How To Trick A Narcissist Into Telling The Truth: 14 Proven Tactics.
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It’s a well-known fact that all narcissists are skilled manipulators and liars. Bu...
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foreign [Music] how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth 14 proven tactics it's a well-known fact that all narcissists are skilled manipulators and Liars but the real question remains how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth is there even a way to do so is it possible to surpass their deceptions and defeat them at their own game well whoever told you it isn't didn't know these tricks how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth here's a 14-step program on how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth one find their vulnerabilities and insecurities when you're dealing with someone who has a narcissistic personality disorder sometimes you have to become similar to them to get what you want that's exactly why your first step must be connected to finding this person's vulnerable side don't let them trick you into thinking that there's some kind of superhuman who can survive anything trust me this person and has their share of weaknesses just like the rest of us but they're doing their best to hide them well if you're in any kind of toxic relationship with them it means that you're in you've gained access to their personality and now it's time to put it to good use do your best to put your emotions aside and pay attention to this person pretend that you're seeing them for the first time what is it that you notice what is the worst thing you could do to them what are their biggest fears these are the things you can use against them to hurt them emotionally two confront their lies it doesn't matter if we're talking about a narcissistic partner a narcissistic mother or a friend with an NPD the worst thing you can do is pretend like everything is perfectly okay when you know very well they're not telling the truth this is the type of behavior every victim of narcissistic abuse is guilty of you're sick and tired of arguing all the time besides you're convinced that you won't get anywhere with it you already know the drill you claim that they're lying and they claim that they're telling the truth and it goes on and on until one of you backs down so after a while you decided to go with the flow and ignore their lies well that's your number one mistake by doing this you're just giving them the green light to continue with their toxic Behavior that's why this has got to come to an end it's time you confront their lies and show them you have them all figured out tell them straight that you know they're lying there is nothing they could say or do to make you change your mind and to make you believe them three ignore their feelings how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth well first of all you have to figure out how to deal with covert narcissists don't expect them to tell the truth just because you ask them politely instead you'll have to break them to get what you want what do people suffering from NPD secretly want from their victims that's right they're looking for validation this is especially true for malignant narcissists who are socially isolated and probably have just you in their lives well if you want to get them to tell the truth you have to ignore them and their feelings it doesn't matter if they're heartbroken or sad you have to act like you couldn't care less about it trust me they're just playing the victim so you give up on your quest for the truth tricking you is part of their narcissistic behavior you have to remain cold-hearted even if you see a narcissist crying or acting like they're falling apart right in front of you four go no contact if you're trying to figure out how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth maybe the best way to do so is to give them some time for self-reflection make them feel your absence make them think about their actions and most importantly make them afraid of losing you there is no doubt about one thing your narcissist will come crawling back sooner than you might think after all they need you more than you need them but you have to be firm and consistent tell them that the only way to break the no contact period is to tell the truth and stop with the lies at first they probably won't take you seriously however when they see that you're not joking they'll agree to your terms trust me this person is ready to do whatever it takes to lure you back into their net nevertheless you should use this period to really cut them off and go back to your own life without having to deal with the sociopath ever again 5. the art of bluffing here's a great way to catch your Narcan Ally Bluff but you have to convince yourself that the things you're saying really are true if you want this to work out forget about getting tongue twisted avoiding eye contact or getting sweaty Palms you have to look like you know a exactly what you're talking about let's imagine this scenario you know that your narcissist is lying but sadly you have no solid proof for your claims how do you do it so if you confront them without anything to back up what you're saying you'll lose before you even start that's why you have to Perfect The Art of bluffing and make them think that you've caught them in a lie it all depends on what they're lying about you can always say that a mutual friend saw them doing something they shouldn't have make sure not to put the blame on anyone in particular instead tell them that you don't want to reveal their identity and violate their trust you can say that you heard them talking on the phone about it or that you've been snooping through their phone and found evidence but here's a pro tip you don't even have to know what the LIE is about it will be enough to tell them that you know exactly what they're hiding even though you have no clue and that it would be better for them to spill it their action will help you see what's going on for real 6. narcissistic methods gaslighting triangulation silent treatment stonewalling I'm sure you've heard of each one of these tactics to be exact you've probably been subjected to all of them well now it's time to turn the tables and use these tactics on your narc mirror your narcissist look doing any of these things is not something you should be proud of and just because you use them on your narc doesn't mean it's okay to keep on using them in the outside world unless you want to be just like them however desperate times call for desperate measures and this is one of those times so the next time your narcissist lies to you play with their mind a bit you can choose between ignoring them making them question their sanity or making them jealous what's important is that every time they try to deceive you they see the consequence of their actions trust me before you know it they'll understand what you're doing and they'll learn their lesson 7.
collect evidence and time when you're dealing with people who suffer from narcissism you always have to be one step ahead of them of course that is only possible from the moment you notice their red flags and accept that you're dealing with a bad person if you're trying to figure out how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth you must begin acting before their next lie when I say acting I mean collecting evidence and time yes that includes snooping around on their phone and social media and even physically stalking them you have to be aware of one thing narcissists lie but they also cover up their lives amazingly and they're incredibly quick in doing so so you have to collect evidence before confronting them because they'll get rid of it as soon as you call them out on their actions also remain calm until you gather enough evidence start investigating the moment you begin suspecting they're not telling the truth but don't confront them right away because that will give them a better chance of getting away with their deceptions instead let them think that they're safe while you're Gathering more and more proof eight lie back to them does your narc claim that lying is in such a big deal how many times have you heard them saying that they did it to protect you or that they were white lies that don't mean anything well how about giving them a taste of their own medicine how about lying back to them when they least expected don't worry about being too obvious about it your goal is to get caught eventually you want them to realize that you're deceiving them without being able to do anything about it they'll probably confront you and when that happens just use the same manipulation tactics they do stick to your version of the truth as if your life depends on it they're playing with your mental health so why wouldn't you do the same came to them of course this doesn't have to go on forever you'll just play along for a little while until they get the point and see how it really feels 9. never give up on the truth this is something you should never forget when wondering how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth you must never give up on the truth and I really mean it if you're a victim of narcissistic emotional abuse you know exactly what I'm talking about you two have been fighting for hours and after a while you've now had enough in the meantime your narc has started calling you names insulting you and humiliating you in other ways so now you just want to be done with all of it you know that they're not telling the truth but you're ready to agree with anything they say just to make peace they've sucked you dry and you can't take it anymore so you end up being the one who apologizes in the end you tell them that they're not lying and that they're absolutely right you made a mistake and that's exactly what they were counting on they tried hard to ruin your self-esteem so you would end up feeling incapable of fighting them the moment you do this you lose all of your credibility in the future every time you try to call a narc out on their lies they'll refer to this situation so no matter what happens always stick to the truth if you think you can't handle arguing with them it's better not to tackle the issue in the first place but if you open Pandora's Box don't close it until you get your way 10. always remain calm here's one thing you should keep in mind when trying to figure out how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth they'll try to play on your nerves the last thing this person wants is for you to stay calm why well because it's easier to manipulate you if you get all worked up and lose your temper even better this is also when they can accuse you of being insane and neurotic see how they win the argument and It's Perfectly Natural to lose your nerve when someone is clearly making a fool out of you well that is exactly what they count on that is why you must give them the cold shoulder you must remain calm and stick to the point no matter what don't let them use reverse psychology on you don't let them play the victim and don't let them twist your words or spin the truth your final goal here is to make a narcissist tell the truth that's what you should stick to please be mentally prepared before confronting them do whatever it takes to remain as calm as possible if you show them any sign of anxiety or nervousness you're done they'll use your weaknesses against you and defeat you in the blink of an eye eleven focus on your emotions how many times have you heard the sentences such as it was nothing you are overreacting those or just your insecurity he's talking or you misinterpreted the entire situation so what if you did does it make things any less painful absolutely not these lines are part of every narcissistic relationship a narcissist is trying to devalue your emotions by telling you their side of the story first of all that's impossible because only one version of the truth exists nevertheless even if you did overreact or misinterpret things the fact is that you ended up hurt and heartbroken and that is exactly what you should focus on no matter what the narc is telling you don't give up on the idea that their lives emotionally damaged you 12.
make them emotionally dependent on you once again you have to turn the tables this person has made you emotionally dependent on them and that's why they keep on getting away with their lies so what does it take for your truth to be acknowledged well sadly you have to do the same you have to use their tactics to make them addicted to you when that happens they'll be too scared to lie because that means potentially losing you does this include harming their emotional and mental well-being in the long run yes Does it include love bombing them and then breaking up with them out of the blue just to get them back yes 13. don't accept their apologies how to trick a narcissist into telling the truth raise your standards and make them realize that telling the truth is mandatory this is how things should be in a healthy relationship without having to accentuate them I know but you're dealing with a narcissistic psychopath here don't forget that therefore they have to know that lying is not an option and that it's one of your most important deal breakers how can you show them that you're serious well the next I'm a narcissist apologizes and comes crawling back with fake Promises of a better life don't forgive them and don't take them back instead give them a condition they have to admit that they were lying otherwise you won't forgive them warn them that you already know the truth but you just want to hear it from them once again you'll be bluffing 14.