if you keep carrying old bricks you'll keep building the same house

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Profound Pondering
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the more I develop the more I learn about myself the more I realize how much we're burdened by the things we carry from our past and in saying that I mean that if you keep carrying old bricks you'll build the same house if you keep carrying the past with you if you keep taking who you used to be that anxiety of the past that anxiety of your your previous self you'll continue to keep being that person and I don't say that just to say that you should just let go of your past self it's not
about letting go it's not about disregarding it's not about getting rid I think we need to get that out of our mentality cuz in all aspects of ourselves I don't think we get rid of anything I think we change it it's about renovation not disregarding you know when we're building something new and we're taking pieces and parts of ourselves that we may dislike that don't serve us it's not about treating them as if they're nothing throwing them behind us cuz what we throw behind us is what we carry on our back we tend to think
we're disregarding it when really we're just disregarding ourselves the things we want to get rid of the things we want to change are there for a reason we want to change them for a reason it's not because of something that's just a part of us that we need to get rid of it's a part of us that needs our attention it's a part of us that needs our stimulation in order to become something new become something worthwhile and I think the main thing we need to do is change that perspective that we have on you
know all negative parts of ourselves aren't you know to be shunned like that just to be focused on when I say uh you keep carrying this old bricks you're going to build the same house I definitely heard that uh from somewhere I definitely saw it on Tik Tok not going to lie to y'all but I just thought it was a great topic you know it's a it's a great analogy for how we think about changing the self how we think about growing as people and I feel like a lot of us think that it's you
know a total rebirth which in some ways it is a lot of people experience what they call like ego death and they feel like they come out a new person but I feel like ego death is sort of an unattainable thing sometimes so when regards so when you can't just readily do that it's about realizing the aspects of yourself that seek out change and focusing on you know instead of running from the aspects of ourselves that seek out change feel like we run from ourselves a lot we run from our expression We R from our
cultivation We R from our actualization in more ways than I could probably put my finger on and not being present and not being with ourselves and not being able to truly address our problems without you know taking personal which shouldn't be taken personal and in some ways you know your own negative aspect should be taken personally but I don't think they should NE necessarily be taken you know as seriously as we do I feel like we attri attribute more of the negative aspects of ourselves to our identity than our positive ones it's more important to
focus on the positive of course and I wouldn't say it's less important to focus on the negative I just think the negative shouldn't be used as a foundation for who we are not to say don't address the negative not to say don't cultivate past it not to say don't look at it but to say when you're trying to get better when we're be trying to become something new we can't carry that negativity we have to focus on changing it and moving forward and we have to be care careful and mindful of our the patterns of
our mind cuz that's how I feel like most of us get loop back in like even in my own experience I find that sometimes I still feel like the person I was three years ago I have my days I have my moments and it's about realizing that you're no longer there you no longer have to be in that space and you no longer have to be that person I me you're still that person you no longer have to be in that head space it's about realizing that you know if you keep repeating those same cycles
and don't stop yourself and don't allow yourself to think something different or or try to think something different or at least make efforts to change something that's putting you in that Loop you're going to repeat the same cycle and get the same results I said this in my past two videos you know a lot of us try to tear our house down tear ourselves down and rebuild ourselves in a different place only to realize that if we rebuild the same structure we're going to have the same structural problems it's about renovation it's about changing the
structure You're Building or more so changing the pieces and parts to make it holistically you I feel like some of the negativity some of the negative aspects of ourselves are implanted it's not necessarily stuff that's inherent to our character it's stuff that's inherent to our environment in the way at which we were brought up or the way at which we perceiv our upbringing and that's why I feel like perception is so important and perception I feel like goes hand in hand with being present being present in this sense is being able to choose your perspective
being able to look at the world and and say to it you know this is how I want to view it this is how I will VI rather than this is how it is and this is how I have to accept it not to say be super delusional but be a little delusional it it really doesn't it really doesn't do that that much damage you know be reasonable but in all things that are subject perspective all things that are subject to your own minds bias why not bias it in your favor why not be that
person for yourself to give you that little oomph cuz I feel like a lot of us look to our friends look to our family for that that sort of validation on subjects they might not know a lot about and I feel like it's a lot more genuine a lot more not to say you can't appreciate I appreciate whenever people tell me stuff like that but to say that it's it's a little different when it comes from you it's like looking at all your ups and downs in life and still saying you're on the way up
like it's affirming to yourself that no matter what has happened in your experience that you're still pioneering onward that you're still trying to move forward you know you're patting yourself on the back for falling you're getting up each time I feel like that's where your true appreciation comes in cuz if you're watching this video no matter what hardships you've endured no matter what things you've been through you've gotten to this point you made it through that you know your mind might be messed up at this moment I don't know what what people have going on
but regardless you made it to this moment and you can do it over and over again to know what humanly possible means you two can do it I feel like a lot of us spend our life in reference to something that we probably shouldn't live in reference to a lot of our past sometimes are negative we have a lot of negativity we carry from the past but we made it through that this is a new time and you are a new person due to that circumstance so we have to realize that in attempting to carry
those pieces and parts with you know remember the lesson forget the teacher remember the lesson forget the teach it we have to keep moving forward not necessarily disregarding the past but regarding who we are now regarding who we want to be you know living in a in a new definition of yourself you know you're in some ways you know is no past self to overcome who you are now is is just as much suited for anything as you will ever be it's about getting out of that that same mentality that you had when you were
that person getting out of those same thought loads getting out of those same habits and one thing I said you can't replace anything in your life with just a vacancy you is going to be filled by something that's going to want to be stimulated by something and you can either make the choice to intentionally put positive stuff in there or allow something random to get in there and chances are if you allow something random get in it'll be negative it might be the same thing that you're trying to get away from that's why I feel
like renovation is important intentional renovation focusing on the parts of yourself like if you if you're feeling insecure if you're feeling lack of confidence it's not about uh just faking it till you make it it's about cultivating it it's a it's a cultivated thing it's a trial and er thing like even in my own experience I don't feel like I truly got a grasp on myself or I truly got a grasp on how to move in my own confidence my own air until like maybe like a year ago and that's just cuz it's a cultivated
thing it's about putting yourself in scenarios and situations to help you realize but also you know one thing I realized recently is that you know easy shortcut to this is one telling yourself and two feeling it feeling it reprogramming your mind in a sense reprogramming the way you think about yourself in turn your reactions change your perceptions change and overall your life changes as well so if not anything this is a sign for you to be intentional with your perception and intentional with how you choose to rebuild yourself and break yourself down you know don't
just tear yourself down for no reason but make sure if you do you're building yourself back up with intention and not to just get something built not to just get something built it's okay to be loose structured it's okay to be loose with your identity in a sense as long as you know you're cultivating something you're trying to intentionally build something and it's okay to not know all the answers let's see people talking about they don't know what their passions are they don't know what their dreams are just yet and that's okay I don't necessarily
know everything I want to do in my life yet and I don't think anybody ever gets to that point once we achieve something we as humans I feel like are constantly going to be in the search for something new something greater just as our mind always seeks out problems it always seeks out stuff for us to do it's always going to seek out the next thing you know the next passion the next motive the next motivation and make sure when you find those motivations when you have those things hold it firmly in your heart and
in your mind's eye and what I mean by that is you know realize it's plausibility and walk each day walk each life as if it's already occurring as if what you wish to achieve what you uh are hoping is already embraced now it's the same principle of um feeling you know the law of attraction sort of states that you have to uh in some ways feel or in some ways embody what you wish to attract in order to get it which is sort of counterintuitive sometimes but um I wrote something the other day it's because
we dare not Venture what is it it's not because we uh it's not because things are difficult that we dare not Venture it's because we dare not Venture that things are difficult I feel like a lot of us don't s our own scenes in who we are and what we are to the same extent that we just allow things to sort of unfold in front of us and it's a it's about sewing your seeds in yourself and realizing that you know you're you're going to grow you're a person who's who's going to be cultivated a
person who's going to be uplifted by your own self in a way and you have to have that sort of faith in s that faith in yourself to constantly and readily improve and become something new you know there is no such thing as stagnation in this sense as long as you're being genuine to yourself so it's about just having faith just as you were planning seat in the ground and know it's going to grow some type of fruit vegetable or whatnot just know if you invest in yourself the same's going to happen it may not
look exactly how you want it to but you have to have no expectation and and that's s the sense and I'm going to talk about the law of of Detachment in some video it was requested but it's sort of the same principle just not being being impartial to that but doing it because it's a good thing to do it's a good thing to try to help yourself grow that doesn't necessarily mean you have to uh do it in a specific way so if you made it this far in the video thank you so much much
much much appreciate um I really appreciate the support I'm getting I love reaching out to you I love seeing your creative work so if you uh if you like make music do art anything of that sort um my Instagram is the same as my channel so feel free to uh message me on there I try to respond to every single one of my m messages and yeah the Discord I don't know I'm trying to get this I might get I might get Discord Nitro just so I can have the live link but that cost money
I'm a little bit cheap so I'm sorry about that all in all I hope everybody's having a great day I hope everyone's uh trying to be intentional with the way they're caring about themselves and the way they are um you know just keep being y keep being great Life's too short to short to get caught up in make sure you know what you're carrying behind you and make sure you know you know which direction you want to go and if you don't go somewhere and see if you like it
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