What Happens When You REGROW Veggies From the Store?

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The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Over the last 135 days I have been regrowing vegetables from scraps in my garden, it's time to see w...
Video Transcript:
what if you could buy a veggie from the store eat it then regrow it instead of buying more today me and tuck are going to show you what happens when you regrow veggies from the store in a raised bed back in Spring I grabbed a glass Pyrex dish and added some water to it to soak my veggie scraps before planting them out I will be growing cabbage from the base two Carrot Tops the base of an onion a piece of Ginger that I grabbed from the store the base of a lettuce the tops of two
beets and some turmeric as well then I added a bit more water to let them soak I also grabbed a couple cloves of garlic and I had a potato from the store that was already starting to grow I also grabbed a small onion that I had because I wanted to see what the difference would be planting this compared to the onion base lastly I had a tomato that I grabbed from the store this one I will slice the top off and plant that out you will see here are all my veggies to regrow this will
be a lot of fun to see what kind of results we will get from all these different store bought veggie scraps I decided to plant out these scraps in a VOR raised bed instead of just growing them in a glass container because I really want to see if it makes sense to grow veggies like this I know I can place them in water and get them to root and get a little growth from them but I want to see how comparable regrowing veggies is to the standard way of of growing veggies from seed and transplanting
them out let's start with the potato I will dig a hole at the end of the bed here drop it in and cover it up with some soil for the onion base I will just press it into the soil Roots side down and water it in a bit next up is the whole onion I want to make sure I plant the root side down for this I just dig a hole and place the onion in I don't have to bury this super deep it will grow right out from the top that's sticky out of the
soil a bit now let's get the ginger in you can see the little Nubs here this is where the ginger will grow from and it's a good sign that this will regrow nicely I will plant this out and make sure not to bury it deep the ginger root likes to grow near the top of the soil line let's grab the garlic that's already growing I will plant these like I did the onion not too deep and I will allow a little bit of the growth to be sticking out of the soil now the celery we
will press that in just like this the same goes for the cabbage and also for the lettuce when it comes to the carrots I will bury the base of them and allow the green part to stick up out of the soil to help encourage some new Leaf growth the beets I will plant just like I did the carrots burying the root portion and keeping the leaves above the ground to allow for some of that new Leaf growth the turmeric I planted just like I did the ginger root for for the Tomato I sliced off the
top to see if the Tomato would root from the stem but I also left some seeds inside to see if the seeds would Sprout and grow some new tomato plants then I just buried the top of the Tomato leaving the green growth on the top of the Tomato out of the soil here is everything planted and watered in you can see I basically filled this whole Veo rais bed with veggies to regrow next I threw a cover system onto the raised bed I wanted to do this to keep the veggie scrap from getting cooked by
the Sun the scraps haven't rooted yet so I don't want them getting direct sunlight at this point I draped over the top an additional 40% shade cloth to give the scraps a good environment as they try to root 2 weeks later I came out to see how everything was growing and removed the cover you can see a lot of nice new green growth in here now the potato leaves popped out of the ground and are looking healthy they have a beautiful color on them the onion base is is doing great also it now has two
points of growth and they both look really good the beet tops look amazing the leaves have a healthy green color with a bit of a waxy look really impressed with these so far The Carrot Tops are also thriving so much new growth on them check that out the celery looks good as well new leaves are shooting out of the center the Cabbage base is showing a bit of New Growth but not anything considerable there has been an exciting development with the tomatoes though a few of the seeds sprouted and look super healthy no growth from
the green part of the Tomato but the seedlings look fantastic the lettuce so far has been a bit of a let down almost no new growth on this one on the bright side the garlic is looking perfect look how healthy and green that growth is 10 days later most of the veggie scraps were looking great and I was again impressed with the growth the onion base was still growing well you can see it here looking pretty nice the new growth was a bit floppy though the whole onion that I planted exploded into growth over the
last 10 days it went from not sprouting to vigorous growth in a short period of time look how thick and healthy the new leaves are one of the Beats was growing well while the other one seemed to run into a roadblock I thought it might have died but I left it in the ground both carrots were thriving and it seemed like every few days the growth on them was doubling I was super happy to see the ginger root was starting to grow you can see the green growth shooting up here that really got me pumped
the new growth on the celery was looking good but the base was starting to rot I was still hopeful though that the plant would kick me out some future celery stalks the tomato seedlings were looking great a few more of them sprouted and were getting a bit cluttered so I decided to thin a few of them out and just left the two healthiest seedlings to grow the garlic was still crushing it as you can see here and the potatoes really blew up over the last 10 days I know we will be getting a lot of
potatoes from this plant the lettuce only had a bit of growth left the rest of it was rotting which had me a bit worried looking back I could have allowed the lettuce and the Cabbage to root in some water before planting them out but I wanted to see what would happen if I just took them and directly planted them into the raised bed we're not going to get a harvest from those but some of the other crops we're going to get some huge Harvest from coming up later me and Tuck want to take a second
to show some appreciation for everyone watching and who's a part of Team grow we're going to be giving away one of these jumbo Veo rais beds you can grow so much food in here in the spring and summer this thing was packed with food it's slowing down just a little bit but all you have to do to win this race bet is just go to teamg grow. us and then a popup will come up just f fill that out and you'll have your opportunity to win a bagel ra bed and you could be getting it
prepped now so you can be growing some great food in the spring and summer 11 days later I went out to check on all the veggies the ginger had two nice stalks growing and was doing great the tomatoes were looking really nice the seedlings I left after pruning were really big and the color of the leaves was beautiful the carrots were looking magnificent big Healthy Growth on both of them the one beat top was also looking really great check out all the new Healthy Growth unfortunately the other beet top had died the onion bottom was
doing good as well not that much growth since last I showed it but it's still looking pretty good the whole onion was thriving man that thing is looking great really really impressed with this one the potato plant was crushing such nice big Healthy Growth I love to see it and the garlic was still looking good and growing really well it's September 2nd today let's check out the results of some of these veggies that we regrew let's start out with this onion right here this was just the bottom part of the onion I just sliced it
off planted it and uh this is what it looks like now a couple months later so I'm going to pull it out it looks like it ended up just being one just almost like regular looking onion right here so it's pretty cool we turn that uh little bottom of an onion into like an own uh little onion plant you could see so this essentially looks like what would happen if you just bought an onion set what I'm going to try to do is just take this dry it out and then I'll replant it and try
to have it grow into a bigger onion next year so it's almost like taking the bottom of an onion converting it into an onion set hopefully and then planting this onion set and then next year it'll be a big fat onion so uh this worked out really good better than I expected it even would really cool next stop right here we have the whole onion that I planted this grew into like four different onion plants so let's start with this one let's grab this here actually all looks like it all might be connected let's pull
these out oh wow yeah it kind of separated itself look at that look how cool that is so the one onion formed into like four separate onions let me see if we just take take this off here and here I bet we could plant this whole entire thing just like the one I showed you before this will be like its own onion set and we'll be able to grow whole onions out of this so we've essentially taken one onion and turned it into five onions that we can replant or we could even eat them it
it this whole thing combined looks like it's bigger than the original onion that I planted so that's pretty cool and one of these we'll try and cut I'll cut it open and see if it's good to eat I'm sure it is good to eat that's pretty unique though I didn't think it was going to all be connected like that and we literally just converted one small onion into five onions that are bigger than what we started with I would say that's a success as well so two for two so far especially when it comes to
the onions let me just slice one of them open and just see what it looks like on the inside it's a little dirty but that's okay let's just slice it oh beautiful look at that perfect onion I'll use this uh in some cooking and then I'll save the rest to regrow again classic uh double regrow then let's check this out over here here's the Beet that I that I replanted and this thing it's it's kind of funny because it like got much fatter and wider I'm not sure what happened to the other beet top oh
here it is I think it just died after some time so this one didn't make it probably the heat was a little too much for it this beet top is still doing good and the cool thing about the beach is you could eat the greens so we could just like take a lot of these greens use them in salads or saut ham there's a lot of different stuff you can do with just the be greens but let's actually take this out because if you remember what I started oh look it's it's growing it's like own
little kind of root little bug in there but that's okay it started out as just a tiny really thin little beet top now it's become a much thicker bigger beet top so what I'm going to do is cut this open and see if it actually tastes pretty good and this we just got like a lot of extra extra growth it didn't turn into like a regular beet like I thought it might although it kind of did at the bottom but it just got like bigger and wider and fatter so let's just slice it open and
see what we get tucks out here oh it looks okay I mean we've got a little rot in the center a bit dry but I bet if you saw Tate it up it would be okay me slice it a little more then we'll let me just taste it wipe a little the dirt off let's get a taste of it how it actually is good it's actually delicious it's super mild and overall just really good earthy flavor so we took the top of a beet made it much bigger and uh got some more food out of
it and then we also got all the greens that we were able to harvest throughout the growing season so I would say another success when it comes to regrowing some veggies I mean it's probably not as good as just planting a beet seed but overall pretty dang good let's check out these potatoes right here here's a potato plant all I just did was just stick that whole potato in the ground actually before we do the potato plant let's move over to the to the carrots we have the carrots right here I just planted the top
of the carrots you can see them growing down there and this is another one where we could use the leaves if we want we could use them for like a chimmy Cherry we can add them to a pesto we could just put them fresh on a salad so there's a lot of things you can do with even just the greens when it comes to carrots one thing you'll notice is these carrots plants started to flour carrots are a bial so it makes sense that after I regw regrew these they started to flour cuz it's kind
of like the second year for a lot of these carrots it could have also been due to the stress overall though I think it came out pretty cool I mean we got a lot of growth out of it so let's actually pick up uh pull up some of these carrots and see what we get just by taking a peek out of it looks like they didn't grow carrots straight down like a normal carrot would they roots are kind of like expanding off to the sides so let's just pull them out and see actually what we
got and we'll let tuck maybe taste one and see if it's tuck approved let's see okay is the first one looks like it grew like I said some like mini carrots off the sides look at the those they're like long thin carrots I actually want to try one though cuz it might be pretty good this is like a long thin carrot it grew multiple of them let's see first let's get tuck to try it over here he looks like he's going to want to go for it let's see buddy it seems to be crunching away
it looks like it's tuck approved let me try it now see what it tastes like it was flowering so I could expect it to be like a little uh you know bitter and harsh but let's try not too bad really strong carrot flavor not super sweet a little bit green on the inside probably because it was like flowering I am surprised though it was like taking this Carrot Top and kind of turning into a bunch of mini carrots coming off the side as you could see and again we were also able to use the greens
on it and look we still got another carrot over here pretty funny it almost like instead of growing down it grew out which makes sense like those are where the roots came from so it didn't have that classic long tap rout that a carrot does but it expanded off to the sides and Tuck seems to be pretty keen on eating them so far all the things that I've tried are have worked surprisingly well uh there's going to be some things that didn't work well that I'll show you and some of those things might be CU
my own fault which I'll expand on a little bit but overall so far it's a great start to the whole regrowing edgie experiment let's check out these potatoes though I have a really good feeling that this are going to come out nice just for how large the plants are I thought it was awesome like that I could just take the potato from the Food Store literally just uh dropped it in the ground and now we've got a whole potato plant we're going to dig it up and see what we ended up with let's pull this
potato plant should be pretty much finished let's pull it out the only thing I didn't do is I didn't really he these potatoes much so we might have a few green ones oh my God gosh dude look at that Harvest this is from a potato plant from the store just on the plant look at this this is unbelievable look at all that food regrown and there's more hidden underneath the soil one potato we took a oh my gosh look at the size of this one we took a single potato from the Food Store regrew it
and got all of that nature is incredible absolutely unbelievable I bet there's more in here too that is insane yeah look more oh my gosh look at that Harvest I would say this is an massive success I mean I'm going to eat some potatoes tonight for sure I can't believe that came from a single potato this is one of my best potato Harvest of the Year especially from one plant all of that and I didn't even have to buy a sea potato I just had a potato that I had around the house that was like
basically regrowing on its own you saw that dropped it in and an incredible Harvest I mean absolutely Blown Away with this surprised this is one where I guess you could just grab a potato from the store and stick in the ground I mean I grow seed potatoes cuz I like growing specific varieties but this is change the way I'm going to think about things for sure I mean what a harvest look at the beauty of these potatoes oh my gosh and then come over here check out the Tomato you saw the Tomato all it was
was just a single top of a tomato with some seeds in it I pressed it into the ground right there look and all of these tomatoes plants started to shoot up and they're loaded with fruit now look at this nice looking fruit this is a fruit on the back that's starting to ripen and then one that I'm super excited about too come around the side come over over here this is something that I'm super surprised about and I'm really excited check this down here here's the ginger and it's growing a ginger plant look at that
here's the leaves here's some leaves As you move up here look look at these leaves beautiful this thing is growing really nice so I just literally took this Ginger from the store stuck it in the soil as you saw and now we're growing some ginger plants and I bet the root is just expanding underneath we're going to end off with a lot more Ginger than when we started with simply by just you know sticking it in the ground and then over here this is where we had the garlic growing so it finished we still have
these little pieces of garlic here this one almost went circular on me and almost looks like an onion but this garlic I knew it wasn't going to here's more over here I knew it wasn't going to turn into like a bulb just to go from like a single piece of garlic to a bulb you need that cold weather so I knew it wasn't going to turn into bulbs we were able to use the greens for a few things overall though I wouldn't regrow garlic in the spring or summer like I did I would regrow garlic
about now in September October and then let that over winter and then next year it'll come up and form bulbs instead of just having the single pieces of garlic like like we started to end with this one just had to do with seasonality why it didn't do well but I'm sure if I planted garlic from the store at the right time it would do really well and it would form bulbs and we would get a nice Harvest from it right here is where I buried the tomb wreck you could see it never really came up
it didn't rot though and then I think there's another one in here yeah right here so they haven't rotted and look this one looks like it's just starting to root so what I think I'm going to do is put this in a pot because I don't think it'll survive over winter so we'll put these in pots then try to keep regrowing them they just didn't root for whatever reason and uh I think I think they will root and start to grow if I put them in a pot so for now I'll just store them in
here and then I'll move them to a pot a different time some of the other stuff that I tried to regrow didn't do great and I'll go into why I think that was I think it was mainly a lot of my fault that some of the stuff didn't regrow overall though uh what I'm going to do is come back back in a few days a week or so once we start to get some ripe tomatoes and we'll check out the tomato plants we'll taste the tomatoes and then we'll see if It ultimately is worth regrowing
Tomatoes the time has finally come to harvest some of these Tomatoes all we did was just take the top of that tomato with some seeds in it press it into the ground and now look at all the tomatoes we have here look at these over here look how beautiful these are looking really nice we're going to harvest these and then try one or two but just come up and look at the production here really nice it's September 11th today one of the reasons that these tomatoes have been ready so late is because I did actually
plant them late look at this over here I planted these essentially from seed in June so 99 days ago let's grab some of these Tomatoes though and actually taste them pretty nice looking Tomatoes come in here you can see like this is exactly where I put the top in all the seeds just sprouted and shot up right from here and then we had a couple plants that like just dominated and took over and the production on them has been pretty nice let's actually taste one or two of these this one looks really ripe let's taste
this thing and see if it has a good flavor to it pretty good relatively mild not the best flavor definitely not as good as some of my tomatoes that I grow like the super sweet 100 or anything like the sungold Cherry but still not bad for a regrowing one from the store let's try this other one cuz it looks different one of these bigger ones here these are more like egg shaped you'll notice let's try this one looks pretty good juicy a bit sourish not super super sweet I think it could have got a little
bit riper but again I mean and that's insane you can just take tomatoes from the store stick them in the ground and get your own tomato plants from it a little bit more time has passed and more tomatoes are ripening up look at all of them we're going to grab some more of them to add to our Harvest we've got some nice ones over here slice these off not too shabby and we've got some ones back here we grab most of these one's looking good here we'll grab this one up here so the Harvest a
little later than some of the other ones but I did plant it from seed the fact that we're still getting man this thing's really holding on to me this asparagus the fact that we're still getting some more Harvest from this regrown tomato I think is just I think it's really awesome it's been an incredibly fun experiment to do and it's more successful than I thought it was going to be especially when it comes to the tomatoes let's get these ones this one here and you can see there's still more up there that are ready to
be harvested the plants are starting to slow down a little bit that's cuz it's getting cool here overall a very nice Harvest especially when you include it with the other ones we've grabbed some of these tomatoes that looks like the varieties are almost a little bit different that's what's going to happen when you regrow a tomato that's like a hybrid and typically when you plant a tomato that was a hybrid the seed The Offspring isn't as good as the one before that's just what's going to happen you're not going to get those good traits from
each parent so like I tried before the flavor wasn't amazing but regardless you could get tomatoes from the store do what I did cut the top off with a few seeds in it stick it in the ground and then be harvesting your own fresh tomatoes from it incredible in October the tomato plants were basically finished and the ginger root was still growing so I decided I wanted to cut out the tomato plants right at the base then I ripped out the roots this way I could get that ginger plant because it was still growing well
but it didn't have enough time to really produce a lot of Ginger so I just went in and picked up the ginger plant from the base just pulled it out of the ground with my hands then I brought that over to a pot that I had filled with soil then I just dropped that ginger plant into the pot covered it up with soil and then watered it all in this way I could take that ginger plant and bring it into the greenhouse to give it some more time to grow before the cold weather just kills
it if you want you could try your hand at doing what I did and and regrowing some food scraps one thing I would suggest is that you use organic food scraps if you're going to get them from the store because some of the non-organic stuff has like Sprout Inhibitors on it and you might not get those to actually like grow some roots and Sprout you could also just use some of your own homegrown veggies and try to regrow them that's a good idea also even though some of the veggies didn't regrow into full veggies for
example that onion bottom it only grew into like a small onion set at the base but we could still use some of those greens at the top dice them up and just use them as green onions overall I think this was a really fun experience and I would definitely do it again and if you have an idea like you want to try it out I suggest you do especially if you have kids or something or even if you're an adult it's just really fun to eat something have the food scraps of it and then that's
something most people would like throw away or compost instead you put that in the ground and regrow it into more food so the whole thing was just like a lot of fun and something like the potato surprised me immensely with the size of harvest that we got from that and even if it doesn't work out perfectly if it's something that gets you excited and gets you into the garden more then your whole whole garden will do better as a result that's today's video Growers thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed it we hope you got
something out of it if you did enjoy this video then share this one with your friends me and talk how a blast making it it took us you know almost a whole year to get all this and to give you guys the results so we would really appreciate if you guys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and then just share this one with everyone we wanted to send a thank you to one of our new channel members Sandy Wilson thanks for being a part of Team grow thanks for having your hand in everything
we're doing out here to show appreciation for everyone who's a part of the team and watches me and tuck are doing that giveaway so just go to teamg grow. us we'll put a link down below a popup will come up and then just fill that out and you could have your chance of winning a raised bed it's the perfect time to get one those raised beds in and start filling it up for the spring tuck and James we'll be back to you again real soon we
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