lane is over if you've identified that you're the side that wants to go for allins we suggest
playing really safe during these early levels it's okay to concede pressure you can even drop around around 5 to 7 CS until you're level three if it means that you keep your HP levels High the second key thing in engag Lanes is where the wave is it's very important that you keep the wave as far away from the enemy Tower as possible this gives you the most room to engage with so you can actually go for an extended trade a super common mistake we'll see all the time is when the side that needs to engage
constantly pushes the wave into their opponent's side letting them sit under Tower the whole game this Samira and Nautilus need to engage they cannot do anything other than all-in as that's all their Champions are good for is they continue to shove the wave into kaisa's Tower allowing her to play safe for almost the entire laning phase the wave was just outside of kaisa's Tower so they couldn't punish her this allows kaisa to keep going for short trades since she slightly outranges them here because they can't do anything about that with the wave here she slowly
but surely pokes them down until eventually she manages to kill them on her own please keep in mind your Wave Control when you're playing engage and that also applies for when you're the Poke side of the matchup you can use that same concept to your advantage if you want to prevent yourself from being Allen if we go back to that gin game from earlier that's precisely what he was doing notice how he's holding the wave here versus the Draven who wants to All in This is why Draven couldn't go for an extended trade jyn and
Lux were too close to their Tower to allow that to happen but you generally do want to be pushing when you're the side that wants to go for short trades that being said when you push waves outside of the comfort of your Tower you don't want an even sized wave like this if you want to go for short trades and prevent all-ins you ideally want to have two to four more minions in your wave relative to the enemy one this does two things it allows your support to more easily walk up to land skill shots
since there's less enemy minions for the enemy Duo to hide behind at the same time it keeps you too safe since it's very difficult to engage when you're down minions it makes it harder for your opponents to land spells in your big wave so kalista and thresh in this example will have a hard time over forcing into a bigger wave and with that you should have everything you need to know to be able to play any random 2v2 matchup you find yourself in from now on we're not saying that you'll be a god at every
single matchup and you'll know what to do at every single moment of the lane from now on but at the very least you will have some sort of game plan to strive towards whereas most of your opponents are are playing the lane like headless chickens you will definitely be at an advantage following our two-step formula and if you want to stop feeling frustrated and want to finally learn how to carry bad teammates and escape the rank you're stuck in then you need our brand new multi-chapter flagship courses that teach you the secrets to carrying as
an ad carry and support it doesn't stop there we have brand new courses on macro Wave Control trading setting and hotkeys csing Vision mechanics low ELO mistakes the list goes on then head on over to our Smurf commentaries select your Champion to watch live commentaries from Challenger EXP teaching you how to carry out of the exact rank you're stuck in you can try all of this out completely risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skill cap you get your money back no questions asked you can unlock all of this through the discount
you can only get from the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted all right and that will do it for this one thanks for watching see you next time